Research Locale

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Research Locale

The study was conducted at Quezon City, This city was selected for the proximity of researchers
to locale due to Covid-19 restrictions for the safety of respondents and researchers As well as
that city we chose is accessible and most of the people are engaging Home Gardening and This
study was been accomplished to the Plantito and Plantita with at least six months of experience
in Home Gardening. The research study was executed inside the respondent's house who’s taking
the face to face interview.

Population of the study

The respondents of this research will be Plantito and Plantita in Quezon city and the researchers
will use a sampling method called Purposive Sampling Technique and the respondents must be
experienced  in Home Gardening with at least six months above with no age limit.


Research locale
The study was conducted at Quezon city and the respondent are plantito and plantita with at least
six months of experience in Home gardening

Population of the Study

The method we use is purposive sampling technique and the respondents target will be Plantito
and Plantita in Quezon city with at least six months above experience in Home Gardening With
no age limit

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