Kubota V Manual U15 3

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Code No.97899-61270
Record of Revisions
Symbol Date Main Revised Points & Corrective Measures Person-in-charge

I Product engineering section

II Service engineering section

WSM U15-3

I Product engineering section

A.Developing concept and feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-3
a. Objective and Concept of Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3
b. Main Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3
c. Major Selling Points and Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-4
d. Evaluation of Competitive Power with Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-8
e. Actual performance comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-11
B.Machine specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I-12
a. Major dimensions and working range (with rubber crawler) . . . . . . . I-12
b. Dimensional drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-13
c. Performance and lifting capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-14

WSM U15-3

WSM U15-3

A.Developing concept and feature

a. Objective and Concept of Development
1 Objective of Development
Development of products which go ahead of competitive companies in terms of reduced manufacturing
costs while reinforcing the performance in horizontal operability, workability, durability, comfort and
2 Product Concept
Integration of the world's best actual performance of backhoe and the spirit of innovation.

b. Main Specifications
model U15-3 U-15
Type D782-EBH-4 D782-BH
Engine PS/rpm 13/2300 12/2100
kW/rpm 9.6/2300 8.8/2100
Displacement cm3 778 778
Machine weight kg 1600 1450
Bucket kN (kgf) 15.2 (1550) 12.5
Excavating capacity
Arm kN (kgf) 8.8 (900) 8.5
Relief pressure 2 220 210
Hydraulic pump kg/cm
P1, P2 Pump discharge rate L/min 16.6 15.1
Relief pressure kg/cm2 190 210
P3 Pump discharge rate L/min 10.4 9.5

WSM U15-3

c. Major Selling Points and Improvements

1. Quick chart
Inner package of hoses for all attachments

Max. excavation capacity

increased by 22%
Max. excavation depth
increased by 10%

4-port ROPS specification

Engine start control

High-positioned boom cylinder

Flat steps

Travel lock function

Theft-proof version (EU - option) Standard equipped with SC valve

WSM U15-3

2. Wrist arm control lever

3. Enlarged foot space

U-15 (Previous model) U15-3 (New model)


4. Upper positioned boom cylinder 5. Inner package of hoses for front attachments

WSM U15-3

6. Engine start control, Travel lock function

Unloading lever : UP
Engine start :

Front attachment,
traveling :

Unloading lever : DOWN

Engine start :

Front attachment,
traveling :

7. 4-post ROPS

The equipment is of European specifications.

WSM U15-3

8. Machine equipped with theft-proof device (Future EU option)

Antenna unit

Starter key set

9. Side-opening type full-open hood

U-15 (Previous model) U15-3 (New model)

Paint color and equipment are of European specifications.

WSM U15-3

d. Evaluation of Competitive Power with Competitors

1. Workability
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

{ Increase in engine output 9.6 8.8 11.2 8.5 11.3

Max. excavation capacity
{ 15.2 12.5 14.2 13.7 14.4
increased by 22%
We will appeal such a
Max. excavation depth
{ 2310 2100 2155 2100 2170 point that the max. exca-
increased by 10%
vation capacity and max.
Max. vertical depth excavation depth which
{ 1900 1720 1870 1750 1720
increased by 11% are the basic perfor-
Max. excavation radius mances of excavating
{ 3900 3720 3900 3720 3800 machine take a lead over
increased by 5%
those of our existing
Travel 2-speed traction force
{ - - - - machines as well as
increased by 5%
competitive companies'
Travel 2-speed speed machines.
{ 2.2/4.3 2.0/4.0 2.3/4.3 2.1/4.3 2.3/4.0
increased by 8%
Swiveling force increased by
{ - - - -

2. Durability
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

Boom cylinder Protection of As the greatest differenti-

{ { x x x x
cylinder by high-positioning ation from competitive
Protection by inner package companies' products, we
{ { ' ' x x will appeal such a point
of hoses for all attachments
that loading work can be
Standard equipped with ten- performed without has-
{ { x { { {
sion spring sle. This is because the
Double-grouser type iron machine can be brought
{ crawler <For domestic mar- { x - - { close to a 2-ton dump
ket only> truck without damage to
the boom cylinder during
Introduction of high-back
{ { x { { { loading work. Such job is
and integrated seat
found often with
Prevention of water entry by machines of this class.
{ { x - - -
enclosed hydraulic oil tank We will also appeal such
Equipped with starter auto- a point that the machine
{ { x - - - is equipped with the
matic release function
inner package of hoses
{ Boom cast steel members { x { x x
for all attachments which
gives no damage to cyl-
{ High-tensile brass bush { x { - -

WSM U15-3

3. Operability
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

{ Horizontal operation { x { { { We will appeal the com-

Starter key used also for fort and operability of
{ { x - - - horizontal operation to
higher-ranked models
users of current U-15.
Equipped with auto-glow We will also appeal to
{ { x - - -
indicator rental users that the
starter key can be used
Right and left pedaling for
{ { x { { { also for higher-ranked

4. Comfort
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

Front We will appeal the

{ Ample getting-on/off space { ' ' '
operation ampleness of getting-on/
{ Flat steps { x { { { off space.

5. Maintainability
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

{ Theft-proof specification { x x x x We will appeal to rental

Standard equipped with SC uses that the machine
{ { '  - - can be equipped with a
new system theft-proof
{ Rotary joint O-ring { x - - - device as well as the
{ Side-opening full-open hood { x x x x improved operability of
SC valve and 4P multi-
{ Split-type dozer hose { { x { x valve.

6. Safety
Item U15-3 Appealing point in sales
Offence Defense
U-15 PC15MR Vio15 301.5CR

{ Travel lock function, Unlock { x x x { We will appeal such a

{ Engine start control { x x x { point that the machine
assures the Japan's top-
{ Compatible with ROPS { x x x x class safety.

WSM U15-3

7. Working Range
U15-3 U-15 Difference
Max. excavation depth 2310 2100 +210
Max. vertical excavation depth 1900 1720 +180
Max. excavation radius 3900 3720 +180
Max. excavation height 3540 3740 -200
Max. dumping height 2440 2600 -160
Max. floor excavation radius 3840 3610 +230

1200 1270 -70

8. Outline of Hydraulic System (Travel straight function)

Boom 䉰䊷䊎䉴
Service ᣓ࿁

Bucket 䉝䊷䊛
Arm 䊄䊷䉱

Travel Left ⿛ⴕฝ
Travel Right 䉴䉟䊮䉫

P 䌐2䋲
P 䌐3䋳

21.6 MPa 21.6 MPa 18.6 MPa

16.6 L/min 16.6 L/min 10.4 L/min

Travel straight function is possible only together with boom operation.

WSM U15-3

e. Actual performance comparison

1. On-site Excavation Test
-Test Conditions-
1 m trench excavation, 45-deg. discharge of soil
Excavation work for 10 min., (5-min. rotation)

The equipment is of European specifications.

U15-3 U-15 PC15MR-1 Vio15-2 301.5CR
g rate
Volume of soil discharged per hour m3/h 31.4 25.0 +26% *24.3 *26.3 *25.9
Cycle time sec 8.3 9.8 +15%
Fuel consumption cc/10min 400 390
Volume of soil discharged per liter of fuel m3/L 13.1 10.7 +22%

* Actual measurement

2. Comparison of Operating Speed

U15-3 U-15 difference
1. Attachment operated 3 times sec 47.3 48.9 +3.4%
2. Boom UP 2.3 2.9 +26.1%
(Ground level to top) DOWN 2.5 2.4 -4.0%
3. Swiveling speed rpm 9.0 7.8 +13.3%
4. Combined operation sec 29.7 29.9 -0.20

* Actual measurement

3. Comparison of Stability
U15-3 U-15
Dynamic Front *148 *148
Dynamic Side *138 *127
Tipping load
Static Front *194 *213
Static Side *181 *177

* Actual measurement

WSM U15-3

B.Machine specifications
a. Major dimensions and working range (with rubber crawler)
Unit U15-3 Remarks
1 Overall length (at transport) mm 3570
2 Overall height (at transport) mm 2250
3 Overall width mm 1240/990
4 Minimum road clearance mm 145
5 Dozer outer width x height mm 1240/990 x 261
6 Tumbler-to-tumbler distance mm 1230
7 Crawler center distance mm 1010/760
8 Crawler shoe width mm 230
9 Crawler height mm 360
10 Swivel structure rear end height mm 422
11 Overall crawler length mm 1587
12 Approach angle deg. 30.1
13 Maximum digging height mm 3540
14 Maximum digging radius mm 3900
15 Maximum digging depth mm 2310
16 Maximum dumping height mm 2440
17 Maximum vertical digging depth mm 1910
18 Minimum front turning radius mm 1430/1207 Front/swing
19 Minimum tail turning radius mm 620
20 Ground contact pressure 25 (0.25)
21 Swing angle left/right deg. 63/58
22 Bucket lift angle deg. 180
23 Maximum ground digging radius mm 3840
24 Minimum ground finishing radius mm 1320
25 Radius at maximum digging height mm 2015
26 Radius at maximum dumping height mm 2012
Maximum bucket bottom height with
27 mm 1200 Arm vertical or fully crowded
arm vertical
Overall height with arm crowded and
28 mm 1430
minimum front swivel radius

from operator’s manual

WSM U15-3

b. Dimensional drawings

from operator’s manual


410 485 990 620 980 990 3540 2440 2310 1910 1430 2250 2630 265 180 2750 825 3570 3840 3900
1240 1240 (mm)

WSM U15-3

c. Performance and lifting capacity

1. Performance
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Standard bucket capacity heaped m3 0.04 CECE
Maximum digging force, arm KN(kgf) 8.8 (900) Teeth bottom
Maximum digging force, bucket KN(kgf) 15.2 (1550) Teeth bottom
Cycle time sec/cycle 10.8
Digging performance 3/h 33.4
Dozer capacity m3 0.067 without extention blade

Digging performance, cycle time conditions:Dig 1m depth with Standard bucket and dump soil on the
ground after 45° swivel.

WSM U15-3

2. Lifting capacity
Lifting posture Dozer Unit U15-3 Remarks

Maximum lifting capacity Crawler extended crawler retracted

(standard arm) 60
Up kgf 215 (T) 215 (T)

Down kgf 280 (R) 280 (R)

Up kgf 100 (T) 185 (T)

Down kgf 135 (T) 195 (T)

Up kgf 475 (R) 475 (R)

Down kgf 475 (R) 475 (R)

Up kgf 275 (T) 475 (R)

Down kgf 315 (T) 475 (R)

Lifting capacity
The machine can lift the loads listed above when the hydraulic pressure is as specified. But the actual mea-
surements are based on "n = 1", which means some fluctuations are expected.
Measuring conditions:
(1) Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 ± 5 °C, riding operator (about 60 kg), engine at maximum rpm.
(2) The boom is inched until the other end of the machine comes off the ground or the boom circuit gets
relieved. Then the loads are measured.
Note:The loads also vary depending on the ground surface condition, dozer's ground-contact status,
operator's weight, remaining fuel and other factors.
(3) The boom swing position is set at the center.
(The machine may turn over if it is set off the center.)
*The above figures show the machine that is about to life a load.

In the above table, (T) means that the machine may turn over if the load is heavier. And (R) means that the
boom circuit gets relieved if the load is heavier.

WSM U15-3

WSM U15-3

II Service engineering section

A.Maintenance specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3
a. List of oil and water quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-3
b. Tightening torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-4
c. Quality specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-6
d. Operating noise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-11
B.Machine body structure and function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-13
a. Overall Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-13
b. Front attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-23
c. Control levers and linkage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-28
d. Under carriage components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-34
C.Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-44
a. Main specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-44
b. Performance curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-45
c. Engine electrical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-46
d. Engine servicing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-47
e. Engine Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-48
f. Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-49
g. Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-52
h. Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-54
D.Hydraulic system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-55
a. Main pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-55
b. Control valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-61
c. Swivel motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-69
d. Travel motor (Wheel motor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-73
e. Pilot valve (Remote control valve). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-83
f. Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-87
g. Swivel Joint (Rotary joint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-92
h. Unload valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-96
i. Selector valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-98
j. Accessaries of hydraulic compornents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-99
h. Hydraulic system flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-103
l. Service port system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-108
m. Hydraulic components layout : U15-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-111
n. Hydraulic circuit diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-112

WSM U15-3

E.Electrical system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-113

a. New Functions of Electric System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-113
b. Battery circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-114
c. Key switch (Engine starter switch). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-115
d. Safty lever lock switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-116
e. Solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-118
f. Travel hi-speed control circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-120
g. Meter panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-127
h. Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-133
i. Auto glow circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-134
j. Auto release control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-144
k. Water temp. sensor & gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-151
l. Fuel control circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-153
m. Engine stop solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-154
n. coil commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-156
o. Fuel sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-158
p. Engine oil pressure sensor circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-161
q. Engine electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-162
r. Horn circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-164
s. Charging system (Alternator). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-167
t. Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-171
u. Route of Electric Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-174
v. Electrical component layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-181
w. Electric Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-182
x. Electrical Wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II-187

WSM U15-3

A.Maintenance specifications
a. List of oil and water quantities
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Radiator soft water L 2.7 Kubota LLC-N-50F
Reserve tank soft water L 0.6
Crankcase engine oil Class CC
L 3.5
(at filter replacement) 10W30
Hydraulic tank oil L 13 ISO 46
Total hydraulic oil L 22 ISO 46
Wheel motor gear oil L 0.25 SAE 90 (API, GL-4)
Swivel reducer gear oil L -
Track roller gear oil cc 40 Engine Oil SAE 30 Class CD
Carrier roller
cc - Grease EP2
(upper track roller)
Front idler cc 30 Engine Oil SAE 30 Class CD
Fuel tank light oil (full) L 18 Diesel light oil No. 3

WSM U15-3

b. Tightening torque
1. Machine
Unit: N·m (kgf·m)
Loctite U15-3 Remarks
Travel wheel motor { 60.8 ~ 70.6 (6.2 ~ 7.2)
Control valve {
Sprocket { 60.8 ~ 70.6 (6.2 ~ 7.2)
Track roller { 103 ~ 117.7 (10.5 ~ 12)
Carrier roller 48.1 ~ 55.9 (4.9 ~ 5.7) Slide plate
Plate (idler) 77.5 ~ 90.2 (7.9 ~ 9.2)
Grease cylinder nipple 98.0 ~ 108.0 (9.0 ~ 11.0)
Swivel bearing { 103 ~ 117.7 (10.5 ~ 12)
Swivel motor { 367.7 ~ 431.5 (37.5 ~ 44.0)
Return filter 19.6 ~ 29.4 (2.0 ~ 3.0)
Engine bracket/engine support {
Engine anti-vibration rubber { 39.2 ~ 45.1 (4.0 ~ 4.6) Nut
Engine anti-vibration rubber 39.2 ~ 45.1 (4.0 ~ 4.6)
Counterweight { 107.9 ~ 125.5 (11.0 ~ 12.8) Oil tank
Coupling 48.1 ~ 55.9 (4.9 ~ 5.7)
Main pump 77.5 ~ 90.2 (7.9 ~ 9.2)
Rotary joint 48.1 ~ 55.9 (4.9 ~ 5.7)
Rotary joint stopper { 48.1 ~ 55.9 (4.9 ~ 5.7)
Muffler flange 23.5 ~ 27.5 (2.4 ~ 2.8)
Control valve through bolt 13.7 ~ 14.7 (1.4 ~ 1.5)

2. General bolt/nut tightening torque

Unit: N·m (kgf·m)
4T 7T 9T
M6 7.8 ~ 9.3 (0.8 ~ 0.95) 9.8 ~ 11.3 (1.0 ~ 1.15) 12.3 ~ 14.2 (1.25 ~ 1.45)
M8 17.7 ~ 20.6 (1.8 ~ 2.1) 23.5 ~ 27.5 (2.4 ~ 2.8) 29.4 ~ 34.3 (3.0 ~ 3.5)
M10 39.2 ~ 45.1 (4.0 ~ 4.6) 48.1 ~ 55.9 (4.9 ~ 5.7) 60.8 ~ 70.6 (6.2 ~ 7.2)
M12 62.8 ~ 72.6 (6.4 ~ 7.4) 77.5 ~ 90.2 (7.9 ~ 9.2) 103.0 ~ 117.7 (10.5 ~ 12.0)
M14 107.9 ~ 125.5 (11.0 ~ 12.8) 123.6 ~ 147.1 (12.6 ~ 15.0) 166.7 ~ 196.1 (17.0 ~ 20.0)
M16 166.7 ~ 191.2 (17.0 ~ 19.5) 196.1 ~ 225.4 (20.0 ~ 23.0) 259.7 ~ 304 (26.5 ~ 31.0)
M18 245.2 ~ 284.4 (25.0 ~ 29.0) 274.6 ~ 318.7 (28.0 ~ 32.5) 343.2 ~ 402.1 (35.0 ~ 41.0)
M20 333.4 ~ 392.3 (34.0 ~ 40.0) 367.7 ~ 431.5 (37.5 ~ 44.0) 519.8 ~ 568.8 (53.0 ~ 58.0)

WSM U15-3

3. Hydraulic pipe tightening torque

Steel pipe size (mm) Tightening torque Wrench width (mm)
(O.D. x I.D. x Thickness) N·m (kgf·m) [Reference]
I8 x 6 x t1 29.4 ~ 39.2 (3.0 ~ 4.0) *17
I10 x 7 x t1.5 39.2 ~ 44.1 (4.0 ~ 4.5) *19
I12 x 9 x t1.5 53.9 ~ 63.7 (5.5 ~ 6.5) *21
* Ihara-made sleeve nuts
I16 x 12 x t2 88.3 ~ 98.1 (9.0 ~ 10.0) *29
I18 x 14 x t2 127.5 ~ 137.3(13.0 ~ 14.0) *32
I27.2 x 21.6 x t2.8 235.4 ~ 255.0(24.0 ~ 26.0) *41

4. Hydraulic hose tightening torque

Thread size Tightening torque N·m (kgf·m) Wrench width
(piping thread) Union nut Taper thread [Reference]

1/8” 7.8 ~ 11.8 (0.8 ~ 1.2) 19.6 ~ 29.4 (2.0 ~ 3.0) *17
1/4” 24.5 ~ 29.4 (2.5 ~ 3.0) 36.3 ~ 44.1 (3.7 ~ 4.5) *19
3/8” 37.2 ~ 42.1 (3.8 ~ 4.3) 68.6 ~ 73.5 (7.0 ~ 7.5) *22
1/2” 58.8 ~ 63.7 (6.0 ~ 6.5) 83.4 ~ 88.3 (8.5 ~ 9.0) *27
3/4” 117.7 ~ 127.5 (12.0 ~ 13.0) 166.6 ~ 181.3 (17.0 ~ 18.5) *36

Note: * Wrench width may vary depending on the manufacturer, thread diameter and other factors.
5. Engine
N·m (kgf·m)
Engine model D782
Cylinder head cover 4.9 (0.5)
Nozzle holder 58.8 (6.0)
Rocker arm bracket nut 10.8 (1.1)
Cylinder head cover 40.2 (4.1)
Connecting rod bolt 28.4 (2.9)
Flywheel 56.9 (5.8)
Bg case bolt 1 14.7 (1.5)
Bg case bolt 2 28.4 (2.9)
Bearing case cover bolt 10.8 (1.1)

Hose clamp (threaded type) N·m (kgf·cm)

Part code Applicable diameter (mm) Tightening torque
09318-89016 12 ~ 16 2.5 ~ 3.4 (25 ~ 35)
09318-89039 31 ~ 40 2.5 ~ 3.4 (25 ~ 35)
09318-89045 36 ~ 46 2.5 ~ 3.4 (25 ~ 35)
RB101-63631 13 ~ 20 3.4 ~ 4.4 (35 ~ 45)
RC101-64581 15 ~ 25 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)
68311-72821 26 ~ 38 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)
RC411-63181 40 ~ 55 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)
RC401-63191 50 ~ 60 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)
69284-63171 77 ~ 95 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)
RD411-63821 32 ~ 44 4.9 ~ 5.9 (50 ~ 60)

WSM U15-3

c. Quality specifications
No Specificatios Items Unit U15-3 Remarks
Q1 Main Speed JIS A8404
1 1 Machine size Total length (Transport) mm 3575 ± 71
2 Total width mm 1240/990 ± 12
3 Total height (Canopy) mm 2300 ± 23
4 Total height (Cabin) mm -
2 1 Weight Machine weight (Canopy) kg 1600 ± 32 Fuel tank
2 Machine weight (Cabin) kg -
3 1 Performance Swivel speed rpm 8.7 ± 0.9 Rated engine RPM, K=100%
2 Travel speed F1 km/h 2.2 ± 0.2
3 F2 km/h 4.0 ± 0.4
4 R1 km/h 2.2 ± 0.2
5 R2 km/h 4.0 ± 0.4
6 Gradeability deg 30 <
4 1 Rear end min. turning radius mm 620 ± 12
2 Swivel frame rear ground clearance mm 422 ± 8
3 Tambler center distance mm 1230 ± 37
4 Crawler total length mm 1587 ± 48
5 Crawler total width mm 1240/990 ± 26
6 Crawler shoe width mm 230 ± 5
7 Min. ground clearance mm 145 ± 4
5 1 Engine, Model name D782-BH-4
2 Rated output DIN 70020 kw 9.6 ± 0.2
ps 13.0 ± 0.3
3 Rated speed rpm 2300
4 Displacement L 0.778
cc 778
6 1 Hydraulic pump type Variable x2 +gear
2 Pump delivery L 16.6 x 2, 10.4, 6.2
3 Main relief pressure P1,P2 Mpa +1.0
21.6 -0.5
(Bench set)
kgf/cm2 220 -5

Bar 216 -4.9


P3 Mpa +1.0
18.6 -0.5
kgf/cm2 190 -5

Bar 186 -4.9


P4 Mpa +1.0
3.9 -0.5
kgf/cm2 +10
40 -5
Bar +9.8
39 -4.9
7 1 Swivel motor type
8 1 Under carrage Travel motor type Variable displace-
ment pump
3 Crawler shoe type Rubber

WSM U15-3

No Specificatios Items Unit U15-3 Remarks

9 1 Front attachment Bucket CECE m3 0.04 ± 0.002
2 heaped
3 Bucket width mm 456 ± 10 Without side cutter
4 Swing angle L deg 63 ± 2
5 R deg 58 ± 2
6 Max. digging radius mm 3901 ± 59
7 Ground level Max. digging radius mm 3843 ± 58
8 Ground level Min. finish radius mm 1320 ± 26 Bucket bottom horizontal
9 Max. digging depth mm 2306 ± 46
10 Max. vertical digging depth mm 1911 ± 38
11 Max. digging height mm 3536 ± 71
12 Max. dump height mm 2443 ± 49
14 Mini. turning radius mm 1426 ± 43
15 Mini. turning radius mm 1207 ± 36
(Left swing)
16 Off-set L mm 510 ± 15
17 amount R mm 385 ± 12
18 Max. digging force kgf 1.55
N 15.2
10 1 Dozer Width mm 1244/990 ± 5
2 Height mm 261 ± 5
4 Max. lift above GL mm 263 ± 13
5 Max. below GL mm 182 ± 9
11 4 Water & oil Fuel Tank L 17.5 ± 0.9
5 Hydraulic oil Tank L 13 ± 0.7
Q2 Main Specs JIS A8404
1 1 Bucket tooth slaggish mm 73 ± 93
2 Decline of front attachment mm 0 ± 10
3 Dozer's declination mm 0 ± 10
3 3 Min. clearance of bucket teeth to boom cylinder protector mm 37

4 1 Approach angle deg 30.1 ± 3.0

5 1 Crawler height mm 360 ± 7 Include grouser on the sprocket
2 Max. crawler height mm 360 ± 7
Q3 Engine performance
1 1 Max. engine torque kgf•m/rpm 4.52/1750
N•m/rpm 44.3/1750
2 1 Max, engine rpm no load rpm 2600 >
2 1 pump relief rpm
3 2 pump relief rpm 2300 <
4 3 pump relief rpm 2300 <
3 1 Idling rpm rpm 1200 + 150/-0

WSM U15-3

No Specificatios Items Unit U15-3 Remarks

Q4 Travelling performance
1 1 Travel motor block performance, L/R mm 300 > 20 deg, 10 min
2 1 Max, Traction force F1 kgf•m 1255 ± 126 K=65%
kN•m 12.8 ± 1.3
2 F2 kgf•m 637 ± 64
kN•m 6.5 ± 0.7
3 1 Travel straightness F1 mm 600 > 10m distance
2 F2 mm 600 >
3 Dozer F1 mm 600 > Dozer up & down 10m distance
4 Dozer R1 mm 600 >
4 1 Track shoe sag distance Iron mm 25 ~ 30
2 Rubber mm 10 ~ 15
Q5 Work performance
4 2 Arm digging force kgf 824< Bucket tooth root
kN 8.4<
3 Bucket digging force kgf 1412< Machine stance to JIS bucket tooth
kN 14.4< root

5 1 Boom speed up sec 2.2 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C

Max. heiht to ground
3 down sec 2.5 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
6 1 Arm speed crowd sec 3.5 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
2 extend sec 2.4 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
7 1 Bucket speed crowd sec 2.8 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
2 dump sec 1.9 ± 0.3 Oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
8 1 Dozer speed up sec 1.4 ± 0.3 Max. down to max. up
2 down sec 1.9 ± 0.3 Max. up to max. down
13 1 Max. digging height radius mm 2015 ± 202
2 Max. dump height radius mm 2012 ± 121 at bucket pin
4 Bucket bottom height at arm vertical mm 1200 ± 36 Bucket horizontal
5 Bucket wrist angle degree 180 ± 3
Q6 Swivel, swing performance
1 1 Swivel torque L kgf•m 217 < Arm extend,show/Quick
kN•m 2.1 <
2 R kgf•m 217 <
kN•m 2.1 <
2 1 Swivel capable angle at slope deg 18 < Bucket load=JIS heaped x 1.8
3 1 Swivel block performance L/R deg 30 >
5 1 Swivel start-up speed sec 2.1 ± 0.2 0 ~ 90 deg swivel
7 1 Swing speed Left sec 4.6 ± 0.3
2 Right sec 3.7 ± 0.3
8 1 Swing Lock Swivel R&L mm 6> 90 deg-swivel, 100 times actual
digging cylinder dislocation

WSM U15-3

No Specificatios Items Unit U15-3 Remarks

Q7 Hydraulic performance
1 1 Relief pressure setting P1 kgf/cm2 +10
220 -5
MPa +1.0
21.6 -0.5
bar +9.8
215.8 -4.9
2 P2 kgf/cm2 +10
220 -5
MPa +1.0
21.6 -0.5
bar +9.8
215.8 -4.9
3 P3 kgf/cm2 +10
190 -5
MPa +1.0
18.6 -0.5
bar +9.8
186.3 -4.9
4 P4 kgf/cm2 +10
40 -5
MPa +1.0
3.9 -0.5
bar +9.8
39.2 -4.9
5 1 Cylinder block performance Boom mm 25 > Arm extend, bucket
2 Arm mm 15 > Hydraulic oil temp. 50 ± 5°C
height 1m, 10 min.
3 Bucket mm 10 > Bucket load : Heaped
4 Dozer mm 25 > Soil gravity : 1.8
6 1 Boom cushioning performance 30°C sec 3>
2 50°C sec 0.5 to 1.5
3 80°C sec 0.3 <
8 1 Service port flow No load/load L 27
Q8 Lever operating force & stroke
1 1 Boom lever operating force kgf 1.4 ± 0.5 Measured 20 mm below the grip
kN 13.7 ± 4.9 end.

4 Arm lever kgf 1.4 ± 0.5

N 13.7 ± 4.9
5 Bucket lever kgf 1.4 ± 0.5
N 13.7 ± 4.9
6 Swivel (Swing) lever kgf 1.4 ± 0.5
N 13.7 ± 4.9
7 Dozer lever kgf 3.1 ± 0.5
N 30.0 ± 4.9
8 Travel lever L/R kgf 1.5 ± 0.5
N 15.0 ± 4.9
9 Accelerator lever (up/down) kgf 3.4 ± 1.5 Measured 30 mm below the grip
N 35.0 ± 14.7 end.

10 Swing pedal kgf 10.0 ± 1.0 Measured Step end.

N 98.0 ± 9.8
11 Safety lock lever, L&R up kgf 2.0 ± 1.0
N 20.0 ± 9.8
down kgf 3.0 ± 1.0
N 30.0 ± 9.8

WSM U15-3

No Specificatios Items Unit U15-3 Remarks

1 13 Service port pedal kgf 5.0 ± 1.0 L/R
N 51.0 ± 10
2 1 Boom lever stroke up mm 72 ± 10 Measured grip end
2 down mm 72 ± 10
3 Arm lever stroke (crowd/dump) mm 72 ± 10
4 Bucket lever stroke (crowd/dump) mm 74 ± 10
5 Swivel lever stroke mm 74 ± 10
6 Dozer lever up & down mm 80 ± 10
7 Travel lever, L & R, F & R L mm 75 ± 10
R mm 75 ± 10
9 Swing pedal stroke mm 6 ± 10 Measured Step end
10 Service port pedal stroke (LH & RH) mm 12 ± 10
Q9 Stability
1 1 Standard arm, Dynamic Bucket load Side, dozer up kgf - arm extended, bucket crowd, swing
operation load limit to 10 degrees N - 0 degree, exclude bucket weight
tipping 37Kg.
Over end, kgf -
dozer up N -
2 Bucket load Side, dozer up kgf 121 <
to tipping, N 1187 <
track frame
extended Over end, kgf 130 <
dozer up N 1275 <
3 Bucket load Side, dozer up kgf 63 <
to tipping, N 618 <
track frame
retracked Over end, kgf 130 <
dozer up N 1275 <
2 1 Standard arm, Static Bucket load Side, dozer up kgf 162 < front level crowd, swing 0 degree,
operation load limit to tipping, N 1589 < exclude bucket weight 37Kg.
track frame Load is added at the top of arm.
extended Over end, kgf 175 <
dozer up N 1716 <
2 Bucket load Side, dozer up kgf 95 <
to tipping, N 932 <
track frame
retracked Over end, kgf 175 <
dozer up N 1716 <
Q10 Comfortability
1 1 Noise level At operator’s Canopy db(A) 78 >
2 ear LPA Cab db(A) - Cab door close
3 Noise source; LWA db(A) 92 >

WSM U15-3

d. Operating noise
Unit U15-3 Remarks
At ear level (Canopy) db(A) 78 >
Around the machine db(A)
Acoustic power level db(A) 92 >
Low-noise specified number
Ultra-low noise specified number
Emission control specified
Standard operation
Energy tax system

(The noise at ear level is measured with the average energy output under no load at maximum rpm.)

60 dB(A):

80 dB(A):
and weeping


1.5 to 4 m

Simulated digging is made at maximum engine rpm, and the then operating noise is measured within 10 m
in radius from the machine (imaginary hemispherical space with the machine length from 1.5 to 4 m).

WSM U15-3

e. Machine weight and parts weight

* The weights in the table below are approximate.
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Machine weight kg 1600
Body weight kg 1340
Maximum breaker weight kg 90
Swing bracket and boom cylinder not
Backhoe overall kg 177
Upper swivel structure kg 816 Canopy/cabin
Lower travel structure kg 577 Rubber crawler
Track frame kg 61/83/61 Left/center/right
Swivel frame kg 150
Swing bracket kg 28
Boom kg 67
Arm kg 30
Bucket kg 29 450-400
Dozer kg 67
Counterweight kg 205
Iron crawler kg 89
Rubber crawler kg 56

Unit U15-3 Remarks

Engine kg 64 Dry weight
Hydraulic tank kg 13 With filter
Fuel tank kg 1.6
Swivel bearing kg 17
Battery kg 13
Track roller kg 4
Upper track roller kg -
Sprocket kg 5
Idler kg 18 Sprocket included
Canopy roof kg 9
Post (support) kg 21
Pump assembly kg 14
Wheel motor kg 17
Swivel motor kg 15
Control valve kg 14 Without joint
Boom cylinder kg 15
Arm cylinder kg 12
Bucket cylinder kg 11
Swing cylinder kg 9 Offset
Dozer cylinder kg 7
Rotary joint kg 13
Radiator kg 2

WSM U15-3

B.Machine body structure and function

a. Overall Arrangement







(5) (14)


Vertical Operation

(1) Service port pedal (9) Fuel tank

(2) Control valve (10) Swivel motor
(3) Oil cooler (11) Swivel joint
(4) Battery (12) Oil tank
(5) Radiator (13) Unloading valve
(6) Suction pipe (14) Pump
(7) Swing pedal (15) Engine
(8) Selector valve

Note : For the export model, the travel Hi - Low control switch is located on the dozer lever grip.

WSM U15-3

2. Arrangement of Control Levers

(1) Travel lever (left)

(2) Control lever for front attachments (left)
(3) Lock lever for attachment control
(4) Service port pedal
(5) Travel lever (right)
(6) Control lever for front attachments (right)
(7) Two travel speed switch
(8) Control lever for dozer or track width
(9) Boom swing pedal
(10) Throttle lever
(11) Track width change / dozer select lever

WSM U15-3

(1) Horn switch

(2) Starter switch
(3) Malfunction indicator (Quick Diagnosis)
(4) Fuel meter
(5) Hour meter
(6) Working light switch

Adoption of Meters
Hour meter, oil level gauge and Easy checker
(oil lamp, charge lamp, glow lamp and fuel level
alarm lamp) for various indications.

WSM U15-3

Direction of accel lever : EU - version PP - version

(Machine front)



Idle Max

(Machine fronto )
(1) Starter Switch (A) “STOP“
(B) “RUN“

(1) (2)


(1) Hood Left (4) Oil cooler
(2) Hood Rear (5) Radiator
(3) Wing nut

The oil cooler and the radiator can be checked and cleaned by opening the left hood.

Engine oil can be refilled by opening the inspection

door after lifting up the seat.


(1) Oil filler port

WSM U15-3



(5) (6)

(1) Fuel level gauge

(2) Fuel cap cover
(3) Air vent
(4) Hydraulic oil filler port
(5) Cap
(6) Gauge

• Adoption of fuel level gauge makes it possible to check the remaining oil amount.
• A gauge is mounted at the side of the fuel filler port. When fuel is nearly filled up, the pointer of the gauge
starts moving and about 2 liters of fuel oil is filled up.
• A hydraulic oil filler port is provided also at the side of the fuel filler port.



(1) (6)

(1) Fuel filter cartridge

(2) Water separator
(3) Water separator handle
(4) Indication line
(5) Float (Red)
(6) Cup
(7) Retainer ring

Like in the models of KX91-3S·D and KX121-3S·D Series, the fuel filter has been separated from the water

WSM U15-3

3. Press-fitting of Bushes
Positions where bushes and dust seals are inserted (except for the parts finished with bush insertion).


(1) (5)œ
Both bush and dust seal
œBush only (7)

(1) Bucket link 1 side

(2) Arm end
(3) Bucket link 1 side
(4) Arm boss side
(5) Arm boss side
(6) Tensile brass



(2) (3)

(7) (11)

(8) (10)

(1) (Dust seal magnified view) (7) Dust seal

(2) Bush side (8) Bush inserting direction
(3) Outside (9) Bush
(4) Bush (10) Bush inserting direction
(5) Insert (11) Dust seal
(6) Reinforcing plate

WSM U15-3

4. Front Equipment
Rectify the boom inside.

(3) (2) (1) (4) (10)



(13) (19)
(15) (16) (22) (20)(20)(21)(22) (7)
(5) (27)
(17) (18) (24) (25)

(14) (9) (8)

No. Part Name Q'ty No. Part Name Q'ty Part No.
(1) Bracket (SP) 2 (6) Cushion (1) 1
(2) Bolt 4 (7) Cushion (2) 1
(3) Plug 2 (8) Plate (lower) 1
(4) Pipe joint 2 (9) Jam nut 2
(5) Clamp 1 (10) Grommet (boom) 2 RB237-6652'

(11) Assemble the pipe joint (4) and the bracket (SP) (1) in (20) White
(12) Put the marking (tape) to the front (for both bucket and (21) Red
(13) Pay attention to the direction of the cushion (6). (22) Black
(14) Fix the hoses (for both bucket and SP) so that they (23) Color of hose tape
should face up forwards.
(15) Thin (24) Left side
(16) Thick (25) Right side
(17) Front (26) As viewed from rear
(18) Rear (27) Working light should be in parallel with the bottom plate.
(19) Magnified view of the clamp (28) Pay attention to the direction of the bracket (10).
Apply adhesive to the grommet.

WSM U15-3

5. Greasing (1)
(15) (16) (17)




(3) (7)




(1) Type A (Boss greasing) (10) Type A (Pin greasing)

Swing supporting points (upper and lower)
(2) Type A (Boss greasing) (11) Type C (Boss greasing)
(3) To swivel bearing balls (12) Type A (Pin greasing)
(4) To swivel bearing teeth (13) Type A (Pin greasing)
(5) Type A (Boss greasing) (14) As viewed from front of the swivel frame
(6) Type A (Pin greasing) (15) Swing cylinder bottom
(7) Type A (Boss greasing) (16) Swivel bearing (teeth)
(8) Type A (Boss greasing) (17) Swivel bearing balls
(9) Type A (Boss greasing) (18) Grease the swivel bearing balls and teeth
respectively at 6 positions while turning the
bearing by 90 deg. each.
The balls and teeth may be greased before

WSM U15-3

6. Greasing (2)



(2) (4)

(1) Type A (Boss greasing)

(2) Type B (Boss greasing)
(3) Type B (Boss greasing)
A-type: Straight type
(4) Type B (Boss greasing) (06611-15010)

B-type: 67°C

C-type: 90°C

WSM U15-3

7. Cleaning and greasing the Track Frame Slide Pipes

When the slide pipes of the track frame are clogged or adhered with soil or sand, clean the slide pipes in the
following manner according to need.

To avoid the personal injury or death:
• Place the machine on even ground when cleaning the track frame slide pipes.

1. First lift the machine off the ground using the dozer blade and boom functions.
2. Switch the track width change / dozer select lever to the “Track width change” position.
3. Push the control lever forward, and expand the track width to 1240 mm.
4. Remove soil and sand adhered to the slide pipes, then put grease evenly around the pipes. Make sure
all 4 slide pipes are greased.
5. Retract and expand the track width repeatedly for a few times by moving the control lever, so that the
grease is spread adequately.
6. Switch the track width change / dozer select lever to the “Dozer” position.
7. Place the machine down on the ground carefully by moving the dozer blade and the boom.

(1) Track frame slide pipes

WSM U15-3

b. Front attachment
1. Bucket dimensions
Unit U15-3 Remarks
(1) mm 400 Lip outside width
(2) mm 456 Side cutter outside width
(3) mm 60.5 x 6 Ixt
(4) mm 139.5
(5) mm 95.5 Arm end width
(6) mm 16
(7) mm 22
(8) mm 47.75
(9) mm I49
(10) mm I60
(11) mm I30
(12) mm I30
(13) mm 457
(14) mm 380.5
(15) mm I48.5
(16) mm 126.5
(17) mm 88.5
(18) mm 16.5

WSM U15-3

2. Bucket fixture dimensions

Unit U15-3 Remarks
A mm 45.3
B mm 2 x M12 x 1.25
C mm 45.3
D mm 45.3
E mm 16.5
F mm 3.95
G mm 865
H mm 2
I mm 180
J mm 167.5
K mm 104.5
L mm 735
M mm 173
N mm 175
O mm 85

WSM U15-3

3. Bucket link pin

[Unit : mm]
Parts name Specifications
(1) Bucket link 1 I30 x 95.5
(2) Bush A I30 x I38 x W35
(3) Pin A dia I30 x 192.5
(5) Bucket link 2, 3 I30 - I30
(6) Arm boss I55 x I38 x L125.5
(7) Bush B I30 x I38 x W35
(8) Pin B dia I30 x 192.5
(10) Bucket cylinder L/S (stroke) 529 / 802 (269)

WSM U15-3

4. Front pins and bush

[Unit : mm]
Location No. Pin diameter x length Bush inner dia. x outer dia. x length Remarks
(1) I35 x 257 I35 x I45 x 45
(2) I35 x 160 I35 x I45 x 35, 44
(3) I35 x 160 I35 x I45 x 45
(4) I30 x 112.5 I30 x I40 x 35
(5) I30 x 96 I30 x I40 x 35
(6) I50 x 109 I50 x I60 x 37, 28, 40
(7) I50 x 109 I50 x I60 x 37, 28, 40
(8) I30 x 160 I30 x I40 x 35
(9) I30 x 142 I30 x I40 x 35
(10) I30 x 191 I30 x I38 x 35
(11) I30 x 142 I30 x I40 x 45
(12) I30 x 192.5 I30 x I40 x 35
(13) I30 x 192.5 I30 x I38 x 35
(14) I30 x 182 I30 x I38 x 35
(15) I30 x 182 I30 x I38 x 35
* The working limits of the pins are 1.0 shorter than the reference on new vehicle.





(New pin and bush tolerance)

pin : I25 --0.05

0.08 , I30 -0.07 , I35 -0.07 , I50 -0.07
-0.05 -0.05 -0.05

bush : Inner dia. I25 +0.100 , I30 +0.100 , I35 +0.130

+0.130 +0.130
+0.100 , I50 +0.060

Outer dia. I38 +0.070+0.040 , I40 +0.070 , I45 +0.070 , I60 +0.070
+0.100 +0.100 +0.100

WSM U15-3

5. Swing bracket




(1) Swing bracket

(2) ~ (6) Bushing
(7) After installing the bush, pin of I34.9 goes through smoothy.
(8) Dimension before bushing.
(9) Side of the bush (3) should flash the face.
(10) After installing the bush, pin of I34.9 goes through smoothy.
(11) Side of the bush (2) should behind the surface.
(12) After installing the bush, pin of I49.95 goes through smoothy.



(1) Bushing end to be fitted to boss end

(2) Bush (506040)
(3) Bush (506040)
(4) Bushing end to be fitted to boss end

WSM U15-3

c. Control levers and linkage

1. Lever strokes and operating forces
Reference on new vehicle
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Stroke mm 72 Measured at the grip end
Boom lever Operating force N(kgf) 13.7 (1.4) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Play mm 2>
Stroke mm 72 Measured at the grip end
Arm lever Operating force N(kgf) 13.7 (1.4) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Play mm 2>
Stroke mm 74 Measured at the grip end
Bucket lever Operating force N(kgf) 13.7 (1.4) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Play mm 2>
Stroke mm 74 Measured at the grip end
Swivel lever Operating force N(kgf) 13.7 (1.4) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Play mm 2>
Stroke mm 75 Measured at the grip end
Operating force N(kgf) 15.0 (1.5) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Clearance LH/RH lever
mm 5 Longitudinal direction
at neutral position.
Travel lever
Clearance LH/RH lever
at most forward and mm 10 Longitudinal direction
backward position.
Clearance LH/RH lever mm 2~5 Lateral direction
Acceleration lever Operating force N(kgf) 35.0 (3.4) Measured 30 mm below the grip top
Stroke mm 80 Measured at the grip end
Dozer lever
Operating force N(kgf) 30.0 (3.1) Measured 20 mm below the grip end
Lock lever, up Operating force 20 (2.0)
Lock lever, down Operating force 30 (3.0 )
Swing pedal Operating force N(kgf) 98.0 (10.0) Measured at the grip end
Travel high SW Operating force N(kgf) -

WSM U15-3

2. Accelerator Lever
Set the automatic release function at more than 1200 rpm by idling.



No. Part Name Q'ty No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Bracket (Operation, R) 1 (9) Bolt 2
(2) Lever assembly (Accelerator) 1 (10) Nut 2
Lever (Accelerator) 1 (11) Cable (Accelerator) 1
Bush 2 (12) Headed pin 1
(3) Lever grip 2 1 (13) Snap pin 6 1
(4) Plain washer 1 (14) Plain washer 1
(5) Plain washer 2 (15) Support (Accelerator) 1
(6) Disc spring 2 (16) Bolt 2 M8 7T
(7) Nut 2 (17) Put them together and assemble beforehand.
(8) Seal (Lever, blade) 1 (18) Dimensions in the parenthesis show the design values.

Intermediate stroke (115) (on both sides)

119 (17 equally spaced)

Tighten up the hex nuts

(4 locations)
Hexagonal, 12 across

WSM U15-3

3. Dozer Lever


No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Lever assembly (Blade) 1
Lever (Blade) 1
Bush 2
(2) Grip 1
(3) Seal (Lever, blade) 1
(4) Cable (Blade) 1
Plain washer 1
Snap pin 1
(5) Bracket (Cable, blade) 1
(6) Dimensions in the parentheses show the design values. 1

WSM U15-3

4. Dozer Cables (Route)

Cable (Blade)

Pass the cable behind the welded member

of the bracket (muffler).

Pass the cable along the inside of the

welded member of the swivel frame.

Pass the cable through the 2 holes

of the vertical ribs at the left side of
the swivel frame.
Pass the cable under the control valve.

WSM U15-3

5. Swing Pedal
(273.5) Reference value

(8) (7)

(65) Reference value



No. Part Name Q'ty No. Part Name Q'ty

(1) Lever assembly (Swing) 1 (5) Plain washer 1
Lever (Swing) 1 Snap pin 1
Bush 2 (6) Lever assembly (Swing pedal) 1
(2) Plain washer 1 Lever (Swing pedal) 1
(3) Snap pin 1 Bush 2
(4) Rod (Swing) 1 (7) Pedal 1
Rod end right-hand screw 1 Bolt 1
Nut 2 Plain washer 2
Spring washer 1 Jam nut 1

Plain washer 1 (8) Assemble so that the pedal upper side should be
Snap pin 1 level at neutral.

WSM U15-3

6. Swing Pedal

(1) (2) (4)

(103) Reference value



No. Part Name Q'ty

(1) Lever assembly (SP pedal) 1
Lever (SP pedal) 1
Bush 2
(2) Pedal 1
Bolt 1
Plain washer 1
Jam nut 1
(3) Rod (SP) 2
Rod end right-hand screw 1
Spring washer 1
Plain washer 1
Snap pin
(4) Assemble so that the pedal upper side should be level at neutral.

WSM U15-3

d. Under carriage components

1. Swivel bearing





(1) Seal B
(2) S-mark
(3) Seal A
(4) Rp 1/8, for grease nipple Apply the nylon plug in position.

1) Number of teeth = 73 Details of the grease fitting Plug outer soft zone
2) Backlash = 0.05 ~ 0.35 mm
(0.002 ~ 0.014 inch)
3) P.C.D. = I328.5
4) Induction-harden the inner and outer ring
raceways as well as the tooth flank and
Raceway surface hardness: 50 ~ 60 HRC
Tooth flank and bottom surface hardness:
52 ~ 60 HRC Machine front Inner soft zone S - mark
(See the Gear Specifications for gear
hardening details.)
5) Inner ring’ “S” marking and outer ring’s
stopper on the soft zone.
When installing the bearing, position the
soft zone where there is the least load.
6) Radial clearance (Measuring load) (0.03
~ 0.25)
Axial clearance (Measuring load) (0.03 ~

WSM U15-3

2. Truck Frame (Adjustment of Play)

Play adjusting setbolts

at 2 positions on the
machine backside.
Magnified view of adjusting portion

or less

(Set bolt)

No. Part Name Q'ty

(1) Set bolt (RA221-21161) 2
(2) Nut 1

Play adjusting procedure

1. Tighten the play adjusting setbolts until they reach the left and right sides of the frame.
2. Loosen the play adjusting setbolts by 1/4 turns when they have reached the frame.
3. Lock the adjusting setbolts by nuts.

WSM U15-3

3. Structure of Track Roller

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Track roller 1 FCD600
(2) Shaft (Track roller) 1 S45C-D
(3) Ball bearing 2
(4) Bracket (1) 1 FCD450-10
(5) Bracket (2) 1 FCD450-10
(6) O-ring 2
(7) Seal (Floating) 2
(8) Shaft circlip 2
(9) Plug (R1/8) 1

(1) Packing, NBR

(2) Spring
(3) Reinforce, ring
(4) Sleeve
(5) Fill grease

Lub oil :Engine oil SAE #30CD class 40 cc

Plug :Apply screw lock agent and tightening
torque, 0.8 kg·m

1. Fill the bearing with oil (40 cm3).
2. Use Engine genuine oil SAE30 class CD or equivalent.
3. Use care not to confuse the sides of the shaft circlip.
(Rolled-over side to be fitted in the groove is inner side, while the burred (sharp) side is the outer side)
4. The roller should be turned smoothly after it has been assembled completely.
5. Dimensions of assembling jigs for seal etc. and the assembling procedure are equivalent to those of

WSM U15-3

4. Tension Device

Both iron and rubber springs can be used compatively.

No. Part Name Q'ty

(1) Idler assembly 2
(2) Cylinder assembly (Left) 1
Cylinder assembly (Right) 1
(3) Nipple (Grease cylinder) 2

In the case of rubber roller, adjust it so that the

joint mark (f) should come to the upper cen-
ter position (as shown in the figure below).


WSM U15-3

5. Idler and tension spring



(1) Support 1 (5) Floating seal (9) Wire (13) Retainer

(2) Support 2 (6) Bushing (10) Plug, R 1/8 (14) Nut
(3) shaft (7) O-ring (11) Yoke (15) Split pin
(4) Idler (8) Spring pin (12) Spring (16) Bolt

1) Pre-set length of spring : L=130 mm (5.12 inch)

2) Bolt(16) tightening torque : 77.5 ~ 90.2 N·m
(7.9 ~ 9.2 kgf·m)
3) Lub oil : Engine oil SAE30 CD. Apply screw lock agent.
(Locktite 271).
OK NO 30cc
(Spring roll pin direction)

WSM U15-3

6. Idler and sprocket

(A) Reference on new vehicle
(B) Allowable limit
Unit U15-3 Remarks

Idler 202/196 Rubber Crawler

(A)/(B) mm
(a) Outside diameter 196/190 Steel Crawler
(b) Guide width (A)/(B) mm 27/23
(c) Idler width (A)/(B) mm 60/55
(A)/(B) mm 290/284
(d) Outside diameter
(A)/(B) mm 23/18
(e) Wheel width






WSM U15-3

7. Rubber track

Spec items
Type 230 x 35 x 96
Lug height 23.0 mm
Iron core pitch 96.0 mm
Circunference 3360 ± 10 mm
Number of steel cords 48 ± 4
Steel cords lap length 260 mm
Steel cords strength 3.92 KN (400 kgf) or more
Thickness of crawler main part 23.0 mm
Ditto joint parts 26.5 mm
Core metal FCD450 (Equiv.)
Number of core metal (Links) 35

WSM U15-3

8. Track shoe
(A) Reference on new machine
(B) Allowable limit
Crawler width Unit U15-3 Remarks
(a) Length (A)/(B) mm 360/370
(b) Wheel tread height (A)/(B) mm 56/51
(c) Collar outside diameter mm 22/20.5
(d) Collar inside diameter mm 14/16
(e) Master pin outside diameter mm 14/12.5
Grouser height (A)/(B) mm 16.5/8 Including plate
Crawler width x No. of links mm 230 x 37
(D) Crawler tension mm 25 ~ 30 Roller outer collar to plate

(f) (c)

(For 4 kinks) (e)


Wire center line

WSM U15-3

9. Iron track shoe


Over 25 (Link)
(when assembled) (Pin)

(Inside) (Common for both ends)


Rubber pad

(Inside) (Common for both ends)


Tighten hex nuts to torque of 70-100 N·m.

WSM U15-3

9. Dozer
Unit U15-3 Remarks
(1) Pin outside dia. - Length mm I30-102.5
(2) Outside diameter - Length mm I30-84.5
(3) Outside diameter - Length mm I30-84.5
(4) Outside diameter - Length mm I30-95 Track cylinder mounting pin
(5) Outside diameter - Length mm I25-133 Extension blade mounting pin
A Width mm 1244/990
B Height mm 261
C Length mm 710
D Tip wear thickness mm t9
E Distance between supports mm 434
Movement above ground/below ground mm 263/182
Dozer capacity 3 0.067 w/o Extention blade

WSM U15-3

a. Main specification
Main specifications of the D782-BH-4 high-speed diesel engine
Type 4-cycle, vertical, 3-cylinder, water-cooled diesel engine
No. of cylinders - Cylinder bore x Stroke mm 3 - I67 x L73.6
Piston displacement I 0.778
Rated net output/rpm kW / rpm 9.6 (13.1PS) / 2300
Maximum engine speed rpm 2600 >
Engine idling speed rpm 1200 +150 / -0
Type of combustion chamber E-TVCS
Type of fuel injection pump Bosch MD mini-pump
Type of governor Centrifugal mechanical governor
Type of injection nozzle DN4PD52 mini-nozzle
Fuel injection timing deg BTDC14 ~ 16 (15p ~ 17p : pressure feed type)
Fuel injection pressure MPa 13.7 (140 kgf/cm2)
Compression ratio 24

Cooling system Pressure radiator type, 0.088 MPa (0.9 kgf/cm2)

Forced circulation by cooling water pump
Starting system V, kW Self-starter (12,1.2)
Charging system V, W Alternator type (12,480)
Fuel used Diesel light oil
Battery used 50B24 R or equivalent
Weight kg About 64
Application Mini-excavator U15-3

WSM U15-3

b. Performance curves

WSM U15-3

c. Engine electrical data

Unit U15-3 Remarks

Fuel system Bosch MD (NC), Mini-Pump

Injection P type
Fuel tank capacity L 18
Fuel consumption rate g/kWh 286
Calculated 0.85,
Fuel consumption L/hr 19.3 (2.0)
0.6(actual measurement)
Type of nozzle DN4PD62 Denso
Injection pressure 2 13.8 ~ 14.7 (140 ~ 150)
Mpa (kgf/cm )
Electrical system V-W 12-480
Charging generator
Denso-specified type Part code/ electricals V10505-B-AEBI-1
Charging current A 40
Regulator-adjusted voltage V 14.2 ~ 14.8 5000 rpm, 10A, 25 °C
Type of battery 55B24R Yuasa
5-hour rated capacity Ah 36
Electrolyte specific gravity 1.28 ± 0.01 20 °C
Self-strat motor V-W 12-1.2
Maker-specified type 228000-0951 Denso
1.5 ± 0.15
Glow plug (DC11V applied for 6 seconds)
Cold resistance 0.9 :

WSM U15-3

d. Engine servicing data

(A) Reference on new vehicle
(B) Allowable limit
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Engine model D782-BH-4
Cylinder head distortion limit mm 0.05
Top clearance mm 0.50 ~ 0.65
Cylinder bore (A)/(B) mm 67.000 ~ 67.019 / +0.15
Cylinder liner wear limit mm +0.15
Clearance with piston ring Oil ring (A)/(B) mm 0.02 ~ 0.06 / 0.15
groove Compression ring (A)/(B) mm 0.085 ~ 0.115 / 0.15
Oil ring (A)/(B) mm 0.15 ~ 0.30 / 1.2
Piston ring fitting clearance Compression ring (A)/(B) mm 0.15 ~ 0.30 / 1.2 Top
Compression ring (A)/(B) mm 0.30 ~ 0.45 / 1.2 Second
Piston outside diameter mm I67
Timing gear backlash (A)/(B) mm 0.041 ~ 0.124 / 0.15
Compression pressure (A)/(B) Mpa (kgf/cm2) 3.0 ~ 3.4 (31~35) / 2.5 (25)
Difference among compression pressure cylinders % 10 >
Crank pin out. diameter mm 33.959 ~ 33.975
Side clearance (A)/(B) mm 0.15 ~ 0.31/0.5
Valve guide inside diameter mm 6.010 ~ 6.025
Valve stem outside diameter mm 5.968 ~ 5.980
Clearance between valve stem and valve guide (A)/(B) mm 0.030 ~ 0.057 / 0.1
Pressure at radiator water pressure test 2) 137 (1.4)
kPa (kgf/cm
Cap opening valve pressure kPa (kgf/cm2) 88 (0.9) o 59 (0.6) In 10 seconds
Thermostat Working temperature °C 69.5 ~ 72.5 71°C

WSM U15-3

e. Engine Mount





(6) (5)


(1) Vibration-proof rubber

(2) Cover (Rubber sheet)
(3) Rounded part
(4) Bracket (Engine, rear)
(5) Stopper (Engine)
(6) Bracket (Engine, rear)
(7) Vibration-proof rubber

WSM U15-3

f. Fuel System
1. Fuel System (1)
Route of fuel hose Type of pipe clip
* mark 14911-42751
(10) (12) # mark 14971-42751



(17) (16)

(18) Can be operated for 8 hours

by 18 liters of fuel oil.
Details of A


No. Part Name Q'ty Tube length (mm)

(1) Fuel tube 1 L = 1280 (10) Pump assembly (Fuel)
Tube (1) 1 L = 1150 (11) Pipe joint (T-S)
(2) Fuel tube 1 L = 220 (12) T-pipe joint
(3) Fuel tube 1 L = 520 (13) Engine fuel injection pump
Tube (420) 1 L = 420 (14) Engine fuel return port
(4) Fuel tube 1 L = 280 (15) Joint (Fuel drain)
(5) Fuel tube 1 L = 140 (16) Fuel tank assembly
(6) Fuel tube 1 L = 140 (17) Filter assembly (Fuel)
(7) Fuel tube 1 L = 150 (18) Pump assembly (Fuel)
(8) Fuel tube 1 L = 550 (19) Straight pipe joint
Tube (470) 1 L = 470 (20) Fuel pipe assembly
(9) Fuel tube 1 L = 80

WSM U15-3

2. Fuel System (2)


(2) (10)

(7) (4)

(5) (11)
(18) (14)


(1) Water separator (10) Engine fuel return port

(2) Filter assembly (Fuel) (11) Pass it through this hole.
(3) Pump assembly (Fuel) (12) Fuel tank upper part
(4) Fuel tank (Upper) (13) Clamp
(5) Fuel tank (Lower) (14) Pass it under the cover (tank, return).
(6) Clamp (15) Fuel tank lower part
(7) Water separator (16) Clamp
(8) Fuel tank (17) Pass it over the dozer cable.
(9) Engine fuel injection pump (18) Pass it along inner side of fuel tank L member.

WSM U15-3

3. Fuel tank



S Note:
(1) Fuel tank No leak is allowed under air pressure of 29.4 kPa
(2) Cap assembly (fuel) (0.3 kg/cm2) in following conditions.
Fluid in use: Light oil
Cap (fuel) Ambient operating temperature: -17 to 70 °C
(3) Fuel filter assembly
Fuel filter
(4) Sensor (fuel)
(5) Machine screw with spring
(6) Fuel level gauge assembly
(7) Tightening torque
(8) Fuel level 15.2L
(9) Fuel level 2.2L

WSM U15-3

g. Cooling system
1. Structure
Clamp Cap (pressure)



WSM U15-3

2. Radiator specifications
Diy Heading Unit (Conventional unit)
Performance specifications Condition Air flow m/s 8
Vater flow L/min 40
Temp difference °C 60
Radiator capacity kW 20.7 (17853 kcal/h)
Air resisyance Pa 132.3 (13.5 mmAg)
Water resistance kPa ( mmHg)
Valve opening pressure Press kPa 147 (1.5 kgf/cm2)
Vacuum kPa
Test pressure kPa 147 (1.5 kgf/cm2)
Vibration durability Acceleration 6G
Direct Up/down
Cycle 22.3 Hz
Cycle 10°
Structural specifications Core type CF29-2
Core size Wide mm 351
Height mm 325
Thickness mm 36
Fin pitch mm 4.5/2
Radiation area Fin m2 3.78
Tube m2 0.89
Total m2 4.67
Front area m2 0.132
Water passage area cm2 12.7
Water duantity L 1.3
Dry weight kar 2.4
Surface treatment
Remarks Louver-less

WSM U15-3

h. Air cleaner
(Element inner dia.)

129 (Element draw-out allowance)

(Case outer dia.)

55 (Cap draw-out allowance)

Item Unit Standard Conditions

Specifications Air flow resistance kPa Below 2.747 Rated air flow rate: 2.0 m3/min.
(mmAg) (below 280) Test dust: JIS Z8901, Class 8 powder
Cleaning efficiency % Initial Full life Dust concentration: 1 g/m3
Above 99 Above 99.9 Air flow resistance: 2.94 kPa (300 mmAg)
Full life for an increase
Dust containment g Above 50
Filtering area m2 0.45 (effective)
Other conditions As per JIS D1612
Heat-resistant temperature -30 °C ~ 90°C

WSM U15-3

D.Hydraulic system
a. Main pump
1. Outer view

(1) (2)

(3) (4)



(4) (4)

(1) Suction port (2) 4 - M10 (3) Oil inlet (4) Discharge port
(5) Rotation direction, Clockwise

2. Pump coupling
Two Point Pitch

WSM U15-3

3. Pump hose adapter

P1 and P2 are common.

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Pump assembly (Piston) 1
(2) Pipe joint (L, G3/8 - G3/8) 1
(3) Pipe joint (L, G3/8 - G3/8) 1 R1/8 P1, P2, P3, P4
(4) Pipe joint (L, G3/8 - G3/8) 1
(5) Pipe joint (L, G3/8 - G1/4) 1
(6) O-ring 1
(7) Plug 4 For 3/8
(8) Flange (Suction) 1
(9) Bolt 4 M10 x 1.5 7T
(10) O-ring 1 S35
(11) Bolt 2 M12 x 1.25 7T

WSM U15-3

4. structure

(1) Body S (10) Swash plate (21) Rod G (35) Snap ring (62) Seal washer
(2) Body H (11) Needle (24) Retainer (39) O - ring (65) Gear pump
(3) Shaft (12) Swing pin (25) Stopper pin (40) O - ring (66) Coupling
(4) Cylinder barrel (13) Packin (27) Pin (44) Hex bolt (67) Collar
(5) Valve plate (14) Spring C (30) Ball bearing (49) Hex plug (68) Bolt
(6) Piston (15) Spring T (31) Needle bearing (51) Plug (69) O - ring
(7) Shoe (18) Spring holder (32) Oil seal (56) Spring pin (70) Washer
(8) Shoe holder (19) Spring guide (33) Belleville spring (60) Hex screw (71) O - ring
(9) Barrel holder (20) Pin (34) Snap ring (61) Nut (72) O - ring

WSM U15-3

5. P-Q performance curve

Discharge: q1=q2 (cc/rev)

Pressure: P1+P2 (kgf/cm2)

Test condition Remark

Oil ISOVG46 3.44 kgf·m
Oil temp 50 ± 5 °C (at P3=5 kgf/cm2)
RPM 2300 rpm 3.44 kgf·m
Direction Clockwise Pump intake torque (at P3=190 kgf/cm2)
q3 4.5 cc/rev
q4 2.7 cc/rev
P4 40 kgf/cm2

WSM U15-3

6. Pump Specifications, Type : PVD-00B-14P-5G3-4552A, code NO. : RA221-6111

1.Capacity P1, P2: 7.2 x 2 cm3/rev P3: 4.5 cm3/rev P4: 2.7 cm3/rev

2.Pressure P1, P2: 21.6 MPa P3: 18.6 MPa P4: 3.9 MPa
at bench (220 kgf/cm2 ) (190 kgf/cm )2
(40 kgf/cm2)
Rated Speed: 2300 min-1 Rotation Direction: Clockwise
Max. Speed: 2600 min-1
4.Suction pressure -0.02 ~ +0.04 MPa (-0.2 ~ +0.4 kgf/cm2)
5.Oil ISO VG 32, 46, 68 Anti - Wear hydraulic fluid
6.Oil temp Temp range : -20 ~ +100 °C
7.Control Constant torque control
at P3= 0.49 MPa T=37.0 N·m
at P3= 20.6 MPa T=39.0 N·m
P1, P2: 16.56 l/min x 2 P3: 10.35 l/min P4: 6.21 l/min
9.Pump discharge
(4.37 us gal/min) (2.73 us gal/min) (1.64 us gal/min)

7. Discharge rate
Unit U15-3 Remarks
P1/P2 maker-specified type PVD-00B-14P-5G3-4552A(F)
Pp maker-specified type
Service port flow rate L/min 27/- without load / with load
Rated load pressure P1/P2 2) 21.6 (220)
Rated load pressure P3/Pp Mpa(kgf/cm2) 18.6(190)
Theoretical discharge rate P1/P2/P3/Pp cc/rev 7.2/7.2/4.5/2.7
Theoretical discharge rate at rated P1/P2 L/min 16.6/16.6
output P3/Pp L/min 10.4/6.2
P1/P2 L/min 14.1/14.1
85% of theoretical discharge rate
P3/Pp L/min 8.8/5.3
P1/P2 L/min 13.3/13.3
80% of theoretical discharge rate
P3/Pp L/min 8.3/5.0

WSM U15-3

8. Function
1) Outline
Discharge groove P2
This compact, lightweight hydraulic pump has a Suction groove (1)
mechanism that provides for the performance of Discharge groove P1
two variable pumps. Yet it needs as small a space Suction groove (2)
as for just one conventional pump. This pump is
also equipped with a pilot gear pump.
The pump features a constant horsepower control
function for making most of the engine power. The
greater the pump load becomes, the lesser the
discharge rate becomes. As a result, when the
pump discharge pressures P1 and P2 have risen
and the resultant force of the piston higher, the (a) Valve plate
swash plate exceeds the spring force and tilts
from the oscillating center of the oscillating pin. In Discharge groove
this way, the discharge rate can be kept low. P1 and opening Discharge groove
P2 and opening

2) Function
An even number of pistons are used in this swash
plate variable piston pump. This is to produce the
performance of two same-capacity pumps in one
pump casing.
Conventional valve plates have one suction
groove and one discharge groove, as shown in
Fig. 4. The new system, on the other hand, is pro-
vided with two suction grooves and two discharge
grooves, as shown in Fig. 3. The discharge (b) Cylinder barrel
grooves P1 and P2 are located in the outer and Fig. 3 Operating principle
inner sides, respectively. Every other piston cham-
ber of cylinder barrel gets open to either of these
discharge grooves in the valve plate. In other
words, both the inner and outer suction grooves
behave just the same way, whereas the inner and Suction groove
outer discharge grooves work independently from Discharge groove
each other.
In this design with an even number of pistons, the
same number of pistons gets open outward and
inward of the valve plate. Because all the pistons
are of the same diameter, located in a same-pitch
circle and slide over the same swash plate, the
discharge rates of the discharge grooves P1 and (a) Valve plate
P2 are the same.
There is another advantage in employing just a
single swash plate. Even though the swash plates
tilting angle varies according to the variable con-
trol, the discharge rates of P1 and P2 ports change
accordingly and equally.

(b) Cylinder barrel

Fig. 4 Conventional swash plate piston pump

WSM U15-3

b. Control valve
1. Relife valve specifications
Type of valve: CP CV NSC10-KP11-2
Manufacturer: Nabco
1) Bench set pressure specifications
No. Product name Mpa (kgf/cm2) Remarks

(1) Main relief valve P1 · P2 : 21.6

(220 -5 ) MRV-P1 · MRV-P2 · MRV-P3
+1.0 +10
P3 : 18.6 -0.5 (190 -5 )
(2) Unti-void valve At swing cylinder rod ACV-B1
(3) Port relief valve 17.7 (180) At boom cylinder bottom CRV-B8 b1
(4) Port relief valve 27.5 (280) At boom cylinder rod CRV-b2
(5) Port relief valve 23.5 (240) Arm & bucket CRV-5A, CRV-B5, CRV-B9

2) List of pressures
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Main relief valve
Machine set pressure Mpa(kgf/cm2) (230 ± 10)
P Working part Bucket
Bench set pressure 2) +10
Mpa(kgf/cm 21.6 (220 -5 )
Machine set pressure Mpa(kgf/cm2) (225 ± 10)
P2 Working part Arm
Bench set pressure 2) +10
Mpa(kgf/cm 21.6 (220 -5 )
Machine set pressure Mpa(kgf/cm2) (200 ± 10)
P3 Working part Dozer
Bench set pressure Mpa (kgf/cm2) +10
18.6 (190 -5 )
Machine set pressure Mpa (kgf/cm2) (45 ± 5)
Pp Working part -
Bench set pressure Mpa (kgf/cm2) +2
3.9 (40 -0 )
Pilot secondary pressure Mpa (kgf/cm2) 21.5 (22) Bucket dump
Overload relief valve
Boom rod/bottom (b1, b2) Mpa (kgf/cm2) 27.5 (280)/17.7 (180)
At bench test

Arm rod, bottom, bucket bottom (b3, b4, b5) Mpa (kgf/cm2) 23.5 (240)

Swivel (C1) Mpa (kgf/cm2) 13.2 (135)

Boom bottom (b1) Mpa (kgf/cm2)

On the machine

Boom rod (b2) Mpa (kgf/cm2)

Arm rod, bottom, bucket bottom Mpa (kgf/cm2)

Swivel (C1) Mpa (kgf/cm2)

WSM U15-3

2. Control Valve (1)

No. Part Name Q'ty No. Part Name Q'ty
(1) Control valve, assembly 1 (17) Elbow pipe joint (G3/8-13) 2
(2) Bolt 4 (18) Straight pipe joint (3-3-35) 1
(3) Shouldered elbow 2 (19) T-pipe joint (F2) 2
(4) Pipe joint (L. G1/4-G1/4) 3 (20) Pipe joint (Bushing G1/4) 1
(5) Pipe joint (L. G1/8-G1/4) 5 (21) Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
(6) Pipe joint (L. G1/8-G1/4) 3 (22) Pipe joint (S, G1/8-G1/4) 3
(7) Pipe joint (S. G1/4-G1/4) 3 (23) Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
(8) Pipe joint (S. G3/8-G3/4) 2 (24) Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 6
(9) Pipe joint (L. G1/2-14) 1 (25) Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 3
(10) Valve, assembly (Check) 1 (26) Pipe joint (S, G2-G2) 1
(11) Stay 1 (27) Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 1
(12) Poppet 1 (28) Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G3/8) 1
(13) Spring 1 (29) O-ring 13
(14) Washer 1 (30) O-ring 14
(15) Hole circlip 1 (31) O-ring 8
(16) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 10

Bucket Travel Right Swivel

Boom Arm Blade

Travel Left Service Swing

WSM U15-3

3. Control Valve (2)

Front Rear

Stamp product code (214749-01) "Side E"
and serial No. on nameplate. Setting Actuator port
Caution: "Side E"
No wrong Pump port Setting
Tank port assembling Plug PF 3/8 (2 locations) (A4 and B4 are plugs.)
WSM U15-3

4.Control Valve (3)

Tank port

ID marking
provided Tightening torque
T=13.7 14.7N m
{1.4 1.5kgf m}

Thread depth 12
Actuator port

Check valve cover

Check valve spring
ID marking
6 6 travel left & right

ID marking
Stroke Swing, dozer, service,

Check valve C
Pilot port
"Side E" "Side E" Plug PF 1/4
Setting Setting (2 locations) Setting

Swing Dozer Swivel Confluence Service Arm Travel Supply Travel Boom Bucket Discharge Unload confluence valve
4 mm stroke
Stroke (mm)

Pilot pressure
WSM U15-3

5. Control Valve (4)

Valve specifications
• Rated pressure: 22.6 MPa {230 kgf/cm2}
Swing (Under condition of 4 million boost-up actions)
• Rated flow rate: 15 L/min
Dozer • Relief valve set pressure level
: 4.30 ~ 24.5 MPa {50 ~ 250 kgf/cm2}
Swivel • Overload valve set pressure level
: 4.30 ~ 24.5 MPa {50 ~ 250 kgf/cm2}
Confluence • Spool length spring force (manual control)
[Travel] At neutral: 98.1 N {10 kgf}
At stroke end: 131 N {13.4 kgf}
Service [Others] At neutral: 83.4 N {8.5 kgf}
At stroke end: 103 N {10.5 kgf}
• Maximum pilot operating pressure
Arm : 4.90 MPa {50 kgf/cm2}
• Allowable tank pressure
: Below 0.98 MPa {10 kgf/cm2}
• Oil in use: General mineral hydraulic oil
Travel left
• Operating oil temperature range
: -20 ~ +90 °C (100 °C )
• Oil contamination level: Within Class NAS9
Operating conditions
• Relief valve set pressure
P1·P2: 21.4 +0.49
0 MPa {218 +50 kgf/cm2 at 16.6 L/min}
Travel right P3: 18.4 +0.49
0 MPa {188 +50 kgf/cm2 at 10.4 L/min}
• Operating flow rate
P1·P2: 16.6 L/min
P3: 10.4 L/min
• Service port flow rate (P2+P3): 27.0 L/min
• Overload valve set pressure
Bucket A5·B5·B9: 23.3 +0.49
0 MPa {238 +50 kgf/cm2 at 5 L/min}
Discharge A8: 27.3 +0.49
0 MPa {278 +50 kgf/cm2 at 5 L/min}
B8: 17.5 +0.49
0 MPa {178 +50 kgf/cm2 at 5 L/min}
• Spool leak amount
Leak amount from A1, A8, B1 to i: Below 3 cm3/min
Leak amount from others to i: Below 7 cm3/min
(* 9.8 MPa {100 kgf/cm2}) (Oil viscosity 37 cSt)
• Spool operating pressure with pilot on (See Charac-
teristics Chart.)
: 0.37 ~ 1.96 MPa {3.6 ~ 20 kgf/cm2}
Po port pilot pressure: 3.50 MPa {35.7 kgf/cm2}
• Operating oil temperature range
: -20 ~ +90 °C (100 °C )

Figures in { } are just for your reference.

WSM U15-3

6. Control valve sectional view

1) Swing section : A-A, RB238-70011 4) Confluence section : D-D, RA221-70911
+0.49 +5
Setting: 18.4 0 MPa {188 0

Tightening torque 39.2 N·m at 10.4 L/min

Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}
{4.0 kgf·m}

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness. Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

2) Dozer section : B-B, RA221-70021 5) Service port section : E-E, RA221-70041

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness. Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

3) Dozer section : C-C, RA221-70031 6)Arm section : F-F, RA221-70051

Setting: 23.3 0 MPa {238 0 kgf/cm2}
+0.49 +5

at 5 L/min
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}
+0.49 +5
Setting: 23.3 0 MPa {238 0

at 5 L/min
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

WSM U15-3

7) Travel R section : G-G, RA221-70061 10)Boom section : J-J, RA221-70071

+0.49 +5
Setting: 17.5 0 MPa {178 0

at 5 L/min
Tightening torque T= 39.2 N·m {T= 4.0 kgf·m}
+0.49 +5
Setting: 27.3 0 MPa {278 0

at 5 L/min
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

8) Inlet section : H-H, RB238-70941 11) Bucket section : K-K, RB238-70081

Setting: 21.4 0 MPa {218 0 kgf/cm2}
+0.49 +5

+0.49 +5
at 18.8 L/min Setting: 23.3 0 MPa {238 0
Tightening torque T= 39.2 N·m {T= 4.0 kgf·m} at 5 L/min
Setting: 21.4 0 MPa {218 0 kgf/cm2}
+0.49 +5
Tightening torque T= 3.92 N·m {T= 0.4 kgf·m}
at 18.8 L/min
Tightening torque T= 39.2 N·m {T= 4.0 kgf·m}

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.
Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

9) Travel L section : I-I, RA221-70091 12)Outlet : L-L, RB238-70971

Drilled ID hole

Tightening torque T= 3.92 ~ 4.90 N·m {T= 0.4 ~ 0.5 kgf·m}

Apply Loctite #242 to avoid looseness.

WSM U15-3

7. Inner sectional view

Tightening torque T= 13.7 ~ 14.7 N·m

{T= 1.4 ~ 1.5 kgf·m}

WSM U15-3

c. Swivel motor
1. Swivel system specifications
(A) Reference on new vehicle
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Maker Eaton Fluid Power Ltd.
Type 2-200DOS-E3888
Capacity cc/rev 195
Brake V Mpa 13.2
Pressure (kgf/cm2) (135)
Locked L/min 1.0
Drain spec.
Rotating L/min 0.5
Swivel speed rpm 8.7 ± 0.9
Swivel speed (Three times rotation) sec. 20.8
Front horizontal, heaped, engine at
Swivel startup sec. 2.1 ± 0.2
max. rpm, 0 to 90° swivel
Front horizontal, heaped, 15°, engine
Swivel block performance mm/min 120
at stop
> Front horizontal, heaped, engine at
Allowable slope angle for swivel deg. (kg) 18 =
max. rpm
Play at bucket tip mm 73+20
(How to measure the play at bucket tip)
1. Dump the arm and crowd the bucket. Position the bucket 1 m above the ground.
2. Push the bucket tip with a force of 5 kgf or so. Take this position as "0", and push the bucket tip in the opposite direction with
a force of 30 kgf.
3. Measure the displacement of the bucket tip.
4. Take the above steps more than 5 times, but without swing.
(How to measure the swivel block performance)
1. The swivel block performance must be checked with a hydraulic oil temperature of 45 ± 5°C on a 15-degree slope.

WSM U15-3

2. Component of swivel motor

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

010 Assy motor,swivel 1 Include A ~ R and 020 ~ 220

020 Assy gear 1 Include A ~ D and 030 ~ 060
030 Bearing,ball 1
040 Bearing,ball 1
050 Plug 1
060 Retainer 1
070 Plate 1
080 Plate,valve 1
090 Valve 1
100 Plate 1
110 Spring 2
120 Pin 2
130 Drive 1
140 Gear,roller 1
150 Valve,drive 1
160 Assy valve 1 Include k, 170, 180, 190, 200
170 Ball 2
180 Plug 2
190 Spring 2
200 Plug 3
210 Bolt 4
220 Kit seal 1 Include C ~ Q
230 Bolt 4

WSM U15-3

3. Cross-sectional View of Swivel Motor

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks
1 Bearing housing 1 26 Relief cartridge (2) Include 32 ~ 44
2 Pinion gear 1 27 Steel ball (2)
3 Ball bearing 1 6308 LLU 28 Plug (2)
4 Ball bearing 1 6207 { 29 O-ring (2) 1BP14
5 Piug 1 R1/8 30 Spring (2)
{6 X-ring 1 31 Prug (3) R1/8
7 Retaining ring 1 32 Cartridge (2)
{8 O-ring 1 AS568-041 33 Screw guide (2)
{9 Shaft face seal 1 34 O-ring (2) 1BP16
10 Wear plate 1 35 Needle valve (2)
{11 O-ring 2 AS568-041 36 Spring washer (2)
12 Valve plate 1 37 Spring presser (2)
{13 O-ring 1 AS568-038 38 Orifice plate (2)
14 Valve 1 39 Spring (2)
15 Balancing plate 1 { 40 O-ring (2) 1BP18
16 Spring 2 { 41 O-ring (2) 1BP5
{17 Inner face seal 1 42 Hexagon socket setscrew (2)
18 Pin 2 43 Hexagon nut (2)
19 Outer face seal 1 { 44 O-ring (2) 1BP12
20 2K drive 1 45 Nameplate 1
21 Gear roller 1 46 Rivet 2
22 Valve drive 3 47 Hexagon bolt 4
23 O-ring 1 AS568-011
24 Valve housing assembly 1 Include 25 ~ 44 Pinion gear assembly Include 1 ~ 8
25 Valve housing (1) { Seal kit Include { items

WSM U15-3

4. Swivel Motor fittings

The outer diameter is same as that of current model. Relief pressure differs.

Control valve Front (A3) Control valve Rear (B3)

Control valve Rear (T1)

Mounting direction

Machine front side

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Motor assembly (Swivel) 1
(2) Pipe joint (S, G3/8-G1/4) 1 A
(3) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 1 For 3/8 A
(4) Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G1/4) 1 B
(5) Pipe joint (S, G3/8-13) 1 T
O-ring 1 T
(6) Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 1 For 3/8 A, B
(7) Bolt 4 M14 x 1.5 T

Stop plug (2 locations right and left)

2 x G1/4 (Drain port)

24 countersunk

G1/8 (PP port) 2 x G3/8 (A and B ports)

9 x M10 x 1.5 (through) 18 countersunk 28 countersunk
(9 equally spaced)

8 x M10 x 1.5 (through)

1. Overview (RA221-61291)

(8 equally spaced)
d. Travel motor (Wheel motor)

Hydraulic circuit

2 x G3/8 lube oil filler/discharge port

Turning direction (when viewed from output side)

Inlet Outlet Turning direction
B A Clockwise
A B Counterclockwise
WSM U15-3
WSM U15-3

2. Specifications
(1) Motor type ID mark
PHV - 120 - 37 - 9 - 8411A
R & D No.
Paint class
Reduction ratio
Nominal output torque
NACHI travel motor PHV series

(2) Motor specifications

Max. theoretical output torque 1st/2nd 1443 N·m (147 kgf·m) / 730N·m (75 kgf·m)
Gear box Max. output speed 39.4 / 77.4 min-1 at 16.6 l/min
Reduction ratio 1 / 36.96
Displacement 11.36 / 5.79 cm3/rev
Max. pressure 21.6 MPa (220 kgf/cm2)
Motor Max. speed 1461 / 2867 min-1
Max oil flow 16.6 l/min
Hi - Low change pressure 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2)
Equivalent capacity for one turn of motor assy. 419.9 / 214.0 cm3/rev
Operating oil ISO - VG46 or equivalent
Temperature -20 ~ 100 °C
Others Filtering 10 Pm
Gear box oil SAE -90 (API, Class : GL5), Gear oil
Gear box oil amount 250 cm3
Weight 17 kg

WSM U15-3

(3) Travel performance specifications

Unit U15-3 Remark
Type PHV-120-37-9-8411A
Climbing performance % / deg. 58 / 30 =
Maximum traction force KN(kgf) 12.8 ± 1.3 (1255 ± 126) 1F
Travel posture, 20°, 10 minutes, engine at
Travel block performance mm / 10m >
300 =
stop, bucket : empty
Travel speed km/h 2.2 ± 0.2 / 4.0 ± 0.4 1F / 2F Rubber crawler
First speed sec / 10m 16.1 Rubber crawler
Second speed sec / 10m 8.8 Rubber crawler
Crawler speed sec / turn 5.7 / 3.0 1F / 2F
Travel position, 10 minutes, engine at
Travel straightness mm / 10m 600 >
= max. rpm
Locked l / min 4.0 > 0:1 temp. 50 °C ± 5,
Drain amount For one minutes
Rotating l / min 0.5 > New machine’s drain specifications
Drain Locked cc / min 90 ~ 180 / 180 ~ 420 1F / 2F actual measurement sample data
(machine body raised) Rotating cc / min 5 ~ 20 / 20 ~ 45 1F / 2F actual measurement sample data
1. Measurement conditions
(1) Hydraulic oil temperature: 50 ± 5°C, Machine front at travel position
2. How to measure the travel block performance
(1) Travel the machine over a distance of 1 m or more on a 20° slope. Test it more than 3 times.
(2) Mark the lower travel structure and the crawler to measure the displacement in the 10-minute time span.
(3) Test it more than two times and record the greater displacement.
3. Crawler speed
(1) Raise the machine body and mark the crawler. Run the crawler half a turn in advance. Measure the running speed twice
or more.

WSM U15-3

3. Piston motor installation

Motor (Left)

Motor (Right)

No. Part Name Q'ty

(1) Drive Sprocket 2
(2) Hex socket bolt 18
(3) Motor, assembly (Wheel) 2
(4) Hex socket bolt 16
(5) Spring washer 16
(6) Pipe joint (S, G1/4-G1/4) 2
(7) Pipe joint (S, G1/8-G1/4) 2
(8) Adaptor 2
(9) O-ring 2
(10) Straight pipe joint 2
(11) O-ring 2

WSM U15-3

4. Structure



S2 (2)








(5) (4)

(1) Counter balance valve (4) Selector valve

(2) HI - Lo change valve (5) Hi - Lo piston
(3) Selector valve

WSM U15-3

4. Principle of operation
(1) Operating principle of wheel motor

(1) (2)



(1) Stationary part (5) Hydraulic motor

(2) Rotating part (6) Symple planetary gear reducer (two - step)
(3) Counter balance valve (7) Carrier 2
b1 : four planet gears,
(4) Two - speed spool (8)
b2 : three planet gears

Description of operation
The PHV series travelling motor has a stationary main body composed of a hydraulic motor and hydrau-
lic valve and a rotating main body composed of a simple planetary gear reducer.

WSM U15-3

(2) Reducer
1) Function
The PHV series travelling motor reducer, which is a simple two-step planetary gear reducer, converts
the high-speed revolution of the hydraulic motor to low-speed high torque to obtain case rotation.

2) Description of operation
In the figure shown to the right, the gear S2 is (1) (2)
spline-coupled with the hydraulic motor output
shaft (or they are combined). The revolution
of the gear S2 is single-reduced through the
gears (S2, b2, a2). This single-reduced revo-
lution is double-reduced through the gears
(S1, b1, a1) spline-coupled with the carrier 2.
The reduced revolution is transmitted to the
rotating main body through the annular gears (4)
a1 and a2, providing travelling driving force.
The reduction ratio of a simple two-step plane-
tary gear reducer is generally expressed as
shown below.
Zs1 Zs2
R= ×
Zs1 + Za1 Zs2 + Za2
Zs1, Zs2: Number of teeth of gears s1 and s2
Za1, Za2: Number of teeth of gears a1 and a2
Because the PHV series travelling motor is of
the main body rotating type, the reduction ratio
(1) Stationary part
is expressed as shown below.
(2) Rotating part
1 (3) Symple planetary gear reducer (two - step)
R’ =
1-1/R (4) Carrier 2

WSM U15-3

(3) Hydraulic motor

1) Function of motor
The hydraulic motor, which is an axial piston motor (rotating cylinder and swash plate type), converts
the hydraulic energy supplied from the pump to revolving movement.
2) Structure of motor and operating principle (See the figure below.)

(4) Cylinder barrel (a) The motor shaft and gear S2 are combined or coupled through splines
(5) Valve plate (b) Port A
(6) Piston (c) Port B
(7) Swash plate
(8) Shaft

The pressure oil flowing in through the hydraulic valve is supplied to the valve plate (5). When the
pressure oil is supplied to the port A, the oil flows into the cylinder port, which corresponds to the port
A, in the cylinder barrel (4) and presses the piston (6). This pressing force is converted to turning
force through the swash plate (7) and the resulting turning force is transmitted to the shaft (3) spline-
coupled with the cylinder barrel (4). The return oil in the cylinder port flows out through the port B of
the valve plate (5).
In the case of reverse rotation, the pressure oil flows in through the port B and flows out through the
port A.

WSM U15-3

3) Operating principle of two-speed motor

The swash plate has two faces I and II on the surface opposite to the shoe-sliding surface and sup-
ported by the two balls fixed in the body 2 .
The ball is positioned eccentrically above the central axis. In the 1st speed state, therefore, the face
II is pressed against the body 2 by hydraulic oil force applied to the piston and the spring force in the
cylinder barrel and the swash plate angle becomes D. At this time, the motor is of large capacity.
When the speed selector lever is switched to the g2nd speed position, the operating pressure is con-
ducted through the two-speed spool to the control room and the control piston moves until the face II
of the swash plate touches the body 2, fixing the swash plate angle at E. At this time, the motor is of
small capacity.
When the engine is stopped, the control room is connected to the drain port through the two-speed
spool and the swash plate is returned to the 1st speed position by the spring force. At the time of
starting, therefore, the motor is always in the 1st speed state.

(1) Swash plate (7) Body 2

(2) Shoe (8) Face II
(3) Piston (9) Face I
(4) Spring (10) Control room
(5) Cylinder barrel (11) Control piston
(6) Ball (12) Operating pressure

WSM U15-3

(4) Hydraulic valve (counter balance valve)

When the pressure oil is supplied through the port A, the pressure oil pushes open the check valve (3)
and flows into the inlet-side port A’ of the hydraulic motor. At the same time, the pressure oil flows
through the choke hole C into the room D and slides the spool valve (2) to the right, overcoming the force
of spring (4). As a result, the hydraulic motor return oil flows in through the port B’, passes through the
opening E of the main body (1) and spool valve (2) and returns to the port B. These processes make the
hydraulic motor rotate. When the pressure oil is supplied through the port B, the above-mentioned pro-
cesses are reversed and the hydraulic motor rotates reversely.
When the pressure oil supplied through the port A is made unpressurized, the spring force works to
return the spool valve to the left. At this time, the oil in the room D controls the speed at which the spool
valve returns to the left, utilizing the choking effect of the choke hole C. Even if the pressure oil supplied
through the port A is made unpressurized, the hydraulic motor continues rotating using an inertial force.
At this time, the return oil is gradually controlled through the sliding speed of the spool valve and the
helix shape, thus stopping the hydraulic motor smoothly.

WSM U15-3

e. Pilot valve (Remote control valve)

1. Structure
Maker : Kawasaki Precision Machinery Ltd.
Type : PV 48 M 2043 A
Code No. : RA221-61721

1) Control diagram

Double operating angle Single-operating angle

Adjust nut (width across flat 22)

Fix the adjust nut with a spanner
when mountting the lever,
and tighten the lock nut
(customor's supply)
with 41.2 2.9N m {420 30kgf cm}.

Lean center position

Stamping of model
name & serial No.

To be marked wit "Yellow

circle"paint for ident fication

No.2 port

(Outer DIA. of the port - part)

No.3 port

T port
P port

6-G1/4 Thread depth 12

(O-ring seal to JIS B 2351)
Spot facing DIA. 24 depth 1
Tightening torque 29.4 2.0 N m
{300 20kgf cm}. No.1 port
No.4 port

WSM U15-3

2) Specifications
1. Max primary pressure: 6.9 MPa {70 kgf/cm2}
2. Max. back pressure: 0.3 MPa {3 kgf/cm2}
3. Rated flow: 15 L/min
4. Secondary pressure characteristics: Refer to the ‘Control diagram’ shown right
5. Operating torque: Refer to the ‘Control diagram’ shown right
6. Max allowable external torque: Refer to the ‘Max. allowable external torque’ shown right
7. Hydraulic oil: mineral hydraulic oil
8. Oil temp. range: -20 °C ~ +90 °C
9. Filter: A filter of 40 mesh and over should be applied at the entrance of port P for proventing the
spool sticking.

3) Operating specifications
1. Primary pressure: 3.9MPa {40 kgf/cm2}

4) Max. allowable external torque

Rated Intermittent
Bending torque 32.4 N·m {330 kgf·cm} 88.3 N·m {900 kgf·cm}
Torsional torque 20.6 N·m {210 kgf·cm} 30.9 N·m {315 kgf·cm}
Secondary pressure (kgf/cm2)

Secondary pressure (MPa)

Operating torque (kgf cm)

Single-operating torque

Operating torque (N m)


Push - rod stroke (mm)

Operating angle (deg.)

WSM U15-3

2. Sectional view

Htdraylic symbol

Grease is applied on each rotational

part of the universal joint.
Pay attention to the direction of
assembling the universal joint.

Grease is applied on
each top part.

No. Part name

101 Casing
151 Plate
201 Spool Shim for adjusting secindary
pressure 1 sheet with designed
211 Pulg thickness T = 0.4
212 Rod, push
213 Seal
214 O - ring
216 Seat, spring
217 Washer 2
221 Spring
241 Spring
301 Joint
302 Plate, circular
312 Nut, adjusting
501 Bellows

WSM U15-3

3. Adaptors
P/V (both right and left)



(Quick coupler)
(5) Front


Left pilot valve Right pilot valve

No. Position for use Color of hose tape No. Position for use Color of hose tape
(1) Swivel Left Red (1) Bucket raking Pink
(2) Arm dumping Blue (2) Boom lowering Light blue
(3) Swivel Right Yellow (3) Bucket dumping Brown
(4) Arm raking Green (4) Boom raising Gray
P P-port White P P-port White
T T-port None T T-port None

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(5) Pipe joint (S, G1/4-8.6) 5 Other than P-port
(6) Filter 1
P-port only
Pipe joint (S, G1/4-8.4) 1
(7) Valve, assembly (Pilot) 1
(8) Yellow paint 1

WSM U15-3

f. Cylinders
1. Cylinder speed
(A) Reference on new vehicle
(B) Allowable limit
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Down (A)/(B) sec 2.2 ± 0.3 MAX to GL
Boom cylinder Up (A)/(B) sec 2.5 ± 0.3 GL to MAX
Cushion sec *0.5 ~1.5 Empty bucket/crowded
Crowd (A)/(B) sec 3.5 ± 0.3
Arm cylinder
Dump (A)/(B) sec 2.4 ± 0.3
Crowd (A)/(B) sec 2.8 ± 0.3
Bucket cylinder
Dump (A)/(B) sec 1.9 ± 0.3
LH (A)/(B) sec 4.6 ± 0.3
Boom swing cylinder
RH (A)/(B) sec 3.7 ± 0.3
Dozer cylinder Down (A)/(B) sec 1.9 ± 0.3
(Full stroke) Up (A)/(B) sec 1.4 ± 0.3

* Hydraulic oil temperature 50° C

2. Gravity fall
(A) Reference on new vehicle
(B) Allowable limit

Unit U15-3 Remarks

(Bucket under load) kg 72 Bucket pile-up x earth specific gravity 1.8
Boom cylinder (A)/(B) mm 25 >
=/125 >
Arm cylinder (A)/(B) mm 15 >
= /75 >
Bucket cylinder (A)/(B) mm 10 >
=/50 >
90° swivel,
Swing block mm 6.0 >
= 90° swivel, 100 times
100 times
Dozer cylinder (A)/(B) mm 25 >
=/125 >
= Machine body raised
(Bucket under no load) Actual reference on new vehicle
Boom cylinder (A) mm 5
Arm cylinder (A) mm 3
Bucket cylinder (A) mm 0
Swing block (A) mm 0 90° swivel, 100 times
Dozer cylinder (A) mm 2

(Measuring procedure)
1. Equip the machine with standard bucket. 4. Arm dump and bucket bottom 1 m above ground
2. Air-vent all the cylinders. 5. Load : Heaped in bucket
3. Measure the gravity fall for 10 minutes. Soil gravity : 1.8

WSM U15-3

3. Specifications and part codes of boom, arm, bucket and swing cylinder
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 70-60-30
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 469
Fully retracted mm 765
Boom Sealing kit part code YW181-9521'
N•m 410 ~ 450
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (42 ~ 46)
Piston thread size M24 x 1.5
Piston wrench size mm 41
Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 70-60-35
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 335.5
Fully retracted mm 924.5
Arm Sealing kit part code YW182-9531'
N•m 510 ~ 550
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (52 ~ 56)
Piston thread size M24 x 1.5
Piston wrench size mm 36

Unit U15-3 Remarks

Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 70-60-35
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 269
Fully retracted mm 529
Bucket Sealing kit part code YW182-9531'
N•m 510-550
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (52~56)
Piston thread size mm M24 x 1.5 8T
Piston wrench size mm 36
Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 65-55-30
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 326
Fully retracted mm 610
Swing Sealing kit part code YW179-9511'
N•m 343.0 ~ 392
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (35 ~ 40)
Piston thread size mm M22 x 1.5
Piston wrench size mm 32

WSM U15-3

Blade cylinder
Unit U15-3 Remarks
Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 70-60-30
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 112
Fully retracted mm 348
Blade Sealing kit part code YW181-9521'
N•m 343.0 ~ 392.0
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (35 ~ 40)
Piston thread size mm M22 x 1.5
Piston wrench size mm 32
Tube outside diameter - Inside
mm 65-55-30
diameter - Rod outside diameter
Stroke mm 250
Fully retracted mm 478
Sealing kit part code YW178-9511'
N•m 343 ~ 395
Piston tightening torque
(kgf•m) (35 ~ 40)
Piston thread size mm M22 x 1.5
Piston wrench size mm 32

4. List of cylinder dimensions

Port thread
Model A B C D E F G H J Remarks
Boom 40-30 40-30 45 45 30 60 70 35 35 G1/4
Arm 40-30 40-30 45 45 35 60 70 32 32.5 G1/4
Bucket 40-30 40-30 45 45 35 60 70 32 32 G1/4
Swing 40-30 40-30 35 35 30 55 65 32 32 G1/4
Blade 40-30 40-30 45 45 30 60 70 32 32 G1/4
Track 34-30 34-30 35 35 30 55 65 27.5 28 G1/4

Fully extracted (stroke)

WSM U15-3

5. Cylinders’ section view

(Bucket, Arm)
(20) (21)

(18) (19)

(1) Cylinder tube (6) Backup-ring (11) DU-bushing Bucket Arm
(2) Cylinder rod (7) Scraper (12) Piston (17) Stroke 269 335.5
(3) Bushing (8) O-ring (13) Piston seal (18) Retracted L 529
0 589 ± 1.5
(4) Cylinder head (9) Backup-ring (14) Wear-ring (19) Extended L 802 -05 924.5 ± 2.5
(5) Packing (10) O-ring (15) Lock nut, M24 (20) 325 387.5
(16) grease nipple (21) 79 76.5


(1) (2)

(1)Retracted L = 765 ± 1.5 (2)Extended L = 1234 ± 2.5 (3)Stroke = 469
(1) (2)


(1)Retracted L = 348 ± 1.5 (2)Extended L = 460 ± 2.5 (3)Stroke = 112

WSM U15-3


(1) (2) (3)

(1)Retracted L = 610 +30 (2)Extended L = 940 -05 (3)Stroke = 330

(1) (2)

(1)Retracted L = 478 ± 1.5 (2)Extended L = 728 ± 2.5 (3)Stroke = 250

T.T. : Tightening torque

[Cylinder essential quality] 6. Withstanding external force :

1. Seal durability: Any damages, distortions, oil leakage, permanent defor-
Must conform to class “A” (0.05 ml / 100m) of “JIS B 8354” mations must not occur in any parts when external force 2
under following conditions. times as high as the main relief pressure 43.1 MPa (440
Oil pressure : 21.6 MPa (220 kgf / cm2), kgf / cm2) the cylinder thrust force (12240 kgf) is applied by
Oil temperature : 100 deg, Speed : 16.6 m / min, 30000 times or more.
Sliding distance : 300km
2. Dust Seal properties : 7. Rust prevention of plating :
Dust enter must be 11 mg or less under following condi- Must be rating number 9 or higher after 4 cycles (64 hour)
tions. of CASS testing. Thickness of platinf must be kept more
Speed : 16.6 m / min, Stroke : 150 mm, than Ep-ICr30 (0.03 mm)
Number of repetitions : cycles, 8. Cushion performance : (Cushion type cylinder only)
Vibration applied to facility : 7.4 Hz Cushion facility must be set in bottom side for contraction
3. Internal oil leakage : with following performance.
Must be within 1 cm3 for 3 min under the condition of the Oil temperature : 30 deg / cushion time : 2 seconds or less
main relife pressure 21.6 MPa (220 kgf / cm2) applied to Oil temperature : 50 deg / cushion time : 1 ± 0.3 seconds
the stroke end (Oil temperature 50 ± 5 deg). Oil temperature : 80 deg / cushion time : 0.3 seconds or more
4. Minimum operating pressure :
Must be within 4 % of the main relief pressure 0.86 MPa 9. Piston rod surface treatment :
(8.8 kgf / cm2) applied to the bottom port after 3 or more Piston rod rubbing part : Ni-Hcr or Hcr plating
cycles with full stroke sliding under none load (Oil tempera- Thickness 9.03 mm or more
ture 50 ± 5 deg). Hardness HV (25g) 700 or more
5. Withstanding pressure : Induction hardening : HRC 50 to 56, Depth 2 to 3 mm
Permanent deformation and oil leakage must not occur
after pressure 2 times as high as the main relief pressure
43.1 MPa (440 kgf / cm2) is applied by 40000 time or more.

WSM U15-3

g. Swivel Joint (Rotary joint)

1. Swivel Joint (1)
No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks
(1) Swivel joint, assembly 1
(2) Bolt 4 M12 x 1.25 7T
(3) Adapter 1 B
(4) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 1 C
(5) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/8) 1 C
Shaft side

(6) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-10) 1 D

(7) Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 4 E, F, H, I
(25) Front (30)
(8) Pipe joint (L, G1/8-G1/4) 2 A, J
O-ring 4 For 1/4 B, C, D, G (31)
O-ring 2
(9) Pipe joint (L, G3/8-G3/8) 4 e, f, h, i (27) (32)
(10) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 4 b, c, g
Body side

(11) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 2 a, j (28)

l el
(12) Pipe joint (L, G1/4-G1/4) 2 d r al
O-ring 2 For 1/4 a, j lel (33)

(13) (17)
(19) (22)

(15) (18)
Right Front Left Rear
(21) (24)
(16) O-rings are adopted at Joint is of O-ring type.
upper and lower sides for
prevention of water entry.

(13) Travel (Right) upper port (e) (24) Travel (Left) lower port (h)
(14) Travel drain (d) (25) Travel 2-speed signal
(15) Travel (Right) lower port (e) (26) Travel (Right) lower port
(16) Travel 2-speed signal (g) (27) Travel (Left) lower port
(17) Blade cyl. (Rod) (b) (28) Travel (Left) upper port
(18) Truck cyl. (Bottom) (i) (29) Truck cyl. (Rod)
(19) Blade cyl. (Bottom) (c) (30) Travel (Right) upper port
(20) Truck cyl. (Rod) (a) (31) Travel drain
(21) Travel 2-speed signal (g) (32) Truck cyl. (Bottom)
(22) Travel (Left) upper port (i) (33) Blade cyl. (Bottom)
(23) Travel drain (d) (34) Blade cyl. (Rod)

WSM U15-3

2. Swivel Joint (2)

O-rings are added.

No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks

(1) Shaft (Swivel joint) 1
(2) Ring (Backup) 18
(3) Ring (D) 9
(4) Ring (Backup) 2
(5) O-ring 2
(6) Collar 1
(7) Body (Swivel joint) 1
(8) Plug (R1/8) 2
(9) Collar 1
(10) Shaft circlip 1
(11) Plug (R1/8) 2
(12) Base (Swivel joint) 7
(13) Bolt 1
(14) Shaft (Swivel joint) 4 M10 x1.25 7T

WSM U15-3

3. Route of Hose (Travel, dozer)

Route of hose (Swivel joint ~ Travel motor)

Machine left side

Left leg Right leg

Retractable leg

Swivel joint side Travel motor, cyl. Side

a. Retractable leg (Retraction) Cyl. rod side Machine right side
b. Dozer UP Cyl. rod side
c. Dozer DOWN Cyl. bottom side
d. Drain Right and left drain ports
e. Right backward Right A (Lower)
f. Right forward Right B (Upper)
g. Dual pilot Left/Right travel 2-speed
h. Left backward Left A (Lower)
i. Left forward Left B (Upper)
j. Retractable leg (Elongation) Cyl. bottom side

No. Mounting Position Q'ty Dimension (mm)

(1) Rotary joint (i) ~ Travel motor left A 1 750
Rotary joint (b) ~ Travel motor left B 1 750
Rotary joint (f) ~ Travel motor right B 1 750
Rotary joint (e) ~ Travel motor right A 1 750
(2) Rotary joint (g) ~ Travel motor left PP 1 780 white x 1
Rotary joint (g) ~ Travel motor right PP 1 780 white x 1
(3) Rotary joint (d) ~ Travel motor left DR 1 740
Rotary joint (d) ~ Travel motor right DR 1 740
(4) Rotary joint (b) ~ Relay 1 310
Rotary joint (c) ~ Relay 1 310
(5) Rotary joint (b) ~ Relay 1 310
Rotary joint (c) ~ Relay 1 310
(6) Relay ~ Dozer cyl. rod 1 930
(7) Relay ~ Dozer cyl. rod 1 660

WSM U15-3

4. Route of Hose (Truck Cylinder Hose)

As viewed from below the truck frame





(1) Truck cylinder

(2) To cyl. rod side
(3) To cyl. bottom side
(4) Adjust the angle of the adaptor and secure the clearance between the plate of C and the hose to be
more than 1 mm and less than 10 mm.
(5) Clamp the hose at this position by vinyl tape.
(Secure more than 1 mm clearance between the retractable cylinder and the rod. (œ))

WSM U15-3

h. Unload valve
1. Structure
Maker : Nishina



(1) Shim (11) Plug

(2) spring (12) Hollow bolt
(3) Name plate (13) Washer
(4) Plunger (14) Screw
(5) Spring (15)
(6) Spool (16) O-ring
(7) Body (17)
(8) Solenoid (18) Cable clamp
(9) Cover (19) Protection tube

2. Specifications
(1) Allowable voltage: DC 10.8 ~ 14.4V
(2) Current: 1.2 A at 20 °C
Red Power consump-
(3) 14.4W
(4) Coil resistance: Approx. 10 : at 20 °C
(5) Insulation: JIS C 4003 H
(6) Surge killer: Diode
Relief valve set 3.9 +0.2 +0.2 2
0 MPa (40 0 kgf/cm )
pressure: at 6l/min

Cracking 3.4 MPa (35kgf/cm2)
pressure: at 2l/min
p o A, B
Valve pressure
loss: 0.5 MPa (5.1 kgf/cm2) or
less at 6l/min
A, B, G = G 1/4
(10) Port size: P, T = G 3/8
(JIS B2351 O - type)


WSM U15-3

3. Adaptor installation







No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks No. Part Name

(1) Valve, assembly (Unloading) 1 (9) Tank cover
(2) Straight pipe joint (Drain) 1 T (10) PV · Right side P
O-ring 1 For G3/8 P (11) PV · Left side P
(3) Pipe joint (L. G1/4-G1/4) 1 B (12) Unloading
(4) T-pipe joint (F2) 1 B (13) 2-speed
(5) Shouldered elbow 1 B (14) CV · Pp
O-ring 1 For G1/4 A (15) Pump · P4
(6) Pipe joint (L. G1/4-G1/4) 1 A (16) Swivel joint · 2-speed signal (G)
(7) Straight pipe joint 1 P (17) Hydraulic oil tank
O-ring 1
(8) Bolt 2 M10 x 1.5 7T

WSM U15-3

i. Selector valve
1. Structure

2. Function
This valve is to select the oil flow direction for blade cylinder or track cylinder.

3. Specifications
1) Operating pressure and flow : Main relief pressure (20.6 MPa) at 10.4 l/min.
2) Inside leakage : 8 cc/min at 20.6 Mpa, 50 °C

WSM U15-3

j. Accessaries of hydraulic compornents

1. Check valve assy
(7) (8)
(1) Shim
(2) spring
(3) Name plate
(4) Plunger

(10) (11)
(5) Spring

Model (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
KX41-3 EU 67 55 G 1/2 I26 30.02 27
U15-3 65 53 G 3/8 I18.6 25.4 22
Cracking pressure : 196 ± 29 KPa (2 ± 0.3 kgf/cm
U15-3 : Check valve = RB238-63802

2. Hydraulic filter
Specifications items Suction filter Return filter
1.Filtration area 1650 cm2 3600 cm2
2.Filtration level 105 Pm (150 mesh) 10 Pm nominal
3.Oil flow 80 l/min 70 l/min
4.Hex.spanner 41 mm 36 mm
5.Filter dia. I85 I90
6.Filter length 105 125
7.Relief opening pressure 0.1MPa (1.0 ± 0.15 kgf/cm2)
8.Code number RB238-62151 RA011-62191

(Return filter) (Suction filter)

WSM U15-3

3. Oil Tank
(12) (13)

(14) (15)



(11) (19)

No. Part Name Q'ty No. Part Name

(1) Oil tank 1 (10) Hose (1/2)
(2) Cover (Tank, return) 1 (11) Pump
(3) Filter (Return) 1 (12) Unloading valve
O-ring 1 (13) Direct the pipe joint (F2) as shown in the figure.
(4) Plug (Oil filler) 1 (14) Press it securely up to the hilt.
O-ring 1 (15) Hose (Suction)
(5) Bolt 6 (16) Pump
(6) Filter (Suction) 1 (17) Pipe (Return)
(7) Gauge (Oil level) 1 (18) Swivel joint · Travel drain
O-ring 1 (19) Right PV · T
(8) Plug 1 (20) Left PV · T
(9) Washer with rubber 1

WSM U15-3

4. Oil cooler




Oil cooler specifications

Div. Item Unit Standard
Heat radiation kW (kcal/h) 4.81 (4140)
Ve=15L/min. 't=75 °C.to1=110°C
Va=8m/s. Vw=-L/mim
Oil-side pressure loss kPa (Kgf/cm2) 95
Performance specifications
Air-side pressure loss Pa (mmAq) 118
Test pressure kPa (Kgf/cm2) 981 (10)
Repeated pressure resistance kPa (Kgf/cm2) 981 (10) x 105 times
Static pressure breakdown kPa (Kgf/cm2) 2.45 (25)
Type of core Drawn-cup type, louver-less, corrugated
Core dimensions 275 (W) x 145 (H) x 32 (D) f.p=4.0/2
Oil-side radiating area m2 0.2228
Structural specifications
Air-side radiating area m2 1.1584
Oil capacity L 0.22
Dry weight kg 0.88
Remarks Black coating (powder)

WSM U15-3

5. Accumlator
(1) Gas plug
(2) Shell
(3) Holder
(1) (4) Bladder
(5) Poppet
(6) Oil port
(2) (7) O - ring type
(8) Across
1. Gas : Nitrogen
2. Gas volume : 300cc
(4) 3. Max.operating pressure : 6.9 MPa (70 kgf/m2)
4. Initial gas pressure : 1.2 MPa (12kgf/m2) at 20 °C
5. Operating oil temp. : -30 100°C
6. Weight : 1.1 kgf
Machine models used : U15-3, U20-3, U25-3

It contains nitrogen under high pressure.
(7) (8) Don’t allow fire or heat near it. Don’t try to disassem-
ble it.Wear eye protection and carefully drill a holl at
the point marked to release gas pressure before

WSM U15-3

h. Hydraulic system flow

1. Hydraulic Pressure Hose Circuit (High-pressure)

(19) (20)




Hoses at upper side

No. Position for use Q'ty No. Part Name
(1) Pump (P1)~CV (P1) White P1 1 (18) Control valve
(2) Pump (P2)~CV (P2) White P2 1 (19) Selector valve
(3) Pump (P3)~CV (P3) White P3 1 (20) Swing cyl.
(4) CV (A7)~SJ (I) Yellow Travel Left Backward 1 (21) Swivel motor
(5) CV (B7)~SJ (H) Green Travel Left Forward 1 (22) Pump
(6) CV (A6)~SJ (F) Blue Travel Right Backward 1
(7) CV (B6)~SJ (E) Red Travel Right Forward 6
(8) CV (B3)~Swivel Motor (B) Gray Swivel Left 1
(9) CV (A3)~Swivel Motor (A) Light blue Swivel Right 1
(10) CV (A1)~Swing cyl. (Bottom) ? Swing Left 1
(11) CV (B1)~Swing cyl. (Rod) Orange Swing Right 1
(12) CV (B2)~Selector V (P1) Pink CV dozer raising 1
(13) CV (A2)~Selector V (P2) Brown CV dozer lowering 1
(14) SJ (B)~Selector V (B2) Dozer raising (Rod) 1
(15) SJ (C)~Selector V (B1) Dozer raising (Bottom) 1
(16) SJ (J)~Selector V (A1) Truck elongation (Bottom) 1
(17) SJ (A)~Selector V (A2) Truck retraction (Rod) 1

WSM U15-3

2. Hydraulic Pressure Hose Circuit (Low-pressure)






Low-pressure hoses
No. Position for use Q'ty No. Part Name
(1) Pipe return~Oil cooler Front Oil cooler OUT 1 (8) Control valve
(2) CV (T3)~Oil cooler Rear Oil cooler IN 1 (9) Return pipe
(3) CV (T2)~Pipe return Oil cooler bypass 1 (10) Oil cooler
(4) Pipe return~Oil tank Return 1 (11) Swivel motor
(5) Swivel motor (T)~ CV (T1) Swivel motor drain 1 (12) Oil tank
(6) Unloading V (T)~Oil tank Unloading V return 1 (13) Unloading valve
(7) SJ (D)~Oil tank Travel drain 1

WSM U15-3

3. Travel Unloading function


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

P1 P2 P䋳

(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel

With the unload lever being raised, oil of P1 and P2 flows from the supply section directly to the return circuit
and results in no functions of P1 and P2 pump, from bucket (1) to service port (7) except pump 3 circuit.
When the unload lever is lowered, the supply section opens to supply oil of P1 and P2.

WSM U15-3

4. Boom Confluence

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left P1 P2 P3
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel

When boom operation is performed, the boom is operated so that the joint valve is switched over to joint P1
and P3.

5. Service port Confluence

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


P1 P2 P3
When service port pedal is depressed, P2 and P3 pump’s oil will be supplied to service port section.

WSM U15-3

6. Straight Travel Circuit

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


P1 P2 P䋳

(1) Bucket
(2) Boom
(3) Travel Left
(4) Supply
(5) Travel Right
(6) Arm
(7) Service
(8) Confluence
(9) Swivel

Since only the Boom and Service are jointed with P3, straight travel is possible.
When left and right travel levers are shifted, F or R, P1 supplies oil to the travel motor and P2, to the right
P3 supplies oil to the boom section.
Therefore, only boom and service port operations are possible together with travel function.

WSM U15-3

l. Service port system

1. Component layout
This pedal is used to operate attachments NOTE:
such as breakers. • When the service port is not in use, fold
the service port pedal forward. The pedal
gets fixed and can be used as footrest.

(1) Service port pedal

(A) Sends oil to the port (A)
(B) Sends oil to the port (B) (1) Service port pedal (A) “Fix”

(1) Port (A)

(2) Port (B)

• Push the right part of the pedal ( ) to

send oil to the port (A).
• Push the left part of the pedal ( ) to send
oil to the port (B).
Max. Flow Volume
Theoretical L min.
Max. Pressure MPa
18.6 (190)

• When the service port is not used for a
long period, dirt particles can settle in the
lower part of the service port lines.
When the plugs on the service port lines
are removed to connect attachments,
drain approx. 100 cc of oil per side.
Concerning the choice of a breaker, con-
tact your dealer.

WSM U15-3

2. 1-way or 2-way valve

The selection valve which select 1-way or 2-
way circuit of service port has been installed
on the control valve.
When the breaker will be used, position the
lever of selection valve to the "OPENED"
position (1-way circuit) to reduce the back

• When the equipment (auger, crusher,
telescopic arm, ...), which need 2-way cir-
cuit will be used, position the lever to the
"CLOSED" position.

WSM U15-3

WSM U15-3

m.Hydraulic components layout : U15-3

(16) (18) (21) (22) (4)

(13) (5) (3)



1 Main pump
2 Pilot valve, L
(14) 3 Pilot valve, R
4 Accumulater
5 Unload valve
6 Control valve
(17) 7 Swivel motor
8 Rotary joint
9 Travel motor, L
10 Travel motor, R
11 Change valve for SP
(1 way, 2 way)
12 Change valve : Dozer-track
13 Hydraulic oil tank
14 Oil cooler
15 Boom cylinder
16 Arm cylinder
17 Bucket cylinder
18 Swing cylinder
19 Dozer cylinder
20 Track cylinder
21 Suction filter
22 Return filter
23 Track rollers
(6) (11) (9) 24 Grease tension cylinder
25 Idler

(15) (12) (19) (20) (25) (24) (23)

WSM U15-3

n. Hydraulic circuit diagram

WSM U15-3

E.Electrical system
a. New Functions of Electric System
1. Starter automatic release function
When the key is turned ON, the automatic release relay is excited to rotate the starter.
When the engine is started (the signal from the engine speed sensor exceeds the set value), the auto-
matic release relay is demagnetized to shut down the power to the starter.

2. Auto-glow
Engine water temperature is detected and the glow plug is pre-heated for the time required for starting
the engine.
At the starting position, the glow plug is pre-heated irrespective of water temperature.

3. Theft-proof Specification
This is different from 3 ton, 4 ton class machines in the following points.
(1) It is not a standard part but specification to be adopted.
(2) Since it has no digital panel, preparation of a key setting panel is needed.
(3) Horn does not sound in emergency.

(1) Main key SW (2) (1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(2) Travel hi - low SW
(3) Meter panel
(4) Auto glow controller (9) (8) (7)
(5) Auto release controller
(6) Glow relay (15)
(7) Change valve
(8) Fuel sensor
(9) Fuel pump
(10) Horn
(11) Work lamp
(12) Startor
(13) Battery
(14) SBF (Slow blow fuse)
(15) Fuse box (10)




WSM U15-3

b. Battery circuit
1 (AC)

2 (Start) OFF

3 Key SW

Cab relay

Light SW

Stater motor




1. Keep in mind that the battery voltage is applied through the above circuit all the time.
2. A 60A fuse is added close to the alternator, otherwise part of the harness may get short-circuited due to the
alternator's current generated while the engine is running. In this way, the devices and harness can be
protected against burn-out.

WSM U15-3

c. Key switch (Engine starter switch)


Dust seal
I3 water drain

Return spring



Key position 30 AC Start

Off z
1st : AC position z z
2nd : Start position z z z

WSM U15-3

d. Safty lever lock switch

Part No.:RC411-53473

PVC tube, black

Crimp here(4 location)
apply silicone resin

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) Plunger
(2) Washer
(3) Boot
(4) Contact plate
(5) Body
(6) Base comp.
(7) Packing
Crimp here (8) Cord
(All around) (9) O-ring
(9) (10) (11) (12)
(10)Action spring

1. Rated :DC14V, 1.5A
2. Insulasion :2M: or more
3. Operationg force of plunger:
at Free position =17 ± 3 N
at Max. stroke =32 ± 4 N
4. Full stroke :9 ± 5 mm

(1) Battery
(2) Fuse, 50A
(3) Key SW
AC (4) Fuse, 5A
(2) (4) (5) Lever lock SW, R
start (5) (6) (6) Lever lock SW, L
(7) Lever lock solenoid
(3) (7)

WSM U15-3

(2) Safety lever lock circuit malfunction

1) Check battery voltage at (+) terminal of coupler.
Check the fuse if no voltage were tested.
Upper side solenoid valve is for the safety lock circuit.
Lower one is for the travel hi-low function.


(1) Safety lock valve

2) Pull the harness to see if the coupler is not out of the lever
lock solenoid valve. (Pull by a 3 kg or less force.)
3) Continuity test of corresponding harness are required.
4) Solenoid valve check
1. Coil resistance test
Specification: Approx. 10 : at 20 °C
• Shown here is a measurement with digital tester.
(Note that the positive (+) and negative (-) connec-
tions are reversed with the analog type.)
2. Coil insulation test
Specification: Over 1 M:
5) Check lever lock switch for continuity by operating the lever
and 12V test.

(Continuity test : Lever down) (Battery 12V test : Key switch is on)

WSM U15-3

e. Solenoid valve
Maker : Nishina
1. Structure
(1) Shim (11) Plug
(2) spring (12) Hollow bolt
(3) Name plate (13) Washer
(4) Plunger (14) Screw
(5) Spring (15)
(6) Spool (16) O-ring
(7) Body (17)
(8) Solenoid (18) Cable clamp
(9) Cover (19) Protection tube



2. Specifications
(1) Alow voltage: DC 10.8 ~ 14.4V
(2) Current: 1.2 A at 20 °C
(3) Power consumption 14.4 W
(4) Coil resistance: Approx. 10: at 20 °C
(5) Insulation: JIS C 4003 H
(6) Surge killer: Diode
+0.2 +0.2 2
(7) Relief valve set pressure: 3.9 0 MPa (40 0 kgf/cm )
at 6l/min

(8) Cracking pressure: 3.4 MPa (35kgf/cm2)

at 2l/min
p o A, B
(9) Valve pressure loss: 0.5 MPa (5.1 kgf/cm2) or
less at 6l/min
A, B, G = G 1/4
(10) Port size: P, T = G 3/8
(JIS B2351 O - type)

E : Electromotive force generated in coil (N)

N : No. of turns of coil
dI:Rate of magnetic flex (I)
dt variation in short interval (dt second)
E = N · dt

WSM U15-3

3. Solenoid test method

Solenoid continuity test procedure (In case of diode
Connect the black and red leads to the positive (+) and
negative (-) terminals, respectively, of a circuit tester
Red lead
(pointer type). Make sure the coupler is positioned as
shown in the figure. In this state, the coil resistance can be
measured properly.
Be careful not to confuse the above connections. If
Pointer circuit tester reverse-connected, the measuring current of the circuit
Black lead
tester flows to the diode too and the coil resistance cannot
be measured correctly.

Digital circuit
tester (resistance

Incorrect conection
The circuit tester is battery-powered. The battery voltage
is applied across the resistor, by which a current flows and
the resistance is measured.
The built-in battery’s polarities are different between the
pointer type and digital type as illustrated below. In mea-
suring the resistance of a diode-fitted coil, make connec-
tion between the positive (+) output terminal of the built-in
battery and the cathode of the diode.
(Pointer type) (Digital type)

Built-in battery

(Pointer type) (Digital type)

1. Construction and principle of circuit tester

Fig. in the left shows the inside of an ohmmeter. The built-in
battery provides current through the circuit and makes the
pointer swing accordingly. Before measuring a resistance, it is
at 0 ohm necessary to make 0-ohm adjustment. Bring the tester probes
in contact with each other for short-circuiting. By so doing, the
variable resistor R3 will be readjusted so that the pointer
should swing full-scale, and also the built-in battery's power
will be regulated. It should be noted that the measured resis-
tance and the current flowing in the coil are not in proportion
to each other. The scale is irregularly spaced. Changing the
resistance of resistor R4 allows to adjust the ohmmeter's
Fig. Ohmmeter principle measuring range.

WSM U15-3

f. Travel hi-speed control circuit

1. Hi - Low switch and circuit diagram

(1) Travel speed switch

(2) mark

P1 P2 DR

Travel hi- speed

ST AC 10A Hi - Low
self - hold
2 1 circuit

Travel speed will increase when pushing down this switch. NOTE:
1. Press the travel speed switch. The travel speed changes Each time the travel speed switch is
from first speed to second. The mark lights up. pressed, the travel speed is switched
between first and second.
2. Press the travel speed switch again, and the travel speed
changes from second to first. The mark lights out.

2. Troubleshooting: Travel hi-speed malfunction

1) Turn the key switch to the ON position to see if 12 V is applied to terminal 2 of the travel hi-speed switch.

2) Press the travel hi-speed switch to see if the 12 V signal comes to terminal 1.

3) Turn on and off the travel hi-speed switch and check the continuity and discontinuity.

4) Check the continuity of the travel hi-speed solenoid coil and measure its resistance.

5) If there is no problem with the above steps, it means the electrical system functions. Now go to the
hydraulic system.

6) Possible troubles with the hydraulic system include stuck solenoid spool, poorly performing pilot pump,
malfunctioning primary relief valve, stuck Hi-Lo selector spool, etc.

WSM U15-3

3. Testing Hi - Low SW
1) Location of Hi-Low SW coupler and how to disconnect
the coupler.
Small size driver (match-repair driver) is required.

2) Check battery 12V. 3) Check continuity of the switch.

4) Testing Hi-Low solenoid coil resistance.

WSM U15-3

4. Hi - Low self hold circuit

1) Lever lock SW isn’t linked.
(7) OFF
AC ON-15-2 ON-15-1



ON-306-1 ON-306-3
(1) ON-800-1
ON-801-2 ON-800-1 (2) ON-306-2 ON-306-4

ON-13-2 ON-13-1 ON-306-3 ON-306-1

ON-306-4 ON-306-2 (5)
ON-306-3 ON-306-1
ON-306-3 ON-306-4
ON-306-1 ON-801-1 ON-801-2 ON-306-2 ON-801-2 ON-800-1
ON-306-1 ON-306-3 ON-306-2 ON-306-4

2) Lever lock SW is wired.

(7) OFF
(8) (3)
AC ON-15-2 ON-15-1



ON-306-1 ON-306-3
(1) ON-800-1
ON-801-2 ON-800-1 (2) ON-306-2 ON-306-4

ON-13-2 ON-13-1 ON-306-3 ON-306-1

ON-306-4 ON-306-2 (5)
ON-306-3 ON-306-1
ON-306-3 ON-306-4
ON-306-1 ON-801-1 ON-801-2 ON-306-2 ON-801-2 ON-800-1
ON-306-1 ON-306-3 ON-306-2 ON-306-4

Note :
Lever lock SW (8) was not installed for the early production machines. It was connected with unload
valve solenoid only.
Therefore, in these machines, travel speed won’t be reset to low range with the lever lock SW OFF con-

WSM U15-3

3) Key SW is ON and lever lock SW is ON.

(7) OFF
(8) (3)






(1) Travel hi-low drive relay (6) Second self-hold relay

(2) Travel hi-low solenoid (7) Main Key SW
(3) Travel hi-low SW (8) Lever lock SW
(4) Negative function relay (9) Self-hold cancel relay
(5) First self-hold relay (10) High speed lamp

4) Push the travel hight-low SW ON. (Hold SW Button ON)

Then travel high-low drive relay turns on and travel high-low solenoid (2) becomes activated. And so
travel motor runs at high speed.
ON condition relays : (1) Travel hi-low drive relay
(4)Negative function relay
(7) ON
(8) (3)

Start (10)



(6) ON


WSM U15-3

5) Hand off from the high-low SW button

As first self-hold relay (5) is B-type relay, buttery current flows through this normal close contact terminal
and activates travel high-low drive relay (1). In this was travel motor keeps running at high speed.
ON condition relay : (1) Travel hi-low drive relay
(6) Second self-hold relay
(9) Self-hold cancel relay
(7) OFF
(8) (3)


(4) ON-800-1





6) Push the travel high-low SW ON again (Hold the SW button ON)

When the travel high-low SW is pushed ON, battery current flows through the coil of travel high-low drive
relay (1) and turn it ON.
Then the travel high-low solenoid is activated and runs the travel motor at high speed. On this stage, all
5 relay turn ON positions.

(7) OFF ON
(8) (3)


Start (10)






WSM U15-3

7) Hand off from the travel high-low SW button.

(7) OFF
(8) (3)





8) Pull up the lever lock SW (OFF position)

No battery current flows in this system and so the travel motor runs at low speed even after leaving the
machine previously at high speed conditions.
(7) OFF
(8) (3)






Note :
Lever lock SW (8) was not installed as shown above for the early production machines. It was connected
with unload valve solenoid only.
Therefore, in these machines, travel speed won’t be reset to low range with the lever lock SW OFF con-

WSM U15-3

9) Function chart : Lever lock SW isn’t wired

Key SW *

(Push & hold)
Hi-Low SW


10)Function chart : Lever lock SW is wired

Main Key SW

Lever lock SW

(Push & hold)
Hi-Low SW (1) (2) (1) (2) (1)


* Note :
Although it is technically possible to turn the main key SW ON and OFF or shift the lever lock SW Up
and Down while holding the travel high-low SW. But normally operator won’t do. This is just for your

WSM U15-3

g. Meter panel
(4) (5) (2) (6) 1. Installation view
(1) Meter panel
(2) Main key SW
(3) Horn SW
(4) Hi - Low SW
(5) Dozer lever
(6) Accel lever
(7) Work lamp SW

(3) (7) (1)

2. Mater inside view

(1) Horn meter
(2) Fuel gauge

(1) (2)

WSM U15-3

3. Warning lamps indication

 Warning Lamp "Engine Oil Pressure"
This lamp lights up when there is an abnormality in the engine
oil circulation.
It lights up when the starter switch is in position “RUN” and
goes out as soon as the engine starts running. Should the
lamp light up while the engine is running, check the engine oil

 Warning Lamp "Battery Charge"

This lamp lights up when there is a malfunction in the charge
system. The lamp lights up when the Starter Switch is in posi-
tion “RUN” and goes out as soon as the engine starts.

 Indicator Lamp "Glow"

This lamp lights up when the starter switch is in position “ON”
and goes out after the engine has been sufficiently preheated.

 Warning Lamp "Fuel Level too Low"

This lamp lights up when the fuel level in the fuel tank is lower
than in the following table.
(1) Fuel level indicator

The meter counts up about 1 for one operating hour. The elec-
tric meter keeps counting even when the engine is stopped but
the key is in position “ON”.

(1) Hourmeter

WSM U15-3

4. Meter structure
Fuel meter
(1) Indicator is of movable magnet type (MG-23)
and vibration-proof.
(2) Performance is as per JIS D5606.
(3) The scale graduations other than E, F and 1/2
are dummy.

Graduation specifications
Graduation F (1/2) E
+7.5 0
Allowable error ( ) -
0 -7.5
Resistance value (:) 10 (38) 90

Test voltage: DC14.5 ± 0.5 V

Test temperature:20 ± 5 °C
Test order : Order of OFF o F o E
(Wait for longer than 3 minutes
before inspection.)
Point F

Points E and F on the scale

Point E

Details of counter
White number on black background

White number on black background White number on black background

White number on black background White number on black background

Indicator display
Flashing in green every 2 seconds Black number on white background

Nippon Amp

Pin arrangement

(1) Illumi (+) (11) Empty

Code No. (2) Engine hydraulic (12) Empty
(3) Charge (13) Meter power
(4) Empty (14) Fuel meter
(5) Ground (lamp) (15) Illumi, meter GND
(6) Bi-speed travel (16) Empty
(7) Glow (17) HM GND
(8) Power (+) (18) Empty
(9) Fuel short alarm (19) Empty
(10) Empty (20) Empty

WSM U15-3

5. Meter panel circuit diagram

E. Oil Pressure ON-1-2
E. Oil Press
Charge ON-1-3
Travel Hi - Lo

Back light ON-1-14

ON-1-15 ON-1-20
Water temp

ON-1-8 ON-335-4 E. Oil switch
AC E. Oil Pressure ON-1-2
E. Oil Press ON-334-4 ON-28
Charge ON-1-3
Start Charge
Travel Hi - Lo Hi - Lo solenoid
Glow relay
ON-1-10 Fuel sensor
Back light ON-1-14

ON-1-15 ON-1-20
Water temp

WSM U15-3

Key SW at ON (AC) position

(Engine stop condition)
ON-1-8 ON-335-4 E. Oil switch
AC E. Oil Pressure ON-1-2
E. Oil Press ON-334-4 ON-28
Charge ON-1-3
Start Charge
Travel Hi - Lo Hi - Lo solenoid
Glow relay
ON-1-10 Fuel sensor
Back light ON-1-14

ON-1-15 ON-1-20
Water temp

WSM U15-3

6. Fuel gauge coil resistance test

Sample data : 86.8 :
between 3 : 65.8 :
terminal : 152.6 :

7. Hour meter function test LED and stepping

motor function check.
Connect the battery 12V to the white harness and the
ground to the black wire.
Check to see LED lights up every two seconds and the
internal gears are turning.
Then hour meter function is OK.

Notice :
Above two test procedures are only for your information.

WSM U15-3

h. Fuses
1. Replacing Fuses 3. Slow Blow Fuse
1) Remove the cover of the fuse box. Slow blow fuse is provided to protect the
2) Replace the burnt out fuse with a fuse having electrical circuits. If the fusible link is blown,
the same capacity. check the electrical circuits for trouble and
then replace with a new compatible slow blow
2. Fuse Capacities and Circuits fuse.

(1) Fuse box

(1) Slow blow fuse

Capacity of the slow blow fuse : 50 A

(2 pieces)

No. Capacity Circuit

(1) 5A Auto glow
(2) 5A Anti theft main
(3) 15A Cigarette lighter
(4) 10A Anti theft sub
(5) 5A Auto release
(6) 10A Beacon
(7) 15A Work light
(8) 10A Horn
(9) 5A Lever lock, Travel Hi-Low
(10) 10A Alternator, Fuel pump, Meter
(11) 5A, 10A, 15A Spare fuses

WSM U15-3

i. Auto glow circuit

Key SW Key on Key st



Glow relay

5A Glow plug

OR Glow lamp
Water tempt sensor

Battery ‫ޓ‬
Auto glow controller

1. Function
1. The glow controller receives a water temperature sensor signal or a key switch start position signal and
makes the signal voltage (1) drop to the ground level. Now the current starts flowing to the relay coil.
(NOR signal circuit)
2. Turn the key switch from the OFF to ON position, and the glow relay is kept on for the time "t" as shown
in Fig. 2 (Function chart) to light up the glow lamp.
3. While the key switch is set at the ST position, the glow relay is turned on again to light up the glow lamp.
4. As indicated in Fig. 3 (Timer curve), the pre-glow time (glow lamp-on time) "t" is compensated depending
on the water temperature.
5. Once the current flows to the relay coil, the battery voltage starts flowing to the glow plug.

Reference: NOR logic circuit

H: High level, 12V
Water temp sensor signal Key SW ST signal OR Indicates that a signal voltage
is applied.
L: Low level, 0V
H H H L Indicates that no signal voltage
H L H L is applied or that the terminal
L H H L is grounded.

The NOR logic circuit is a composite circuit of OR gate and NOT gate.

WSM U15-3

Fig 2. Function chart

Key Switch

Glow lamp

Glow relay
Pre-glow time t (SEC)

Water temp (°C)

Fig 3. Timer curve

Table 1. Timer function values

Water temp (°C) Thermistor resistance (:) Pre-glow time (sec)

140 58 2.55
100 155 2.73
80 277 2.95
60 530 3.37
40 1100 4.22
20 2525 5.85
10 3997 7.12
0 6544 8.77
-10 11123 10.81
-20 19716 12.00
-30 36630 12.00
-40 71770 12.00

WSM U15-3

2. Auto glow control circuit diagram

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3

ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1


(11) (10)

ON-17-4 ON-17-3

ON-17-2 ON-17-1

(2) ON-300-3 (13)

ON-300-1 ON-300-6 (16)


(1) (14) ON-300-5

ON-32-1 ON-300-2



(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) To starter motor
(3) Key SW (11) From altemator
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Glow relay
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) Auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller (14) Water temp sensor
(7) Low-voltage detection (15) To glow lamp
(8) Rotation detection (16) Glow plug

WSM U15-3

1) At key ON position :
According to the water temp. sensor signal, auto glow controller detects and calculates the required time to
glow plugs and supply the current to the glow relay to turn on.
Then the battery current flows to the glow plugs and the glow lamp.

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3

ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1


(11) (10)

ON-17-4 ON-17-3

ON-17-2 ON-17-1

(2) ON-300-3 (13)

ON-300-1 ON-300-6 (16)


(1) (14) ON-300-5

ON-32-1 ON-300-2



(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) To starter motor
(3) Key SW (11) From altemator
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Glow relay
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) Auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller (14) Water temp sensor
(7) Low-voltage detection (15) To glow lamp
(8) Rotation detection (16) Glow plug

WSM U15-3

2) Key SW at “start“ position :

(Engine stop condition)
off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3

ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1


(11) (10)

ON-17-4 ON-17-3

ON-17-2 ON-17-1

(2) ON-300-3 (13)

ON-300-1 ON-300-6 (16)


(1) (14) ON-300-5

ON-32-1 ON-300-2



(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) To starter motor
(3) Key SW (11) From altemator
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Glow relay
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) Auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller (14) Water temp sensor
(7) Low-voltage detection (15) To glow lamp
(8) Rotation detection (16) Glow plug

WSM U15-3

3) After engine start running :

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3


ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1


(11) (10)

ON-17-4 ON-17-3

ON-17-2 ON-17-1

(2) ON-300-3 (13)

ON-300-1 ON-300-6

(1) (14) ON-300-5

ON-32-1 ON-300-2



(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) To starter motor
(3) Key SW (11) From altemator
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Glow relay
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) Auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller (14) Water temp sensor
(7) Low-voltage detection (15) To glow lamp
(8) Rotation detection (16) Glow plug

WSM U15-3

3. Auto glow controller

(C/N RC417-53791)
1) If the automatic glow controller seems to malfunc-
tion, take it out of the machine, as shown at left,
and check the performance of the controller itself
referring to the circuit diagram below.
2) The circuit diagram below shows the actual con-
nections. In practice, apply the battery voltage
between the coupler pin 3, and ground the coupler
pin 4.
3) When the coupler pins 5 and 6 are connected as
shown in the diagram, the glow lamp stays on for a
certain period of time, and the relay gets activated,
it means that the automatic glow controller func-
tions well.
4) If the water temperature sensor signal is not fed to
the coupler pin 2, the controller will be in action for
about 12 seconds the same way as for the -20 °C
Auto glow controller

Key SW
Glow relay

Glow lamp

Water temp. sensor Battery

Circuit diagram to test

Note : If a test-purpose glow lamp is not available, set the

circuit tester to the V range and watch the tester's
pointer movement. 4
5 6

6 6

2 4
4 3

12 seconds: Without temp. sensor With temp. sensor

WSM U15-3

5) Practical inspection
Checking the auto glow controller on actual machines
1. Set the key switch to AC position.
2. Make sure the glow lamp lights up.

Turn on the key switch and set it to AC


No No The lamp does not light up if

Does the glow lamp light up? Does the glow relay turn on? the water temperature is over

Check the glow relay perfor-

Yes Yes

Glow lamp broken on meter


Meter panel power failure.

Does the glow lamp go out No Auto glow controller defective.

within the specified time?

Auto release controller defective.

Glow lamp wrongly kept on.
Yes (Starter possibly burnt-out)

The auto glow controller functions.

WSM U15-3

4. Auto glow circuit

1) Water temperature sensor circuit check
When the water temperature sensor and its wiring function, the engine’s water temperature is
detected and the glow plug is preheated for a time required to get the engine started.

2) First make sure the water temperature sen-

sor functions. Disconnect the water tempera-
ture sensor coupler and put your fingers in
slight contact with the glow relay. Now turn
the key switch to the ON position and feel the
glow relay clicking.
• When it clicks, check the glow plug coupler
as well as the glow relay.
• If it does not click, measure the voltage,
check for continuity, and check the glow

3) Voltage check
• Keep the glow relay coupler in position.
• Turn the key switch to the ON position.
1. Measure the voltage between the auto
glow relay coupler terminals [3] and [4] as
well as between [1] and [2] to see if it is
12 V.
• 12 V reading for both: Check the glow
relay. Battery
• Other reading: Measure the voltage in (5A main power)
Step (2) below. Also check for continu-
2. Measure the voltage between the glow
relay coupler terminal [4] and the body
ground to see if it is 12 V.

Glow relay


WSM U15-3

4) Continuity check
• Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
• Disconnect the meter coupler .
• Disconnect the glow relay coupler .
1. Check for continuity between the auto
glow relay coupler terminal [CN300-5] 3
and the glow relay coupler CN terminal 6
5 4
2. Check for continuity between the auto
glow relay coupler terminal [CN300-3]
and the glow relay coupler terminal
3. Check for continuity between the glow
relay coupler terminal [CN17-3] and the
glow plug coupler.
4. Check for continuity between the glow
relay coupler terminal [CN17-4] and the
battery’s positive (+) terminal.

5) Glow relay check

1. Glow relay
Code No. : T1060-33711

2. Disconnect the glow relay coupler. Mea-

sure the resistance between points (1)
and (2) on the glow relay alone.
(Relay coil resistance)
Specification 52 - 80 ǡ
Actual measurement(Sample) About 58 ǡ

3. Apply 12 V between points (1) and (2) of

the glow relay to check for continuity
between points (3) and (4).

WSM U15-3

j. Auto release control system

1. Outline
1) When the engine has started and the alternator has reached the specified rpm (N1 = 800 rpm in the fig-
ure below), the auto release controller is activated to turn off the auto release relay.
2) With the auto release relay off, the starter motor current is shut off to prevent the battery current from
flowing to the starter motor.
3) In this way, the starter motor can be protected against key seizure even if the key switch fails to get back.

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3


ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1



60A ON-113
(2) ON-25-3




(1) Battery
(2) Fuse 50A
(3) Key SW
(4) Fuse SA 5A
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay
(6) Auto release controller
(7) Low-voltage detection
(8) Rotation detection 1 2 X
(9) Auto release relay 4 X 6
(10) Alternator
(11) Meter panel
(12) Starter
(13) To auto glow controller

WSM U15-3

2. Auto relase control, structure and function

(1) Battery 12V

(2) Main switch
(3) Alternator
(5) (4) P - terminal
6V (5) Low voltage detection
6 (6) Rotation detection
(8) (7) Starter relay
(4) (Auto relase lever)
(3) 1 650r/min 800r/min
(1) (8) Starter


N1 :
OFF N2 :

(N = 120f)
N2 P



Function :
1. After engine starts and when alternator speed reaches to set value (P-terminal = N1), then transistor of
the auto release controller turns OFF, terminal  stays H-level and auto release relay gose OFF - condi-
2. While engine is running (P-terminal = N2 or more), auto release controller terminal  stays H-level and
auto release relay stays OFF - condition.
Even if the main key is turned to the start - position.
3. Under the condition of low battery voltage (approx 6 V or lower) and main switch being at start position
even at any engine speed, then the transistor of the auto release controller turns ON - condition, terminal
 become L-level and auto release relay gose ON - condition. Then battary current flows to the starter.

WSM U15-3

3. Key SW to engine start position

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3

ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1




60A ON-113
(2) ON-25-3




(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) Alternator
(3) Key SW (11) Meter panel
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Starter
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) To auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller
(7) Low-voltage detection
(8) Rotation detection

1) Turn the key switch to the engine start position, and the battery voltage starts flowing as shown above
and the auto release stabilize relay (5) turns on.
2) When the relay has turned on, current starts flowing in the auto release controller (6). This allows the
base current into the transistor, which gets turned on.
3) Once the transistor has come on, the auto release relay (9) turns on too.
4) With the relay (9) now on, the battery current flows to turn on the starter solenoid switch. The start up
current from the battery then switches on the starter, which gets the engine started.

WSM U15-3

4. Key SW to AC position
off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3


ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1



60A ON-113
(2) ON-25-3




(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) Alternator
(3) Key SW (11) Meter panel
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Starter
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) To auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller
(7) Low-voltage detection
(8) Rotation detection

1) When the engine has got started, the operator is supposed to release the key at the engine start posi-
tion. Now the key switch comes to the AC position.
2) The battery current stops flowing to the relay, which turns off the power to the starter.

WSM U15-3

5. When the Key SW is stucked at the start position

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3


ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1




60A ON-113
(2) ON-25-3




(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) Alternator
(3) Key SW (11) Meter panel
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Starter
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) To auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller
(7) Low-voltage detection
(8) Rotation detection

1) The key switch may get stuck for some reason. Even if the engine has got started and the operator has
released the key, the key switch does not come back to the AC position.
2) With the key switch at the start position, the battery current starts flowing to turn on the auto release sta-
bilize relay (5).
3) But the alternator (10) is sending the turning signal to the auto release controller (6). In so doing, the
turning detection function gets activated and the auto release relay (9) turns off.
4) In this way, the battery current stops flowing to the starter (2). It helps protect the starter against burnout.

WSM U15-3

6. Key to the start position while engine is running

off (4)
on ON-14-1
ON-320-2 ON-320-3

ON-34-2 ON-34-3


ON-320-4 ON-320-1
(7) ON-34-4 ON-34-1


ON-310-1 (8) ON-309-1




60A ON-113
(2) ON-25-3




(1) Battery (9) Auto release relay

(2) Fuse 50A (10) Alternator
(3) Key SW (11) Meter panel
(4) Fuse SA 5A (12) Starter
(5) Auto release stabilizing relay (13) To auto glow controller
(6) Auto release controller
(7) Low-voltage detection
(8) Rotation detection

1) Let's suppose that the operator turns the key to the start position while the engine is running.
2) In this case too, the turning signal comes from the alternator (10) as discussed before. In other words,
the auto release relay (9) remains off.

7. Function of low-voltage detection

When battery voltage decreases down below 5 to 6 V at the cold start, this low-voltage detection func-
tions to turn on the transistor and so turn on the auto release relay unconditionally.

WSM U15-3

8. Auto release and auto glow circuit combined

Glow plug

Glow lamp

WSM U15-3

k. Water temp. sensor & gauge



(1) sensor

1. Water temp. sensor circuit malfunction

Water temp. sensor signal is sent to the auto glow con-

1) Check couplers
Pull the harness to see if the water temperature sen-
sor coupler is not out of position. Be sure that the cou-
pler harness is tightly connected. (Pull by a 3 kg or
less force.)
• If out of position, attach the coupler tightly and check
the lamp and gauge again.

WSM U15-3

2) Check battery voltage at (+) terminal of harness cou-

If no battery voltage, check the fuse and continuity of
Sample data is 0.979V.

3) Water temperature sensor check

• Disconnect the coupler from the water tempera-
ture sensor and measure the resistance referring
to the figure at right.

The temperature vs. resistance curve must meet

the criteria listed below. Water temp. vs Sensor resistance

Temp (°C) Resistance (k:)

Resistance (:)

-20 18.80 ± 12.6%

40 1.136 ± 8.4%
100 0.1553 ± 4.5%

Water temp. (°C)

WSM U15-3

l. Fuel control circuit

(1) Function)
OFF Fuel pump

AC 10A ON-24-1

ON-1-8 ON-335-4 E. Oil switch

E. Oil Pressure ON-1-2
E. Oil Press ON-334-4 ON-28
Charge ON-1-3
Travel Hi - Lo Hi - Lo solenoid
ON-36-2 Glow relay
ON-36-1 ON-1-11
ON-1-10 Fuel sensor
ON-36-1 ON-1-11
Engine stop SOL
Back light ON-1-14
15A Fuel

ON-1-15 ON-1-20
Water temp

Engine stop solenoid

Solenoid guide
Stop lever
Injection pump

Engine stop solenoid

Idling limitter

Control rack

1. The fuel control circuit is mainly composed of the following devices.

1)Fuel feed pump
2)Engine stop solenoid
3)Fuel gauge
4)Fuel sensor
5)Fuel residual sensor
2. The fuel sensor detects the position of the float and the remaining fuel amount is displayed in the fuel
3. The fuel residual sensor has a thermistor. When the sensor is well below the fuel level, the resistance
value is high enough to allow no current to the warning lamp. If the fuel level has dropped below speci-
fied, however, the thermistor gets exposed to the air and becomes smaller in resistance. This allows the
current to flow to the warning lamp that will light up.

WSM U15-3

m.Engine stop solenoid

1. Structure
1. Rated voltage :DC12V
Suicide switch
filter 2. Rated ampare
Pull-in coil :32A / DC12V
Hold coil :77A / DC12V
at 20°C
plunger 3. Resistance (Sample data)
Pull-in coil : 0.3 ~ 0.8 :
holding coil Hold coil : 15.0 ~ 16.0 :

Pull-in coil

oil seal

Holding coil

Pull-in coil
2. Circuit and its function
The engine stop solenoid circuit is as shown at left.
Turn the key switch to the ON position, and the bat-
tery current flows both to the pull-in coil and the
holding coil. These coils are excited to attract and
lift the plunger.
Holding coil

Pull-in coil

Now the fuel injection pump is ready to get the

engine started.
Being attracted upward, the plunger pushes and
opens the contact, which discontinues the current
flow to the pull-in coil.
With the current still flowing to the holding coil, the
plunger stays in this position.
Turn the key switch to the OFF position, and the
current flow to the holding coil is also interrupted.
Solenoid voltage

By the force of the return spring, the plunger comes

back to the original position. By so doing, the fuel
injection pump will be back to the engine-off status.


WSM U15-3

3. Engine stop solenoid

(C/N 1A021-6001-3)
Operation of engine stop solenoid can be test as in the pictures.
1) Connect 12 V battery voltage to two terminal of engine stop
2) Get body earth as shown in picture.
3) Then plunger pin comes out.
This means pull-in coil is normal.

4) Take off pull-in coil terminal connection.

5) Plunger pin still keeps pushing out.
This means hold-coil is normal.

6) Take off second terminal connection.

7) This time plunger pin should be returned back by spring.
This means engine stop solenoid functions normal.

Pull-in coil Hold coil

Pull-in coil
Hold coil


WSM U15-3

n. coil commander
1. Location
(1) The coil commander is connected with the
engine stop solenoid as shown in the picture.

(1) Coil commander

Resistance (Sample data)
Red l Black : 21.2 :
White o Black : 77.1 :

2. Circuit diagram

Pull Hold
coil coil

FE Transistor


Coil commander Engine stop solenoid (pull in type)

3. Function
Under some condition, such as low temp, large current flows to pull coil and may cause to cut the coil.

Coil commander is to regulate the current flow to pull coil by controlling the current time according to the
Temperature vs Current Time

WSM U15-3

4. Inspeetion & troubleshooting

1) Check the continuity of hold coil.
2) Check pull in coil function after wiring 12V to red and while terminal and ground to black color termi-
Then engine solenoid functions and pull in the plunger head.

Photo : pull in condition Photo : hold condition

WSM U15-3

o. Fuel sensor
1. Fuel sensor

* Insulation resistance: Over 3 M :

(measured with DC500V megger)


(10) (13)

(14) (15)







(1) Lock collar assembly (13) Connector housing: Sumitomo HM090, water-proof, SPM
Sumitomo Denso Part Code (6187-3801)
(2) Cord assembly (14) Heat fusion
(3) Float (15) GND AV0.5f (black)
(4) Float arm (16) Unit AV0.5f (blue)
(5) Mount spacer (17) Thermistor AV0.5f (black)
(6) Thermistor assembly (18) When mounted
(7) (Tank mounting pan-head screw dia.) (19) Manufacturing date code stamped (Black indelible ink)
(8) Terminal to be retightened GND (black) (20) Soldered
(9) F. unit (blue) (21) Remaining-fuel sensor action level
(10) Thermistor (red) (22) (Fuel shortage warning level: Production Control Dimension)
(11) (Tank hole) (23) Fuel shortage warning
(12) Sealing compound to be applied (24) Terminal not atop lock collar

WSM U15-3

Fuel tank
12V 3.4W
Light oil or light oil gas
Water or mud deposits possible on flange surface
DC 12V
DC 10 ~ 16V
Float position Full 1/2 Empty
Resistance (:) 3 32.5 110
Allowable error (:) ±2 ±5 ±5

To be measured with constant current of 40 mA. Circuit diagram

2. Fuel sensor testing

Sample data at certain amount of fuel.
(1466 )
Blue (1358 )
( 108 )

1) Pull the harness to see if the fuel sensor couplers and

the relay couplers are not out of position. Be sure that
the coupler harness is tightly connected.
• If out of position, attach the coupler tightly and check
the meter reading again.



WSM U15-3

2) Check battery voltage at (+) terminal of wireharness-

If no battery voltage, check the fuse and continuity of

3) Fuel sensor check

• Apply the positive (+) test lead to the coupler-fitted
• Apply the negative (-) test lead to the plated part to
measure the resistance.

• Ref. value
Float position F 1/2 E
Resistance (:) 3 ± 1.5 32.5 ± 1.5 110 ± 3.5

4) Directly connect the (+) terminal of wireharness cou-

pler to the earth.
Then meter gauge indication raises gradually up to full
Because resistance is 0:
In this case, meter gauge function is normal.

WSM U15-3

p. Engine oil pressure sensor circuit



High - Low

Fuel residual

1. Engine oil pressure sensor is N.C.(Normal close) type.

2. Check relay is N.O.(Normal open) type.
3. Meter panel (Big): (1)Engine oil pressure line.
(2)Battery IG(+) (1) In normal
(3)Charge line
(4)Check relay line (1)

Oil switch (2)

1. Code No, :15531-39011
2. DC12V
3. Warning lamp :SW
4. Operating pressure :0.5 ± 0.1 kgf/cm2 (4)
5. Insulation resistance :3M: or more

(1) In normal condition (5)

When the engine lube oil pressure goes up, the (6)
contact of oil switch 6 opens to turn off the lamp. (7)
(2) In trouble
When the above pressure comes down, the
contact of oil switch 6 closes to turn on the lamp. (2) In trouble

Operating pressure of oil switch

······Ref. value : 0.5 kgf/cm2 , 7.1 psi, 0.05 MPa
(1) Turminal (5) Contact revet
(2) Insulator (6) Contact
(3) Spring (7) Body
(4) Rubber

WSM U15-3

q. Engine electrical system

1. Engine oil pressure failure
1) Check engine oil pressure lamp.
Lamp condition
Engine Condition
Normal Trouble case (1) Trouble case (2)
Before engine starts ON ON OFF
After engine starts OFF ON OFF

Trouble case (1) :Engine oil pressure is low or oil switch fails.
Trouble case (2) :Wire harness is cut or oil switch fails.

2) Check oil amount and replenish if nessesary.

3) Pull the harness to see if the oil switch coupler is not

out of position. Be sure that the coupler harness is
tightly connected. (Pull by a 3 kg or less force.)
• If out of position, attach the coupler tightly and check
the meter reading again.

4) Check battery valtage at (+).

Terminal of wireharness coupler. If no battery voltage,
check the fuse and continuity of wireharness.

5) Check continuity of oil switch between switch terminal

and body earth.
Engine condition Continuity of oil switch
Engine stop Yes
Engine starts No
Engine oil switch is NC (Normal close) type.


(1) Engine oil pressure sensor (NC)

WSM U15-3

6) Check engine oil pressure

Idling rpm 0.4 MPa(4 kgf/cm2)
MAX. rpm 0.6 MPa(6 kgf/cm2)

• Oil switch operating pressure Oil switch Condition

Ref. value:0.05 ± 0.01MPa (0.5 ± 0.1kgf/cm2) Engine

starts oil

WSM U15-3

r. Horn circuit
1. Structure

(1) Diaphram (5) Stop screw

(2) Point (6) Stay
(7) (6)
(3) Horn coil (7) Air gap
(4) Nut (3)

(4) (5)

The horn consists of acoustic diaphragm, point, horn coil and other parts. It comes in spiral, flat and
other types in construction.
Currently, the flat type is most widely used. A typical flat horn is shown at right.

(3) (8) (1) Battery

(9) (2) Horn switch
(3) Horn relay
(4) Diaphram
(5) Core
(6) (6) Coil
(2) (5)
(7) Moving bolt
(8) Adjust nut
(9) Moving plate

2. Function
Shown above is the horn drive circuit. When the horn switch is pressed, current flows to the horn relay to
get its contact P1 closed. The current from the battery now flows directly through the horn coil and the
contact P2, which magnetizes the core and attracts the moving plate. Then the contact P2 opens itself
and the current is interrupted. The magnetic force then disappears and the spring-loaded diaphragm
comes back to the original position. The contact P2 closes itself, and the current flows again through the
coil to attract the moving plate. The above series of actions are repeated to keep the diaphragm vibrat-
ing, producing sound.

WSM U15-3

3. Current flow

(3) (8)
(1) Battery
(9) (2) Horn switch
(3) Horn relay
(4) Diaphram
(5) Core
(6) (6) Coil
(7) Moving bolt
(8) Adjust nut
(9) Moving plate




For your information

1. Function of diode: Prevention of horn switch by absorbing the surge current.
Inductive type of load, such as solenoid valve generates arc spark at switch point.
This diode installed parallel to solenoid valve let the surge current energy flow back to coil to consume
as a joule heat.
In this way, surge current won't flow to horn switch.

WSM U15-3

4. Horn circuit
(Horn SW is off position)
• When horn switch is off, current Horn SW
doesnít flow through relay.
So relay remains off condition and
horn doesnít sound.




(Horn SW is on position)
• When horn switch is on position, cur- Horn SW
rent flows through relay, magnetizes
it and activates horn.



WSM U15-3

s. Charging system (Alternator)

1) Alternator structure (Code No. 16678-64012)
Nameplate (brown)

Terminal B: M6
(Terminal B nut tightening torque
io To
ct p
re dir
di ec
ing tio
np (Shaft center reference)
rn res
Tu ett

(Theoretical value)


Frame ID projection
presettable range
Flat area

Anti-corrosion treatment

(1) Pulley
(2) Nut
(3) Collar, space
(4) Frame assembly, drive end
(5) Bearing, ball
(6) Plate, retainer
(7) Screw
Rear cover ID projection (8) Bolt, stud
presettable range
(9) Rotor assembly
Allowed if no ND marking (10) Bearing, ball
(11) Cover, bearing
(12) Frame, end, rear
(13) Holder subassembly, rectifier
Connector pin layout (14) Holder subassembly, brush
(15) Regulator assembly
(16) Screw, with washer
(17) Screw with washer
(18) Bolt, with washer
(19) Screw with washer
(20) Bolt, with washer
(21) Cover, end, rear
(22) Insulation bushing, terminal
(23) Nut
(24) Nut
(25) Washer

WSM U15-3

2) Circuit diagram

Alternator assembly IC regulator

3) Specifications
Standard characteristics Rated voltage 12 V
(3.5V constant, ambient temperature 25 °C)
Rated output (13.5 V when hot) 40 A (500rpm)
Startup rpm (13.5 V when hot) 1350 rpm
When cold Allowable maximum rpm 15000 rpm
Allowable ambient temperature -30 °C ~ 90 °C
Turning direction Right (when viewed from pulley)
When hot
Polarity Negative-side grounding
Weight About 2.75 kg
Output current (A)

Initial excitation function Total excitation

Allowable input load at terminal L Lamp 12V: 3.4W x 6 pcs.
Potential at terminal L Generation off: Below 1.5V (With alarm
on) (12V applied at terminal IG)
Output current at terminal P Average current: Below 0.5A
Vibration proof Up/down, right/left: 290 m/s2
(overall value of alternator itself)
To-and-fro (axial): 250 m/s2
Belt tension (Type HM) 270 ~ 444 N
Regulator set voltage 14.2 ~ 14.8 V / 500rpm, 10A, 25 °C
Alternator turning speed (x103 rpm)
Set voltage vs. temperature
Set voltage (V)

Regulator case surface temperature ( °C)

Alarm function: Broken rotor coil Charge lamp light-up

WSM U15-3

4. Charging system malfunction

1) Check charge lamp condition.
Lamp condition
Engine Condition
Normal Trouble case (1) Trouble case (2)
Engine stops ON ON OFF
Engine starts OFF ON OFF

Trouble case (1):Fan belt breakage, B-terminal failure charging system malfunction.
Trouble case (2):Wireharness problem, L-terminal failure

2) Pull the harness to see if the alternator coupler is not

out of position. Be sure that the coupler harness is
tightly connected. (Pull by a 3 kg or less force.)

• If out of position, attach the coupler tightly and check

the lamp.

3) Check for continuity to make sure the 60A slow-blow

fuse (60A) is not blown out.

4) Check for continuity to make sure the 15A fuse is not

blown out. (For the travel hi-speed and fuel pump)

• If this fuse is blown out, both the fuel pump and

travel hi-speed control do not work.

WSM U15-3

5) Check battery voltage at B-terminal of wireharness coupler.

If no battery voltage, check the fuse and continuity of wireharness.

6) Alternator B-terminal check

1)Measure the voltage between the alternator’s termi-
nal B and the body ground. Make sure the measure-
ment is 12 V or so. If the measured voltage is lower
than this, it means that the battery capacity may be
low or that the wire connections before the alternator
may be loose.
2)Next start the engine and measure the voltage being
generated while the alternator is running. For this,
measure the voltage between the alternator’s termi-
nal B and the body ground. Make sure the measure-
ment goes up to 14 V or so (alternator-generated
voltage). If the measurement is still the battery volt-
age (12 V or so), it means that the alternator or the
regulator may be in trouble.

7) P-terminal check
P-terminal signal indicates the alternator speed.
This pulse signal is sent to the auto release controller terminal (CN-310-1) to detect the engine rotating

Alternator assembly IC regulator

WSM U15-3

t. Relay
1. Relays location (N) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L)
(A) Starter lock relay (I) Second self hold relay
(B) Auto release relay (J) Self hold release relay
(C) Auto release stabilizer relay (K) Travel high relay
(D) ESS relay (L) Horn relay
(E) Lever lock relay (M) Auto release controller
(F) Cab relay (N) Auto glow controller
(G) First self hold relay (D)·(E) Anti theft version only
(H) Reverse relay

2. Purpose of relays
Electrical devices on the load side - heater, glow plug,
(M) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
cab instruments, for example - tend to require large
current. This means that the wire harnesses running
the power source up to the switches and loads must involve thick, large-capacity cables. This is disad-
vantageous in costs, weight and safety. What's worse, turning on and off a large-current circuit with a
manual switch may cause a spark and get the switch in trouble.
Here come the relays in the switching circuits. The relays can be on/off-controlled using fine, small-cur-
rent cables, and the switches can last longer. These switches may also be conveniently located.
A large-capacity harness may be connected from the power source via the relay to the load. In this
design, the harness is made shorter, less expensive, and safer.
1) Switch OFF 2) Switch ON
Relay Relay
sw sw

Load Load

Type of relay
Normal open relay (a-type) Normal close relay (b-type) Combined relay

Contacts marked with white dots Contacts marked with black dots

No current flowing Current flowing

Normal state

Current flowing

No current flowing

Current flowing No current flowing

Power-on state

No current flowing

Current flow

WSM U15-3

3. Structure of relay
Fig. in the left shows the sample of relay
Starter lock relay (N.C)
Code No. : RB419-5371-1

(1) Body
(2) Case
(3) Coil bin
(4) Terminal
(5) Iron
(6) Core
(7) Coil
(8) Spring
(9) Contact
(10) Terminal
(11) Terminal
(12) Common
(13) Terminal
(14) Adhesive
(15) Rubber bracket
Battery Load
side side
g e

4. Specifications
(Sample relay : starter lock relay)
1) Product name: CA relay
2) Code: CA1b-12V-…-5
3) Type: 1b, Brushseal, 12V
4) Performance
(1) Coil ratings
1. Rated operating voltage : DC 12 V
2. Operating voltage (initial, at 20 °C) : Below DC 8 V
3. Open-circuit voltage (initial, at 20 °C) : DC 0.6 ~ 6.0 V
4. Coil resistance (at 20 °C) : 80 : ± 10 %
5. Rated excitation current (at 20 °C) : 150 mA ± 10 %
6. Rated power consumption : 1.8 W

(2) Contact ratings

1. Contact type : 1b
2. Contact material : Special silver alloy
3. Contact resistance (initial) : Below 50 m: (DC6V, 1A, fall-of-potential method)
4. Contact voltage drop : Below 0.3 V (DC12V, 20A, fall-of-potential method)
(after electrical service life)
5. Rated control capacity : 20A, 12 VDC, resistance load
6. Maximum duty current : 12A (coil-applied voltage DC 14V)
(at 20 °C, for 1 minute)

WSM U15-3

5. Checking relays
1) When current flows through the coil of a relay, its core is
magnetized to attract the iron piece, closing (ON) the con-
tact at the tip of the iron piece. When the coil current is
turned off, the iron piece is made to return to its original
position by a spring, opening the contact (OFF).

2) By using a relay, a heavy current can by turned on and off

by a switch of small capacity. For example, in the circuit
shown here, when the switch is turned on (closed), current
flows to the coil of the relay. Then, its contact is turned on
(closed) and the light comes on. The current flowing at this
time to the switch is the relay coil current only and is very

3) The relays may be classified into the normal open type

and the normal close type by their contact construction.

The deenergized state means that no current is flowing
through the coil and the energized state means that cur-
rent is flowing through the coil.

When a normal close type relay as illustrated here is

checked, there should be continuity between terminals (1)
and (2) and between terminals 3 and 4 when the relay is
deenergized, and the continuity should be lost between
terminals 3 and 4 when the battery voltage is applied to
the terminals I and 2. A relay can be checked in this man-
ner and it cannot be determined if a relay is okay or faulty
by checking its state only when it is deenergized (or ener-

WSM U15-3

u. Route of Electric Wiring

1. Unloading, horn

(2) (3)


(1) Fix it at 2 positions from inside.

(2) Unloading switch
(3) Connector
(6) (4) Clamp the cable once when it comes out of
the hole.
(7) (5) Clamp and pass it through the hole 5.5.
(6) Branch of wire harness
(8) (7) Pass it behind the round bar.
(8) Clamp it at 2 positions.
(9) Insert a clip into the swivel frame.

Wiring of the horn switch at the right of the operation stand

(5) (1) One-finger clearance should be secured
after clamping the cables and turning the
lever in every direction.
(1) (6) (2) Length to the clamp: 200 mm
(3) Caulk it by caulking tool.
(2) (4) Clamp (134L)
(5) The connector at main wire harness side
and the clamp at wiring side should be fixed
firmly to the bracket.
(6) Clamp (112L, 2-3. 2T)



WSM U15-3

2 Route of Electric Wiring (Engine Rear)








(1) Theft-proof key setting terminal

(2) Key setting connector
(3) Slow-blow fuse
(4) Direct the fuse box so that the slot comes to the right.
(5) Pass the battery cord, dozer cable and wire harness to the theft-proof unit through the hole of the vertical
(6) Insert RA221-5322' battery cord (Plus) into the threaded hole from the front side of the mount.
(7) Facing directly above
(8) Clamp the wire harness and the rubber cap after assembling the terminal.
(9) Pass the power cord through the upper hole.
(10)Pass the minus cord through the lower hole.
(11)The minus terminal should be directed abeam at the machine front.
(12)Pass the plus power cord behind the arch.

WSM U15-3

3. Route of Electric Wiring (Engine Upper Side)


(5) (6)
(3) (4)





(1) Glow, engine stop solenoid

(2) Unloading valve, meters, relays, etc.
(3) Key setting
(4) (Downwards) Power supply, theft-proof unit
(5) Fuse
(6) Alternator, starter motor
(7) Facing directly above
(8) Unloading: Left hole
Green-colored wire harness
Upper solenoid
(9) 2-speed: Right hole
Yellow-colored wire harness
Lower solenoid
(10)Ground wire
(11)Connect the engine stop solenoid.
(12)Glow terminal:Tighten it to face the right side of the machine.
(13)Tighten the clamp (RP821-6738') to the water flange together with the stay (wire harness 1, boom 3).
(14)Insert a clip.

WSM U15-3

4. Route of Electric Wiring (Starter Motor, Body Grounding)


(2) (5)

(7) (9)
(6) (8)

(1) Cord (Body grounding)

(2) Battery cord (Plus)
(3) Facing directly below
(4) Facing directly above
(5) Mount it into the lower hole.
(6) Projection (Rear side)
(7) Cover (Right)
(8) Groove
(9) Starter switch

WSM U15-3

5. Route of Electric Wiring (Right Side of the Operation Stand)

Connect the black relay (T1060-3372' Relay (Starter)) to the black connector and the blue relay (RB419-
5371' Relay (Starter, NC)) to the blue connector.
(1) Controller (Auto-glow)
(2) Bolt x 1
(4) (3) Controller (Safety)
(2) (4) Relay (Glow)
(5) Machine Front

Note : Mount the starter switch after passing

the antenna cable.
(6) (7)


(6) Antenna (Theft-proof)

(7) Starter switch
(8) Bolt

The parts shown in the frame are provided for

theft-proof specification only.

Application of Relays Color Wire color

A Starter lock relay Blue Green/White wire, Yellow, Black/White wire, Red/Black wire
B Automatic release relay Black Yellow, Black/White wire, Black/White wire, Black/White wire
C Automatic release stabilizing relay Black Black/White wire, Red/Black wire, Black/White wire, Black/White wire
D ESS relay Black Red/White wire, Red/White wire, Red/Black wire, Red/White wire
E Lever lock relay Black Red/White wire, Green/White wire, Red/Black wire, Blue/White wire
F Cab relay Black
G First self hold relay Blue
H Reverse relay Blue
I Second self hold relay Black
J Self hold release relay Black
K Travel high speed relay Black
L Horn relay Black

The relays shown in the frame are provided for theft-proof specification only.

WSM U15-3

6. Route of Electric Wiring (Front)


(2) (3)



(1) Connect the red wires and yellow wires in their respective groups and fix them to the working light frame
by cord clamps.
(2) Clamp the position marked with white tape outside the hole.
Use care so that the wire harness should not be drawn into the hole.
(3) Tighten the black wire together with the bolt.
(4) Pass it under the boom pin.
(5) Fix the clip to the metal.

WSM U15-3

WSM U15-3

v. Electrical component layout

Key switch panel Horn Relay Controller (Auto Glow) Unload valve

Back of engine Stop solenoid Fuse, slow-blow fuse

Thermal unit Lock lever limit switch Glow

Ground Battery Oil switch Starter motor

Fuel sensor Horn Lamp Fuel pump High-speed switch Alternator

WSM U15-3

w. Electric Circuit
Lever lock Lever lock switch

Key switch Dual-speed

Lever lock

Automatic release stabilizing relay

Automatic release controller

Automatic release relay




Glow relay

Auto glow
Auto glow controller Glow plug
Fuel pump
Meter, alternator, fuel pump

Water temperature sensor


Engine stop



WSM U15-3

1. Battery direct line and ground (Earth) line

Lever lock Lever lock switch

Key switch Dual-speed

Lever lock

Automatic release stabilizing relay

Automatic release controller

Automatic release relay




Glow relay

Auto glow
Auto glow controller Glow plug
Fuel pump
Meter, alternator, fuel pump

Water temperature sensor


Engine stop



WSM U15-3

2. Key switch ON (AC - position)

Lever lock Lever lock switch

Key switch Dual-speed

Lever lock

Automatic release stabilizing relay

Automatic release controller

Automatic release relay




Glow relay

Auto glow
Auto glow controller Glow plug
Fuel pump
Meter, alternator, fuel pump

Water temperature sensor


Engine stop



WSM U15-3

3. Key switch to the start position

Lever lock Lever lock switch

Key switch Dual-speed

Lever lock

Automatic release stabilizing relay

Automatic release controller

Automatic release relay




Glow relay

Auto glow
Auto glow controller Glow plug
Fuel pump
Meter, alternator, fuel pump

Water temperature sensor


Engine stop



WSM U15-3

4. Engine running at travel high renge

Lever lock Lever lock switch

Key switch Dual-speed

Lever lock

Automatic release stabilizing relay

Automatic release controller

Automatic release relay





Glow relay

Auto glow
Auto glow controller Glow plug
Fuel pump
Meter, alternator, fuel pump

Water temperature sensor






Engine stop





WSM U15-3

x. Electrical Wiring diagram



Soldered to terminals 1 & 3 Japan/EU

USA/ (KX91, U35)


Japan Japan/EU

LA terminal




LA terminal Battery positive terminal


WSM U15-3



Soldered to terminals 1 & 3 Japan/EU

USA/ (KX91, U35)


Japan Japan/EU

LA terminal




LA terminal Battery positive terminal

Conversion Tables
KUBOTA Corporation
PHONE :+81-72-890-2888
FAX :+81-72-890-2886

KUBOTA Corporation Printed in Japan 0503.CMC.e.12 Code No.97899-61270

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