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A Thesis Presented to the

College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management

Your Program and Specialization (if applicable)


Joyce M. Orioste

Andrea Collin T. Villapando

August 2022



This research paper, entitled: Student Competencies and Career Interest:

Role of the Current Pandemic Situation in Tourism Sector , prepared and

submitted by Joyce M. Orioste and Andrea Collin T. Villapando, in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science in International Travel

and Tourism Management has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and

approval for Oral Defense.

Mr. Troy Tuzon

Research Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination:

Mr. Dane Corpuz

Panel Member

Dr. Delon Ching

Panel Member

Dr. Ryan Gamoso

Panel Chair

Online approvals are reflected in Appendix H.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Your
Program and Specialization (if applicable)

Chef Abram Emmanuel R. Peralta, MIHM, WCCE, CGSP, SFPM,

Dean, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management



Tourism students recognize the sober reality of the pandemic's negative effects on their

academic and career success; thus, the researchers conducted this study to see how LPU

Laguna third and fourth year tourism students' competencies and career interests have

changed as a result of the uncertainties and discovered the moderating effect of Tourism

Industry Status on these variables. Underpinning theory was utilized by researchers to

examine career development, such as academic and professional interests, how individuals

choose a vocation, and career achievement and stability in school. And employs a conceptual

framework based on the Social Cognitive Framework, which uses the primary variables career

interest, psychographic profile, competencies, and status of tourism industry. This study used

a causal comparative approach and quantitative research methods on a total population of 189

people. Furthermore, it employs weighted mean, Pearson correlation, and Hayes Process in

IBM SPSS in moderation analysis. The findings revealed a link between competencies and

psychographic profile in terms of lifestyle, interests, opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. It also

reveals a significant relationship between respondents' career interests and psychographic

profile. Finally, it was demonstrated that the status of the tourism industry has a moderating

effect on competencies and career interest. As a result, the relationship between competencies

and interest is dependent on the state of the tourism industry. The results on this study guided

researchers to create student career development programs to better understand themselves

and their career and provide recommendations to further enhance their competencies and

strengthen their interest despite the Status of Tourism Industry.

Keywords: Status of Tourism Industry, competencies, career interest, psychographic profile




This research study becomes a reality with the kind help and support of many individuals,

we would like to extend our deepest and sincere gratitude to all of them. To the

hardworking people of our community Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna,

particularly in the department of College of International Tourism and Hospitality

Management for providing the assistance we needed. To our hands on adviser, Dr. Troy

Tuzon for guiding us and sharing his knowledge and understanding to complete our study.

To our research statistician, Ms. Maricris Agawin for being very considerate and allotting

us her time when there are things, we are not certain about and for giving us some insight

for us to finish our study. To Ms. Ella Dimaculangan for giving us the chance to have her

as our research industry professional, truly her assistance is of great help to our study. To

all the students under the tourism course for making our paper possible by having time to

answer our research instrument, we would not be able to get the results we needed if not

because of their participation. To our dearest panelist Dr. Ryan Joseph Calinao, Mr. Dane

Corpuz, Mr. Christian Aguado, Mr. Delon Ching and Dr. Ryan Gamoso for giving us their

insightful opinions and recommendations on how we can improve and how we can make

our study feasible. We appreciate all of you. Finally, we give thanks to the Almighty God

for giving us guidance, intelligence, understanding and courage in completing all the

requirements and prerequisites of this course and achieving our goals. All the Glory!


The Researchers



TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................1

APPROVAL SHEET ..............................................................................................2

ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................3


TABLE OF CONTENTS. ......................................................................................5

LIST OF TABLES. ..............................................................................................8

LIST OF FIGURES. ............................................................................................8


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................11

Review of Related Literature ........................................................... 15

Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 69

Objectives of the Study .................................................................... 72

2 METHOD ............................................................................................................... 73

Research Design .............................................................................73

Respondents of the Study ...............................................................74

Data Gathering Tool ........................................................................ 75

Data Gathering Procedure .............................................................77

Ethical Consideration ............................................................................ 78



Data Analysis ....................................................................... 79

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................ 80

4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................... 142

Conclusions ............................................................................... 144

Recommendations ....................................................................148

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 150

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 169

Appendix A: LETTERS OF REQUEST ...............................................................

Appendix B: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................ 169

Appendix C: CRONBACH ALPHA RESULT .....................................................197

Appendix D: SPSS OUTPUT .............................................................................198

Appendix E: PROOF OF SURVEY...................................................................... 206

Appendix F: PLAGIARISM TEST RESULT .......................................................

Appendix G: GRAMMARIAN ENDORSEMENT LETTER ................................

Appendix H: PROOF OF PANEL APPROVAL………………………………………….…207

Appendix I: OTHER LETTERS………………………………………….……………………..


Table 1.
Determine the psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of Lifestyle


Table 2.
The psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of Interest…………………84

Table 3.
The psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of opinions, attitudes, and

Table 4
Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Internship…………….92

Table 5
Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Confidence……………95

Table 6
Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Teaching

Table 7
The factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in
terms of Academic Ability………………………………………………………………………….103

Table 8
The factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in
terms of Economic Stability……………………………………………………………………….106

Table 9
The factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in
terms of Expectations………………………………………………………………………………110

Table 10
Determine the factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in
terms of Economic Contribution……………………………………………………………….113

Table 11
Determine the factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in
terms of Preferences………………………………………………………………………………...116

Table 12
Factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in terms of


Table 13
Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile pertaining

to Lifestyle…………………………………………………………………………………………..123

Table 14
Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile pertaining

to Interest……………………………………………………………………………………………126

Table 15
Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile pertaining

to Interest…………………………………………………………………………………………….128

Table 16
Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile pertaining to


Table 17
Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile

pertaining to Interest…………………………………………………………………134

Table 18
Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile

pertaining to Opinions, attitudes & beliefs. ………………………………….137

Table 19
Moderating Role of the Status of the Tourism Industry…………………140


Figure 1. Theoretical framework of the study ................................................................... 66


Figure 2 Conceptual Framework of the study……………………………………………………………69



As defined by the Robinsons (2020), a pandemic is an epidemic that occurs

worldwide or over a very large area, crosses international borders, and usually affects a

large number of people. All over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted to

damage relating to a dramatic loss of human life, posing an unprecedented challenge to

public health, food systems, education and, most notably, the workplace


In the Philippines, the pandemic has primarily impacted workplace of bigger

sectors not only commercial business industries, but also establishments associated with

Philippine travel and tourism. The tourism industry is widely recognized as one of the

most important contributors to the advancement of the Philippine economy, as evidenced

by a relevant stand of Masigan (2021), where he displayed factual statistics indicating that

by year 2019, travel and tourism contributed 12.7 percent of GDP, or approximately $47.8

billion in goods and services. However, by the start of pandemic, changes are noticeable

to these numbers. Numerous airlines reported a 75 percent drop in totality of domestic

flights which led to retrenchment programs, with voluntary and involuntary separation

contributed to the range of unemployment in the Philippines. In addition, hotels and

resorts, tour operators, restaurants, spas, and entertainment venues are also among those

suffering losses. As a result, the government has provided solutions to these issues by

continuing operations with travel restrictions, but this has made it difficult for IATA,

WHO, and ICAO to unify travel protocols in the Philippine context and across nations



Meanwhile, aside from the tourism sector, which has been significantly affected by

the pandemic, this event has also caused concern in other aspect which is the educational

system. The Philippines is one of the countries in the world that have not started in-person

classes since the pandemic began, affecting the right to learn of more than million Filipino

students. Among this number, there are 3.5 million tertiary-level students enrolled in

online based learning which has been in terms of synchronous, real-time lectures and

time-based outcomes assessments, or asynchronous, delayed-time activities, like pre-

recorded video lectures and time-independent assessments. In this virtual setting, the

quality of education depends on the available infrastructure of both parties in the comfort

of their homes such as good connectivity, workspace, and access to technology. Majority

of the Universities in the Philippines such as De La Salle University (DLSU), Ateneo de

Manila University (ADMU), the University of Santo Tomas (UST), and Lyceum of the

Philippines University Laguna (LPU-L) are implementing this online based learning

approach. These Universities includes in over 28 million Filipino learners across academic

levels who have to stay at home and comply with the Philippine government’s quarantine

measures (UNESCO, 2020).

However, despite the effort of the educational institutions in the Philippines to

continue providing education amid the situation, inevitably, the virtual setup has taken a

toll on students' mental health. In fact, on a study conducted by AlAteq et al., (2020),

reports the stress and challenges encountered by students in virtual learning spaces. This

demonstrates a discrepancy with the educational system implemented in the Philippine



setting, which impacted various potential factors including students’ skills, calling into

question their competency, and learning ability.

Explicitly, the various studies mentioned have demonstrated how the pandemic

changed the approach to such areas: tourism sector as well as the Philippine educational

system. As a result, this has a negative effect on the respondents that is directly concerned

by the obstacles, which are the 3rd year and 4th year students of tourism related courses

that is also the respondents on this research who are the key players in the industry few

years from now. As based on Zhong et al., (2021), tourism students realized the sober

reality of the negative effects from the pandemic on their academic and career success.

Tourism students’ competencies is vital for the future of Tourism industry since it

is one of the major considerations when employers are hiring their employees. Employers

valued graduates' competencies in the areas of preparation "Hospitality" and "Tourism,"

by their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing and implementing

practical activities, as shown in a study conducted by Zaitseva (2017). This demonstrated

how important it is for students to have a developed set of ability and competence for them

to perform better in their chosen career. But, for a matter of fact, this pandemic has given

tourism students the impression that they are incapable to perform at their best, as stated

by Wargo (2020), through the barrier of a screen, many students have trouble

concentrating during Zoom lessons, and it is tougher for both teachers and students to

interact throughout class which resulted to claims that some may not see themselves as

successful in their field, given that the virtual setting is lacking in many ways. This led the


students to question their ability to contribute to the growth of the industry which led them

to shift in career plans.

Moreover, as explained by Nyamwange & Masai Mara University 2016, career

plans comprehension is a major distinction in an individual's life, especially for college

students striving to enter an industry-position that is in accordance with their programs.

Determining a career is frequently confusing, and their long-term results are not directly

clear to some individuals. Different justification and inducement of tourism students

regarding the current situation of the tourism industry affected their positioning in the

industry most especially that they are well aware individuals that there are challenges

experienced today like massive decline and unavailability of numerous opportunities by

the face of pandemic. This is deemed as a threat most especially to the tourism sector since

it led the industry to decreased in demand and tolerate the birth of incompetent and

unskilled manpower, when not addressed beforehand.

Therefore, Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna, as an educational

institution that has an instilled brand of leadership as according to Du (2019), felt it was

critical that students be honed holistically despite of these challenges faced today. As a

result, when presented with the opportunity to conduct a feasible and timely study, the

researchers, who are Tourism students at the institution, have combined ideas from their

self-proclaimed awareness, and found the significance of this research that has assisted

them in determining factual information that is beneficial for the Lyceum of the

Philippines University Laguna preferably 3rd and 4th year Tourism students, to better


understand themselves, the industry, and evaluated the factors that influenced them in

continuing their career by the time of pandemic.

Thus, the study's goal was determined on how well tourism students understand

their chosen career path and how it operates today which focused on the underlying

reasons leading to the career interests of LPU-Laguna senior and junior tourism students,

during pandemic such as their academic ability, economic stability, and expectations.

Moreover, the researches examined the impact of respondent’s competencies on their

career in the present times and revealed the moderating effect of the status of the Tourism

industry to both: competencies and career interest. Researchers has put attention in the

majority of tourism students who have the potential in changing their course as they

believe they are able to perform their learnings more easily and proficiently with a change

of plans, goals, and propositions. At the end of the study, the proponents of this research

arrived at justifiable and specific reasons why tourism students have uncertainties with

their career, that have guided the researchers to provide recommendations like student

career development programs and plans for the respondents, institution, professors,

Tourism Industry, and educational system to these risks to field of tourism industry.

Review of Literature


Lifestyle is defined as people's thoughts, ideas, and attitudes toward society. These

attitudes, mindsets, and beliefs have a tremendous influence on people's conclusion,



whether they are in accordance with their personal or professional lives as what has been

stated by Young et al., (2018).

Moreover, lifestyle as claimed by Romero-Blanco et al., (2020), are discrete

characteristics such as age, sex, and health condition are known to influence how much

physical exercise people engage; it includes motivation, insufficient time, and issues linked

to body image or physical aspect involving with physical activity, this physical activity are

often done as it can also help with anxiety and sadness. From other study sourced from

Romero-Blanco et al., (2020), he discussed that lifestyle is not just about mindsets it also

involves aspects of each person's personality (gender, provocation, eating habits, mental

condition, etc.), which directs them to aid or hamper their decision to do physical

movements. With that being said, students' sedentary behavior could be seen as escalated

if they were constricted to their homes, and on the other hand, their physical diversion

would have dropped if they couldn't go outside for physical movements & relaxation.

Covid-19 pandemic, a treacherous virus has come to take place over the world and

became a threat to the lives of people. With the sudden outburst of this virus the majority

of the countries around the world are put on lockdown. As mentioned by Cordero (2022),

colleges and institutions all across the world were forced to transition to all-online

education. Students were forced to abandon their typical patterns of conversing face-to-

face with their classmates, teachers, and friends as a result of the abrupt transition.

However, based on Goncalves et al., (2021), students were already characterized as a

society with unhealthy lives and routine even before the epidemic, as seen by high levels


of obesity. He said that this must not be taken lightly given the harmful effect of physical

inactivity and sedentary practices on long-term health, especially in young adults,

therefore, the prevalence of distant learning should be addressed.

Yet, despite this claim, a study by Zeng et al., (2021), found that school closures

had a significantly detrimental impact on school-aged children's health style during the

COVID-19 epidemic, including decreased physical activity, increased screen time, and

lopsided sleeping patterns. This showed that in both distant and online learning young

adults already have an unhealthy lifestyle, however, the existence of online learning made

it severe.

In relation to that, evidence suggests that forced seclusion and school closure

significantly limit students' connections with classmates and opportunities for physical

activity. Students' relationship with the instructor, other students, and the resources they

were learning to operate were all affected by the alterations to the learning procedure. Due

to the small number of members, it also had an impact on interactions with one another

in practical tasks, as well as motivation for learning and teaching learning outcomes which

could have an effect on their lifestyle, this was supported by the study of Khan et al.,


In fact, amid pandemic, there was a general decrease in physical activity intensity,

as well as a rise in the consumption of less healthful foods and a 28.6% increase in

sedentary behavior. There was also a decrease in physical activity among university

students, as well as an increase in worry among 18- to 34-year-olds. A recent study

conducted by Michigan et al., (2021), stated that students may feel not much connected to


their friends, clubs, and hobbies if they are removed from their social support system and

extracurricular activities at school. Furthermore, they are concerned about their own

future, as well as the health of their friends and loved ones. The scenario they are in is

stressful and anxiety-inducing, since there is a constant fear of the unspecified as well as

a sense of loss of control, making them particularly sensitive to mental health issues.

On the other hand, we cannot fully conclude that the Covid-19 pandemic only gives

a negative impact to the lifestyle of people, to be precise most studies have found that the

pandemic also creates a positive impact to others. Based on the study of Flores et al.,

(2021), some individuals stated that after the lockout, their lifestyle has improved since

they have been able to exercise, eat healthier meals, focus on skin care, and correct

sleeping habits, while others stated that they have lived a sedentary lifestyle since the

lockdown. The respondent’s thoughts on the effects of COVID-19 on their motivation to

remain in the profession were divided into positive and negative categories, with both

positive and negative viewpoints being noticed.

In the tourism industry, lifestyle has been one of the greatest factors affected by

the pandemic. It not only affects students but all the people around the world. With all, it

showed how people suffer from the negative impact of the virus brought to their lifestyle.

Their daily lives were greatly affected with regards to their health for they cannot take care

of their body personally, behavior when having interaction with other people as well as

their motivation to address difficulties that are occurring every day. This also showed the

significance of providing solutions that caters the problems with regards to the quality of

lifestyle currently encountered by the students particularly their respondents as tourism



students during pandemic. The researchers would look further to the different studies that

can help them to secure the healthy lifestyle of the students during this time of difficulty

and would look into details if the lifestyle of the students has an effect with their

productivity, and interest to their career.


Interest could be the things that people are interested in, it could be their hobbies,

their feelings towards others and the things that make them curious. But as stated by Hidi

et al., (2019), not only these factors are associated with interest, but people also passing

interest are expected and eager to seek out pertinent information, continue to learn more,

and persevere. They are also more likely to be involved in meaningful learning and

motivated: they are attentive, hardworking, goal-oriented, and flourish and employ

techniques effectively. On the other hand, as stated by Bergin (2016), when it comes to the

place to develop interest, school is the best place for it, as it is a social setting that can

impact the development of interests. Moreover, interest sparked by school and life

changing experiences should be goals of education, but study shows that they happen at a

lower-than-optimal rate.

Truly that school as an environment creates a serious impact to the interest of the

students. As mentioned in the study of Quinlan (2019), the best predictors of situational

interest were students' degree of individual interest and their evaluations of their teacher's

excitement, congeniality, and knowledge. Overachievement was found to be inversely

related to situational interest.



However, COVID-19, on the other hand, has afflicted and continues to afflict a

disproportionately large segment of the population. People's perceptions of quality of life,

as well as general pleasure and well-being, have shifted as a result. Given that, there is an

uptick in public discourse as well as interest among scholars in a subset of the quality of

life idea that deals with people's well-being, welfare, and happiness as reported by Kralik

et al., (2021). It was also mentioned in this study that although the global COVID-19

pandemic closed most of the homes in a community, the Slovak Republic, like other

countries, discovered that it unlocked the door to various activities, opportunities, and

interests that individual would find more intriguing or appealing contributing to their


Admittedly, Covid-19 pandemic seriously impacted not only the generalized

interest of the students but also their specific personal interest in a way that they are

having difficulties in doing well in their study. The recent study by Thompson et al., (2016),

showed how the growing body of knowledge affects the interest and how it develops to

investigate the relationships between students' interest in a domain or study discipline, a

course, and tasks within university studies, as well as how self-knowledge in the form of

competency beliefs influences interest development. He also noted that students enter a

new university course with varying levels of interest in the general content domain, the

course itself, and the challenges they are confronting. Recognizing the domain specific

nature of interest is critical for increasing interest in tertiary education. Students make

decisions regarding their future learning according to their classroom, tutorial, and

individual study experiences.



As conducted by Sutarto et al., (2020), the importance of interest in learning

cannot be overstated. This passion can boost learning outcomes by motivating students to

learn. To support his idea a study from Greviana et al., (2020), stated that the preclinical

students were in the "imperial" stage, which is marked by a desire to help others while

their personal needs remain paramount, a need to obey norms, and emotions can

overpower their reasoning skills. Students appeared to have progressed to the

"interpersonal" stage, in which they have many points of view, are able to put self-interest

aside, and are agitated about how others assess them. Online learning became one of the

reasons why the interests of students were neglected, it is also the reason why online

platforms are put into considerations so that the students and learners could still interact

with each other.

However, despite of these negative impacts, according to the study of Farida et al.,

(2021), claimed that the effectiveness of online learning utilizing the Zoom cloud meeting

application is achieved at 93.75 percent, it also showed positive results of interviews and

observations based on how the platforms boost the students’ enthusiasm and learning

interest. This showed that in some cases, the implementation of online classes is somehow

working and are effective to some.

Given the circumstances mentioned about interests, few positive impacts have also

been discussed but with the given studies, it is very evident that the Covid -19 pandemic

created an enormous complication with the personal interest of the people and students

in general as stated when it comes to their willingness to retrieve their lost interest in

everything that they want to do especially in school. With the continuous occurrence of the


virus that hinder the engrossment of the students to carry out and execute their personal

interest into exertion, the researchers found out that there is an important proceeding to

measure to arrive at a better understanding of the matters with regards to the interest of

their chosen respondents (tourism students) most especially its implications to their


Opinions, attitudes, and beliefs

Throughout the people’s existence the opinions, attitudes and beliefs are major

contributors on how they act towards other people and to the situation they are in. With

regards to the opinions of many, they are given the freedom to voice out by giving

suggestions, recommendations, and advice. When we talk about the attitude, people tend

to react by how their attitude perceives a certain situation. And for beliefs, here they are

acting with respect and coping up based on their indifferences with each other. These

profiles are strong as they reflect the person that you are personally and professionally,

but it is inevitable for these areas to be impacted by difficulties faced by an individual.

In the study of Sharker et al., (2021), SARS-Cov-2 virus spreads over the world and

it has been one of the major problems faced by the world, it causes universal anxiety,

apprehension, and tension, all of which are legitimate and understandable responses to

the ever-changing and unexpected position in which everyone finds themselves. The

causes of the spread of virus targeted almost all the community of students. In addition,

he discussed, they are in the transition periods of their academic and professional lives,


tertiary students may be particularly unguarded to COVID-19's psychological effects. They

have previously been subject to high levels of stress, anxiety, and despair.

Learners are on the verge of mental breakdown since Covid-19 greatly affected

their mental health and the way they decided for the things they want, to support this claim

research conducted by Arora et al., (2021) stated that students' ability to adjust to online

education is frequently hampered by psychological concerns. We discovered that in the

present circumstances, pupils thought online education was a manageable option. Not

until they realize that it impaired their critical thinking and emotions toward the society

they are in. Students' pandemic-related dismissive anxiety is mirrored in their e-learning

activities. According to research, they are not ready for an online learning experience

during the pandemic phase. Students are either concerned that working online are hard,

or they believe that academics are be unable to assist them sufficiently during the

pandemic as stated by Emmanuel et al., (2020). Furthermore, kids refuse to participate in

any form of appraisal.

Moreover, it is also undeniable that students in the online setting provoked their

negative attitude to develop cheating and dishonesty when the lecturers are not around.

In the study of Oducado (2020), faculty members believe that online education has led to

increased academic dishonesty, that it will be unbiased and lacking in feeling when

compared to face-to-face classes, and that it will be hard to administer electronically.

Faculty members were also uncertain about whether they support online learning. But,

according to the study: age, sex, college, educational attainment, years in teaching,

academic rank, level taught, and work position of the faculty ranged greatly in their


support for online education. Additionally, the software and online study resources

utilized to assist online education were well received by the students.

Furthermore, a study reported by Ismaili (2021), revealed that distance learning is

still in its early stages, and while traditional classrooms emerge to be necessary, the

majority of students' positive attitudes and willingness to participate in distance learning

classes in the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic specify that e-learning platforms in

higher education institutions have a bright future. University students in developed states

have a wide range of opinions towards e-learning, with the majority expressing positive

views claimed by Gamal et al., (2011).

Furthermore, Campbell et al., (2011), compare the performance and attitudes of

students who were instructed online against those who were trained on-site. It was also

discovered by Ismaili (2021), that a complete shortage of competent measurement

instruments employed by teachers and school systems had a significant negative impact

on students' behavior and views regarding online courses. Even though future generations

of university students around the world are likely to accept technology as a required

educational tool in traditional, virtual, or blended educational environments, the studies

show that mentalities toward platform features and functionality played a major role in

educational strategy planning in the future.

To conclude, students believe that online education is difficult and has a negative

impact on their health and social lives as mentioned by Arora et al., (2021). Students'

opinions, attitudes and beliefs towards the online blended learning can be the main reason

for them to act inappropriately towards the environment they are in, in this time of


pandemic. Their opinions with regards to the distance learning were raised and

acknowledged, their attitude towards the situation wherein they are exposed to a lot of

emotional and physical issues, and their different and shared beliefs that makes their

strong foundation to conquer challenges are factors that the researchers would want to put

significance to.


The importance of competencies to the students amidst pandemic is that it allows

them to strengthen and perform their skills in preparation for their future career. As

mentioned by Ufer (2018), learners are required to construct competence rather than

individual abilities or skills at the start of the twenty-first century. To handle the problems

of today's life, individuals should be able to combine a diverse set of competencies and

skills. Measuring competence necessitates a competency model, assessment tasks, and

statistical models that allow an individual's competence to be inferred from their

accomplishment on the tasks. The findings reveal how much consideration should be paid

to bolstering competency-based tourism education to better equip students in improving

both job-specific and general skills according to study of Choi et al., (2017). This showed

some of the approaches which may be the basis of assessing the students’ competencies.

In the tourism industry the significance of competencies whether it may be to the

professionals or young tourism practitioners is crucial for them to succeed in the field they

have chosen. Every individual's skills are relevant for them to enhance to their greatest

potential. Based on the study of Lupicka (2017), individuals create judgments of their


personal behavior and build potential for future interactions with others on the concepts

of social competence and this includes, social skills, communication skills, and

interpersonal communication which is deemed to be an important ability that tourism

students must acquire.

In addition, when we talk about the tourism students' competencies, there’s a

fundamental role of tools to be used to assist these students in acquiring knowledge to

generate school requirements needed. In the research of Sanchez et al., (2018), it was

discovered that event planning, tourist excellence, and the usage of English language skills

all need to be strengthened for students in the tourism field. Nonetheless, it is possible to

conclude that the skills obtained by the students must met the requirements of the

occupation they should pursue, in addition to this, based from another study coming from

Spowart et al., (2019), they discussed that in a world technologically driven, it is essential

to guarantee that tourism graduates are properly equipped by acknowledging what the

vital skills, and competencies are present in order to improve graduates' chances of

obtaining and maintaining employment in the tourism industry. As for the professional

world, despite substantial similarity, each viewpoint offers unique information to the

definition of digital capabilities at work.

Competencies in oneself of every tourism student are major factors that leads them

to a better understanding of the skills they need in their future profession. As reported by

Bustreo et al., (2018), students appear to be unaware of the value of competencies in their

jobs in the future and this is an important topic to address. In the tourism field, travel

companies are looking into organizational skills, self-control, and self-esteem as the most


crucial skills to learn to develop the competencies of the tourism and hospitality students.

This showed how vital skills are in the eyes of both students planning on joining the

tourism industry and tour operators. Moreover, another study claimed by Bare et al.,

(2021), the findings revealed that through experience and understanding strategic

strategy, the basic value and tactical perception of local upskilling based on educational

tourism were able to enhance tourism's image as a pioneering multifunctional

development industry. Local stakeholders understand and use the knowledge-based

systematic approach during the knowledge development process. This showed that there

are functional ways to develop tourism students in their future industries, and having

sufficient knowledge is one of the ways to be considered as fully competent and ready for

the field.

Finally, education interdisciplinary approach, cooperation, student abilities, and

student participation in Tourism and Hospitality are among the education competences

that has been put attention from other studies. It had led to a better knowledge of the

process of nurturing and evaluating the abilities that Tourism & Hospitality aspirants must

have, which have been mentioned by Ferro et al., (2021). Still amidst pandemic tourism

students’ competencies are put into a negative stance but did not tolerate its negativity

instead they look at the bright side wherein the goal is to answer economic concerns about

how universities can effectively train graduates for professional growth. In response to

this, as stated by Jack et al., (2017), the existence of internships to tourism courses is a

useful tool for determining both the growth of management skills and, alternatively,

potential flaws in students' improvement and marketability.



With all the gathered details, it is therefore concluded that competencies are

required to create awareness and sustainability to the community you are in, may it be to

the institution or the industry. Core competencies such as skills, ability, critical thinking,

and strategic forethought are the basic competencies an individual should acquire for

them to be able to contribute to the growth of the tourism industry. In conclusion, the

researchers found the desire to get a better comprehension of the tourism students'

competencies that can help them be successful in their future career, and how this can

affect their interest in their chosen field. Together with the information from other studies,

the researchers arrived at a better approach to this variable.


The involvement of students, institutions, and institutes of higher learning in the

industry is referred to as an internship, practical training, or work-integrated learning.

According to Ramaprasad et al., (2021), an internship allows students to gain firsthand

experience with a work-related learning process. In fact, internships claimed to help the

students to consolidate the existing knowledge and skills that they have, further develop

relevant professional skills, shape their career paths, and change their learning attitudes

and behaviors especially to tourism and hospitality industry (Nghia et al., 2018).

Internship has been a very valuable program that has been adapted to most

colleges and many courses, particularly those that require a practical element, such as the

hospitality and tourism industry. Internships in tourism and education systems are a


necessary part of it. Most students learn about all of the positive and negative aspects of

the tourist industry for the first time during their internship and decide whether or not to

pursue a career in it (Zdemir, 2019). This showed the internship allows T&H students to

create opportunities for to form an opinion towards the industry, for them to side whether

they continue to pursue their career on the industry. Yet, not only internships are helpful

for decision making, but it also enhances the skills of the students leading to their


In connection with this, internship critically develops students’ workplace skills,

assisting them in blending theoretical knowledge with actual industrial experience as have

mentioned by Bayerleio, & Jeske, 2018. Moreover, the combination of classroom theory

studies with exposure to industrial environment impact a full understanding of job

requirements, enhances social skills and build self-confidence among the student interns.

This showed how the internship of the tourism and hospitality students could affect their

performances leading to an improved or less competencies acquired in their field. Bringing

balance to this, there are also given negative implications that the internship is bringin to

the tourism students particularly affected by several factors.

To the extent of studies of Umadi et al., (2019), it has revealed the negative

internship experiences of hospitality and tourism students, including several issues

identified in contributing to students’ unsatisfactory internships such as, interns’ abilities

that is connected to inadequate skills perceived by students at schools, low payment or

even zero incentives, poor reward, and support from the industry especially in mentorship

during the internships. Moreover, there are also identified work stressors in an internship


that the students are experiencing such as the claim of “no pay” “repetitive work,”

“transportation challenges,” “different supervisor requirement,” and long working hours”

(Mensah et al., 2021). Among these studies, it is noticeable that one factor affecting the

students’ experience with the internship program is their skills, this showed that having

skills and motivation however could increase the satisfaction of the students in practicum


This has showed how important skills and motivation is when entering a practicum

program and the role of preparing the students before immersing them to this kind of set

up. In support to this, based on a study conducted by Asmali et al., (2021), positive

attitudes and motivation must be integrated in preparing the students to undergo the

internship programs for them to acquire the necessary skills that could determine their

competency in their specialization. This showed how it is important to develop the self-

efficacy of the students first before immersing them to the internship programs facing the

stressors that could be deem. With the right motivation in pursuing internships, students

would be able to have the self-drive in learning from internships that would help them to

be competent enough in the career of tourism and hospitality industry.

All the studies that have mentioned have reflected the positive and negative effects

of enrolling or immersing to practicum programs of the tourism and hospitality students

and how does their experiences affect their view to the industry as well as honed them to

be competent and industry-ready individuals, but all the points that have mentioned are

only the perceptions and studies from the post pandemic era. We all know that the

pandemic has affected the educational system by all means, this has led to less face to face


interactions, utilizing the use of technology. This pandemic closed opportunity for actual

on the job training and give way to the birth of “Remote Practicum Program.”

Tourism, events, and hospitality programs have been putting a lot of effort into

increasing the quality of the internship experience for students since internships became

an integral part of the curriculum. However, the COVID-19 pandemic left no options for

universities. Many universities and colleges had to pivot to convert to virtual internships

quickly. In the Philippine setting, teaching internship is a critical professional

development experience amid unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it also

identified major benefits of doing so such as: development of learner autonomy,

collaboration with supervisor, and modeling teaching strategies in online learning

(Ugalingan, 2021). Most of the points mentioned are benefits for the teachers and

institutions to improve their approach to online learning ability to provide quality

education for trainees in online practicum programs. Hence, to identify the effectiveness

of this approach, it is vital to put attention with the experiences of the students on it.

In virtual internships, students gain work experience from a remote location

without being present at a physical work site. Students use a variety of platforms and tools

such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, GoToMeeting, e-mail, online chats, and phone

to keep in contact with their supervisors and coworkers. However, based on the study of

Park et al., (2021), virtual internships may not be suitable for all tourism and hospitality

students, depending on the nature of jobs, an intern’s personal traits, technology

proficiency, and the industry type, a virtual internship may not work for everyone, despite

the benefits of virtual internships, it is undeniable that virtual internships are harder for


interns to gain on-the-job training by shadowing supervisors or other staff members in an

office space. This showed unequal opportunity for students to learn in an online internship

setup. This has provided accessibility problems and distinct knowledge and skills to be

gain compared to a face-to-face interaction. In a nutshell, having practicum programs for

tourism students could lead to inefficient and incompetent individuals due to the lapses

and challenges that each could experience.

Despite of the disadvantages, online internships could be beneficial in any way, it

does not only help students achieve higher order learning outcomes but also provide other

learning benefits, such as enhanced understanding of content knowledge that leads to

higher academic achievement, development of networking skills, providing a set of

realistic expectations in the business world, improvement of social and communication

skills, growing cultural awareness at an organizational and interpersonal level, and

increasing positive attitude about self, attitude toward school and learning. In addition,

centering tourism and hospitality students, according to Qu (2021), internship

achievements, curriculum requirements, hotel internship programming, and mentorship

and assessment significantly influenced interns’ satisfaction with internship experience,

while curriculum requirements, interpersonal relationships, and internship achievements

significantly affected career intention. This showed that there are still students who are

influenced by the satisfaction that the online internship is giving to them.

All of the research cited demonstrated how internships are beneficial to careers in

the tourism and hospitality industries. It does assist them in developing required abilities

while also providing on-the-job training in the midst of the pandemic. While it is clear that


this is a different approach from the traditional practicum, some may still see it as

beneficial to their continuing education, while some studies show that it has been affecting

their level of competencies in their field, giving them insufficient skills, and unsatisfactory

experiences that could influence their career intent, which is a useful element to in this



Self-confidence, according to Otache (2020), is "the ability of an individual to have

complete certainty of feeling that he or she can achieve a certain activity." Furthermore,

according to Fino (2022), confidence is a generic term for self-efficacy, which is defined as

beliefs in one's ability to plan and execute the steps necessary to achieve certain goals. This

has been described as the result of a self-motivated action involving a desire to perform

and stand out using their own strengths.

Confidence, on the other hand, can be used to judge one's aptitude to study in a

field, particularly in a university setting. The efficacy of the College of Education, according

to Bitwum (2022), is judged by the level of academic success of pupils. Self-esteem

difficulties may be a part of resolving poor confidence or attachment issues in the

classroom. This highlighted the link between self-esteem and confidence, as well as how

confidence may be utilized to predict educational performance in a certain institution.

In the tourism and hospitality industry, one must be able to put their talents into practice

to build confidence in the profession. Communication skills are undoubtedly one of the

most critical talents that a tourism and hospitality student must possess. According to


Burry (2017), educators frequently promote English as beneficial to future employability,

but students' perceptions of the importance of English in the tourism and hospitality

industry are rarely considered. Instead, communicative competence, confidence, English

listening, and English speaking should be perceived as the most important factors for

tourism and hospitality students. This study demonstrated the necessity of learning to

converse in English with other people, particularly in tourism and hospitality courses,

because it is a necessary skill in the profession.

However, developing confidence in speaking English for job advancement in the

tourism and hospitality industry may be a challenge. There have been identified reasons

that may cause students to lack confidence in their ability to participate in class, such as

exam anxiety or the fear of receiving a negative evaluation (Indrianty, 2017). As a student,

one way to communicate your opinions is through public speaking; yet, due to a lack of

confidence, studies have revealed that this lack of self-esteem may stem from a lack of

vocabulary and preparation, which contributes to students' fear in speaking. This

demonstrated how the English language may aid in a student's confidence in speaking and

communicating, as well as how important it is for self-assurance. It is true that some

people find it difficult to go out in public and speak confidently; yet, due to the current

state of the world and educational system, students have been given limited opportunities

to go out in public and sharpen their confidence in a virtual setting.

The COVID-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on education (United Nations, 2020),

not least in the tourism, hospitality, and events industries (THE). While there is increasing

evidence of the changing of higher education in the COVID-19 era, there is little discussion


of the specific implications on existing and future THE students, as well as the problems

of regaining student and stakeholder confidence in THE education and professions.

Furthermore, learning English hurdles in tourism include feelings of humiliation, anxiety

of speaking English incorrectly, a lack of confidence, a lack of motivation, and a lack of


In a study on Gen Z's communication abilities as future tourism students, it was

shown that not only is English speaking language a key tool in boosting students'

confidence, but nonverbal communication also ranks high in terms of building confidence

inside a virtual classroom. Despite the virtual setup that today's tourism and hospitality

students are experiencing, the importance of digital communication skills is still believed

to be low (Cuic,2022).

The studies that have been done on honing confidence in terms of abilities,

particularly speaking, have shown how important it is for a tourism student to learn these

skills to improve their self-esteem. It's because having the confidence to stand up for

yourself allows you to speak up and make your own decisions. In addition, Cuic (2022)

suggests how stakeholders should collaborate to improve students' career planning and

confidence, as well as develop interns' positive work attitudes. This demonstrated the need

of focusing resources on increasing student morale and competency to help them advance

their career goals in the sector. However, most studies have proved the value of courses

implemented to help students gain confidence; according to Chen (2021), self-confidence

increased following the course. However, additional time should be allocated for practice


sessions where respondents can get pedagogically and technologically familiar with online

teaching tools to improve the course.

The previous studies revealed how confidence was crucial in the development of

tourism and hospitality students, as well as its involvement in their careers. This also

demonstrated how an individual's confidence would begin to grow as a result of obtaining

and resolving the previously noted lack of language and knowledge. This shown that there

is a link between competences and career intent, as having high confidence leads to a

strong interest in the career and having low confidence leads to a low career intent. As a

result, all these findings from various studies have provided researchers with realizations

that is valuable in determining if the students' interests in terms of confidence are

influenced by the sufficiency of their skills.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods prior and during the Covid-19 pandemic greatly impacted not

only the tourism students but also the industry itself on how competitive young

professionals will bring exceptional experience to the field in the near future. Tourism,

according to Kunwar (2018), is the signature activity of modern times, and tourism

education is thought to be the core of the industry's support. As reported by Tiwari et al.,

(2021), the discussion of COVID-19's effects on tourist education serves as a reminder that

everything happens in the sector has an impact on the educational system, and vice versa.

The pandemic does not only affect the teaching methods of the educators itself but also

how technologies take part on it. As claimed by Joshi et al., (2021), they discovered that


the pandemic is having a significant impact on education, with difficulties ranging from

technology issues, inequities, and lower enrolment to student behavior issues. It is now

obvious that education must move its attention away from conventional, operational parts

of hospitality and tourism and toward technology awareness, understanding, and soft

skills enhancement.

Another study conducted by Lei et al., (2021), technical difficulties and insufficient

technical support can make online learning and teaching frustrating. Researchers have

frequently discovered convenience and ease of use of web - based learning technology as

major elements influencing users' acceptance of our goal to embrace online learning using

extended models. However, because this topic has gotten less emphasis in the tourism and

hospitality academia, this study looked into university teachers' and students' web - based

learning experiences in tourism and hospitality courses. Organizations and instructors

should consider managerial implications to improve instructors' and students' comfort

with online teaching and learning.

As stated by So et al., (2021), delivering practical courses that involve hands-on

instruction and activities online, for example, can be challenging; and learners may find

theory lectures less interesting because they want to gain practical skills. While it is natural

to presume that different circumstances influence teachers' and students' experiences,

comparing the two groups and discovering similarities and differences might be beneficial

for practical planning and resource allocation. To put it another way, teachers must

become competent at delivering courses in a variety of methods so that they can deal with

the short and medium-term effects of teaching in a COVID-19 (incremental innovation)



while also supplying cutting-edge education system in regard to future requirements (from

industry and students) (radical innovation) as mentioned by Chowdhary et al., (2021).

Recent publications, such as the development of India's first online tourist

academy, the North-East Tourism Academy (NETA), to reinvigorate the tourism system,

have highlighted a good direction while tackling the topic of COVID-19 and tourism

education. Through online seminars, webinars, internships, and other means, this effort

aims to improve tourism education by supporting creative tourist leadership skills,

entrepreneurial development, and research programs (East Mojo, 2020). Another

program to support this claim is the study conducted by Li et al., (2017), among the

obstacles that today’s modern education must adequately address to cater the

requirements of a 21st century society, as per the Strategic Framework for Education and

Training 2020 (European Commission, 2009), is "enhancing creativity and innovation,

including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training”.

As there are a lot of programs created by different institutions, their only goal is to

help the students participate actively with the provided lessons from their educator’s

despite of the challenges amidst pandemic and the educators must prepare for the

teaching methods that is necessary for the betterment and easiness of their interaction

online. As stated in the study of Lei et al., (2021), when teachers perform well in the

classroom, their pupils are more likely to be satisfied. Numerous factors could account for

this association. First, the instructor's instructional style and approach can have a

significant impact on student performance and motivation. Lei et al., (2021) also give

insights about the difference of providing materials through on site class wherein he said


that, when instructing regular face-to-face in-person classes, checking and sending e-

mails, uploading materials on e-learning platforms like Moodle and Blackboard, and using

a computer to prepare teaching materials have all become routine duties for most


With regards to the insights of students to the teaching methods of the instructors

during virtual setting, they are more active to participate when the teachers are putting so

much effort to educate them. Thus, according to the study of So et al., (2021), teachers'

satisfaction with online teaching might be influenced by student-related aspects as well.

Teacher satisfaction rises as student achievement improves. The enjoyment of teachers

and students with their web - based learning experiences have a significant impact on

career preferences and decisions. As a result, academics have advised educators to alter

their teaching practices to account for the significant variations between online and face-

to-face sessions.

To conclude all the gathered study, the researchers find the significance to search

for more supporting studies that have helped them to further elucidate the factors affecting

the teaching methods of the educators to the students (tourism students), prior and during

the Covid-19 pandemic. The researchers also found out that connection between students

and instructors are benefitting each other to the success of their teaching-learning tandem.

As stated by Seraphin et al., (2021), the difficult relationship between academics and

industry strengthened as both areas realized that collaboration could provide long-term

benefits as tourism continued to expand. Despite the challenges and concerns that arose

as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, university departments appear to be able to focus



on their work. They are also concentrating their efforts on improving student assistance

(Johnson et al., 2020), becoming better teachers, and honing their teaching abilities

(Rapanta et al., 2020). Higher academia's resiliency appears to have been mirrored in

some way during the epidemic, providing an opportunity for the education sector to

explore potential positive adjustments for a more stable future (Johnson et al., 2020).

Tourism Industry amidst pandemic

The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It makes

a significant contribution to the gross domestic product, assisting one economy to grow

and survive in a competitive world. In fact, travel and tourism has grown to be one of the

most important sectors in the global economy, accounting for 10% of global GDP and more

than 320 million jobs worldwide Behsudi (2019). This demonstrated how important it is

to the expanding global economy.

Aside from the economic impacts, the industry has also been deemed to have

positive environmental impacts. It has long-term goals such as providing a safe haven for

tourists while also benefiting the local community that tourists would be visiting. This has

been identified as a component of long-term planning. Most countries have accomplished

this like Nepal, by adhering to the SDGs, or Sustainable Development Goals. This has been

defined by Birendra et al., (2021), as an approach aims to end poverty, protect the

environment, and achieve prosperity for all by bringing together policymakers, academia,


practitioners, and all other relevant tourism stakeholders and providing policy and

strategic engagement guidelines.

The economic and environmental impacts of the tourism industry have played a

significant role in the global sustainability and development of a single country. This

demonstrated how the industry was the sole contributor. However, it is inevitable that

the industry would face a major problem that have solely affected the performance and

success that they are into, and this global crisis is the call to the strike of Covid19 pandemic.

Tourism industry has long been regarded as one of the world's most important markets,

not until the world was hit by a pandemic in the twenty-first century, COVID-19, as stated

by Uğur et al., (2020). The pandemic has had a wide-ranging impact, particularly on the

travel and tourism industry. It has been evidenced by Andulana (2021), some pressing of

these challenges faced are the decline in tourism demand, layoffs of workers, demand for

online/digital transactions, tourists avoiding hotel rooms used as quarantine facilities, and

compliance with disaster management and control preparedness protocols. This showed

how the industry has been widely adjusting to the current state.

Admittedly, the virus's spread has posed significant threats to oppressed

communities all over the world reported by the UNWTO (2020). Given the global crisis,

travel and tourism had a difficult time coping and continuing operations all over the world.

This makes sense to the study conducted by Savan et al., (2020), where she said that the

COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the travel restrictions imposed in response to the

pandemic, have had a significant impact on the travel and tourism industry. The global

health crisis forced the closure of hotels, restaurants, and cafes, as well as many other


businesses; it grounded planes and had a significant impact on the travel and tourism


The closure of most tourism and hospitality businesses around the world has

undoubtedly impacted employees who work in the industry. Due to the limited operations

performed in the industry, travel-related businesses all over the world have been forced to

lay off employees. As a result, the global unemployment rate has been prominent, with a

job loss in tourism predicted to be as high as 50 million employees worldwide reported by

the World Travel and Tourism Council (2020). In addition to that, in a case on Nepal they

have identified that these uncountable job losses is certainly been affected by the

restrictions each county imposed especially in travelling. In fact, as supported by Uğur et

al., (2020), the tourism industry has experienced sharply falling revenues and is an

economic sector among those most severely affected by the pandemic. The shock affects

both the demand side and supply side.

With all the information mentioned relating to the global crisis and the tourism

industry. This has showed that there is a big difference with the operations and

performance of tourism industries before and during the pandemic. The industry has been

a sole contributor to the industry; hence they have helped an economy to grow and provide

numerous opportunities for the people.

However, with millions suddenly unemployed, uncertainty over economic

recovery, and global fears of continuing COVID-19 spread and its future waves, the

researchers can therefore agree to the statement of Davahli et al., (2021), claimed that the


tourism and hospitality industry was among the first industries affected, and it will be

among the last industries to recover.

Evidently, the points presented showed that there are underlying factors affecting

the Travel and Tourism industry amid the pandemic situation. The researchers have

identified three major factors that is related to or affecting the current position of the

industry which are identified as the economic contribution, restrictions, and preferences.

These three variables believed to be interrelated with the continuing operations of the

tourism industry as of today and a major consideration to understand the industry more.

To summarize, gathering both positive and negative information about the tourism

industry demonstrated how important it is to pay close attention to understanding the

industry itself. The researchers believed that it was critical to assess how the industry

performed before and after the pandemic, as well as how it affected the motivation and

interests of the respondents to this study. Analyzing points of their awareness to the

current state of the pandemic would allow the researchers to determine whether the

industry's position influences their career choices of the tourism students prior to and

during the pandemic.

Economic Contribution

To determine how the industry is performing it is vital to know it’s contributing

worth to the market before and after the strike of Covid-19. The Tourism Industry has been

one of the most successful industries way back the pandemic started. In numbers, as stated

by Adam (2019), where he discussed that there is an evident growth to the industry as it


started from the jet age around 1950’s which has 25 million people travelling abroad and

has showed that by 2019 the figure of 25 million had risen to 1.5 billion. This showed how

the industry have performed well over the past years. The market economic contribution

of Tourism prior to pandemic has a big contribution to the economy all over the world.

Hence, tourism has been defined as one of main economic drivers, in fact, from the data

presented by Serrona et al., (2022), 8 million tourists visited different countries all over

the world in 2019, which contributed 12% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product and

provided 5.4 million jobs. In addition to that, the global tourism industry increased its

contribution to the economy to almost 13 percent of the gross domestic product last year.

In the Philippines, Tourism has emerged a significant role in generating the

economic growth and development. It has become an economic pillar of growth in the

country's services sector. The total contribution of the industry to the country's Gross

Domestic Product in 2017 was estimated to be 12.2 percent which is PHP 1,929.3 billion.

According to PSA (2018), the total share of employment in the industry to total

employment in the country was 13.1 percent in 2017.

One of the municipalities in the Philippines in Kawit Cavite showed how the tourist

receipts solely contributed to the GDP. As reported by Department of Tourism (2017), the

municipality is housed on a total of 13.40 square kilometers. km. In 2007, the population

of the land area, which contains a total of 23 barangays, was 76, 405 people. Kawit, second

only to Tagaytay City in terms of tourist arrivals in 2014, received 190, 242 visitors,

according to the Provincial Tourism Office of Cavite. This demonstrated how important it

is for the industry to continue operating because it has created countless opportunities,


particularly for economic growth in the Philippines, and we can see how these numbers

have benefitted local communities.

With the tourism sector's continued rise in recent years, particularly in relation to

the Philippine economy, it is unavoidable that the business has faced a significant

challenge to its economic stability and economic contribution. When we focus on the

current state of the sector, this has been a huge issue because it brings numerous

interpretations to the table, mostly for people who aspire to work in the industry today

and for travelers' decisions when choosing a location.

According to Xiang et al., (2021), the current state of the industry, particularly the

airline industry, has had a negative impact, with most flights canceled due to insufficient

passengers and movement control orders issued globally in various countries, resulting in

both international and domestic levels shutting down. The number of tourists and

travelers has significantly fallen due to fright and the spread of sickness. Not only did the

airline business suffer as a result of the crisis, but three other industries did as well: hotels,

cruise lines, and car rental, all of which saw their valuations collapse, as Sharma (2020)

points out. Each industry's reduction is big enough to raise concerns about their long-term

prospects. Businesses in the tourism industry are definitely facing challenges.

In terms of breadth and depth, the immediate negative impact of the novel

coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on tourism stocks listed on the Shanghai and

Shenzhen stock markets in China. Prices of these stocks fell 20% in three days as a result

of pandemic worries, before a technical bounce. After the Wuhan shutdown, 18 out of 21

tourism stocks traded on Chinese stock exchanges showed significant negative cumulative


anomalous returns. Because China was the first country to be plagued by corona virus

illnesses, these findings revealed how the tourism and hotel industry's stock market has

been significantly impacted, resulting in a fall. However, this has had an effect not only in

China, but also throughout all of Southeast Asia, with the Philippines experiencing a drop.

In connection with this, according to Zhang (2021), the Philippines is a short-haul

market. However, it may take far longer for it to recover than other short-haul markets in

the tourist and hospitality industries. In these countries, the number of confirmed cases

has increased dramatically and is continuing to rise. This country’s national public health

services may be overburdened and unable to handle a large number of infected individuals

swiftly. Given that the Philippines is a developing country in comparison to China and

Singapore, Zhang’s claim (2021) is well-founded, as the country is still developing,

particularly in terms of health-care systems. Failure to comply and assist with these

shortcomings would merely harm the commercial worth of the tourism business.

In a nutshell, researchers have defined economic contribution as the value of the

tourism sector before and during the pandemic, how it is placed in the market, and what

the implications are for economic development. Researchers would only be able to

determine the industry’s economic state and progressive movements by identifying its

progress in the context of the circumstance. Making the Tourist Industry one of the key

factors, a quick breakdown of tourism contribution and economic contribution would be

instilled to see if this element was also one of the main concerns of the chosen respondents

when choosing to work in the Tourism Industry.




Everyone has the ability to make decisions; nevertheless, psychographic

characteristics such as opinions and beliefs may have influenced their decisions. However,

when we talk about tourist preferences in the tourism and hospitality business, we're

talking about how tourists weigh a variety of factors when deciding on a place and services

to use. Tourists intended to travel in locations where they had close relatives, superb

accommodation services, self-catered experience, and nature-based attractions to largely

resonate with the millennial traveler, according to a study by Bire et al., (2022). These

were some of the key concerns of tourists prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. Tourists,

on the other hand, choose an all-inclusive tourism package, safety, and security when

visiting popular sites, according to Rahman (2021). They wish to avoid high-risk, crowded

tourism areas, and they may decide not to attend if their preferred destinations have a

negative impact on their well-being following the outbreak.

Furthermore, according to a study by Narmadha et al., (2022), today's travelers

prefer to visit destinations that include nature-protected areas, referred to as sustainable

travel, to meet their ecotravel, money value, private space, social distance, security,

accessibility, affordability, and cleanliness requirements. The safety factors have affected

the consuming behavior of the tourist, in fact, according to Dušek (2021), the pandemic

forced tourists to change their plans and, as a result, it is evident that more tourists have

spent summer only in some areas like the Czech Republic which has been a great

destination for tourists before in all seasons.



Thus, according to studies, there is a shift in visitor preferences when it comes to

traveling. Their primary concern has evolved from merely visiting a certain destination

with wonderful experiences to the inclusion of tour packages in terms of safety, which is

why it is required to have travel insurance when visiting other nations. People have

become more attentive to health issues and the ability of travel professionals to give a safe

travel experience when it comes to traveling. Aside from the aspect of safety influencing

their decisions, the smart use of influencers on social media also has an impact on visitor

preferences. Based from Sizan et al., (2022), consumer-centric marketing has grown, with

the use of the Web 2.0 platform to raise brand recognition, strengthen brand relationships,

and obtain vital insights about traveler preferences and impressions of the tourism

offering. Travel vloggers frequently express their interpretations of the locations they visit,

the people they meet, the cuisine they eat, and the sights and sounds they see and hear on

social media platforms in the tourism sector. They publish their journey on social media

and receive feedback as they encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Given the current situation, this demonstrated how important word of mouth via

technology is in establishing tourist expectations. It also identified another aspect that

could influence a tourist's decision when selecting a destination, namely the importance

of brand recognition. Given the current scenario, it is critical to pay particular attention to

the resources that each party might employ to attract prospects for the tourism industry's

recovery. As a result, not only does the assistance of influencers in brand awareness help

to impact visitor choices, but so does the use of digitalization to improve the service quality

system, as stated in the study by Zbarskaya et al., (2022). They claim in this study that it


is critical to pay particular attention to enhancing service quality by reducing wait times

and strengthening the competitiveness of hotel and tourism enterprises. This would assist

the sector in keeping up with innovations and improvements by elevating

accommodations to a safer environment through the usage of automatic sanitizing

machines, for example. The concept of digitization is thought to be one of the most

important concerns for providing excellent service in the face of a pandemic. Consumer

feedback has also been incorporated into this study in order to identify areas for

development that have helped to attract more customers.

The aforementioned studies revealed that there are several considerations for

which industry specialists must have provided a timely response. Given the current

situation, it is still critical to pay special attention to tourist demands from across the

world. Focusing on digitalization in the development of safe tourist communities would

have a positive impact on the economy's growth and the tourism industry's overall growth.

As a result of the present analyses that have been mentioned, there is a significant

variation in tourist preferences before and during the pandemic. The key to recognizing it

for this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the tourists who are the industry's

consumers. As per this research, the presence of knowledge in this area have determined

if visitor preferences have a significant impact on the industry's growth.


Most countries have imposed limitations in the area as a result of the Covid-19

outbreak. It was not only vast in scope, with global effects, but it also had implications for


the tourism industry's operations. Because of the pandemic's persistent influence on the

tourism business, prohibitions and limits have been enforced, particularly in areas where

Covid-19 infections are common.

Around 180 nations have imposed a variety of health restrictions, largely

interrupting international travel, such as entrance bans, visa restrictions, and immigration

quarantine, after there is a declared global health emergency in January 2020 as stated by

World Health Organization (2020).

Furthermore, according to Gössling et al., (2020), who discuss the current

challenges of the tourism industry, the tourism and hospitality industry is reliant on visitor

patterns before the pandemic, and decision-makers go to great lengths to attract visitors

in order to sustain the sector and increase the multiplier effect. However, there are

national and international travel limitations in place as a result of the current

circumstances. The tourist and hospitality businesses have faced substantial hurdles

because of travel bans, border closures, event cancellations, quarantine procedures, and

the risk of disease spread.

According to a study conducted by Lim (2020), the Philippines has also

experienced depression as a result of the constraints placed on the country. Meanwhile,

most foreign nationals are prevented from entering the Philippines by the airline industry.

Those who are exempt must find a COVID-19 testing provider and a quarantine facility

before leaving and must stay in quarantine for two weeks after they arrive. As a developing

country, limits have been difficult to execute in the past, but the aforementioned study is


just one of the efforts that the Philippine Travel and Tourism Department is taking today

to comply with international restrictions.

The restrictions have been demonstrated in research to be a major obstacle and

consideration for tourists in a global setting while traveling to a single area. This is clear

in several cases where immigration quarantine requirements have been increased; not

only have cost money, but it has also been inconvenient for the majority of travelers. Travel

limitations may influence tourists' travel selections and, as a result, the tourism industry's

economic contribution. As an income multiplier, the industry has been defined.

Despite the negative repercussions for the tourism business, past study has shown

the efficiency of travel limitations in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses,

according to Abou (2022). In fact, travel restrictions in Mainland China have dramatically

reduced the number of confirmed cases, with research showing that the earlier they are

enforced, the fewer confirmed cases there are. Furthermore, it has been proved that limits

are always necessary to monitor the pace of pandemic transmission between geographical

areas in order to identify efficient measures to resist it. Some countries have also imposed

travel restrictions and quarantines to prevent the spread of infection, so preventing

infected travelers from transmitting stops additional chains of transmission, as stated by

Refaat et al., (2020).

With the detrimental consequences on the travel and tourism business, this

demonstrated how important it is to apply limits. It is apparent that the tourism industry's

expansion has been constrained as a result of new factors deemed by travelers. It is a



challenging obstacle to overcome because it concerns worldwide regulations that all

companies must adhere to. This is

also a major challenge solely affecting the industry. As a result, the industry's ability to

respond to these changes by prioritizing tourist preferences comes into play.

Restrictions are an important factor that the experts believe has a significant

impact on the tourism industry's operations. Breaking down all of the factors, travelers

may decide to cancel their vacation plans due to the inconvenience it will cause them and

the risks they will encounter in the places they will visit. However, it is impossible to

conclude that the introduction of limits will prevent all visitors from traveling in

accordance with their preferences.

With the details available, the researchers determined the importance of include this sub-

variable since they feel that constraints have a direct impact on the industry. This will aid

academics in determining if the current situation of the tourism sector is still controllable,

as well as how the three factors of economic contribution, preferences, and limits are

affecting the tourism industry. It's also critical to pay particular attention to these

principles in order to have the chosen respondents examine their current understanding

of how the sector operates.

Career interests


A multitude of factors have influenced students' professional interests, which are

both supported and discouraged in various ways. The majority of students have chosen

their paths based on their ability as well as their viewpoints on a specific field.

In terms of career interest in other fields, family support and time have been two

of the motivations with the students' career paths. Other positive predictors, such as a

sense of belonging in the filed such as self-efficacy, highlight the importance of

psychosocial factors in shaping this career interest. Beyond individual characteristics, this

identifies key areas where faculty and institutions can improve aspects of the college

experience to increase students' interest and confidence in pursuing their careers. Here, it

is noticeable that the belonging of one student in their chosen career is based on the

psychological factors mainly directed to self-efficacy. Apart from the fact that career

interests are extensively measured through psychological characteristics, there are also

other techniques to test students' career interests in their chosen area, which is referred to

as the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). This is a career development model that

depicts how individual inputs, contextual affordances, and sociocognitive variables impact

the formation of professional interests, career ambitions, and behaviors, according to Zola

et al., (2022). In the career development process, it also highlights the importance of

learning experiences, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations. It asserts that the interplay

of person inputs such as gender, prior learning experiences, and prior academic interests

has a role in the formation of professional interests.

Prior learning experiences, including informational encounters that grow

occupational knowledge, have a role in the development of career interests, according to



the hypothesis. Simply said, students who obtain more occupational knowledge through

informational encounters are more likely to establish and strengthen domain-relevant

career interests because they are more knowledgeable about the content and skills

required. However, because of the pandemic, the researchers discovered that there may

have been other factors at play in determining the interests of students today, with a

particular focus on tourism pupils prior to COVID-19.

To start with, the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Fong (2022), has had a

significant impact on students' learning, well-being, and academic motivation. As a result

of the pandemic, students' perceptions, values, goals, and behaviors are likely to be

influenced by shifts to remote/hybrid learning, physical distancing, and concerns about

health and financial prospects. Given the state of the educational system, the presence of

a pandemic must have a direct impact on students' interests. As the learning takes place

in an online platform, it has been difficult for other students to adapt. As stated by Wargo

et al., (2020), through the barrier of a screen, many students have trouble concentrating

during Zoom lessons, and it is tougher for both teachers and students to interact

throughout class which resulted to claims that some may not see themselves as successful

in their field, given that the virtual setting is lacking in many ways. This must have been a

challenge to the tourism students since they need practical skills to be developed which is

not easily acquired in an online platform.

In addition to that, the learnings acquired of the students have reflected on their

competencies. Tourism students’ competencies is one of the major considerations when



employers are hiring their employees. Employers value graduates' competencies in the

areas of preparation

"Hospitality" and "Tourism," including theoretical knowledge and practical skills

in organizing and implementing practical activities, as shown in a study conducted by

Zaitseva et al., (2017). This demonstrates how important it is for students to have a

developed set of skills and competence for them to perform better in their career, but this

pandemic is giving tourism students the impression that they are incapable to perform at

their best. Thus, the performance of the professors must also come into place in order to

develop these necessary competencies. In fact, findings show the importance of early

school experiences in inspiring interests based on their teaching, to explore growing career

interests of the students as stated by Smith (2022).

But, this is not the only motivation that tourism student has when choosing their careers.

Over the years, scholars have enthusiastically theorized on the tourism nature as a growing

industry, associated with a complex socio-economic background. Students often select

tourism degrees to get a rapid job opportunity to position themselves better in the labour

marketplace as stated by Korstanje (2022). This showed how the current state of tourism

influence their decisions in choosing the field, it also implies the expectation that they have

for the industry which is believed that will give them a beter labour marketplace.

To summarize, previous research has shown that academic ability/skills of tourism

students play a significant role in their career interests pertaining to their competencies,

but researchers does not only focus on this but also to the other factors mentioned as;

academic ability, economic stability, and expectations affecting their continued or



disrupted interest in the careers of tourism students. The researchers would like to find

out if these underlying facotos has an effect with the career choices of tourism students

before and during pandemic.

Academic Ability

Academic ability refers to the set of skills that each individual acquires in order to

perform in a single field. This has been one of the major factor when students are to work

on with their chosen field. However due to the challenges faced by the educational system,

there must have been lapses with the skills and learning acquired.

Many students choose their major based on their academic ability, according to

Beggs et al., (2018). However, some students lack the ability or work habits to succeed in

certain majors that may necessitate more study than other fields of study. Furthermore,

these students may be better suited to a less labor-intensive major with fewer difficult

classes. This has an impact on the career paths of these students. Other students can

handle majors with heavier workloads, and 8 choose a career path that will lead to a job

that requires more education. Veterinarians, doctors, and lawyers are examples of people

who fall into this category. Students need more than one degree for jobs like these. On the

other hand, some students have the motivation to work in labor-intensive fields but lack

the intelligence to perform the tasks required for their chosen field. When taking exams

and doing homework, these students frequently receive assistance from tutors, special

education teachers, and special exceptions. This demonstrated that students are given

every opportunity to excel and work in their field, but only if they have acquired the


necessary motivation, knowledge, and skills. These skills may be difficult to acquire,

particularly given the impact of the global pandemic on educational systems, particularly

for students who require practical skills, such as the tourism students who that has been

the focus of this paper.

According to Zhang (2022), educational systems around the world are facing

unprecedented challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the

pandemic, many higher education institutions suspended face-to-face classes and

transitioned to distance teaching and learning. This study demonstrated the challenges

that higher education institutions faced during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the

importance of implementing virtual learning communities and the use of Web 2.0

technologies in teaching and learning, including the limited learnings on virtual screens.

Furthermore, as Eather et al., (2022) state, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a

significant impact on students' learning, well-being, and academic motivation. Shifts to

remote/hybrid learning, physical distancing, and concerns about health and financial

prospects are all likely influencing students' perceptions, values, goals, and behaviors as a

result of the pandemic. This can influence perceptions in a variety of ways, calling into

question their competencies and ability to continue on the job.

To close the gap in industry expectations regarding student employability,

transitioning to an online platform necessitates effective tools and curriculum

modifications. Although online teaching has enormous potential, it cannot be generalized

and requires subject-specific attention and feedback. To meet student expectations, online

education must evolve alongside modern classroom teaching. According to Chandra et al.,


(2022), online teaching can supplement traditional classroom instruction but cannot

completely replace lab sessions with instructor feedback in tourism-related courses. This

demonstrated that there must have been a lapse in educational teaching to tourism-related

courses in the Philippine context.

Nonetheless, despite the alleged negative effects of online learning on students'

developing skills, the focus of this study is primarily on tourism students. According to the

majority of studies, self-regulated learning has assisted students in becoming more

competent and developing their cognitive skills. Self-regulated learning improves

academic performance; self-regulated learning improves study habits through resource

selection; blended learning promotes student motivation and autonomy; and the cognitive

apprenticeship approach promotes self-regulated learning, according to the findings of the

Ballouk et al., (2022) study. In this regard, May et al., (2022) state that online

interventions promoting cognitive ability have a lot of appeal due to their potential positive

impact in social, employment, and educational domains. There is no evidence that

cognitive training programs improve performance on general cognitive aptitude tests.

According to the studies mentioned, there are skills and abilities acquired despite

the challenges faced during the pandemic. It also revealed how important it is to have the

right skills and abilities, and how this affects performance and choice of the field in which

students wish to work. It is irreversible that a lack of ability could foster and encourage

most people to doubt their importance in their chosen field.

Thus, academic ability was deemed to be an important factor in the students'

perceptions of their self-proclaimed ability during the pandemic. This have assisted the


researchers in their examined data of whether tourism students' abilities and skills have

been properly acquired and what this means for their future.

Economic stability

Economic stability has been one of the major goals of most employees and students

working towards their goals. According to Wildman et al., (2021), many students believe

that in order to live comfortably, they must be financially stable. When these students are

considering a major or a career path, they look for higher-paying jobs or majors with the

most job security. High earning potential, benefits, and opportunities for advancement are

among the 11 financial aspects that students consider. In addition to that, many students

believe that in order to advance in society, they must obtain a high-paying job. Along with

career stability, some students may be considering retirement. Students want to ensure

their financial security for the rest of their lives, so they may look into careers that offer


Compensation is an important consideration for students when deciding on a

career. Compensation, according to Slater et al., (2022), is a remuneration that employees

receive for their accomplishments and contributions at work. The findings revealed that

gratuity plays a significant and positive role in employee engagement and motivation, and

it is recommended by all interviewees as a tool for improving performance and sustaining

competitiveness, particularly in terms of coronavirus disease 2019. Furthermore,

pay satisfaction is a predictor of organizational commitment. So far, literature has

identified low compensation levels as a major source of employee dissatisfaction and



subsequent intention to quit. This is due to the use of temporary and low-skilled workers

to meet the volatile and seasonal demands of the hospitality industry. In most tourism

businesses, like HRM practices in certain internal fit as a set of ideal practices that identify

three variables: Supervision, job training, and payroll practices are believed to

influence job satisfaction and disobedient employee, as are some of the high-performance

work system practices by previous HRM researchers such as Sinaga et al., (2022). A fair

salary is commonplace in all regions, because with a decent salary, the needs of every

family can be met.

It is no secret that students in the airline industry expect high pay and the

opportunity to travel around the world. According to Hoelzen et al., (2021), the average

yearly salary in this field ranges from 175,000 USD2020 for each flight crew member to

85,000 USD2020 for each flight attendant. This is a substantial sum of money, which

explains why the majority of tourism students aspire to work in this field. This clearly

demonstrated how travel and tourism, without a doubt, provides better opportunities for

women's workforce participation, women's entrepreneurship, and women's leadership

than other sectors of the economy. Aside from providing a diverse range of income

generation opportunities in both formal and informal settings.

Regardless of the flight attendant's high pay, social influencers frequently capture in a

single image a lifestyle of cosmopolitan opulence that is typically only attainable through

a photograph. A real life lived at that level is only available to a select few, flight attendants

include pristine surroundings, the pinnacle of personal grooming, and the consumption of

high-end commodities. However, due to the commodities that flight attendants must


purchase in conjunction with their travel, as stated by Jarzyna (2021), these things are not

affordable on a flight attendant's salary.

This demonstrated that there are other external factors unrevealed to the public in

terms of choosing this career in terms of its economic stability. According to the study,

receiving a high salary instills a high level of spending on international travel.

On the other hand, In the Philippine setting, when it comes to the income level, the

increasing GDP per capita and the transitioning of the Philippine economy has been

situation from the lower-middle-income to the upper middle-income based from the study

of Zafra (2021). This is where they examine the national statistical data on tourism and

economic development in the Philippines over the last several years. This howed the

progress of the Tourism industry over time, and how it managed to still provide reputable

income to the economy and people working in the industry. But, this should not be

bringing so much focus since it is noticeable to most study that there are retrenchment

programs appearing to most airlines in the Philippines such as Philippine Airline, Air Asia

and Cebu Pacific.

The economic stability potential of one's field can be identified by how an

individual obtained the range of salary preferences that they believe would provide them

with a stable life. As a result, researchers must summarize findings in terms of tourism

students' economic stability perspectives and whether this influences their decision to

pursue careers in the tourism industry. This also wants to know if they are aware of the

numbers and other factors that go into salary, as well as what their thoughts are on it.



According to Mannaaa et al., (2020), choosing a career is a process in which

students organize, select, and interpret their interests in order to develop a meaningful

career choice in the future; it also involves the students' positive perception. They also

discuss how some tourism students are pleased to have chosen a tourism career path and

intend to work in the industry after graduation because they believe that their ability to

choose the right direction is based on their core skills that will suit the corporate world

they will face in the future. This demonstrated how important skills are in working in the

tourism industry, with awareness and expectation of workloads and responsibilities.

Expectations of the students is believed to be one of the common factors why the

students have chosen to enroll in the Tourism and Hospitality field. The Tourism Industry

widely offers numerous opportunities during the pre-pandemic season. According to

Maurya et al., (2016), tourism does offer a variety of activities in which women can

participate, as well as opportunities for entrepreneurship development. According to

global data on the number of women and men working in tourism-related professions, the

organized tourism sector is especially important, with 46% of the workforce being women

(in general, 30- 40% of the workforce is female). Moreover, according to Salama et. al

(2021), the benefits and resources are available to women in the hospitality sector and to

achieve women's social and economic participation. This could have been one of the

reasons why the majority of the enrollees by observation are female candidates competing

towards the same goals.



In addition to that, some of the expectations of enrollees in Tourism field might

have been broke down of how working tourism increases the morale. Furthermore, some

of the expectations of Tourism enrollees may have been broken down of how working

tourism increases morale. According to Green et al., (2018), creative tourism increases the

visibility of local communities' brands and, as a result, the brand equity of small

communities. More advantages include job creation, which can provide work for artists

and craftspeople. This is a good indication that the industry not only prospers in terms of

economic growth, but also in terms of meeting long-term goals such as promoting local

communities. On the other hand, despite all of the positive aspects of working in the travel

and tourism industry, there are some drawbacks to consider. which is believed to be some

of the factors relating to the interests of the students when we talk about expectations.

As stated by Rahim et al., (2021), tourism is one of the hardest hit sectors during

Covid-19, affecting both demand and supply in various ways. In addition to having direct

short-term effects on the economy, Pandemic also creates an atmosphere of uncertainty

among consumers. In the early stages of COVID-19, there was a great deal of uncertainty

about the disease's nature, lethality, infectiousness, and ways to control its spread. To

make matters worse, as discussed by Gupta et al., (2021), a ban on air travel resulted in

volatile employment status, eventually resulting in significant job losses in most

industries, including tourism.

Furthermore, between February 2020 and February 2021, 2,041 employees in the

hospitality industry were laid off, 9,773 were placed on unpaid leave, and another 5,054

were forced to accept pay cuts, according to Tourism Malaysia (2020). The number has


risen throughout May because of travel restrictions and the cancellation of group

packages. The Coronavirus pandemic has also damaged the airline industry. According to

the International Air Transport Association (2020), airlines may lose up to $250 billion in

passenger revenue worldwide. Passenger revenue for Asian airlines is expected to be

reduced by a similar percentage.

Given the current situation and decline to most opportunities, the negative aspects

of the tourism industry may have set the expectations of students. This must have had a

negative impact on them, as the industry may have to cease operations in the future. All of

this poses a risk in determining students' career interests today based on their prior

knowledge and expectations for the future.

However, despite these negative impacts the industry has continued to operate and

provide solutions to the declining operations. Based on the study of Kelly (2021), the

aftermath of the pandemic crisis, significant actions have been made to encourage people

back to travel by shifting the advertising of tourist attractions via virtual tourism. It can be

helpful in attracting and navigating travelers to the desired places. Some of the most

exciting advancements in technology aim to maximize the travel quality by providing

valuable information to travelers before the places of interest are reached and businesses

will have incredible marketing tools by promoting interactive marketing experience.

The birth of the technology to the industry has brought positive impacts continuing

to cope with the current situation. But, with this data and the rise of virtual tours, this also

has a negative impact on the aspirants, specifically tourism students enrolled in this field,

limiting the amount of manpower which means a decline in opportunity. Truly, studies


have shown most of the possible expectations each student might acquire which has been

further examined together with its impacts to their career interests in this paper.

From the gathered studies, students’ interest and passion for their desired course

could give them the benefit of the doubt to the point that they cannot perform well not

only to their academic responsibility but also to their personal wellbeing due to the

mentioned factors rooting from the state of pandemic and tourism industry. But not all of

them, as according to Raymond et al., (2021) most students have remained committed to

their initially chosen career field, hoping for a more progressive, innovative, and

sustainable approach to tourism despite the issues faced by the industry and the tourism


Thus, through these studies, researchers sought to identify factors influencing the

career interests of third- and fourth-year tourism students at the Lyceum of the

Philippines Laguna during the pandemic era if their competencies and the current state of

the tourism industry really plays a major impact or shift with their career choices as of



Theoretical Framework

Figure 1 The Theoretical Framework of the Study

Underpinning theory is the theory that was used to help us in this research. This is

a methodology that covers three models of career development such as development of

academic and professional interests, how individuals make choice of career and education,

career achievement and stability in education. It enables to distinguished whether and

how family influence, personal interest and economic considerations affected the career

choices of students. This theory exhibited appropriate interpretation and evaluation of

how individual interest dominated their own skills and ability to perform effectively.

Individual interests are required in the career decision process because of logical

unconstrained to the individual (e.g., social convictions, get less of support, social burden).


This theory proposed that the career objectives are a function of career-related beliefs,

potential result, and interests (Arévalo Avalos & Flores, 2016).

In correspondence with the present study, underpinning theory has a significant

correlation with regards to the interest and competencies of the students may it be for

short term, mid-term, and long term professional goals. It provided underlying reasons to

give comfort and advantage to their decision making process and choices. Moreover, the

appropriate profession decision is critical in the life of a student. Particularly, up to senior

secondary education. All students are dependent on the knowledge and exposure provided

by the school or authority, but after school education, many students feel directionless,

and the majority of students in a backward state like Rajasthan failed to achieve their goals

and expectations. Every student's life has changed at this point. We can't dodge the time,

money, and drive that they'll need at this stage of their careers. Knowledge, new

technology developments, opportunities accessible in the market, passionate goals, clarity

about career choice, information about work chances, and so on are all internal and

extrinsic variables that has been considered. Jainani (2018). Some important factors that

influenced the career choices of students according to Jainani (2018), are academic

performance, personal interests, personality and attitude, future opportunities, influential

people, financial expenditure, social prestige, career flexibility and job security. With these

factors students have found the entry to the tourism industry hard as it hinders their

capability to perform adequately in the field.

Failure to follow and understand the study has been avoided, thus realization of

the research become clear and unambiguous. In order to have a comprehensive



illustration of how this study have achieve the desired explication for the students to have

clear career interest, it applied the underpinning theory and used it in fulfilling and realize

the research that has been conducted. The factors lead to another set of factors and the

outcomes lead to another set of outcomes because of its relationship with one another and

then realization of the students and then its relationship to their career interests in the

field. The consummation and realization of this research gives better comprehension of

how core competencies of students affected their career interest in pursuing their career

after graduating and then entering the field of tourism industry. Moreover, this also

revealed how in most areas are individuals impacted by their own preferences in viewing

the industry; some may or may not consider the status of the economy as something that

could give social positivity or burden for them. With all its correlation one cannot survive

alone and without the existence of one the higher the possibility for the framework to fail.

This theory served as a guide to help researchers determined the causal links between the

main variables claimed on this research and arrived at justifiable reasoning about the

career interests of the chosen respondents.



Conceptual Framework

Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

The framework above is the researcher's summary of how the respondents' current career

interests have been determined. The researchers based it on Dos Santos's (2020) research,

in which he used the Social Cognitive Framework to determine nursing human resource

shortages and how the COVID-19 pandemic would influence the experiences, sense of

belonging, and career decision-making process of nursing students in South Korea. Social

Cognitive Career Theory is a new theory that aims to explain three interconnected aspects

of career development: (1) how basic academic and career interests develop, (2) how


educational and career choices are made, and (3) how academic and career success is

achieved. The theory incorporates a number of concepts including interests, abilities,

values, and environmental factors that have been found to influence career development

in previous career theories. Moreover, this model emphasizes the significance of self-

efficacy as a psychographic factor, the outcome expectations in career involvement, and

personal goals referred to as the choice goals and the performance goals in examining

students' interests and development in their career.

By the means of the (1) psychographic profile of the respondents the researchers

were able to arrive at a result that has been assessed in terms of: lifestyle, interest,

opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of the respondents. Individuality exists in different people,

including students, despite the knowledge and set of activities assigned to them on a daily

basis. Their lifestyles may differ from one another, with some engaging in physical

activities and others not. Their interests may differ, as may their opinions, attitudes, and

beliefs, given that students may have a distinct approach to the situation that they are in.

The aforementioned factors showed that the psychographic profile has been a key element

in knowing the respondents and have helped this research to determine if it had a causal

links with other variables in this research such as the competencies and major career

interest of the respondents. Admittedly, one of the most important considerations for

students when deciding on a career is their (2) competencies. Students who do not believe

in their abilities to succeed in their careers may be suffering from low self-esteem. There

are numerous opportunities for students to advance in their careers, particularly in the

tourism industry. A variety of internships are available to them, which is an important



consideration for developing skilled individuals. Furthermore, self-efficacy or confidence

is a trait that an individual should have, especially in the tourism and hospitality

industries, which require a lot of practical and interpersonal interactions. Also, having

high-quality teaching methods can aid in the development of competent individuals who

have the necessary knowledge and skills to work in their field. As this framework suggested

that academic ability is a factor influencing students' (3) career interests, it is critical to

pay close attention to their competencies as a major variable. However, not only does this

affect tourism students' career interests, but it is also influenced by their economic stability

and expectations for their field. Furthermore, given the current global situation: pandemic

strike; assessing the (4) status of the tourism industry in which respondents wish to work

is an important consideration for this research. The current status of the industry could

have a moderating effect to the aforementioned major variables; and this could be assessed

in terms of; Economic Contribution, Preferences, and Restriction imposed. Overall, the

success of determining tourism students' career interests was ascertained by

psychographic factors, competency level, and the effect to their well-being and choices of

the current state of the environment they wish to enter which is the Tourism Industry.

This study has aimed to discover the career interests of tourism students in Lyceum

of the Philippines University Laguna as the researchers sees that the said results are

helpful when they have created solutions and recommendations. Furthermore, this study

has identified: (5) the significant relationship on the factors influencing the respondent’s

competencies during pandemic when respondents are grouped according to the

psychographic profile, (6) the significant relationship on the factors influencing the career


interests during pandemic when respondents are grouped according to the psychographic

profile, and (7) the moderating effect of current situation of tourism as a major variable.

The content of this research has provided quantifiable results about the students'

career interests; these results then have helped the researchers in their conceptualized

informed decisions and recommendations to the threats and points of interest that are

discovered. This has allowed researchers to develop a sense of responsibility and initiative

to assist respondents in this study in better understand themselves and the industry. This

also assisted the institution in identifying areas for improvement in order to provide

students with learning strategies that works for them in the situation. Finally, the current

study has aimed to assist future researchers in developing a mindset about how important

it is to pay close attention to the interests of students in their careers, as this may be

deemed a threat if not addressed beforehand. Overall, with the help of this framework,

researchers have been properly guided and arrived at a concrete conclusion that has been

useful for the pertinent parameters.

Objectives of the Study

The study has investigated the factors influencing the career interests of third-and fourth-

year tourism students at LPU Laguna during the pandemic, as well as how this is affected

by their competencies and the current state of the tourism industry.

Furthermore, it has determined the psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of

their Lifestyle, Interest, Opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. Additionally, the study has


examined the factors influencing the respondent’s competencies during the pandemic in

terms of their Internship, Confidence, and the Teaching methods. The research has also

investigated the factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in

relation to their Academic Ability, Economic stability, and Expectations. And has further

determined the level of observance on factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the

pandemic in terms of its Economic Contribution, Preferences, and Restrictions.

Aside from the aforementioned variables that has been determined through various

factors, the study also determined the significant relationship on the factors influencing

the respondent’s competencies during the pandemic and their psychographic profile.

Moreover, determined the significant relationship on the factors influencing the career

interests during the pandemic and their psychographic profile. And finally, has

determined the possible moderating effect of the status of Tourism industry as a major


Chapter 2


Research Design

This research took a causal comparative approach and uses quantitative research

methods. In this study, it is used to look for relationships between the independent and

dependent variables. Causal-comparative research is a form of study that investigates the

origins of observed differences across groups. Furthermore, this design does not alter an


independent variable; rather, it measures the independent variable's impact on the

dependent variable (Peggy,2021). In this study, the independent variable used is the

psychographic profile and its impact to the dependent variables which are the

competencies and career interests.

Furthermore, primary purpose of applying the causal comparative method is to obtain

realistic statistical data that has been used to draw a conclusion and confronted the

researchers' prompt major concern. Therefore, this method can also be used to investigate

the moderating role of a dependent variable and its possible effect to other variables.

Hence, researchers claimed that this design has helped to find out the moderating role of

the status of tourism industry to the major dependent variables such as the competencies

and career interest. This approach focused on establishing cause-and-effect relationships

between the variables and aid in determining whether one variable has a direct influence

on the other and why. In addition, this method has been helpful to ascertain the causes of

specific occurrences or non- occurrences in this study (Harappa,2021).

Respondents of the Study

The data was gathered and obtained from the study's main respondents, who are 3rd and

4th year tourism students at the Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna, with a total

population of 189, and was sought with the assistance of the Program Chair of

International Travel and Tourism Management on March 03,2022.



Tourism students are one of the major groups affected by the current pandemic, which

leads to many considerations such as their perceptions of their chosen career. According

to Abel (2021), the Philippine higher education institutions abruptly shifted to emergency

remote teaching (ERT) in response to the call for continued education despite the global

health threat. Tourism students, primarily third and fourth year students, were chosen as

respondents of the study because they have been capable of providing honest opinions that

is well-suited for the research. They had the knowledge which was evident to their answer

to all of the information required in the study preferably because they have the experiences

that this study aims to obtain.

Through the respondents, this study revealed how tourism students’ perceptions can

suffice the underlying concern that the researchers fulfilled. Thus, this research has come

up with better comprehension of how the career interest and competencies of the

respondents affected their future in the industry with the support of the respondents who

have provided a concrete and unbiased understanding of their opinions with regards to

the factors affecting their decisions in being part of the tourism industry. Furthermore, the

causal-comparative approach has been the instrument used that resulted to specific and

concrete answers that has been relevant for the researchers. This study did not utilize

nonprobability sampling since it is directed at all of the respondents that is readily

available. Researchers has gotten the total population of 189 in conducting the study even

though the minimum respondents as advised by the statistician is only between 90-100



Data Gathering Tool

Self-made survey questionnaires are used in data gathering for this research. The

researcher sought the primary author's approval before modifying the questionnaire. The

objectives of the study are included in the survey questionnaires, and the respondents'

actual experiences and opinions were interpreted and explored. Determinants presented

to respondents measured the variables and sub variables, it came from the established

review of related literature; some parts of the questionnaire were established by the own

interpretation of the researchers and aided by sufficient literature. The questionnaire was

validated by the adviser, statistician, and was also approved by an industry professional in

the airline industry. Moreover, the questionnaire underwent Cronbach analysis which is

the most widely used measure of scale reliability to validate if the questionnaire is aligned

with the objectives of the study. This has been done through the process of disseminating

the questionnaires to 30 respondents who are under the program of Travel and Tourism

management in any institution, 3rd year and 4th year students who voluntary answered the

questionnaire. And the results portrayed a value of 0.93383 which has a good

interpretation. Therefore, the questionnaire was reliable and valid.

The survey questionnaire of this study is divided into two sections. The first section

contains an informed consent letter which asks the residents to be part of the study. This

section also outlines the researcher's responsibilities for ensuring the respondents'

privacy. The second part of the survey form consisted of verifying questions including the

sets of key variables. The psychographic profile 15 item determinants are also included in

this section mainly answerable in terms of their lifestyle, interest, opinions, attitudes and


beliefs. Moreover, here are determinants on variables for 15 items in terms of

competencies, 15 items pertaining to the career interests, and 15 items with tourism

industry, which were the important variables to be addressed in this study.

The measuring scale that was used for the survey is four-point ordinal scaling using Likert

Scale. The researchers firmly believed that four-point has been the best option to easily

gather results from the respondents and arrived at the most accurate solution for the

study. Moreover, it was also advised by the statistician that it is the most suitable and

appropriate measuring scale to avoid confusion with gathering results. As according to a

study using 4 point Likert scale is helpful to avoid neutral choices (Afkinson, 2017). Using

this scale, the researchers identified the rank of the variables from highest to lowest. 4 as

the highest which is strongly agree, 3 as agree, 2 as disagree and 1 as the lowest, equivalent

to strongly disagree. In analyzing the gathered data, the researchers used frequency,

percentage, and mean through the use of tables. The data from the quantitative questions

were organized in tables using Microsoft excel

Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents of the study have carried out the survey questionnaire on their own. The

data that gained in this study was collected by the researchers who conducted the study

and is also part of the tourism community of Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna.

However, with the given limited time, the researchers only utilized the social media

platforms like Messenger and Facebook in disseminating the survey questionnaires to the


respective respondents of the study. With that, they have been informed in the letter as

part of the questionnaire that their involvement in responding to the questionnaires is

fully voluntary and in accordance with their free time.

Furthermore, the respondents have been given instructions that there are no wrong

answers to all questions for it is based on their personal opinions. Another is that they are

well informed and guaranteed that their answers are confidential and anonymously, thus

their personal information that are asked are not required. Also, the respondents had

enough time to review and submit the questionnaire to the researchers since they are given

ample time to answer it.

Ethical Consideration

The study followed the ethical responsibility that recognized and protected the rights of

the research respondents. The research protected the credibility of the respondents,

considering the Purdue’s Human Research Protection Program, researchers aimed at

protecting respondent’s privacy, keeping information confidential, and allowing the

participant to remain anonymous (Roberts, 2019). Researchers also followed the code of

ethics that included the following protections for subjects: (1) Protected from physical or

psychological harm (including loss of dignity, loss of autonomy, and loss of self-esteem),

(2) Protection against unjustifiable deception, and (3) the subject gave voluntary informed

consent to participate in research. Furthermore, the conducted surveys of this study

showed no harm to the respondents and to its environment. The questions given were


formal and not offensive. The researchers did not force the respondents to answer the set

of questions but rather allowed them to give their full and honest answer. The information

gathered by the researchers were applicable, reasonable, and valid (Siegle,2016).

Nonetheless, researchers prioritized the protection of research respondents, guided by the

ethical considerations. After implementing the concepts of privacy, confidentiality, and

anonymity in research, researchers considered not only what is best for their research, but

also what is best for the respondents chosen on this research.

Data Analysis

The data collected are consolidated and calculated by the used of various statistical

measures. It is encoded and summarized using tables and have used descriptive and

inferential data analysis. Tables are also used that showed the frequency, percentage, and

mean. The data are analyzed using the following statistical tools:

Weighted Mean and Ranking. The data are used to calculate the average scores of the

set of variables, which include competencies, tourism sector, and career interest for 3rd

and 4th year tourism students at Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna. The

variables are also evaluated using a Likert Scale with predefined responses. Respondents

have rated the determinants of competencies, understanding for the tourism industry, and

career interest during the pandemic on a scale of 4 (strongly agree), 3 (agree), 2 (disagree),

and 1 (strongly disagree). This analysis has been used among the variables of

psychographic profile, competencies, career interest and status of tourism industry.



Pearson Correlation. Statistics Solutions (2021), defined the test statistic Pearson's

correlation coefficient that assessed the statistical link, or association, between two

continuous variables. Because it is based on the method of covariance, it is known as the

best method for quantifying the relationship between variables of interest. It provides

information on the magnitude and direction of the relationship's link, or correlation.

Therefore, it helped the study to reveal significant relationships among the major variables

on the factors influencing the respondent’s competencies during pandemic and their

psychographic profile. Further, determined the significant relationship on the factors

influencing the career interests during pandemic and their psychographic profile.

Moderation Analysis. Moderation Analysis occurred when the relationship between

two variables depends on a third variable. The third variable is referred to as the

moderator variable or simply the moderator. The effect of a moderating variable is

characterized statistically as an interaction; that is, a categorical (e.g., sex, race, class) or

quantitative (e.g., level of reward) variable that affects the direction and/or strength of the

relation between dependent and independent variables. In this study, moderation analysis

is used for the major variable pertaining to Status of Tourism Industry and was performed

in IBM SPSS using the Hayes Process to examine the interaction effect for the identified

continuous and scalar variable, the current state of the tourism industry, in the link

between student competencies and career interest.





This chapter presents the data gathered in tabular presentation, analysis, and

interpretation of findings based on the results of the statistical treatment applied. The data

are organized sequentially, based on the specific objectives posed at the beginning of the


Psychographic Profile of 3rd year & 4th year LPU Laguna Tourism Students

Table 1

Psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of Lifestyle.

Lifestyle Weighted Mean Interpretation

My thoughts, ideas and 3.92 Strongly Agree

attitude has a huge
influence on my personal
and professional life.

Engaging in physical 3.62 Strongly Agree

exercise can help me to be
motivated and avoid
anxiety and sadness.

Before the pandemic, I do 3.44 Agree

have a very healthy lifestyle
and routine.


My relationship with my 3.51 Strongly Agree

instructors have guided me
from performing well in the
class because of the new
learning procedure.

The situation that I am in 3.33 Agree

right now is stress free and
anxiety free that helps me
to prevent having mental
health issues.

Composite Mean 3.56 Strongly Agree

3.50- 4.00 = Strongly Agree (SA); 2.50 – 3.49 = Agree (A); 1.50– 2.49 = Disagree (D);
1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 1 presents the psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of their

Lifestyle during the pandemic with a composite mean of 3.56 which value is strongly agree.

This showed that lots of students strongly agreed that they have been greatly affected by

the pandemic when it comes to improving their lifestyle in excelling well in the online

approach. As claimed by Dragun et al., (2020), aside from the notoriously difficult life

stage of entering adulthood, the COVID-19 pandemic also has fundamentally altered

students' lifestyles and educational environments, with far-reaching effects. In this

setting, those respondents who were equipped to handle more effectively with the shifting

situations of the pandemic also indicated better mental health. Furthermore, the World

Health Organization (WHO), states that individuals with life skills such as abilities for

interactive and pleasant behavior, are more likely to better cope with the stresses and

challenges life even in stressful situation. That being said, majority of the respondents


believed that the pandemic has attained some positive impacts to the rapid changes in

their lifestyle and environment.

Evidently, most areas of questions with regards to lifestyle resulted in a strongly

agree, to be more specific, majority of the respondents answered that their thoughts, ideas,

and attitude has a huge influence on their personal and professional life with a weighted

mean of 3.96 and an interpretation of strongly agree. This indicates that their personal

knowledge does contribute to how they handle situations in life. In fact, according to the

findings of Lau et al., (2022), attitudes have an impact on career guidance as a potential

moderator of the association between self-concept and job preparation. Same year study

by Svenningsson et al., (2022), stated that researchers regularly use student insights to

measure students' learning and motivation to begin a profession by mastering a subject of

study in school, such as technology. This demonstrates how probable a student's attitude,

thoughts and ideas are to assist them follow their job in the future, which the majority of

respondents also believed in.

Moreover, next to the highest determinant that the students concluded is that

engaging in physical exercise can help them to be motivated and avoid anxiety and sadness

with a weighted mean of 3.62. Next to it is that their relationship with their instructors

have guided them from performing well in the class because of the new learning procedure

with 3.51 weighted mean. Both the 2nd and 3rd highest determinants falls under the

interpretation of strongly agree. Followed by it is the indicator that says that before the


pandemic, they do have a very healthy lifestyle and routine with a 3.44 weighted and an

interpretation of agree.

Lastly, With the least data among the determinants has a weighted mean of 3.33

and an interpretation of agree which demonstrates that the situation that they are in right

now is stress free and anxiety free that helps them to prevent having mental health issues.

It has been the least since the majority of the students are somehow experiencing stress

and anxiety when there are loads of tasks to do, also this pandemic could be the reason

why they sometimes feel stress and that they could have adapt health issues if not

addressed beforehand. As stated by Panayiotou & Karekla (2022), stress, anxiety, and

depression all have negative consequences on people and society. They may result in

detrimental effects like reduced capacity for routine functioning, burnout, and health

issues. Another study by Yang et al., (2021) reported that,multiple COVID-19 prevention

and control strategies aimed at college students may cause them to experience varying

levels of stress and health issues. According to previous research, the most stressful

aspects of college life are managing intimate relationships, addressing financial concerns,

and performing tasks and functions. Moreover, academic workload, being away from

school, and fear of spreading an infection were specifically recognized as three significant

stresses among college students. It was then investigated the mechanisms behind these

stressors has links to physical and mental health. With that being concluded majority of

the respondents may deem that stress and anxiety could give a lot of problems to their


coping mechanism and how they handle things on their own by this time of pandemic

which may affect their lifestyle drastically.

Table 2

Psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of Interest.

Interest Weighted Mean Interpretation

My personal interests 3.65 Strongly Agree

affect my way of learning
new things.

School is the best place to 3.50 Strongly Agree

develop my interests.

Due to the current 3.53 Strongly Agree

situation, my perceptions
of quality of life, as well as
general pleasure and well-
being have shifted as a

This pandemic has brought 3.49 Agree

new interests that bring
opportunities to me as a

Online learning became 3.50 Strongly Agree

one of the reasons why my
interests as a student were

Composite Mean 3.53 Strongly Agree



3.50- 4.00 = Strongly Agree (SA); 2.50 – 3.49 = Agree (A); 1.50– 2.49 = Disagree (D);
1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 2 shows the psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of Interest

with a composite mean of 3.53 and an interpretation of strongly agree. This indicates that

students' interest in online approach has been greatly impacted by the pandemic as it leads

them to create new interests in life. Learning requires a great deal of interest. This

enthusiasm for the subject inspires learning motivation and can enhance academic

performance. The teacher employed a variety of techniques to improve students' interest

in learning, including making learning materials engaging, concise, and clear, using

straightforward and engaging media, and conducting regular and ongoing evaluations.

However, students who learn online gain something enjoyable but lack socialization with

their friends as stated by Sutarto et al., (2020). Truly students' interest may come in

various ways but for them to be motivated the role models like instructors should inspire

them before others. With that, online approach has also negative impact to the student’s

interest. According to the study of Khan et al., (2021), the students believed that using

mobile devices to access online classes was distracting them from their work because they

wanted to browse social media sites, experienced screen issues, and checked their

messages, which made them less interested in current virtual classes. This may imply why

majority of the respondents strongly felt that their interests to some things have shifted in

some negative ways that is evident on the results of this variable.

In addition, we may see on the illustration that the respondents strongly agree in

majority of areas in the variables, the indicator at peak refers to their personal interests


may affect their way of learning new things. It has a weighted mean of 3.65 that falls under

strongly agree. This means that students' interest could really affect how they pursue and

acquire new things and knowledge in their career despite being in an online approach to

education. According to French et al., (2018), activities involving student participation

and career knowledge have to be at their peak during this time. Moreover, there are other

reasons on how to learn new things based on their personal interest such as increased

family time, personal growth, and new hobbies that surfaced in relation to positive

elements or changes that student experienced as stated by Aguilera-Hermida (2020). This

indicates that the pandemic has provided ways for students to have self-space and discover

new things. But because the majority of respondents strongly believed that their interests

had an impact on their ability to learn new things, external motivators and their

environment had a serious and crucial influence on how interested they remained in their


Furthermore, second to the highest determinant suggest that due to the current

situation, their perceptions of quality of life, as well as general pleasure and well-being

have shifted as a result with a weighted mean of 3.53. Next to it are the determinants that

have both a weighted mean of 3.50 and these variables says that: School is the best place

to develop their interests and Online learning became one of the reasons why their

interests as a student were neglected and all of these indicators are interpreted as strongly



At last, the least determinant shown in the table with a weighted mean of 3.49 and

interpreted as agree says that this pandemic has brought new interests that bring

opportunities to them as a student. For some reason some students may not see pandemic

as helpful for them in developing new interests since pandemic hinders them from

grabbing opportunities due to lack of motivation. As reported by Avila et al., (2020), since

the advent of free online resources for learning in prospects for further personalization of

instruction in the classroom employing readily available and reasonably priced

instructional resources platforms have the potential to influence and sustain instruction

despite the pandemic problems, however some students could lack the will to seize career-

related chances because of a lack of engagement, which decreases their interests and

motivation. Additionally, some students see mobility as an opportunity to advance their

employment-related knowledge and talents, possibly through an international internship

or the acquisition of a foreign license, but not all of them possess the enduring desire as

claimed by Wu et al., (2022). In this regard, majority of the respondents simply agreed

rather than strongly agreed that the pandemic give them as students new interests and

chances, mainly because the opportunities are limited to online conferences, which would

make some of them less eager to explore and interact.

Table 3

Psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of opinions, attitudes,

and beliefs.


Opinions, attitudes, Weighted Mean Interpretation

and beliefs

My opinions, attitudes and 3.82 Strongly Agree

beliefs are major
contributors on how I act
towards other people and
to the situation I am in.

As a student I am at the 3.51 Strongly Agree

verge of mental breakdown
since Covid-19 greatly
affected the way I decide
for the things I want.

Online settings can provoke 3.34 Agree

my negative attitude to
develop habits like cheating
and dishonesty when
instructors are not around.

My mentality towards 3.53 Strongly Agree

online platform features
and functions will play a
major role in my
educational strategy
planning in the future.

Online education is difficult 3.43 Agree

and has a negative impact
on my health and social

Composite Mean 3.46 Agree

3.50- 4.00 = Strongly Agree (SA); 2.50 – 3.49 = Agree (A); 1.50– 2.49 = Disagree (D);
1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Disagree (SD)


Table 3 stipulates the psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of

opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of the students during the new normal education with a

composite mean of 3.46 and agree as an interpretation. This specifies that the opinions,

attitudes and beliefs of the students does affect their way of acknowledging online

learning. According to Li et al., (2022), regarding beliefs, students thought that the post-

pandemic period required a hybrid model that integrates both classroom and internet

forms. A number of enhancements are investigated and recommended in order to

increase the viability of online courses in the post-pandemic age. Aside from that in the

study of Bozic et al., (2021), according to the students, distant learning is ideal for time

management, financial savings, and for students who are unable to attend classes for

various reasons (employment, health, etc.). However, online learning also has negative

impacts to the opinions, attitudes and beliefs of the students. But as the majority of

respondents only agreed to this variable, the study's findings seem to counter the idea

that online education has caused pupils to develop and acquire undesirable behaviors.

To begin, the majority of the students indicates that their opinions, attitudes and

beliefs are major contributors on how they act towards other people and to the situation

they are in with a weighted mean of 3.82 and interpreted as strongly agree. In the study

of Baczek et al., (2021), many students in upper-level courses have been able to develop

these abilities more fully and also have a more fully formed passion for the subjects they

are learning, so they may be more successful with taking classes online, even with the

subject matter becoming more difficult. With that being said if students were able to


develop more abilities, then they can easily provide actions in every situation they are in.

Moreover, the main issues that affect and have an impact on online English as Foreign

Languange during COVID-19 are determined to be connected to technological, academic,

and communication difficulties. The study's findings indicate that the majority of English

as Foreign Language students are dissatisfied with online learning since they have not

made the anticipated gains in language proficiency as stated by Mahyoob (2020). This

demonstrated that the majority of students may have strongly felt that favorable and

unfavorable situations that they are in are influenced by their opinions, attitudes, and

beliefs, which has caused them to act and perform accordingly.

Besides the highest determinant, the determinant that follows to it has a

weighted mean of 3.53 and interpreted as strongly agree which portrays that their

mentality towards online platform features and functions played a major role in their

educational strategy planning in the future. Next to it with a weighted mean of 3.51 and

an interpretation of strongly agree, as a student they are at the verge of mental

breakdown since Covid-19 greatly affected the way they decide for the things they want.

Followed by the determinant: online education is difficult and has a negative impact on

their health and social life with a weighted mean of 3.34 and an interpretation of agree.

Eventually, with a 3.43 weighted mean and agree as interpretation is the least

determinant in which online education is difficult and has a negative impact on their

health and social life. Some students do not see online education as a threat to their

health and social life since online education for them can allot them to have more time


with friends and family. According to faculty, online learning helped assure distant

learning, was manageable, and provided students with easy access to instructors and

learning resources. Additionally, it cut down on additional costs and the usage of

resources for travel Sethi et al., (2020). These benefits serve to decrease dangers in daily

life, promote digital literacy, and optimize the study load. Other benefits of online

education for relatives of students include the ability to tailor the children's educational

path, cost savings for the family's health and finances, and the opportunity to increase

the number of extracurricular activities Proshkova (2020). This showcase the belief of

most respondents that online education is not totally difficult even though it has minimal

negative impact to their social life.

Competencies of 3rd year & 4th year LPU Laguna Tourism Students

Table 4

Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Internship.

Internship Weighted Mean Interpretation

The importance of 3.76 Very High Influence

internship amidst
pandemic is that it allows
me to strengthen and
perform my skills in
preparation for my future

In the tourism industry the 3.61 Very High Influence

significance of internship is


crucial for me to succeed in

the field.

Social competencies such 3.67 Very High Influence

as social skills,
communication skills and
communication is deemed
to be an important ability
that I as a tourism student
must acquire.

Competencies are major 3.59 Very High Influence

factors that will lead me to
a better understanding of
the skills I need in my
future profession.

Having sufficient 3.65 Very High Influence

knowledge is one of the
ways for me to be
considered as fully
competent and ready for
the field.

Composite Mean 3.65 Very High Influence

3.50- 4.00 = Very High Influence (VHI); 2.50 – 3.49 = High Influence (HI); 1.50– 2.49
= Low Influence (LI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Very Low Influence (VLI)

Table 4 presents Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of

Internship with a composite mean of 3.65 and an interpretation of very high influence.

This indicates that internship has a very high influence for the students to be competent

in their career. According to Yap et al., student competence are the collection of abilities,

strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that students employ to interpret their surroundings.


Therefore, student competencies can be acquired on the programs and environment where

they settle which internship could be part of that influences how they present themselves.

As claimed by Azman et al., (2020), when it comes to a professional curriculum like social

work, e-learning has its limitations, a required component of the curriculum is field

experience, which evaluates students' talents or competencies to enable them to become

qualified social workers. This showed that field experience like internship is helpful for the

students to deem themselves as competent in the field. With that, it can be seen as

desirable for the students to pursue education even on the online approach which could

be the reason why most of them see internship having a very high influence.

Apart from knowing the variable discussed, the students give recognition to the

highest determinant with a weighted mean of 3.76 and an interpretation of very high

influence: the importance of internship amidst pandemic is that it has a high influence to

develop the student’s competencies as well as it allows them to strengthen and perform

their skills in preparation for their future career. According to pre-pandemic survey

findings, students who had at least one internship been more likely to join a real time

company sooner, attend more meetings each semester, finish their professional

development sooner, and anticipate full-time work "before graduation." which is stated on

the study of Blau et al., (2021). Moreover, another study from Park et al., (2021),

demonstrates that overall, well-planned, and organized virtual internships, like traditional

fieldwork, could be an inspiring learning opportunity that enables students to draw on

their practical skills while applying what they learn in the classroom to real-world


managerial problems. This entails that internship is as important as the student’s

competencies in obtaining a job in their chosen field for it helps them to be professional

ready when time comes which could be the reason why students believed that internship

has a high influence in preparation for their career.

Furthermore, followed by the highest determinant with a weighted mean of 3.67 is

the social competencies such as social skills, communication skills and interpersonal

communication is deemed to be an important ability that they as a tourism student must

acquire. Next to it with a weighted mean of 3.65 is having sufficient knowledge is one of

the ways for them to be considered as fully competent and ready for the field. Then, the

other one is in the tourism industry the significance of internship is crucial for me to

succeed in the field with a weighted mean of 3.61 and all the stated determinants fall under

the interpretation of very high influence.

Finally, among the gathered data of the determinants is that competencies are one

of the major factors that has led them to a better understanding of the skills they need in

their future profession with a weighted mean of 3.59 and interpreted as very high influence

in the table. This might be the lowest data because internship may not be the only factor

to consider in order to acquire the skills that the students’ needs in their future profession.

As reported by Morrison et al., (2020), some skills that students had to learn aside from

competencies is how to deal with unforeseen circumstances and various technical

platforms that they could have to employ in the near future. Moreover, a study from Kapur

(2018), stated that numerous factors both within and outside of the classroom have an


impact on student’s academic success. These factors affecting students' academic

performance may include, educational achievement and large class sizes, parental and

related factors related to educational achievement, school factors' contributions to

students' academic performance, the impact of poverty on students' academic

achievement, and other causes of educational performance. With that being said personal

and professional life of respondents are driven by a lot of factors to consider and not only

limited to their competencies relating to internship. However, since it garnered a very high

influence students still agreed that internship has an impact for them to fully develop

themselves preofessionally.

Table 5

Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Confidence.

Confidence Weighted Mean Interpretation

Self-Confidence is the 3.77 Very High Influence

ability to plan and execute
the necessary steps I need
in achieving my goals.

Self-esteem difficulties 3.60 Very High Influence

may be a part of resolving
my poor confidence or
attachment in the online

I must be able to put my 3.70 Very High Influence

talents into practice to


build my confidence in my
chosen profession.

Developing my confidence 3.60 Very High Influence

in speaking English for job
advancement in the
tourism industry may be a

Anxiety and fear of 3.63 Very High Influence

receiving negative
evaluations are some
reasons that cause my lack
of confidence to participate
in the class.

Composite Mean 3.66 Very High Influence

3.50- 4.00 = Very High Influence (VHI); 2.50 – 3.49 = High Influence (HI); 1.50– 2.49
= Low Influence (LI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Very Low Influence (VLI)

Table 5 overall results shows that the confidence of the students has a very high

influence on their competencies during online learning garnering a weighted mean score

of 3.66. This signifies that the confidence plays a critical role in improving and

strengthening student’s competencies. It is claimed that confidence can be used to judge

one's aptitude to study in a field, particularly in a university setting, the efficacy of the

College of Education, according to Bitwum (2022), is judged by the level of academic

success of pupils. Furthermore, important aspect of achieving competency is the self-

confidence and learning ability. Apart from the training environment, the students’

attitude, and self-confidence in handling a specific procedure are crucial for the final

outcome of the learning process(Alkhalaf,2022). This signifies that majority of the



respondents believed that their self-confidence would help them in establishing

competencies aligned to their career plans because it allows them to perform better and

somehow share and perform their skills.

To begin, the determinant that has the highest data gathered with a weighted

mean of 3.77 and interpreted as very high influence is the self-confidence is the ability to

plan and execute the necessary steps that the students need in achieving their goals. It is

visible and understandable that self-confidence has an influence and serves as the basis

of all the things to consider when aiming to do something that will help students to be

professional ready in the field. As claimed by the study of Blanco et al., (2020), it is

advised that schools implement measures to boost students' levels of self-efficacy and

confidence in order to ensure the best learning outcomes regardless of the environment.

Moreover, students' self-confidence had an influence on their learning in terms of

engagement, goal-setting, developing an interest in the material, reducing anxiety, being

at ease with teachers and classmates, and also in terms of sharing their thoughts on the

material in class as according to Akbari et al., (2020). This specifies that self-confidence

can also be a way to lessen or avoid the stress that the online approach can cause to the

students which would help the students to easily focus on their academic goals.

Despite the discussion of the highest determinant, the following determinants

have also been in accordance with the self-confidence of the students, second on the

ranking with a weighted mean of 3.70 students must be able to put their talents into

practice to build their confidence in their chosen profession. Followed by the next


determinant with a weighted mean of 3.63, anxiety and fear of receiving negative

evaluations are some reasons that cause the students lack of confidence to participate in

the class. Both determinants are under the interpretation of very high influence.

At last, both with a total weighted mean of 3.60 surveyed by the students and

considered as the least determinants are, self-esteem difficulties may be a part of

resolving the student’s poor confidence or attachment in the online classroom and

developing their confidence in speaking English for job advancement in the tourism

industry may be a challenge. Both are interpreted as very high influence. In the study of

Khampirat (2020), this implies that having high self-esteem can help pupils become

more resilient and develop an optimistic outlook on the future, both of which contribute

to having higher levels of career aspiration. Truly, speaking English fluently is one of the

basic skills that a student must have since it is the major factor to consider in having or

wanting to have a good communication with other people. As reported by Tridinanti

(2018), psychological factors like anxiety and self-confidence might have an impact on

one's ability to speak a foreign language. In foreign language classes, pupils who exhibit

high levels of anxiety, worry, fear, and low levels of self-confidence may struggle to

improve their speaking skills. This exhibits that respondents may believe that self-esteem

has a very high influence on improving the poor confidence of students in online

classroom and resolving hindrances in improving it like increased anxiety due to

longevity of lockdown and demotivation must be resolved. Moreover, most respondents

may also see that learning English is not a challenge since they could be satisfied with the


teaching methods of their instructors. However, the data still had a very high influence

which showed how English speaking language and self-esteem is considered to improve

competence to some of the students.

Table 6

Factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms of Teaching


Teaching Methods Weighted Mean Interpretation

The pandemic does not 3.51 Very High Influence

only affect the teaching
methods of the educators
but also how technologies
take part in it.

Technical difficulties and 3.51 Very High Influence

insufficient technical
support can make my
online learning and
teaching frustrating.

Theory lectures are less 3.46 High Influence

interesting because I want
to gain practical skills.

The goal of this online 3.51 Very High Influence

learning is to help me
participate actively with the
provided lessons from my


Educator’s style and 3.62 Very High Influence

approach to teaching can
have a significant impact
on my performance and

Composite Mean 3.52 Very High Influence

3.50- 4.00 = Very High Influence (VHI); 2.50 – 3.49 = High Influence (HI); 1.50– 2.49
= Low Influence (LI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Very Low Influence (VLI)

Table 6 demonstrates the factors influencing respondent’s competencies in terms

of Teaching Methods. It has a composite mean of 3.52 that is equivalent to very high

influence. This means that majority of the respondents view the teaching methods of

instructors and institution has a very high influence on their competencies. Further,

teaching methods could be one of the factors to boost and influence their individual

competencies to their career. According to Rahmatullah (2016), the level of teaching

competence and teaching performance could create an impact to learning effectiveness

disseminated to the students. Moreover, as stated by Long et al., (2017), dissatisfied

students on the efforts provided by instructors may also affect their academic

performance. In order to increase student satisfaction and increase their competency,

clear presentations, engagement with students, creative teaching methods, clarification of

learning objectives, class activities, and lecture notes all play a key role. This demonstrated

how teaching plays a significant role in developing highly competent students.

Nevertheless, the findings for this variable reveal that respondents strongly concur that

the instructor's techniques of instruction played a key influence in the impending



pandemic catastrophe. This might also imply that online teaching techniques are

considerable for them to perform well amid online barriers.

Aside from the suggestions from the overall results, when looking at individual

weighted mean, the one that gained the highest with 3.62 refers to their belief that

educator’s style and approach to teaching can have a significant impact on their

performance and motivation, this is on the range of very high influence. This has an

implication that respondent’s experiences on the teaching methods of their instructors has

played different level of impacts with their performance and motivation during virtual

learning. It is evident on the study of Kew & Tasir (2022) that learning interventions is

useful as it helps students to enhance their motivation, academic achievement, cognitive

engagement and cognitive retention in e-learning. Also, another study conducted by Lei et

al., (2021), suggest that technical difficulties and insufficient technical support can make

online learning and teaching frustrating most especially to those delivering practical

courses that involve hands-on instruction and activities online, for example, can be

challenging; and learners may find theory lectures less interesting because they want to

gain practical skills. Whilst, the respondents are 4th year and 3rd year Tourism Students,

practitioners on this field would need double effort to showcase skills and knowledge on

their screens which may be insufficient sometimes due to limited resources. Hence, the

respondents overlooked the importance of having effective educator in order to bring out

the best in them.



On the other hand, the highest weighted mean was followed by 3.51 which is also

equivalent to very high influence. Three of the determinants was in this range, these are:

The pandemic does not only affect the teaching methods of the educators but also how

technologies take part in it, technical difficulties and insufficient technical support can

make my online learning and teaching frustrating, and the goal of this online learning is

to help me participate actively with the provided lessons from my instructor.

While all data evidently showed range of very high influence, least indicator

suggest that students that theory lectures are less interesting because they want to gain

practical skills as a high influence to their competencies with a weighted mean of 3.46.

Agyeiwaah et al., (2022) state that some students experience satisfaction that refers to

their emotional evaluation of their online learning experience and claims that is has

intrinsically positive outcome that meets their expectations. In addition, most students

continue to see the benefits of online learning due to the assistance of effective teachers

and readily available resources. In addition, theoretical learnings on tourism students

have helped them on their internship to turn this knowledge to a professional experience

in which they are able to experience real work environment after the pandemic strike

(Suastini et al., 2022). With this, it can be interpreted that the majority of respondents

believe that practical skills like has a huge influence on their competencies, however they

may also think that as tourism students, learning theories are helpful for them to adapt on

limited practical skills acquired. Additionally, it may also refer that some of the students


are using this circumstance to prepare themselves in the workplace by acquiring theories

taught in their course.

Career Interests of 3rd year & 4th year LPU Laguna Tourism Students

Table 7

Factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in

relation to Academic Ability.

Academic Ability Weighted Mean Interpretation

I can handle major subjects 3.41 Interested

with heavier workloads.

The COVID-19 pandemic 2.37 Not So Interested

had no significant impact
on my learning, wellbeing,
and academic motivation

I have the intelligence to 3.50 Highly Interested

perform the tasks required
for my chosen field.

Self-regulated learning 3.43 Interested

improves my academic
ability and study habits.

Online Intervention helped 3.38 Interested

me to develop my cognitive
ability and other skills.

Composite Mean 3.22 Interested



3.50- 4.00 = Highly Interested (HI); 2.50 – 3.49 = Interested (I); 1.50– 2.49 = Not so
Interested (NSI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Interested (NI)

Table 7 shows the factors examining the respondent’s career interests during the

pandemic in relation to their Academic Ability. This demonstrated that the majority of

respondents believed that their academic abilities played a role in establishing their career

interests, as seen in the totality with a composite mean of 3.22, which is equivalent to

interested. This also demonstrated that most of the students has interest in working in the

field concerning to their academic ability. According to Choi & Eom (2022), students with

low academic ability struggle to focus on their chosen career. Furthermore, as stated by

Bargmann et al., (2022), when students choose a career and study, their academic

motivation and ability are expected to be high, because students who are dissatisfied with

their study conditions are likely to reduce their career choices and take the first step

toward dropping out. Therefore, results on this study showed that academic ability may

have an influence on choosing, planning, and continuing careers of the respondents.

Despite the fact that the areas of determinants have been interpreted as the

majority to “interested”, the highest and most unique point has a weighted mean of 3.50

and an interpretation of "high interested." It says that the respondents have the

intelligence to perform the tasks required for their chosen field. This indicates that the

majority of them believed they had acquired the knowledge required to perform and excel

in the hospitality field and the tourism courses in which they were enrolled. According to

Benaraba et al., (2022), each individual has a varied discernment in choosing a vocation

based on their abilities, expertise, interests, and course alignment. Furthermore, Saragih


et al., (2022), state that the ability of students in tourism courses is judged by their

linguistic abilities and knowledge, specifically speaking, and writing English. This suggests

that the majority of students believe they have the following qualities, which are useful in

succeeding with tourism expertise.

On the other hand, it is demonstrated on the table that next to the highest is the

determinant that says self-regulated learning improves my academic ability and study

habits. It has a weighted mean of 3.43 with an interpretation of “interested”. Followed by

the respondent's belief that they can handle major subjects with heavier workloads which

has a weighted mean of 3.41 falls on “interested”. Next to it is a weighted mean of 3.38

which says that Online Intervention helped me to develop my cognitive ability and other

skills that also has an interpretation of “interested”.

Finally, the determinant which garnered the lowest weighted mean of 2.37 in this

variable is the strong belief of the students that the COVID-19 pandemic had no significant

impact on their learning, wellbeing, and academic motivation which has an interpretation

of not so interested. Results on this determinant indicate that the pandemic had an impact

on students learning and motivation to continue with their tourism and hospitality

careers. The findings of Iskin et al., (2022), emphasized that distant learning amid the

pandemic has negative consequences such as reducing the sense of responsibility and

inability to carry out the applied courses in the field of tourism. Moreover, the pandemic

diseases affect career anxiety in students, who are the future workforce of the tourism

sector (Üngüren, 2022). In a nutshell, students believed that the COVID-19 pandemic had


an effect on their ability to learn which may be caused by the career anxiety and reduced

sense of responsibility that they had at this time of the pandemic. This could be a major

hindrance in honing students as future tourism practitioners. Therefore, the results on

this determinant suggest that having low academic ability due to circumstances may lead

students to be less interested in their career.

Table 8

Factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in

relation to Economic Stability.

Economic Stability Weighted Mean Interpretation

I chose this career path as 3.66 Highly Interested

working as this career
covers some of the highest
paying jobs (cabin crew

This career path would give 3.65 Highly Interested

me financial
security/stability and a
good retirement plan.

A good compensation 3.59 Highly Interested

would motivate me to
accomplish more and eager
me to work in this field.

The Tourism Sector in the 3.54 Highly Interested

Philippines would give me
an upper-middle income.


A fair salary would give me 3.61 Highly Interested

the satisfaction to continue
working in this field.

Composite Mean 3.61 Highly Interested

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Interested (HI); 2.50 – 3.49 = Interested (I); 1.50– 2.49 = Not so
Interested (NSI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Interested (NI)

Table 8 illustrated the factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during

the pandemic in relation to Economic Stability with a composite mean of 3.61 which is

highly interested. This suggests that financial concerns of the industry are a big

consideration for the students to be highly interested with their career. According to

Ahmed et al., (2022), financial freedom and circumstances influence students' major

academic selections and career options. Furthermore, occupations in tourist practices

such as travel agencies can provide financial freedom, particularly for companies that use

various channels of distribution to sell and advertise their products and services in order

to generate profit and financial goals that are shared with their employees (Arceta,2022).

With that, results showed that the respondent’s possible future financial stability may

prompt them to be highly interested with their career.

To start with, leading on the determinants is the belief of the respondents that

they are interested to choose this career path as working in this career covers some of the

highest paying jobs (cabin crew, etc.). It has a weighted mean of 3.66 which is equivalent

to highly interested. Based on a study conducted by Lee et al., (2022), cabin crew

employees have sufficient high annual salary, security, and social reputation for the job


compared to other expertise. Additionally, airline industries are flexible in wage rises,

such as Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, whose management provides competitive,

market-reflective compensation to staff (Banda, 2022). Per the recent studies, the reason

why the results on this determinant were highly interested is that despite the pandemic,

some airlines and companies continued to provide positive impressions to aspirants by

demonstrating their ability to provide financial security and compensation while

traveling. Moreover, the eagerness of the respondents to establish stability in their

professional life was deemed to be a great factor to choose tourism sector, Therefore, job

financial security in terms of salary and benefits highly influence the respondent’s


On the other hand, second to the highest among all of the determinants in this

variable is their perception that this career path would give them financial

security/stability and a good retirement plan with a weighted mean of 3.65 which is

interpreted as highly interested. Next to it is a weighted mean of 3.61 that says a fair

salary would give me the satisfaction to continue working in this field that is interpreted

as highly interested. Similar to the determinant of a good compensation would motivate

me to accomplish more and eager me to work in this field which has a weighted mean of


However, it is noticeable that the lowest area in Table 8 is the determinant that

says: Tourism Sector in the Philippines would give me an upper-middle income.

Respondents responded with a weighted mean of 3.54, indicating that they are highly


interested. One of the likely causes for the low data collection is the current state of the

tourism industry in the Philippines. The advent and advancement of digital technologies

have had an impact on the environment in which businesses function. It has been

demonstrated by various tourist attractions in Quezon that have used digital marketing

and tours in farm tourism sites (Orias et al., 2022). This indicates that some of the

students may have seen less manpower needed in the industry, which would possibly

result in fewer possibilities and a lower wage for them. Recent studies by Sun et al.,

(2022), however, emphasized that the Philippine tourism industry has continued to flip

back and hire employees to the aviation job market and startups, which may be the best

time for aspirants to re-energize their motivation in seeking opportunities in the midst of

a pandemic situation. This study might be seen as one of the reasons why respondents

continue to be highly interested that the tourism sector in the Philippines would provide

them with an upper-middle income despite of the repercussions because the field has

continued to operate and prosper.

Table 9

Factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during the pandemic in

relation to Expectations.

Expectations Weighted Mean Interpretation

Offers a variety of activities 3.70 Highly Interested

in which women can
participate, as well as


opportunities for

Prosper in terms of 3.65 Highly Interested

economic growth and long-
term goals.

Increases morale of 3.60 Highly Interested

employees by the nature of
community involvement.

Uses advancements in 3.66 Highly Interested

technology aim to continue
operations amidst

Is one of the hardest-hit 3.55 Highly Interested

sectors during Covid-19, but
only has short-term effects
on the economy.

Composite Mean 3.63 Highly Interested

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Interested (HI); 2.50 – 3.49 = Interested (I); 1.50– 2.49 = Not so
Interested (NSI); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Interested (NI)

Table 9 demonstrated the factors affecting the respondent’s career interests during

the pandemic in relation to Expectations. The depicts that majority of the respondents are

highly interested in working to tourism sector if this are able to meet their expectations

with a composite mean of 3.63. An empirical study by Chen et al., (2022), reiterated that

expectations significantly influence and motivate career choices. In addition, career self-

management and decision-making must include self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and



exploration goals (Lent et al., 2022). Both studies assist the transition gap to get to the

conclusion that it is critical to gain a greater understanding of student career expectations

and perspectives before making a career decision.

To begin, the indicator that says the tourism industry offers a variety of activities

in which women can participate, as well as opportunities for entrepreneurship

development is the highest compared to all which has a weighted mean of 3.70 as highly

interested. Tourism and agritourism, in which tourists play an important role, generate

major economic opportunities for rural women (Abadi & Khakzand, 2022). Furthermore,

Singh et al., (2022), addressed how the aviation business has a large proportion of working

women as society begins to close gender gaps in employment participation. This meant

that women had a huge role and chances to be more creative, innovative, and engaged in

the tourism industries in which they work. It's clear to see why the majority of respondents

are highly interested because there are various chances, not just limited for women but

mostly for them, in this sector.

Nevertheless, after which is the indicator Tourism Industry uses advancements in

technology aim to continue operations amidst pandemic with a weighted mean of 3.66 as

highly interested. Followed by, their perception that the Tourism Industry prospers in

terms of economic growth and long-term goals with a weighted mean of 3.65 as highly

interested. The same with, their belief that the Tourism Industry increases the morale of

employees by the nature of community involvement with a weighted mean of 3.60.



However, the table exhibits the lowest collected data in the indicator with a

weighted mean of 3.55 says Tourism Industry is one of the hardest-hit sectors during

Covid-19, but only has short-term effects on the economy which could be interpreted as

highly interested. The outbreak has harmed travelers' trust in air travel, which is expected

to have a long-term detrimental influence on the aviation industry's recovery cycle which

is stated by Akhter et al., (2022). As a result of this new cycle, many airlines have been

forced into bankruptcy, mergers, or takeovers. It's possible that new business models that

are better adapted to current trends could develop, while those who stick to their old ways

will suffer. Furthermore, according to Kenny & Dutt, 2022, hotel facilities in the event of

a pandemic would require long-term recovery and resolution in order to rebuild commerce

infrastructures. Having said that, respondents also anticipated that it would take some

time for the tourism industry to recover and resume normal operations. However, some

of the respondents may believe that they are still highly interested to their career since the

aviation and hospitality industry are slowly coping.

The Status of Tourism Industry

Table 10

The level of observation to the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in

terms of Economic Contribution.

Economic Contribution Weighted Mean Interpretation



The tourism industry is the 3.63 Highly Observed

main economic driver and
economic pillar.

The tourism industry is 3.61 Highly Observed

performing well by the year
2019 before the pandemic
has started.

. In the Philippines, 3.58 Highly Observed

Tourism has emerged a
significant role in
generating economic
growth and development.

The tourism industry 3.57 Highly Observed

contributed a lot to Gross
Domestic Product all over
the world providing travel
and job opportunities.

Philippine and 3.60 Highly Observed

International Tourism is
performing well in terms of
economic conditions amid
the pandemic.

Composite Mean 3.60 Highly Observed

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Observed (HO); 2.50 – 3.49 = Observed (O); 1.50– 2.49 =
Somewhat Observed (SO); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Observed (NO)

Table 10 pictures the factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic

in terms of Economic Contribution. It has a composite mean of 3.60 which means that the

majority of respondents highly observed the economic contribution of Tourism sector



during pandemic, this pictures that their observation could influence their career interest

at this time. Evidently, the tourism and hospitality industry are one of the major

contributors to the Philippine economy, ranking 75th globally as the sector adds to the

country's growth and competitiveness (Benaraba et al., 2022). Additionally, governments

in tourist locations have a wide range of policies in place to hasten tourism recovery, even

in the face of a pandemic disaster, as attested by Wong & Lai (2022), COVID-19 had a

significant impact on the tourism economy, such as transportation and lodging, which

continues to contribute to the economy's pillars. This showed that the opportunities in

tourism industry in contributing to economy amid pandemic still prospers in some areas

and this is highly observed by the students, therefore, it could influence how they choose

to continue on their career path and how they view the possibilities of employment in

tourism sector.

The numbers showed that despite the current condition it is highly observed that

the tourism industry is the main economic driver and economic pillar with a weighted

mean of 3.63. To support this, based on the study of Wan & Diokno (2022), during the

pandemic government all around the world established isolation measures, hygiene

requirements, and ongoing support to tourism businesses. And this prompted most

businesses like Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines to continue operating again,

considering the perceived risk of crowding and low tourist density destinations (Marques

et al., 2022). Their ongoing operations have helped to cover their losses and bridge their

support to the economy, which may explain why respondents continue to highly observed


that the tourism industry is still the primary economic driver today. Although the loss was

shown all over the media, recovery has been the highest priority of the country in response

to the crisis.

Furthermore, the data shown above shows that the majority of respondents

likewise highly observed that the tourism industry is performing well by the year 2019

before the pandemic started with a weighted mean of 3.61. Moreover, it is also highly

observed that the Philippine and International Tourism is performing well in terms of

economic conditions amid the pandemic with a weighted mean of 3.60. Further, the

indicator that states: In the Philippines, Tourism has emerged a significant role in

generating economic growth and development was also highly observed and has a

weighted mean of 3.58.

All in all, most of the indicators gained the interpretation of “highly observed”, but

the lowest data garnered from which is 3.57, it says that tourism industry contributed a lot

to Gross Domestic Product all over the world by providing travel and job opportunities.

Although this is still seen as highly observed, it may be the lowest data due to respondents'

awareness of layoff programs and lower mobility of demand for people in the Tourism and

Hospitality business. According to the research, during the outbreak, 75 percent of

employees in the service sector in countries such as Canada lost their jobs, and many

countries had major unemployment difficulties in the tourism business (Sun et al., 2022).

There is no doubt that the hotel and tourism industries have been severely impacted by

the epidemic. Furthermore, as believed by Zargham & Naghavi (2022), health initiatives


for COVID-19 have halted travel and tourism activities all over the world, resulting in an

undeniable drop in foreign travel. However, as the data imply, the industry has still given

a considerable economic contribution via recoveries and an increase in domestic travel, as

seen by the overall results which is certainly and highly observed by the respondents.

Table 11

The level of observation to the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in

terms of Preferences.

Preferences Weighted Mean Interpretation

Have close relatives, superb 3.65 Highly Observed

accommodation services,
and self-catered experience,
when I travel.

Have an all-inclusive 3.61 Highly Observed

tourism package when
visiting popular sites.

Plan destinations with 3.66 Highly Observed

superb accessibility and
affordability meeting
cleanliness requirements.

Watch reviews from travel 3.61 Highly Observed

vloggers first before going
to my desired destination.

Assess the service quality 3.65 Highly Observed

before traveling and
acquiring services.


Composite Mean 3.64 Highly Observed

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Observed (HO); 2.50 – 3.49 = Observed (O); 1.50– 2.49 =
Somewhat Observed (SO); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Observed (NO)

The factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in terms of

Preferences are presented in Table 11. In totality, it has a composite mean of 3.64 that is

interpreted as highly observed. This showed that the respondents highly observed the

preferences on Travel and Tourism Industry during the pandemic period. According to

Orden et al., (2022), expectations about a destination influence the tourist experience

throughout the stages of the travel process, and during the pandemic, it is critical to know

visitors' preferences before traveling. This showed how preferences could deem to be an

important factor when travelers are acquiring services from travel and tourism industry

which is highly observed by the students. Furthermore, the results on this variable

determined that students highly observed that the tourist preferences have evolved,

becoming more concerned with safety rather than convenience (Ongsakul et al., 2022).

With that, it can be said that the majority of the respondents are well aware of the shift in

and significance of preferences to the status of the tourism industry which could be an

advantage in a way that they see how the Tourism adapt to the situation, and a

disadvantage since there are changes with the trends when traveling.

Moreover, the results indicate that the majority of the respondents highly observed

that travelers plan destinations with superb accessibility and affordability meeting

cleanliness requirements which has a weighted mean of 3.66. This showed that they highly


observed that cleanliness is now a major part when planning trips to specific destinations

during pandemic. In recent studies by Gaur et al., (2022), they discuss that cleanliness in

terms of sanitation, healthcare, and wellness, are some of the major trends when selecting

tours and travels. It may be because most of the travelers believed that crowded and less

sanitated areas are harmful and not pleasant by this time which is the respondents is fully

aware of. Furthermore, it is claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic has had enormous

effects on people's travel behavior and that while demand for public transportation has

decreased due to passengers' inability to maintain physical distance within this mode,

demand for private automobile and active transportation modes has increased like

walking and biking (Zafri et al., 2021). This has a tendency that the respondents observed

that other tourists, are searching for accessibility and cost when they travel. Additionally,

suggest that they are aware of the current situation.

Further, the data presented certainly displayed other indicators that also got the

interpretation of “highly observed”. Second, in line with a weighted mean of 3.65 says “I’d

like to assess the service quality before traveling and acquiring services”, and, “I’d like to

have close relatives, superb accommodation services, and self-catered experience when I

travel.” Both determinants has gained the same weighted mean after the highest indicator.

Finally, the table shows that respondents highly observed that traveler like to have

an all-inclusive tourism package when visiting popular sites and to first watch travel

vlogger reviews before going to desired destination with a weighted mean of 3.66.

Although both have good interpretations of strongly agree it is obvious why this collected


the least answer coming from the respondents. At some point, not all tourists would like

to have an inclusive tour as it is costly and would be needing a whole lot of requirements.

Traveling on package tour exist but its disadvantage is because they are priced per person

basis and each person pays the same high selling price (Plog, 2017). On the other hand,

not all consumers are looking at social media when planning to travel. Besides, a study

from Mukweli et al., (2021), stated that social media influencers might be less effective in

attracting the attention of general consumers. This totally showed that travelers are not

initially looking at these things (tour packages & influencers) when planning their trips.

Hence, despite of this the respondents highly observed that some might consider these

things when traveling but these are not their first areas of evaluation.

Table 12

The level of observation to the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in

terms of Restrictions.

Restrictions Weighted Mean Interpretation

Restrictions are necessary 3.74 Highly Observed

to monitor the pace of
pandemic transmission
between geographical

Travel Restrictions 3.58 Highly Observed

dramatically reduced the
number of confirmed cases.


Restrictions are one of my 3.56 Highly Observed

considerations when
traveling to a single place.

Staying in a quarantine 3.45 Observed

facility before leaving and
upon arrival for two weeks
is just fine.

I will still travel despite the 3.51 Highly Observed

constraints that stopped
some of the operations of
the Airline industry.

Composite Mean 3.57 Highly Observed

3.50- 4.00 = Highly Observed (HO); 2.50 – 3.49 = Observed (O); 1.50– 2.49 =
Somewhat Observed (SO); 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Observed (NO)

Table 12 unveils the factors affecting the Tourism Industry during the pandemic in

terms of Restriction it has a composite mean of 3.57 with an interpretation of highly

observed. This indicated that the majority of respondents highly observed constraints to

be one of the most serious consideration when traveling during the pandemic. Evidently,

international air travel limitations may create a minor but significant delay in the spread

of a pandemic, particularly if other disease management measures are implemented

during the period available (Chinazzi, 2020). This showed how beneficial restrictions are

when imposed which some of the respondents may be aware of. However, although

according to Buckley (2021), most have viewed restrictions imposed by the COVID-19

pandemic as a worldwide natural experiment with negative consequences, particularly for



wealthier developed nations, there is no doubt that restrictions allowed the travel and

tourism industry to operate slowly. That may explain that the respondents highly observed

how restriction also created slow operations for the travel and tourism management amid


The figures above introduce determinants that clearly obtained the highest data of

weighted mean: 3.74 that says the respondent’s highly observed that restrictions are

necessary to monitor the pace of pandemic transmission between geographical areas.

Indeed, according to a study conducted by Adeniyi et al., (2022), local and international

governments have evaluated the efficiency of travel restrictions that have been found to be

useful in forecasting possible hotspots of the disease. Moreover, Anzai et al., (2020),

estimated that 226 exported cases (95 percent confidence interval: 86,449) were averted

in mainland China, equating to a 70.4 percent reduction in incidence compared to the

counterfactual scenario when restrictions were applied. This obviously demonstrated how

successful beneficial travel restrictions are to monitor transmission and lessen the cases

amid pandemic, and respondents may see the importance of this as well to slowly cope

with the situation.

Additionally, the data supplied undoubtedly showed other indicators that were

likewise interpreted as "highly observed." With a weighted mean of 3.58 on the

determinant saying that respondents believe that travel Restrictions dramatically reduced

the number of confirmed cases. Followed by a weighted mean of 3.56 which says that

respondents observed that restrictions are one of considerations when traveling to a single


place. Next to it is that they strongly observed and believed that travelers will still travel

despite the constraints that stopped some of the operations of the Airline Industry, with a

weighted mean of 3.51. Whilst all three have been equivalent to highly observed.

While all were discovered at the height of highly observed, the data placed at the

bottom is the indicator says respondents observed that staying in a quarantine facility

before leaving and upon arrival for two weeks is just fine with a weighted mean of 3.45.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many travelers were required to quarantine upon arrival

at their destination, frequently at designated hotels and usually for two weeks, however

quarantine, like any type of isolation, may be emotionally draining. Furthermore,

according to Wong and Yang (2020), being forced to stay in a quarantined hotel following

an international flight might be stressful and cause anxiety. Moreover, it must cause the

inconvenience of staying in quarantine facilities, testing, and the difficulties of meeting

their families who live in various areas of the country. It can withstand prolonged

separation (Tamang et al., 2021). Having said that, most respondents only observed with

this indicator, more likely because remaining in quarantine facilities has a lot of downsides

in terms of difficulty, worry, and cost. And some of them might not see that staying in a

quarantine facility prior to traveling is just fine. As a result, all of the indicators show that

respondents highly observed with the vitality and repercussions of travel restrictions on

the tourism industry.



The relationship between the competencies and psychographic profile

Table 13

Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile

pertaining to Lifestyle.

Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Internship vs .102 .161 Not Significant


Confidence vs .169 .020 Significant


Teaching Methods .249 .001 Significant

vs Lifestyle

Note: If the p-value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.

Table 13 presents the results of the significant relationship between the

competencies and psychographic profile of the 3rd and 4th year tourism students of

Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna. Findings revealed that there is no

significant relationship on the Internship vs Lifestyle to the competencies and

psychographic profile of the students with a rho-value of .102 and p-value of .161. While

other variables such as Confidence vs Lifestyle and Teaching Method vs Lifestyle has a


significant relationship as an interpretation on the students competencies and

psychographic profile. Confidence vs Lifestyle has a .169 rho-value and .020 p-value while

Teaching Method vs Lifestyle has a .249 rho-value and p-value of .001. With that majority

of the data presented in this table has a significant relationship with the students

competencies and psychographic profile.

To tackle, the results on the Internship vs Lifestyle showed that there is no

significant relationship between student’s competencies and psychographic profile in

terms of the Internship and Lifestyle. This could mean that the students are not relying

their competencies in terms of internship on their lifestyle despite having an online

approach method of education, and also further stipulate that their lifestyle has nothing

to do with how they view and do their internship, it also denotes that students do not take

lifestyle as a means to improve in their internship performance since they are on the new

normal approach and do not much to interact. To support this claim a study by Shibly et

al., (2021) was conducted stating that by lowering the learner's perception level and

boosting motivation for each task, optimization is achieved by choosing the optimum

strategy from the various ways for each individual student when conducting internship

programs. This showed that the Internship experience of the students does not necessarily

has connection with their lifestyle, however there are various factors that affects the

experiences of the students like effective facilitation and optimization of the institution to

equip strategies.


On the other hand, the results on the Confidence vs Lifestyle and Teaching Method

vs Lifestyle has a contradictory results having a significant relationship between the

competencies and psychographic profile of the students. This indicates that if the has good

Confidence and good Lifestyle then students are most likely to do well and be competent

in the online approach. As claimed by the study of Martin et al., (2020) Compared to

communication skills, online students' time management, technical, and other traits were

given higher priority ratings. Compared to time management and communication,

students felt more confident about their technical competencies and online student

qualities. This showed that students who has good qualities associated with his habits and

lifestyle then student is more likely to have the confidence to perform it in online setting.

On the other hand, Teaching Method vs Lifestyle as a result of having a significant

relationship with the students psychographic profile means that ways of instructor

teaching plays a vital role in engaging the students to perform effectively in the class. As

stated by Ferdig et al., (2020), another significant finding from the evaluation of earlier

studies was that, while assessing online modes of education, the perspective of the student

to their teachers needs to be given priority to achieve effective learning and teaching. With

all that, table 13 only showed that there is a significant relationship between the stated

variables since majority has been interpreted to be significantly related.

Table 14

Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile

pertaining to Interest.


Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Internship vs .192 .008 Significant


Confidence vs .289 .000 Significant


Teaching Methods .278 .000 Significant

vs Interest

Note: If the p-value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.

Table 14 displays the results of the significant relationship between the

competencies and psychographic profile of the 3rd and 4th year tourism students of

Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna. It was discovered that there is a significant

relationship on all the main variables relating to the students competencies and

psychographic profile. As shown in the table, Internship vs Interest has a rho-value of .192

and a p-value of .008, Confidence vs interest with a rho-value of .289 and a p-value of .000

while Teaching Methods vs Interest has a rho-value of .278 and .000 of p-value. All data

on this section has resulted in having a significant relationship with the students'

competencies and psychographic profile.

Going on, as all the variables displayed on the table arrived at being significantly

related to one another means that the role of these variables has an impact on the factors

affecting the students competencies and psychographic profile. This could also mean that


Internship, Confidence and Teaching Method vs Interest are important aspect in building

competencies since internship could build up the students skills in showcasing their

abilities in their chosen field of expertise. Internship as one of the variables plays an

important role in the interest of the tourism students in a way that if the students are well

engaged in the practices done in the internship, then it is most likely that their interest in

their chosen profession prospers. Confidence as significantly related to the interest of the

students can be of help for them to socially interact with others despite the online setting.

While the Teaching Method is based from their instructor on how they deliver lessons and

make the students be interested and motivated to learn effectively and efficiently. With

such interpretation of variables a study conducted by Misra et al., (2021) stated that the

study's findings demonstrate how student self-confidence is impacted by lecturer-student

interaction and the capacity for self-directed learning that suggested the value of

communication and the capacity for confidence in independent learning aside from

learning from professors directly.

Moreover, the results presented were all interpreted as significantly related to

interest that is why it is therefore concluded that students' competencies and

psychographic profile are in accordance with the main variables. This also signifies that if

there is a connection between the variables and the students then the factors influencing

their competencies and psychographic profile are proportionally linked to one another in

order for the students to be industry ready. According to Azman et al., (2020), Fieldwork

is required of all social work students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in order to


advance their professional skills, core competences enhanced through internships are

necessary for practicing interest in social work professionally. This showed that the stated

variables are well needed in order for the students to build their courage and dedication

in entering the field. Considering everything that has been mentioned, the results on Table

2 showed that there is a significant relationship on the main variables.

Table 15

Internship, Confidence, Teaching methods and psychographic profile

pertaining to Interest.

Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Internship vs .096 .190 Not Significant

Opinions, Attitudes
& Beliefs

Confidence vs .245 .001 Significant

Opinions, Attitudes
& Beliefs

Teaching Method vs .237 .001 Significant

Opinions, Attitudes
& Beliefs

Note: If the p-value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.


Table 15 portrays the results of the significant relationship between the

competencies and psychographic profile of the 3rd and 4th year tourism students of

Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna. Findings showed that there is no significant

relationship on Internship vs Opinions, Attitudes & Beliefs of the students with regard to

their competencies and psychographic profile with a rho-value of .096 and p-value of .190.

While other variables has a corresponding interpretations showing that there is a

significant relationship between the Confidence vs Opinions, Attitudes & Beliefs, Teaching

Method vs Opinion, Attitudes & Beliefs and competencies and psychographic profile of the

students. Confidence vs Opinions, Attitudes & Beliefs has a rho-value of .245 and a p-

value of .001, while Teaching Method vs Opinion, Attitudes & Beliefs gets a rho-value of

.237 and .001 p-value. At that point, figures on these sections has resulted to majority

having a significant relationship with the students' competencies and psychographic


Moving forward, the outcomes on the variable Internship vs Opinions, Attitudes &

Beliefs appeared that there is no significant relationship between the two. This could only

mean that the students may not see the importance or the need to connect their opinions,

attitudes and beliefs to their competencies in experiencing Internship since they are into

online learning methods. It can also indicate that the more the students are engaged in the

online approach internship tasks then their competencies prospers either if the experience

is good or bad, it is a little chance for them to create negative opinions and attitudes

regarding the situation. This revealed that the students' willingness to learn despite the


online setting does not necessarily need to be hindered by their personal behavior and way

of thinking. To support this claim a study by Tang et al., (2021) stated that, students'

preparation for live online learning has a significant impact on both their willingness to

participate in class and the effectiveness of live online internships. Therefore, investigating

the key elements influencing students' preparation for live online internships falls on their

interest and willingness.

On top of that, the results on the Confidence vs Opinions, Attitudes & Beliefs and

Teaching Method vs Opinion, Attitudes & Beliefs have a contrasting result having a

significant relationship with students competencies and psychographic profile. This

depicts that if the confidence of the students are beyond its limits when attending virtual

class then it is agreeable that their opinions, attitudes and beliefs from the experience can

enhance their competence a lot more. Supporting this claim a study by Donnir et al.,

(2021) reported that study shows an improvement in students' perceptions of and

confidence in taking online education. Therefore, online education are conceivable

through evaluation of the student's overall competency. This could mean that it is

necessary for the students to build up their confidence more especially that they are into

online settings. Moreover, the result on the Teaching Method vs Opinion, Attitudes &

Beliefs also displays that it has a significant relationship, this could mean that the teaching

method of the professors are one of the major contributor for the students to engage in the

class effectively despite the online situation. On the study conducted by Yao et al., (2020),

teachers should play multiple roles during the online teaching process, including those of


"leader" and "accompanier" through good direction and communication. This only showed

that Teaching Methods regardless of the situation and availability of online platforms

plays prominent importance to the competencies of the students and how they perceived

the experience. All things considered, the majority of the results on Table 15 showed that

there is significant relationship on the stated variables.

Relationship between the career interest and psychographic profile.

Table 16

Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile

pertaining to Lifestyle.

Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Academic Ability vs .521 .000 Significant


Economic Stability .278 .000 Significant

vs Lifestyle

Expectations vs .119 .103 Not Significant


Note: If the p-value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.


Table 16 exhibits the results relating to the relationship between the career interest and

psychographic profile pertaining to lifestyle of the respondents. Findings showed that

there is a significant relationship between the economic stability and lifestyle with a rho

value of .521 and p-value of .000. While, also showing a significant relationship between

academic ability and lifestyle which has gotten a rho-value of .521 and a p-value of .000.

On the other hand, it also presents that there is no significant relationship between

expectations and lifestyle with a rho value of .119 and p-value of .103.

The results on this table showed that the majority of the respondents agree, whereas that

there is a significant relationship between career interest and psychographic profile of the

respondents in terms of their lifestyle. To begin with, the respondents believe that there is

a significant relationship between their academic ability and lifestyle. This could interpret

that majority of the students believe that their lifestyle either good or bad has an effect to

their academic ability to perform at their course. As social media has been an integral part

of education and lifestyle of most people during the pandemic and engaging to this could

have impacts to their ability to learn and perform in their chosen career. According to Bou

(2020), excessive social media use, smoking, and romantic relationships were all strongly

associated with a reduced capacity to focus and be interested in one's profession. Stea

(2014), on the other hand, noted that physical activity and cognition have determined that

physical activity positively improves cognitive functioning and, as a result, an academic

score and ability to succeed in their chosen vocation. This shown that having a negative

lifestyle can have an impact on academic achievement, especially if they are largely


distracted online, whereas those who focus on real-time and physical activities had good

academic success. This could imply that the majority of respondents must have

experienced a shift in their academic abilities when engaging in either online intervention

or physical exercise prior to the current setup. Respondents, on the other hand, show that

there is a considerable relationship between economic stability and lifestyle. It shows that

respondents believed that choosing their career route will provide them with a better

lifestyle of financial independence and a suitable financial retirement plan. The average

yearly wage in this area, according to Hoelzen et al., (2021), ranges from 175,000

USD2020 for each flight crew member to 85,000 USD2020 for each flight attendant. This

is a significant number of money, which explains why the majority of tourism students

want to work in this industry. This clearly indicated how, without a doubt, travel and

tourism provide greater prospects and a diverse variety of income production

opportunities for aspirants, which could be one of the reasons why the majority of

respondents believe that working in this industry will enhance their lives, since based on

the study of Sinaga et al., (2022), a respectable pay allows every family's needs to be

addressed and have a nice lifestyle to be built.

On the other hand, the results on the table also showed that there is no significant

relationship between the expectation and lifestyle. This could imply that the respondents'

expectations in their field are unrelated to their lifestyle. Tourism, according to Rahim et

al., (2021), is one of the hardest damaged sectors during Covid-19, hurting both demand

and supply in a variety of ways. Given the current state of affairs and the decrease of most


opportunities, the negative characteristics of the tourism industry may have influenced

students' expectations. This may have caused them anxiety, tension, and uncertainty, as

the industry may have to halt operations in the future (Kelly,2021). However, the result on

this study implicates that the expectation of the students to their career has nothing to do

with the development of their anxiety by this time and habits to their lifestyle.

Furthermore, it could imply that they tend to focus on their talents to perform rather than

the prospects and expectations for other elements of the field because they mainly agree

on their academic competence and its relationship with lifestyle.

Table 17

Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile

pertaining to Interest.

Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Academic Ability vs .290 .000 Significant


Economic Stability .330 .000 Significant

vs Interest

Expectations vs .203 .005 Significant


Note: If the p-value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.


The results on this table showed the relationship between career interest and

psychographic profile pertaining to interest of the respondents. This exhibits that majority

of them agrees with the significant relationship between the variables. It showed that

Academic Ability and Interest has a rho-value of .290 and a p-value of .000 which is

equivalent to significant. While the relationship between economic stability and interest

has a rho-value of .330 and a p-value of .000 which is also significant. Lastly, the

expectations and interest with a rho-value of .203 and p-value of .005 which is also

interpreted as significant.

The result on this table portrays that career interest has a relationship with the

psychographic profile of the respondents in terms of their lifestyle. To start with, it is

exhibited that Academic Ability and Interest has a significant relationship which imply

that they believe having sets of interest in this field could either help them gain or lose

their ability to learn at this time. School, according to Bergin (2016), is the ideal place for

pupils to learn new things. Students can obtain the knowledge and skills required for their

field through school assistance, allowing them to perform better. However, alterations to

this configuration may result in a shift in their learning and capacity. According to

Greaviana et al., (2020), one of the reasons why students' interests were neglected is

because of online learning. This could imply that students' interests are directly affected

by how and in what methods they learn to obtain the superior academic aptitude required

in their sector. It could imply that respondents perceive their interest in continuing and

not continuing to apply abilities on their academic success as highly related. However, the


findings also revealed that there is a considerable association between economic stability

and interest. This could imply that the respondents' interest in the sector was influenced

by the financial independence that this vocation could provide. According to Benaraba et

al., (2022), the hospitality and tourist industries offer higher pay and advancement

opportunities. Respondents believe that working in this sector provides economic and

financial stability, which may be why they continue to grow their interest despite the

pandemic. However, this could also mean that respondents notice the impact of COVID19

on the industry's sustainability, which could cause them to disregard their focus to their

career. This was supported by Zafra (2021), that states that the tourism business in the

Philippines has largely resulted in a negative due to turnovers and retrenchment programs

in the following years.

Additionally, the results on the table also showed the significant relationship between

expectations and interest. According to Luo et al., (2018), wellness tourism activities can

have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, "resulting in improvements in

coping with challenges at work, promoting family harmony, and engaging in social life"

(Luo et al., 2018). As a result, the majority of respondents could envision the tourism

industry's positive influence on individual and collective goals as an ambition. It also

shows that these expectations may lead to them expressing their interest and creating

more opportunity for them to advance in their careers. Furthermore, as mentioned by

Tambunan et al., (2022), aspirants believe that a profession in tourism offers a better

family environment and salary expectations, which influences students' enthusiasm.



Furthermore, students who feel and experience a sense of purpose in their chosen sector

are more likely to match their field with their interests, values, and abilities, to be

thoughtful about those traits in themselves, and to be given realistic job expectations. This

demonstrated that respondents were aware of the possibilities for following this path

because they knew their personal interests and how this field could impact and meet their


Table 18

Academic Ability, Economic, Expectations and psychographic profile

pertaining to Opinions, attitudes & beliefs.

Variables Rho-value p-value Interpretation

Academic Ability vs .286 .000 Significant

Opinions, attitudes
& beliefs

Economic Stability .325 .000 Significant

vs Opinions,
attitudes & beliefs

Expectations vs .133 .068 Not Significant

Opinions, attitudes
& beliefs

Note: If the p- value is <.05, Significant. If the p-value is >.05, Not Significant.


Table 18 showed the significant relationship between career interest and psychographic

profile in terms of the opinions, and attitudes and beliefs of the respondents. This exhibits

that there is a significant relationship between the academic ability and opinions, attitudes

and beliefs with a rho-value of .286 and p-value of .000. While also exhibits that there is

a significant relationship between the economic stability and opinions attitudes and beliefs

with a rho-value of .325 and a p-value of .000. And lastly, the results present that there is

no significant relationship between the expectations and the opinions, attitudes, and

beliefs of the respondents.

Overall results showed that academic ability has a significant relationship with opinions,

attitudes, and beliefs. This could be seen that respondent’s opinions, attitude and beliefs

could have an impact to their academic ability. Perhaps students' perceptions of web-

based discussions in teaching and learning, as well as their potential, can be leveraged to

improve students' performance (Iyamuremye et al., 2022). Students' opinions, attitudes,

and beliefs may vary as a result of the new learning that has formed through online contact,

which may impair their capacity to learn academically. Some students may consider web-

based learning as an opportunity to search for extra information, openly communicate

ideas, share knowledge and experiences, and therefore enhance their performance. While

others may see this as a challenge, Das (2022) sees it as a challenge for both students and

teachers to adopt and sustain the education system through new systems (online learning)

by addressing the infrastructural gap. Given this difficulty, a few students may have

negative opinions about their course as well as their profession, negatively affecting their


learning abilities. On the other hand, the findings revealed a substantial relationship

between economic stability and respondents' opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. This

demonstrates that the current state of how this industry can meet the aspirants' financial

aspirations can be used to conceive their opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about their career.

Thus, according to Deng and Zhou (2022), tourism companies have shareholder

governance, board governance, executive compensation incentives, social responsibility

governance, reputation themes, and corporate governance provisions that can motivate

most aspirants to have a belief, opinion, and positive belief to continue on their path in the

face of a pandemic. Furthermore, according to the Trinh & Seetaram (2022) study, leisure

services has remained one of the top managements on compensation, with a decreased

chance of bankruptcy. Since economic stability has been achieved, most respondents'

opinions, attitudes, and beliefs must have been influenced by this positively.

While both determinants on significant relationship obtained both outcomes, the table

revealed that there is no significant relationship identified in the areas of expectations and

opinions, attitudes and beliefs. This demonstrated that the respondents' expectations have

nothing to do with their opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. This is most likely because

respondent actions prompted by their ideas, attitudes, and beliefs have little to do with

their expectations regarding the current stage of the epidemic. According to a study

conducted by Yasmin et al., (2022), students' attitudes toward online learning have led to

them engaging in cheating in order to better their marks. This could imply that whether

or not a student cheats as a means of gaining an advantage has nothing to do with their


negative or positive expectations for their career position. Furthermore, while media

coverage has highlighted job losses across tourism organizations worldwide

(Roberts,2022), the findings of this study could imply that respondents' opinions and

beliefs about their academic life and personal goals are unrelated to the challenges they

face and have remained unchanged. It is more likely because students acquired a healthy

pattern to adhere to their aim regardless of future expectations. This was further

supported by the study of Chu (2022), which found that students continuously attend

virtual classes because they have the purpose to succeed and a growth mindset to feel that

they can persevere in any situation.

Possible moderating Role of the Status of the Tourism Industry as a major


Table 19

Moderating Role of the Status of the Tourism Industry

Test(s) of highest order unconditional interaction(s):

R2-chng F df1 df2 p

X*W .0218 5.4016 1.0000 185.0000 .0212

Y : Career Interest, X : Competencies, W : Status of Tourism Industry

Table 19 shows the significant interaction between the two major variables including

student competencies and career interest represented as X and Y. As realized in the test of

higher order the P values is below .05. Thus, it is safe to conclude that current status of


tourism industry (identified moderating variable) represented as W is a moderating

variable, with a P value of .0212.

To begin, the implication of the results on Table 19 exhibits that the status of tourism

industry strengthens and weakens the relationship between respondents' competencies

and career interest. To discuss, some tourism students intend to study in their course

because they believe in their abilities, as seen in the results of this study on Table 7, in

which students believe they have the intelligence to execute the tasks required for their

chosen field. Career competencies, according to Presti et al., (2022), are a significant

resource that graduates can use throughout and after their school-to-work transition,

which increases their interest in their unique career ambitions. However, this study has

also identified that students have seen the negative impacts and sober reality of the

pandemic to their competencies in terms of confidence in speaking English for job

advancement as a challenge and some have developed anxiety and fear in receiving

negative evaluations which has hinders their ability to perform which is shown on Table

5. Thus, the study reveals that the career interest of the students is related to their

individual abilities, however, the Status of Tourism Industry has further influence on it.

The individual expectation of tourism students to the condition of Tourism Industry has a

role in their interest with their career and to progress on being more competent. According

to Aristovnik et al., (2020), most tourism students are anxious about their future

professional positions because of the lockdown, and some tourism-related enterprises

declared bankruptcy, laid off employees, and stopped hiring industry professionals. This


uncertainty may influence then by how students execute and acquire programs like

internship and teaching methods established by the institution for their academic

improvement. As a result, the standing and observation of the respondents to the tourism

industry in terms of constraints, preferences, and economic contribution deems to play an

important role in extending students' career interests and strengthening their

competitiveness through the opportunities available to them. This could interpret that

students have the motivation to attend internship programs, listen to their instructors and

believed that these are crucial because they somehow see that tourism industry still offers

opportunities for them amid the restriction and change in preferences of travelers.

Moreover, it may indicate that students are academically able to perform and interested

because they see how theories can help them to advance themselves in continuing

operations of tourism and job employment it has despite of the observed drop in economic


With all that being said, table 19 exhibits possibilities that if the Status of Tourism Industry

was highly observed of the respondents positively, then some students may find the

importance of strengthening their career interest and improving their competencies to be

qualified in the field. As stated by Grobelna et al., (2019), students who believe that

seasonality has many positive aspects, such as increased interest in economic

opportunities being also a source of employees' creativity and innovative solutions, are

more likely to pursue tourism jobs after graduation. Having this said, if the tourism

industry could offer job opportunities for the students in this time of epidemic, then this


can help students to be interested with their career and further participate in enhancing

their competencies. Moreover, as shown on previous discussion on Table 9, the industry

can still prosper in terms of economic growth and long-term goals, this could potentially

influence interest of the students in pursuing their chosen career since they still observed

that the industry can provide them financial independence. Further, despite growing

worries about the detrimental economic effects of tourism on host communities, the

industry was able to cope through tourism economic sustainability construct like

economic positive, development control, and individual welfare as claimed in the study of

Qiu et al., (2019). This showed that even if though the tourism sector is one of the hardest-

hit sectors during Covid-19, it only has short-term effects on the economy and still can

operate no matter what the situation is. Explicitly, it was evident from the results that

some students still see the opportunities that this industry can offer, however, we cannot

fully guarantee since some of students are aware with the downside of the sector relating

constraints, and students might be concerned about what is taught in colleges and how

equipped students are to meet difficulties and seize opportunities on this crisis situation

(Desbiolles, 2020). All in all, results on moderating effect showed that Tourism industry

strengthens the career interest and competencies of Tourism industry on positive areas

like their observed economic contribution and adaptation to the crisis. However, could

potentially weaken the relationship of career interest and competencies on most areas

where they see that the preferences of the travelers have changed already, and the slow

operations of industry due to restrictions amid pandemic situations.






Based on the summary and findings, some inclusions were drawn, and these are


1. In general, this study thus reveals that the psychographic profile of the respondents

during pandemic was influenced by their Lifestyle, Interest, and Opinions,

Attitudes & Beliefs.

2. All in all, the research showed that majority of the respondents agreed that their

competencies are honed through hands on internship, their confidence in

presenting themselves, and teaching methods of the instructor.

3. In brief, the study illustrated that the vast majority of the respondents strongly

agreed that their career interest is associated and influenced by their Academic

Ability, Economic Stability, and Expectations.

4. Ultimately, the study indicated that students are aware with the Status of the

Tourism Industry in positive and negative implications based on its Economic

Contribution in providing opportunities, Restrictions imposed, and Preferences

set amid pandemic.



5. Overall, findings on this research showed that there is a relationship between

competencies of the respondents and their psychographic profile, and no

significant relationship on areas of internship and lifestyle as well as opinions,

attitudes, and beliefs.

6. Thus, study indicate that the career interest of the respondents has a relationship

with their psychographic profile, and no significant relationship on areas of

expectations and lifestyle as well as opinions, attitudes, and beliefs.

7. Lastly, results signifies that the current status of the tourism industry greatly

moderates the relationship between the competencies and career interest of the



Based on the research findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

are hereby presented.

1. For the educational policymakers and administrators at the Lyceum of the

Philippines University Laguna, to further assist tourism students with their alleged mental

health challenges to conquer their stress and anxiety by collaborating with public health

specialists to find psychological services and programs to give mental health support in

order to reduce the strain on health systems. Moreover, public health officials and

education policymakers must consider these factors to provide geographically- and

culturally-relevant mental health support for college students living in rural areas.


Additionally, performance tasks and assessments should be highly encouraged to take in

school premises to avoid cases of cheating.

2. For the institution, they may explore offering a blended internship in which 3 rd year

and 4th year tourism students do academic work online while practicing their internship

at a host firm, students record their reflection and logs within the school's LMS, while the

host organization is responsible for on-site orientation, training, and supervision. This

program may include a post-internship seminar where they will evaluate the hospitality

organization as well as the experience, and to share their thoughts and experiences with

fellow and future students. They may also take into consideration the possibility of

bringing back International Internships to broaden the horizons, experience other

cultures, improve their probability doing an internship in the labour market and improve

the student’s English language skills which will help them broaden their confidence.

3. For the higher education, this research suggests for them to improve the study habits

of third and fourth year tourism students by promoting to conduct cohort courses, boot

camps, and seminars every month, as well as providing cognitive engagement as a means

of developing study habits in blended learning environments. Intelligence and cognitive

engagement content so that these two characteristics can help tourism students in

developing their study habits, well-being, and academic motivation to their chosen career

of interest.


4. For the Tourism practitioners and travel agencies, this study suggest that they must

ensure that demands of the travelers are met when assisting and creating itineraries. They

must guarantee that the hotel design as a quarantine facility is suitable to host quarantined

visitors without rampant detrimental mental affects. They may consider having hotels

(quarantine facility) included in the tour package to be spacious, provide an opportunity

for fresh air, provide entertainment, and exercise options, and allow them to feel leisure

even though in a quarantine confined room.

5. For other departmental organization like League of Tourism Students, to create

programs that has wider selection of topics which would enhance confidence of the

students like, acting, singing, digital writing, drawing, dancing, speech, and so on.

Additionally, teaching strategies of the professors must be improved in terms of

transitioning the approach from teacher to coach and mentor, and for majority of the

professors to do it smaller size of class must be proposed to have better monitoring.

6. For the Commission on Higher Education, to have an opportunity to examine and

revised the curriculum or course syllabus to look into alternate plans for the students'

missed experiential learning activities like additional skill-based internship courses and

field trips or tours to ensure that students can still gain the knowledge and abilities they

believe they have not fully obtained due to the pandemic's influence on the educational



7. For the LPU-Laguna-CITHM to see the opportunity of having focused programs offering

Tourism Management programs to provide clear direction to students, particularly on

their job chances in the business in the midst of the pandemic. The hope-centered strategy

should be investigated further in order to influence academic programs' engagement and

student success efforts in the future. The institution must have a clear list of job sites,

personal counseling about career perception, have broader partnerships, and present a list

of job opportunities and expand the connections with other organizations for the

convenience of the students after graduation as a motivation to continuing interest and in

performing well.

8. Lastly, for the future researchers, to use this study as a guide to a similar study and to

further examine other factors that affect career interest of tourism students to change like

family influence etc., to avoid any possible risks to Tourism Industry and CITHM




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Part 1. Letter to the Respondent

Dear respondent,


We students of _____________________

from_________________, and we are currently conducting a study

examining the_______________________.

The result of this study shall provide insights that would help further

the_________________. The study may

provide__________________. The implications of the study will also be

helpful for________________.

As a researcher, we believe that in order for the study to gain a good

grasp on the chosen variables, your establishment,

__________________, was chosen and fit to be one of the subjects of the

said study.

We want to augment that your participation will be voluntary and all

efforts to protect your identity by keeping all the information confidential

shall be taken into great consideration.

We have enclosed a consent form for your review. Please read the form

and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the study. If you

choose to participate, please sign, initial and date the consent information

form and return it along with the completed questionnaire in the envelope.


We look forward to learning about your experiences and knowledge. Your

participation will be greatly appreciated.



*Before agreeing to participate in this research study, it is important that you

read and understand the following explanation of the proposed procedures. It

describes the objectives and your right to withdraw from the study at any time.

Part 1. Informed Consent. Before agreeing to participate in this research

study, it is important that you read and understand the following explanation of

the proposed procedures. It describes the objectives and your right to withdraw

from the study at any time.

Objectives of the study: This research sought to investigate


Confidentiality of Research Records:



● Only the researcher has access to information and responses

● Your name will never be asked. However, if you feel free to include at least

your initials, you may do so. Your responses will be recorded on a form that

contains a code number created by the researcher.

● After administering the questionnaire and you found out that you want to

decline to participate, the researcher will take a black marker and cross

through your name and information. At the end of the study, the contact

sheet will be shredded, leaving no possible way to match code

numbers/responses with you

● Your personal/individual responses will not be given to anybody in any


● During the study, all data will be kept in a locked, secure, filing cabinet

● By using code numbers, in the event that the results were subpoenaed, your

individual responses could not be singled out.

Voluntariness & Withdrawal from Study:

Your participation in this study is strictly voluntary and will not affect your

current legal situation or result in adverse reactions from any court. Neither

nobody will know who has or has not participated in the study.


We have read the material above, and any questions I asked have been

answered to my satisfaction. We understand a copy of this form will be made

available to me for the relevant information and phone numbers. We realize

that I may withdraw without prejudice at any time.”

___________________ ___________________

Respondents signature Date

Part 2A. Psychographic Profile. The questionnaire contains statements on

indicators identifying the Psychographic Profile of your students from 3rd year and

4th year in Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna. Please answer the

questions reflectively and carefully. This is not a test of ability. Kindly check the

column that indicates your answer based on the following scale:

Scale: 4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly disagree

Lifestyle 4 3 2 1


I believe that…

1. My thoughts, ideas, and

attitude have a huge

influence on my personal

and professional life.

(Young et al., 2018)

2. Engaging in physical

exercise can help me to be

motivated and avoid

anxiety and sadness.

(Blanco et al., 2020)

3. Before the pandemic, I do

have a very healthy



lifestyle and routine.

(Goncalves et al., 2021)

4. My relationship with my

instructors has guided me

in performing well in the

class because of the new

learning procedure.

(Khan et al., 2021)

5. The situation that I am in

right now is stress-free

and anxious free which

helps me to prevent

having mental health

issues. (Michigan et al.,



Interest 4 3 2 1

I think that…

1. My interests affect my

way of learning new

things. (Hidi et al., 2019)

2. School is the best place to

develop my interests.

(Bergin, 2016)


3. Due to the current

situation, my perceptions

of quality of life, as well as

general pleasure and

well-being have shifted as

a result. (Kralik et al.,


4. This pandemic has

brought new interests

that bring opportunities

to me as a student.

(Farida et al., 2021)

5. Online learning became

one of the reasons why

my interests as a student


were neglected. (Greviana

et al., 2020)

Opinions, attitudes, and 4 3 2 1


I am aware that…

1. My opinions, attitudes,

and beliefs are major

contributors to how I act

towards other people and

to the situation I am in.

Sharker et al., (2021)



2. As a student I am on the

verge of mental

breakdown since Covid-

19 greatly affected the

way I decide on the things

I want. (Arora et al., 2021)

3. Online settings can

provoke my negative

attitude to develop habits

like cheating and

dishonesty when

instructors are not

around. (Oducado, 2020)



4. My mentality towards

online platform features

and functions will play a

major role in my

educational strategy

planning in the future.

(Ismaili, 2021)

5. Online education is

difficult and hurts my

health and social life.

(Arora et al., 2021)

Part 2B. Competencies. The questionnaire contains statements on indicators

identifying the competencies of your students from 3rd year and 4th year in

Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna. Please answer the questions



reflectively and carefully. This is not a test of ability. Kindly check the column that

indicates your answer based on the following scale:

Scale: 4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly disagree

Internship 4 3 2 1

I believe that…

1. The importance of an internship

amidst a pandemic is that it allows

me to strengthen and perform my

skills in preparation for my future

career. (Ufer, 2018)



2. In the tourism industry the

significance of an internship is

crucial for me to succeed in the

field. (Nghia et al., 2018)

3. Social competencies such as social

skills, communication skills, and

interpersonal communication is deemed

to be important ability that I as a tourism

student must acquire. Lupicka (2017)

4. Competencies are major factors that

will lead me to a better understanding of

the skills I need in my future profession.

Bustreo et al., (2018)



5. Having sufficient knowledge is

one of the ways for me to be

considered fully competent and ready

for the field. Bare et al., (2021)

Confidence 4 3 2 1

I am aware that…

1. Self-Confidence is the ability

to plan and execute the

necessary steps I need in

achieving my goals. Otache



2. Self-esteem difficulties may

be a part of resolving my poor

confidence or attachment in

the online classroom. Bitwum


3. I must be able to put my

talents into practice to build

my confidence in my chosen

profession. Burry (2017)

4. Developing my confidence in

speaking English for job

advancement in the tourism

industry may be a challenge.

(Indrianty, 2017)


5. Anxiety and fear of receiving

negative evaluations are some

reasons that cause my lack of

confidence to participate in

the class. (Indiantry., 2017)

Teaching Methods 4 3 2 1

I think that…

1. The pandemic does not only

affect the teaching methods of

the educators but also how

technologies take part in it.

Tiwari et al., (2021)



2. Technical difficulties and

insufficient technical support

can make my online learning

and teaching frustrating. Lei

et al., (2021)

3. Theory lectures are less

interesting because I want to

gain practical skills. So et al.,


4. The goal of this online

learning is to help me

participate actively with the

provided lessons from my

instructor. Lei et al., (2021)



5. Educator’s style and approach

to teaching can have a

significant impact on my

performance and motivation.

Lei et al., (2021)

Part 2C.Career Interest. The questionnaire contains statements on indicators

identifying the career interests of your students from 3rd year and 4th year in

Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna. Please answer the questions

reflectively and carefully. This is not a test of ability. Kindly check the column that

indicates your answer based on the following scale:

Scale: 4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly disagree

Academic Ability 4 3 2 1

I believe that…


1. I can handle major subjects with

heavier workloads. (Beggs et al.,


2. The COVID-19 pandemic had no

significant impact on my learning,

well-being, and academic motivation.

(Eather et al., 2022)

3. I have the intelligence to perform the

tasks required for my chosen field.

(Beggs et al., 2018)

4. Self-regulated learning improves my

academic ability and study habits.

(Ballouk et al., 2022)



5. Online Intervention helped me to

develop my cognitive ability and

other skills. (May et al., 2022)

Economic Stability 4 3 2 1

I am confident that…

1. I chose this career path as working

as this career covers some of the

highest-paying jobs (cabin crew etc.).

(Hoelzen et al., 2021)

2. This career path would give me

financial security/stability and a



good retirement plan. (Wildman et

al., 2021)

3. A good compensation would

motivate me to accomplish more and

eager me to work in this field. (Slater

et al., 2022)

4. The Tourism Sector in the

Philippines would give me an upper

middle income. (Zafra, 2021)

5. A fair salary would give me the

satisfaction to continue working in

this field. (Sinaga et al., 2022)



Expectations 4 3 2 1

I can see that the Tourism industry….

1. Offers a variety of activities in which

women can participate, as well as

opportunities for entrepreneurship

development. (Maurya et al., 2016)

2. Prosper in terms of economic growth

and long-term goals. (Green et al.,


3. Increases morale of employees by

the nature of community

involvement. (Salama et al., 2021)



4. Uses advancements in technology

aim to continue operations amidst

pandemics. (Kelly, 2021)

5. Is one of the hardest-hit sectors

during Covid-19, but only has short-

term effects on the economy. (Rahim

et al., 2021)

Part 2D.Tourism Industry. The questionnaire contains statements on

indicators identifying the Tourism Industry during a pandemic based on your view

of it. Please answer the questions honestly and carefully. This is not a test of ability.

Kindly check the column that indicates your answer based on the following scale:

Scale: 4-Strongly Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly disagree



Economic Contribution 4 3 2 1

I am convinced that…

1. The tourism industry is the main

economic driver and economic pillar.

(PSA, 2018)

2. The tourism industry is performing

well by the year 2019 before the

pandemic has started. (Adam, 2019)

3. In the Philippines, Tourism has

emerged a significant role in

generating economic growth and

development. (Serrona et al., 2022)



4. The tourism industry contributed a

lot to Gross Domestic Product all

over the world providing travel and

job opportunities. (Department of

Tourism, 2017)

5. Philippine and International

Tourism is performing well in terms

of economic conditions amid the

pandemic. (Xiang et al., 2021)

Preferences 4 3 2 1

I’d like to …


1. Have close relatives, superb

accommodation services, and self-

catered experience, when I travel.

(Bire et al., 2022).

2. Have an all-inclusive tourism

package when visiting popular sites.

(Rahman, 2021)

3. Plan destinations with superb

accessibility, and affordability

meeting cleanliness requirements.

(Narmadha et al., 2022)



4. Watch reviews from travel vloggers

first before going to my desired

destination. (Sizan et al., 2022),

5. Assess the service quality before

traveling and acquiring services.

(Zbarskaya et al., 2022)

Restrictions 4 3 2 1

I believe that…………

1. Restrictions are necessary to

monitor the pace of pandemic

transmission between geographical

areas. (Refaat et al., 2020)



2. Travel Restrictions dramatically

reduced the number of confirmed

cases. (Abou, 2022)

3. Restrictions are one of my

considerations when traveling to a

single place. (Gössling et al., 2020),

4. Staying in a quarantine facility

before leaving and upon arrival for

two weeks is just fine. (Lim, 2020)

5. I will still travel despite the

constraints that stopped some of the

operations of the Airline industry.

(World Health Organization, 2020).








Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

L .409 189 .000 .641 189 .000

I .402 189 .000 .633 189 .000

OAB .402 189 .000 .660 189 .000

Intern .450 189 .000 .566 189 .000

Confi .453 189 .000 .562 189 .000

TM .376 189 .000 .668 189 .000

AA .333 189 .000 .747 189 .000

ES .427 189 .000 .616 189 .000

Exp .434 189 .000 .586 189 .000

EC .414 189 .000 .631 189 .000

Pref .424 189 .000 .619 189 .000



Res .386 189 .000 .625 189 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Nonparametric Correlations


L I OAB Intern Confi TM

Spearman' L Correlation 1.000 .506** .440** .102 .169* .249**

s rho Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000 .161 .020 .001

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

I Correlation .506** 1.000 .488** .192** .289** .278**


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000 .008 .000 .000

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

OA Correlation .440** .488** 1.000 .096 .245** .237**

B Coefficient


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 . .190 .001 .001

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

Inte Correlation .102 .192** .096 1.000 .231** .300**

rn Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) .161 .008 .190 . .001 .000

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

Co Correlation .169* .289** .245** .231** 1.000 .242**

nfi Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) .020 .000 .001 .001 . .001

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

TM Correlation .249** .278** .237** .300** .242** 1.000


Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .000 .001 .000 .001 .

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).



Nonparametric Correlations



Spearman' L Correlation 1.000 .506** .440** .521** .278** .119

s rho Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000 .000 .000 .103

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

I Correlation .506** 1.000 .488** .290** .330** .203**


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000 .000 .000 .005

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

OA Correlation .440** .488** 1.000 .286** .325** .133

B Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 . .000 .000 .068

N 189 189 189 189 189 189



AA Correlation .521** .290** .286** 1.000 .068 .104


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 . .355 .155

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

ES Correlation .278** .330** .325** .068 1.000 .282**


Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .355 . .000

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

Ex Correlation .119 .203** .133 .104 .282** 1.000

p Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed) .103 .005 .068 .155 .000 .

N 189 189 189 189 189 189

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Run MATRIX procedure:

***************** PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Version 4.0



Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D. www.afhayes.com

Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3


Model : 1

Y : Career

X : Comp

W : Status


Size: 189




Model Summary

R R-sq MSE F df1 df2


.5027 .2527 .1916 20.8491 3.0000 185.0000




coeff se t p LLCI ULCI

constant 2.6941 .3051 8.8310 .0000 2.0922


Comp .2494 .0804 3.1002 .0022 .0907


Status 1.5432 .5251 2.9387 .0037 .5072


Int_1 -.3394 .1460 -2.3241 .0212 -.6275 -


Product terms key:

Int_1 : Comp x Status

Test(s) of highest order unconditional interaction(s):

R2-chng F df1 df2 p

X*W .0218 5.4016 1.0000 185.0000 .0212


Focal predict: Comp (X)

Mod var: Status (W)

Conditional effects of the focal predictor at values of the



Status Effect se t p LLCI


-.4782 .4117 .0938 4.3883 .0000 .2266


.0000 .2494 .0804 3.1002 .0022 .0907


.4782 .1506 .0991 1.5194 .1304 -.0449


*********************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS


Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:


W values in conditional tables are 1 SD below the mean, the mean, and
the maximum.

NOTE: One SD above the mean is above the maximum observed in the data
for W,

so the maximum measurement for W is used for conditioning instead.

NOTE: The following variables were mean centered prior to analysis:



------ END MATRIX -----








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