In-Class Assignment Week 9

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Minor in Intercultural Studies

SCS 2022-1
Week 9 Session 2
In-class assignment (independent work)

1. Please watch the following video:
o_tough_to_combat#t-20752 Feel free to watch it two times if needed

2. Take notes about the video so that you can answer the following questions:

 What’s the definition of opioid drugs according to the video?

An extract of a flower that can be natural or synthetic, and that can induce
pleasure or reduce pain. They are very effective painkillers but also highly

 What’s the relationship between opioids and the brain according to the video?
We in our brains have opioid receptors, then, when we consume any opioid, they
would bind with these receptors. This has an action of reducing pain, but also an
action of activating dopamine release and reducing the entrance of noradrenaline.

 How can someone develop an addiction to opioids according to the video?

Since opioids also induce the release of dopamine, and this neurotransmisor is
related with feelings of pleasure and well-being, then a sense of euphoria is felt,
make it addictive because of the sensation.

 What happens to your body if you stop taking opioids all of the sudden?
Since opioids suppress the release of noradrenaline, and noradrenaline influences
wakefulness, breathing, digestion and blood pressure, when a person consumes
lots of opioids a balance between these opioids and the noradrenaline is created.
So, when opioids are taken away abruptly, this balance is damaged, the body
becomes too sensitive to noradrenaline and symptoms such as muscles aches,
stomach pains, fever and vomiting appear.

 Is there a solution/treatment for opioid consumption?

Yes, there is a drug called naloxone, which can help with opioids overdose by
binding to opioid receptors but without activating them, so that these receptors are
filled and do not receive more opioids.
3. Read the vocabulary worksheet, select 5 terms and write one complete sentence with
each of these new five terms:
 Example: A friend of mine told me about how difficult it was for him to
overcome his sister’s overdose and her sudden death.
 Nowadays is very common that people consume more synthetic drugs than
natural drugs.
 I remember when my classmate stopped consuming meth, he had a huge series
of withdrawal symptoms.
 Oh, I’m craving for a hamburger right now! Would you come with me for one?
 Please do not even think on consuming fentanyl! It is really strong and
 Scientifics say that consuming naloxone can be a solution for opioids addiction.

4. Read the article ‘opioids: what you need to know’ and then, write a brief summary
of the text with your own words and a personal reaction on something new that you
learned. This response should be between two and three paragraphs.
Nowadays opioids and overdoses with this type of drugs has increased a lot, especially
on the United States. For this, it is important to know that opioids work as painkillers but
also some of them can be categorized as illegal drugs, such as heroine. So, there are some
natural opioids that are medically really useful, but also there are some others that are
synthetic (man-made) and that are really strong, giving the risk of causing an overdose on
the people that consume them for non-medical means. With this, many medical risks
come with the consumption of opioids. Clearly, if they are medically prescribed, they can
help a lot with pain, but if not and if people abuse of them, they can die.
Also, another problem that is identified is that opioids are highly addictive. Then, if
someone is abusing of these substances, it is highly probable that they became addictive,
also changing how their brain works, this called the opioid use disorder. But not
everything is lost. There are some safety measures that can help prevent this type of
situations. These preventive tips are: firstly, trying to stay completely away from them,
but if you can’t, then try to ask if the painkillers the doctor is giving you contain opioids,
be careful if you know that someone has mental health problems or an addiction record
and they are being prescribed with opioids, and finally, always follow the instructions of
the doctor exactly when talking about opioids.
About this, I think this is a situation that needs to be addressed. Actually, even though
in my career we talk a lot about substances and addictions, I didn’t know that many
people died because of accidental overdoses. With this, I think that it should not happen
anymore and that this situation needs to be controlled and regulated urgently.
5. Record a response on answering the following question: What do you
think governments can do in order to avoid drug addictions on young people (16 to 22
years old)? Your response should be no longer than 3 minutes, add the link here:

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