New E4 E5 MNGT

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Typically a corporate image is designed to be appealing to the public, so that

a. The company can spark interest amoung consumers and create share of mind.
b. Generate brand equity and thus facilitate product sales
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
2. When was BSNL selected as super brand?
a 2007 b. 2006. C. 2004 d. 2004
3. _________is a workflow based system that includes the featuresof existing manual
handling of files in addition to more efficient electronic system
a. Efile b. Eoffice c.EMD d. Employee welfare
4. ERP stands for
a. Eofficeresourseplan .b . Enterprise resourse planning c. Enterprise reaction plan
d. Enterprise reuse plan
5. State true or false APAR gradingcriterion in Executive promotion policy (JTO to
SDE)for OC :- (1) No adverse , not more than four average (2) No adverse , not more
than Three average (3) No adverse , not more than two average.
a. (1) F , (2) T , (3) F b. (1) t , (2) F , (3) F c) (1) F , (2) F , (3) T
b. D (1) F , (2) T , (3) T
6. Full form of CPPP portal of NIC is
7. Why committee consists of people representing different departments?
8. Arbitrator should conduct the Arbitration hearing in the place :-
a. As desired by claimant b. As desired by respondent.
b. C. as agreed by both the parties d. always as convenient to Arbitrator
9. The _______ is the document which shows the intention of purchaser to place the
order on the bidder to purchase the goods
a. Advance purchase order b. Work order c. Purchase order d. contract
10. In situation where BSNL proposes to induct new technologies/ equipment/new service
and the specification of new technology/equipment/new service are not firmed up,
BSNL may invite for the available vendor of that technology/equipment/new service.
a. Limited tender .b Expression of intrest c. open tender d. rate contract
11. As per section -1 Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (DNIT) , the standard tender
document covers
a. Tender methodology b. Brief description of the goods & quantity c. Type of
tender d. Envelop system
12. There is no medicine for mental diseases in Allopathy, except for the sedatives and so
a. Aspirin b. Tranquilizers c. Steroids d. Antibiotics
13. Stress may lead to?
a. Cancer b. obesity c. sleeplessness d. All the above
14. Which is not a EB service in BSNL
a. VSAT b. IP-Centrex c. MPLS VPN d. MLLN
15. VSAT connectivity works in
a. Mesh Topology b. Bus Topology c. Star Topology d. Any Topology can work
16. SONET stands for
17. Leadership is a process in which a person
a. Threatens b. Influences c. Manages d. Control
18. In project Kuber the number of people required for database manager will be
a. 1 per SSA b. 2 per SSA c. 3 per SSA d. 4 per SSA
19. What is the Revenue Assurence
22. Project of BSNL?
a. Project Udaan b. Project Vijay c. Project Dosti d. Project Kuber
23. 4 SSAs (Hydrabad, Bangalore , Thriananthpuram& Chennai ) have been converted in
POC phase of CDR sub-system of
1.1 b. 1.2 c. 2.1 d. 2.2

21. CDRs contains

a. the originating number b. terminating no. c. the start and end time of call d. all above

22. northane west zones are covered in BSNL CDR project no………..

a. 1 b. 2 c. 1&2 d. 2.1

23. Return on assets is defined as the ratio of

a.Net income/Current asset b. Net income/Total asset c.Total income/Current asset d.Total
income/Total asset

24. The ratio of telecom retail outlets (Multi brand telecom outlets) that sell BSNL products to the
total number of telecom retail outlets in a particular geographical area is called as :

a. Extraction b. Sales c. Prospect d. Reach

25. What is the role of project champion?

26. CGM/PGM/GM level officers in the corporate office are what in project Shikhar?

a. Project Champion b. Project Sponsor c. Project Manager d. Project Manager

27. Which is the fifth clause of ISO 9001: 2015

a. Context of orginasation b. Leadership c. planning d. Support

28. Which is the Tenth clause of ISO 9001: 2015

a. Support b. Operation c. Performance evaluation d. Improvement

29. A makes an offer to B & B accepts the offer . Choose the right option from the following as per
the contract act.

a. A is promise and B is Promisor b. A is Promisor and B is promise c. A & B are Promisor d.A & B
are Promise

31. Every person is competent to contract who is ………….

a. Major , atleast 21 years of age b. major,not disqualified from contracting by law. C. major,
disqualified from contracting by law. D. of any age group , not disqualified from contracting by
any law

32. In the PERT expected time =

a. (PT plus 4 x MT plus OT )/ 6 b. (OT plus 4 x MT plus PT )/ 6 c. (MT plus 4 x OT plus PT )/ 6 d.

(OT plus 4 x PT plus MT )/ 6

33. PERT analysis is based on ?

a. Optimistic time, pessimistic time, and most likely time b.pessimistic time, optional
time ,maximum time c. Optimistic time, efficient time, most likely time d. maximum
time,Optimistic time , harmonic time

34. Ecpected time = (OT plus 4 x MT plus PT )/ 6, OT stands for

a. Operational time b.Optimistic time c. operating time d. on time

35. Boston consulting group helped in which holistic transformation exercise project

a. Project shikhar b. Project Bharatnet c. Project KLI d. none of these

36. Director (CM ) will be responsible for ?

a. Products such as landline, PCO b. Products such as GSM( 2G, 3G, 4G ) , WIMAX c. Products such
as broadband & related VAS d. New business opportunities which BSNL plans to persue

37. Which of the following are non verbal communication? (1) Yawn (2) email (3) Tears

a. 2 &3 b. 1&2 c. 1& 3 d. only 3

38. Which method people share their ideas, information , opinions & feelings?

a. Sharing b. Communication c. Transformation d. Programming

39. What makes people want to achieve high goals &objectives ?

a. Boss b. Manager c. Company head d. Leadership

40. How many major factors of leadership are there ?

a. 5 b. 3 c. 1 d.4

41. Foster conflict resolution is one of the

a. Leadership compentencies b. Core compentencies c. Professional compentencies d.

Technical compentencies.

42. Marketing funnel has ……………… its input and output as………..

a. Target market , Leads b. Leads , Target market c. Leads , customers d. customers , Leads

43. What is correct for enterprise sale

a. Buyer goes to seller b. Big volume , small margin c. small volume , big ratio d. small volume
mass selling

44. The ratio is found by dividing no. of sales leads by the no. of sale contacts

A. contact ratio b. lead generation ratio c. lead convertion ratio d. qualification ratio

45. Allotment of whole item of cost to a cost center or cost unit is known as :

a. Cost apportionment b. cost allocation c. cost absorption d. machine hour rate

46. The payment made to the employee, permant or temporary , for their service is known as

a. expences b. labor cost c. materisl cost d. R & D cost

47. The balance sheet consists of the entries of ………… and …………..
a. assets , expenses b. liabilities, revenue c. asstes , revenue d. assets , liabilities

48. Profit and loss a/c also called as

a. scorebosrd of the firm performance b. positional statement c. both 1 & 2 d. None of above

49. Perishability

a. service cannot be stored b. cannot feel , see or touch c. cannot be separated from the
provider d. cannot be standerdised

50. As per the market segmentation , motive is which type of variable

a. demographic b. geographic c. psychographic d. behaviouristic

51.GM/DGM level officer in the BSNL CO are in which project shikhar

a)Projectsponsore b)Project champion c) Project coaches d) Project manager

52.BIS stands for

a) Bureau of Indian standards

53.The meaning of ISO in Greek is

a) equal b) unequal c)differ d)useful

54. A contract is a/an -----eforcable by the law

a)assignment b) agreement c)acceptance d)proposal

55.A project has constraints of

a) Cost b)time c)quality d) all three

56.In project n/w diagram and event is a

a) task b)milestone c)lines d)activity

57.As per new organization structure post of director (operations) has been redesignated as

a) Dir CFA b)Dir CM c)DirEnterprize d)Dir HR

58.Modes of commdosent include

a) written b) nonverbal c)listening d) verbal

59.Be,Know and Do is

a)leadership competancies b)leadership abilities c)leadership framework d)leadership style

60.What makes people want to achieve high goals and objectives

a) Boss b)Manager c)Company head d)leadership

61.What is correct for retail sale

a) small volume mass selling b)seller goes to buyer c) big ticket big value d)small volume big

62.What is correct for enterprise sell

a)buyer goes to seller b) big volume small margin c) small volume big margin d)small
value mass selling

63.The value of alternatives foregone by adopting a particular strategy or employing resources in

specific manner is known as –

a) opportunity cost b)marginal cost c) relevant cost d) shutdown cost

64.The accounting equation is represented by –

a)Capital –Liabilities = assets b)Owners equity & liabilities = assets

c) assets& liabilities = capital d) all of these

65.Pull marketing

a) basic human requirement b) persuade the customer c) seller to the customer

d)market offering in the minds of target buyers

66.As per market segmentation market density is which type of variable

a)demographic b)geographic c)psychographic d)behaviourstic

67.System integrator (SI) of ERP is

a)M/s e & y b) HCL TECHN LTD c) M/s SAP d) all the above

68.BSNL ERP solution provider

a)M/s e & y b) HCL TECHN LTD c) M/s SAP d) all the above

69. As per section 33 of Arbitration & Conciliation Act a party may request to Arbitrator to correct
any error or interprete any specific point within:

a) 900days b) 60 days c) 30 days d) 7 days

70.Indian contract act 1872 defines the term contract as ________

a)Assignment b)Agreement c)Acceptance d)Proposal

71. When delivery period is 1 year the validity of performance BG must be ______

a) 2 yrs b) 2.5 yrs c) 3 yrs d) 3.5 Yrs

72.Procurement case of amoune of ______ and above through e-tendering method

a) Rs I l b) rs 2L c) rs 3 L d) rs 4 L

73.Who will verify whether amount is credited in BSNL account or not ?

a) DGM-EB b) AO sales c) AO cash d) aop&a

74.Enterprisemngt was implemented in which project of NIB-II

a)Project 1 b)2.1 c)2.2 d) 3

75.Equipment responsible for cross connection of STM-N signal is called

a) Regenerator b)ADM C)DxC d) TM

76. A _______ is a person, firm , company who has submitted an offer in response to the notice
inviting tender

a) contractor b. supplier c. bidder d.purchaser

77.Bucket 2 in respect of project Kuber denotes

a. outstanding of 3-6 months b. outstanding of 6-12 months c.outstanding of 12-

36 months d. none

78. In project kuber the required designation of database manager is

a. Ao b. De c. SDE d. JTO

79. in BSNL n/w Freephone, primumrate calling , UAN Televoting are known as _____

a. In services

80. CDR based billing system is able to process the billing of

a. Only wireline services b.Only wireless services c. Only IP services

d. All above

81Debt ratio is defined as the ratio of

a. Total debt to current assets b. Total debt to total assets c.current debt to total
assets d. Total debt to total liabilities

82. the share of BSNL sales in the the total sales of multibrand telecom outlet is called ____

a. sale b. extraction c. reach d. prospect

83. improveladline& BB business

a. Project shikhar b. Project vijay c. Project udaan d. Project dosti

84. Project control function involves _____

85. Dir CM will be responsible for _______

86. How many modes of comm in corporate comm______

87. in leadership frame work know means

a. Know your self b. Know your job c. Know your organisation d. all 3

88. authorisation type of leadership style also called

a. autocratic b. democratic c. delegative d. free-reign

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