4th QE English 8 TQ

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Department of Education
Region X
Gov. A. Quibranza Prov’l. Gov’t. Compound
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(063)227 – 6633, (063)341 – 5109
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Fourth Quarter Test in English Grade 8

Name: _________________________Yr./Section: ______________Date: ________ Score: _____


A. Identify the correct stressed syllable of the underlined word. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. I want to be a photographer.
A. PHO-to-graph-er B. pho-TO-graph-er C. pho-to-GRAPH-er D. pho-to-gra-PHER

2. Which photograph do you like best?

A. PHO-to-graph B. photograph C. pho-to-GRAPH D. pho-TO-graPH

3. Whose computer is this?

A. COM-pu-ter B. com-PU-ter C. computer D. com-pu-TER .

4. Couldn’t you understand what she was saying?

A. un-der-stand B. un-DER-stand C.un-der-STAND D. UN-der-stand

5. Voting during election is your most important duty.

A. im-por-tant B. IM-por-tant C. im-por-TANT D. im-POR-tant

6. My friend and I had a very interesting conversation.

A. con-ver-SA-tion B. CON-ver-sa-tion C. con-VER-sa-tion D. con-ver-sa-TION

B. Determine the sound of the underlined letter or letters. Write only the letter which corresponds
to your answer on the space provided for.
A. /sh/ B. /zh/ C. /s/ D. /z/
Example: quiz Answer: (D) /z/
____7. sound ___ 9. treasure ____11.memorize
____8. pressure ____10. shock ____12.production

II. READING COMPREHENSION: Read the following paragraphs carefully and choose the correct
answer from the choices by encircling the letter of your answer.

13. Which sentence states the main idea?

A. 1. Many people think poetry is old-fashioned and uninteresting. 2.They don’t realize that every
time they hear a song sung, they are hearing poetry in the form of song lyrics.3. Just like many
written poems, many song lyrics use rhythm, rhyme, and literary imagery. 4. It turns out that
poetry isn’t old-fashioned; it’s as modern as the latest hit song! 5.Everyone loves it.

A. Sentence 2 B. Sentence 3 C. Sentence 1 D. Sentence 4

14. Which sentence is irrelevant?

A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 5 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4

B. 1.North Americans send cards for many occasions. 2.They send cards to family and friends on
birthdays and holidays.3. They also send thank-you cards, get well cards, graduation cards, and
congratulation cards.4. It is very common to buy cards in stores and send them through the mail,
but turning on the computer and sending cards over the Internet is also popular.

15. A. Sending cards is very popular in North America.

B. Birthday cards are the most popular kind of card.
C. It is important to send thank-you cards.
D. Sending messages through cards is expensive
16. The irrelevant sentence in the above paragraph is ___
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4

1. I enjoy summer sports like water skiing and baseball.2. The weather is usually sunny and
hot, so I can go to the beach almost every day. 3.Gardening is my hobby and I spend many
summer days working in my garden. 4.Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.

17. Which sentence states the main idea?

A. I like to garden in summer. B. Summer is my favorite season.
C. Summer is too short. D. Summer is memorable.
18. The irrelevant sentence in the above paragraph is found in ____.
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4
19. Which sentence would be BEST to put at the start of the paragraph below?
Jim likes to play football. His sister plays baseball. His brother is on a basketball team. His
parents like to chess.
A. Jim has a large family. B. Jim's family enjoys sports.
C. Playing sports is good exercise. D. Jim is an athlete
20. Which would make the BEST topic sentence for the paragraph below?
Matt likes dogs and playing soccer. Claire likes cats and playing tennis. Matt likes to eat pizza.
Claire's favorite food is spaghetti.
A. Matt and Claire like animals. B. Pizza and spaghetti taste good.
C. Matt and Claire like different things. D. Matt and Clair are twins.
21. Which sentence tells what the paragraph is about?
Our family spent the vacation at the beach. It was sunny and breezy. The sand felt warm under
our feet. We made sand castles and had lunch on our blanket. It was a fun time.
A. Our family spent the vacation at the beach. B. It was sunny and breezy.
C. We made sand castles and had lunch D. The sand was warm.
22. Which sentence below would be the best starting sentence for the following paragraph?
It took our bus four hours to get to Sea World. We saw whales, seals, and sharks. There were also
many fish in tanks.
A. Our class took a trip. B. One of my favorite things was the whale.
C. I ate lunch outside with my class. D. There were many fish in the tanks.
23.Which of the following is the correct sequence for Facial Cleaning?
1. Rinse the face before applying the thin paste.
2. Prepare the ingredients by combining them until they mix into a thin paste.
3. Apply the exfoliator in a light and circular motion.
4. Repeat for 3-5 minutes then rinse well.

A. 1-2-3-4 B. 2-1-4-3 C. 4-2-3-1 D. 2-1-3-4

24. What is the topic sentence of the passage?
A. How to cure blackheads?
B. There are so many things you can use to remove blackheads and exfoliate your skin.
C. Ingredients to cure blackheads.
D. Cleaning your face with natural ingredients.
25. Which of the sentences in the passage below gives the main idea? Write only the letter of your answer.
1.A study at one prison showed that owning a pet can change a hardened prison inmate into a
more caring person. 2.Another study discovered that senior citizens, both those living alone and
those in nursing homes, became more interested in life when they were given pets to care for. 3.
Even emotionally disturbed children have been observed to smile and react with interest if there is a
cuddly kitten or puppy to hold.4. Animals, then, can be a means of therapy for many kinds of
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4

III. LITERATURE : Read the following poem below then answer the questions that follow.
Encircle the letter of your choice.


by Rabindranath Tagore
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake
26. What does the poet want to express in Line 1?
A. The mind should be free from worries.
B. The poet prays for a peaceful mind
C. In a truly free country every person should be fearless and should have a sense of self dignity.
D. Every person should keep his head up high.
27. The statement,” Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high”, is an example of _____.
A. simile B. onomatopoeia C. hyperbole D. personification

28. In Line 2 the poet dreams of a nation where knowledge would be free. The following statements express
Tagore’s typical concept of education, EXCEPT
A. All people must avail of scholarship grant .
B. The children should learn freely from the nature and the world around them.
C. They should not be forced to memorize some predetermined lessons.
D. Education should not be restricted to the upper class only but everybody should be allowed to
acquire knowledge.
29.In Line 7 , the poet compares reason-dead habit to ________.
A. clear stream- deep sea B. clear stream- dreary desert

C. wild forest- vast ocean D. dreary desert- clear stream

30. In Line 7, the poet stresses that __________________________.
A. Superstitious beliefs are important. B. Don’t get lost in the desert.
C. Logic should rule over old baseless beliefs. D. Decision making requires clear thinking.

IV. VOCABULARY: A. Find out the meaning of words by using context clues. Encircle the letter of
your answer.
31. Only the ashes of the big building remain after the conflagration.
A. flood B. fire C. earthquake D. war
32. He was haughty unlike his brother who was humble.
A. simple B. boastful C. innocent D. intelligent
B. The underlined word has multiple meanings. Choose the best answer from the choices below and write
the letter which corresponds to your answer.
_____33. This figure is a square. ______ 35. Try to square yourself.
_____34. Let us give him a square meal. _______36. They will perform a square dance
A. a kind of dance B. geometrical figure
C. satisfying meal D. adjust or set yourself right

IV.GRAMMAR: A. IDENTIFYING ERRORS: Encircle the letter of the underlined word or

phrase that contains the error.

37. The experience taught us courage, patience, and to be humble.


38. All the girls fell in love with the American new handsome teacher.

39. Of the triplets , everyone likes Carol better

   A B C D

40. Ronald gave Rona a beautiful Italian silk dress and he loves it.
   A B C D

B. Read the sentences below then choose the correct transition devices from the options that
follow. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
41. Many smokers believe that e-cigarettes can help them quit smoking. ______________ scientific researches
show that e-cigarettes are more addictive and lethal than traditional cigarettes.
A In addition B. However C. As a consequence D. Equally important

42. Urban planners argue that the rise of private vehicles is a leading cause of traffic congestion. _______, they
also associate poor infrastructure development with the problem.
A. Furthermore B. In conclusion C. For example D. But

43. You'd better take a taxi. ________, you'll arrive late.

A. Consequently B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. However

44. I enjoy reading this new magazine. ___________ it has good articles..
A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. However D. Therefore

45. Better varieties of rice and corn are produced. ______________, many scientific studies and experiments
are being carried out.
A. Or B. As a result C. Finally D. Otherwise

46. The weather was terrible. ____________ we decided to delay our trip.

A. Furthermore B. Besides C. Therefore D. Moreover

C. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect /reported speech. Choose from the
options that follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.
47. Gov. Dimaporo says, “I look forward for more partnership with the PCOO Secretary.”
A. Gov. Dimaporo says that she looks forward for more partnership with the PCOO Secretary.
B. Gov. Dimaporo said that she looked forward for more partnership with the PCOO Secretary.
C. Gov. Dimaporo said that she is looking forward for more partnership with the PCOO Secretary.
C. Gov. Dimaporo said that she will look forward for more partnership with the PCOO Secretary.

48. Sec. Andanar says that the PCOO is putting up a media hub in Davao City which will open in June.
A . Sec. Andanar said that the PCOO was putting up a media hub in Davao City which will open in June.
B. Sec. Andanar said that the PCOO will put up a media hub in Davao City which will open in June.
C. Sec. Andanar says that the PCOO is putting up a media hub in Davao City which will open in June.
D. Secretary Andanar said that PCOO will put up a media hub Davao City which will open in June.

49. “We are documenting the start of Panguil Bay Bridge construction, said PCOO Secretary Andanar.
A. PCOO Secretary Andanar said that they will be documenting the start of Panguil Bay Bridge
B. PCOO Secretary Andanar said that they were documenting the start of Panguil Bay Bridge construction
C. PCOO Secretary Andanar said that they would document the start of Panguil Bay Bridge construction
D. PCOO Secretary Andanar says that we are documenting the start of Panguil Bay Bridge construction

50. Jerome asks,” What are your plans?”

A. Jerome asks me what is my plan. B. Jerome asks me what my plans.
C. Jerome asks what my plans are. D. Jerome ask what are my plans.

D. Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech.

51. Mr. Florendo says that the computer has all the answers to all our questions.
A. Mr. Florendo said, “The computer had all the answers to all our questions.”
B. Mr. Florendo said, “The computer has all the answers to all our questions.”
C. Mr. Florendo said, “The computer have all the answers to all our questions.”
C. Mr. Florendo said, “The computer will be having all the answers to all our questions.”

52. Mary says that they have tried hard to solve the problems.
A. Mary says , “ I have tried hard to solve the problems.”
B. Mary says , “ You have tried hard to solve the problems.”
C. Mary says , “ She have tried hard to solve the problems.”
D. Mary says , “ We have tried hard to solve the problems.”

E. Identify the sentence in the Active Voice.

53. A . Police officers were injured when a chopper crashed on Thursday, March5,2020.
B. The injured were brought to the hospital .
C. Gen Archie Francisco Gamboa was injured in the shoulder and right hand
D. The helicopter carries the injured men.

F.Identify the sentence in the Passive Voice.

54. A. The aircraft took off from a police compound in Laguna and hit a power cable before crashing
onto a road near houses.
B. Gen, Archie Francisco Gamboa was one of the injured men.
C. Gen. Gamboa was being wheeled to an ambulance that took him to Manila hospital.
D. Some of his companions were in critical condition.

V. WRITING: Using the data below , write a NEWS with a Headline .


WHAT: COVID-19 , an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may
have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea.

WHEN: December 2019

WHERE: The outbreak began in Wuhan China

Additional Information:

HOW DOES IT SPREAD?: People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can
spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person
with COVID-19 coughs or exhales.

HOW TO PREVENT: Practice everyday preventive behaviors! Stay home when sick. Cover coughs and
sneezes. Frequently wash hands with soap and water. Clean frequently touched surfaces.

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