Experiential Learning and Reflection in Construction of Knowledge

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Experiential Learning and Reflection in Construction of Knowledge 

The experiential learning through reflection process plays an important role in constructing
cognitive development and knowledge. These processes plays different imperative roles. The
experiential learning in reflection and construction of learning should take place as follows:

Positive learning environment

The teacher must create a positive learning environment to facilitate self-initiated learning
among children

Clearing the purposes

Learners must be aware of the goals they can achieve through learning and teachers must be
able to give them a purpose to learn new knowledge.

Availability of learning resources

There should be adequate learning resources in the classroom so that the learning process can
be organized and students can feel motivated.

Balanced learning
There should be a balance between emotional and intellectual components for organized

Sharing thoughts and feelings

Teachers should not dominate the learners and they should be encouraged to share their
thoughts and feelings.

New and modern Curriculum

The use of traditional curriculum must be eliminated and a new curriculum must be

Teacher must be an active listener

It is essential for the teacher to be an active listener so that he or she can guide the learners

According to Rogers, the main purpose of education should be to nurture learners instead of
constructing their academic knowledge only.

Social mediation
Social mediation is the process of mediating between conflicts to resolve problems
between learners and foster a better and healthier classroom environment. Construction
of knowledge is a process that occurs through a lot of social engagement and social
Importance of Social Mediation In Construction of Knowledge

Conflict Resolution
In a classroom environment, conflicts between learners are inevitable. Social mediation by
the instructor is helpful because it helps resolve these conflicts.

Promotes Harmony
A classroom where learners are constantly fighting one another is unhealthy. A proper
classroom is characterized by peace and harmony which is promoted  by social mediation so
that construction of knowledge can occur.

Encourages Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is important among learners. Teachers need to mediate and encourage learners
to develop respect for another and foster knowledge construction.

Encourages Diversity
Educational institutions are becoming diverse and this leads instructors to mediate and
encourage learners to appreciate people from every community. This provides room for better
construction of knowledge.

Reduces Discrimination
When there is diversity, discrimination can occur in the classroom which can be avoided
through social mediation by the teacher. It encourages the enhancement of knowledge

Promotes Equality
By avoiding discrimination through social mediation, one can bring equality, peace, and
harmony in the  classroom which is highly helpful for the construction of knowledge.

Facilitates Classroom Unity

Proper construction of knowledge takes place when there is unity in the classroom. This can
be facilitated by social mediation as it avoids discrimination and promotes peace, harmony,
and unity.

According to Vygotsky, social mediation is,

the process through which the social and the individual mutually shape each other.”
Therefore, construction of knowledge should take place alongside social mediation

Vygotsky claimed that human action and psychological functions are mediated by tools
which refer to technical tools that work on objects and psychological tools that mediate the
mind and environment. The idea of “mediated action” is usually represented by a triangle
that contains three elements: subject, mediating artifact/tool, and object.

Cognitive Negotiability in Construction of Knowledge

Cognitive Negotiability
One of the most common beliefs associated with knowledge is that it is constructed rather
than acquired. This construction is influenced by certain environmental factors and the
experiences of an individual. A learner, therefore, constructs new knowledge based on his or
her experiences of life and through their cognitive negotiability level. Negotiation is highly
associated with the construction of knowledge as it forms an association and a bond between
emotional intelligence and cognitive ability.

Characteristics of Cognitive Negotiability

Cognitive negotiability in construction of knowledge involves four major factors which are
the following.

Information acquisition
Construction of knowledge takes place through the acquisition of new information. Based on
the previous experiences of a learner, instructors impart new information to them so that new
knowledge can be constructed. Hence, it included the acquisition of new knowledge, skills,
behaviors, understanding, preferences, moral values, and attitudes.

Decision Making
Decision making is referred to as a cognitive process which leads to the choice of a belief or
an action that is chosen amongst various other options. Decision making can be rational or it
can be irrational. Decision making is done through collecting information and assessing the
various options that are available. This encourages construction of knowledge and involves
cognitive negotiability. 

Choice of Strategies
The strategies and tactics one applies when involved in tactical knowledge is also a form of
knowledge construction. Coming up with strategies requires a lot of thought, planning,
research, and cognitive negotiability due to which boosts the construction of knowledge.

Ability To Influence Emotions

One of the most important forms of cognitive negotiability is to have the ability to influence
the emotions of other people and enable them to act in a certain way or take a certain decision
which may benefit the individual. For instance, business owners are constantly trying to
influence the shopping behavior of their customers. This is a form of cognitive negotiability
which adds to the construction of knowledge.

Construction of knowledge takes place throughout life and through various means. Therefore,
it is safe to say that cognitive negotiability contributes significantly to the construction of

Situated Cognition and Cognitive Apprenticeship Implications for Classroom Learning 

Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship refer to a model of teaching and learning
procedure that is used for clinical skills in a learning environment that is authentic and rich in
technology. Situated cognition is a theoretical approach and emphasizes the belief that
learning takes place when the learner is involved in performing an activity. It is known to be
an alternative for information processing theory.

Cognitive apprenticeship refers to the theory that emphasizes the significance of the learning
and teaching process that involves a master of learning who imparts the skills he or she has
expertise in, to an apprentice. The theory of cognitive apprenticeship is the result of
constructivist approaches to human learning.

The implications of situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship in learning are as follows.

1. Focuses on Social Engagement: According to situated cognition and cognitive

apprenticeship, knowledge is transferred from privacy to sharing through social
engagement, discourse, and shared activity.
2. Eliminates Individualist Perspective: In today’s education system, the individualist
perspective is quite prevalent which focuses in individual accomplishments
without external support. Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship focus on
group work.

3. Focuses on Goal-oriented Learning: Situated cognition and cognitive

apprenticeship also encourage self-motivated learning rather than artificial
learning. For instance, computation exercises are encouraged.
4. Encourages Problem Solving: Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship also
encourage problem-solving and therefore, instil and enhance these skills among
5. Focuses on Technological Environment: Situated cognition and cognitive
apprenticeship focus on conducting the teaching and learning procedure in a
technical environment so that learning can be fostered in a socially rich
6. More Focused On Clinical Skills: Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship
are learning theories that are more apt for teaching and improving clinical skills
among learners.
7. Promotes Authentic Learning: In situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship
learning theory, authentic learning rather than artificial learning is emphasised
even more.
These are the various educational implications of situated cognition and cognitive
apprenticeship in learning.

Metacognitive Strategies for Language Learning

Metacognition refers to how individuals think and how they learn. It involves self-reflective
questions which give an insight into the process of the learner’s thinking such as how they
learn, how they think, and where they want to be. Metacognition fosters self-awareness,
problem-solving and enables learners to have control over their learning. Metacognition
enables learners to be strategic in their approach to learning. Through metacognition, learners
will be able to acknowledge what they already know, what they need to work on, and what is
the best approach they can adopt to gain new learning and knowledge.

Effective Metacognitive Teaching Strategies to Facilitate Learning

The most effective strategies that facilitate learning are as follows.

Use Previous Knowledge

Learners can go through a lesson before it is taught in the classroom to test what they already
know about the topic. It will help them learn about the questions and doubts about the topic
as well.

Ask questions
Learners need to go through the topic that is being taught and ask self-reflective questions so
that they can comprehend the lesson that is being better.

Be Introspective
Learners need to be introspective when they are learning a new topic and put up queries so
that they can gain more knowledge about the topic that is being taught.

Write More
Writing is extremely crucial for organizing one’s thoughts and this can help learners to assess
their knowledge. This enables learners to identify the things they know and the things they

Think Aloud
Learners can interact more with their friends, classmates, and even their teachers about a
topic they are interested in and learn more about it. When you think the information aloud, it
will help you to remember it better.

Preview Your Syllabus

Ahead of attending lessons in the classroom, learners can preview the syllabus materials and
go through the topics they will be dealing with.

Test Yourself
Instead of waiting for exams to arrive, learners need to do some self-assessment and take a
self-test to analyze how much they have progressed.

These are the most effective metacognitive teaching strategies that facilitate learning which
enables learners to understand their learning abilities even more.

Define Metacognition and Its Concept. Discuss the Function and Elements of
Metacognition for learning and teaching in the classroom.

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