CHN Ratio Test 2022
CHN Ratio Test 2022
CHN Ratio Test 2022
1. It is generally of infectious origin and results from person to person transmission of disease agent
Except 1 2 4
A type of epidemic that came from a single source where in the individual is exposed to the disease
agent at one point of time and only once is called:
Point-source epidemic
Which type of leadership style should the leaders of the community practice?
Community diagnosis is done to come up with a profile of local health situation that will serve as basis
of health programs and services. This is done in what phase of COPAR?
The people named the community health workers based on the collective decision in accordance with
the set criteria. Before training the workers, the Nurse must first
Assess their learning needs
Nurse Jun collaborated with certain agencies to ensure that certain livelihood projects will continue to
churn constant resources for the community’s programs. Which phase of COPAR did Rick utilized?
Ideally, How many years should the Nurse stay in the community before he can phase out and be
assured of a Self Reliant community?
5 years
The nurse should know that Organizational plan best succeeds when
1 and 2
COPAR aim to create a community which exhibits and fosters independence. Which of the following
serves as the mark of the beginning of achieving such feat?
One of the critical steps in COPAR is becoming one with the people and understanding their culture
and lifestyle. Which critical step in COPAR will the Nurse try to immerse himself in the community?
As a PHN, One of your role is to organize the community. Nurse Rick knows that the purposes of
community organizing are
This is considered the first act of integrating with the people. This gives an in depth participation in
community health problems and needs.
1. Information
2. Communication
3. Education
The health status of the people is greatly affected and determined by which of the following?
Socioeconomic factors
Nurse Rick is conducting a health teaching to Agnesia, 50 year old breast cancer survivor needing
rehabilitative measures. He knows that motivation to learn is shown when:
Which of the following factors least influence the learning readiness of an adult learner?
This refers to the tool by which the PHN performs procedures during home visit with ease and
Bag technique
An essential and indispensable equipment of the community health nurse during home visit
What is the rationale and indication in the use of bag technique during home visit?
It helps to render effective and efficient nursing care in the community with ease and
A public health nurse bag is essential and indispensable when a nurse conducts a home visit. Which of
the following is the vital principle in the use of the bag techniques?
Should minimize if not totally prevent spread of infection from individuals to families and to
the community
Following the delivery of her first child, the client expects that the final post-partum visit will be:
*based on MHNCHN strategy of DOH
What makes the Sustenance phase of COPAR stand out from other phases?
Mr. Rogado, a COPAR staff is conducting a team building exercise for the organization that will tackle
the issues prevented. Which of the following precedes this phase?
Organized effort of people to improve their conditions and the capacity of the people for
participation, self-direction, and integrated efforts in which results are attained.
Community Development
1 – Formulation of goals, objectives and program target and training of the COPAR staff
3 – Meeting the barangay captain to acclimate oneself to the community before working on it.
3 4 and 5
Formation of Core Group is part of the Entry phase and these are the group of indigenous leaders. The
core group should be an active member of the community, responsible, active, and willing to learn
and willing to change. Their roles and function:
2 – Establish linkages, networks and referrals and resource mobilization along with organizer
3 – Set-up Community Health Development
Process and structure wherein the people become more organized in participation in health care and
development activities
Community organizing
In conducting PSI this is the gathering information about different barangay for potential site of the
program and with following criteria:
What of the following indicators for the criteria above are exluded?
3- Realized
5-High commerce
1 3, 5 only
Formation of Core Group is part of the Entry phase and these are the group of indigenous leaders. The
core group should be an active member of the community, responsible, active, willing to learn and
willing to change. Their roles and function:
1 – Formulation of goals, objectives and program target and training of the COPAR staff
3 – Meeting the community key leaders to discuss the programs and level-off expectations
1,2,3 only
none of these
2. Treatment is symptomatic.
3. Anti-inflammatory drugs are virtually safe as form of symptomatic relief from fever and pain.
5. Both Dehydration and fluid overload are inherent problems associated with this disease.
The following about the different tests for Dengue. All but one of the following statements are correct
except: SATA
A child is referred to the doctor’s office because of a positive tourniquet test. Which laboratory finding
would support the suspicion of dengue hemorrhagic fever?
Hematocrit changes
Reyna, a 13 year old child is being suspected of having Dengue Fever. She is experiencing epistaxis,
high grade fever. Blood tests shows a Platelet count of 80,000units/mm3 and Hct of 43%. Breathing is
normal, as well as the blood pressure. Pulse rate is around 99bpm. Based on these findings, Reyna is
The following are methods to prevent Filariasis in endemic community. As a CHN, what a would you
suggest to the members of the community:
A bite of a mosquito that resides in stagnant water and bites in the morning and afternoon
Maculopapular rashes that appear cephalo-caudally & lasts for about 1 week is seen in
The nurse at the ER knows while taking information from the parents that the typical pattern of
measles would be
On assessment the nurse noticed redness of the conjuctiva She is aware that this is
Based on the assessment finding on a client with measles on the floor, the appropriate nursing
diagnosis would be:
Malaria is considered to be endemic in Palawan and knowledge about the causative agent is
necessary. The type of plasmodium that causes benign quartan malaria is?
4 days
Situation: In light of the changing national and global health situation and the acknowledgement that nursing
is a significant contributor to health, the PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE is strategically positioned to make a
difference in the health outcomes of individuals, families and communities cared for.
1. Public health systems are operating within the context of on-going changes, which exert a number of
pressures on the public health system. These changes include:
Demographic and epidemiologic shift of disease
In response to new health trends, the global community, represented by United Nations General Assembly,
decided to adopt a common vision of poverty reduction and sustainable development. This vision is
exemplified by the Millenium Development Goals (MDS). Essential Intrapartal and Newborn Care (EINC) is
our country’s health program addressing the challenge of UN’s 2 out of 8 MDGs targeted to be achieved by
2015. Which are these 2 MDGs?
MDGs 4 and 5
The modern concept of health refers to:
a. a state of complete physical, social and mental well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
a science that deals with optimum level of functioning of the general population
Situation: In order for a community health nurse to fully appreciate the public health system it is important
to have an understanding of the agency mandated to protect the health of the people, the Department of
Health (DOH).
4. Nurse Ruth is a newly appointed nursing consultant of the DOH. She is aware of the new roles and
functions of the organization under E. O 102 if she identifies which of the following pertains to the leadership
function of the department?
exercise oversight functions and monitoring and evaluation of national health
programs, plans and policies
A nurse instructor asked one of his students to identify the vision of the DOH. The student is correct in doing
so by choosing which of the following statements?
leader, staunch advocate and model in promoting health for all in the Philippines
FOURmula ONE for Health serves as the framework for the implementation of the health sector reform
agenda that intends to employ critical interventions as a single package backed by effective management,
infrastructure and financing arrangements. Which of its elements is exemplified by ensuring quality and
affordable health goods and services?
health regulation
Situation: WHO defines Primary Health Care as essential health care made universally accessible to
individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them through their full participation and
at a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage of development. The following questions
7. The legal basis for the PHC is:
LOI 949
Which is not considered as pillar of PHC?
intra and inter sectoral solicitation linkages
Which does not describe PHC?
it aims to provide free health services to the people
Situation: The Philippine Health Care delivery System has gone through developmental transformations
from a highly centralized health infrastructure towards a greater participation of local government and
10. Under the devolution law, health services were transferred from the DOH’s national office to the local
government units. Which of the following is the legitimate body that serves as good venue for making the
local health system more responsive to the needs of the people?
Barangay Health Station
The function of the public health nurse in the current health care delivery system is an?
intermediate level health worker
What level of health care services is being rendered at specialized national hospital using highly technical
tertiary level
Planning for a home visit is an essential tool in achieving best results in health care. The following but one are
planning of continuing care must be developed by the nurse
In any case, home visit should be done by a responsible nurse for how many times?
there is no such rule as to the frequency of the home visit
Before leaving the family after the home visit, which of the following activity is necessary for the nurse to
set contract for the next home visit
Situation: You are now in the entry phase of community organizing process, after establishing rapport with
the people in Barangay Stars. The following questions apply.
16. With the community health activities started during the ENTRY PHASE which of these activities should
NOT be included?
Project management
Identification of potential leaders is crucial during the entry phase. Which of the characteristics may NOT be
necessary to an efficient and effective community leader?
a college graduate with management skills
The core group is composed of individuals in the community who possess leadership potentials organized into
a cohesive working unit. The core group works with the team in:
mobilizing the community to act on their most immediate felt needs and participate in
the delivery of essential health services
The nurse as a community health practitioner functions as a community:
To empower community members, the community nurse performs which activity?
give ownership and leadership to the community
Situation: Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) is one of the programs introduced by WHO
and UNICEF adopted by the DOH in order to address the high number of under-five mortality in the
country. The following questions apply.
21. Pneumonia and diarrhea are considered to be the leading cause of underfive mortality. Which of the
following conditions is associated as a major factor that increases the risk of children dying from these
Other than IMCI, which of the following is included in Essential Package of Child Survival Interventions of
the DOH?
Micronutrient supplementation
The following are TRUE regarding IMCI, except:
It was embedded in the nursing curriculum in 2008
The case management process is of IMCI is presented in a series of charts which show the sequence of steps
and provide information for performing them. Arrange the following steps in order:
I. Assess the child II. Identify treatment
III. Classify the illness IV. Counsel the mother
V. Treat the child or refer VI. Give follow-up care
In using the IMCI protocol, which of the following is an important consideration?
Age of the child
Nurse Rob is CORRECT in identifying general danger signs which INCLUDE the following BUT ONE:
High grade fever
The following are guidelines that may be used by the nurse in assessing a child with danger signs. Which is
A child who vomits several times but can hold down some fluids does not have a
general danger sign
If a child present any of the danger signs, the following interventions must be accomplished except:
Complete the assessment
Which of the following antibiotic can be used if the child is unable to take oral preparation due to vomiting
and inability to drink?
Intramascular gentamicin
When giving intramascular antibiotic the following guidelines must not be observed except:
Use clean needles and syringe
This law is also known as Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011, which requires
that all children under five years old be given basic immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Specifically, it also mandates that all infants must be given the birth dose of the Hepatitis-B vaccine within 24
hours of birth.
RA 10152
Manang Mina brought her 4 month-old child at the health center for her scheduled vaccines. She expressed
her concerns to the public her nurse because her child is having diarrhea and asked the nurse if it is safe to
perform immunization considering the condition of her child. What will be the best response of the nurse?
“It is safe to give vaccines even the child has diarrhea.”
Which of the following conditions is not true about contraindication to immunization?
do not give BCG if the child has known hepatitis
Which of the following vaccine in the Expanded Program of Immunization have at least 4 weeks interval?
Among the vaccines, OPV and AMV are the most sensitive to heat. Their storage temperature is:
-15 to -250C
When the nurse obtained the multi –dose vial of hepatitis B vaccine, he noted that the inner square of the
vaccine vial monitor has the same color with the outer ring. What will be the best action of the nurse?
discard the vaccine
The student nurse is incorrect in identifying the safe practice in handling vaccines by choosing which of the
following statement?
AMV and BCG can still be used even after 6 hours of being reconstituted
Which of the following vaccines need to be stored in the refrigerator compartment?
BCG and Hepa B
There are three barriers to timely access on proper health care. Which of the following is not included?
delay in budget appropriations in health care
Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) is one of the strategies devise by the DOH in
order to help reduce maternal mortality. Which of the following is not a service provided by a BEmONC
blood transfusion
In order to ensure availability of obstetric emergency care services, it is ideal that 1 CEmONC facility will be
able to cater how many individuals?
500, 000
A group of patient in the community is seeking the help of the community health nurse on the appropriate
herbal medicine to use. Which of the following patients require a need for further teaching?
a patient with headache using bawang
You gave them the following instructions when using herbal medicines, except:
combine 3 herbs in one concoction
Which of the following herbal plant is used to lower uric acid?
Tatang is experiencing muscle and joint pain, which of the ff herbal plants will the nurse will prescribe?
yerba Buena
The ff laws are related to the environmental sanitation practices in the Philippines. Clean Air act refers to:
RA 8749
This law is also known as Solid Management Act:
RA 9003
A level II water facility produces approximately how much volume per day?
Distance of the farthest house away from a level I water source:
250 m
Excreta disposal facility which is water-carriage connected to septic tank going through the sewerage system
with treatment plan is classified as:
level III