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Electric Drives Linear Motion and

and Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service

Rexroth IndraWorks R911336870

Edition 02

Application Manual
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering

Title Rexroth IndraWorks


Type of Documentation Application Manual

Document Typecode DOK-IWORKS-ENGINEE*V13-AP02-EN-P

Internal File Reference RS-99f9d54d4ec0bfcb0a6846a501306563-2-en-US-4

Purpose of Documentation This documentation describes the application of IndraWorks in which the
Rexroth Engineering tools are integrated. It includes instructions on how to
work with IndraWorks and how to operate the oscilloscope function.

Record of Revision Edition Release Date Notes

Edition 01 06.2012 First edition
Edition 02 03.2013 Modifications implemen‐

Copyright © Bosch Rexroth AG 2013

This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set
forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be re‐
produced or given to third parties without its consent.
Liability The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall
not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated
in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐
mentation and the availability of the product.
Published by Bosch Rexroth AG
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 ■ 97816 Lohr a. Main, Germany
Phone +49 93 52 18 0 ■ Fax +49 9352 18 8400
IW Platform JaWa (FrWe/PiGe)
Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.
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Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 About this Documentation.............................................................................................. 7

1.1 Validity of the Documentation................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Required and Supplementing Documentations...................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Engineering......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Visualizing........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Information Representation.................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Safety Instructions............................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Symbols Used..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.3 Names and Abbreviations................................................................................................................... 9

2 Important Instructions on Use...................................................................................... 11

2.1 Intended Use........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Areas of Use and Application............................................................................................................ 11
2.1.3 Unintended Use................................................................................................................................. 11

3 Basic Terms................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Basic Terms - IndraWorks.................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 About this Documentation................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 Elements of the IndraWorks User Interface....................................................................................... 14
3.1.4 Title, Menu and Status Bar................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.5 Toolbars............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.6 Workspace......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.7 Project Explorer................................................................................................................................. 17
3.1.8 Library Explorer................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 First Steps - IndraWorks....................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Starting IndraWorks........................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.3 Creating a New Project...................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 Opening a Project.............................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.5 Adding a New Device to a Project..................................................................................................... 19
3.2.6 Exiting IndraWorks............................................................................................................................ 19

4 Working with IndraWorks............................................................................................. 21

4.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Working with Projects and Devices...................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Projects and Project Data.................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.2 Start Screen....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Devices.............................................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.4 Project Explorer Views...................................................................................................................... 37
4.2.5 Using Library..................................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.6 Element Search in a Project.............................................................................................................. 41
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4.2.7 Scanning for Devices......................................................................................................................... 42
4.2.8 Offline and Online Mode.................................................................................................................... 51
4.2.9 Switching from Offline to Online........................................................................................................ 52
4.3 Adding Files to IndraWorks Project...................................................................................................... 56
4.3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 56
4.3.2 Adding File......................................................................................................................................... 56
4.3.3 Editing File......................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.4 Adding New Element from Template to Project................................................................................. 60
4.3.5 Deleting File from Project.................................................................................................................. 60
4.4 Archiving and Restoring Projects.......................................................................................................... 60
4.4.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 60
4.4.2 Archiving a Project............................................................................................................................. 61
4.4.3 Restoring Project............................................................................................................................... 64
4.4.4 Restoring Project from File System................................................................................................... 64
4.4.5 Restoring Project from Device........................................................................................................... 67
4.5 Exporting and Importing Project Data................................................................................................... 70
4.5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 70
4.5.2 Exporting Elements........................................................................................................................... 70
4.5.3 Viewing Content of Export File.......................................................................................................... 72
4.5.4 Importing Elements............................................................................................................................ 73
4.6 Comparing Project Data....................................................................................................................... 75
4.6.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 75
4.6.2 Starting "Compare" Function............................................................................................................. 76
4.6.3 Working with the "Compare" Function............................................................................................... 79
4.6.4 Merging.............................................................................................................................................. 84
4.6.5 Options.............................................................................................................................................. 85
4.7 Validating Project Data......................................................................................................................... 87
4.7.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 87
4.7.2 Starting Validation............................................................................................................................. 87
4.7.3 Using Validation Messages............................................................................................................... 88
4.8 Persistence........................................................................................................................................... 88
4.9 Multilingual Projects.............................................................................................................................. 89
4.9.1 General Information........................................................................................................................... 89
4.9.2 Setting Master Language of Project.................................................................................................. 89
4.9.3 Managing Project Languages............................................................................................................ 89
4.9.4 External Project Translation.............................................................................................................. 91
4.10 Version Control - Installing Team Server.............................................................................................. 97
4.10.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 97
4.10.2 Team Server with Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe.............................................................................. 97
4.10.3 Team Server with ApacheTM Subversion®...................................................................................... 101
4.11 Version Control................................................................................................................................... 107
4.11.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 107
4.11.2 Definition of Terms.......................................................................................................................... 108
4.11.3 Preparation...................................................................................................................................... 110
4.11.4 Functional Scope............................................................................................................................. 112
4.11.5 Managing Versions.......................................................................................................................... 132
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering

Table of Contents

4.11.6 Library Projects................................................................................................................................ 134
4.11.7 Synchronizing Working Versions..................................................................................................... 140
4.11.8 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................... 142
4.12 Compatibility Mode............................................................................................................................. 143
4.12.1 Term Definition................................................................................................................................ 143
4.12.2 Use in IndraWorks Engineering....................................................................................................... 144
4.13 Printing................................................................................................................................................ 147
4.13.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 147
4.13.2 Print Settings................................................................................................................................... 147
4.13.3 Printing Project and Device Data..................................................................................................... 156
4.14 IndraWorks User Management........................................................................................................... 163
4.14.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 163
4.14.2 Configuring User Management (IndraWorks Engineering).............................................................. 164
4.14.3 Working at Operating Stations with User Management................................................................... 173
4.15 User Login with EKS Keys.................................................................................................................. 176
4.15.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 176
4.15.2 Enabling EKS System in IndraWorks Operation............................................................................. 176
4.15.3 Installing EKS USB Driver............................................................................................................... 177
4.15.4 Setting up Users and Groups.......................................................................................................... 184
4.15.5 Querying EKS Key Data in the PLC Program................................................................................. 187
4.16 PLC Interface of the User Management............................................................................................. 188
4.16.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 188
4.16.2 Enabling PLC Interface.................................................................................................................... 188
4.16.3 Users Logged In and Out by PLC Program..................................................................................... 190
4.16.4 Querying Current User in PLC Program.......................................................................................... 191
4.16.5 PLC Permissions............................................................................................................................. 191
4.16.6 Application example: Switching Permission Levels via Key Switch................................................ 193
4.17 Firmware Management....................................................................................................................... 195
4.18 License Management......................................................................................................................... 196
4.18.1 Licensing IndraWorks Components................................................................................................. 196
4.18.2 WinStudio Licensing........................................................................................................................ 199
4.18.3 Licensing Runtime Functions in the control..................................................................................... 201
4.19 Network Cluster.................................................................................................................................. 202
4.19.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 202
4.19.2 Creating Network Configuration...................................................................................................... 202
4.19.3 Opening Existing Network Configuration......................................................................................... 206
4.19.4 Adding Network Configuration to a Project...................................................................................... 206
4.20 Configuring Data Accesses................................................................................................................ 207
4.20.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 207
4.20.2 Areas of User Interface.................................................................................................................... 209
4.21 Remote Service.................................................................................................................................. 210
4.21.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 210
4.21.2 I-Remote Client Software................................................................................................................ 210
4.22 External Applications.......................................................................................................................... 212
4.22.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 212
4.22.2 Adding Application or HTML Page.................................................................................................. 212
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4.22.3 Changing Properties of an Application............................................................................................ 213
4.22.4 Changing Properties of HTML Page................................................................................................ 214
4.22.5 Deleting Application or HTML Page................................................................................................ 215
4.23 "Options" Dialog.................................................................................................................................. 215
4.23.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 215
4.23.2 Functional Areas.............................................................................................................................. 215
4.23.3 Operating......................................................................................................................................... 216
4.23.4 General Options.............................................................................................................................. 216
4.24 "Customize" Dialog ............................................................................................................................ 218
4.25 SCP-OPC Configurator....................................................................................................................... 218
4.25.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 218
4.25.2 Operation......................................................................................................................................... 219
4.26 Info ..................................................................................................................................................... 222
4.27 Other Windows and Troubleshooting................................................................................................. 223
4.27.1 Message Windows.......................................................................................................................... 223
4.27.2 Error Handling................................................................................................................................. 226
4.27.3 IndraWorks Black Box..................................................................................................................... 228
4.28 Help.................................................................................................................................................... 234
4.28.1 IndraWorks Online Help.................................................................................................................. 234

5 Operating the Oscilloscope Function......................................................................... 237

5.1 General Information............................................................................................................................ 237
5.2 Operation............................................................................................................................................ 237
5.2.1 Control Elements............................................................................................................................. 237
5.2.2 Graph Area...................................................................................................................................... 239
5.2.3 Signal Legend.................................................................................................................................. 243
5.3 Starting the Oscilloscope.................................................................................................................... 248
5.3.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 248
5.3.2 Starting in Offline Mode................................................................................................................... 249
5.3.3 Starting in Online Mode/Switching to Online Mode......................................................................... 250
5.4 Configuring a Measurement............................................................................................................... 251
5.4.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 251
5.4.2 Single Device Measurement (Connecting to a Device and Selecting Signals)............................... 252
5.4.3 Multiple Device Measurement (Connecting to Devices and Selecting Signals).............................. 254
5.4.4 Configuring the Resolution.............................................................................................................. 257
5.4.5 Configuring a Trigger....................................................................................................................... 258
5.5 Performing a Measurement................................................................................................................ 264
5.5.1 Measurement Mode......................................................................................................................... 264
5.5.2 Single Device Measurement............................................................................................................ 265
5.5.3 Multiple Device Measurement......................................................................................................... 266
5.6 Evaluation........................................................................................................................................... 268
5.6.1 General Information......................................................................................................................... 268
5.6.2 Time Diagram.................................................................................................................................. 269
5.6.3 Bit Analysis...................................................................................................................................... 269
5.6.4 FFT.................................................................................................................................................. 271
5.6.5 Frequency Response...................................................................................................................... 273
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5.6.6 Contour Diagram............................................................................................................................. 275
5.6.7 Path Deviation................................................................................................................................. 279
5.6.8 Circle Test....................................................................................................................................... 283

6 Service and Support.................................................................................................. 287

Index.......................................................................................................................... 289
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About this Documentation

1 About this Documentation

1.1 Validity of the Documentation
Overview of target groups and In the following figure, the encircled activities, product phases and target
product phases groups refer to this documentation.
In the product phase "Engineering", the target group "Programmer" can
execute the activities "program" and "configure" using this documentation.

Product- Mounting De-

Selection Engineering Commissioning Operation
phases (assembly/installation) commissioning

Presales Aftersales

Design engineer
Programmer Programmer
Technologist Commissioning engineer
Target Process Technologist
groups specialist
Process specialist
Maintenance Mechanic/
technician electrician
Service Disposal company
Select Unpack Parameterize Optimize Operate Dismount
Prepare Mount Program Test Maintain Dispose
Activities Design Install Configure Remove
Construct Simulate
the NC program

Fig.1-1: Assigning the documentation to target groups, product phases and the
target group activities

1.2 Required and Supplementing Documentations

1.2.1 Engineering
Documentation titles with type codes and parts numbers
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Software Installation
This documentation describes the IndraWorks installation.
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering
This documentation describes the application of IndraWorks in which the Rexroth Engineering tools are integrated. It in‐
cludes instructions on how to work with IndraWorks and how to operate the oscilloscope function.
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS IndraLogic 2G PLC Programming System
This documentation describes the PLC programming tool IndraLogic 2G and its use. It includes the basic use, first steps,
visualization, menu items and editors.
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Basic Libraries IndraLogic 2G
DOK-IL*2G*-BASLIB**V13-LIRS-EN-P, R911336285
This documentation describes the system-comprehensive PLC libraries.
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About this Documentation

Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS WinStudio

This documentation describes the installation of the software, working with WinStudio and the creation and operation of ap‐
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS CamBuilder
This documentation describes the basic principles and operation of the CamBuilder, the cam editing tool.
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Field Buses
DOK-IWORKS-FB******V13-APRS-EN-P, R911336872
This documentation describes potential field buses and IndraLogic 2G libraries which are used with the IndraLogic XLC,
IndraMotion MLC and IndraMotion MTX systems. This manual is the basis for the online help.
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS IndraMotion Service Tool
DOK-IWORKS-IMST****V13-RERS-EN-P, R911337707
This documentation describes the IndraMotion Service Tool (IMST). It is a web-based diagnostic tool to access the control
systems IndraMotion MLC L25, L45 or 65 as well as the MLP via an Ethernet high-speed connection. The IMST allows
OEMs, end users and service engineers to access and remotely diagnose a system. A PC with Internet Explorer version 6
or 7 is required.

Tab.1-2: IndraWorks documentation overview - Engineering

1.2.2 Visualizing
Documentation titles with type codes and parts numbers
Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS HMI
DOK-IWORKS-HMI*****V13-APRS-EN-P, R911336874
This documentation describes the functions, configuration and operation of the user interfaces IndraWorks HMI Engineering
and IndraWorks HMI Operation.

Tab.1-3: IndraWorks documentation overview - Visualization

1.3 Information Representation

1.3.1 Safety Instructions
If there are safety instructions, they contain certain signal words (Danger,
Warning, Caution, Notice) and if applicable, signal alert symbols (acc. to
ANSI Z535.6-2006).
The signal word draws the attention to the safety instruction and indicates the
risk potential.
The signal alert symbol (warning triangle with exclamation mark) positioned
in front of the signal words Danger, Warning and Caution indicates hazards
for individuals.

In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
will occur.

In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
can occur.
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About this Documentation

In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, minor or moderate in‐
jury can occur.

In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, material or property
damage can occur.

1.3.2 Symbols Used

Note Notes are represented as follows:

This is a note for the user.

Tip Tips are represented as follows:

This is a tip for the user.

1.3.3 Names and Abbreviations

Term Explanation
Checkout Term in the field of version control
Changes possible
Hijack Term in the field of version control
Changes possible (local)
IWE IndraWorks Engineering
IWO IndraWorks Operation
NC Numerical Control
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
VCS Version Control System

Tab.1-4: Names and abbreviations used

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Important Instructions on Use

2 Important Instructions on Use

2.1 Intended Use
2.1.1 Introduction
Bosch Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manu‐
facturing. The products are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety
and reliability.
The products may only be used as intended. If they are not used as intended,
situations occur that result in damage to property or personal injury.

Bosch Rexroth shall not assume any warranty, liability or payment

of damages in case of damage resulting from a non-intended use
of the products; the use shall solely bear all risks from unintended
use of the products.

Before using Rexroth products, ensure that all the prerequisites for an inten‐
ded use of the products are met:
● Anybody handling Bosch Rexroth products in any way is obliged to read
and consent to the relevant safety instructions and the intended use.
● The original condition of hardware products may not be altered; in other
words, no structural modifications are permitted. It its not permitted to
decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not install damaged or defective products or use them in operation.
● It has to be ensured that the products have been installed as described
in the relevant documentation.

2.1.2 Areas of Use and Application

IndraWorks Engineering is used for configuration, parameterization, program‐

ming and diagnostics.
IndraWorks Engineering is used for selected Bosch Rexroth drive and control
Additionally, the specifications given in the "Areas of Use and Application" for
the control and drive systems used with the IndraWorks Engineering do also

IndraWorks Engineering is designed for a screen setting of 96

DPI. The use of other settings is considered as unintended and
can cause an incomplete or incorrect display of screen elements.

2.1.3 Unintended Use

Any use of IndraWorks Engineering in applications other than those specified
above or under operating conditions and other than those described in the
documentation and the technical specifications is considered as "uninten‐
Furthermore, IndraWorks Engineering must not be used in any applications
not expressly approved by Bosch Rexroth.
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Basic Terms

3 Basic Terms
3.1 Basic Terms - IndraWorks
3.1.1 General Information
IndraWorks is the carrier system for the integration of the Bosch Rexroth en‐
gineering tools.
Comprehensive functions, such as project navigation, project administration
as well as the generation of project data and configuration data, are centrally
Basically, there are two integration types:
● In case of full integration, all user actions are performed in the
IndraWorks main window.
Examples are:
– The parameterization of devices in an IndraWorks project.
– The configuration of HMI control elements for visualization panels.
– The PLC programming tool IndraLogic 2G.
● The connection to IndraWorks allows a comfortable integration of 3rd
party tools. 3rd party tools can be called directly from the IndraWorks
project management in their own display format.
– The PLC programming tool IndraLogic 1x.

For basic information on the IndraWorks operation, refer to the

chapter3.2 First Steps - IndraWorks, page 18.

3.1.2 About this Documentation

This manual provides information on:
Elements of the IndraWorks user interface, page 14
This section provides an overview on the visual IndraWorks components and
their functions.
Chapter3.2 First Steps - IndraWorks, page 18.
Instructions and templates to facilitate the use of IndraWorks are given in the
following chapters. They provide a detailed description of the most important
IndraWorks components.
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Basic Terms

3.1.3 Elements of the IndraWorks User Interface

1 Project
2 Device
3 Project Explorer
4 Menu
5 Toolbars
6 Library
7 Library information
8 Workspace
9 Output window and diagnostics
10 Messages
11 Status bar
Fig.3-1: IndraWorks user interface

3.1.4 Title, Menu and Status Bar

The IndraWorks main window is enclosed by the title bar and menu bar as
well as by the status bar.
The title bar shows the name of the active window in the workspace.
The menu bar contains the menu entries with the corresponding commands.
Select a command to execute an action.
The status bar provides information on the current project and menu com‐
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Basic Terms

3.1.5 Toolbars
Toolbars permit quick access to frequently used menu entries and buttons.
Own toolbars can be created, menus and buttons can be added. Newly cre‐
ated toolbars are displayed under View ▶ Toolbars. Toolbars can be shown
or hidden there.
When exiting IndraWorks, the toolbar modifications and all new toolbars are
saved. The last settings are activated when restarting IndraWorks.
Default toolbar When IndraWorks is started, the "default" toolbar is shown below the main
menu. If necessary, this toolbar can be moved with the mouse or hidden via
View ▶ Toolbars.

Fig.3-2: Default toolbar

It provides the following commands:
● Create New Project (see main menu File ▶ New ▶ Project)
● Open Project (see main menu File ▶ Open ▶ Project)
● Cut (see main menu Edit ▶ Cut)
● Copy (see main menu Edit ▶ Copy)
● Paste (see main menu Edit ▶ Paste)
● Undo (see main menu Edit ▶ Undo)
● Redo (see main menu Edit ▶ Redo)
● Synchronizes active project
● Toolbars (see main menu Tools ▶ Customize... ▶ Toolbars)

3.1.6 Workspace
General Information
IndraWorks provides various options and tools supporting the management
of the windows opened in the workspace.
Two window types are distinguished in IndraWorks:
● Document windows
● Tool windows

To enable a window, a list of all windows opened in IndraWorks

can be shown using the shortcut <Ctrl>+<Tab>. This list remains
open until the <Ctrl> button is pressed. Select the window to be
enabled with the cursor keys or press <Tab>. The list is closed
and the selected window is enabled when releasing the <Ctrl>

Document Windows
IndraWorks supports two views for the document windows – tabs and sub‐
windows (MDI - Multiple Documents Interface).
In the subwindow mode, all document windows are arranged in the work‐
space. Several windows can be displayed at the same time (e.g. overlap‐
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Basic Terms

In the tab mode, only one document window is displayed. It occupies the en‐
tire workspace. The other open document windows are represented as tabs
at the upper edge of the workspace. To show such a window, click on its tab.
To switch between the two modes, select Windows ▶ Windows as Tabs.
Windows in the Workspace Double-click on an object in the Project Explorer to open a window in the
workspace. Data or properties of that object can now be edited. Depending
on the object type, the window is either a dialog or an editor. All open docu‐
ment windows are listed in the Windows menu. To display a window in the
foreground, select the corresponding menu item or click on a visible part of
the window in the workspace.

In the register tab mode, a list of all open document windows can
be opened via the arrow icon on the top right or in the workspace.
Select the document window to be displayed in the foreground via
double-click or cursor keys and "Enter".
Select Windows ▶ Windows to open the "Window List" dialog to manage the
open windows in the workspace.

Fig.3-3: "Window List" dialog

Tool Windows
Tool windows are listed under View or in View ▶ Other Windows. To change
the behavior of the tool windows, either use the system menu (right-click on
the title bar of the tool window) or the Windows menu.
Dockable Tool windows are "dockable" by default. A tool window is opened either float‐
ing (undocked) or docked to the edge of the workspace. To dock a floating
tool window at the edge of the workspace, deselect the "dockable" property.
The window is arranged as additional tab in the workspace. If the "dockable"
property is selected again, the window returns to its position it had before its
arrangement in the workspace.
Hide This command hides the active window. The window can be shown again via
the menu item View.
Floating This command changes the window mode from floating to docked and vice
Auto Hide This setting hides the tool windows at the edge of the border in such a way
that they are only indicated by a tab displaying the window title. To maximize
the window again, the mouse pointer is to be moved over the tab. Thus, the
workspace can be enlarged.
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Basic Terms

Arranging Windows
Overlapping, Cascading, Tiled In the subwindow mode, the windows in the workspace can be arranged in
overlapping, cascading or tiled modes. Therefore, select the command from
the Window menu.
Grouping Document Windows In the tab mode, document windows can be grouped. Use the system menu
commands of the document windows. The document windows can be ar‐
ranged in vertical and horizontal groups and easily be moved from one group
to another.

In the tab mode, the document windows can be dragged and

dropped within the document window area.

System menu of document win‐ Using the system menu of the document windows in the subwindow mode,
dows these windows can be minimized, restored, closed and moved as well as
zoomed in and out. Using the system menu in the tab mode, new horizontal
and vertical groups can be created, document windows moved from one
group to the other and document windows closed. To activate the document
windows one after the other, press <Ctrl>+<F6>.
Full Screen To display the area of your document as large as possible on the screen, ac‐
tivate the full-screen mode via View ▶ Full Screen. All tool windows are hid‐
den and the workspace occupies the entire remaining area. The menu bar is
still shown. Any toolbars via the "Customize..." dialog. Display tool windows
in full-frame mode via View. The configuration selected is stored when exiting
the full screen mode and is restored when it is called the next time. To return
to the normal display mode, click on the "Full Screen" button of the "Full
Screen" toolbar. Alternatively, press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<F> or use the menu.
Supporting Several Screens: Floating Document Windows
Document windows can be dragged from the workspace and to another
screen in the tab mode as well as in the subwindow mode (MDI - Multiple
Documents Interface) using tabs and title bars.
● This allows an optimum use of the available screen area.
● Floating document windows are always displayed with a individual but‐
ton on the Windows task bar and can be enabled like other Windows
applications via <Alt>+<Tab>.
● If a floating document window is to be displayed again in IndraWorks
Engineering, drag it back to the workspace.

Even floating document windows can create outputs in the status

bar or in the message windows for example.

3.1.7 Project Explorer

General Information
The Project Explorer is located left from the workspace in the IndraWorks
main window. The Project Explorer represents the projects and their compo‐
nents structured as tree.
A project contains all devices, communication connections and other compo‐
nents required for operating a machine or a system. The tree structure of
these components reflects the device topology of the automation solution.
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Basic Terms

A device is a component of a project, e. g. a control or a drive. Usually, a de‐
vice consists of a hardware part and a software part.
In IndraWorks, devices are selected from a library and added to a project.
Subsequently, the functions available in the devices are called or lower-level
devices are configured.

3.1.8 Library Explorer

The library explorer is located right from workspace in the IndraWorks main
window. It represents all libraries available for your projects in a structure. Li‐
braries can contain hardware components such as devices and software
components such as function blocks.

3.2 First Steps - IndraWorks

3.2.1 General Information
This section describes a few typical operating sequences in IndraWorks.
Follow these descriptions to become familiar with the use of IndraWorks and
to understand how the individual components interact.

3.2.2 Starting IndraWorks

Start IndraWorks via Start ▶ Programs ▶ Rexroth ▶ IndraWorks (Version
xxx) ▶ Engineering.

3.2.3 Creating a New Project

To create a new IndraWorks project, select File ▶ New ▶ Project....
The "Create New Project" dialog opens.

Fig.3-4: Create New Project

Enter the project name, select the compatibility mode or the storage location
of the project in the file system. The compatibility mode specifies the
IndraWorks version that is required to edit a project.
The selected project language is the master language of your user texts. De‐
fine the letter types and font sizes via "Fonts…".

3.2.4 Opening a Project

To open a project, select File ▶ Open ▶ Project....
The directory "My Documents" is set as default in the "Open Project" dialog.
Move to the IndraWorks project and confirm it with "Open". The project is
now loaded.
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Basic Terms

From IndraWorks version 13V06, the extended project format is supported.

The entire project content is not stored in a directory anymore but in a file.
This file has the extension .xiwp. The file can be directly selected in the dia‐
log. A directory-based project can also be selected. Open the project directo‐
ry and select the contained .iwp file.

3.2.5 Adding a New Device to a Project

The Library Explorer displays all available devices of the installed libraries.
To add a device to the current project, drag the device from the library to the
project. The device can only be dragged directly to the project folder or to the
devices of the project which accept the currently selected device type as sub‐

Fig.3-5: Library (devices)

3.2.6 Exiting IndraWorks

Exit IndraWorks via File ▶ Exit or with <Alt>+<F4>.
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Working with IndraWorks

4 Working with IndraWorks

4.1 General Information
In IndraWorks, you work with objects of various contents, the so-called appli‐
cation data. These objects can be created, managed, edited and filed as files
in a structure in an IndraWorks project. The workspace in IndraWorks con‐
sists of a top-level project. Each project can contain a collection of folders
and files. These objects are also called resources.

4.2 Working with Projects and Devices

4.2.1 Projects and Project Data
In IndraWorks, devices and objects (resources) are compiled to projects rep‐
resented in a tree structure in the Project Explorer.
The project node forms the uppermost hierarchy level for a project. All subor‐
dinate nodes in the tree represent devices, communication connections, func‐
tions or merely structuring elements, e. g. folders, which are comparable with
directories in a file system.
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Working with IndraWorks

The figure below shows an exemplary project with a drive:

Fig.4-1: Project Explorer (tree structure of a project)

Every node can provide a corresponding main menu item with subitems and
a context menu. The content and function of the commands provided in this
menu depend on the particular node.
If necessary, the "Project" toolbar can be shown. When it is shown for the
first time, this toolbar is floating, but it can be moved to the desired position
using the mouse.

Fig.4-2: Toolbar: Project

It provides the following commands:
● Switch project offline (cf. main menu Project ▶ Switch Devices Offline...)
● Switch project online (cf. main menu Project ▶ Switch Devices Online...)
● Start offline parameterizations (cf. main menu Project ▶ Start Offline Pa‐
● Scan for devices (cf. main menu Project ▶ Scan for Devices...)
● Archive project (cf. main menu Project ▶ Archive)
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Working with IndraWorks

● Restore project (cf. main menu Project ▶ Restore...)

Creating new project To create a new project, select File ▶ New ▶ Project... or press <Ctrl>
Enter a project name into the "Create New Project" dialog and select the di‐
rectory in which the project is to be saved. Use the "Compatibility mode:" box
to create a new project that is compatible with an older IndraWorks version.
In this case, the functions of later IndraWorks versions are not available.

IndraWorks projects that have been selected for a compatibility

mode greater than or equal to 13V06 are saved as individual file
in the extended storage format. This project file has the file exten‐
sion .xiwp
If a compatibility mode smaller than 13V06 is selected,
IndraWorks creates a directory to store the project. To select such
a project (e.g. when opening it), the project directory has to be
opened and the .iwp file has to be selected.

From the dialog box, select the master language for the project, i. e. the lan‐
guage used for creating the project. The fonts for the text display can also be
defined - this applies to the proportional fonts as well as to monospace fonts.
This is particularly recommended for languages requiring specific fonts to dis‐
play text such as Asian languages.

Fig.4-3: Create New Project

Opening existing project Upload existing projects via File ▶ Open ▶ Project... or <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<O>.
The dialog "Open Project" is displayed.
IndraWorks projects that have been created in a compatibility mode greater
than or equal to 13V06, are available as files of type *.xiwp. Select the file to
open a project and click on "Open".
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Fig.4-4: Open project - Project with file extension .xiwp

Projects with a compatibility mode of smaller than 13V06 are stored in the
project directory. Open the project directory and select the .iwp file.

Fig.4-5: Open project - Project is available as directory

IndraWorks can identify whether the project selected has been created with
an earlier version and whether conversion is required before it can be
In this case, agree to the conversion and continue to load the project. If you
do not agree to the conversion, loading is canceled.
IndraWorks allows creating a backup copy prior to project conversion. When
creating a backup copy, it is stored under the same name as the project to be
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converted plus the extension ".bak" and it is stored to the same directory in
which the project to be converted is stored.
During conversion, the conversion dialog display the executed conversion
steps. If errors occur during conversion, the error is written to a log file and
loading the project is canceled. In the event of an error, open the log file di‐
rectly from the conversion dialog. The file is saved under the name "Compo‐
nentConverter.log" in the project directory.
Deleting existing project To delete an existing project, select the menu item File ▶ Delete ▶ Project...
or use the shortcut <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<D>. This function is available without
opening the project in IndraWorks.
A dialog prompts to select the project to be deleted. Confirm the safety
prompt and the selected project is deleted.
The projects located on local drives are moved to the Windows Recycle Bin
and can thus be restored if necessary.

In the following exceptional cases, projects are finally deleted:

● The project to be deleted is located on a network drive
● The project to be deleted is currently opened in IndraWorks

The delete function is aborted if:

● The project is located on a read-only data carrier
● Your access rights are insufficient
● The project is opened by another application
Copying existing project Projects in the extended storage format (.xiwp) can be copied in Windows.
Projects available as project directories can be copied without opening by us‐
ing the following function:
● To start the function, select the menu item File ▶ Copy ▶ Project... or
use the shortcut <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<C>.
● Select the .iwp file in the directory of the project to be copied. The "Copy
Project" dialog is displayed after the source project has been selected.

Fig.4-6: Copy Project

The "Select..." button next to the "Directory:" field allows changing the selec‐
tion of the source project.
Based on the selected project, the input field "Project is copied to:" automati‐
cally offers a suggestion for the project copy. Therefore, the storage directory
of the original project remains and a unique name is defined for the project
directory of the duplicate. Specify a different storage directory and a different
name via Select....
Press Cancel to close the dialog without any further action.
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OK starts the actual copying. Depending on the size of the source project,
this may take a while. In this case, a dialog shows the copying progress.
The copying dialog is automatically closed after completion.

The "Copy" function is not available if the project to be copied is

opened in IndraWorks.
Recent projects Go to File ▶ Recent Projects for a list of recently edited projects. Left click on
an entry in this list to open the selected project.

Fig.4-7: Menu: Recent projects

Closing project Close a current project via File ▶ Close ▶ Project. In case of projects with an
extended project format (.xiwp), the user can chose to save or discard
changes made since the time the project has been saved. Project directories
are automatically saved upon closing.
Renaming project In case of a directory-based project (.iwp), the project can be renamed in
IndraWorks. Select the project node. The project name can be changed via
the context menu "Rename" or via <F2>.
The project in the extended project format .xiwp have to be renamed file-
based. Only change the name of the project file, the extension .xiwp has to
be retained.
Deleting project To delete an open project, select the project node in the Project Explorer and
select either the context menu item "Delete" or press <Del>.

Confirm the safety prompt and the project opened in IndraWorks

is finally deleted.

Properties To open the "Properties" dialog, select the project node and go to Properties
in the context menu.
● The "Properties" dialog displays the key settings of the current project.
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● A comment for the project can be entered.

Saving project To save an edited or new project, select Save in the context menu.
Save Project As To save an open project to a different storage location under a different
name, select File ▶ Save As.

Fig.4-8: Save Project As

The dialog suggests a new name for the project to be changed. Another stor‐
age location can also be changed. The storage type of the new project can
be specified via the check box "File type". Select *.xiwp for the extended proj‐
ect format. When selecting *.iwp, the new project is created as directory. Af‐
ter closing the dialog with "Save", IndraWorks saves a new project.

If the source project is available as a directory-based project, all

changes to the project are also applied to the source project when
executing the action "Save Project As".
Directory-based projects in the compatibility mode smaller than
13V06 cannot be saved in the extended project format .xiwp, as
this format is not supported by older IndraWorks versions.
A new, individual project is created. The project has not been
added to version control.

4.2.2 Start Screen

Unless a project has been uploaded, the start screen is displayed automati‐
cally when the Engineering desktop is started.
This occurs in the following cases:
● IndraWorks was newly installed
● The project was closed when IndraWorks was exited the last time
● The setting causing the previous project to be uploaded at start is not
The start screen provides various options to create or open a project. To
work with it, click on the individual functions or use <Tab> and <Enter>.
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To open the recently opened projects, use the links in the start screen area of
the same name. The project directory of every project and the IndraWorks
version, which can be used to edit the project, is displayed in a tooltip. Delete
the link to a project from the area via the context menu item "Remove from
The start screen can be shown and hidden at any time via View ▶ Start

Fig.4-9: Start Screen

"Create an empty project" This function opens the "Create New Project" dialog. It corresponds to the
main menu under File ▶ New ▶ Project....
"Scan for devices" This function creates an empty project with a defined name and starts the
scanner to search for devices. Simultaneously, the view "Configure" is activa‐
ted (see chapter 4.2.7 "Scanning for Devices" on page 42).
"Open project" This function opens a project filed on a local or network drive. It corresponds
to the main menu under File ▶ Open ▶ Project....
"Restores the project" This function restores a project from an archive on a local drive, a network
drive or a removable media. The function corresponds to the main menu
Project ▶ Restore ▶ From File System.
"Recent projects" The list of recently opened projects displays the project names and the
change date. To open a project, click on the project name. This function cor‐
responds to the main menu under File ▶ Recent Projects.
"Do not show at start" If this setting is enabled, the start screen is not displayed automatically when
the Engineering desktop is started.

4.2.3 Devices
Adding Devices From Library
Add devices from a library to a project via "Drag and Drop" or the context
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Working with IndraWorks

Context menu The context menu provides the commands available in the particular context.
For commands to edit devices such as Cut, Delete, Copy and Paste, go to
the menu under Edit. In contrast to the context menu, disabled entries are
visible in the main menu. They are displayed in grey.
Pasting from library via "Drag and Select a device from the library and drag it to the Project Explorer.
The mouse pointer indicates possible insertion positions.
An arrow with a plus sign on a target device with a blue background (includ‐
ing the project itself) signals that the device can be pasted to this position.

Fig.4-10: Project Explorer (pasting from library via Drag and Drop)
The new device is added behind all other devices of this element.
A strikethrough circle symbolizes that it is not possible to paste a device to
this position.

Fig.4-11: Project Explorer (pasting via Drag and Drop not possible)
New devices can also be added to the project at certain selected positions.
In the following example, the new device was pasted below the sercos node.
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Fig.4-12: Project Explorer (pasting at desired target position)

In the second example, the new device is added below the element created
Move the mouse to the desired target position. This position is represented
by a line. The background color of the respective target element is blue.

Fig.4-13: Project Explorer (pasting between project nodes)

Pasting via clipboard Use also the clipboard to add devices to a project.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-14: Project Explorer (pasting devices from the clipboard)

Devices can also be pasted from third-party components to the

Project Explorer via the clipboard. This requires a complete de‐
scription of the device as XML text in the clipboard.

Adding via the Menu Item "Add"

Click on Add in the context menu to open a list of elements which can be
added at the selected element in the Project Explorer.

For the project node, the "Add" function is also provided in the
main menu under Project ▶ Add.

The "Add" dialog is especially useful for multiple adding or pasting at a de‐
fined position. Start the "Add" dialog via the first context menu item Add.... To
dock the dialog permanently to any window, enable the docking capability via
the context menu on the title page and drag the dialog to the desired areas
and drop it.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-15: Add
First, select a category and then the element to be added. For more detailed
information on the selected element, refer to the "Description" field.
If the element provides a help document, it can be opened via the context
menu by right-clicking on the element.
Close dialog after adding If the checkbox Close dialog after adding is not set, the dialog remains open.
Further elements can thus be added. The selection in the Project Explorer
can be changed and the matching elements for adding are displayed. In this
mode, the dialog remains in the foreground.
Show elements context-sensitive If the checkbox Show elements context-sensitive is selected, only elements
that can be added with the current selection in the Project Explorer are
shown. To show all elements from the library, deselect the checkbox. If the
selection is changed in the Project Explorer in this mode, it has no effect on
the display of elements in the "Add" dialog.
Add The element selected in the "Add" dialog is attached to the selected element
as last child element in the Project Explorer via the Add button.

The right section of the Add button allows the insertion at a de‐
fined position: Down arrow button. Click on this arrow and a con‐
text menu opens which allows the insertion in front of an element.
The Close button completes adding and closes the "Add" dialog.
The Help button open the help for the "Add" dialog.
Devices in the Project Explorer
Deleting devices Delete devices with <Del> or Delete.
Cutting devices The Cut command stores a reference to the selected device in the clipboard.
The device prepared for cutting is identified by a special icon (arrow pointing
to the top right) and by a gray font as long as the device information is loca‐
ted in the clipboard. Cancel the process with <Esc>.
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Working with IndraWorks

If the device is inserted at a new position, it is removed from its original posi‐
Copying devices Copy copies the selected element to the clipboard. The element can now be
pasted to the target position.
The device prepared for copying is also identified by a special icon (arrow
pointing to the top right with plus sign) and by a gray font as long as the de‐
vice information is in the clipboard. Cancel the process with <Esc>.
It is possible to paste the device directly to an element or to positions be‐
tween elements.
Copying, cutting and pasting with Devices can also be copied, cut and pasted via Drag and Drop. Drag a de‐
the mouse vice to another possible position and drop it. If <Ctrl> is pressed while drag‐
ging, a copy of the device is created at the target position.
Renaming devices To change the device name, click on the enabled element, use the context
menu or <F2>.
The element name is displayed in input mode. Stop editing at any time with
<Esc>. If the entered name is not accepted, the original name is automatical‐
ly entered again.
Opening element-specific dialogs Double-click on an element in the Project Explorer, to open the dialog or edi‐
and editors tor belonging to the element. Alternatively, focus the element and press <En‐
If the dialog or editor is already open, it is set to the foreground.
Also open the dialog or editor via "Open" in the context menu or in the ele‐
ment-specific main menu.

If an element has no dialog or editor but sub-elements, the sub‐

tree below the element expands or collapses.
Tooltips To display brief information on devices, place the mouse pointer on that de‐
vice for more than one second.

Fig.4-16: Project Explorer (displaying tooltips at devices)

Displaying error states If the device-specific software reports an error, the respective device is
shown in red font. If this device is in a non-expanded part of the tree, the de‐
vice visible at the next higher level in the hierarchy is displayed in red. The
incorrect element is identified in the icon by a white cross on a red back‐
ground. Additionally, an error text is displayed for further limitation.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-17: Project Explorer (displaying error states at devices)

Incorrect elements become immediately visible in the tree structure.

Fig.4-18: Project Explorer (displaying error states at device nodes)

Disabled elements Elements can be disabled if, for example, they cannot be reached in the con‐
text. Disabled elements are displayed in light-gray in the tree structure and
the icon of the device is highlighted. Such elements cannot be reached or
modified by commands any longer.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-19: Project Explorer (disabled elements in the Project Explorer)

Structuring with folders Use the context menu Add ▶ Folder to add new folders to the structure at val‐
id positions.
Folders can be moved, copied, deleted and renamed. Additionally, parallel
partial views of the project can be opened via the context menu of the folder.

Fig.4-20: Project Explorer (structuring with folders)

Selecting Multiple Elements
The Project Explorer supports the selection of multiple elements (multiple se‐
lection) to execute the commands simultaneously on these elements. Only
commands that can be executed on all selected elements are shown in the
context menu.
Selecting individual elements To select and deselect individual elements, press and hold the <Ctrl> key.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-21: Project Explorer (select individual elements)

Selecting range Select the starting element via mouse click. While pressing and holding the
<Shift> key, select the end element via mouse click. This automatically se‐
lects all visible elements between the starting and end element.

Fig.4-22: Project Explorer (select range)

Select a range as well via keyboard. Use the cursor keys to select the start‐
ing element. While pressing and holding the <Shift> key, navigate to the end
element with <Cursor up> or <Cursor down>. This automatically selects all
visible elements between the starting and end element.
Selecting level Select the starting element via mouse click. While pressing and holding the
<Ctrl>+<Shift> keys, select the end element via mouse click. This automati‐
cally selects all elements between the starting and end element visible at the
same level. This means that sub-elements are not selected.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-23: Project Explorer (select level)

4.2.4 Project Explorer Views

New views can only be created on elements supporting this functionality. The
element selected is created as root element in the view window and the view
window is added to the main window (Project Explorer). Thus, the display of
the projects can be structured better and facilitate the navigation in the proj‐
Creating new view If an element supports the "New View" command, it is displayed in the con‐
text menu. Activate this command to create a new view window and add it as
further tab to the main window (Project Explorer).
Positioning view The view window can be positioned as desired. By moving to the tab with the
left mouse button pressed, navigation crosshairs are displayed representing
the different positioning possibilities.
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1 The view window is positioned above

2 The view window is positioned next on the right
3 The view window is positioned below
4 The view window is positioned next on the left
5 The view window is added as tab to the window
Fig.4-24: Project Explorer (positioning view)

The arrangement of views can only be saved by closing projects if

these overlap or are assigned as tabs. Thus, we recommend the
points 1 and 3 (arrangement above and below) or point 5 (ar‐
rangement as tab).
Closing view Close the view windows with one of the following actions:
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1 "Close View" in the context menu

2 "X" in the window header
3 "Close View" in the context menu of the tab "Application"
4 "Close" in the window header below "window position"
Fig.4-25: Project Explorer (close view)

4.2.5 Using Library

General Information
The library contains all devices available in the platform. The library uses the
data required from the standardized device description file to configure and
parameterize. This data is structured and subdivided according to manufac‐
turers and stored in the "Runtime\Library\Devices\Group name" directory.
Functional Areas
The library is divided into a navigation area with the tree structure of all instal‐
led devices and into an area providing current information on the selected de‐
Navigation area The navigation area is divided into library groups. The various groups are
subdivided according to the manufacturers and functional components. The
devices are defined by their names and the respective device-specific icon.
Information area As soon as an element is selected in the navigation area, current data on the
device is displayed in the information area.
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1 Library group with its individual tree

2 Folders
3 Devices
4 Module for device
5 Navigation area
6 Information area
Fig.4-26: Library (functional areas)
Navigation Navigation around the tree structure of the devices is done using the cursor
keys and mouse.
To expand nodes at the "plus" sign, press the <right cursor> or double-click.
To close the nodes at the "minus" sign, press the <left cursor> or double-
Adding devices to project Add devices from the library to the Project Explorer via Drag and Drop. (see
chapter "Adding Devices From Library" on page 28). After insertion, the soft‐
ware package of the device is started.
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Working with IndraWorks

Also use the clipboard to add devices with Copy and Paste.
Expanding library To add devices, copy new device description files or complete structures to
the "Runtime\Library\Devices\Group name" directory. This data is automati‐
cally applied to the graphical display when the platform is started the next
time. Copying data on the level of library groups is not allowed.

4.2.6 Element Search in a Project

The element search function allows to browse through the project and search
for elements containing a specific character string in their name. The "Ele‐
ment search" command is provided in the context menu of the Project Explor‐
er if the selected element contains at least one sub-element.
The found elements of the project are displayed in the "Search Results" win‐
dow. For more information, please refer to chapter 4.27.1 "Message Win‐
dows" on page 223.
The "Element Search" command opens the following dialog:

Fig.4-27: Search (Project Explorer - Search element in the project)

The following can be specified for the "element search in the project":
● The character string to be searched for
● Where the character string is to be searched for
● Which search options are to be used
Search for: Enter the character string to be searched for in the "Search for:" input field.
Click on the button to provide the 20 previously entered character strings
in a drop-down list.
Search in: The "Search in:" box shows the starting element which is the first of all sub-

elements to be compared with the character string. The button can be

used to apply the current selection from the Project Explorer.

The "Search in:" box allows the listing of multiple starting ele‐
ments. All starting elements are included in the search.
Therefore, select multiple elements (multiple selection) from the
Project Explorer before and apply this selection by clicking on the

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Search options: Enable the desired search options:

● Match case
The search is case-sensitive
● Match word
The search finds only elements which precisely match the character
string searched for
Search All: Click on the "Search All" button to display a list of all found elements in the
"Search Results" window. The status bar displays the progress of the search.
Close: Click on the "Close" button to exit the element search.

4.2.7 Scanning for Devices

General Information
In IndraWorks, devices connected to the PC can be scanned. This option is
supported by a wizard.
Depending on the device type selected, the devices can be scanned via the
serial interface or the Ethernet, PCI or Profibus interface.
Starting scanner To start the wizard, select Project ▶ Scan for Devices... or click on the "Scans
for devices" icon in the toolbar.

Fig.4-28: Scans for devices

Information on the operation When a wizard page is opened for the first time, the input boxes contain de‐
fault values.
If invalid characters, special characters or numbers outside the valid value
range are entered, a red circle with a white exclamation mark is displayed
when exiting the input box. The tooltip for this icon displays the message
To reset changed values to default values, click on "Default Settings".
Switch between the wizard pages using "<<Back" and "Next>>" if allowed by
the values entered.
Exit the wizard at any time with "Cancel".
Information on timeout settings Set the timeout value to be used for scanning in certain dialogs under

The scanner tries to establish a communication to the devices to

be scanned. The timeout is the period available to the connected
devices to respond to a scanner request, thus identifying them‐
selves. Scanning is decelerated by a high timeout and acceler‐
ated by a low timeout. If the timeout is too low, the scanner might
fail to detect all devices.
We recommend using the default timeout value.

Selecting devices First, select the device types to be scanned for. Highlight the respective en‐
tries in the "Installed" list and apply them with the "right-hand arrow" via dou‐
ble-click or Drag and Drop. Deselect the selected devices with the "left-hand
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arrow" via double-click or drag and drop. Change the scanning order with
"arrow up" and "arrow down".

Fig.4-29: Scan for Devices (select devices)

Click on "Next>>" to move to the next dialog. This dialog depends on the in‐
terface used to scan for the device. The interface (serial RS232, serial
RS485, Ethernet, PCI, Profibus) is specified at the device type.
Settings for the serial RS232 inter‐ If a device type that allows scanning via a serial RS232 interface is selected,
face the following dialog is displayed.
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Fig.4-30: Scan for Devices (serial RS232 device data)

To define the COM ports to be used to scan for a device, apply the respective
entries in the "Available" list with the "right arrow" via double-click or drag and
drop. Selected COM ports can also be deselected. The order can be
changed with the "arrow up" and "arrow down".
In addition, select the parity and the baud rate for the scan. If "Adjust baud
rate" is checked, the scanner tries to adjust devices connected to this inter‐
face to the selected baud rate.

Adjusting the baud rate can change the baud rate of devices al‐
ready configured. Thus, the communication with those devices
can become impossible. Adjust the configuration of those devices
to be able to communicate again!

Click on "Advanced..." to open a dialog to enter the timeout to be used by the

scanner for this device type.
Select the COM port, baud rate and parity first and then click on "Next >>" to
move to the next dialog.
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Settings for the serial RS485 inter‐ If a device type that allows scanning via a serial RS485 interface is selected,
face the following dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-31: Scan for Devices (serial RS485 device data)

To address several devices via a serial interface, it is possible to

build up a RS485 bus using RS232/RS485 converters.
Basically, the scanner settings for the serial RS485 interface cor‐
respond to the settings for the serial RS232 interface. Only the
differences between the RS485 interface and the RS232 interface
are explained here.

In contrast to the RS232 interface, a scanning range for the device addresses
to be scanned has to be entered. The area allows ranges from 0 to 99. If sin‐
gle addresses are specified, separate them with a semicolon. To specify ad‐
dress ranges, enter a starting address, a hyphen and an end address. Click
on "Advanced..." to open a dialog for further settings.
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Fig.4-32: Advanced Settings (serial RS485 device data)

"Automatic switching between send and receive"
If RS232/RS485 converters with automatic switch between send and receive
(recommended) are used, the settings for "Delay of sending, PC" and "Delay
of answer, drive" are irrelevant and thus disabled.
If a converter is used that needs signals to switch between send and receive,
enter a delay time for sending in the PC and a delay time for answering the
drive that ensures a reliable communication.

If converters without automatic switching between send and re‐

ceive are used, the FIFO buffer of the respective serial interface
has to be disabled. For more information, refer to the documenta‐
tion of the operating system.

For further information on RS485, refer to the documentation on

drive commissioning.
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Setting for Ethernet interface If a device type allowing the scan via Ethernet interface is selected, the fol‐
lowing dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-33: Scan for Devices (Ethernet device data)

● Network search
The network search is used to search for drives in a subnet directly con‐
nected to the PC
● Address search
The address search is used to search for drives in the specified address

Drives up to firmware version MPx16 can exclusively be found us‐

ing the address search.

The network search can also find drives for which the network
settings of the PC or the IP address of the found device have to
be adjusted before applying them to the IndraWorks project. If
such devices were found, this is indicated in the dialog on the de‐
vice application and special dialogs provide help when adjusting
the configuration. These dialogs are explained in the following.
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Adjusting network configuration of If Ethernet devices are to be applied to the IndraWorks project that can be
the PC reached by adding an additional IP address at the network adapter of the PC
via TCP/IP, the following dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-34: "Adjust IP Configuration" (additional IP address at the PC)

Click on Extend IP Address Settings Now and an additional IP address is as‐
signed to the network adapter connected to the device. Select/deselect the
checkbox Restore old settings when exiting and the adjustments are undone
or not undone when exiting IndraWorks.

All changes made are discarded upon the PC restart irrespective

of the Restore old settings when exiting checkbox.

Devices at a running system can be connected without changing

their configuration by adjusting the network configuration of the
Adjusting IP address of the device If Ethernet devices are to be applied to the IndraWorks project that can only
be reached by changing the IP address at the device via TCP/IP, the follow‐
ing dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-35: "Adjust IP Configuration" (adjust IP address at device 1)

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Open the following dialog to change the IP address of the device via the
"Change..." button:

Fig.4-36: "Change IP Configuration in Device" (adjust IP address at the device


WARNING Changing the IP address of a device changes

its configuration. This can interrupt the con‐
nection to other devices.

Settings for PCI If a device type that allows scanning via a PCI interface is selected, no further
data entry is required. Either the next setting dialog or the scan dialog opens.
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Settings for Profibus If a device type that allows scanning via a Profibus interface is selected, the
following dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-37: Scan for Devices (Profibus device data)

The scanner scans for drives whose master communication takes

place via Profibus using a Hilscher Profibus card installed on the
Thus, a Hilscher Profibus card CIF50-PB/CIF60-PB has to be in‐
stalled on the PC. For information on the installation of these
cards, refer to the documents provided with the cards.

Enter a baud rate and an address for the bus master of the Profibus.
Additionally, the ident number of the device type is displayed, but cannot be
Click on "Advanced..." to open a dialog to enter the timeout to be used by the
scanner for this device type.
When an address and a baud rate for the bus master is selected, click on
"Next>>" to move to the next dialog.
Scan dialog After the setting dialog has been edited for each selected interface, the scan
dialog opens. This automatically starts the scanning. This process can be
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stopped at any time with "Stop scanning for devices" and restarted with "Start
scanning for devices".

Fig.4-38: Scan for Devices (found devices)

Applying found devices When a device has been found, it is displayed in the list.
If a device is selected in the list, additional information on this device is dis‐
Select the checkbox to the left of the devices to be added to the project.
Select the Identify checkbox to flash the device for example. This checkbox is
not available for all devices.
Some devices have to be adjusted in their configuration before applying them
to the project.
Click on Finish to exit the scan process and to apply the selected devices to
the project. Depending on the device type, another wizard to enter further pa‐
rameters might be started when the devices are added to the project.

4.2.8 Offline and Online Mode

Offline Mode
When a new project is created or an existing project is opened, the connec‐
ted devices are in offline mode. All changes made to the project data are
saved in the project, but they do not affect the data in the target devices.
Displaying offline mode The offline mode of a device can be detected with the display of its node in
the project tree:
● No superimposed status icon to the lower right

Fig.4-39: Device node, offline mode

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Online Mode
In online mode, changes are saved in the project and simultaneously applied
to the data memory of the target device.
Special attention has to be paid to the PLC application. To work online with a
PLC application, use the "Login" command. For details, refer to the descrip‐
tion of the device.

Material damage caused by failures in the activation of motors and moving el‐
⇒ In online mode, damage can be caused by an inadvertent transmission of
data to the target device. Before changing any project data, ensure that this
change does not cause any damage.

Displaying online mode The online mode of a device can be detected at the display of its node in the
project tree:
● Superimposed blue status icon in the lower right
● Blue font

Fig.4-40: Device node, online status

4.2.9 Switching from Offline to Online

What Happens While Switching?
Four switching steps As soon as a device is switched online, IndraWorks performs the following
● First, IndraWorks tries to establish a communication to the device (com‐
munication adjustment)
● Then, IndraWorks verifies whether the projected device structure match‐
es the existing device structure (structure adjustment)
● In the next step, IndraWorks verifies for the device whether the projec‐
ted device configuration matches the existing configuration (configura‐
tion adjustment)
● Finally, IndraWorks compares device data in the project with data in the
target device for the device (data adjustment)
Only when all steps have been completed successfully, a device can be
switched online.
The sections below provide a detailed description of these steps.
Switch a project to online via Project ▶ Switch Devices Online.... Alternatively,
use Switch Online in the context menu of the device node.
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Fig.4-41: Switch Devices Online...

If several devices are connected, you are prompted to select the devices for
the online editing:

Fig.4-42: Switch Devices Online (device selection)

To work online with a PLC application of a device, use the "Login"

command. For details, refer to the description of the device.

Communication Adjustment
Verifying the communication con‐ First, the communication connection to the devices of the project is verified. If
nection IndraWorks can communicate with all devices, the structure adjustment is au‐
tomatically carried out in the next step.
● optionally scan for a device or
● repeat the switching of this device to online mode or
● cancel switching to online mode for this device.

Fig.4-43: Online switch (communication connection not possible)

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Scanning for device The scanner is used to scan for a device (see chapter 4.2.7 "Scanning for
Devices" on page 42 )
If a device is found, the communication settings of the device are applied. If
no device is found, switching is canceled.
Structure Adjustment
In the structure adjustment, IndraWorks verifies whether the projected device
structure corresponds to the existing structure.
For example, the device peripherals for a control are checked as follows:
● Number and type of drives connected
● Number and type of I/O bus devices connected

The structure adjustment depends on the device type. Details on

switching a device to online mode can be found in its documenta‐

If the projected structure corresponds to the existing structure, the configura‐

tion adjustment is carried out in the next step.
Recovering structural inconsisten‐ Data in the project that differs from the data in the target device is shown in a
cies tool window.
The tool window provides the following information:
● Overview on structural inconsistencies
● Data set in the project
● Data in the target device
● Cause of the problem
● Notes on possible troubleshooting
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Fig.4-44: Online switch (Inconsistencies of structure adjustment)

Once the inconsistencies are recovered, switching can be performed again. If
IndraWorks does not detect any further structural inconsistencies, the config‐
uration adjustment is carried out as next step.
Configuration Adjustment
The configuration of the various devices has to be adjusted (e. g. the projec‐
ted and actual number of a drive can deviate from a SERCOS ring).

The configuration adjustment depends on the device type. Details

on switching a device to online mode can be found in its docu‐

If the projected configuration matches the existing configuration, the data ad‐
justment is carried out in the next step.
Recovering configuration inconsis‐ Data in the project that differs from the data in the target device is shown in a
tencies tool window.
The tool window provides the following information:
● Overview on configuration inconsistencies
● data set in the project,
● data existing in the destination device,
● cause of the problem,
● possible solution to the problem.
Once the inconsistencies have been recovered, switch again. If IndraWorks
does not detect any further configuration inconsistencies, the data adjustment
is carried out in the next step.
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Data Adjustment
Data of individual devices have to be adjusted, for example:
● Motion program of a control
● Velocity limitation of a drive

The data adjustment depends on the device type. Details on

switching a device to online mode can be found in its documenta‐

Recovering data inconsistencies Data in the project that differs from the data in the target device is shown in a
tool window.
The tool window provides the following information:
● Overview on data inconsistencies
● data set in the project,
● data existing in the destination device,
● cause of the problem,
● possible solution to the problem.
Once the inconsistencies have been recovered, switch again. If IndraWorks
does not detect any further data inconsistencies, switching is completed.

4.3 Adding Files to IndraWorks Project

4.3.1 Introduction
Existing files can be added to an IndraWorks project so that documentations,
data sheets or additional information are transferred with the project.
The embedded file is displayed in the project. To edit the file, call the current‐
ly registered application in IndraWorks.

If Automation Interface is used HTML sites with embedded script

code providing access functionality to the Automation Interface
can be added or run in an IndraWorks project.

4.3.2 Adding File

If a project node allows files to be added, Add ▶ File can be selected in the
context menu.
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Fig.4-45: Adding files to a project

When selecting this menu item, the "Open" dialog opens.

Fig.4-46: "Select file" dialog

Select a file and add a copy of this file to your project by clicking on "Open".
The file can be edited there.
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Fig.4-47: File added to the project

The icon used is the default icon of this file type. The name is the file name
without the file name extension.

4.3.3 Editing File

Open To open the embedded file, double-click on it, press <Enter> or use the con‐
text menu. IndraWorks starts the application registered for editing in the Win‐
dows operating system.

Fig.4-48: Editing an embedded file

In the case shown above, the PDF reader is started.

IndraWorks can start the editing application when the file is

opened and exits it when the project is closed or the user inter‐
face is shut down.
All other actions, such as printing or saving a file, are executed by
the editing application.

Automation Script... After adding an HTML page with embedded Automation Script to the project,
the context menu provides the Automation Script... menu item. Use this menu
entry to obtain access to the Automation Script properties.
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Fig.4-49: Embedded file, Automation Script...

When selecting this menu item, the "Automation Script Configuration" dialog

Fig.4-50: "Automation Script Configuration" dialog

The "Automation Script Configuration" dialog displays the file name and the
storage location of the HTML file. In the Window Mode list, it can be defined
whether the HTML page is to be started as integrated in IndraWorks or exter‐
The current version runs HTML pages only integrated in IndraWorks.
Cut, Copy, Paste To move the file into the project, select Cut and Paste . Drag and drop can
also be used.
Use Copy and Paste to create a copy of the file at a different position in the
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Delete To remove the file from the project, select Delete. If started, the editing pro‐
gram is exited.
Rename To rename the file, press <F2> or use the context menu.

4.3.4 Adding New Element from Template to Project

To add a new element to a project select Add ▶ New Element in the context
menu. In the following dialog, select the category containing the desired tem‐
plate. The right part of the dialog displays the templates available in that cate‐
gory. When selecting a template, it is opened with the default editor of this

Fig.4-51: Add New Element

4.3.5 Deleting File from Project

Remove the inserted files from the project with Delete. The subdirectory con‐
taining the file is moved together with the file to the Windows Recycle Bin.

4.4 Archiving and Restoring Projects

4.4.1 General Information
With IndraWorks, projects can be archived on the local file system and on an
FTP server (device or computer) connected via network. These archives can
be restored on the file system of the local computer.
A wizard supports working with archives. Switch between the wizard pages
via "<<Back" and "Next>>" if allowed due to the entered values.
When a page is opened for the first time, the input boxes contain default val‐
ues. Otherwise, your last entries are displayed.
Exit the wizard at any time with "Cancel". Values entered up to that point are
not saved and archiving is canceled.
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4.4.2 Archiving a Project

Starting the archiving wizard To archive a project, select the project node in the Project Explorer and se‐
lect Archive... in the context menu.
Alternatively, select Project ▶ Archive... in the main menu or the following
icon in the toolbar:

Fig.4-52: Archives the project

Archive Properties On the first page of the wizard, a name and comment can be specified for the
archive. Optionally, the archive can be protected by a password. Enter the
password a second time in "Confirm password" to verify your entry. Confirm
with "Next>>".

Fig.4-53: Archiving Project (Archive Properties)

Archive target settings On this page, specify whether to save the archive on a local file system
and/or on an FTP server (device or computer) connected via network.
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Fig.4-54: Archiving Project (Archive Target Settings)

Storing archive on file system Specify in the input box "Target directory" in which directory of your local file
system the archive to be created is to be stored. Alternatively, click on the
"..." button to select a target directory.
Storing on FTP server Specify the target device the archive is to be stored in via the input box "De‐
vice name, host name or IP address".
There are four possibilities:
● IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)
● Computer name of the target device
● Selection via drop-down list. This list contains all FTP-compatible devi‐
ces of the active project as well as the last five target devices (device
name, IP address or host name) used during archiving.
● Add the target device from the list of all FTP-compatible devices shown
for the active project using the "..." button.
Click on "Next>>" and the wizard establishes automatically a connection to
the set device. Any connection interferences to the target device are dis‐
played in an error message.
Parts of archive Define the archive parts on this page. Select the archiving scope in the right
range for every archivable element or device displayed in the left navigation
Confirm with "Next>>".
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Fig.4-55: Archiving Project (Parts of archive)

Verifying entries Verify entries on this page. Start the archive creation with "Finish".

Fig.4-56: Archiving Project (verify user entries)

"Create Archive" progress bar The archive is created and stored in the specified target location. This proc‐
ess is displayed via a progress bar.
Summary After archiving, settings and results are displayed.
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To avoid inconsistencies during archiving, the active project is

closed before archiving and then opened again.

Fig.4-57: Archiving Project (Summary)

4.4.3 Restoring Project

To restore a project, select Project ▶ Restore... from the main menu or click
on the following button in the toolbar:

Fig.4-58: Restores the project

4.4.4 Restoring Project from File System

Selecting restoration type On the first page of the wizard, select whether to restore the project from an
archive of the local file system or from an FTP server (device or computer)
connected via network. Select "Restore from File System".
Selecting archive Select the archive on the next page. Click on the "…" button to scan for the
A comment is displayed for the selected archive.
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Fig.4-59: Restore Project from File System (select archive)

If the archive type is unknown, the comment area displays "***AT‐

TENTION! The selected archive is not an IndraWorks project ar‐
chive ***". In this case, continue the restoration after the safety
prompt confirmation.
Selecting target directory On the next page, select the directory in which the project is to be restored.
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Fig.4-60: Restore Project from Archive (select target directory)

Verifying entries Entries can be verified on this page. Start restoring the project from the ar‐
chive with "Finish".

Fig.4-61: Restore Project from Archive (verify user entries)

Entering password If the archive was created with a password, you are prompted to enter the
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"Restore to Temporary Directory" First, the project is restored from the archive in a temporary directory of the
progress bar local drive. This process is displayed via a progress bar. Subsequently, the
project is copied to the target directory.
If a project folder already exists in the specified target directory, you are
prompted to rename the project folder.

Fig.4-62: Project Folder (rename project folder)

Summary After the restoration, settings and results are displayed.

Fig.4-63: Restore Project from Archive (Summary)

Select the checkbox "Open project when closing the wizard" to open the re‐
stored project automatically.

4.4.5 Restoring Project from Device

Selecting restoration type On the first page, select whether to restore the project from an archive of the
local file system or from an FTP server (device or computer) connected via
network. Select "Restore from FTP Server (device or computer)".
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Selecting archive On this page, select device and archive name.

Fig.4-64: Restore Project from Archive (select archive)

Device name, host name or IP ad‐ Enter the device containing the archive to be restored in the "Device name,
dress host name or IP address" input box.
There are four possibilities:
● IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)
● Computer name of the target device
● Selection via drop-down list. This list box contains all FTP-compatible
devices of the active project as well as the last five target devices (de‐
vice name, host name or IP address) used during restoration
● Select a device using the "…" button
When selecting the device via the selection list or the device browser, the
connection to the selected device is established automatically.
When entering the IP address or computer name, establish the connection to
the target device via "Connect".
After the connection has been established, all archives available on the de‐
vice are displayed in the "Archive overview" list. Select the archive to be re‐
stored and click on "Next>>".
Selecting target directory Select a directory on the local drive in which the project is to be restored from
the archive.
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Fig.4-65: Restore Project from Archive (select target directory)

Verifying entries Entries can be verified on this page. Start the restoration with "Finish".

Fig.4-66: Restore Project from Archive (Check the user entries)

1. "Get Archive from Target De‐ During restoration, the archive is copied from the device to the local drive
vice" progress display first. This process is shown in a progress bar.
Entering password If the archive was created with a password, you are prompted to enter the
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2. "Restore to Temporary Directo‐ Subsequently, the project is restored from the archive to a temporary directo‐
ry" progress bar ry on the local drive. This process is shown in a progress bar. Subsequently,
the project is copied to the target directory.
If the selected target directory already exists, you are prompted to enter a
new one.
Summary After restoration, settings and results are displayed.

Fig.4-67: Restore Project from Archive (Summary)

Select the checkbox "Open project when closing the wizard" to open the re‐
stored project automatically.

4.5 Exporting and Importing Project Data

4.5.1 Overview
IndraWorks Engineering can export and import project elements. The prereq‐
uisite is that the respective elements support this functionality.

4.5.2 Exporting Elements

Starting Export Wizard
IndraWorks Engineering provides two export options:
● To export a project, select Project ▶ Export... in the main menu
● To export a certain project element, highlight the element in the Project
Explorer and select Export... in the context menu
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The export wizard is displayed:

Fig.4-68: Export Wizard

Selecting Elements for Export
First, verify name and location of the export file and adjust the details if nec‐
essary. Information on the content of the export file can be optionally entered
in the "Description" field.
The elements to be exported are displayed in a tree structure:
● Click on the "+" or "-" symbols in the tree to reduce or expand the dis‐
play of the tree. All sublevels of an element can also be selected or de‐
selected via the context menu.
● Click on the checkbox next to the element to select or deselect an ele‐
ment for export. Sub-elements can also be selected or deselected via
the context menu of an element.
● Individual elements provide specific export options. Highlight an element
in the tree to show its options in the right section of the dialog and to
make settings.
Exporting Selected Elements
Click on the "Finish" button in the export wizard to start exporting the selected
elements with the corresponding settings.
Verifying Results
After the export, a summary of the procedure is displayed on the "Verify Ex‐
port Results" page.
● The symbol shows you whether the export has been successful or
whether errors have occurred.
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● For information on the performed operations, warnings and errors, refer

to the result list.
● Click on the individual entries in the result list to display further details.
End the export wizard with "Close".

The messages of the latest export are also listed in an own cate‐
gory in the IndraWorks message window. If there is detailed infor‐
mation on a message, double-click on an entry in the message
window to display it. Double-click on a message and the corre‐
sponding project element is additionally selected in the Project
Explorer if the element is still available in the project.

4.5.3 Viewing Content of Export File

To view the content of an export file, select File ▶ Open ▶ Export file... in the
main menu. Select the export file in the "Open Export File" dialog to see the
file content in an individual window:

Fig.4-69: View of the export file

To display multiple file contents at the same time, select the ex‐
port files in the dialog.

● Click on the "+" or "-" symbols in the tree to reduce or expand the file
content. All sublevels of an element can also be selected or deselected
via the context menu.
● Select Open Export File... in the context menu to display the content of
a different export file.
● Select Close Export File in the context menu to close the selected ex‐
port file.
● Click on Properties of Export File... in the context menu to receive infor‐
mation on storage location, size, date of creation and other properties of
the export file.
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Import elements from the export file view to the project via
drag&drop (see chapter Starting Import Wizard, page 73).
It can also be imported by copying an element in the export file
view and pasting it to an element in the Project Explorer. Select
Copy in the context menu to copy an element from the export file.
Subsequently, select Paste in the context menu of the project to
paste the copied element to the selected location in the project.

4.5.4 Importing Elements

Starting Import Wizard
With IndraWorks Engineering, contents from an export file can be imported to
a project via drag&drop:
● Open the export file as described in chapter 4.5.3 Viewing Content of an
Export File, page 72.
● Drag the element to be imported from the export file view to the target
element in the Project Explorer.
Drag with the left mouse button to directly start the import wizard when
dropping the element. If possible, press <Ctrl> to change the presetting
from "Insert" to "Overwrite" before dropping the element. Press <Alt>
again to preselect "Replace" instead of "Overwrite".

While replacing, elements are removed from the project if they

are not in the export file.
While overwriting, elements are maintained in the project if they
are not in the export file.
See chapter Configuring Import, page 74.

Drag with the right mouse button to get possible import and comparison
operations displayed when dropping.
If the element to be imported cannot be imported to the target element,
a respective symbol is displayed and dropping is impeded.
● Drop the element to be imported on the target element to start the im‐
port wizard
Alternatives for drag&drop:
● Select the main menu item Project ▶ Import... to import a project. Select
an export file containing a project.
● Highlight the target element for the import in the Project Explorer and
select Import... in the context menu of the element. Select an export file
whose contents can be directly imported into the element in the Project
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Configuring Import
The import can be configured in detail using the import wizard:

Fig.4-70: Import wizard

An alternative procedure for an element can be selected in the selection list:
● Insert: The element from the export file is added - including its sub-ele‐
ments - to the target element in the project.
● Overwrite: The target element in the project is overwritten by the ele‐
ment from the export file. Already existing sub-elements in the project
are overwritten and new ones are added.
● Replace: The target element in the project is overwritten by the element
from the export file. Already existing sub-elements in the project are
overwritten and new ones are added. Elements available in the project,
but not in the export file, are deleted.
● Delete: The project element and all its sub-elements are deleted.
Additionally, there are the following options:
● Click on the "+" or "-" symbols in the tree to reduce or expand the dis‐
play. All sublevels of an element can also be selected or deselected via
the context menu.
● Click on the checkbox next to the element to enable or disable an im‐
port. Furthermore, use the context menu to select or deselect the opera‐
tions for the respective sub-elements.
● Select Exclude element... in the context menu to exclude an individual
element from the import. This option is only available for the operations
"Overwrite" and "Replace".
● Select Compare... in the context menu to show the differences between
the element from the export file and the target element in the project.
This option is only available for the operations "Overwrite" and "Re‐
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● Highlight an element in the right section of the dialog to show additional

options and to make settings.

The configured import is summarized as brief description in the

lower section of the dialog.

The setting options vary according to the element type and import
procedure. For example, certain individual procedures cannot be
disabled and not all procedures provide additional options.

Importing Selected Elements

Click on Finish in the import wizard to start the import of the selected ele‐
Verifying Results
After the import, a summary of the procedure is shown on the "Verify Import
Results" page:
● The icon shows whether the import was successful or whether errors
● For information on the performed operations, warnings and errors, refer
to the result list.
● Click on the individual entries in the result list to display further details.
Exit the import wizard with Close.

The messages of the latest import are also listed in an own cate‐
gory in the IndraWorks message window. If there is detailed infor‐
mation on a message, double-click on an entry in the message
window to display it. Double-click on a message and the corre‐
sponding project element is additionally selected in the Project
Explorer if the element is still available in the project.

After the import to a version-controlled project, all elements modi‐

fied during the import are hijacked. Chapter Applying Hijacked
Version, page 124 describes how to apply the project version
modified during import to the version control.

4.6 Comparing Project Data

4.6.1 General Information
In IndraWorks, individual elements of the project can be compared. Individual
elements or their properties can also be merged.

The "Compare" function is supported by the following systems:

● IndraLogic XLC/IndraMotion MLC
● IndraDrive

For more system-specific and component-specific information, refer to:

● IndraLogic XLC/IndraMotion MLC: "Compare" and "Merge" in the
● IndraLogic 2G: "Compare" and "merge" PLC objects
● FDT Container: "Compare" in the FDT Container
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The basis: Elements A project consists of a hierarchy of elements. Elements are displayed as no‐
des in the Project Explorer. Elements are also called objects.
An element is defined via its properties.
The comparison always refers to an element that is compared to another ele‐
ment. Comparison takes place for each property of the elements.

Two elements are identical if all their properties match. It applies

irrespective of the fact whether the complete hierarchy of the sub‐
elements is the same.

Two elements can even be identical if their sub-elements differ

from each other.

Additionally, an element has references to their direct sub-elements (direct

child elements).
If an element has direct sub-elements (direct child elements), these elements
are also compared.

If a sub-element has further sub-elements, these are not automat‐

ically included during comparison.
To compare the complete hierarchy of the sub-elements, use the
"Compare all Sub-Elements" function.
Overview on "Compare" functions In IndraWorks, the following can be compared via the Project Explorer using
the context menu:
● Project elements with elements of an export file
● Elements within a project
Furthermore, elements of two export files can be compared via the menu
Tools ▶ Compare... .
The "Compare" function is also available with the following functions under
version control:
● Open Project from Version Control
● Change Project Version
● Show Version History
● Manage Library Projects

4.6.2 Starting "Compare" Function

Starting "Compare" function There are two possibilities to start the "Compare" function:
1. Via the context menu in the Project Explorer
● If two elements of one project are to be compared, select the de‐
sired two elements in the Project Explorer and activate the "Com‐
pare..." function in the context menu. The comparison is started.
The prerequisite is that the respective elements support this func‐
tionality and provide it in the context menu.
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Fig.4-71: Context menu Compare... (two project elements)

● To compare an element of a project with an export file, select the
respective element in the Project Explorer and activate the "Com‐
pare..." function in the context menu. The "Select Sources for
Comparison" dialog opens to select the export file.

Fig.4-72: Context menu Compare... (project element with export file)

2. Start the "Compare" function via the menu item Tools
To compare the two export files with each other, select Tools ▶ Com‐
pare... in the menu.
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Fig.4-73: Context menu Compare... (two export files)

Selecting sources If an export file is part of the comparison, the "Select Sources for Compari‐
son" dialog is opened after the "Compare..." function has been enabled. Se‐
lect the sources for comparison.

Fig.4-74: Dialog Select sources for comparison (project element with export file)

The "Select Sources for Comparison" dialog is not displayed if

two elements of the same project are compared.

If an element of a project is compared with an export file, the selected ele‐

ment is automatically displayed as path in the text field "Left Source". In this
case, only the right source file has to be selected. Click on the left part of the
button and select the export file for comparison in the "Open" dialog.
Export files compared last
Click on the right part of the button with the arrow and the subme‐
nu opens. It shows a list of the latest compared export files. Left
click on an entry in this list and the selected export file opens.
Selecting starting element The elements in the export file are presented in a tree structure. Select the
element to start the comparison with in the dialog.

Open the dialog and the root element is preselected by default.

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Fig.4-75: Dialog Select an element for comparison

Click "OK" to select the highlighted element as starting element for the com‐

4.6.3 Working with the "Compare" Function

The result of the comparison is displayed in a separate dialog called "Com‐
The dialog is divided into the following sections:
● Toolbar
● "Properties" section
● Comparison status of the properties
● "Direct sub-elements" section
● Comparison status of direct sub-elements
● "Compare all Sub-Elements" function
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Fig.4-76: Dialog Comparison

Toolbar The toolbar in the upper part of the dialog serves the navigation and provides
the following functions for comparison/merger:

Symbol Description

Show previous element: Clicking this symbol navigates to the previous

element in the history of the already displayed elements.

Show next element: Clicking this symbol navigates to the next element
in the history of the already displayed elements.

Select next difference: Clicking this symbol selects the next difference.

Select previous difference: Clicking this symbol selects the previous


Preselect for the merger: Clicking this symbol preselects the selected
line for the merger.
Note: If no merger is possible for the selected line, no preselection can
be made.

Reset preselection for merger: Clicking this symbol no longer prese‐

lects the selected line for the merger.

Start merger: Clicking this symbol carries out the merger for all prese‐
lected lines.

Tab.4-77: Toolbar
"Properties" section The comparison results for each property of the element are displayed in this
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The view of the comparison results varies according to the ele‐

ment. In the figure below, a comparison of two text files is shown
in list view.

Fig.4-78: Dialog: Comparison

In the list, matching properties are shown in black font color by default.
If there are differences, the respective property is shown in red font color by
Color and font of the comparison can be individually adapted in the "Text Set‐
tings" screen in the menu Tools ▶ Options. For a detailed description of these
functions, refer to the chapter 4.6.5 Options, page 85.

The toolbar buttons are enabled or disabled depending on the se‐

lected property.
Comparison status of the proper‐ Below the "Properties" list is a comparison status displaying the number of
ties matches and differences of the element properties compared.

Two elements are identical if all their properties match. It applies

irrespective of the fact whether the complete hierarchy of the sub‐
elements is the same.

Two elements can even be identical if their sub-elements differ

from each other.
"Direct sub-elements" section In this section, the direct sub-elements of the two compared elements are
shown in a list view.
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The display comprises

● Icon
● Left element and left source position
● Right element and right source position
In the "Direct sub-elements" list, matching elements and source positions are
shown in black font color by default. If there are differences, the respective
element and source position are shown in red font color by default.

If a sub-element has further sub-elements, these are not automat‐

ically included during comparison.
To compare the complete hierarchy of the sub-elements, use the
"Compare all Sub-Elements" function.

Fig.4-79: Dialog Comparison ("Direct sub-elements" section)

Double-click on the selected element in the "Direct sub-elements"

section to start the comparison for the highlighted element and to
display its result. The prerequisite is that the left and right element
If the element is under version control, it has to be available in the
labeled version.
Comparison status of direct sub- Below the "Direct sub-elements" section is the corresponding comparison
elements status which displays the number of matches and differences of the directly
compared sub-elements and corresponding source positions.

Matches are found only if the properties and source positions of

the compared elements are identical.
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"Compare all Sub-Elements" func‐ Click on the "Compare all Sub-Elements" button to compare the complete hi‐
tion erarchy of the sub-elements from the starting element up to the deepest sub-

The "Compare all Sub-Elements" function is not available if:

● The element does not have any sub-elements
● The element is under version control but not available in a
labeled version

The comparison results are displayed for the individual elements in a list

Fig.4-80: Dialog Results of comparison

The "Comparison Results" dialog is a tool window. It can be shif‐

ted and docked at the margin of the workspace at any time.
The toolbar in the upper part of the "Comparison results" dialog serves as fil‐
ter and provides the following functions:

Symbol Description

Show all elements: Clicking this symbol shows all differing and comply‐
ing elements.

Show only differing elements: Clicking this symbol shows only the dif‐
fering elements.

Show only complying elements: Clicking this symbol shows only the
complying elements.

Tab.4-81: Toolbar
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A right click on the element in the list displays the respective context menu:
1. If a left and a right element exist in the list, the following context menu is

Fig.4-82: Context menu items in the list of the comparison results

Select the context menu item Compare to compare all elements and to
show the result in the "Comparison" dialog.
Select the left element in the Project Explorer via the context menu item
Select Left Element in Project.
Select the right element in the Project Explorer via the context menu
item Select Right Element in Project.
2. If only the left or the right element exists in the list, the following context
menu is displayed:

Fig.4-83: Selecting the parent element of the context menu

Display the parent element of the selected element via the context menu
item Select Parent Element.

4.6.4 Merging
The "Comparison" dialog can also merge individual lines. The prerequisite is
that the left side of the comparison is a project.
The required functions are provided in the toolbar.
Proceed as follows:
1. If working under version control, ensure that writing to the target for
merging is possible. If required, use the "Check out" function for the tar‐
get element.

2. Select the lines to be merged via the symbol.

3. Click on the symbol and merging starts for all preselected lines. The
data is transferred from the right side (source) to the left side (target).
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Fig.4-84: Dialog Comparison (merging)

If no merger is possible for the selected line, no preselection can

be made.

Mainly, the individual properties can be merged.

Furthermore, lines from the list "Direct sub-elements" can be
This is possible in the following cases:
● No element is on the left (target). One element is on the
right. When merging, the element is inserted on the left.
● One element is on the left (target). No element is on the
right. When merging, the element is removed from the left
If working under version control, ensure that the target (parent el‐
ement) allows write access for merging and that the element on
the right is available in a labeled version.

The merging procedure varies in some details depending on the

element type.

4.6.5 Options
Set options in the "Options" dialog to customize the comparisons. To go to
the "Options" dialog, select Tools ▶ Options... in the menu. Click on the
"Comparison" node.
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Text Settings Set color and font for the comparison under "Text Settings".

Fig.4-85: Dialog Options (comparison/text settings)

Third Party Tool Specify an external comparison application in the "Options" screen under
"Third Party Tool" to display differences in the files.
The prerequisite is that the comparison application is installed on the PC.

Fig.4-86: Dialog Options (comparison/third party tool)

Click on the "..." button and select the third party tool in the "Open" dialog.
PLC Options Specify the behavior when comparing PLC elements under "PLC Options". It
can be specified whether spaces, comments or properties have to be consid‐
OK saves all changes and closes the dialog.
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4.7 Validating Project Data

4.7.1 General Information
For engineering procedures such as import or merging, IndraWorks tempora‐
rily allows comfortable working with discrepancies. This refers to bus ad‐
dresses and names for example.
IndraWorks provides the possibility to check project data for discrepancies.
This functionality is known as validation. Discrepancies are displayed as
messages in the message window.
Validation messages can be of type error, warning or information.

● The validation detects existing and obvious configuration er‐

rors and discrepancies and reports them. Full accuracy of
the configuration data cannot be guaranteed!
● The "Validate" function is only available for selected project
elements. "Validation" takes place for these elements/
components only!

For more detailed component-specific information on the "validation", refer to:

● IndraLogic XLC/IndraMotion MLC: Validation
● IndraLogic HMI: Validation

4.7.2 Starting Validation

Start validating via the context menu item "Validate" at the following project
● Project node
● IndraMotion MLC
● IndraLogic XLC
● Visualization device Vxx
When a validation is started, already existing validation messages are de‐
leted in the message window.

Starting at the project node is a comfort feature. Note that the

"Validate" function is only available for the selected project ele‐
ments. "Validation" takes place for these elements/components

Executing validation The validation is visualized via a dialog with progress display if required.

Fig.4-87: Progress display at a running validation

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As long as the progress display is visible, IndraWorks Engineering cannot be

After the validation has been completed, the result is temporarily displayed in
the status bar:

Fig.4-88: Status bar after completed validation

If validation messages are present, these are listed in the message window
under the category "Validation". Therefore, the message window is set in the
Canceling validation The "Cancel" button of the progress display allows aborting a running valida‐
The validation abort is displayed as follows in the status bar:

Fig.4-89: Status bar after canceled validation

The messages found up to then are displayed in the message window under
the category "Validation (canceled)".

Project data can still contain further discrepancies, since not all
checks have been performed!

4.7.3 Using Validation Messages

The message window lists all messages generated during a validation under
the category "Validation" or "Validation (canceled)":

Fig.4-90: Dialog Validation messages in the message window

The buttons "Errors", "Warnings" and "Information" are used to show or hide
the messages of the respective type.
To recover a reported error, the respective dialog or the document window
opens when double-clicking on the message.
For more message window option, see chapter 4.27.1 "Message Windows"
on page 223

4.8 Persistence
IndraWorks opens the latest opened project at next start.
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Windows arranged in the document window area before IndraWorks has

been exited remain located there after restart.

4.9 Multilingual Projects

4.9.1 General Information
Creating and editing multilingual The language and text management integrated in IndraWorks allow to create
projects and edit multilingual projects. Multilingual relates to the language of the user
texts (e.g. configured messages, texts in HMI screens, program comments).
Do not mistake this multilingual function for the language of the user inter‐
The following procedure is recommended:
● Create project and select master language
● Plan and configure the project. All texts are entered in the master lan‐
● Add new languages to the project
● Export user texts of the project to one translation file per additional lan‐
● Translate the texts, i.e. edit the translation files
● Import translated texts to the project

4.9.2 Setting Master Language of Project

The language used to create an IndraWorks project is called the master lan‐
guage. Any number of further languages can be added to the project later on
in addition to the master language.
Define the master language in the "Project language" list box of the "Create
New IndraWorks Project" dialog when creating a new project.

Fig.4-91: "Create New IndraWorks Project" dialog

Use the "Fonts" button to define the fonts for the text display. This is particu‐
larly recommended for languages requiring specific fonts to display text, e.g.
Asiatic languages.
The default setting for the fonts of the master language is:
Proportional font: Arial, 10 points

4.9.3 Managing Project Languages

Adding new language to project To add a new language to the project, select Project ▶ Language ▶ Manage
Project Languages.
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Fig.4-92: "Manage Project Languages" dialog

To open the "Manage Project Languages" dialog, click on "Add…" in the
"Manage Project Languages" dialog.

Fig.4-93: "Add Project Language" dialog

Select the language to be added to the project.
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Fig.4-94: "Manage Project Languages" dialog

Repeat this process until all necessary languages are added to the project.
To change the font of an additional language, select the language from the
"Additional languages" list and click on "Fonts…".
Click on "Close" to return to the IndraWorks main window.

When a new language is added, the internal text memories are

prepared to implement and manage texts in this language. It is
not translated to this language.

Any added language can be selected as the active language.

Thus, all language-specific user texts entered after this point in
time are stored in the text memories of that language.
Editing in an additional language is only suitable when correcting
a text or making minor changes to a project.
For the actual engineering, it is explicitly recommended to only
use the master language. Do not add any other languages and do
not translate user texts until the project has been completed.
If a project is to be expanded or revised, it is also recommended
using the master language and translating the new user texts only

Deleting additional language from To delete a language from the project, select Project ▶ Language ▶ Manage
project Project Languages. Select the language to be deleted from the "Additional
languages" list and click on "Delete…" Confirm the safety prompt.

4.9.4 External Project Translation

General Information
IndraWorks has an export/import interface for the texts of a project. This data
interface allows texts to be exported to a translation file which can then be
translated outside of IndraWorks.
To do this, a spreadsheet program is required which is able to read and write
*.csv files and which supports UNICODE.
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For example, Microsoft Excel 2003 or Calc are suitable for
editing translation files. The operation of these two programs differs only in
the setting of text export and text import filters to open and save the transla‐
tion files.
After the translation has been completed, import the translation file.
IndraWorks assigns the appropriate translations from the translation file to
the original texts in the project.
The section below describes the translation of the texts of a translation file
with the example of Calc.
The following steps are required:
1. Export the translation file from IndraWorks
2. Import the translation file to Calc
3. Translate texts The translated texts are inserted into the translation file
4. Export the translation file from Calc
5. Import the translation file to IndraWorks
Exporting Translation File from IndraWorks
Open the "Export Translation File" dialog via Project ▶ Language ▶ Export
Translation File....

Fig.4-95: "Export Translation File" dialog

Source language Select in this list box, which language version of the texts is written to the
translation file as original text.
The master language is preset in this field after opening the dialog. However,
any other project language can also be selected as source language.
Target language Select in this list box, which language is the target language in the translation
file. This entry is later evaluated during import to properly assign the imported
texts to the correct text memories in the project.
Export only texts that are not yet Use this checkbox to define whether all texts are exported to the translation
translated file or only those that do not yet have a translation in the target language.
Check this option if you have already revised a translated project and wish to
export the new texts only. When they are imported, the texts of the translation
file are merged with the translated texts in the project.
Click on "OK" to open a dialog to define the directory and the name of the
translation file.
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Fig.4-96: "Export Translation File" dialog, saving the file

The name suggested by IndraWorks has the following format:
For example, a translation file from German to US English:
The name can be edited, but is is recommended not to change the name ex‐
tension (e.g. .de-DE.en-US.csv).
Import Translation File to Calc
Download a translation file to via File ▶ Open Select the file
to be opened and click on "Open".
This opens the "Text Import" dialog.

Fig.4-97: calc, text import dialog

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Character set "Unicode" has to be set in this list box. This should already be preset, since Calc automatically detects the character set used in the file.
Separator options Select the separator option "Separated by" and "Tab" as separator.
Text separator Text separators are not used in the translation file. Delete the suggested sep‐
Click on "OK" to download the translation file to Calc.
Translate Texts in Calc
After having downloaded the translation file to Calc, a
spreadsheet is opened. It contains five columns and a number of lines de‐
pending on the number of texts.

Fig.4-98: calc, translating texts

The first line of the spreadsheet is a header and describes the column con‐
Column 1: Source language Column 1 contains the texts of the source language. The header contains the
ISO code for this language.
Column 2: Target language Column 2 contains the texts of the target language. The header contains the
ISO code for this language. Depending on the settings in the export dialog,
the other lines of this column are empty or display existing translations.
Columns 3, 4, 5: Administration Columns 3 to 5 contain administration data used to assign the translated
data texts properly when imported in IndraWorks.

Do not change the header or the administration data. Otherwise,

the translation file cannot be imported.

During the translation, the translated texts are entered in column 2. During
import, these texts are read in IndraWorks.
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Note the following character strings during translation: "{%tab%}",

"{%lf%}", "{%crlf%}"
During export, these character strings are inserted in texts con‐
taining tabulator and end-of-line characters. Do not change these
character strings in the translation.
Source text: Hallo{%tab%}Welt!!!
Translation: Hello{%tab%}World!!!
While the translation file is imported to IndraWorks, the character
strings are reconverted into the original characters.

Exporting Translation File from Calc

After the translation, save the translation file. It is recommended to save the
edited file under a different name via File ▶ Save As.

Fig.4-99: Calc, dialog: Save file as, export translation file
File type Select "Text CSV" from the "File type" field.
Editing filter settings Use the "Edit filter settings" checkbox to select the filter settings before sav‐
ing the file in the "Export of text files" dialog.
To open the "Export of text files" dialog, click on "Save".

Fig.4-100: calc, text export dialog

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Character set Select "Unicode" from this list box.

Field separator Select "{Tab}" as "Field Separator".
Text separator Delete the character in the "Text separator" field.
The export filter has to be set as described above, since otherwise, the trans‐
lation file cannot be imported into IndraWorks.
Importing Translation File in IndraWorks
To import the texts of a translation file to the current project, select Proj‐
ect ▶ Language ▶ Import Translation File. From the file selection dialog, se‐
lect the translation file to be imported.

Fig.4-101: "Import Translation File" dialog; select file

The import options can now be set in the "Import Translation File" dialog.

Fig.4-102: "Import Translation File" dialog

Replacing translated texts with Select this checkbox to replace existing translations with the current transla‐
current translation tions. This is for example reasonable if the translation file contains a com‐
plete set of texts which have been revised in their language and are now to
be applied to the project.
If this option is not selected, already translated texts in the project are not
changed. thus, the corresponding texts of the translation file are ignored.
Show statistics after import Select this checkbox to view import statistics after the import.
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Fig.4-103: "Import Statistics" dialog

Total entries Total number of lines read from the translation file.
Valid Number of the lines in the translation files identified as valid.
Invalid Number of the lines in the translation files identified as invalid. Such lines de‐
velop mainly if the export filter failed to be set properly while the translation
file has been translated and saved in the external program.
Added texts Number of new texts imported to the project.
Replaced texts Number of the texts already translated in the project which have been over‐
written by the imported more current text.

4.10 Version Control - Installing Team Server

4.10.1 Introduction
Overview on Topics
This chapter provides instructions on the installation and setup of team serv‐
ers used with IndraWorks. A team server provides a central storage location
for versioned IndraWorks projects and is thus the basic prerequisite to use
the version control in IndraWorks.
First, a short overview is provided on the version control systems supported
by IndraWorks. Subsequently, the possible installation variants with their spe‐
cific advantages and disadvantages are shown. At the end, there is a de‐
tailed explanation on the execution of the different installation variants.
Supported Version Control Systems
IndraWorks allows the following version control systems to be used on team
● Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe 2005
● Apache Subversion® 1.6

4.10.2 Team Server with Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe

Installing Visual SourceSafe
Install Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005 on the team server
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Note the documentation on Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005

Installing ENI Server
Install the ENI server on the team server
Insert the IndraWorks installation CD and select the "Team server" setup op‐

When using a firewall, the port 1241 has to be enabled in the fire‐

Creating Visual SourceSafe Database

Visual SourceSafe Administrator
Creating database First, create a database using the "Visual SourceSafe Administrator" tool.
1. Creating directory for the database
Create directory
2. Starting Visual SourceSafe administration
Start ▶ Programs ▶ Microsoft Visual SourceSafe ▶ Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe administration
3. Starting database wizard
File ▶ New database...
4. Following the wizard
Select the directory created in step 1 as storage location.
Select the database model "Lock-Modify-Unlock".
5. Confirming safety prompt
When using the ENI server, it is not necessary to set up special access
Creating user accounts The following user accounts have to be defined in the newly created data‐
● ENI user account
A separate account has to be created for the ENI server. This account is
required to access the database. Create a user with the name "ENI" for
example and any password. Remember user name and password. Both
have to be entered later on into the "ENI Control" program when setting
up the ENI server.
● User accounts for project editors
A separate user account has to be defined for each project editor to en‐
sure that modifications in database objects can be uniquely assigned.
Create one user account for each project editor.
Creating user account:
1. Starting Visual SourceSafe administration
Start ▶ Programs ▶ Microsoft Visual SourceSafe ▶ Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe administration
2. Adding user
User ▶ Add user...
or press <Ctrl>+<A>.
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3. Assigning user name and password

Select the Read-only checkbox only if the user should only have read
access to IndraWorks projects. Subsequently, confirm with OK.

The user name as well as the password of the user account can
only be changed by the administrator of the database.

Setting Up ENI Server

General Information
After the installation, the ENI server is started automatically and the tools de‐
scribed below are available in the task bar and the "Start" menu.

Fig.4-104: Icon and context menu of the ENI server in the task bar

Fig.4-105: ENI server in the "Start" menu

ENI Admin
This program does not require any settings to operate with IndraWorks.
ENI Control
Overview The "ENI Control" program allows stopping, configuring and restarting the
ENI server.

"ENI Control" and "ENI Admin" cannot be active at the same time!

When "ENI Control" is started, a password dialog is displayed. This dialog

can be used to specify a password to protect the ENI server against unau‐
thorized configuration. If no password was or should be specified, exit the di‐
alog with "Cancel". Subsequently, the "ENI Control" user interface opens:
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Fig.4-106: Dialog ENI control (user interface)

"Service" tab: The "Service" tab displays the state of the "ENI Server" Windows system
service. It can be started or stopped via the "Start Service" and "Stop Serv‐
ice" buttons.
"Communication" tab: Make or check the following server settings:
● Port: 1241 (IndraWorks default value)
● Communication timeout: 60 s (this setting is required to ensure that the
transfer of bigger files is not canceled)
● Idle processing interval: 60 s (IndraWorks default value)
The client settings should not be modified.
"Database" tab: The ENI-VCS driver has to be selected and parameterized on the "Database"
tab. Stop the service (see above) before changing the settings.
Select the "SourceSafe 6.0 and 2005" driver in the "Select Database Driver"
field. If this driver is not available, add it. To do this, click on the "star" button
to the right of the list box.
Select the ENIDrvSourceSafe6.edd driver file located in the installation di‐
rectory of the ENI server: ENI Server\Drivers

If the ENI installation directory is unknown, use the ENI system

service. Search for the "ENI Server" service under Control Pan‐
el ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. For the storage location of
the ENI.exe file, refer to the properties of this service. The
Drivers directory is also stored there.
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Fig.4-107: Selecting the driver of the ENI server

Specify the following under "Database Configuration":
● Location of srcsafe.ini
Enter the path of the srcesafe.ini file of the created database. The fol‐
lowing figure shows the default Windows Explorer which can be used to
search for the directory.

Fig.4-108: "srcsafe.ini" storage location

● Root project
If the ENI server is not supposed to store its files and directories directly
to the root directory of the database, specify an initial path (e.g. $/
● Temporary folder
Directory in which the temporary database files are stored (e.g. C:
● ENI user
Enter the ENI server user name created in the "Visual-SourceSafe Ad‐
ministrator" tool. See also chapter Visual SourceSafe Administrator,
page 98.
● ENI password
Enter the password of the ENI user account.
● "Structured saving of folders"
This setting is not important for IndraWorks.
Click on Apply to save the settings. Click on Start Service on the "Service"
tab (see above) to start the server with the new settings. If all settings are
correct, the "Current Status" field indicates the "Running" state.

4.10.3 Team Server with ApacheTM Subversion®

Installation Variants
The following three installation variants are common for a team server with
Subversion. The installation variants differ for example in performance and
data security of the team server and affect the team server access.
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1. Subversion server
Subversion runs as service on the team server.
2. Apache server with Subversion module
The Apache server runs on the team server. Subversion runs as module
in the Apache server.
3. Apache server with Subversion module and SSL
The Apache server runs on the team server. Subversion runs as module
in the Apache server. The connection between engineering stations and
the team sever is secured using SSL.
The following table compares the installation variants in detail. Select the
most suitable installation variant for your purposes.
Subversion installation variants

Apache server +
Apache server +
Subversion server Subversion module
Subversion module
Network protocol svn:// http:// https://
svn://<Computer‐ http://<Computer‐ https://<Computer‐
Addressing Name>/<Path to re‐ Name>/svn/<Path Name>/svn/<Path
pository> to repository> to repository>
More difficult than More difficult than
Installation Quick and easy the Subversion the Subversion
server server
Faster than http / Slower than svn Slower than svn
Performance https since state- since there is no since there is no
oriented state state
Passwords are
stored as plain text
on the server. That
Passwords are Passwords are
means that the
stored as hash val‐ stored as hash val‐
server is to be se‐
Security ue on the server. ue on the server.
cured accordingly.
Network traffic is Network traffic is
Repository content
not coded. SSL-coded
is transferred as
plain text in the net‐
Apache logging Apache logging
Logging No functions; very functions; very
comprehensive comprehensive
Repository brows‐
ing with web brows‐ No Yes Yes
Generally without Generally without
Server operation Required port shar‐
problems since http problems since
behind firewall ing
protocol https protocol

Tab.4-109: Subversion installation variants

Receiving Subversion Binary Package
Subversion is an open source version control system available as binary
packages for the installation on different operating system platforms. The bi‐
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nary packages are not provided by the Apache Subversion project, but by
several so-called "maintainers".
The following website provides an overview on the maintainers and available
binary packages:
Installing Team Server with Subversion Server
This installation instruction refers to the binary package of the "CollabNet"
maintainer for the Microsoft® Windows operating system. Download this bi‐
nary package from the following website:

Fig.4-110: Downloading the binary package Subversion 1.6 for Windows

Start the installation and the default settings can be applied. To modify the
path of the default storage location c:\svn_repository, make changes in
the installation under Repository Path.

Subversion is not yet active after installation. Subversion is auto‐

matically started at each system restart. The service can also be
started manually via net start CSVNsvnserve.
When using a firewall, the port 3690 has to be enabled in the fire‐

For more information on Subversion such as the installation and administra‐

tion, refer to the book under or to the "Readme"
file of the installation described above.
Creating Subversion database First, create a database using the svnadmin tool. It is assumed in the follow‐
ing examples that the storage location <Repository_Path> is c:\svn_repo-

svnadmin is part of a Subversion installation.

1. Call the Windows command line interpreter cmd.exe

2. Change to the storage directory of the database
cd <Repository_Path>
3. Creating database
svnadmin create <Repository_Name>
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Below <Repository_Name>, different directories (conf, dav, db,

hooks, locks) and files (format, README.txt) are created.

Creating database
cd c:\svn_repository
svnadmin create c:\svn_repository
Enabling User Management The subversion user management is activated using the configuration file
svnserve.conf contained in the storage location.
1. Change the directory in the subdirectory conf
2. Open the file svnserve.conf with an editor (notepad)
3. Remove the comment character '#' from the line # password-db =
4. Remove the comment character '#' from the line # anon-access =
read and change the read value to none
Only authenticated users can access.

5. Remove the comment character '#' from the line # auth-access =

Authenticated users have read and write access.

6. Archive file and close the editor

User management The actual user management is performed with entries in the passwd file.
This file is located in the same directory as svnserve.conf.
1. Open the file passwd with an editor (notepad)
2. User and password are entered below [users] in the format User =
User management
# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret
user1 = xyz123
user2 = abc456

Installing Team Server with Apache Server and Subversion Module

This installation instruction refers to the binary package of the "CollabNet"
maintainer for the Microsoft® Windows operating system. Download this bi‐
nary package from the following website: The installa‐
tion package from the preceding chapter can also be used, but configuration
and user management have to be set "manually".
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Fig.4-111: Downloading binary package Edge for Windows

CollabNet Subversion Edge requires a Java Runtime installation.

Call the installation and specify its storage location. The actual administration
is carried out via the address http://localhost:3343/csvn/. The administration
tool of Edge is called.

Fig.4-112: Administration tool of Subversion Edge

Creating Subversion database Select "Repositories" and create a storage location in the administration tool
of Edge.
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Fig.4-113: Creating Subversion storage location

User management The user management is carried out via "Users". New users are created or
user rights are changed.

Fig.4-114: User management

Installing Team Server with Apache, Subversion Module and SSL
The communication can be secured via SSL for a secure data transmission.
That means that the client call is carried out via "https" instead of "http". Go to
"Administration" and enable "Subversion server should serve via https".

Fig.4-115: Enabling https protocol

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4.11 Version Control

4.11.1 Introduction
IndraWorks Engineering allows working with versioned projects available on
one team server. Several IndraWorks users can work simultaneously on such
versioned projects.

The function "Version Control" is subject to license.

It is supported by the following systems:
● IndraLogic XLC/IndraMotion MLC

For more system-specific and component-specific information, refer to:

● IndraLogic XLC/IndraMotion MLC: Version control of the XLC/MLC
● IndraMotion MTX: Version control of the MTX
● FDT Container: Version Control for the FDT Container
● HMI: Version Control for HMI

Fig.4-116: IndraWorks users work parallely at one team project on the team serv‐
Among others, version control comprises the following functions:
● Exclusive editing of project elements. Only one user is allowed at a time
to edit one element. This requires that the user checks out the element
and checks it in again after editing.
● Recording the version history of each element. The revision history of
each versioned element is recorded and can therefore be followed.
● Storing project parts in library projects. This is an advanced version con‐
trol. Library projects allow central storage of PLC project parts as ver‐
sioned projects. Elements from library projects can be used in different
team projects.
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4.11.2 Definition of Terms

The IndraWorks version control system uses specific terms indicated and de‐
fined below.

Fig.4-117: Version control overview

Team server The team server is the PC on which the version control sys‐
tem runs. The version control system consists of a version
control database and a respective server service. On this
team server, all versioned projects are saved, managed and
provided to the users.
Currently, IndraWorks supports the version control systems
"Visual SourceSafe" and "Subversion".
Repository Repository is a general term for a version control database
especially used in the Subversion environment. A repository
is a "storage location" for versioned data. It can be designed
as "real" database or as directory structure.
Engineering An engineering station is a PC on which IndraWorks Engi‐
station neering is used to work with versioned projects. This PC is
seen as client from the team server view.
Versioned A versioned project is an IndraWorks project under version
project control. The database objects are stored on the team server.
A project under version control can only be edited according
to version control rules. Examples of versioned projects:
Team project, library project.
Team project A team project is an IndraWorks project under version control
which is saved on the team server and on which multiple
users can work at the same time. To edit a team project,
users have to create working copies of it on their engineering
Library project A library project is a special IndraWorks project under version
control which is virtually identical to a team project seen from
a technical point of view. However, the special feature of
such a library project is that it can be used to manage PLC
elements which can be implemented in different team proj‐
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ects. For more information, refer to the chapter 4.11.6 Library

Projects, page 134.
Library ele‐ A library element is an element of a library project. Library el‐
ment ements can be added to team projects.
Working copy Every IndraWorks user working with a project under version
control has to create a working copy of this versioned project
on his/her engineering station. To create a working copy,
execute the function Open Project from Version Control,
page 115. If a non-versioned project is added to version con‐
trol, it automatically becomes a working copy afterwards.
The version control synchronizes the editing of these working
copies of multiple users with the team server.
Local team A local team project folder is a local data folder on an engi‐
project folder neering station. Such a folder is automatically created for
each working copy of a project under version control and
each library project used in a team project. This local team
project folder contains a subset of the database projects on
the team server. This subset contains only those database
projects required for the version currently edited on the engi‐
neering station.
The local team project folder is intended for synchronization
with the team server and allows the user to continue working
with a working copy without connection to the team server.
Team project folders are automatically created and man‐
aged. The user only has to specify a directory on the local
hard disk where this data is stored. See also chapter 4.11.2
Definition of Terms, 108 and chapter Options, page 110.
Version A new version is assigned to each element of a project under
version control as soon as one user transfers the changes
made to the team server (check-in). Comments describing
the modifications can be added to these versions. These
modifications can also be displayed and compared in a histo‐
The "latest version" is the latest version of an element or a
project under version control. Modifications can only be made
in this latest version.
In addition, there are "labeled versions" which are defined for
the complete project and store the complete version of a proj‐
ect at a certain time. Such a labeled version can be restored.
A labeled version cannot be modified.
For more detailed information on the version management,
refer to the chapter 4.11.5 Managing Versions, page 132.
Version Con‐ Synonyms are version management system, version control
trol system or VCS. VCS stands for Version Control System. Ver‐
sion control systems are used in software development to
place source texts under version control and to coordinate
access by multiple users. All modifications are recorded and
all file versions are backed up with a time stamp and user
identification in an archive. The version control system is a
kind of version management. The comprehensive discipline
is Software Configuration Management (SCM). It ensures
that every user works with the current state or can access the
archived states respectively. Thus, a version control system
is not only interesting for engineering teams, but also for indi‐
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vidual engineers. It allows to create versions which can be

restored at any time, e.g. if an older version needs to be ac‐
VSS VSS is the abbreviation for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, the
Microsoft version control system.

Under IndraWorks, Visual SourceSafe 2005 is approved as ver‐

sion control system.
SVN SVN is the abbreviation for Subversion, a free version control
system (open source).

IndraWorks supports Subversion Version 1.6.

4.11.3 Preparation
Accessing Team Server
Users can only work with the team server if they have a user account. This
user account is created by the administrator of the team server (for example
the Visual SourceSafe database). IndraWorks requests the user name and
password when the team server is accessed for the first time. This login re‐
mains until IndraWorks is closed.

To ensure that modifications to database objects can be uniquely

allocated, a user account may not be used by multiple users.

To set up user accounts, refer to the chapter Visual SourceSafe Administra‐

tor, page 98.
Version control can only be used after the following two settings have been
made: Name or address of the team server in the network and directory of
the local team project folder.
For the settings, go to Tools ▶ Options ▶ General ▶ Version Control.

Fig.4-118: Options (version control in IndraWorks)

Team server The team server used by default when versionizing or calling
projects is selected (name or address).
Directory for Specify the directory for the engineering station in which the
local team local team project folders are stored and managed.
project folder

For more detailed information on the local team project folders,

refer to the chapter 4.11.2 Definition of Terms, page 108.
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Selecting and Logging In to Team Server

Before creating new team projects on a team server or retrieving team proj‐
ects from a team server, select a team sever and log in.
Enter a URL for the selected team server, as for a web browser, into the
"Select Team Server" dialog. Another option is to select a URL from the se‐
lection list of the recently used URLs.
Click on the Connection Test... button to check whether a connection can be
established to the team server.

Fig.4-119: Select Team Server

URL formats for the supported version control systems:
● Team server with ENI and Microsoft SourceSafe
● Team server with Subversion and svn protocol
svn://<ComputerName>[/<Repository path>]
● Team server with Subversion and https protocol
http://<ComputerName>/svn[/<Repository path>]
● Team server with Subversion and https protocol
https://<ComputerName>/svn[/<Repository path>]

The structure of the URL depends on the installation and configu‐

ration of the team server.
In case of doubts, contact the administrator of your team server.

Select the team server and a login dialog is displayed if you are not yet log‐
ged in to this team server.
Enter user name and password and confirm with OK.

Fig.4-120: Team Server Login

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4.11.4 Functional Scope

Properties of Versioned Projects
Element States
In addition to its normal icon, each element in an IndraWorks project under
version control has a status icon for the version control. An exception are ele‐
ments which are not under version control. The states and exceptions are de‐
scribed below:
Checked in: This element is under version control and the
user has no write access on the team server. The element
cannot be edited. To edit the element, check it out or hijack it.
This status icon symbolizes the states "Disconnected" and
"Checked out by":
Disconnected: The element is in a project under version con‐
trol which has been disconnected from the version control
system. Hijack the element to edit it in a disconnected state.
This removes the project element from the version control
and it can be edited locally.
Checked out by: The element has been checked out by an‐
other user on another engineering station.
Another possibility is that the project was opened multiple
times from the version control. Thus, several local team proj‐
ect folders exist. The element was checked out in another lo‐
cal team project folder.
Checked out: The user obtained write access from the team
server. The element can be edited and is protected against
changes made by other users on other engineering stations.
Hijacked: The element is temporarily not version-controlled
and may be edited locally on the engineering station. The el‐
ement can even be edited if the engineering station is not
connected to the team server.
The "Hijacked" state can result from a failed working copy
update: The element in the working copy does not corre‐
spond to the version-controlled state on the team server.
Note: "Hijacked" elements on the team server are not protec‐
ted from changes by other users!
Not versioned: The element has been recently added to the
project but not yet added to the version control.
No icon: The element is not versioned. This is for example
the case with elements whose data is automatically gener‐
ated from other project elements.

The status icon of library elements is extended by a shortcut icon

(see chapter Visualizing Library Elements in the Team Project,
page 139).

If another user checks an element out or in, its state in the project
tree is not updated automatically. For more detailed information,
refer to the chapter Definition of Terms, page 124.
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State Transitions
The figure below shows the possible states of the elements of a versioned
IndraWorks project and the possible state transitions. The functions for the
state transitions are described in the following chapters.

Fig.4-121: Overview on states of a versioned project element

Project Functions
Some of the version control functions refer to the entire IndraWorks project.
Some of these functions can be opened in the IndraWorks file menu, others
in the context menu of the project node. The context menu also contains the
general functions of all project elements introduced in the next chapter.
Version control function in the "File" menu:
● File ▶ Open ▶ Project from Version Control...
Functions in the "Version Control" context menu of the project node:
● Create Team Project...
● Add Project to Version Control...
● Label Version...
● Change Version...
● Manage Library Projects...
● Disconnect from Team Server...
● Remove Team Server Connection...
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The menu entries are provided according to the current version

control status of the project.

Adding Project to Version Control: "Create Team Project"

The "Create Team Project" function is only for projects not added to version
control. Proceed with the following steps to add a project to version control:
Prerequisite: The team server is set up. User accounts are available. Refer to
Chapter 4.10.3 Team server with Apache Subversion, page 101 or Chapter
4.10.2 Team server with Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe, page 97.
1. In the Project Explorer, click on the project node and select in the con‐
text menu Version Control ▶ Create Team Project....
2. Select the team server on which the project is to be versioned.
3. Log in to the team server. If you are already logged in to this team serv‐
er since IndraWorks has been started, this step is omitted.
4. Select a storage location for the team project on the team server.

Fig.4-122: Select storage location for team project (on the team server)
Create new folders and delete existing ones (delete via context menu).
Continue with OK.

Use directories to structure the storage on the team server. This

facilitates navigation and increases clarity. Do not create too
many directories or team projects on one directory level.

After having been deleted via the context menu, the folders are
no longer visible although they still exist in the database. The fold‐
ers can only be permanently removed by a database administra‐
tor (see
In addition, only the database administrator is authorized to re‐
name folders.
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After having been added to version control, the project can be edited
considering the version control functions.
Opening Project from Version Control
Any user opening a project from version control also creates a working copy
at the same time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the function under File ▶ Open ▶ Project from Version Control...
2. Select the team server
3. Log in to the team server
4. Select a team project on the team server

Fig.4-123: Select Team Project (on the team server)

When navigating through the folder structure of the team server, there
are two icons which allow distinguishing between IndraWorks projects
and mere organizational folders. If an IndraWorks project is selected,
the "Details" section displays more detailed information on the project.
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After the selection has been confirmed with OK, the "Select Team Proj‐
ect Version" dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-124: Select Team Project Version

Select the project version to be retrieved here. The differences between
two versions of the project can be displayed via the context menu.
After the version has been selected with OK, the corresponding team
project folder is automatically created.
5. Subsequently, enter a storage location in which the working copy of the
team project is stored. Optionally, the suggested compatibility mode can
be changed.

Fig.4-125: Dialog to create a working copy of a team project

After the working copy has been created, the project can be edited con‐
sidering the version control functions.

Only the user who created the working copy is allowed to make
changes to the project by checking it in and out.

Adding Project Again under Version Control

This function can be used to create a new versioned project on the team
server based on an existing versioned project. The new versioned project
gets its own version history and can be further developed independently of
the original versioned project.
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After this function has been executed, you are still in the working
copy belonging to the original team project. To work at the new
team project, open it from version control first.

Labeling Version
Labeling a version identifies the latest checked-in state of all elements of the
team project with a unique name. Label any version that might be accessed
later on.
To label a version, click on the project node in the Project Explorer and select
Version Control ▶ Label Version... from the context menu. Enter a label and a
comment on a version in the dialog and click on OK.

Fig.4-126: Label Team Project Version

For more detailed information on the version management, refer to the chap‐
ter 4.11.5 Managing Versions, page 132.

Note that the label always relates to the latest, checked-in version
of the team project. If you or another user has checked out or hi‐
jacked project elements, it is not the current working version that
is labeled but the current version of these elements on the team
Furthermore, a version can only be labeled if used library projects
are also implemented in a labeled version. For more detailed in‐
formation, refer to the chapter Adjusting Versions and Storage Lo‐
cations of Library Projects, page 139.

Changing Version
Changing a version of the project updates the working copy up to a specific
version of the team project. It can be selected between the latest version
(newest) and the labeled (or older) versions.
Highlight two versions and click on "Compare Selected Versions" to display
differences between two versions (see chapter 4.6 Comparing Project Data,
page 75).
To change the version of a project, click on the project node in the Project
Explorer and select Version Control ▶ Change Version... from the context
menu. Select the version to be retrieved and confirm with OK.
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Fig.4-127: Change Team Project Version

Note that once a version of a project has been labeled, it cannot

be edited any longer. To change a team project, retrieve the latest
For more detailed information, refer to the chapter 4.11.5 Manag‐
ing Versions, page 132.

Managing Library Projects

This function allows to add library projects elements to be inserted into the
current team project. It also allows to change the library project versions
used. For more information, refer to the chapter 4.11.6 Library Projects, page
Disconnecting from Team Server
If the team server is not available, the "disconnected" state is automatically
assigned to the local working copy.
The connection can be manually disconnected via Version Control ▶ Discon‐
nect from Team Server....
"Disconnected" state only allows local working. Elements checked out prior to
the disconnection can be edited directly. Otherwise, the "hijacking" function
can be used.

Use this function to work independently of the team server if there

is no connection to the network or to log out the user.

Reconnecting to Team Server

To reconnect to the team server, click on the project node in the Project Ex‐
plorer and select Version Control ▶ Restore Connection to Team Server... in
the context menu.
The "Select Team Server" dialog is displayed. The input field "URL" of the di‐
alog is already pre-assigned with the URL of the team server by default.
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Fig.4-128: Select Team Server

To restore the connection to the team server, do not change the URL and
confirm with OK. The connection to the team server is restored. Log in again
with user name and password.
If reconnection to the team server fails, an error message is displayed.

To change the user, use the "Disconnect from Team Server" and
"Reconnect to Team Server" functions.

Connecting to Different Team Server

It might be required to connect an existing working copy with a different team
server. This is for example the case if the team server is exchanged and the
version control database "moves" to a different team server. The complete
version control database is usually transferred to the new team server. Thus,
only the URL of the team server changes from the view of the Engineering

When connecting a working copy to a different team server, an

exact copy of the version control database of the original team
server has to be available.

To connect a working copy to another team server, select the context menu
items of the project node Version Control ▶ Disconnect from Team Server
and then Version Control ▶ Reconnect to Team Server.

Fig.4-129: Select Team Server

In the "Select Team Server" dialog, the "URL" input field is pre-assigned with
the URL of the previous team server. Change the entry and enter the URL of
the team server used to connect the new working copy to. Perform a connec‐
tion test and confirm the dialog with OK.
The version control checks whether the team project and all library projects
used by the team project are available on the specified team server. If this is
not the case, a corresponding error message is displayed.
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After a successful check, the version control connects the working copy to
the newly specified team sever. New local team project storages and the li‐
brary projects are created and synchronized with the team server version.
The working copy is also updated. This process can take several minutes de‐
pending on the project size. The project elements checked out or hijacked in
the working copy remain unchanged.

To move the version control database to a different team server,

proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that no project elements in the working copies on the
Engineering PCs are checked out or hijacked
2. Disconnect from the team server on all Engineering PCs
3. Transfer the version control database to the new team serv‐
4. Reconnect to the team server on all Engineering PCs and
enter the URL of the new team server

Deleting Connection to Team Server

To convert a working copy to a completely local IndraWorks project which is
disconnected from the team server, remove the connection via Version Con‐
trol ▶ Remove Team Server Connection...

Deleting the connection to the team server cannot be undone!

● Elements checked out prior to deletion continue to be disa‐
bled for other users. Only the version control database ad‐
ministrator is allowed to undo this state!
● If the connection is removed, information on the origin of im‐
plemented elements from library projects is lost!

Project Element Functions

A versioned project has a number of functions which allow working with indi‐
vidual project elements. Therefore, the context menu of the respective ele‐
ment has to be opened.
Version control functions of project elements
● Check Out...
● Undo Checkout
● Check In...
● Hijack
● Undo Hijacking
● Refreshing Status Display
● Display Versioned Elements...
● Update Working Copy...
● Show Version History...
● Properties...
● Delete
● Insert Element from Library Project...
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Most of the version control functions are also available in the "Versioned Ele‐
ments" dialog.

The menu entries are provided according to the current version

control state of the element.

Additionally, most of the version control functions are also available in the
toolbar. The icons of the selected element are enabled or disabled in the
Project Explorer according to the version control state.

Fig.4-130: Toolbar of the version control

To show or hide the toolbar of the version control, select

View ▶ Toolbars ▶ Version Control in the menu.

Checking Out
To edit a project element exclusively, it has to be checked out. Checked-out
elements are protected from changes by other users.
To check out project elements, proceed as follows:
● Context menu Check Out... of the respective elements in the Project Ex‐
● Context menu Check Out... of the respective elements in the "Versioned
Elements" dialog (see chapter Displaying Versioned Elements, page
● Activate automatic check-out to edit an element.
When checking out via the context menu, the system first checks whether
there are new versions of the elements to be checked out in the team project.
Unless new versions are found, the same "Check Out" dialog that is used for
an automatic checkout is displayed. This dialog allows entering a comment to
the planned changes. Click on OK to check out the project element.

Fig.4-131: Check Out (project element)

If an element is edited without being checked out before, the element is
checked out automatically. This also updates the element to the current ver‐
sion of the team project.
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When checking out via the context menu, a dialog is shown which displays
the elements with a later version in the team project. This dialog allows to
specifically exclude elements from the update by hijacking (for details see
Updating Working Copies, page 127).
In addition, use the context menu to open the version history of the element.
There, it can then be compared with other versions or the current project ver‐
sion as described in the chapter Show History, page 129. Additionally, your
local changes can also be merged with the changes made in the team proj‐
ect. For more detailed information, refer to the chapter 4.6.4 Merging, page

When checking out, updating elements is normally allowed. Thus,

changes made in the meantime and checked in by other users
can be seen. This ensures that you do not work with outdated
versions and thus prevents unintentional overwriting of changes
made by other users in the team project.

The "Check Out" function can only be used if the versioned proj‐
ect is available in its "latest version", since labeled versions can‐
not be changed any longer (see also chapter 4.11.5 Managing
Versions, page 132). Additionally, the "read-only" attribute can
impede library elements from being checked out (see chapter
4.11.6 Library Projects, page 134).

Note that adding and deleting sub-elements of a project element

also constitutes an editing process which requires that the project
element on the level above has been checked out. Adding and
deleting sub-elements is only visible on other engineering stations
if the project element on the level above has been checked in

Undoing Checkout
You might have modified a checked out project element and would like to un‐
do these changes. Therefore, select Undo Checkout... in the context menu of
one or several elements. In the following dialog, click OK.

Fig.4-132: Undo Checkout

The element has now the version it had before it was checked out.
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Checking In
This function is displayed for an element added newly to the working copy as
well as for a checked-out element. New elements which are added or impor‐
ted are not automatically checked in. This can only be done with the Check In
The changes from the working copy can only be applied to the team project if
the changed elements are checked in. Check-in comments can be made.
Therefore, select Check In... in the context menu of one or several elements.
In the following dialog, click OK.

Fig.4-133: Check In (project element)

When checking in multiple elements at the same time, the original

check-out comments are applied as check-in comments by de‐
fault (checkbox selected). To enter a check-in comment which ap‐
plies to all elements to be checked in, deselect the checkbox.

When an element is checked in, the current local editing version of that ele‐
ment is applied to the version control system. A new version of the project el‐
ement is generated and can be retrieved by other users.

When elements are checked in, all non-versioned sub-elements

are automatically added to the team project.

Compatibility During the further development of IndraWorks, it might become necessary to

change internal data structures of project elements or to add new properties.
The consequence is that these project elements can no longer be retrieved
and edited from the version control with older IndraWorks versions as soon
as they have been edited or checked in with a later IndraWorks version.
Thus, compatibility to older IndraWorks versions is thus limited for these proj‐
ect elements.
To ensure that the compatibility of elements of a team project to older
IndraWorks versions is not limited without intention, IndraWorks checks be‐
fore each check in whether the current version of the element to be checked
in is compatible with the version the element had when it was checked out.
As soon as IndraWorks identifies a potential limitation of compatibility, a cor‐
responding message is output. Then decide whether the check in is to be
continued with compatibility limitation or canceled.
To avoid multiple asking at further check-ins, select the checkbox in the mes‐
sage window.
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Fig.4-134: Warning message if the compatibility with older IndraWorks versions

is limited at check-in
IndraWorks Engineering provides the possibility of temporary exclusion of
project elements from version control. The project elements remain checked-
in in the team project but can nevertheless be locally edited on the engineer‐
ing station. This also works if there is no connection to the team server, for
example when working on the project on site at a machine or if the team
server is not reachable in the network. This functionality is called "hijacking"
and can be accessed via the Hijack context menu.
Practical applications for hijacking:
● Working on a project on site with a customer but there is no connection
to the team server. Using hijacking, the can be edited project locally. Af‐
terwards, when back in office, apply the modifications made to the team
● Trying changes in the project without having to check out the respective
project elements. Make changes and tests in the project using hijacking.
Afterwards, either undo the changes and return to the initial version or
apply the modified version to the team project.
● Making changes while another user is working on an element and it is
thus disabled it (checked out).

If in "hijacked" state, a project element is not protected from

changes by other users. That means that, while working locally on
a project element, other users can modify or even delete this proj‐
ect element in the team project.

Undo Hijacking
To discard local changes in a project element, select the function Undo Hi‐
jacking in the context menu of one or several elements. The changes are un‐
done and the version prior to hijacking is restored.
Applying Hijacked Version
To apply a local version to the team project (by hijacking), perform the follow‐
ing two steps.
1. Check out changed element (context menu Check out) to obtain write
access from the team server (see Checking Out, page 121)
2. Check in checked-out element (context menu Check in) to send the ver‐
sion to the team server (see Checking In, page 123)
Refreshing Status Display
When working on project elements (check out, check in), their status display
in the Project Explorer is automatically updated. However, if another user
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checks out an element, their states in your working copy are not automatical‐
ly refreshed. A change in state becomes only obvious after e.g. trying to
check out this element and it is not possible.
To force refreshing of the status display for all project elements, click on any
node in the Project Explorer and select from the context menu Version Con‐
trol ▶ Refresh Status Display. This refreshes the status of the element and all
its sub-elements.
Displaying Versioned Elements
To find out which elements have been checked out, hijacked, added or disa‐
bled by other users while working with a versioned version or thereafter, use
the "Versioned Elements" dialog (context menu Version Control ▶ Display
Versioned Elements...).

Fig.4-135: Versioned Elements

Description of dialog functions:
Name Name of the element. Click on the column header to sort the
Status Current status of the element. Click on the column header to
sort the list.
Project Name of the team or library project to which the element be‐
longs. Click on the column header to sort the list.
Label Information on the labeled version (or "latest version") in
which the element is available. All elements of a project are
available in the same version. Click on the column header to
sort the list.
Storage loca‐ Precise path on the team server where the element is filed.
tion on server Click on the column header to sort the list.
Update 1 The list is created again using the Project Explorer. Changes
in status caused by actions made directly in the Project Ex‐
plorer are not automatically updated in this dialog.
Update 2 The current status of all elements in the list is retrieved from
the team server.
Filter The filter is applied by activating the "Filter" checkbox. Click
on the Filter... button to open the dialog to configure the filter.
Elements can be hidden in this dialog.
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Fig.4-136: Filter (for versioned elements)

Reduce the list of versioned elements by deactivating specific criteria. For ex‐
ample, all checked-in elements can be hidden and to see only the edited
ones. All elements of a specific library project can also be hidden.
Then, use the dialog to simultaneously edit multiple elements via the context
menu if required. In the following example, all checked-out elements are
checked in together.

Fig.4-137: Versioned Elements (collected commands)

To select multiple elements, perform one of the following actions:
● Select all elements: <Ctrl>+<A>.
● Select an area: Highlight the first element with the mouse, press and
hold the <Shift> key and highlight the last element.
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● Select individual elements: Press and hold the <Ctrl> key and highlight
the elements to be selected one after the other.
The context menu also provides the function Select in project. Thus, it can be
found out to which element in the Project Explorer the list element corre‐
Updating Working Copy
By updating the working copy, a project element, including its sub-elements,
is updated to the latest version available in the team project. Thus, apply
changes to your working copy made to the team project by other users.
In the Project Explorer, click on the project element and select in the context
menu Version Control ▶ Update Working Copy.
This function checks whether the team project contains new versions for the
selected project element an all its sub-elements.
Unless new versions are found, a message is displayed informing that your
working copy is up-to-date.
Otherwise, a dialog shows the elements for which there are new versions in
the team project.

Fig.4-138: Update Working Copy

This dialog has the same filter and sorting options as described in the chapter
Displaying Versioned Elements, page 125.
To exclude elements from updating, hijack them. The context menu provides
the "Hijack" and "Undo Hijacking" functions.
In addition, use the context menu to open the version history of the element.
There, versions can be compared with each other or with the current project
version as described in the chapter Show History, page 129. Additionally,
your local changes can also be merged with the changes made in the team
project. For more detailed information, refer to the chapter 4.6.4 Merging,
page 84.
OK starts the actual update.
If the list of elements to be updated contains checked-out or hijacked ele‐
ments, a warning is displayed that these elements are not updated.
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Fig.4-139: Warning for checked-out or hijacked elements

Confirm the warning with OK to retrieve the latest versions of all checked-in
elements from the team server and to apply them to your working copy.

Checked-out or hijacked elements are not updated. This prevents

local changes from being overwritten.

If an element cannot be updated to the current version, it is hi‐

jacked automatically. This is also applicable if sub-elements can‐
not be inserted or deleted. In both of these cases, the version in
the working copy is different from the current version in the team
Thus, eliminate the error cause and initiate an update of the ele‐
ment with "Undo Hijacking". The element can only be updated if
your computer is connected to the team server.
Apply also your current working copy to the team project via the
check out and check in functions.

The "Update Working Copy" function does not apply to the work‐
ing copy of a labeled version, since labeled versions cannot be

Forcing Complete Working Copy Update

The working copy is usually updated with regard to the scope of project ele‐
ments to be updated. Before updating, determine for which project elements
of the working copy are later versions available on the team server. These
project elements are then updated in the working copy with the team server
New versions on the team server might not correctly be identified when up‐
dating the working copy. This is especially the case if the working copy was
not closed properly.
● The Engineering PC is switched off while the working copy is still open
in IndraWorks
● IndraWorks is closed by the Windows Task Manager while the working
copy is still open
These cases can be resolved with a complete working copy update. The data
of all project elements is retrieved from the team server and applied to the
working copy. Only checked out and hijacked project elements remain un‐
While opening a working copy, the version control checks whether the work‐
ing copy was properly closed in the last session. If this is not the case, a
warning is displayed requesting to update the working copy.
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Fig.4-140: Warning is displayed if the working copy was not properly closed.
Click on the project node in the Project Explorer and select the context menu
item Update Working Copy or click on the corresponding button in the tool‐
bar. The working copy is now completely updated.
The working copy can be updated completely at any time if Update Working
Copy is selected for the project node. In contrast to other project elements, a
dialog is displayed at the project node while updating. In this dialog, a com‐
plete update can be selected.

Fig.4-141: Option when updating the project node

Select "Force complete working copy update" and click on OK for a complete
working copy update.

The update preview is not displayed if a complete working copy

update is being executed.

Showing Version History

To show the version history of a project element, click on the project element
in the Project Explorer and select Version Control ▶ Show History... in the
context menu. The following dialog shows a list of the versions and labeled
releases of the project element.
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Fig.4-142: Version History of Projects

The first version of the element is created while it is generated. Additional
versions of the element are created while checking in.
The "Version History" dialog displays versions and labels. Labels are created
while a labeled project version is generated. Refer to the function Labeling
Version, page 117.

This dialog allows comparing two versions of the element with

each other or one version with the current project version. For
more detailed information, refer to 4.6 Comparing Project Data,
page 75.

The "Properties" dialog under Version Control ▶ Properties provides informa‐
tion on the versioned element.
The dialog is divided into the following sections:
● "General" tab
● "Storages" tab
● "Version History" function
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Fig.4-143: Version Properties

"General" tab Status Status of the element (also indicated at the icon in the Project
Label "Last version" or name of the labeled version currently called
Local stor‐ Specification where the element is stored in the local team
age location project folder (and not in the project directory).
Storage lo‐ Path to the storage location on the server.
cation of
"Storages" tab The local storages used by a project are displayed in this section. This dis‐
play includes the team project storage location of the project as well as a list
of library project locations used.

Fig.4-144: Version Properties

A right click on the highlighted element in the list displays the context menu.
By selecting the context menu item Open Local Directory with Windows Ex‐
plorer..., an instance of the Windows Explorer is started and the respective
directory of a local storage location is displayed.
Additionally, the path of the local or server-based storage location can be
copied to the clipboard via the context menu item Copy Path to Clipboard.
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"Version History" function Click on Version History to display the version history of the element.
Deleting an element is a general function in IndraWorks projects. However,
observe the following for versioned projects:

A versioned element can only be deleted if it is not checked out.

Restoring deleted element. There are various variants:

● Variant 1: The superordinate element has not been checked
in yet.
While the element was deleted, the superordinate element
was checked out or hijacked. If this action is "undone", the
element is displayed again.
● Variant 2: The superordinate element was checked in.
Check out the superordinate element. Compare the current
version of the superordinate element with a version where
the subordinate element still existed. Subsequently, select
the desired element from the list of "Direct sub-elements"
and apply it to the current version using the "Merge" func‐
● Variant 3: Before deleting, a version of the project was la‐
A labeled project version can be restored (function Change

Inserting Element from Library Project

If library projects are configured to be used in the current team project, ele‐
ments from these library projects can be inserted into the project at certain
locations. For more information, refer to the chapter 4.11.6 Library Projects,
page 134.

4.11.5 Managing Versions

A team or library project can comprise multiple labeled versions. Such la‐
beled versions can be restored but not edited any longer.
To continue working based on a labeled version, a "version branch" of the
project has to be created (project has to be branched). The project is again
added to version control (see chapter Add Project to Version Control, page
In order to not loose track of the various versions and version branches of a
versioned project, it is recommended to create a folder structure with informa‐
tion on the version or version branch. An example of a folder structure is
shown in the following.
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Fig.4-145: Example of a folder structure of team and library projects

In the first step, the database is divided into three directories:
1. UserProjects: This directory contains a separate directory for each engi‐
neer where he/she can store own (test) projects.
2. LibraryProjects: This directory contains all library projects which provide
general PLC program parts for use in team projects.
3. MachineProjects: This directory contains the team projects in which en‐
tire plants (or parts thereof) are configured and which include the proc‐
ess logic. These projects are downloaded to the respective control.
Each team or library project has its own directory at the next lower level. This
directory is used to organize the various versions and branches of this proj‐
This is illustrated by the example of the "BottleFiller":
● One directory for each version branch. This directory includes the ver‐
sion label of the branch in its name (e.g. "BottleFiller_v1.x"). "x" is a pla‐
ceholder for labeled versions within a branch.
● One IndraWorks project for each version branch. The project name as
such always remains the same in the various branches. The labeled
versions in a project extend the label of the branch (e.g. "v1.1").
● A separated branch is a subdirectory of the superordinate branch. This
folder name corresponds to the labeled project version from which the
branch was separated and it also provides "x" as a placeholder. For ex‐
ample, the branch "BottleFiller_v1.1.x" was separated from the labeled
version "v1.1" of the superordinate branch.
This structure presents a comprehensible version history at branch level, be‐
yond the labeled versions of an individual project. The separation of branches
can be nested as deeply as desired.

This structure shows an example of possible version and branch

organizations. When selecting a storage structure on the team
server, ensure that the number of directories and projects stored
a directory level does not become too large.
Use directories to structure the storage on the team server. This
facilitates navigation and increases clarity.
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4.11.6 Library Projects

Definition and Purpose of Use
With "library projects", PLC elements as well as general files (e.g. *.doc,
*.pdf) and folders can be centrally versioned and used in different team proj‐
ects at the same time.
Library projects are specific team projects referenced in other team projects.
In team projects, library projects can be used in the current or in a labeled
version. The versions of the library elements are used in the team project ac‐
cording to the version selection of the library project.

Do not confuse library projects with PLC libraries. PLC libraries

are precompiled PLC program packages which can be used in an
IndraWorks project. Library projects are versioned IndraWorks
projects providing PLC program parts as source code or as gen‐
eral files and folders.

Creating Library Projects

Seen from a technical point of view, library projects are identical to normal
team projects.
As it is the case with team projects, library projects are also created using the
function Add Project to Version Control: Create Team Project, page 114.
While creating library projects, consider the following:
● PLC program parts provided for team projects have to be stored in the
library project under "General module folder". Therefore, a control sup‐
porting IndraLogic 2G (e.g. MLC) from the IndraWorks library has to be
created in a library project. A control can be used to test the provided
PLC program parts.
Apart from these prerequisites, consider the following when organizing library
● Useful distribution of PLC program elements. All PLC program elements
summarized in a library project have commonly labeled versions as‐
signed to them. Associated program elements developed as package in‐
dependently of other part programs are therefore to be organized in
separate library projects.
● Unique naming/labeling for library projects. PLC library projects included
in a team project may not have the same name. Therefore, unique proj‐
ect names are to be assigned.
● Structured storage of library projects. Define the directory structure for
library projects so that the engineers of team projects requiring library
elements can easily orientate. Also observe the instructions on organiz‐
ing versions in chapter 4.11.5 Managing Versions, page 132.
Managing Library Projects
By means of the library project management, the library projects are organ‐
ized in a team project.
The respective library project has to be added to the list of used library proj‐
ects of the team project before being able to insert library project elements in
a team project.

Only library projects from the team server, on which the current
team project is versioned, can be used.
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In the Project Explorer, select the function Versions Control ▶ Manage Library
Projects... in the context menu of the project node to access the library proj‐
ect management. Library projects can be added or removed, their properties
can be displayed or modified and the latest library project version can be la‐
The library projects are displayed in a table. Each line represents a library

Fig.4-146: Manage Library Projects

Name The library project name is displayed. This table cell cannot
be changed.
If newer labeled library project versions are available on the
team server, the table cell is highlighted in bold. Furthermore,
a tooltip is displayed informing the user about newer versions
when the cursor hovers over the table cell.
Used version The library project version used in the working copy is dis‐
played. This table cell cannot be changed.
If the cursor hovers over this table cell, a tooltip with the com‐
ment that has been entered when labeling the library project
version is displayed.
Target version A different library project version can be selected.
Write-protec‐ The write protection status of the library project is displayed.
tion The write protection for library projects used in the last ver‐
sion can be changed. Library projects of a labeled version
are always write-protected.
Adding a library project Click on Add... or select Add... in the table context menu of the library project
This opens a dialog to select versioned projects on the team server. Select a
versioned project and confirm the selection by clicking on OK to access the
dialog for selecting the version. Select the library project version and confirm
by clicking on OK.

When selecting the version, the differences between the project

versions can be displayed by clicking on "Compare selected ver‐
sions" (also see chapter 4.6 "Comparing Project Data" on page
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A library project can be easily exchanged with a variant of the li‐

brary project previously created with "Add Project to Version Con‐
trol...". The library project variant has to be located in a different
team server directory and has to have the name as the library
project to be exchanged.
Add a new variant of the library project. The version control de‐
tects that a library project with the same name is already used
and suggests to replace the existing library project with the selec‐
ted one. All elements used in the project are replaced by the re‐
spective elements of the new library project.
Changing a library project version To change the library project version, select the version in the table column
Target version of the library project. The library project version currently used
in the working copy cannot be selected as target version. Selecting an empty
entry as target version results in retaining the currently used version. Thus,
the version is not changed.
Please not that the target version can only be changed for a specific library
project if no library project elements are checked out or hijacked in this work‐
ing copy.
Please also note that the write protection of a library project is sporadically
activated when changing from "last version" to a "labeled version".
Changing the write protection of a To check out and edit elements of a library project of the last version, the li‐
library project brary project cannot be read-only. Uncheck the checkbox in the Read-only
column of the library project.
Please note that library projects of a labeled version are always read-only;
the write protection cannot be removed.
Removing the library project To remove a library project from the team project, highlight the library project
in the table and click on Remove or select Remove in the context menu.
Please note that a library project cannot be removed as long as the working
copy still contains library project elements.
Applying changes to the working All changes made in the library project management do not directly affect the
copy or discarding the changes working copy but are retained in the RAM. To exit the library management
click on Close or press <ESC> and discard all changes. The working copy is
not modified.
To apply library project management changes to the working copy, click on
Show library project details To show library project details, highlight the library project in the table and
click on Details... or select Details... in the context menu. The selected library
project details are displayed in the dialog.
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Fig.4-147: Details of a library project

Name Library project name
Local stor‐ Storage location of the local storage location of a library proj‐
age location ect
Storage lo‐ Storage location of the library project on the team server.
cation of
Label Currently used version of the library project.
Labeling the library project By labeling a library project, the latest library project version of the team serv‐
er is identified. The library project management facilitates the labeling of li‐
brary project without having to open the library projects in IndraWorks Engi‐
Prerequisite: The library projects to be labeled have to be used in the last
version in the team project.
To label a library project, select the library project in the library project man‐
agement and select Label version ... in the context menu. The following pro‐
cedure is identical to labeling a team project.
Please note that always the last project data status checked in to the team
server is labeled. If library elements have been checked out or hijacked when
labeling a version, the local project data status can deviate from the status on
the team server. In this case, a warning is displayed to prevent that a data
status the user did not want to label is labeled.
Using Elements from Library Projects
Inserting Elements from Library Project into Team Project
General folders and files from a library project can be inserted at a corre‐
sponding location into the team project as it is the case with the PLC ele‐
ments in the "General module folder".
Therefore, select Version Control ▶ Insert Element from Library Project... in
the context menu at the desired location in the IndraWorks project.
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Fig.4-148: Insert Library Element (example for "General module folder")

Functional Description
Library project This drop-down list contains all library projects referenced by
the team project. The content of the currently selected library
project is displayed.
Manage... Add or remove references to library projects or edit their
properties as described in the chapter Managing Library Proj‐
ects, page 134.
Library ele‐ The relevant section of the selected library project is shown.
ments Elements of the "General module folder" and general files
and folders are provided for insertion. All other elements are
disabled or hidden.
Paste The selected library including its existing sub-elements are
inserted into the team project.

Elements can only be inserted if they are permitted at the location

selected in the project. For example, name and type of the ele‐
ment or number of already existing elements are considered.

Elements inserted to a team project from a library project might

require certain PLC libraries.
When an element from a library project is inserted into a team
project, the required PLC library references are not added auto‐
matically. The required library reference has to be created man‐
ually in the library manager of the team project.

Inserted library elements can be edited in the team project if the

library project is used in its "Last version" and the read-only
checkbox is disabled.
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If a folder containing elements of other library projects is inserted

from a library project, the team project has to contain references
to the corresponding library projects (see chapter Managing Li‐
brary Projects, page 134).

Visualizing Library Elements in Team Project

The library elements inserted to a team project are labeled in the Project Ex‐
plorer. The icon showing the status of a versioned element is extended by a
shortcut icon for library elements.

Fig.4-149: Example: Upper icon - Library element (checked in); Lower icon: Ver‐
sioned element in team project (checked in)
Removing Library Elements from Team Project
To remove library elements from the team project, delete them from the Proj‐
ect Explorer. It is important where the library element belongs to.
There are two cases:
1. The library element to be deleted was added to a team project folder or
element. Thus, the superordinate element is part of the team project. In
this case, the library element is removed while being deleted, but it re‐
mains part of the library project on the server.
2. The library element to be deleted was inserted along with a superordi‐
nate element (e.g. a folder). Thus, the superordinate element is also
part of the library project. In this case, the deletion of the element also
deletes it from the library project.

If library elements were inserted into the team project as group

(e.g. in a folder), they are to be removed as group. Otherwise, an
element might accidentally be deleted from the library project. To
determine whether an element is a part of the library project, use
the "Properties" or the "Versioned Elements" dialog. For more de‐
tailed information, refer to Project Element Functions, page 120.

Creating Team Project Templates

Library projects can be used to provide PLC functionalities required in many
projects at a central place. Multiple library projects and elements can be re‐
quired in one team project. At the same time, some of the team projects differ
from each other only to a minor degree, for example, if they are different ver‐
sions of the same machine type.
In this case, it can be recommended to create templates of such team proj‐
ects in which the required library projects have already been configured and
library elements have already been inserted. These templates can be stored
on the team server. Create a working copy of these templates and, using the
function "Add Project to Version Control", create then a new variant of this
team project including its library elements. Thus, a new team project does not
have to be created.
Adjusting Versions and Storage Locations of Library Projects
Changing Version Used in Library Project
If a working copy of the library project is created, versions can also be la‐
beled for library projects. The library project version to be used can be set in
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a team project. Use the dialog Project Node ▶ Version Control ▶ Manage Li‐
brary Projects....
To change the library project version used, highlight the corresponding line
and select Properties.... Subsequently, select a labeled version from the dia‐
log that is displayed. Apply the new setting (Close) to set all inserted library
elements to the selected version.

A version can only be labeled in a team project in which library

projects are used if there is no library project used as "Last ver‐
sion". This is not possible, since the "Last version" of the library
project can change.
Additionally, the library project version used can only be changed
if the team project is not in a labeled version.

Membership of Project Elements

While a PLC program is developed, it might be necessary to change the
membership of a program element. This can involve:
Transfer to a library project
Prerequisite: One or more elements of the team project are to be transferred
to a library project and inserted as library element(s).
1. Export the particular element and delete it from the team project
2. Open a working copy of the library project
3. Import the element and check in all checked-out elements
4. If necessary, label a version
5. Open the working copy of the team project and insert the library element
Transfer to the team project
Prerequisite: An element of a library project is to become part of the team
project (for example to make project-specific changes).
1. Export element
2. Delete element from project
3. Re-import element and execute "Check In" in the context menu of the

4.11.7 Synchronizing Working Versions

This chapter describes the synchronization of different working versions. This
refers to changes made without proper checkout and check in or if contents
from other projects are to be applied to a team or library project.

The "Compare" and "Merge" functions are not described in detail

as they are described in other sections of this document. For
more detailed information, refer to the chapter 4.6 Comparing
Project Data, page 75.

Synchronizing local working version after reconnection to team server

Prerequisite: Changes were made while there was no connection to the team
server. The project contains checked-out, hijacked and/or new elements. Af‐
ter reconnection to the team server, these changes are to be applied to the
team or library project.
1. Reconnect to team server
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2. Open the "Versioned Elements" dialog via the project node

3. Deselect all checked-in elements in the "Filter" dialog and close with OK
4. Sort the elements in the list by status
5. Highlight and check in all checked-out elements
6. Apply the versions of all hijacked elements as described in the chapter
Applying Hijacked Version, page 124.

If the working copy is available in a labeled version of a versioned

project, the related elements cannot be checked out. A labeled
version can only be changed after a version branch has been cre‐
ated. For more detailed information, refer to the chapter
4.11.5 Managing Versions, page 132.

Applying exported IndraWorks project to team project

Prerequisite: There is an IndraWorks project whose contents are to be ap‐
plied to a team or library project. Changed and new elements are to be ap‐
1. Open project to be applied and export it (via the project node)
2. Open working copy of team or library project to which the exported con‐
tents are to be applied.
3. Use the Compare... function of the project node and compare it with the
exported contents.
4. Use the Compare all Sub-Elements function in the "Compare" dialog.
This opens a comparison table. The right-hand column displays the con‐
tents of the export file, the left-hand column the open project.
5. Check out different elements (marked in red), compare them with each
other (context menu) and merge them if necessary.

If the working copy is available in a labeled version (or a used li‐

brary project), the related elements cannot be checked out. A la‐
beled version can only be changed after a version branch has
been created. For more detailed information, refer to the chapter
4.11.5 Managing Versions, page 132.
6. If new elements are included in the export file, these elements can be
applied to the project during comparison as follows:
● Right-click on the new element and execute "Select Parent Ele‐
ment". If the parent element is also a new element, repeat this step
until an element present in both columns is selected.
● Check out this element in the project using the function "Show Left
Element in Project" via the context menu.
● Compare the two elements in the comparison table via the context
menu. The new element is shown on the right side in the "Sub-ele‐
ments" table of the "Compare" dialog. Highlight this element and
execute "Preselect for merging".
● "Start merging". The new element has now been inserted into the
team project.
7. Close the "Comparison Results" window and check in all checked-out
elements using the "Versioned Elements" dialog of the project node.
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Applying exported IndraWorks project to team project without server

Prerequisite: There is an IndraWorks project whose contents are to be ap‐
plied to a team project while the team server is not available. Changed and
new elements are also to be applied.
1. Proceed as described above: "Apply a version of an exported
IndraWorks project to a team project"
2. Hijack elements (instead of checking them out)
3. To apply the changes to the team server, follow the steps described un‐
der "Synchronizing local working version after reconnection to team
Applying contents of archived IndraWorks project to a team project
There is an archive of a project whose contents are to be applied to a team
1. Open and export archive
2. Open working copy of team project and apply exported project version
to project. Proceed as described in the steps above.

4.11.8 Troubleshooting
Errors are recorded in the Windows event display on the engineering station.
Open the Windows event display via the Windows Control Panel or the user
interface of the "ENI Control" (under Service ▶ Display Event Log... or the
task bar icon ▶ Event Log...).
The following sections describe examples of various errors with potential cau‐
ses and solutions.
Team server not accessible or login to team server fails.
● Team server is not accessible in the network.
● ENI server is stopped. See "Team server cannot be started".
● User account is not created in the database.
● ENI user account is not created in the database.

Team server cannot be started.
The settings under ENI Control ▶ Database can be incorrect:
● Database driver has not been selected or is no longer available.
● After the team server has been installed for the first time, the ENI user
name and the password have to be entered again.
● ENI user account has not been created.
● Storage location of the SourceSafe database entered is incorrect or has
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While retrieving a working copy, error messages on missing PLC libraries,
device description files or non-installed DTMs (DeviceTypeManager) are dis‐
These missing elements were available on the engineering station on which
team or library project were created. These elements also have to be instal‐
led on other clients.
● PLC libraries are installed via the repository (Tools ▶ Library Reposito‐
● Device description files are installed via the device database
(Tools ▶ Device Database).
● DTMs are installed in the Windows System (manufacturer's installation

Element cannot be checked out.
● Element is checked out (disabled) by another user.
● Element was inserted from a library project and the library project is
available in a labeled version or it is read-only.
● Element belongs to the team project and the team project is available in
a labeled version.
● Working copy was created with another team server user account.
Working copy can only be edited with the user account used for is crea‐

Elements checked out by a user whose working copy is no longer available
(e.g. Working copy deleted the hard disk damaged).
● Solution 1: The user creates a new working copy to undo the checkout.
● Solution 2: The database administrator undoes the checkout by the
● Possible changes made by the user get lost in either case, since these
changes were only made in the working copy.

Elements of working copy are grayed out (inactive) or cannot be edited.
● The appropriate editing license (for example CamBuilder) might not
available on the engineering station.

4.12 Compatibility Mode

4.12.1 Term Definition
From 13VRS, IndraWorks projects are labeled with an ID when they are cre‐
ated. This ID indicates the minimum IndraWorks installation required to edit
the project.
If a project with an older version ID is opened, there is no automatic conver‐
sion, but the IndraWorks Engineering is in the compatibility mode. If changes
are made in the project, it is ensured that it can still be edited in the older
IndraWorks version.
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However, this means that the new available functions causing an incompati‐
ble change in the project are disabled. If one of these functions is selected,
IndraWorks Engineering output a corresponding note.
The compatibility mode can explicitly be changed or switched off. The project
compatibility with the original version is lost.

4.12.2 Use in IndraWorks Engineering

Displaying Compatibility Mode in IndraWorks Engineering
When editing a project in the compatibility mode, less functions are available
in IndraWorks.
If a project is opened in the compatibility mode, the mode is displayed at dif‐
ferent locations of the user interface:
1. In the IndraWorks Engineering window title bar
2. In the tooltip of the project node
3. In the "Properties" dialog of the project
The compatibility mode of each of the recently opened projects is specified.
Creating New Project
The compatibility mode is determined when creating a new project. It is disa‐
bled by default. Thus, the project is created for the current IndraWorks ver‐
sion. If the compatibility mode is switched off, all functions are enabled when
editing the project. However, the project cannot be opened by older
IndraWorks versions.

Fig.4-150: Creating a new project, compatibility mode: Off

If the project is to be created for a specific older IndraWorks version, select
its version ID in the drop-drown list "Compatibility mode".

Fig.4-151: Selecting the compatibility mode: 13V02

Displaying Compatibility Mode of Closed Project
The Windows Explorer shows the minimum IndraWorks version required to
edit a project via the tooltip of a project folder.
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Fig.4-152: Tooltip of a project

If the project is opened with a higher IndraWorks version, the tooltip display
of the Windows Explorer corresponds to the compatibility mode.
Opening Project
Open the project with the "Open Project" dialog. The tooltip shows the ver‐
sion of the selected project folder (like the display in the Windows Explorer).
IndraWorks checks whether it supports the compatibility mode for project ed‐
iting before opening a project.
The following possibilities are:
1. The project has no version ID.
This applies for projects created with an IndraWorks version lower than
13.2. There is an automatic conversion to the format of the version
13V02. This is the oldest project version possible. The project is now
opened in this compatibility mode.
2. The project version is not supported.
The project was created with a higher IndraWorks version. If the project
is edited, it might become invalid for this version. Opening is thus abor‐
ted with a respective message.
3. The project version corresponds to the installed IndraWorks version.
The project is opened. The compatibility mode is disabled and all func‐
tions are available in the IndraWorks installation.
4. The project version corresponds to an older IndraWorks version.
The project is opened and edited in the compatibility mode.
Editing Project in Compatibility Mode; Changing Compatibility Mode
When editing a project in the compatibility mode, new, compatibility-violating
functions can be selected via interface. IndraWorks does not make the
changes in the project, but displays a corresponding message.
To use these functions, change the compatibility mode of the project explicit‐
ly. Go to the menu item "Change Compatibility Mode..." from the context
menu of the project node and the dialog (with the same name) is started.

Fig.4-153: Change the Compatibility Mode

Select the version ID in the drop-down list "Compatibility mode". If the highest
version is selected, the compatibility mode is switched off. OK stores the new
version ID in the project. The project is now stored compatibly to the
IndraWorks version.
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Thus, the compatibility with the original IndraWorks version is lost

and can generally not be restored.

Project Export/Import
If a project is exported including the root node, the set compatibility mode of
the project is saved in the export file. When creating a new project from the
export file content, the saved mode is suggested as compatibility mode for
the new project.
If a different compatibility mode is selected, the data is converted when ap‐
plied to the new project. If problems occur, these are reported.
Compatibility Mode for Versioned Projects
Creating Team Project and Working Copy
When creating a team project, the compatibility mode of the original project is
saved in the Version Control system. When creating a working copy of this
team project ("Open Project from Version Control"), the compatibility mode of
the original project is suggested as compatibility mode of the new project.
A different compatibility mode can be selected, if required. Problems during
inserting or updating of project elements that can result in hijacked states.
Changing Compatibility Mode of Working Copy
The compatibility mode of a working copy can be changed as for an ordinary
project. This does not automatically change the compatibility mode of other
working copies and the team project. If changed data is checked in after the
new compatibility mode without all users working with the team project having
agreed, compatibility problems arise when updating project data of other
working copies.

For versioned projects, everyone working with the team project

has to agree to a compatibility mode change. The compatibility
mode of all working copies and the suggested value in the team
project have to be equal.

Changing Suggested Value for Compatibility Mode in Team Project

The suggested value for the compatibility mode when creating a working
copy is the property value of the project node and can be changed for each
working copy. Therefore, go to the menu item Change Compatibility Node of
Team Project... via the context menu of the project node. A dialog with the
same name is displayed (see above "Select Compatibility Mode from Work‐
ing Copy"). When selecting a different compatibility mode and exiting the dia‐
log with OK, the suggested value is saved locally first. The project node is
checked out if checkout has not yet been performed. When checking in the
project node, the new value is applied to the team project and used as sug‐
gested value for the compatibility mode when creating more working copies.
Compatibility Mode Depending on Filing Format
From IndraWorks 13V06, projects can be saved in an extended project for‐
mat as individual file with the extension .xiwp. The compatibility mode of a
project specifies the IndraWorks version required to edit a project. Thus, it is
not possible to select a lower compatibility mode than 13V06 for a project in
the .xiwp format.
Directory-based projects with a compatibility mode of smaller than 13V06
cannot be a saved as .xiwp using the Save As function.
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4.13 Printing
4.13.1 General Information
IndraWorks provides the functionalities "Print", "Print Preview" and "Print Set‐
tings" to document your data.
Choose between printing:
● Data of a device
● Data of a project including all devices
The scope of data can be detailed via a dialog.

The print menu items depend on your current working context and
can only be selected if a printable element is selected.

4.13.2 Print Settings

Configure the print in IndraWorks via the "Print Settings" dialog.
Go to the dialog in IndraWorks Engineering and in IndraWorks Operation via
the menu items File ▶ Print Settings....
The context menu of the project node also provides the Print Settings... op‐

Fig.4-154: Context menu of the project node

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The following tabs are displayed in the "Print Settings" dialog:

● Layout
● Cover Page
● Paper Size
● General Information
Main Buttons
The "Print Settings" dialog has the following buttons:
● OK
OK saves all changes and closes the dialog.
● Cancel
Cancel discards all changes and closes the dialog. This also applies to
changes made with the "Import" function.
● Default
Default resets all print settings to default.
● Export...
Export... opens the "Print Settings" dialog. Select between two options:
1. Select "Export as user-defined print settings" to save the print settings
of the current project as user-defined template. These user-defined print
settings are used for new projects.
2. Use "Export to different location" to export the print settings of the
current project and import them to apply them to another project. Open
the "Export Print Settings" dialog with "Browse...". Enter name and the
target directory for the export file.
● Import...
Import the previously exported print settings via "Import...". Click on "Im‐
port" and select a previously created export file in the "Import Print Set‐
tings" dialog. Confirm with "OK" The import is carried out and the impor‐
ted print settings are displayed.
● Help
"Help" starts the IndraWorks online help.
"Layout" Tab
Page Layout
The page layout consists of header, footer and the printable area. Headers
and footers as well as the printable area are displayed on the tab in propor‐
tion to the selected page settings.
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Fig.4-155: Print Settings, "Layout" tab (portrait)

The printable area is the area that remains once the header, footer and bor‐
ders have been removed. This area can be filled with data to be printed.
The data displayed is sample data and intended to show the settings for the
table of contents.
The page layout corresponds to the page format selected (portrait/landscape)
on the "Paper Size" tab.

Fig.4-156: Print Settings, "Layout" tab (landscape)

If the "Auto Size" checkbox is selected, the page displayed is automatically
adjusted to the available display area.
The page view can be zoomed in and out using the "+", "-" buttons. The "Au‐
to Size checkbox" is disabled.
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Table of Contents
Change font settings for heading, first level heading, second level heading
and third level heading and their indentation via the "Layout" tab and on the
"General" tab.
Right-click on the printable area of the "Layout" tab to display the relevant
context menu.

Fig.4-157: Context menu (table of contents)

"Heading Font..." Select Heading Font... to display the "Font" dialog. The font, font size and
font color for the heading of the table of contents can be selected.
"First Level Font..." Select First Level Font... to display the "Font" dialog. Font, font size and font
color for the first level headings of the table of contents can be selected.
"Second Level Font..." Select Second Level Font... to display the "Font" dialog. Font, font size and
font color for the second level headings of the table of contents can be selec‐
"Third Level Font..." Select Third Level Font... to display the "Font" dialog. Font, font size and font
color for the third level headings of the table of contents can be selected.
"Indentation" The indentation of the heading levels of the table of contents can be activa‐
Header and Footer
The header and footer area is divided into six fields each . They are separa‐
ted from each other by row separators.
Text and images can be inserted into the fields. The row separators can be
made visible on the printout using borders.
Change the size of header or footer by dragging the row separators with the
mouse. This allows the size of every field to be enlarged or reduced.
Right-click on the header or footer to display the context menu.

Fig.4-158: Context menu (header and footer)

"Text" The menu item Text has submenu items to configure the texts of the selected
field of header and footer.

Fig.4-159: Context menu (text)

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Select Text ▶ Edit to edit the selected field. An editor with the content of the
selected field is displayed in the header/footer.

Fig.4-160: Editor
When editing a text in the editor, right click to select the Insert Variable... con‐
text menu item.

Fig.4-161: Context menu in the editor

The "Select Variable" dialog is displayed:

Fig.4-162: Select Variable

The selected variable is inserted at the cursor's position in the editor.
Variables cannot be edited but only added or deleted in the editor.
"Fonts" Select Text ▶ Font to display the "Font" dialog. The settings are applied to the
text in the selected field.
"Alignment" The selected alignment is applied to the text in the selected field.

Fig.4-163: Context menu (alignment)

Image Select Image ▶ Insert... to insert an image into the selected field. Select the
image file via dialog. The image is adjusted to fit the available area in the
Select Image ▶ Remove to remove the selected image from the selected
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Fig.4-164: Context menu (image)

Borders Select Border to apply the settings for the border to the selected header or

Fig.4-165: Context menu (borders)

There are scaling measures in the upper and lower section of the "Layout"
tab to facilitate the alignment of the vertical separation lines/borders in head‐
er and footer.
"Layout" tab: Right-click outside the displayed page to display the Scale con‐
text menu.

Fig.4-166: Context menu (scaling)

● Select Scale On Bottom to show the scaling measure at the bottom of
the "Layout" tab.
● Select Scale On Top to show the scaling measure at the top of the "Lay‐
out" tab.
"Layout" tab: Right-click on the border section of the displayed page to dis‐
play the Margins context menu.

Fig.4-167: Context menu (margins)

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Open the "Page Layout Margins" dialog.

Fig.4-168: Page Layout Margins

"Cover Page" Tab
Configure the cover page using the "Cover Page" tab.

Only if the "Cover Page" checkbox is selected on the "General"

tab, the cover page is included in the print preview of the printout.

Cover page information The data to be printed on the cover page is configured in Cover page infor‐
mation. The individual data/cover page information is presented in the list
view as a combination of "Key" and "Value".

All "keys" and "values" are chronologically displayed on the cover


Fig.4-169: Print Settings ("Cover Page" tab)

● Button"New"
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This opens the "Create Cover Page Item" dialog:

Fig.4-170: Create Cover Page Item

OK adds the key and the value to the "Cover Page Item" list view on the
"Cover Page" tab.
● Button "Edit"
Select an existing key in the "Cover Page Item" list. "Edit" opens the
"Edit Cover Page Item" dialog. Edit data in this dialog.
● Button "Delete"
Select an existing key in the "Cover Page Item" list. Delete deletes the
cover page information (key and value).

Default keys are available in the "cover sheet information". They

cannot be deleted. The values of "Title" and "Author" can be
changed. All other values such as "Project name" and "Printing
date" are determined from the project node and the current date/
Fonts In the Fonts section, the font for heading and printable text can be config‐

● "..." opens the "Font" dialog.

● The fonts are also used for the separator sheet.

"Paper Size" Tab

The "Paper Size" tab displays the settings supported by the current printer.
If no printer is installed, the default paper formats are displayed in the "For‐
mat" field.
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Fig.4-171: Print Settings ("Paper Size" tab)

The selected orientation determines the presentation of the layout

on the "Layout" tab.

Click on "Printer..." to open a dialog, in which, for example, the printer can be
selected and the printer properties viewed.
"General" Tab
The General tab allows to make general print settings listed in the following
● "Options"
● "Fonts"

Fig.4-172: Print Settings ("General" tab)

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"Option" The "Options" section uses checkboxes:

● "Separator Sheet"
Select this checkbox to add a separator sheet between chapters.
● "Page Break"
Select this checkbox to apply a page break at the end of each chapter.
The "Separator Sheet" and "Page Break" options exclude each other.
However, both options can be deselected.
● "Indentation"
Select the "Indentation" checkbox to indent all heading levels in the ta‐
ble of contents.
● "Cover Page"
Select the "Cover Page" checkbox to include the cover page in the print
preview and in the printout.
Fonts In the "Fonts" section, the font for heading and headings in the table of con‐
tents can be selected.

● "..." opens the "Font" dialog.

● The example of the table of contents on the "Layout" tab is
used as preview of the selected fonts and the indentation.

4.13.3 Printing Project and Device Data

Print Components
The print comprises several pages shown in the following section as exam‐
Cover Page Design your cover page if desired.
Use the "Cover Page" tab of the print settings, see chapter "Cover Page Tab"
on page 153.

Fig.4-173: Print/print preview - Example "Cover Page"

Only if the "Cover Page" checkbox is selected on the "General"

tab, the cover page is included in the print preview of the printout.

Table of contents The table of contents generally includes the following information:
● 1. The first heading level displays the device name.
● 1.1. The second heading level displays the data categories of the de‐
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● 1.1.1. The third heading level displays the file name of the printed data
Configure the table of contents in the "Print Settings" on the "General" tab.
Refer to chapter "General Tab" on page 155.

A table of contents is not created if only one element is to be prin‐


Fig.4-174: Print/print preview - Example "Table of Contents"

Separator sheet - Device This page contains the name and the description (optional) of the selected

Separator sheet and cover page have the same font.

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Working with IndraWorks

Configure the separator sheet in the "Print Settings" on the "General" tab.
Refer to chapter "General Tab" on page 155.

Fig.4-175: Print/print preview - Separator sheet "Device"

Separator sheet - Device data This page contains the name of the device data.

Separator sheet and cover page have the same font.

Configure the separator sheet in the "Print Settings" on the "General" tab.
Refer to chapter "General Tab" on page 155.
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Fig.4-176: Print/print preview - Separator sheet "Device data"

Device data This page contains device data and device-specific information.
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Fig.4-177: Print/print preview - Device data

Print and Print Preview
Choose between the print preview or printing of:
● Data of a device
● IndraWorks project data including all devices

The scope of the data can be detailed in both cases via a dialog.

Proceed as follows:
1. Open IW project:
Open IW project with printable devices.
2. Select function:
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Select element to be printed:

● To print data of an IndraWorks project with its devices or to display
it in the print preview, select the project node in the Project Explor‐
● To print the data of individual devices/nodes or to display these in
the print preview, select the device/node in the Project Explorer.
Enable the function Print... or Print Preview... in the context menu of the
selected node . Alternatively, use the functions in the main menu File.

Fig.4-178: Print/print preview - Select function

3. Selecting data to be printed:
The following dialog displays all the printable devices and nodes of the
project on the left side.
Highlight a device or printable node in this tree structure and the rele‐
vant data categories of this node are displayed on the right side of the
dialog. The data categories display an overview on the printable data of
the selected node.
Select the devices and nodes to be printed and their data categories to
be printed and select them with the mouse.
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Fig.4-179: Print/print preview - Select data and data categories

● Focus on a node in the tree structure, to use its context

menu to select or deselect all printable data of this node and
of its subordinate nodes.
● The selection for data and data categories remains after
completion of the "Print" and "Print Preview" functions.

Confirm with "Next>>".

4. Check:
Check your settings in the next dialog.

Fig.4-180: Print/print preview - Check settings

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● The dialog indicates the selected devices and nodes and their data
categories with a checkmark.
● The selected printer and basic settings are shown in the "Printer"
● Use the "Page Setup..." button to change the printer and the set‐
tings for margins, page orientation and paper size.
● "Finish" starts "printing" or the "print preview".
5. Progress bar
A progress bar is displayed until all pages are prepared for printing or
print preview.
Stop this process with "Cancel". However, the pages already prepared
are printed or displayed.

4.14 IndraWorks User Management

4.14.1 General Information
Operating mode of the user man‐ The user management ensures that only authorized personnel get access to
agement protected functionalities at the IndraWorks operating stations. To access a
protected functionality, log in to the operating station with user name and
password. The authorization system checks the rights of the registered user
and declines to execute the function if the user has not the necessary rights.
The user management (configuration of users, groups and rights as well as
settings) is set up in IndraWorks. The user management data is stored in the
IndraWorks project.
Use the "Transmit and Activate Visualization Data" function to transfer the
user management data of the Engineering PC to the operating stations.

User management and version control cannot be simultaneously

used in one project. In a versioned project, the user management
cannot be enabled.
User management in the User management data is stored in IndraWorks projects. Thus, different
IndraWorks project IndraWorks projects can have individual user databases each.
When a new IndraWorks project is created or when a project created by an
older IndraWorks version is opened, an initial user database with exactly one
user is created. This user is the administrator (user name "Admin"). The ad‐
ministrator has all permissions and can thus access all protected functions.
The user account of the administrator is only to be used for administrative
Users, groups, permissions A user represents a person who has to work at an operating station and thus
needs certain permissions. Every user has a unique user name. They have
other properties such as first and last name, description and settings. Permis‐
sions are not directly assigned to each user in IndraWorks. They have the
permissions of the groups they belong to.
Groups allow permission profiles to be defined and assigned to one or multi‐
ple users. Permissions are assigned to groups and users are added to
groups. A user is provided with the permissions of all groups he is added to.
A permission allows to access a certain protected functionality at an ope‐
rating station.
Initial password If you create a new user, he has an empty initial password. To log in a user
for the first time, only the user name has to be entered. The user manage‐
ment identifies this first login and asks the user to define a password.
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Working with IndraWorks

Administrator The administrator (user name "Admin") is the super user in IndraWorks. The
administrator already exists in an initialized user database immediately after
creating a new IndraWorks project. The administrator is provided with all per‐
missions without any restrictions. The user data of the administrator cannot
be changed except for some settings. Additionally, the administrator cannot
be deleted.
During manufacturing, do not work as administrator at the operating station.
During manufacturing, it is recommended to change the initial administrator
password and to lock the user account of the administrator.
Default groups The user management provides predefined default groups with characteristic
permission profiles of frequently found user groups. This simplifies the config‐
uration and the assignment of permissions. Add users to the default groups
to assign typical permission profiles. Thus, the configuration effort is mini‐
Default groups are specified and cannot be edited or deleted. Default groups
can be copied and this copy can be modified according to the requirements.
The copy of a default group is a "normal" group, i. e. it can be edited and de‐

4.14.2 Configuring User Management (IndraWorks Engineering)

Activating User Management
At first, the user management is disabled when creating a new project. In this
state and after transmitting the visualization data on an operating device, all
protected functions of the operating device are enabled.
To activate the user management, select the menu option Project ▶ HMI Proj‐
ect Planning ▶ User Management Active in IndraWorks Engineering.
When this menu option is selected, configure the user management in
IndraWorks Engineering. After the transmission of visualization data to an
operating device, the authorization check according to your project planning
is enabled.
User and Group List
To display the user list or the group list of an IndraWorks project, open this
project and select Project ▶ HMI Project Planning ▶ Configure User Manage‐
ment. The "Configure User Management" dialog is opened. This dialog con‐
sists of two tabs, one containing the user list, the other one containing the
group list. Click on the tabs "User" or "Groups" to display the respective list.

Fig.4-181: "Configure User Management" dialog - User list

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Working with IndraWorks

User name The user name is the name entered in the login dialog together with the password.
Full Name This column displays the full name of the user in the format <last name>, <first
Description This column contains a brief description of the user.
Status The status of the user is displayed here. Status "unlocked" means that the user can
be logged in to IndraWorks. If the status is "locked", IndraWorks does not allow this
user to log in.

Below the user list, there are the buttons "New...", "Properties...", "Copy...",
"Delete", "Lock" and "Reset Password". To select one of those functions click
on the according button. The functions are described in detail later on in this

Fig.4-182: "Configure User Management" dialog - Group list

The group list consists of the columns "Group Name" and "Description" dis‐
playing group name or brief group description.
The buttons "New...", "Properties...", "Copy...", "Delete" and "Permissions..."
are located below the group list. To select one of those functions click on the
according button. The functions are described in detail later on in this section.
Creating New User
1. Open the dialog "Configure User Management" and click on the "User"
tab on "New..." to open the user dialog.
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Fig.4-183: Step 1: Enter data of the new user

User name The user logs in with this name in IndraWorks. It must not contain blanks and it has to
be unique in the IndraWorks project.
First name First name of the user (optional)
Last name Last name of the user (optional)
Description Brief description of the user (optional)
Code If working with external login procedures, the code assigned to the user has to be en‐
tered here, e.g. the EKS key. Entered codes have to be unique in the project. This
field can remain empty.

Enter a user name in the "General" tab. The user name has to be
unique in the IndraWorks project. An error message is issued if the user
name has already been assigned to another user. The other input boxes
of this tab are optional and can remain empty.
2. Click on the "Settings" tab and adjust the settings for the new user.
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Fig.4-184: Step 2: Adjust the settings

Password expires Select this option if the user password is to expire after a defined time. The user has
to enter a new password. Set the expiry time in days.
Ask to change the pass‐ This option is relevant if the "Password expires" option is selected. If "Ask to change
word the password" is selected, the user is prompted to change the password some days
before the password expires. The number of days can be defined.
Log out user automati‐ Select this option to log out the user automatically if no action (keyboard, mouse) has
cally been performed for some time. Define the number of minutes after which the user is
automatically logged out after the last action.
Lock user automatically Select this option, to lock the user from a defined date onwards. After this locking the
from user cannot login in IndraWorks.

3. Click on the "Membership in Groups" tab and assign the new user to
one or several groups.
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Fig.4-185: Step 3: Assign new user to groups

4. Click on OK to confirm the entries and to close the "New User" dialog.
The new user is now displayed in the user list.
Editing Users
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the user to
be edited in the user list.
2. Click on Properties... or press <Return> to open the "Edit User" dialog.
Alternatively, double-click on the user to be edited in the user list. The
input boxes of the "Edit User" dialog contain the current user data.
3. Change the user data and apply these changes with OK.
Copying Users
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the user to
be copied from the user list.
2. Click on Copy... to open the "Edit User" dialog. The input boxes of the
"Edit User" dialog are pre-assigned with the data of the original user.
The input boxes for user name and code are empty, since this data has
to be unique for every user in an IndraWorks project.
3. Enter a new user name and, if necessary, change the predefined set‐
tings. Click on OK to apply the entries. The copied user is now displayed
in the user list.
Deleting Users
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the user to
be deleted in the user list.
2. Click on Delete or press <Del>.
3. Confirm the following security prompt with Yes and the user is deleted
and the corresponding entry is removed from the user list.
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Working with IndraWorks

Locking and Unlocking Users

Lock a user to deactivate a user account temporarily. The user management
rejects to log in locked users. To enable a user account, a locked user can be
unlocked at any time. The locked or unlocked status is displayed for each
user in the "Status" column of the user list.
To lock or unlock a user, proceed as follows:
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the user to
be locked or unlocked in the user list. The Lock or Unlock label below
the user list matches the current unlocked/locked state of the selected
2. Click on Lock or Unlock to change the user status. The spacebar can al‐
so be pressed instead. The changed unlock status is displayed immedi‐
ately in the user list.
Resetting User Password
The "Reset Password" function changes the password of a user to its initial
state. At next login, the user is prompted to enter a new password. This func‐
tion is useful if a user cannot remember his password and thus not log in.
1. To reset the password of a user, open the "Configure User Manage‐
ment" dialog and select the user in the user list.
2. Click on Reset Password to request the user to enter a new password at
next login.
Creating New Group
1. Open the dialog "Configure User Management" and click on the
"Groups" tab on New... to open the group dialog.

Fig.4-186: New Group (enter data of the new group)

Group name Name of the group
Description Brief description of the group (optional)
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Enter a group name in the "General" tab. The "Description" input box of
this tab is optional and can remain empty.
2. Click on the "Members" tab and assign users to the new group by se‐
lecting the corresponding checkboxes.

Fig.4-187: New Group (enter members of the new group)

3. Close the group dialog with OK to confirm the entries. The new group is
now displayed in the group list.
Editing Group
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the group to
be edited in the group list.
2. Click on Properties... to open the "Edit User" dialog. The input boxes of
this dialog are pre-assigned with the current data of the group.
3. Change the group data as required and apply those changes with OK.
Copying Group
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the group to
be copied from the group list.
2. Click on Copy... to open the group dialog. The input boxes of this dialog
are pre-assigned with the data of the original group, except for the group
name. It is empty and has to be entered.
3. Enter a new group name and, if necessary, change the predefined set‐
tings. Apply the settings with OK. The copied group is now displayed in
the group list.
Deleting Group
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the group to
be deleted in the group list.
2. Click on Delete or press <Del>.
3. If the following security query is confirmed with Yes, the group is deleted
and the corresponding entry is removed from the group list.
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Working with IndraWorks

Editing Group Permissions

1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and select the group
whose permissions are to be edited in the user list.
2. Click on Permissions... or press <Return> to open the "Permissions" di‐
3. Change the permissions of the group by selecting or deselecting the
checkboxes on the different tabs.
4. Confirm the entries and close the "Permissions" dialog with OK.
Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and click on the Settings but‐
ton. Now, define the settings for login, network passwords, network user lock‐
ing, external login and logging into the dialog.

Fig.4-188: Settings
Login In the "Login" section, adjust the settings for the login procedure and for auto‐
matic login.
Select "Login with name and password" if the users are to enter their user
name and their password at login. If users call protected functions without be‐
ing logged in or without the necessary permissions, the login dialog opens
If an external login procedure is to be used, select "External login". The exter‐
nal login is here representative for all login procedures that require, for exam‐
ple, a key switch or an Euchner EKS key instead of a user name and a pass‐
word. This enables a login on operation stations without keyboard, simply by
inserting a key or an EKS key.
Use the "Login user automatically" option to define a default user. If this op‐
tion is enabled and a user is selected, the user management causes the login
of this default user immediately after the start of IndraWorks or if no other
user is logged in.
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Network passwords and user lock‐ Select this option if your IndraWorks project comprises several operating sta‐
ing tions and if password changes or user lockings are to be applied to all ope‐
rating stations of the project.
Select a directory unlocked for network sharing. This directory is used to syn‐
chronize the passwords and the list of locked users in the operating stations.
The selected interval defines the period after which synchronization takes
place. The shorter the period selected, the faster a password change at one
operating station affects the other operating stations for example. However,
too short intervals can unnecessarily load the system. Thus, the shortest in‐
terval is two minutes. Select the interval as long as possible and as short as
External login This section only applies to you if you are using external login procedures
and Euchner EKS keys and Euchner EKM software. The EKM software gen‐
erates unlock files from the serial numbers of the EKS keys. These files are
used by the user management to detect whether an EKS key is unlocked for
a user login.
Select whether unlocking he EKS keys is to be monitored and which directory
stores the unlock files. This directory has to be accessible via network share.
Enter an interval after which the unlock files are read in again. Note as well
for this interval: as long as possible, as short as necessary.
Logging The user management has a logging function, that writes all login and logout
procedures and all permission queries into a log file. Select the "Enable log‐
ging" checkbox to switch on the logging function.
The log file is located in the IndraWorks project (...ProjectDirectory\db
\IndraWorks.Userman.Log.csv) and is a Unicode CSV text file. It can be
opened and analyzed by MS-Excel or OpenOffice-Calc for example. The col‐
umn separator is a semicolon.
To avoid the log file growing uncontrollably in size, its size is monitored. If the
file exceeds a maximum size, it is reduced to a minimum line number. The
first entries of the log file are removed. Thus, the current logging entries are
Define the size the log file can reach before it is reduced via "Maximum size
of log file". Use "Length of log file after reduction" to define the number of
lines preserved in the reduced log file.
Export and Import
Exporting User Database
To use the user database of one IndraWorks project in other IndraWorks
projects, export this user database into a zip file. Load the other IndraWorks
project(s) and import the zip file with the exported user data.
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and click on Export... to
export the user database.
2. In the file selection dialog, select the directory the user database is to be
exported to and enter the name of the zip file.
3. Start the export with OK.
Importing User Database
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and click on Import... to
import an exported user database into an IndraWorks project.
2. Select the .zip file to be imported in the file selection dialog and start the
import with OK.
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During import, the data of the current user database is replaced

by the data to be imported. This cannot be undone. Note this to
avoid data loss.

Importing ACC001.DAT
Using the import function, load user databases created with older IndraWorks
versions (file ACC001.DAT).
1. Open the "Configure User Management" dialog and click on Import... to
import an ACC001.DAT file into an IndraWorks project.
2. Select the "Acc001.DAT" file type and the file.
3. Start the import using OK.

At import, the users are loaded from the ACC001.DAT file. The
data of the current user database is replaced by the data to be
imported. This cannot be undone. Note this to avoid data loss.

4.14.3 Working at Operating Stations with User Management

Entering Password at First Login
If you log in at the operating station for the first time, you are requested to
enter a new password.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select File ▶ Login User... in the main menu
2. Enter your user name in the login dialog (do not enter a password!) and
click OK.

Fig.4-189: Login User (first user login)

3. The user management detects that you logged in for the first time or that
your password has been reset and prompts you to enter a new pass‐
word. Confirm the following message with OK.
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Fig.4-190: User management identifies first login

4. Enter the new password, confirm it and click OK. From now on, your
user name and password have to be entered when logging in.

Fig.4-191: Entering new password and confirm password

If you are logged in, you can now work with your permissions at the operating
Logging In User
1. To log in in IndraWorks, select File ▶ Login User...
2. Enter user name and password into the login dialog and close the dialog
with OK.
If the user name and the password are correct, you are logged in. Otherwise,
an error message is issued.
Logging Out User
1. To log out at the operating station, select File ▶ Logout User... in the
main menu
2. A message confirms the logout.
Changing Password
1. To change your password, log in to the operating station first.
2. Select File ▶ User Management ▶ Change Password....
3. In the "Change Password" dialog, enter your old and new password and
confirm the password. Click on OK.
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Fig.4-192: Changing Password

Logging In with Reference Code and Key Code
Logging in with reference code and key code allows to log into the operating
station with administrator rights. It is only to be used if no normal login is pos‐
sible. To log in with reference code and key code, proceed as follows:
1. Select File ▶ User Management ▶ Login with Reference Code and Key
2. The "RefCode" field of the login dialog displays an eight-digit reference
code. Send this reference code to Bosch Rexroth Service. Do not close
the login dialog.

Fig.4-193: "Login User" dialog with reference code and key code
3. You receive a key code associated with your reference code from Bosch
Rexroth Service. Enter this code in the "KeyCode" input box of the login
dialog and click on OK. Now, you are logged in with administrator rights.
A key code only works together with the matching reference code. Each login
provides a new reference code. Old key codes cannot be used.

All functions can be executed (administrator rights) after login with

reference code and key code. Be very careful while working and
logging out after you have completed working at the operating
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4.15 User Login with EKS Keys

4.15.1 General Information
The following sections describe the use of the EKS keys for the user login.

4.15.2 Enabling EKS System in IndraWorks Operation

Once IndraWorks has been installed, all files necessary to operate the EKS
system are available on your PC or control panel, but they are not yet activa‐
To activate the EKS system in IndraWorks Operation, proceed as fol‐
1. Search for the _DDP.OPDLoadingSequenceForEksLoginDC.xml
file in the Config subdirectory of the IndraWorks installation directory
and delete the underscore in front of the file name.

It is also possible to save the file DDP.OPDLoadingSequence-

ForEksLoginDC.xml in the IndraWorks project.
This causes a restricted availability. The EKS system is only
available on the control panel if the respective project was activa‐
ted for IndraWorks Operation.
If this is desired, copy the file _DDP.OPDLoadingSequence-
ForEksLoginDC.xml located in the Windows Explorer to the
subdirectory Config of the HMI device belonging to the ope‐
rating station in the IndraWorks project and delete the under‐
2. If you work with the USB variant of the EKS terminals, install the EKS
USB driver as described in chapter 4.15.3 "Installing EKS USB Driver"
on page 177.
No further installation is required for the EKS terminals with either a seri‐
al or an Ethernet interface.

Several EKS terminals can be operated at the same time (also in‐
termix operation serial connection, via USB and Ethernet).
3. If you work with the Ethernet variant of the EKS terminals, provide the IP
address(es) of the terminal(s) to the IndraWorks Operation. This is car‐
ried out by editing the file DDP.OPDLoadingSequenceForEksLo-
ginDC.xml. Therefore, enter one or several IP addresses as value into
the entry Terminals EthernetAddresses. The IP addresses are
separated by a semicolon or a comma.
EthernetAddresses=";" />...
4. Start IndraWorks Engineering and select the "External login" in the
"User Management" via Project ▶ User Management ▶ Configure....
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Fig.4-194: Settings dialog (Select "External login")

After selecting "External login", a login is still possible with name

and password via Project ▶ User Management ▶ Login User....
Additionally, the user management in IndraWorks Operation al‐
lows to log in by inserting an EKS key into a connected EKS ter‐
minal. Removing the EKS key from the EKS terminal logs out the
user automatically.
5. After the configuration of the user management has been completed
(see chapter 4.15.4 "Setting up Users and Groups" on page 184), the
visualization data has to be transferred to the operating station and has
to be activated.
A subsequent restart of the IndraWorks Operation on the operating sta‐
tion is required.

4.15.3 Installing EKS USB Driver

The files for the EKS USB driver are located on the installation DVD of your
IndraWorks installation.
To install the Euchner EKS USB driver, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the EKS terminal to a free USB port
After the insertion of the EKS terminal in the USB port, the following
message is displayed:
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Fig.4-195: Windows detected the newly connected EKS terminal

The Windows Hardware Wizard is started immediately afterwards.

Fig.4-196: Found new hardware wizard dialog

2. Click on "Next>>".
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Fig.4-197: Found new hardware wizard dialog (installing hardware driver)

3. Click on "Next>>".

Fig.4-198: Found new hardware wizard dialog (finding driver files)

4. Click on "Next>>".
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Fig.4-199: Locate file (selecting the driver)

Select the file FTDIBUS.INF in the respective directory on the installa‐
tion DVD and click on "Open".

Fig.4-200: Found new hardware wizard dialog (confirming driver selection)

5. Click on "Next>>".
The EKS USB driver is now installed
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Fig.4-201: Found new hardware wizard dialog (completing installation)

6. Click on "Finish" to complete the installation of the EKS USB driver. Im‐
mediately after the installation of the EKS USB driver, a virtual serial
port is installed for the newly connected EKS terminal.

Fig.4-202: Windows detects a new virtual serial port

After the new virtual serial port has been detected by Windows, the Win‐
dows Hardware Wizard is started again.
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Fig.4-203: Found new hardware wizard dialog

7. Click on "Next>>".

Fig.4-204: Found new hardware wizard dialog (installing hardware driver)

8. Click on "Next>>".
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Fig.4-205: Found new hardware wizard dialog (finding driver files)

9. Click on "Next>>".

Fig.4-206: Found new hardware wizard dialog (confirming driver selection)

10. Click on "Next>>".

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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-207: Found new hardware wizard dialog (completing installation of

virtual serial port)

11. Click on "Finish" to complete the driver installation. The EKS terminal is

4.15.4 Setting up Users and Groups

The IndraWorks user management analyzes the protection level stored in the
EKS key, the special function "Rework" and the cost center data saved on
the key if necessary and logs in a user depending on this data. The user to
be logged in is defined via a code given by the administrator.

Fig.4-208: Properties of user dialog (the field "Code" defines the user to be log‐
ged in when inserting a certain EKS key)
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Working with IndraWorks

The user management creates the code from the EKS key data according to
the following scheme:
Pattern: eks_level_<ProtectionLevel>[_[r][o]][_<CostCenter>]
The protection level is a three-digit decimal number. The user management
supports protection levels from 000 to 099. The extension "_ro" is added if
the special function "Rework" or "OperatingSystem" is set on the EKS key.
Optionally, a four-digit cost center name (consisting of the characters A-Z and
0-9) can be attached with an underscore. If the cost center is specified, it has
to match with the cost center data given on the EKS key to log in the user
with this code. Otherwise, the cost center information on the EKS key is ig‐
nored, it is searched for a user and he is logged in if no cost center was de‐
fined for him.
Some examples of codes created from EKS key data are shown below:
● eks_level_001 : EKS key with protection level 1, no special function, no
cost center
● eks_level_002 : EKS key with protection level 2, no special function, no
cost center
● eks_level_001_r : EKS key with protection level 1, special function "Re‐
work", no cost center
● eks_level_001_o : EKS key with protection level 1, special function "Op‐
eratingSystem", no cost center
● eks_level_001_ro : EKS key with protection level 1, special function "Re‐
work" and "OperatingSystem", no cost center
● eks_level_001_ro_0815 EKS key with protection level 3, special func‐
tions "Rework" and "OperatingSystem" as well as the cost center "0815"
The following user configuration and group configuration is recom‐
mended when using the EKS system in IndraWorks:
1. Create a user for each protection level and for each protection level with
special functions. Assign a code to the users according to the protection
level and special functions.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-209: Configure user management (user scheme based on EKS pro‐

tection levels)

2. Create a group for every protection level and for every special function.
Assign the necessary permissions to these groups. If the permission
profiles of the groups are based on each other, assign only the permis‐
sions not given to the "lower" groups.

Fig.4-210: Configure user management (group scheme based on EKS pro‐

tection levels and special functions)
3. Assign every new user to the required groups.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-211: Each user of an EKS protection level is member of the respec‐

tive groups. The EKS protection level 4 with the special func‐
tions "Rework" and "OperatingSystem" is shown in the example.

4.15.5 Querying EKS Key Data in the PLC Program

Using the function block "IL_Eks" Starting from IndraWorks version 10V04, an "IL_Eks" function block is availa‐
ble in the "RIL_UserMan.lib" library. This can be used to easily query the EKS
key data. Thus, the function block has to be defined as global variable in the
PLC program and the instance has to be called cyclically. Additionally, the
variable name has to be introduced to the EKS system by entering it as value
into the file DDP.OPDLoadingSequenceForEksLoginDC.xml in the Plc
FunctionBlockInstance entry.
...<Plc FunctionBlockInstance="EKS_DATA01" />...
Using the function block has several advantages:
1. Only the instance of the function block has to be defined.
2. Any number of function block instances can be defined per PLC. This al‐
lows to operate several operating stations using a PLC without EKS da‐
ta of the individual operating stations affecting each other. Thus, for
each operating station, the name of the corresponding function block
has to be entered into the respective file DDP.OPDLoadingSequence-
3. The function block contains a watchdog mechanism and thus ensures
that - in case of a communication interference between PC and PLC -
the EKS data in the function block is automatically reset after 30 sec‐
onds max.
4. The function block provides information whether a current communica‐
tion interference between a PC and a PLC or a PC and an EKS terminal
If an EKS key is inserted into an EKS terminal or if a key has already been
inserted when starting the user interface, the login of the respective user as
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well as the EKS key data are written into the PLC assigned to the active HMI
device. They are available as outputs for a further processing at the function
block specified. When removing the EKS keys from the EKS terminal or when
exiting the user interface, the data in the function block is reset.
Using global variables Instead of using the function block, the following global PLC variables can still
be defined to analyze EKS key data or information on the current protection
level in a PLC program. Existing PLC programs do thus not have to be modi‐
fied for the use of the function block.

EKS_SerialNo:STRING(16); (*key serial number*)
EKS_ProtectionLevel:INT; (*protection level*)
EKS_WorkerIdent:STRING(7); (*worker ident*)
EKS_SafetyOperationMode:BYTE; (*safety mode*)
EKS_So1:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So2:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So3:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So4:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So5:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So6:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So7:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So8:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_So9:BYTE; (*special functions*)
EKS_KeyIn:BYTE; (*FFhex if key inserted, 00hex if no key*)

As soon as an EKS key was inserted into an EKS terminal and the respective
user was logged in, IndraWorks writes the following data into the PLC as‐
signed to the active HMI device if the variables mentioned above were de‐
EKS_SerialNo Serial number of the EKS key as string. If the EKS key is re‐
moved, this variable contains an empty string.
EKS_Protec‐ Protection level stored on the EKS key. Protection levels
tionLevel from 00 to 99 are allowed. If the EKS key is removed, this
variable is set to -1.
EKS_WorkerI‐ Workerident (e. g. employee number) as string. Use this data
dent array to personalize EKS keys. If the EKS key is removed,
this variable contains an empty string.
EKS_SafetyO‐ Safety mode. If the EKS key is removed, this variable is 0.
EKS_So1 to Special functions. If the EKS key is removed, these variables
EKS_So9 are set to 0.
EKS_KeyIn Flag "Key inserted". As long as an EKS key is inserted and a
corresponding user is logged in, the value of this variable is
FFhex; otherwise 00hex.

4.16 PLC Interface of the User Management

4.16.1 General Information
The following sections describe the interface between user management and
PLC. This interface allows the PLC-controlled user login and logout. It also
permits querying the currently logged in user as well as certain authorizations
in the PLC program.

4.16.2 Enabling PLC Interface

Once IndraWorks is installed, all files necessary to operate the PLC interface
are available on your PC or control panel, but they are not activated.
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Working with IndraWorks

To activate the PLC interface in IndraWorks Operation, proceed as follows:

1. Exit IndraWorks Operation
2. Search for the _DDP.OPDLoadingSequenceForPlcLogin.xml file in
the Config subdirectory of the IndraWorks installation directory and de‐
lete the underscore in front of the file name.

It is also possible to copy the file _DDP.OPDLoadingSequence-

ForPlcLogin.xml to the subdirectory Config of an HMI device
of the IndraWorks project and to remove the underscore. The
consequence is that this file is only loaded if the respective proj‐
ect and the HMI device for the IndraWorks Operation were activa‐
3. Select "External login" in the IndraWorks user management to log in and
log out users via the PLC.

Fig.4-212: Settings dialog (Select "External login")

After selecting "External login", a login is still possible with name

and password via Project ▶ User Management ▶ Login User....
Additionally, the user management in IndraWorks Operation al‐
lows to log in and log out users by programming certain PLC vari‐
4. After the configuration of the user management has been completed,
the visualization data has to be transferred to the operating station and
has to be activated.
A subsequent restart of the IndraWorks Operation on the operating sta‐
tion is required.
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4.16.3 Users Logged In and Out by PLC Program

The user login and user logout is controlled by three PLC variables. Define
the following global PLC variables.

UM_LoginCmd:BYTE; (* command, 00hex = logout, FFhex = login *)
UM_LoginCode:STRING; (* code of the user to be logged in *)
UM_MediaId:DWORD; (* release code, can be set to 0 *)

In IndraLogic 2G, variables have to be declared without name‐

space. Insert the following line above "VAR_GLOBAL": {at-
tribute 'namespace' := ''}
Furthermore, the variables have to be contained in the symbol

To log in a user, the PLC program has to perform the following steps in the
given order:
1. Set PLC variable UM_MediaId to 0
2. Write the code of the user to be logged in into the PLC variable
3. Set PLC variable UM_LoginCmd to FFhex

Fig.4-213: Properties of user [the code defined in the user properties (see selec‐
tion) has to be written into the PLC variable UM_LoginCode to log in
the user]
To log out a user, the PLC program has to set the PLC variable UM_Log‐
inCmd to 0. This logs out of the current user irrespective of the current value
of the other two PLC variables.
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4.16.4 Querying Current User in PLC Program

The user management status is represented by three PLC variables. Define
the following global PLC variables (see note in previous section).

UM_UsermanEnabled:BYTE; (*indicates, whether the user management is enabled*)
UM_UserLoggedIn:BYTE; (*indicates, whether a user is logged in*)
UM_CurrentUserName:STRING; (*login name of the user *)

The values of these PLC variables are written by the user man‐
agement. Only Read-only access to the PLC variables is allowed
in the PLC program.

The PLC variable UM_UsermanEnabled indicates whether the user manage‐

ment is enabled (FFhex) or disabled (00hex).

If the user management is disabled, no permissions are checked

in the user interface and all functions are enabled.

The PLC variable UM_UserLoggedIn indicates whether a user is logged in

(FFhex if users are logged in or 00hex if not logged in).
The PLC variable UM_CurrentUserName contains the user name of the log‐
ged in user or an empty string if no user is logged in.

Fig.4-214: Properties of user [After a successful login, the user management

writes the user name (see selection) into the PLC variable UM_Cur‐

4.16.5 PLC Permissions

Assigning PLC Permissions to Groups
In the permission dialog box of the user management, 16 authorization bits
can be set or deleted on the "PLC" tab. As the other permissions in the user
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management, the PLC authorization bits are assigned to a specified group.

When logging in a user into IndraWorks, a bit mask is created according to
his/her group via the authorization bits (OR operation) and written into the
global PLC variable UM_Authorizations. In the PLC program, these bits can
be evaluated depending on the enabled functions.

Fig.4-215: Permissions of group (PLC authorization bits)

Querying PLC Permissions
The UM_Authorizations PLC variable contains 16 authorization bits. These
bits are set when logging in an user into IndraWorks Operation according to
the current permissions of the user. These are deleted when logging out. The
meaning of the individual bits can be assigned specifically for each
IndraWorks project.
Define the following PLC variable:

{PLC authorization bits}

To block actions in the PLC that are to be controlled by an authorization bit,

only the respective bit is to be tested before executing the action:

IF UM_Authorizations.0 = TRUE { Test if bit 0 is set }


{ Execute actions that have been enabled by bit 0 }



The value of these PLC variables is written by the user manage‐

ment. Only read-only access to the PLC variable is permitted in
the PLC program.
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Working with IndraWorks

4.16.6 Application example: Switching Permission Levels via Key Switch

A key switch connected to the control panel is used to switch between sever‐
al permission levels. The key switch has four positions:
Position 1: Permission level "User". In this position, the key can be removed;
i.e. this permission level is active even without a key.
Position 2: Permission level "Maintainer".
Position 3: Permission level "Programmer".
Position 4: Permission level "Machine vendor".
Configuring User Management
In the user management, one user is defined for each of these four permis‐
sion levels that are to be switched via key switch. The users are assigned to
one or more groups according to the necessary permission profile.

Fig.4-216: Configure user management dialog (configuration example: one user

per permission level)
"External login" is selected in the settings of the user management. Addition‐
ally, it is defined to log in the user "key_switch_level_1" automatically. This
ensures the availability of at least this permission level.
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Fig.4-217: Dialog: Settings (User Management)

PLC Program
The key switch position is assigned to a user via a PLC program. This pro‐
gram checks the key switch position and logs in the respective user.




KeySwitch:BYTE; (*key switch*)


** Example:
** PLC controlled switching of permission levels by key switch

actual key inquiry
The inputs used by the key switch will be copied to the variable keyswitch

Key switch position 1: 16#01

Key switch position 2: 16#02
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Key switch position 3: 16#04

Key switch position 4: 16#08

UM_MediaId := 0; (*release control not used*)

(*Key switch position 4, Bit 4 set*)

IF KeySwitch = 16#08
UM_LoginCode := 'keyswitch4';
UM_LoginCmd := 16#FF;

(*Key switch position 3, Bit 3 set*)

ELSIF KeySwitch = 16#04
UM_LoginCode := 'keyswitch3';
UM_LoginCmd := 16#FF;

(*Key switch position 2, Bit 2 set*)

ELSIF KeySwitch = 16#02
UM_LoginCode := 'keyswitch2';
UM_LoginCmd := 16#FF;

(*Key switch position 1 or key removed, Bit 1 set*)

ELSIF KeySwitch = 16#01
UM_LoginCode := 'keyswitch1';
UM_LoginCmd := 16#FF;

(*other values: logout current user*)

UM_LoginCmd := 16#00;
UM_LoginCode := '';



4.17 Firmware Management

A firmware download changes the properties of a device. It is only
to be considered if specific functionalities, which are included in a
later release of the firmware for the device, are required.
It is not reasonable to perform a firmware download without pre‐
cise knowledge of the improvement and of the versions involved.
Contact our Service Department in connection with this.

Loss of user data!

It is possible that some devices loose user data. Therefore, it is
recommended to archive the user data before downloading the
For more information on data archiving, refer to chapter 4.4 Ar‐
chiving and Restoring Projects, page 60.

During the firmware download, the power supply of the device

may not be switched off and the network connection may not be
interrupted. If one of the above mentioned occurs, the device
does not start and the firmware download has to be restarted.

Firmware management in IndraWorks provides the following functions:

● Downloading firmware to a device
● Displaying current firmware in a device
● Displaying available firmware versions available for a download
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Starting firmware management To start the firmware management, use the context menu of a device or the
device-specific items in the main menu. Select Firmware Management.
Describing dialog elements

Fig.4-218: "Firmware Management" dialog

The left window of the dialog displays the firmware versions available for
download. Depending on the device used, it is possible to select a directory
containing firmware files above this display.
The right window of the dialog displays the current firmware in the device.
Below these windows, the current status of the firmware versions available is
displayed, e.g. "Ready for download".
Before downloading the firmware, the device has to be in a
"download-capable" state, i.e., all subroutines and the PLC have
to be stopped and the drives have to be in the parameterization
level (phase 2).

Check before downloading whether the firmware download is required. Com‐

pare the current firmware in the device with the version to be loaded. If it is
necessary to download new firmware, proceed as follows:
1. Highlight the firmware file to be loaded
2. Consider further device-dependent options such as "Restart after down‐
3. Start the execution via "Download"
During download, the progress display indicates the current status.

4.18 License Management

4.18.1 Licensing IndraWorks Components
General Information
The licenses of IndraWorks software components are managed via the "Op‐
tions" dialog box. Open the Options dialog box in the IndraWorks Engineering
desktop via Tools ▶ Options and then select the page"Software Licenses" un‐
der "General".
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Fig.4-219: Options dialog (licensing)

The screen displays all available software components requiring a license
and their license state. The entry scope depends on the system installed.

License state Description

- No license was installed on this PC. The component

cannot be used.
Licensed A full license was installed on this PC. The component
can be used without any restrictions.
Demo license for 30 days A limited demo license was installed on this PC. The
component can still be used for the evaluation for the
period specified (30 days max.).

Tab.4-220: License state

To view a license description, place the mouse pointer on the license entry.
Installing a License
1. To license a software component, select it from the list and click on "Li‐

If a full license is already installed, the "Licensing..." button is de‐

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Fig.4-221: IndraWorks setup dialog (select license type)

2. To activate a full license, go to step 4.
3. With a test license, the selected software components can be tested for
30 days.

If the "test license" is deactivated, a test license has either al‐

ready been installed or the component selected does not support
a test license.

Select Apply and got to step 5.

4. Enter the activation key to install a full license. You have obtained the
necessary data together with the license.
Instead of installing the license locally on the PC, install the license on a
dongle by selecting the "Save to Dongle" option.

The "Save to Dongle" option is only available if the license sup‐

ports this option and if there is a dongle on the PC.

Select Apply.
5. Read the license conditions.
To confirm the license conditions, select
● I accept the license conditions
and confirm with Complete.
If you do not accept the license conditions, select
● Cancel
The license is not activated.
Removing a License
To remove a license, select it from the list and click on "Delete".
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Fig.4-222: Confirm to remove licenses dialog

To confirm the safety prompt, click on "Yes".
Showing License Properties
To show the properties of a software component requiring a license, select
them from the list and click on "Properties...".
The properties dialog shows a short description of the software component
as well as the parts number and the serial number of the license bought.

Fig.4-223: Properties of CamBuilder dialog

4.18.2 WinStudio Licensing

The graduated licensing model allows an optimal adjustment to the required
number of variables and the necessary scope of functions. In this process,
the larger licensing package covers the scope of functions of the smaller
package. An upgrade to the next licensing version is possible without a prob‐
The WinStudio licensing process has been changed with the introduction of
WinStudio 7.x (IndraWorks 09VRS and higher). The following describes the
new license management system.
Overview on WinStudio Licenses
The following licenses are available:
● WinStudio Lite
This license is part of the IndraWorks installation and allows the creation
and execution of WinStudio projects with a maximum of 500 variables
(tags). Furthermore, all CE devices are equipped with a Lite license for
the execution of Lite Runtime projects. In case of this license, alarms,
recipes, reports, trends as well as TCP/IP driver screens and DDE driv‐
er screens are not executed and can neither be created nor edited
● WinStudio Runtime 1K5 / 4K / 64K / 512K (RUN licenses)
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For the execution of WinStudio Runtime projects, licenses with a maxi‐

mum of 1,500, 4,000, 64,000 and 512,000 WinStudio variables (tags)
are available.
● WinStudio Engineering and Runtime 1K5 / 4K / 64K / 512K (RUD licen‐
This license allows the creation and execution of WinStudio projects
with a maximum of 1,500, 4,000, 64,000 or 512,000 WinStudio variables
● WinStudio Demo license
This license allows the testing of the entire scope of functions of
WinStudio for a period of 30 days. After the expiration of the test period,
the last valid license (e.g. Lite license) is active
The demo license may only be activated once.

For the activation of an IndraControl VEx device, only 1K5 and 4K

runtime licenses are available.

Activation of a WinStudio License

The individual "WinStudio Runtime" and "WinStudio Engineering and Run‐
time" licenses are subject to a charge and must be activated by entering a
licensing key. You find your personal license key on the licensing screen.
To activate a license, open the licensing dialog in IndraWorks Engineering via
Tools ▶ Options ▶ General ▶ Software Licenses and select the entry
"WinStudio". Use the Licensing… button to open the activation dialog and en‐
ter the activation key.
After activation of the license, it may be necessary to restart WinStudio Engi‐
neering or IndraWorks Operation.
Saving the license on a dongle The activation key is generally only valid for one PC. In order to use one li‐
cense on several PCs one after the other, you can transfer the license to a
dongle. The license is valid as long as the dongle is plugged into the USB
port of the PC. Windows CE licenses (VEx) cannot be transferred to a don‐
Activation of licenses on VEx devices
To activate the WinStudio license on a VEx device using the Windows CE
operating system, open the licensing dialog on the VEx device in the Win‐
dows Start menu via Programs ▶ Rexroth ▶ WinStudio ▶ License Manage‐
ment and enter the activation key. The licensing software is preinstalled on
new VEx devices. If you have already a VEx device without preinstalled li‐
censing software, install the IndraWorks visualization software on the VEx
device and then activate the WinStudio license.
To save the license settings, start IndraWorks Operation on the VEx device
and save the Windows Registry.

It is no longer possible to activate the license using the WinStudio

Remote Agent with the introduction of the new licensing process.
Use the IndraWorks licensing dialog (see above) to activate the li‐

It is no longer possible to transfer the license key using the inte‐

grated WinStudio function with the introduction of the new licens‐
ing process. The license key must be entered directly on the VEx
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Working with IndraWorks

IndraWorks license components for Windows CE are already pre‐

installed on new devices. If you wish to update an existing VEx
device with the new software, install the runtime components on
the VEx device via the context menu of the VEx device in
IndraWorks Engineering via Install software. The link might not
exist. If this is the case, start the licensing dialog using \Stora-
seImport.CE.exe. The licensing component requires .Net
CompactFramework 2.0 so that the firmware can be updated if re‐

Effects of a Missing or Inadequate License

If you open a project with the WinStudio Editor which has been created on
another computer with a higher WinStudio license, the elements subject to li‐
cense conditions in WinStudio Engineering are deactivated, i.e. in this case, it
is not possible to create or edit these elements.
When you start IndraWorks Operation, a message appears if the WinStudio
license is not adequate for the current project. In the event of an inadequate
or missing licenses, no WinStudio screens is displayed.

If you still want to use the current project, you can activate the
demo license. Use the IndraWorks licensing dialog (see above) to
activate the license.

4.18.3 Licensing Runtime Functions in the control

For runtime functions in the control that are subject to license, an activation is
not required. However, a valid license sheet is required in order to use them.
To find out which functions that are subject to license are used in a control,
highlight the control in the Project Explorer and select the menu item Runtime
Licenses.... The menu item is only enabled at an online connection with the
selected control.
Notes on how to interpret the li‐ In the license display of the control, a version-dependent license (e.g.
cense display 13VRS) is displayed as "type code". Such a "type code" is printed on the li‐
cense sheet for each license. If both type codes match, the license is valid.
A license printed on the license sheet is also valid if it does not bound to the
version displayed, but can be used version-comprehensively (type ID:
NNVRS) or if this license is an upgrade license (type ID: URS).
Note that a full license is additionally required in case of an upgrade license.

Fig.4-224: Notes on the presented license information in the "Licenses" dialog

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If the note "Display of licenses not available for this device" is dis‐
played after opening the license dialog, runtime licenses of the
control on the HMI can be checked (menu: Tools ▶ Op‐
tions ▶ Software Licenses).

4.19 Network Cluster

4.19.1 General Information
To operate several machines in a network cluster with access to data and di‐
agnostics of neighboring machines, the following steps are required:
● A network configuration listing all visualization devices and controls in
the machines of the network cluster has to be created.
● The network configuration has to be added to the machine projects.
Data access to a network control is always established via the visualization
device to which the control is assigned to. Thus, the network configuration
has to contain the visualization devices as well as the controls.

4.19.2 Creating Network Configuration

General Information
Create a new network configuration via File ▶ New ▶ File.... Select the tem‐
plate "Network Configuration" in the dialog "New file" and confirm it with
"Open". IndraWorks opens an editor used to edit and save this empty net‐
work configuration.

Fig.4-225: Network configuration editor

Specify a name for the network cluster and define the individual devices in
the network in the network configuration editor.
Adding Devices to the Network Configuration
The following devices can be added to a network configuration:

Family Device types

Visualization devices BTV/Vxx
IndraLogic IndraLogic L20, IndraLogic L40, IndraLogic V,
IndraLogic VPP21
MTX IndraMotion MTX L40, IndraMotion MTX P40,
IndraMotion MTX P60

Tab.4-226: Available device types

To add a device to the network configuration, right-click on the device list in
the editor and select the desired device type with Add in the context menu.
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The desired device can also be dragged from the library to the device list
When adding a device to the network configuration, a dialog to edit the de‐
vice properties opens. The device is only added to the list after the "Proper‐
ties" dialog has been closed with "OK".

When a control is added, the corresponding visualization device

has to be specified. Therefore, it is recommended that the visuali‐
zation device is defined before adding a control (IndraLogic or

Editing Devices Properties

General Information The "Properties" dialog is opened automatically when a device is added. To
change the properties of a device already in the list, open the dialog by
● Double-clicking on the device or
● Selecting the device and pressing" Enter" or
● Highlighting the device and selecting it under View ▶ Properties... or
● Right-clicking on the device and selecting Properties... in the context
Visualization Devices (BTV/Vxx)

Fig.4-227: "Properties" dialog for BTV/Vxx devices

Name Input box for the device name. The name has to be unique in the network
cluster. The editor ensures the unambiguousness.
Type Device type (only display)
Computer name Input box for the name used to reach the device in the network
Master station Defines whether the visualization device is the master station. The editor en‐
sures that only one visualization device becomes the master station.
Controls (IndraLogic, MTX)
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Fig.4-228: Properties dialog for IndraLogic and MTX devices

Name Input box for the device name. The name has to be unique in the network
cluster. The editor ensures the unambiguousness.
Type Device type (only display)
Assigned visualization device Defines the visualization device the control is assigned to. The drop-down list
lists all visualization devices defined in the network configuration.
Control name in the project Enter the name of the control exactly as defined in the original project.
Changing Sequence
Change the order of the devices in the network configuration by
● Right-clicking on a device and selecting Up or Down in the context
menu or
● Dragging a device to a different position
Removing Device
Delete a device from the network configuration by
● Right-clicking on the device and selecting Remove in the context menu
● Highlighting the device and pressing <Del> or
● Highlighting the device and Edit ▶ Remove in the main menu
If you are sure you want to delete the device, confirm the following note with

Fig.4-229: Note when removing devices

Saving Network Configuration
Save a network configuration via File ▶ Save.
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If it is a new network configuration, a dialog to define the file name opens.

Fig.4-230: "Save Network Configuration" dialog

If the network configuration has already been saved or an existing network
configuration has been opened, the existing file is overwritten.
If you want to save the network configuration under a different name, select
File ▶ Save As....

When saving, ensure that the window of the network configuration

editor is active; otherwise other data is saved with the commands
"Save" and "Save As".

Closing Editor
To close the network configuration editor, click on the "x" in the upper right of
the document window or press <Ctrl> + <F4>.
If there are unsaved changes in the network configuration, you are asked
how to proceed.

Fig.4-231: Note when closing the editor

Yes Saves the network configuration and closes the editor. If the network configu‐
ration was not saved before, the dialog to select a file name opens.
No Discards the changes and closes the editor.
Cancel The editor is not closed.
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Working with IndraWorks

4.19.3 Opening Existing Network Configuration

To open an existing network configuration, click on File ▶ Open ▶ File... in the
main menu. IndraWorks opens a dialog to select the file.

Fig.4-232: "Open Network Configuration" dialog

Confirm the dialog with "Open". The network configuration editor is opened
and displays the projected data.

Fig.4-233: Network configuration editor

Edit a network configuration as described in "Creating Network Configura‐

4.19.4 Adding Network Configuration to a Project

To display data of non-local controls in a visualization device in operating
mode, a relevant network configuration has to be added to the project.
Select Project ▶ Add Network Configuration in the main menu of the open
project. IndraWorks opens a dialog to select the configuration file.
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Fig.4-234: "Open Network Configuration" dialog

Select a file and press "Open". The network configuration is added to the
project and displayed in the Project Explorer.

Fig.4-235: Project with network configuration

When adding a network configuration to a project that already contains one,
the following message is displayed.

Fig.4-236: Warning when adding a network configuration to a project

4.20 Configuring Data Accesses

4.20.1 General Information
Using the application
This application can be used to enable a computer for the reception of visual‐
ization data (FTP server operation). Thus, other computers using IndraWorks
Engineering can transfer their visualization data to this computer. IndraWorks
Operation uses the visualization data.
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Additionally, this application can be used to operate a computer in a network

of operating stations (DCOM server operation). If this option is enabled, this
computer can also provide data for other computers via OPC.
Starting the application
Start the application via the following menu items:
Start ▶ Programs ▶ Rexroth ▶ IndraWorks ▶ Communication ▶ Data Access

Fig.4-237: IndraWorks Configuration of Data Accesses

Canceling the application
Exit the interface via the inputs known from Windows applications (<Alt>
+<F4>, <ESC>, etc.) and with Cancel. If settings were made, these are dis‐
Calling the help function
Open the corresponding online help chapter via Help or <F1>.
Changing and applying settings
The user interface is divided into different sections. Settings can be seen and
changed in these sections (the settings are described in the following).
If a change is made in the settings, the Apply button is enabled. Press this
button or OK to apply the changes. This might take some time and may not
be canceled. It is visualized by the Windows progress dialog.

Fig.4-238: IndraWorks Configuration of Data Accesses (progress bar)

If errors occur while applying the settings, these are displayed in the user in‐
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If Apply was selected, exit the dialog with OK. Otherwise, the dialog is closed
automatically after the application of these settings.

4.20.2 Areas of User Interface

Computer Information
No settings can be made in this area. Only the computer name is displayed.
This specification is required to transmit visualization data from another com‐
puter to this computer.
Data Accesses on this Computer
The control elements in this area display the current state of a service or an
option and control this state. Therefore, click on the control element or use
the <Tab> key to jump to the corresponding element and press the <space‐
Enabling FTP service to receive
visualization data
This control element enables the FTP service. If the computer is supposed to
receive visualization data, this service has to run.
The subordinate control element "Allow anonymous connections" indicates
whether FTP connections to your computer can be established without speci‐
fying a user account (anonymous).
The following settings are recommended:

Fig.4-239: FTP service enabled; user account has to be specified

1. The FTP service is enabled.
Thus, visualization data can be transmitted to your computer. It can also
be used as FTP server to store project archives for example.
The FTP service is reachable via port 21.
2. Anonymous connections are not allowed.
A valid user account (user name and password) has to be specified to
establish an FTP connection to your computer. A login dialog is usually
displayed at the computer actively establishing the connection.

The IndraWorks installation program has already made the rec‐

ommended settings if you selected the installation option
"IndraWorks Operation".

Enabling DCOM service for net‐

work and OPC server operation
This control element enables the DCOM service required if your computer is
integrated into an operating station network or if an OPC server is to be oper‐
ated on your computer.

Fig.4-240: DCOM service enabled

This setting is not made automatically. The DCOM service has to be explicitly
enabled at each computer.
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4.21 Remote Service

4.21.1 General Information
General Information With I-Remote, an efficient teleservice software is available in IndraWorks to
remotely control PC systems. I-Remote allows to access remote machines
and performs diagnostic and maintenance steps.

Note that PCs with Windows Vista and Windows 7 cannot be re‐
mote-controlled via I-Remote.
Software components The I-Remote teleservice software consists of two software components.

Software component Description

Client Software component installed on the PC

to be remote-controlled. After the installa‐
tion, the client PC can be remote-control‐
led from a service PC.
Control Software component installed on the re‐
mote-controlled PC. After the installation,
the control PC can remote-control PCs
on which a client is installed.

Tab.4-241: I-Remote teleservice software

Delivery The client installation is an integral part of IndraWorks and can be enabled by
purchasing a valid license.
The control installation is delivered as separate data carrier. To enable this
component, a valid license is also required. For detailed help on the installa‐
tion and operation of the I-Remote control software, refer to the data carrier
of the control installation.

4.21.2 I-Remote Client Software

The sections below refer exclusively to I-Remote client software.
Installation While IndraWorks is installed, the I-Remote setup for client software is stored
on each control PC.
To install the software, proceed as follows:
● Select the menu item Setup under Start ▶ Pro‐
grams ▶ Rexroth ▶ IndraWorks ▶ I-Remote
● Select the language and accept the license conditions.
● Enter the license information which you received when you purchased
IndraWorks I-Remote in the "General" tab and click on "Generate"
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Fig.4-242: "NetSupport License Manager" dialog

Enter the information exactly considering upper and lower cases.

● Click on "Install"
● Close all applications and restart the computer This completes the in‐
stallation of IndraWorks I-Remote.
IndraWorks integration After successful installation, find the I-Remote menu under Tools on the
IndraWorks Engineering desktop. The "I-Remote" menu has the following
menu items: Enable, Disable and Configuration.
Authorization The use of the I-Remote functions requires the following authorizations:
● You have to be logged in as main user or administrator in Windows.
● The user logged in to IndraWorks has to have the special authorization
"I-Remote" or has to be a member of a group with this authorization
(see chapter 4.14 IndraWorks User Management, page 163).
Activate Enables the I-Remote software. This PC can now be accessed from a service
PC with the I-Remote control software. Due to safety reasons, the user has to
confirm a connection request of the service PC in the default configuration.
Deactivate Disables the I-Remote software. The PC cannot be accessed via I-Remote
configuration The I-Remote session between the service PC and the client PC can be free‐
ly configured with regard to important configuration parameters such as:
● Safety (user management, access rights)
● Transport protocol
● Available functionality while accessing
● Web interface
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While an I-Remote session is being established, the configuration is valid for

both users of the session (for the service PC and for the client PC).
Use the supplied documentation and online help of the NetSupport Manager
to adjust the configuration.

4.22 External Applications

4.22.1 General Information
IndraWorks allows to call any external applications and HTML pages. Once
programs and HTML pages are configured correspondingly, these are dis‐
played under Tools and can be started by selecting the entry.
To configure and manage external applications, go to Tools ▶ External Appli‐

When using the Automation Interface, create an HTML page with

embedded script code containing the access functionality to the
Automation Interface. Add this functionality to the "Tools" menu
as described in the following chapter.

Fig.4-243: "External Applications" dialog

4.22.2 Adding Application or HTML Page

Use "Add" to open a dialog and to select an application file or HTML page. To
select HTML pages, change the setting in the field "Data type" to "All Files".
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Fig.4-244: "Select file" dialog

Confirm the file selection with "Open" and the application or HTML page is
displayed in the "Properties" dialog. Set the properties here (see chapter
4.22.3 "Changing Properties of an Application" on page 213).
After having confirmed all dialogs, the application or HTML page is displayed
and can be opened via Tools ▶ External Applications....

Fig.4-245: "External Applications..." in the "Tools" menu

4.22.3 Changing Properties of an Application

To open the "Properties" dialog for an application, select the "External Appli‐
cations" dialog and click on "Properties...".
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-246: "Properties" dialog, properties of external applications

Title This field automatically contains the description text of the application. The ti‐
tle is also used as display text in the menu.
Command Enter the application name or select it via "...".
Arguments Arguments to be transferred to the application at start can be optionally en‐
tered here.
Working directory Enter the working directory optionally here or select it via "...".
Window mode Select whether the application is started with normal window size or in full
screen mode as far as the application uses this parameter.

4.22.4 Changing Properties of HTML Page

To open the "Properties" dialog for an HTML page, select it in the "External
Applications" dialog and click on "Properties...".
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-247: "Properties" dialog, properties of external applications

Title This field contains automatically the description text of the HTML page. The
title is also used as display text in the menu.
Command Enter the application name or select it via "...".
Arguments This field is locked when adding HTML pages.
Working directory This field is locked when adding HTML pages.
Window mode Define whether the HTML page is to be started integrated in IndraWorks or
externally. The current version runs HTML pages only integrated in

4.22.5 Deleting Application or HTML Page

To remove an application or HTML page from IndraWorks, select the appro‐
priate entry from the "External Applications" dialog and click on "Remove".

4.23 "Options" Dialog

4.23.1 General Information
The "Options" dialog provides comprehensive setting options to customize
These setting options range from the appearances of the user interface to its
responses up to the specific settings of various program parts.
The setting options are organized in "Options" screens. A single screens con‐
tains associated or related settings.
To go to the "Options" dialog, select Tools ▶ Options....

4.23.2 Functional Areas

The "Options" dialog is divided into a navigation area and an area to display
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Navigation area The navigation area contains the tree-like hierarchy of the "Options" screens.
There are only folders on the highest level. Folders can contain "Options"
screens and subfolders.
"Options" screens Select an element from the navigation area to display the corresponding "Op‐
tions" screens. The corresponding settings can be viewed and edited.
Select a folder in the navigation area to open an overview of its "Options"
screens in the folder and a brief description.

4.23.3 Operating
Changing settings Select an element from the navigation area of the "Options" dialog to display
the corresponding "Options" screen.
Make the desired settings on the "Options" screen. Several "Options"
screens can be edited consecutively. These changes remain as long as the
"Options" dialog is open.
Applying changed settings Click on "Apply" or "OK" to apply the changes.
Restoring settings to default val‐ To restore the default values on the current "Options" screen, click on "Re‐
ues set". To apply the default settings, click on "Apply" or "OK".
Calling help Click on "Help" to open the online help for the current "Options" screen.
Exiting "Options" dialog Click on "OK" to exit the "Options" dialog. The changes are applied.
Click on "Cancel" to discard all changes and to close the "Options" dialog,

4.23.4 General Options

User interface language Select the user interface language in this section.
Click on "OK" or "Apply" to update the display of the user interface in the se‐
lected language.
Close Select "Prompt when exiting" and a safety prompt is displayed when exiting
the application.
Layout Restore layout:
This option refers to the following properties: visibility, position and size of
tool windows and toolbars. If this option is selected, changes in these proper‐
ties are saved when exiting the application and restored at next start.
If this option is deselected, the application is always displayed in the layout
upon delivery.
Show menu bar:
Use this option to hide and show the menu and title bar of the application.
Note that the option is not available anymore after hiding the menu bar and
closing the "Options" dialog.

Use the shortcut <Alt> + <M>. It shows and hides the menu bar
and title bar.

Resetting layout Menus and toolbars:

Press this button to undo all changes made in the menus and toolbars via
"Customize". This resets these elements to their delivery state.
Tool window:
This button resets visibility, position and size of the tool window to the deliv‐
ery state.
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Changes in the "Reset layout" area are immediately applied and

cannot be undone (not even by canceling the "Options" dialog)!

Software Licenses
Use this site to manage the licenses of software components (see chapter
4.18 License Management, page 196).
Shortcuts for commands can be defined in this "Options" screen.

Fig.4-248: Options dialog (shortcuts)

Categories Select a category to list the commands of that category in the "Commands"
Description This field provides a brief description on the command selected.
Shortcut for selected command If a shortcut is assigned to a selected command, it is displayed in this field.
Click on "Delete" to remove the shortcut. If no shortcut exists, this field dis‐
plays "None".
Enter new shortcut Press a key or a shortcut to define a new shortcut for the selected command.
If the shortcut is already assigned to a different command, this is displayed in
the "Shortcut is already used by" field.

One shortcut can only be assigned to one command. If you as‐

sign a shortcut already in use to a new command, that shortcut
cannot be used for the previous command any longer.

Change the settings for the Project Explorer here.
These changes are only applied after restart.
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Fig.4-249: Options dialog (root directory of the Project Explorer)

4.24 "Customize" Dialog

Use the "Customize" dialog to edit the menu and the toolbars.
To open this dialog, select Tools ▶ Customize.
Adding a command to the menu or To add a command to a toolbar, display that toolbar. Afterwards, select
a toolbar Tools ▶ Customize and the "Commands" screen. Select the category for the
command. Drag the command to be added from the "Commands" field to the
appropriate position in the menu or toolbar.
Showing and hiding toolbars Toolbars can be shown or hidden. To do this, select Tools ▶ Customize and
the "Toolbars" screen. Make the appropriate settings in the "Toolbars" field.
Creating new toolbar To create an own toolbar, click the "New" button on the "Toolbars" screen.
This opens the "Create New Toolbar" dialog and a name for the new toolbar
can be entered. Click "OK" to create the toolbar. It is floating. The toolbar
name is entered in the toolbar list.
Renaming toolbar Select the user-defined toolbar to be renamed from the "Toolbars" field on
the "Toolbars" screen. Click on "Rename".

Only user-defined toolbars can be renamed.

Deleting toolbar Select the user-defined toolbar to be deleted from the "Toolbars" field on the
"Toolbars" screen. Click on "Delete" and confirm the "Delete Toolbars" mes‐

Only user-defined toolbars can be deleted.

4.25 SCP-OPC Configurator

4.25.1 General Information
The SCP-OPC configurator declares the devices provided by SCP via OPC.
The SCP-OPC configurator can be used to create the configuration files and
to label them as active configurations. At the start of the OPC server, the ac‐
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Working with IndraWorks

tive configuration is evaluated and the relevant SCP devices are created. The
selected devices are highlighted in blue. Modifications to an active configura‐
tion can only take effect when the OPC server next restarts.
In the main window of the application, the SCP-OPC configurator displays the
list of devices stored in the SCP-OPC configuration file. The following device
properties are displayed:

column Description

Device SCP device name, cannot be edited

Type SCP device type, cannot be edited
OPC Alias OPC alias name of the device; can be edited; optional

Tab.4-250: Device properties displayed

Fig.4-251: Display of configuration file

4.25.2 Operation
Creating Device Configuration
Create a new SCP-OPC configuration file via the main menu File ▶ New. En‐
ter the file name when saving the configuration. If there is any configuration
data that has not yet been saved when closing, you are asked to save it.

The heading of the application displays the path and file name of
the currently open file. If a file was opened or modified after the
last change, the "*" symbol is shown in the dialog headline at the
end of the file name.

Opening Device Configuration

Open a new SCP-OPC configuration file via the main menu File ▶ Open. Se‐
lect the directory and the configuration file to be opened in a file selection dia‐
log. Only the files with the extension "ini" are displayed. The SCP-OPC con‐
figuration is displayed as a list of devices in the main window of the applica‐
tion. If the opened file is the currently active SCP-OPC configuration, the sta‐
tus bar of the application is a light green field with the label "active".

The heading of the application displays the path and file name of
the currently open file. If a file was opened or modified after the
last change, the "*" symbol is shown in the dialog headline at the
end of the file name.
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Working with IndraWorks

Adding Devices
To display a selection dialog to select the devices to be added to your config‐
uration, go to the main menu option Edit ▶ Add, the context menu option Add
or the "Add" button and specify the data source. Devices already in the con‐
figuration are grayed out in the selection dialog. Data sources are IndraWorks
projects, SCP-OPC configuration files or an active SCP-OPC configuration. A
dialog to display the properties of a SCP device can be added for every de‐
vice in the selection dialog as well as in the main window of the configurator
via the "Properties" option.

The devices in a configuration have to be uniquely named. If devi‐

ces - already in the configuration (grayed) - are selected in the di‐
alog, these devices are not added.

Fig.4-252: Device selection

Displaying Device Properties
The properties dialog of the selected device of the device list can be dis‐
played with all its properties using the main menu option Edit ▶ Properties,
the context menu option Properties or the "Properties" button. The option is
activated only if exactly one device on the list has been selected.

The "Device Properties" dialog can be started either from the

main window or from the device selection dialog.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-253: Device properties

Changing Devices OPC Alias
Device name and device type cannot be changed by the user. These fields
are displayed as non-editable fields with a grey background. However, the
OPC alias name of a device can be changed by selecting the desired device
and clicking on the OPC alias name field. The editing mode is closed with
<Return> or by selecting another field.

The OPC alias name may only include the following characters:
"a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -". If the name convention is infringed, a mes‐
sage is displayed, the background of the field will turn red and an
error symbol will be displayed in the field. A description of the
present error can also be found in the tooltip of the field labeled
as incorrect.

Fig.4-254: Changing OPC alias name

Removing Devices
After confirming a safety prompt, the selected devices are removed from the
device list using either the main menu option Edit ▶ Remove, the context
menu option Remove or the "Remove" button.
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Working with IndraWorks

This option is only enabled if at least one device of the device list
is selected.

Saving Device Configuration

Save the currently edited configuration under the directory and file name giv‐
en in the heading of the application using the main menu option File ▶ Save.

This option is only available if any changes were made since the
data was opened or last saved.
The "Save" option is not available for newly created configura‐
tions as long as no file name has been allocated.

Saving Device Configuration As

The currently edited configuration can be saved under a different file name
using the main menu option File ▶ Save As. Select the desired directory in a
file selection dialog and enter the file name under which the file is to be
saved. If this file already exists in the target directory, overwriting has to be
confirmed explicitly.

If configurations are newly created, the "Save" option is not avail‐

able, since no file name has been specified yet. The "Save As"
option is always available if a configuration file is open.

Activating Device Configuration

It can be specified to use the currently open file as active configuration via
the main menu option File ▶ Activate. This means that this configuration will
be used to generate the device list of the OPC server when the OPC server
next restarts. Only those devices are available via the OPC server, which are
defined in this configuration file.
If the opened file is the currently active SCP-OPC configuration, the status
bar of the application is a light green field with the label "active".

A configuration can only be labeled as active if it was saved as

file before.

Closing Application
Close the application using either the main menu option Close or the system
menu item x. If there are unsaved data you will be prompted to save the data.

4.26 Info
Use Help ▶ Info... to call the IndraWorks information dialog.
Click "Advanced >>" to view detailed information on the individual compo‐
The upper part of the dialog displays the exact version label and the build
number of the basic installation.
The lower part of the dialog displays the license conditions.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-255: Info dialog box

Installed products and compo‐ This list displays the installed products.
Product details Select a product from the list to view detailed information (type code and
copyright) in the "Product details" field.
Advanced information Click on "Advanced>>" to additionally show the basic components of the in‐
stalled software packages in the "Installed products" list. To hide this informa‐
tion again, click on "Advanced<<".
Copy Info Click on "Copy Info..." to copy the displayed information. Not only the build
and version information on IndraWorks are copied, but also information on
the files to be installed, such as file size, creation date and key information on
the particular PC, processor and operating system. After copying is comple‐
ted, an editor is started to process this information .
Calling extra info To obtain extra information on the product selected, click on the "Extra Info"
Used open source components The copyright information of the open source components used in
IndraWorks can be displayed by showing "Advanced<<", highlighting the
"Open Source Components" item and pressing "Extra Info...".

4.27 Other Windows and Troubleshooting

4.27.1 Message Windows
General Information
IndraWorks has different message windows to display errors, search results,
diagnostics and messages. These windows can be shown or hidden individu‐
ally as well as arranged in any order.
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Working with IndraWorks

The "Output" window can be shown and hidden via the menu View ▶ Other
Windows ▶ Output. It is used to log events and processes occurring while
working with IndraWorks.

Fig.4-256: Output window

The "Messages" window can be shown and hidden via the menu View ▶ Oth‐
er Windows ▶ Messages.
This window displays messages generated during certain processes such as
PLC program compilation or project data validation for example.
● Messages can be of type error, warning or information.
● Apart from the description as text, each message is also provided with a
language-independent "ID".
● "Element" labels a project element to which the message is assigned.
● "Path" specifies the relative project path.
● Specifying "Position" is optional. It is for example used as line/column
specification to display syntax errors in source texts.

Fig.4-257: Messages
The upper area of the window is used to filter the messages to be displayed:
● A selection list allows filtering processes. The process, whose messag‐
es are be displayed, can be selected here. If "All" is selected, processes
are not filtered.
● Further filtering is carried out via the message type. One field is availa‐
ble for each type. The number of messages of this type is displayed in
the field. Click of one of these fields to show or hide messages of the
respective type.
Enabled fields (message types) are labeled with a frame.
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Working with IndraWorks

The displayed messages can be sorted according to the column contents. It

is sorted by clicking into the respective column header or via the context
menu that is available at each message. Restore the original order again via
the context menu.

Many messages provide support when recovering the reported

error cause.
● Double-click on a message to reach the position in a dialog
or source text where the message was caused
● For a selected message, press <F1>"" to open the respec‐
tive chapter in the help system.

Selected messages can be copied to the clipboard with <Ctrl> +

<C> or via the context menu item Copy.

Save messages to a text file via the context menu of the mes‐

Device Diagnostics
Show and hide device diagnostics via Diagnostics ▶ Device Diagnostics.
The device diagnostics shows a list of the currently pending diagnostics of a
device if:
● The device or one of its subitems is selected in the Project Explorer
● The device supports diagnostic messages
● The device is in "online" state
Otherwise, an empty list is displayed.
Each diagnostic message outputs the diagnostic number, diagnostic source
(module for ProVi messages, channel number with MTX), date and time of
occurrence as well as a descriptive text.

Fig.4-258: Device Diagnostics

Search Results
Show and hide the "Search Results" window via View ▶ Other Win‐
dows ▶ Search Results. This window lists the search results.
The display in the "Search Results" window consists of a navigation bar, a re‐
sult text and the display of the search result.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-259: Search results

Navigation bar The navigation bar provides several buttons which are active or inactive de‐
pending on the search result.
● Refresh
The previous search query was executed again with the same settings.
● Display search request request
The previous search request is opened in the "Search" window to adjust
the search settings and to perform the search again.
● Call current element
An action is carried out for the current element. Alternatively, also start
this action via the <Enter> key or double-click.
● Call previous element
The previous element is selected and an action is carried out for this el‐
ement. It is also possible to press the shortcut <Shift>+<F8>.
● Call next element
The next element is selected and an action is carried out for this ele‐
ment. It is also possible to use <F8>.
● Extended view
Click this button to display the elements found in an extended view.
● Delete all
The list of found elements is deleted.

If the search results were determined based on the "element

search in the project", multiple elements can be selected in the
"Search Results" window.
Subsequently, click on "Call selected element" to select these ele‐
ments in the Project Explorer. Commands can now be applied to
this multiple selection in the Project Explorer.
For more detailed information on the "element search in a proj‐
ect", refer to chapter 4.2.6 Element Search in a Project, page 41.

4.27.2 Error Handling

Software errors in IndraWorks are displayed via the following dialog:
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-260: Unexpected exception

The dialog provides three possibilities to look at and save information on the
● The first link opens a new dialog displaying detailed technical informa‐
tion on the error. This dialog also provides the possibility to save this da‐
ta in a text file that is subsequently opened automatically in a Windows
text editor.
● The second link creates a detailed error report allowing subsequent
error analysis by Bosch Rexroth.
● The third link copies the error information to the clipboard and can sub‐
sequently be pasted into an editor and or an email.

If an error occurs, close IndraWorks and restart it in order not to

damage project data or cause subsequent errors.

Creating error report After selecting the link to create an error report, the following dialog opens to
specify the scope of the error report.

Fig.4-261: Creating error report

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Working with IndraWorks

Click on "OK" and IndraWorks creates an error report. All the information
gathered is saved as files in a subdirectory. Its name consists of "ErrorRe‐
portFrom_" as well as the current date and time. The storage location of the
error report as well as the current progress are displayed in the following dia‐

Fig.4-262: Progress bar

In this dialog, the storage location path can be copied into the clipboard or
displayed completely as tooltip after highlighting it with the mouse.
To find a saved error report at a later stage, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows Explorer
2. Navigate to the IndraWorks installation directory, normally to "C:\Pro‐
3. Search the "_LinkToLocalAppData" link file in the installation directory
and double-click. The Windows Explorer changes automatically to the
configuration data directory applicable for this installation.
4. Change to the "IndraWorks Error Reports" subdirectory in the "Logs"
subdirectory. This directory provides a corresponding subdirectory for
every error report created for this installation.

4.27.3 IndraWorks Black Box

IndraWorks Black Box Control is a tool for recording data from different
IndraWorks processes. It can be used to analyze problems.
The recorded data includes visual operating interactions, program data (file,
registry accesses, etc.) and errors in the program sequence (exceptions).
The recorded data is defined via profiles. The processes monitored and the
program data to be recorded are determined in a profile.
IndraWorks Black Box provides a predefined selection of profiles:
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Working with IndraWorks

Black box profiles

Profile name Processes Note

IndraWorks - Default DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ This profile is the default profile.

IndraWorks - only DDP DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ Limited process selection com‐
top.exe pared to the default profile.
IndraWorks - only Com‐ OPCScp.exe Limited process selection com‐
munication SCPServer.exe pared to the default profile.

IndraWorks- hang situa‐ DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ Hang situation records data from

tion top.exe blocking processes. This profile
DDP.OperationDesk‐ is started after blocking.
IndraWorks installation InstallManager.exe Recording the installation proc‐
IW_InstUtil.exe ess.

IndraWorks - only DDP DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ Extension: File operations
(file operations) top.exe
SCP - Gateway SCPServer.exe Specific recording of IndraLogic
Gateway.exe 1.x data
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Working with IndraWorks

Profile name Processes Note

IndraWorks - only DDP DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ Extension: Garbage collector
(Garbage collector) top.exe
IndraWorks - only Com‐ OPCScp.exe Extension: Network operations
munication (network) SCPServer.exe
IndraWorks - IndraLogic IndraLogic.exe IndraLogic 1.x
IndraWorks - Drive Offli‐ DDP.EngineeringDesk‐ In addition to the default pro‐
neServer top.exe cesses, data from the various
DDP.OperationDesk‐ DriveServer processes is also
top.exe recorded.


Tab.4-263: IndraWorks Black Box profile

Starting Recording
Question: At what time do you start a black box recording?
Response: You can start a recording at any time. The runtime of the black box is linked
to a process. As the black box recording affects the runtime behavior and
performance of a process, recording is only to be started specifically.
Prepare for recording by calling the "Indraworks.Blackbox.exe" program from
the installation directory. Select a profile and start recording via Start Record‐

Fig.4-264: Black box recording dialog (start recording)

Start Recording starts the "BlackBox.exe" process. This is integrated as icon
into the Windows message field (Window SysTray).
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Working with IndraWorks

If the icon is pulsing, recording is running.

No pulsing indicates that either an incorrect profile has been se‐
lected or the process to be analyzed has not yet been started.
Pay attention to this pulsing, since only then data is recorded.

Fig.4-265: Windows message field: Black box has started

Fig.4-266: Windows message field: Black box is recording

Stopping Recording
Click on Stop Recording to stop the recording. Log data is now generated
and stored in the "My Documents" directory with the file extension ".asl".

Fig.4-267: Black box recording dialog (recording stopped)

The above diagram show the BlackBox Control following "Stop Recording".
The file name is "guidfort lo-z7088 29.01.2009 08.49.asl". Go to Open folder
containing the log file and start the Windows Explorer by selecting the "asl
file" directly.
Executing Special Profiles
The preconfigured profiles cover the majority of applications. However, up‐
loading new profiles is possible to further analyze an error or a non-config‐
ured process. This analysis is not performed in the Black Box Control, but di‐
rectly via the "Blackbox.exe" application in the Windows message field.

"Blackbox.exe" has to started via the IndraWorks Black Box Con‐

trol before.

Select the black box icon and call the context menu.
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-268: Black box context menu

Switch to the following dialog via Switch to Advanced Mode.

Fig.4-269: Black box dialog (advanced mode)

All processes that can be analyzed are displayed in this window. The active
profile is displayed as file name in the title bar. "IndraWorks.rpr" means in this
case "IndraWorks - Default".
Change the profile via File
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Working with IndraWorks

Fig.4-270: Black box menu

and select Apply Recording Profile... from the menu.
Due to this selection, the new profile and the process list are loaded and the
window title is adapted accordingly.

Fig.4-271: Black box dialog (new active profile)

Operating Multiple Monitors
with modern operating systems, applications can run on multiple monitors.
Note in this case that the black box only records visual data of the primary
monitor. In Windows, the primary monitor can be identified at the Windows
As data collection is performed within a process, the black box operation af‐
fects the performance and memory use of the respective process. With older
computer systems with little CPU capacity and memory, the performance can
significantly decrease during recording. It is thus recommended using a more
powerful computer for recording, e.g. a dual-core system with 1-2 GB of main
memory. The consumption of resources is then negligible.
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Working with IndraWorks

Administrative Rights
For data collection purposes, the black box uses Windows debug and hook
techniques to link to a running process. It is therefore necessary that the
black box is provided with administrative rights.
These can be given specifically in Windows via the Execute As... context
Recording Period
Log data is recorded in the black box in a ring buffer. Thus, stop recording if
the situation to be analyzed occurred in order not to increase the volume of
data unnecessarily.
Windows XP Embedded
Windows XP Embedded is not supported by the black box.

4.28 Help
4.28.1 IndraWorks Online Help
Help Start the online user documentation to learn the basics about IndraWorks via
Help ▶ First Steps.

Fig.4-272: Help menu, first steps

Fig.4-273: Online information on first steps with IndraWorks

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Working with IndraWorks

The folders displayed in the "Contents" depend on the installed

components installed.

Select Help ▶ Help to start the IndraWorks online user documentation.

Fig.4-274: Help menu (start online help)

Fig.4-275: Online information on IndraWorks

Contents See the entire IndraWorks Online Help via "Contents". It is sorted by topics.

Fig.4-276: Content of IndraWorks online help

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Working with IndraWorks

The folders displayed in the "Contents" depend on the installed

components installed.
Index The complete online IndraWorks help is provided in the "Index". It is sorted
by keywords.

Fig.4-277: Help, Index

Search Search for keywords in the complete online help via "Search". The search re‐
sults are displayed in a list with all associated topics.

Fig.4-278: Help, search for topics

Rexroth Homepage Select Help ▶ Rexroth Homepage to go to the Bosch Rexroth homepage if
your computer is online.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

5 Operating the Oscilloscope Function

5.1 General Information
The oscilloscope is a powerful software-based measuring tool for commis‐
sioning, servicing and testing drives and control systems. It is used to meas‐
ure and evaluate the transient response of a drive, for example. It is thus pos‐
sible to optimize the axes of a machine without additional measuring acces‐
In addition, the oscilloscope has a powerful measurement management proc‐
ess and an extensive range of diagram types for the most diverse evalua‐
tions. In addition to the diagram types ("Time diagram", "FFT" and "Frequen‐
cy response") used in the drive technology, there are further diagram types
("Contour diagram", "Path deviation" and "Circle test") which are used pre‐
dominantly in the area of machine tools.

5.2 Operation
5.2.1 Control Elements
The main window of the oscilloscope is split into different areas. The follow‐
ing figure provides an overview:

Fig.5-1: Oscilloscope (1 - Toolbar, 2 - Graph area, 3- Signal legend, 4 - Ope‐

rating area, 5 - Status bar)
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

1 - Toolbar
File management This area of the toolbar provides functions for loading and saving measure‐
ments, as well as saving and printing the graph area.
Analysis and layout (time dia‐ Switch to the different diagram types of the oscilloscope, perform computa‐
grams) tions, view characteristics or change the layout of the interface.
Scaling The functions of this area provide the opportunity to scale the signal curves
displayed in the graph.
Cursor Show or hide two line cursors and zoom into the area marked with line cur‐
Configuring and controlling the In this area, configure the measurement and the measuring mode and control
measurement the measurement.
Layout control The signal legend (bottom window area) and the operating area (window
area to the right) can be shown or hidden using the interface. The layout set‐
tings are applied and are also valid upon an oscilloscope restart.
2 - Graph area In the graph area, measured and loaded signal curves and computations are
displayed. Change the measuring curves, e.g. displace them, scale them or
change their color. The display in the graph area corresponds to the signal
legend of the oscilloscope.
In addition to direct operation of the mouse, the graph area has operating
functionalities in the context menu. A distinction is made between three graph
areas. A special context menu is available for each of these graph areas.
These three areas are the x-axis, y-axis and the diagram area, which is span‐
ned by the axes.
3 – signal legend The signal legend displays all of the measurements and signals of the oscillo‐
scope session and corresponds to the display in the graph area. In the signal
legend, switch the active signal, or show or hide signals and computations in
the graph, for example.
Depending on the selected element, different context menus are available in
the signal legend. In addition to connection management, functions for meas‐
urement configuration and measurement control are thus provided e.g. on the
"Measurement configuration" node. Show or hide the signal legend via the
layout functions of the toolbar.
4 – operating area The operating area is located at the right side of the oscilloscope window and
provides the tabs "Measure" and "Analyze". The user interface to configure
and start a measurement is contained on the "Measure" tab. The "Analyze"
tab provides the user interface to analyze (e.g., scale and position signal
curves...) as well as to execute measurements.
Show or hide the operating area via the layout functions of the toolbar. Oper‐
ate the oscilloscope when the operating area is hidden via context menus
and the toolbar.
5 – status bar Here, the most important states and settings of the oscilloscope are dis‐
● Fixed scaling
● Trigger mode
● Measuring mode
● Measurement status
A tooltip with a brief description is displayed for every field of the status bar.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

5.2.2 Graph Area

Active Signal
A measuring curve with double line width is displayed in the graph area. This
measuring curve represents the active signal in the oscilloscope. The y-axis
in the graph area always displays the unit, scaling and color of the active sig‐
nal. Switch the active signal in the graph area by selecting another measuring
curve with the mouse.
Proceed as follows to switch the active signal in the graph area. Move the
mouse near or on the desired measuring curve. The oscilloscope tries imme‐
diately to record the measuring point located nearest to the mouse cursor. In
the graph, the recorded measuring point is displayed by a small circle on the
measuring curve. Left-click to select the measuring curve, on which the
measuring point is located, as an active signal. The selected curve is marked
with double line width and the associated y-axis is represented in the same
Displacing Measuring Curves
Displace measuring curves in the diagram in the x- and y-direction. Depend‐
ing on the selected diagram type, either all measuring curves or only the
measuring curves belonging to the active evaluation are displaced in the x-
direction. In the y-direction, the displacement affects the active measuring
X-displacement Move the mouse cursor in the diagram area or in the area below the x-axis.
Left-click and move the mouse to the left or right with the button pressed. The
measuring curve and x-axis scaling are displaced accordingly. Release the
mouse button again once the target position is reached.
The x-displacement affects all of the measuring curves represented in the fol‐
lowing diagram types: "Measurement", "Time diagram", "FFT", "Frequency
response" and "Contour diagram". In the case of the "Path deviation" and
"Circle test" diagram type, only the measuring curve belonging to the active
evaluation is displaced in the x-direction.

If the measuring curve extends beyond the visible diagram area in

the "Measurement", "Time diagram", "FFT" and "Frequency re‐
sponse" diagram type, an arrow symbol is shown on the right or
left edge in the graph area. Click on the arrow symbol to scroll the
graph to the left or right.
Y-displacement Proceed as follows to displace the active measuring curve in the y-direction.
Move the mouse cursor in the area to the left of the y-axis. The mouse cursor
is changed to a "hand cursor". Left-click and move the mouse upward or
downward with the button pressed. The active measuring curve is also
moved with the mouse. The y-axis is automatically adapted accordingly. Re‐
lease the mouse button again once the target position is reached.
To displace several curves in the y-direction, activate and displace the rele‐
vant curve. Perform this procedure for every curve to be displaced.

Functions for displacing measuring curves in the x- and y-direc‐

tions are also available via the operating area of the oscilloscope
in the "X-scaling" and "Y-scaling" areas. They are used like the
mouse. A description of the corresponding buttons is provided via
the assigned tooltip.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Scaling Measuring Curves

Scale the measuring curves in the diagram in the x- and y-direction using the
mouse. Depending on the selected diagram type, either all measuring curves
or only the measuring curves belonging to the active evaluation are scaled in
the x-direction. In the y-direction, the scaling affects the active measuring
X-scaling Move the mouse cursor in the area below the x-axis. The mouse cursor is
changed to a "hand cursor". Press the <Ctrl> key; keep it pressed and then
left-click. Move the mouse to the left or right with the button pressed. With the
movement of the mouse, the measuring curves are also scaled, i.e. enlarged
or shrunk in the x-direction. The x-axis is automatically represented in the
suitable scaling. Release the mouse button and <Ctrl> key again once the
target scaling is reached.
The x-scaling affects all of the measuring curves represented in the following
diagram types: "Measurement", "Time diagram", "FFT", "Frequency re‐
sponse" and "Contour diagram". In the case of the "Path deviation" and "Cir‐
cle test" diagram type, only the measuring curve belonging to the active eval‐
uation is always scaled in the x-direction.
Y-scaling Proceed as follows to scale the active measuring curve in the y-direction.
Move the mouse cursor in the area to the left of the y-axis. The mouse cursor
is changed to a "hand cursor". Press the <Ctrl> key; keep it pressed and then
left-click. Move the mouse upward or downward with the button pressed. The
active measuring curve is also scaled in the y-direction with the mouse, i.e.
the measuring curve is enlarged or shrunk in the y-direction. The y-axis is au‐
tomatically represented in the suitable scaling. Release the mouse button
and <Ctrl> key again once the target scaling is reached.
X- and y-scaling Change the x- and y-scaling "at the same time". Move the mouse cursor in
the diagram area, which is spanned by the two axes. Press the <Ctrl> key;
keep it pressed and then left-click. Move the mouse to the left or right, or up‐
ward and downward, with the button pressed. Depending on the mouse
movement, the curve is either scaled in x- or y-direction. All axes are auto‐
matically represented in the suitable scaling.
Automatic scaling In the oscilloscope, there are different functions for automatically scaling
measuring curves. These functions are provided via the toolbar or the "Graph
Area "context menu below the Scaling menu item.
Partly, these functions are also available via the operating area, in the "Auto‐
matic Scaling" section.
Fixing scaling It is possible to fix the set scaling in the oscilloscope. If the scaling is fixed,
the set scaling is also retained for a new measurement. When the "Fix Scal‐
ing" switch is deactivated, measuring curves are automatically scaled again
every time a new measurement is performed.
Via "FS" (Fixed Scaling) being displayed in the status bar, the black font color
shows that "Fix Scaling" is switched on. With the gray font color, "Fix Scaling"
is switched off.

Functions for scaling measuring curves in the x- and y-directions

are also available via the operating area of the oscilloscope in the
"X-scaling" and "Y-scaling" areas. They are used like the mouse.
A description of the corresponding buttons is provided via the as‐
signed tooltip.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Line Cursors
Show two line cursors in the diagram and use them for scaling or measure‐
ment tasks. The line cursors are represented as black, vertical dotted lines.
One of the cursors is the active cursor; this is marked with double line width.
The cursors are labeled with the cursor names "C1" or "C2" and the x-posi‐
tion. Displace the labeling fields of each cursor with the mouse. Move the
mouse cursor on the corresponding labeling field and move this upward or
downward to the desired position with the left button pressed.
Select line cursors with the mouse and drag them to the desired position or
displace them using the arrow keys. The line cursor stops on the relevant po‐
sition and remains, even when the measuring curves are displaced in the x-
Showing cursors Show or hide the two line cursors via the Show Both Cursors button in the
toolbar, or via the corresponding button in the operating area in the "Zoom"
Setting cursors Set both cursors separately on the measured value of a curve. Proceed as
follows: Move the mouse cursor to the corresponding position of a measuring
curve. The closest measuring point is automatically recorded by the oscillo‐
scope and is displayed on the measuring curve with a small circle. Open the
Cursor context menu and select the Set Cursor 1 or Set Cursor 2 menu item.
The selected cursor is set precisely to the position of the recorded measuring
point. The cursor is automatically shown, if it was not already displayed.
Cursor distance The distance between cursor 1 and cursor 2 is shown via a labeling field be‐
tween the two cursors. The labeling field is connected to the cursors via a
line. Displace this labeling field in the y-direction with the mouse.
To displace the two cursors to the right or left at the same time while retaining
the set distance, click on the labeling field and displace the mouse in the x-
direction with the left button pressed.
Value at the cursor In the signal legend, the y-value of the intersection point is displayed with the
active cursor in the "Value [Y] at the Cursor" column for each measuring
curve. Switch the active cursor and the value display is adapted.
Via the Display Options ▶ Show Cursor Positions context menu item in the
diagram area, show or hide a table displaying the y-values on the intersection
point of the relevant measuring curve with cursor 1 and cursor 2.
Tools ▶ Show Cursor Positions can also be pressed to show or hide the ta‐
Zooming into the area To zoom into an area in the diagram, select
● the Range Selection Frame menu item in the toolbar or
● the Range Selection Frame menu item in the Diagram context menu
Select the graph and move the mouse to draw the zoom area. A zoom rec‐
tangle appears. Its size is changed with the movement of the mouse. Re‐
lease the mouse button. The area to be zoomed into is defined and automati‐
cally sized to the entire graph area.
Area between the cursors To zoom into the area between the two cursors, select
● the Maximize Area Between Cursors menu item in the toolbar or
● the Scaling ▶ Maximize Area Between Cursors menu item in the Dia‐
gram context menu.

This functionality is also available via the Zoom Between the Two
Cursors button of the toolbar in the "Zoom" section.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Displaying Trigger Point in Time

After performing a "single shot" measurement, the point in time at which the
trigger was initiated is displayed in the diagram. The trigger point in time is
displayed by a vertical, red dashed line. The line is labeled with a "T" and the
trigger point in time (date and time). Select the label and displace vertically
with the mouse.
Showing Several Y-Axis
In the view "time diagrams", the y-axes of the displayed signals are shown or
In the following, a detailed description to show and hide y-axes is given:
Show all y-axes The y-axes of all displayed signals can be shown using this function.
To activate this function, select the Tools ▶ Show all Y-Axis menu item in the
toolbar or select the Display Options ▶ Show all Y-Axis menu item in the Dia‐
gram Area context menu.
Hide all y-axes The y-axes of all displayed signals can be hidden using this function. Only
the y-axis of the active signal is displayed after the call.
To activate this function, select the Tools ▶ Show one Y-Axis menu item in
the toolbar or select the Display Options ▶ Show one Y-Axis menu item in the
Diagram Area context menu.
Showing/hiding of a y-axis The y-axis can be shown or hidden for a selected signal using this function.
Proceed as follows to show a y-axis: Move the mouse to the corresponding
signal in the diagram. As soon as the signal has been recorded automatically,
a small circle is displayed at the recorded measuring point. Select the menu
item Show Y-Axis in the context menu.
Proceed as follows to show a y-axis. Move the mouse to the corresponding
signal in the diagram until the signal is recorded. Select the menu item Show
Y-Axis in the context menu. The function can be called via the context menu
of the y-axis. Select the menu item Show Y-Axis in the context menu of the y-
Showing Characteristic Table
The oscilloscope supports the computation of characteristics for defined time
ranges of the measuring curves.
The following characteristics are supported:
● Minimum (min.)
● Maximum (max.)
● Arithmetic average value (mean)
● Quadratic average value (RMS)
To activate this function, select the Tools ▶ Show Characteristic Values menu
item in the toolbar or select the Display Options ▶ Show Characteristic Val‐
ues menu item in the "Diagram Area" context menu.
After selecting this function, an area selection tool (gray area) is enabled in
the diagram and the characteristic table displaying the characteristics for the
selected area (for every measuring curve) is shown to the right of the dia‐
Adjusting the area Select the characteristic computation area and left-click. Two red "flags" are
shown on the left and right of the characteristic area. Move the mouse cursor
precisely on one of these flags to change the mouse cursor into a horizontal
left-right arrow. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

the left or right. At this point, the area is enlarged or shrunk to the left or right.
Use this procedure to bring the left- and right-hand area boundary to the de‐
sired position.
Move the mouse in the characteristic computation area and press and hold
the left button to displace the entire area to the left or right.
Area size The area size, which is connected to the area boundaries by a line, is dis‐
played via a labeling field between the two area boundaries. Displace this la‐
beling field in the y-direction with the mouse.
More Display Options
Set various display options, such as signal filter, curve display or display for‐
mat of x- and y-axis, in the oscilloscope. Select the associated functions via
the operating area, in the graph area via the "Axes" context menus or via the
Display Options "Diagram Area" context menu.
Signal filter Via the signal filter, control the display in the "Time diagram" diagram.
It is possible to set the following filters:
● No filter (display all signals)
● Measured signals (only display measured signals)
● Computed signals (only display computed signals)
Curve display Set how the curve is to be represented.
The following representations are possible:
● Interpolated (the individual measuring points are connected by lines)
● Discrete (y-value is extended in parallel to the x-axis until a new meas‐
ured value is reached)
● Interpolated with measuring points (interpolated representation with
marked measuring points)
Show signal tables A signal table with all displayed signals is shown in the right diagram area.

5.2.3 Signal Legend

General Information
The signal legend provides an overview of the measurement configuration,
measurements, signals and computations of the oscilloscope. Access the
functions of the individual elements via the context menu.
In the signal legend, a distinction is made between the following node types:
● Measurement configuration
● Last measurement
● Measurement
● Signal
● Local computation
● Global calculations
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The following figure shows, by way of example, a signal legend with two

Fig.5-2: Signal legend with measurement configuration and two measure‐


The "Measurement configuration", "Last measurement" and

"Global calculations" nodes are nodes specified by the oscillo‐
scope, which have special properties and cannot be renamed or
displaced as regards their position.

The following section provides a description of all the node types of the signal
Measurement configuration This node is always in the topmost position of the signal legend and displays
the measurement configuration. Via the context menu, functions for configur‐
ing and controlling the measurement are available. Below the node, all of the
signals selected for the measurement are displayed. Via the "Node" context
menu, add computations, in which the signals selected are to be used as op‐
erands in the measurement configuration.
To create a measurement configuration, establish a connection to the device.
Then, select the signals on the device and configure the trigger and resolu‐
tion. These settings are forwarded to the connected device and there, they
define the configuration for the next measurement.
Signals and computations, which are displayed below the measurement con‐
figuration, are displayed in gray. This means that no measured values are
present for these entries.
The Properties dialog of the measurement configuration provides an over‐
view of the set values. Provide the measurement configuration with a name
and a comment. In the signal legend, the name after "Measurement configu‐
ration" is displayed in square brackets. The comment is displayed in the "De‐
scription" column after the device name of the connected device. The name
and comment are passed on when a measurement is performed, i.e. the new
measurement is given the name and comment of the measurement configu‐

Assign a meaningful name and comment to each measurement

configuration. When working with several measurements, this
provides a better overview during the following steps to render the
operations more user-friendly.
Last measurement This node is located below the "Measurement configuration" node in the sig‐
nal legend and displays the measurement that was performed last. On the
node, the measurement name and a time stamp are displayed in square
brackets. The time stamp specifies the point in time at which the measuring
result was delivered from the device to the oscilloscope. The device name
and the comment on the measurement is output in the "Description" column.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Below the "Last measurement" node, all of the signals and computations set
beforehand in the measurement configuration are displayed. Unlike with the
measurement configuration, the entries here are displayed in black. This
means that measured values are present for these entries. Show or hide the
signal in the diagram via the checkbox to the left of the first column of the sig‐
nal legend. Show or hide all of the signals and computations of the measure‐
ment via the checkbox on the measurement node.

Every new measurement is performed with the configuration of

"measurement configuration". After a measurement is completed,
the measuring results are again stored in the "Last measurement"
node, overwriting the old values.

There is always one active signal in the oscilloscope. This signal is displayed
as bold in the diagram and in the signal legend. Switch the active signal in
the signal legend by double-clicking or by pressing <Return>. The represen‐
tation of the active signal in the diagram follows this switch in the signal leg‐
end and vice versa.

Any changes made to the configuration in "Last measurement" by

e.g. changing signal colors or adding a new computation are
overwritten with the configuration from "Measurement configura‐
tion" when a new measurement is performed.
To prevent this, a red exclamation mark is shown in the icon on
the "Last measurement" node as soon as the configuration has
been changed. To prevent accidental overwriting when a new
measurement is performed, it is queried at the start of the a
measurement (when the exclamation mark is set) whether the
measurement configuration from "Last measurement" is to be ap‐
plied as the active measurement configuration.
Perform this step manually via the Apply Measurement Configura‐
tion... context menu.
Measurement nodes A measurement node displays a measurement performed at an earlier point
in time and contains the measurement configuration and measuring results.
Rename the node name and thus the name of the measurement. The time
stamp displayed is fixed and cannot be deleted or renamed.
Edit measurements and their subordinate signals or computations as follows:
● Delete measurement/signals/computations, change colors, show or hide
in the graph
● Signals/computations - change colors
● Show or hide signals/computations in the graph
● Rename measurement
● Copy measurement
● Apply measurement configuration as active measurement configuration
Signals Signals are displayed below a measurement node in the signal legend. The
presence of a signal below a measurement node indicates that it is config‐
ured in the measurement. The font color of the signal indicates whether
measuring results are present for the signal. Signals cannot be renamed.
Local computation A local computation is always assigned to a measurement and only uses op‐
erands from this measurement. Operands from other measurements are not
available for a local computation.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Create a local computation via the New Computation... context menu on the
"Measurement configuration" node or on any measurement node.
Save a measurement to save the local computations, too.
Global calculations A global calculation is not assigned to any measurement and can use oper‐
ands from different measurements. It is displayed below the "Global calcula‐
tions" node in the signal legend. This node is located right at the bottom of
the signal legend.
Create a global calculation via the New Computation... context menu of the
"Global calculations" node of the graph area, or using the New button of the
operating area.
Select Save All Measurements As... in the toolbar to save global calculations.
Switching the representation Switch the representation of the signal legend between "Structured Repre‐
sentation" and "List Representation".
In the structured representation, the complete data, including all of the struc‐
tural elements, are displayed. In this view, configure the measurement. All of
the functions for managing measurements are available.
In the list representation, only measured and computed signals, which can be
displayed in the diagram type currently selected, are displayed. The elements
are represented in a flat list.
To switch the representation, press the Switching to List Representation or
Switching to Structured Representation buttons, which are located in the top
left-hand corner of the signal legend.
Managing Measurements
The signal legend of the oscilloscope enables working with several measure‐
ments within one oscilloscope session.
The following functions are available for managing these measurements:
● Configure, perform and repeat measurements
● Copying measurements and measurement configurations
● Applying measurement configurations as the active measurement con‐
● Saving, loading and deleting measurements
● Rename and comment on measurements
● Rename computations
The following chapters provide a description of the most important functions.
Copying Measurements
Copy measurements in the signal legend. When copying a measurement, the
measurement node, including all of the subordinate signals and calculations,
is copied.
Especially for the "Last measurement" node, this is reasonable, as this data
is overwritten every time a new measurement is performed. Copying pre‐
serves the data, even when a further measurement is performed.
To copy a measurement, select the Copy Measurement menu item on the
context menu of the measurement to be copied. The copy of the measure‐
ment is located at the end of the signal legend (before the "Global calcula‐
tions" node) and is provided with an index as a name extension.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

It is also possible to copy the "Measurement configuration" node.

A measurement node, which contains the copied configuration
without measuring results, is provided as a result. The gray font
color indicates that there are still no measuring results present for
the corresponding signals and computations.
Create and copy measurement configurations to create and save
a set of different measurement configurations within one session.
For example, create a set of measurement configurations for a
drive optimization, save it in a file and forward it to the commis‐
sioner of the drive. The commissioner can perform and save the
measurements and return them for further analysis.

Applying a Measurement Configuration

It is possible to perform every measurement again when working with several
measurements within one oscilloscope session. Apply the measurement con‐
figuration of the corresponding measurement as the active measurement
configuration. Perform the measurement with this configuration.
Proceed as follows to apply a measurement configuration. On the context
menu of the selected measurement, select the Apply Measurement Configu‐
ration menu item. Upon selection of this function, the measurement configu‐
ration of the selected measurement is applied in the "Measurement configu‐
ration" node (topmost node) of the signal legend and the device-specific con‐
figuration parts are transferred to the connected device. The "Measurement
configuration" node is assigned the name of the measurement, from which
the measurement configuration was applied, in square brackets as a name
extension. In the Description column, the associated measurement comment
is displayed.
Every new measurement is performed with this measurement configuration.
After the measurement has been completed, the measuring results are saved
in the "Last measurement" node with the current time stamp.
The measurement configuration thus applied is valid until this is changed, the
connection to the device is disconnected or the measurement configuration of
another measurement is applied as the active measurement configuration via
the Apply Measurement Configuration context menu.

Only apply a measurement configuration if there is a connection

to a device.

When connected to a multiple device configuration in the oscillo‐

scope, select which device the measuring configuration is to be
applied to. In this case, another menu level is displayed in the
context menu of the measuring node below the Apply Measuring
Configuration node from which it can be selected to which target
device the measuring configuration is to be applied to.

Saving Measurements
All measurements displayed in the signal legend are only available for the du‐
ration of the oscilloscope session and are lost again when the oscilloscope is
exited. To provide a measurement beyond the session, the oscilloscope ena‐
bles measurements to be saved in a file (format: "*.scope").
Essentially, it is possible to save one selected measurement or all of the
measurements of a session in a file.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Saving one measurement In the signal legend, select the measurement node of the measurement to be
saved and press Save As... in the context menu. The "Save As" dialog is
opened. Specify the name and storage location of the file and create the file
using the Save button.
The file contains the measurement, including the associated measurement
configuration, all subordinate signals and computations.
Saving all measurements Select the Save All Measurements As... menu item in the toolbar or select the
Save All Measurements As... menu item in the "Signal Legend" context menu
on the table header of the "Elements" column. The "Save As" dialog is
opened. Specify the name and storage location of the file and create the file
using the Save button.
The file contains all of the measurements of the signal legend, including the
associated measurement configuration, as well as the subordinate signals
and computations. In addition, the file also contains all global calculations.
Loading Measurements
Load previously saved measurements to the signal legend of an oscilloscope
session. There is no need to be connected to a device. Use this function to
load previously saved measurements back into the oscilloscope and to fur‐
ther edit them there.
Proceed as follows to load measurements:
Select the Load Measurements... menu item in the toolbar or select the Load
Measurements... menu item in the "Signal Legend" context menu on the table
header of the "Elements" column. The dialog of the same name is opened. In
the dialog, select a file and view the content of the file. The representation of
the content is identical to the representation in the signal legend, i.e. all of the
measurements, their signals and computations are displayed, and informa‐
tion as to whether measured values are present (black) or not (gray) is provi‐
ded. A checkbox used to set the measurements to be loaded is located to the
left of every measurement node.
If a "Global calculations" node is displayed, it is only loaded if all existing
measurements are selected for loading.
Press OK to load the selected content.

5.3 Starting the Oscilloscope

5.3.1 General Information
Start the oscilloscope via the Diagnostics ▶ Oscilloscope function in the
IndraWorks main menu.

By default, the oscilloscope is displayed as a window within

IndraWorks. But it is also possible to "ungroup" this window from
IndraWorks and place it on a second screen, for example. Use
the mouse to drag and drop the tab of the "Oscilloscope" tab in
the selected screen area. The oscilloscope can thus be kept open
while the main IndraWorks workspace is available for other tasks.
If the previously "ungrouped" oscilloscope is to be displayed
again as grouped in IndraWorks, drag the window to the main
workspace in IndraWorks and drop it.

Offline mode The oscilloscope starts in offline mode if not yet connected to a device when
started in IndraWorks. In this mode, it is not possible to perform measure‐
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

ments, but it is possible to read in, view and further edit measurement data
saved as a file.

It is also possible switch to online mode later on.

Online mode The oscilloscope starts in online mode if connected to a device.

5.3.2 Starting in Offline Mode

Start the oscilloscope in offline mode if previously saved measurements are
to be read in and edited.
Status In the "Active Measurement" operating area and in the status bar, the "Not
Connected" status shows the oscilloscope is not connected to a device. This
state does not allow any measurements.

Fig.5-3: Oscilloscope, started in offline mode

In offline mode, read in, view and analyze previously saved meas‐
urements via the toolbar, using the Load Measurements... button,
or via Load Measurements... in the "Signal Legend" context menu
(available on the column header of the Elements column).

Select the signals for a measurement after connecting to a device. Configure

the trigger and measurement. Perform a measurement.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

5.3.3 Starting in Online Mode/Switching to Online Mode

Measurement configuration After switching to online mode, the oscilloscope reads the configuration of the
connected device and displays this on the "Measurement configuration" node
in the signal legend. View or change the measurement configuration via this
context menu. Every configured signal is displayed below the "Measurement
configuration" node.

Fig.5-4: Displaying the measurement configuration in the signal legend

If measurement data is already on the device, read it out from the device and
display it in the graph using Refresh.

The measurement performed or the measurement read using Re‐

fresh is displayed in the signal legend below the "Last measure‐
ment" node and is given the current time stamp as a name exten‐
sion. The recorded values are displayed in the graph.
A measurement contains measured data and configuration data.
Status The status of the measurement is displayed in the "Active Measurement"
operating area and in the status bar. If the status is "Ready", a measurement
can be performed.
Further status messages are: "Not Connected", "Not Configured", "Not Trig‐
gered", "Triggered" and "Saving".
In addition, a progress display is provided in the status bar. This progress dis‐
play indicates the measurement data reading status after the measurement.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Updating (reading a measurement If the device contains not only the configuration but also signal data, e.g. fol‐
from the device) lowing a long-term measurement, view it via Refresh.

Fig.5-5: Displaying measured data

To show or hide individual signals, select or deselect the relevant checkmark
to the left of the signal name.
The active signal The representation is always scaled according to the active signal. Active sig‐
nals are represented in bold in the signal overview and marked in double line
thickness in the graph. Activate a signal by clicking in the graph, by double-
clicking or by pressing <Return> on the signal in the signal overview.

5.4 Configuring a Measurement

5.4.1 General Information
The oscilloscope enables measurements to be performed on a device. Con‐
nect the oscilloscope to the desired device.
The devices available are displayed in the "Configure Devices" dialog.
If using devices that support a multi-device measurement (e.g. via
SERCANS1), synchronized measurements can be performed on several de‐
Single device measurement Select the device and the signals, configure the measurement and the trigger
and start the measurement.
Multiple device measurement 1. Select a device that triggers the measurements of all the devices in‐
volved (trigger device) for the multiple device measurement.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

2. Select the devices to be involved in the measurement.

Configure the signals to be measured for each of the devices involved.
3. Configure the measurement and the trigger for the trigger device and
start the measurement.
The measurement and trigger configurations are sent to all the devices
involved to enable synchronous measurements.

4. Start the measurement.

5.4.2 Single Device Measurement (Connecting to a Device and Selecting

Device Selection
Connect to the device on which an oscilloscope measurement is to be per‐
formed. Open the "Configure Devices" dialog.
To open the dialog, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Configure Measurement ▶ Select Devices...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Select Devices...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Select Devices...
● Operating area: Signals button and then Devices.

Fig.5-6: Configure Devices (single device measurement)

Select the single device measurement and the desired device from the list.
Establish a connection between the oscilloscope and the selected device us‐
ing the "Connect" button.
Configure the signal to be recorded.
Signal Selection
Define which signals of the connected device are to be recorded by the oscil‐
loscope during the measurement. Open the "Configure Signals" dialog.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

To open the dialog, proceed with one of the following actions:

● Toolbar: Configure Measurement ▶ Signals...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Configure ▶ Signals...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Signals...
● Operating area: Signals button.

Fig.5-7: Configure Signals

If there is already a connection to a device, the left-hand area of the dialog
displays the signals supported by the device.
The right-hand area shows the signals already selected for a measurement.
The device node in the right-hand area also provides information on the num‐
ber of signals selected or the number of signals that can still be selected.

Only the number of signals supported by the connected device

are allowed for the measurement.

Add signals to the configuration

Select the signals, the measured values of which are to be recorded, in the
left-hand window.
Highlight and add a signal
● via the ">" button
● by double-clicking on the highlighted signal
● via the <Ins> key
● via <spacebar>

When adding a signal to the measurement, it is applied from the

left-hand to the right-hand area. The signal is no longer available
in the left-hand area.

Remove signals from the configuration

Highlight a configured signal to remove it from the configuration
● via the "<" button
● by double-clicking on the highlighted signal
● via the <Del> key
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

● via <spacebar>

When deleting a signal from the measurement configuration, it is

deleted in the right-hand screen area and is then available again
in the left-hand screen area to be added to the measurement

Measurement Configuration in the Signal Legend

After selecting the signals to be measured, these are displayed in the signal
legend below the "Measurement configuration" node.
The signals are "grayed out". This means that no measured values are pres‐
ent for these signals.

Fig.5-8: "Signal Legend": "Measurement configuration" node

Access all of the measurement configuration settings via the context menu of
the "Measurement configuration" node.
Use the configured signals in a computation, for example, via the New Com‐
putation... context menu. The computation forms part of the configuration and
is also displayed below the "Measurement configuration" node.

Fig.5-9: "Signal Legend": "Measurement configuration" node with computation


5.4.3 Multiple Device Measurement (Connecting to Devices and Selecting

Device selection Connect to the devices used to perform an oscilloscope measurement. Open
the "Configure Devices" dialog.
To open the dialog, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Configure Measurement ▶ Select Devices...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Select Devices...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Select Devices...
● Operating area: Signals button and then Devices.
Press the "Multiple Device Measurement" radio button.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-10: Selecting the trigger device

Select the trigger device and the other device(s) to connect to and press
The progress display is shown while the connection is established.
Initially, all devices are connected to the oscilloscope. Then, the configuration
of the single devices is adjusted for the multiple device measurement. The
memory depth, pretrigger and sampling time of all the devices are adjusted to
that of the trigger device.
After the device selection, configure the signals to be recorded in the device.
Signal selection Define which signals of the connected devices are to be recorded by the os‐
cilloscope during the measurement. Open the "Configure Signals" dialog.
Open the dialog as follows:
● Toolbar: Configure Measurement ▶ Signals...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Configure ▶ Signals...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Signals...
● Operating area: Signals button.
In the "Configure Signals" dialog, the signals supported and selected by all of
the connected devices are displayed.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-11: Configure Signals (selecting the signals to be measured)

The signal selection procedure is identical to the procedure for

the single device measurement (refer to chapter 5.4.2 "Single
Device Measurement (Connecting to a Device and Selecting Sig‐
nals)" on page 252).
Measurement configuration in the After selecting the signals to be measured for every device, the measurement
signal legend configuration is displayed in the signal legend. The "Measurement configura‐
tion" node at the topmost level corresponds to the measurement configura‐
tion of the trigger device (master), while the subordinate "Measurement con‐
figuration" nodes contain the measurement configuration of the subordinate
devices (slave devices). In the Description column, the device name of the
device is displayed for each measurement configuration.
The signals are "grayed out". This means that no measured values are pres‐
ent for the signals.

Fig.5-12: "Signal Legend": "Measurement configuration" node

Access all of the measurement configuration settings via the context menu of
the "Measurement configuration" node.
Use the configured signals in a computation, for example, via the New Com‐
putation... context menu. The computation forms part of the configuration and
is also displayed below the "Measurement configuration" node.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-13: "Signal Legend": "Measurement configuration" node with computa‐

tions (arithmetic)

5.4.4 Configuring the Resolution

Configure the number of measuring points to be recorded in a specified time
period during a measurement. Open the "Configure Resolution" dialog.
To open the dialog, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Configure measurement ▶ Resolution...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Configure ▶ Resolution...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Resolution...
● Operating area: Configure Measurement button
The "Configure Resolution" dialog containing the default values for the selec‐
ted device is opened and displays the values used last.

Fig.5-14: Configure Resolution

For multiple device measurement, only configure the measure‐

ment for the trigger device.
Configuration changes are transferred to the device, if necessary.

Recording time This field displays the product from memory depth and time period. No en‐
tries can be made here.
Memory depth In this field, enter the number of measured values to be recorded as part of a
measurement. The values for the minimum and maximum memory depths
are provided by the device. If the entry exceeds or falls below these limit val‐
ues, it is corrected.
Time period Set the time period used to sample the measured values during a measure‐
ment. The time period describes the temporal distance between the individual
measuring points. The supported time period values are provided by the de‐
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

vice. If the entry differs from these time period values, they are automatically
corrected to the nearest value.
Save the changes made with OK. Before saving, the limits are checked and
the values entered are corrected, if necessary. The new measurement is
completely configured now.
Discard the changes with Cancel.

5.4.5 Configuring a Trigger

General Information
A trigger is a procedure initiated when a particular event occurs. The oscillo‐
scope trigger controls the start of value recording (during a continuous meas‐
urement). First, determine a particular event. If this event occurs during a
continuous measurement, the trigger is initiated, i.e. the measurement re‐
cords the configured number of measured values with the initiation of the trig‐
ger and is exited. It is thus possible to record only the area of interest that
starts when the trigger event is initiated as part of a measurement.
To configure the trigger, open the "Configure Trigger" dialog.
To open the dialog, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Configure Measurement ▶ Trigger...
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Configure ▶ Trigger...
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Con‐
figure ▶ Trigger...
● Operating area: Configure button in the trigger section.
Trigger Methods
In the "Configure Trigger" dialog, select a trigger method. The trigger meth‐
ods supported by the connected device are displayed in the associated se‐
lection box.

Fig.5-15: Selecting the trigger method

Possible trigger methods are:
Automatic trigger Select this trigger method to start the measurement directly with "Start". The
automatic trigger is immediately initiated in the device after the measurement
start. A pretrigger cannot be set.
Devices supporting this trigger method:
● IndraDrive
Manual trigger Select this trigger method to initiate the trigger manually using the keyboard
or mouse after the "Start". Set a pretrigger to also record the measured value
area before the initiation of the manual trigger.
Devices supporting this trigger method:
● IndraDrive
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Signal trigger Select this trigger method to trigger a particular signal and a particular value.
Both binary (e.g. input signals that provide information about switch positions)
and numerical (e.g. speed, current, etc.) signals are supported.
Devices supporting this trigger method:
● IndraDrive
Program trigger With this trigger method, e.g. initiate the trigger with a particular program line
in an NC program.
Devices supporting this trigger method:

Fig.5-16: Configure Trigger (example: MTX: Program trigger)

Example: IndraDrive: Manual trig‐ IndraDrive supports the Manual Trigger, Signal Trigger and Automatic Trig‐
ger ger.
Select the "Manual Trigger" option in the "Trigger method" area and confirm
with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-17: Configure Trigger (example: IndraDrive: manual trigger)

To initiate the manual trigger after starting the measurement, proceed with
one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Trigger Measurement
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Trigger
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Trig‐
● Operating area: Trigger button.

IndraDrive does not provide the manual trigger if the P-0-0036 pa‐
rameter is configured cyclically.

Setting a Pretrigger
A pretrigger defines the percentage of the measurement to be recorded be‐
fore the actual trigger event. Select the pretrigger value between 0 % and
100 %.

Fig.5-18: Selecting a pretrigger

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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

If the trigger is initiated before the time span defined for the pre‐
trigger has elapsed, only a part of the desired pretrigger is dis‐

Example: pretrigger Select a pretrigger of 50 %.

Define a memory depth (number of measured values) of 4000.
According to these settings, 2000 values are measured after the trigger
Result 1:
If the trigger event was initiated after more than 2000 values have already
been measured, 4000 values are provided and displayed in total (2000 val‐
ues before the trigger event + 2000 values after the trigger event).
Result 2:
If the trigger event was initiated after 1000 measured values, only 3000 val‐
ues are provided and displayed in total (1000 values before the trigger event
+ 2000 values after the trigger event).
Signal Trigger (Example of IndraDrive)
"Signal Trigger" trigger method If a measurement recording is to start depending on a signal value, select the
"Signal Trigger" method. If the signal configured as trigger has exceeded or
fallen below the set value, the trigger is initiated. The measuring period is
computed from the memory depth and the time period. The data is displayed
taking the pretrigger into consideration.
Select "Signal Trigger" and press "Browse" in the "Configure Trigger" dialog
to select the trigger signal.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-19: Configure Trigger (float signal as signal trigger)

Selecting the signal Open the "Select Signal Trigger" dialog via the "..." button next to the signal
input. This dialog provides the trigger signals of the connected device. Select
a signal to be used for the trigger.
Hex/dec/bin (format switching) Use these radio buttons to switch between the hexadecimal, decimal and bi‐
nary representation types. Depending on the data type of the selected trigger
signal (here: float), the radio buttons are enabled or disabled.
Current signal value This field displays the current value of the trigger signal. Enter a suitable trig‐
ger threshold.
Edge The trigger edges supported by the device are provided here. Depending on
the set edge, define when a trigger is to be initiated once the signal value is
reached (rising, falling, equal to, not equal to).

Fig.5-20: Selecting possible trigger edges

Trigger value Enter the trigger value that the trigger signal has to reach, exceed or fall be‐
low to initiate the trigger event. The representation format is displayed de‐
pending on the selected representation type. In the "Binary" representation
type, the additional information on the input cursor bit position is provided
when editing the value.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

If the trigger is not initiated during the measurement, adapt the

trigger value after measurement start. Use the operating area of
the "Measurement" diagram type under "Signal Trigger" in the
"Trigger value" field in order to enable a more suitable trigger val‐
ue to be entered.

Triggering with Binary Signals

A binary signal can also be selected as trigger signal in the trigger dialog. In
this case, trigger the status change of a particular bit. The trigger and trigger
mask are logically linked with AND. The trigger condition is satisfied if the
evaluation logically results in "1".
Example: IndraDrive The "S-0-0013, State class 3" signal consists of 16 bits. For a complete defi‐
nition of all bits, refer to the further reference given at the end of this descrip‐
In this example, bit 0 (actual velocity = command velocity) and bit 1 (actual
velocity < standstill window) are used to initiate the trigger.

Fig.5-21: Configure Trigger (bit signal as signal trigger)

Define the trigger value and mask in the "Bin" representation type bit by bit
through directly entering the relevant position. The bit position of the selected
bit is displayed at the end of the field.
If another representation type is preferred while entering, switch between dif‐
ferent representation types using the "Hex", "Dec" and "Bin" radio buttons.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

When a trigger value is entered, the bits of the trigger mask are
automatically set to identical values.
Enter the trigger mask without affecting the trigger value.

5.5 Performing a Measurement

5.5.1 Measurement Mode
The oscilloscope supports various measurement modes, in which a measure‐
ment can be performed. Essentially, a distinction is made between the "single
shot" modes and the "trending" mode.
In the single shot mode, the measurement is first performed on the device.
After the measurement has been completed, the measured values are trans‐
ferred from the device to the oscilloscope. In the "trending" mode, the meas‐
ured values are continuously displayed during the measurement, i.e. the cur‐
rently recorded measured values are continuously transferred from the de‐
vice to the oscilloscope and displayed there. This results in a "continuous"
diagram in trending mode.
The set measurement mode is displayed both in the operating area and in
the status bar. Only switch the measurement mode before or after a meas‐
urement, but not during a continuous measurement. To set the measurement
mode, connect to a device.
Single shot The measurement is performed once the trigger condition occurs on the de‐
vice. Following the measurement, the recorded measured values are trans‐
ferred from the device to the oscilloscope and displayed there in the diagram
and in the signal legend on the "Last measurement" node.
Single shot (reading manually) The measurement is performed once the trigger condition occurs on the de‐
vice. The recorded measured values are not automatically transferred to the
oscilloscope, however. They remain on the device. Should the measuring re‐
sults be required, they have to be read out from the device in a separate
To read out the measuring results from the device, proceed with one of the
following actions:
● Toolbar: Read Measurement Results From Device
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Re‐
● Operating area: Refresh button
The measuring results read out from the device are displayed in the diagram
and in the signal legend on the "Last measurement" node.
Single shot (repeating automati‐ The measurement is performed once the trigger condition occurs on the de‐
cally) vice. The recorded measured values are then transferred from the device to
the oscilloscope and displayed there in the diagram and in the signal legend
on the "Last measurement" node.
In this mode, after the measurement data has been read, the next measure‐
ment is performed automatically. Stop the measurement to exit the automatic
repetition of the measurement.
To stop the measurement, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Stop Measurement
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Stop
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node: Stop
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

● Operating area: Stop button.

The measuring results read out from the device are displayed in the diagram
and in the signal legend on the "Last measurement" node.
Trending (continuous measuring) The "Trending" measurement mode is the classic oscilloscope operation
mode. In this mode, the measured values recorded by the device are continu‐
ously transferred to the oscilloscope and displayed there. This results in a
"continuous" display on the oscilloscope.
Edit the signal curves with limited functionality during "continuous" display.
The signal curves can thus be positioned or scaled using the mouse.
To obtain the complete functionality for editing the measuring curves, switch
the display in the oscilloscope to "Pause". In pause mode, the data is still re‐
corded in the background, but the display is no longer updated. In the dia‐
gram area, "Pause" is shown in a large font.
Stop "Pause" mode to update the display again. Stopping the display via
"Pause" such that no measured values are lost.
To switch the display to "Pause", proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Stop Continuous Display of Measurement (Trending)"
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Pause
● "Signal Legend" context menu, "Measurement configuration" node:
● Operating area: Pause button

The "Trending" measurement mode is only available if it is sup‐

ported by the device.

In "Trending" mode, a recording buffer for a maximum of 10,000

measured values is provided per signal. This buffer is implemen‐
ted as a ring buffer, i.e. if the number of measured values ex‐
ceeds the maximum number, the newly recorded measured val‐
ues overwrite the old values.
It is possible to "run" a measurement for an unlimited time in
"Trending" mode. After exiting the measurement, only the last
10,000 measured values are available per signal, however.

5.5.2 Single Device Measurement

Start the measurement in the configuration set beforehand. The status dis‐
play in the oscilloscope displays the current measurement status during the
To start the measurement, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Start Measurement
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Start
● "Signal Legend" context menu ("Measurement configuration" node):
● Operating area: Start
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-22: Single device measurement successfully completed

Restarting the measurement overwrites the previous measuring

results on the "Last measurement" node.

5.5.3 Multiple Device Measurement

Start the measurement in the configuration set beforehand. The current
measurement status is displayed in the status display of the oscilloscope.
To start the measurement, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: Start Measurement
● "Graph Area" context menu: Measurement ▶ Start
● "Signal Legend" context menu ("Measurement configuration" node):
● Operating area: Start
If the master device identifies the trigger event, it starts the measurement
synchronously on the slave devices. Once a measurement has been suc‐
cessfully performed, the status is set to "Ready" again. View the measured
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

values in both the graphic display and in the signal legend below the "Last
measurement" node:

Fig.5-23: Multiple device measurement running, no trigger has yet been initi‐
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Once a measurement has been successfully performed, the status is set to

"Ready" again and the measured values are indicated in the graphic display
(here with signal legend enlarged by horizontal split bar):

Fig.5-24: Multiple device measurement successfully completed, results are lo‐

cated below the "Last measurement" node

5.6 Evaluation
5.6.1 General Information
Use the oscilloscope to display different diagram types, to obtain the best
possible support for various measurement tasks.
The following diagram types are available:
● Time diagram
● Frequency response
● Contour diagram
● Path deviation
● Circle test
Switch between the individual diagrams using the toolbar selection box. A
layout adapted for editing is used for every diagram type.
The oscilloscope is opened with the "Time diagram" diagram type.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The "Measurement" entry can be found in a selection box of the

toolbar. In this evaluation area, the layout is specially coordinated
to the configuration of a measurement. The configured resolution
and trigger are displayed in the operating area.

5.6.2 Time Diagram

In the "Time diagram" diagram type, the oscilloscope represents measured
and computed signal curves in the temporal procedure within a two-dimen‐
sional coordinate system.
Use measured signals and results of other computations as operands of a
To add a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various elements
The oscilloscope supports the following computation types in the "Time dia‐
gram" diagram type:
● Arithmetic (basic arithmetic)
● Universal computation (differential and integral calculus)
● Bit analysis
● Moving average

5.6.3 Bit Analysis

The bit analysis enables individual bits from binary signals to be represented
in the temporal process. It is a special form of the "time diagram", in which
selected bits are represented one on top of the other in a separate diagram
configuration Proceed as follows to perform a bit analysis:
1. Select the "Time diagram" diagram type in the toolbar and create a new
computation of the "Bit analysis" type.
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, select the "Bit Analysis" computa‐
tion. Then select the signal, the bits of which are to be displayed. In the
"Signal" selection box, all of the measured or computed signals that
support an integer representation format are provided.
For the selected signal, the bits are displayed in a table in the dialog.
The bit descriptions are displayed in the table next to the respective bit if
bit descriptions are provided by the connected device. If no bit descrip‐
tions are available, the signal name and the bit number in parenthesis
are displayed.

The user can also assign bit names. Open the name field and
change the bit name using the context menu function Rename in
the signal legend.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

3. For every bit to be displayed, activate the associated checkbox: The bits
can be selected in the tabular bit mask as well as in the bit mask to the

Fig.5-25: Define Computation: Bit analysis

4. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Representation The following figure shows the "Time diagram" diagram type with activated bit

Fig.5-26: "Time diagram" diagram type with activated bit analysis

By default, the bit analysis is shown in the bottom diagram area of the "Time
diagram", separated from the measuring curves by a horizontal split bar. In
the bit display, all the displacement and scaling options of the time axis are
available. Via the signal legend, show or hide the individual bits or change
their color. To apply further signals in the display, add a computation of the
bit analysis type. Change a configured bit analysis by opening the "Define
Computation" dialog again via the Open context menu of the "Bit Analysis"
Change the division of the diagram size between the measuring curves and
bit analysis using the horizontal split bar directly above the bit analysis. En‐
large or shrink the symbol area of the bit analysis in this way. A designation
of the individual bits is automatically shown if there is sufficient space provi‐
ded in the diagram area of the bit analysis.

5.6.4 FFT
The Fourier transformation is a mathematical procedure used in signal pro‐
cessing. It is used to convert signals from the (time, sampling value) repre‐
sentation to the (frequency proportion, amplitude) representation. For many
operations and evaluations, a representation in the frequency area is more
suitable, e.g. for filter configurations or vibration analyses.
The oscilloscope provides a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) via this dia‐
gram type.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

configuration Proceed as follows to perform a FFT:

1. Select the "FFT" diagram type in the toolbar and then create a new
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, select a signal for the FFT.
Activate the "Amplitude in dB" checkbox, if the amplification/damping
(display in decibels [dB], logarithmic dimension) is to be displayed in‐
stead of the amplitude:

Fig.5-27: Define Computation: FFT

3. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-28: "FFT" diagram type

For further evaluation, use the functions and tools of the oscilloscope. These
are provided via context menus, the toolbar and the operating area.

5.6.5 Frequency Response

A very powerful way to evaluate a control loop is the frequency response. It
describes the response of the control loop in different frequency ranges. It is
suitable for the representation of command value and disturbance response.
To identify the frequency response, load the control loop with a suitable input
variable (command value or disturbance variable). Then, observe the pro‐
gress of the output variable (actual value). The result is represented in the
Bode diagram. The Bode diagram contains an amplitude response and a
phase response.
● Depending on the frequency of the input variables, the amplitude re‐
sponse describes the response of the input and output variable ampli‐
tudes. It is conventional to represent this response in the decadic loga‐
rithm or in decibels (decadic logarithm multiplied by 20).
● The phase response describes the angular misalignment (phase dis‐
placement) between input and output variables.
Amplitude and phase responses are represented using the frequency of the
input variable. The frequency is also saved in the Bode diagram in the deca‐
dic logarithm.
With the frequency response, determine the cut-off frequency and the phase
reserve of a control loop.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

configuration Proceed as follows to perform a frequency response computation:

1. Select the "Frequency response" diagram type in the toolbar and create
a new computation.
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, select the input signal and the out‐
put signal for the frequency response computation:

Fig.5-29: Define Computation: Frequency response

3. Under "Smoothing", automatically apply a moving average value using
the two computed signals. Select "Active" and specify the number of
measuring points using "Interval". Their arithmetic average value corre‐
sponds to a new measuring point.

An interval of 15 is preset. That means 15 consecutive values

form one measuring point according to the following formula:
Y16new=(Y1+ .. +Y15)/15. The step-by-step displacement of the ini‐
tial value to compute the next measuring point provides average
values up to the end of the measuring curve. The first 14 values
of the original measuring curve do not provide average measuring
points. They form (unchanged) the first 14 values in the display.
4. Under "Options" specify whether only smoothed signals or also the tem‐
porary result of the computed signals without smoothing are to be dis‐
played. Select or deselect the checkmark next to "Only smoothed dis‐
5. Select whether the -3db and the maximum of the resonance are also to
be marked in the graphical display to be able to determine these values
faster and more accurately.
6. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function


Fig.5-30: "Frequency response" diagram type

For further evaluation, use the functions and tools of the oscilloscope. These
are provided via context menus, the toolbar and the operating area.

5.6.6 Contour Diagram

Use the contour diagram to graphically represent the command contour
(path) of a x- y-movement set in the NC command set on a machine tool.
Enable a command-actual comparison through the additional representation
of the actual contour.
Display the x- and y-value for every measuring point of the two curves using
the auxiliary cursors of the contour diagram.
configuration Proceed as follows to start the contour diagram:
1. Select the "Contour diagram" diagram type in the toolbar and create a
new computation.
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, set the x- and y-signals for the com‐
mand and actual contours:

Fig.5-31: Define Computation: Contour diagram

3. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-32: "Contour diagram" diagram type

In the contour diagram, the "path error", i.e. the deviations be‐
tween the command and actual contours, are displayed in the
same scaling as the entire contour, i.e. not intensified. The repre‐
sentation of the deviation and entire contour thus corresponds to
the real proportion. Deviations can thus often only be represented
in the graph after significant "zooming in".
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The following figure shows an enlarged section, thus making the deviation
more obvious:

Fig.5-33: Enlarged area in the contour diagram

In addition, the two cursors, one on the command contour and one on the ac‐
tual contour, can be seen.

The cursor on the command contour is directly coupled to the cur‐

sor on the actual contour. In the operating area, x- and y-values
and a time value are displayed for the measuring points selected
by the cursor.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The following figure shows the control elements for the contour diagram in
the operating area of the oscilloscope:

Fig.5-34: Control elements for the contour diagram in the operating area of the
Having defined several diagrams, select these using the selection box right at
the top. The selection box has one entry per contour diagram. These entries
correspond to the entries of the signal legend.
"Show diagram": Serves to show or hide the selected diagram.
"C1/C2": Select cursor 1 or cursor 2 using the C1/C2 radio button. Press the
direction keys or the < or > buttons to move the selected cursor in the graph.
"Command contour": The x- and y-value is displayed for the measuring point
selected using the cursor.
"Actual contour": The x- and y-value is displayed for the measuring point se‐
lected using the cursor.
"Time": The time value of the measuring point selected by the cursor is dis‐
Use the other buttons to create, edit and delete new contour diagrams or to
change the color of command and actual contours.
For further evaluation, use the functions and tools of the oscilloscope. These
are provided via context menus, the toolbar and the operating area.

5.6.7 Path Deviation

The editing result of a tool machine or the positioning accuracy of a robotics
application is greatly influenced by the dynamic and static accuracy of the
machine motion. It is thus important to record, evaluate and, if necessary,
compensate for motion deviations.
Dynamic measurements provide information about the path response. Con‐
clusions on the state of the machine and the adjustment parameters of the
control loops are drawn from this information.
Static measurements only allow for conclusions on the geometric accuracy of
a machine.
Machine manufacturers use the results to introduce (in a targeted manner)
constructive measures for improvement in order to enhance accuracy.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Machine operators can use the measurement of the path deviation for ac‐
ceptance and regular accuracy checks, as well as preventative maintenance
of their machines.
configuration Proceed as follows to measure the path deviation:
1. Select the "Path deviation" diagram type in the toolbar and then create a
new computation.
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, set the x- and y-signals for the com‐
mand and actual contours:

Fig.5-35: Define Computation: Path deviation

3. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-36: "Path deviation" diagram type

In the diagram, the path errors, i.e. the path deviation between
the command and actual contours, are displayed with a high level
of sensitivity, i.e. intensified. The deviations in the diagram are
thus easy to identify.

The example shows a typical use case. The deviation when traveling a circle
is displayed. Typical errors at the quadrant crossings caused by frictional re‐
sistance can be seen. The effect of the friction can be reduced with
IndraDrive using the respective parameters. Check the optimization using this
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The following figure shows an enlarged section, thus making the deviation
more obvious:

Fig.5-37: Enlarged area in the path deviation diagram

In addition, the two cursors, one on the command contour and one on the ac‐
tual contour, can be seen.

The cursor on the command contour is directly coupled to the cur‐

sor on the actual contour. For a better understanding, the path
error has been computed.
The path error is displayed in the operating area, in the "Distance
Cursor1" or "Distance Cursor2" field.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

The following figure shows the control elements for the path deviation in the
operating area of the oscilloscope:

Fig.5-38: Control elements for the path deviation in the operating area of the os‐
Having defined several diagrams, select these using the selection box right at
the top. The selection box has one entry per diagram (path deviation). These
entries correspond to the entries of the signal legend.
"Show diagram": Serves to show or hide the selected diagram.
"C1/C2": Select cursor 1 or cursor 2 using the C1/C2 radio button. Press the
direction keys or the < or > buttons to move the selected cursor in the graph.
"Distance cursor1": This field displays the distance between the command
contour and actual contour at cursor1 in µm.
"Distance cursor2": This field displays the deviation between the command
contour and actual contour at cursor2 in µm.
"Maximum distance": This field displays the maximum distance between the
command contour and actual contour in µm.
"Scaling": This field displays the current factor used to compute the amplifica‐
tion. It corresponds to the distance of two auxiliary lines.
"..." button: Set the factor used to compute the amplification. The current val‐
ue is displayed in the "Scaling" field.
Use the other buttons to create, edit and delete new diagrams or to change
the color of command and actual contours.
For further evaluation, use the functions and tools of the oscilloscope. These
are provided via context menus, the toolbar and the operating area.

5.6.8 Circle Test

The circle test is a method for checking the positioning accuracy and to as‐
sess the controller settings of a CNC machine tool. Based on the results of a
position measurement of the tool zero point during the circle contour proce‐
dure, the accuracy of the machine can be evaluated. The different deviations
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

of the actual contour from the command contour provide information about
the errors and maladjustments of the machine.
A simple method of the circle test is the direct recording of the path curve
with the machine's own measuring systems.
configuration Proceed as follows to perform a circle test:
1. Select the "Circle test" diagram type in the toolbar and then create a
new computation.
To create a new computation, proceed with one of the following actions:
● Toolbar: New Computation... button
● "Graph Area": New Computation... context menu
● "Signal Legend": New Computation... context menu on various ele‐
2. In the "Define Computation" dialog, set the x- and y-values for the com‐
mand and actual contours:

Fig.5-39: Define Computation: Circle test

3. Confirm the selection with OK.
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Operating the Oscilloscope Function

Fig.5-40: "Circle test" diagram type

In the diagram, the path errors, i.e. the path deviation between
the command and actual contours, are displayed with a high level
of sensitivity, i.e. intensified. The deviations in the diagram are
thus easy to identify.

The circle test assumes that a circle was measured as a contour

and uses the formulas of the path deviation to compute the actual
contour deviations.
The operating options in the circle test are identical to the path

For further evaluation, use the functions and tools of the oscilloscope. These
are provided via context menus, the toolbar and the operating area.
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Service and Support

6 Service and Support

Our worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support.
Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries.
You can contact us 24/7.
Service Germany Our technology-oriented Competence Center in Lohr, Germany, is responsi‐
ble for all your service-related queries for electric drive and controls.
Contact the Service Helpdesk & Hotline under:

Phone: +49 9352 40 5060

Fax: +49 9352 18 4941
E-mail: [email protected]

Additional information on service, repair (e.g. delivery addresses) and training

can be found on our internet sites.
Service worldwide Outside Germany, please contact your local service office first. For hotline
numbers, refer to the sales office addresses on the internet.
Preparing information To be able to help you more quickly and efficiently, please have the following
information ready:
● Detailed description of malfunction and circumstances resulting in the
● Type plate name of the affected products, in particular type codes and
serial numbers
● Your contact data (phone and fax number as well as your email ad‐
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A Change suggested value for compatibility
About this documentation............................... 7, 13 mode in team project................................... 146
Validity of the documentation........................... 7 Create team project and working copy........ 146
Add Compatibility mode in versioned projects
Templates to project...................................... 60 Compatibility mode depending on filing
Add device to a project....................................... 19 format........................................................... 146
Add devices from library..................................... 28 Configuration adjustment
Add file................................................................ 56 Switch to online.............................................. 55
Add files to project.............................................. 56 Configure a measurement 251, 258, 260, 261, 263
Application Configure a trigger....................................... 258
Add, external................................................ 212 Configure the resolution............................... 257
Delete, external............................................ 215 General information..................................... 251
Archive Multiple device measurement (connect‐
Archive project............................................... 61 ing to devices and selecting signals)........... 254
General information....................................... 60 Single device measurement (connect to a
Restore project............................................... 64 device and select signals)............................ 252
Restore project from device........................... 67 Configure a trigger
Restore project from file system.................... 64 General information..................................... 258
Arrange windows................................................ 17 Set a pretrigger............................................ 260
Signal trigger (example of IndraDrive)......... 261
B Trigger methods........................................... 258
Basic terms - IndraWorks.................................... 13 Trigger with binary signals........................... 263
About this documentation.............................. 13 Configure data accesses.................................. 207
Title, menu and status bar............................. 14 Areas of user interface................................. 209
Basic Terms - IndraWorks General information..................................... 207
Elements of the IndraWorks user interface.... 14 Context-sensitive adding..................................... 31
General information....................................... 13 Create a new project........................................... 18
Library Explorer.............................................. 18 Create network cluster
Project Explorer............................................. 17 Change sequence........................................ 204
Toolbars......................................................... 15 Close editor.................................................. 205
Workspace..................................................... 15 Edit device properties.................................. 203
Black box notes General information..................................... 202
Administrative rights..................................... 234 Open existing network configuration............ 206
Operate multiple monitors............................ 233 Remove device............................................ 204
Recording period.......................................... 234 Save network configuration.......................... 204
Resources.................................................... 233 Create network configuration
Windows XP Embedded.............................. 234 Add devices to the network configuration.... 202
Add network configuration to a project......... 206
C Customize dialog ............................................. 218
Change properties
External applications............................ 213, 214 D
Client Software Data adjustment
Remote Service........................................... 210 Switch to online.............................................. 56
Compare project data......................................... 75 Delete file from project........................................ 60
General information....................................... 75 Devices
Merge............................................................. 84 Add from library.............................................. 28
Options........................................................... 85 Context-sensitive adding................................ 31
Start "Compare" function............................... 76 In the Project Explorer................................... 32
Work with Compare function.......................... 79 Multiple selection........................................... 35
Compatibility mode........................................... 143 Select multiple elements................................ 35
Term definition............................................. 143 Document windows............................................. 15
Use in IndraWorks Engineering................... 144
Compatibility mode for versioned projects E
Change compatibility mode of working copy 146 Edit file................................................................ 58
Elements of the IndraWorks user interface......... 14
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Error handling General options................................................. 216

Create error report....................................... 226 Project Explorer........................................... 217
Evaluation......................................................... 268 Settings........................................................ 216
Bit analysis................................................... 269 Shortcuts...................................................... 217
Circle test..................................................... 283 Software licenses......................................... 217
Contour diagram.......................................... 275 Graph area
FFT.............................................................. 271 Active signal................................................. 239
Frequency response.................................... 273 Displace measuring curves.......................... 239
General information..................................... 268 Display options............................................. 243
Path deviation.............................................. 279 Display trigger point in time.......................... 242
Time diagram............................................... 269 Line cursors................................................. 241
Export and Import Scale measuring curves............................... 240
Export user database................................... 172 Show characteristic table............................. 242
Import ACC001.DAT.................................... 173 Zoom............................................................ 241
Import user database................................... 172 Graphic area
Export project data.............................................. 70 Showing several y-axis................................ 242
External applications
Add............................................................... 212 I
Change properties............................... 213, 214 Import project data.............................................. 70
General information..................................... 212 Important instructions on use.............................. 11
Remove........................................................ 215 Intended use.................................................. 11
External project translation IndraWorks black box....................................... 228
1. Export from IndraWorks............................. 92 Execute special profiles............................... 231
2. Import to Calc................... 93 Start recording............................................. 230
3. Translate in Calc............... 94 Stop recording.............................................. 231
4. Export from Calc............... 95 IndraWorks Black Box
5. Import in IndraWorks.................................. 96 Black box notes............................................ 233
General information....................................... 91 Introduction.................................................. 228
IndraWorks project
F Add file........................................................... 56
Firmware management..................................... 195 Delete file....................................................... 60
First steps Edit file........................................................... 58
Add device to a project.................................. 19 Introduction.................................................... 56
General information....................................... 18 IndraWorks user management.......................... 163
Open project.................................................. 18 Configure..................................................... 164
Start IndraWorks............................................ 18 Copy group.................................................. 170
First Steps Copy users................................................... 168
Create new project......................................... 18 Create new group........................................ 169
Exit IndraWorks.............................................. 19 Create new user........................................... 165
Functional areas Delete group................................................ 170
Options for IndraWorks................................ 215 Delete users................................................. 168
Use library...................................................... 39 Edit group..................................................... 170
Edit group permissions................................ 171
G Edit users..................................................... 168
General information.......................................... 237 Export and import......................................... 172
Archive........................................................... 60 Lock and unlock users................................. 169
External applications.................................... 212 Reset user password................................... 169
External project translation............................ 91 Settings........................................................ 171
IndraWorks..................................................... 13 User and group list....................................... 164
Multilingual projects....................................... 89 User login/logout, password......................... 173
Options for IndraWorks................................ 215 IndraWorks User management
Print.............................................................. 147 Activate........................................................ 164
Project Explorer............................................. 17 Info
Remote Service........................................... 210 Work with IndraWorks.................................. 222
Use library...................................................... 39 Information representation
Work with IndraWorks.................................... 21 Names and abbreviations................................ 9
Workspace..................................................... 15 Safety instructions............................................ 8
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Symbols used.................................................. 9 Functional areas.......................................... 215

Intended use General information..................................... 215
Areas of use and application.......................... 11 General options............................................ 216
Introduction.................................................... 11 Operate........................................................ 216
Intended Use Other windows and troubleshooting.................. 223
Areas of use and application.......................... 11
Introduction P
IndraWorks project......................................... 56 Persistence......................................................... 88
PLC authorizations
L Assign PLC permissions to groups.............. 191
Language of user interface............................... 216 Query PLC permissions............................... 192
Language settings............................................. 216 PLC interface of the user management............ 188
Layout tab Application example..................................... 193
Header and footer........................................ 150 Enable PLC interface................................... 188
Margins........................................................ 152 General information..................................... 188
Page layout.................................................. 148 PLC permissions.......................................... 191
Scaling......................................................... 152 Query current user in PLC program............. 191
Table of Contents......................................... 150 Users logged in and out by PLC program.... 190
Library Explorer................................................... 18 Print................................................................... 147
License IndraWorks components General information..................................... 147
License runtime functions in the control....... 201 Print project and device data....................... 156
Licensing IndraWorks components................... 196 Print settings................................................ 147
General information............................. 196, 199 Print project and device data
Installing a license........................................ 197 Print and print preview................................. 160
Removing a license...................................... 198 Print components......................................... 156
Print settings
M Cover page tab ........................................... 153
Manage project languages General tab ................................................. 155
Multilingual projects....................................... 89 Layout tab ................................................... 148
Message windows............................................. 223 Overview...................................................... 147
Multilingual projects............................................ 89 Paper Size tab ............................................ 154
External translation........................................ 91 Print Settings
General information....................................... 89 Main buttons................................................ 148
Manage project languages............................. 89 Project
Set master language...................................... 89 Export - Elements.......................................... 70
Import - Elements........................................... 73
N Project and project data
Network cluster................................................. 202 Views in the Project Explorer......................... 37
Create network configuration....................... 202 Project Explorer
General information..................................... 202 Create new view............................................ 37
Device............................................................ 18
General information....................................... 17
Project............................................................ 17
Offline and online mode
Root directory............................................... 217
Offline............................................................. 51
Projects and project data
Online............................................................. 52
Devices.......................................................... 28
Online help
Element search in a project........................... 41
IndraWorks................................................... 234
Offline and online mode................................. 51
Open project....................................................... 18
Scan for devices............................................ 42
Switch from offline to online........................... 52
Control elements.......................................... 237
Use library...................................................... 39
Options for IndraWorks................................ 216
Signal legend............................................... 243
Operation.......................................................... 237 R
Graph area................................................... 239 Remote Service................................................ 210
Scan for devices............................................ 42 Client Software............................................. 210
Use library...................................................... 40 General information..................................... 210
Options for IndraWorks..................................... 215 Restore project
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From device................................................... 67 Communication adjustment........................... 53

From file system............................................. 64 Configuration adjustment............................... 55
Data adjustment............................................. 56
S Structure adjustment...................................... 54
Scan for devices Switching........................................................ 52
General information....................................... 42 What happens while switching....................... 52
Operation....................................................... 42
SCP OPC configurator T
Operate........................................................ 219 Title, menu and status bar.................................. 14
SCP-OPC configurator...................................... 218 Tool windows...................................................... 16
Activate device configuration....................... 222 Toolbars.............................................................. 15
Add devices................................................. 220
Change devices OPC alias.......................... 221 U
Close application.......................................... 222 Unintended use
Create device configuration......................... 219 Introduction.................................................... 11
Display device properties............................. 220 Unintended Use
General information..................................... 218 Consequences, non-liability........................... 11
Open device configuration........................... 219 Use in IndraWorks Engineering
Remove devices.......................................... 221 Compatibility mode for versioned projects... 146
Save device configuration............................ 222 Create new project....................................... 144
Save device configuration as....................... 222 Display compatibility mode in IndraWorks
Search results................................................... 225 Engineering.................................................. 144
Set master language Display compatibility mode of closed proj‐
Multilingual projects....................................... 89 ect................................................................ 144
Several screens: Floating document window...... 17 Edit project in compatibility mode;
Shortcuts........................................................... 217 change compatibility mode.......................... 145
Signal legend Open project................................................ 145
Apply a measurement configuration............ 247 Project export/import.................................... 146
Copy measurements.................................... 246 Use library
General........................................................ 243 Functional areas............................................ 39
Load measurements.................................... 248 General information....................................... 39
Manage measurements............................... 246 Operation....................................................... 40
Save measurements.................................... 247 User login with EKS keys.................................. 176
Single device measurement (connect to de‐ Enable EKS system in IndraWorks Oper‐
vice and select signals) ation............................................................. 176
Device selection........................................... 252 General information..................................... 176
Measurement configuration in the signal Install EKS USB driver................................. 177
legend.......................................................... 254 Query EKS key data in the PLC program.... 187
Signal selection............................................ 252 Set up users and groups.............................. 184
Software licenses.............................................. 217 User login/logout, password
Start a measurement........................................ 264 Change password........................................ 174
Measurement mode..................................... 264 Enter password at first user login................. 173
Multiple device measurement...................... 266 Log in user................................................... 174
Single device measurement......................... 265 Log in with reference code and key code.... 175
Start oscilloscope Log out user................................................. 174
Start in offline mode..................................... 249 User management
Start in online mode..................................... 250 General information..................................... 163
Switch to online mode.................................. 250
Start screen......................................................... 27 V
Start the oscilloscope Validate project data........................................... 87
General information..................................... 248 General information....................................... 87
Start the Oscilloscope....................................... 248 Start............................................................... 87
Structure adjustment Use................................................................. 88
Switch to online.............................................. 54 Validity of the documentation
Support Information representation............................... 8
See service hotline....................................... 287 Version Control - Functional Scope - Project
Switch from offline to online
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Add project to version control: Create Version control - Library projects - Elements
team project................................................. 114 Insert elements from library project into
Version control.................................................. 107 team project................................................. 137
Functional scope.......................................... 112 Visualize library elements in team project.... 139
Install team server.......................................... 97 Version control - Library projects - Versions
Introduction.................................................. 107 Change version used in library project......... 139
Library projects............................................ 134 Membership of project elements.................. 140
Manage versions.......................................... 132 Version control - Term definitions
Preparation.................................................. 110 Definitions.................................................... 108
Synchronizing working versions................... 140 Overview...................................................... 108
Troubleshooting........................................... 142 Version control preparation
Version control - Elements Access team server..................................... 110
Remove library elements from team project 139 Select and log in to team server.................. 111
Version control - Functional scope Version control properties
Project functions.......................................... 113 Element states............................................. 112
Properties of versioned projects.................. 112 State transitions........................................... 113
Version control - Functional Scope Version control system
Project element functions............................. 120 Definition of terms........................................ 108
Version control - Functional scope - Project Versions control preparation
Connect to different team server.................. 119 Options......................................................... 110
Delete connection to team server................ 120
Disconnect from team server....................... 118 W
Reconnect to team server............................ 118 WinStudio licensing........................................... 199
Version control - Functional Scope - Project Work with IndraWorks
Add project again to version control............. 116 Add files to project......................................... 56
Change version............................................ 117 Customize dialog ........................................ 218
Label version................................................ 117 Device diagnostics....................................... 223
Manage library projects................................ 118 Error handling.............................................. 226
Open project from version control................ 115 External applications.................................... 212
Overview...................................................... 113 Firmware management................................ 195
Version control - Functional scope - Project General information....................................... 21
elements Info............................................................... 222
Display versioned elements......................... 125 License Management................................... 196
Force complete working copy update.......... 128 Message windows........................................ 223
Insert element from library project............... 132 Multilingual projects....................................... 89
Version control - Functional Scope - Project Options for IndraWorks................................ 215
elements Persistence.................................................... 88
Apply hijacked version................................. 124 Print.............................................................. 147
Refresh status display.................................. 124 Remote Service........................................... 210
Show version history.................................... 129 With projects and devices.............................. 21
Update working copy................................... 127 Work with projects and devices
Version Control - Functional Scope - Project Start screen.................................................... 27
elements Work with projects and project data
Check in....................................................... 123 Projects and project data............................... 21
Check out..................................................... 121 Workspace
Delete........................................................... 132 Arrange windows........................................... 17
Hijack........................................................... 124 Document windows........................................ 15
Overview...................................................... 120 General information....................................... 15
Properties..................................................... 130 Support several screens: Floating docu‐
Undo check out............................................ 122 ment windows ............................................... 17
Undo hijack.................................................. 124 Tool windows................................................. 16
Version control - Library projects
Adjust versions and storage locations of
library projects.............................................. 139
Create team project templates..................... 139
Definition and purpose of use...................... 134
Manage library projects................................ 134
Use elements from library projects.............. 137
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Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering
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Rexroth IndraWorks 13VRS Engineering

Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Tel. +49 9352 18 0
Fax +49 9352 18 8400


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