BPLD Citizens Charter 2020

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2020 (1st Edition)
The Quezon City Business Permit and Licensing Department (BPLD) is mandated
with the primary task of providing effective and efficient systems, procedures and
practices in the issuance and renewal of business and occupational permits. It is
generally responsible in regulating the nature and or operations of various business
activities within the city.

Specifically, the Department is tasked among others, to issue Business and

Occupational Permit, Certification and Certified True Copy of permit. Further, it is the
Department’s duty to conduct inspection on all business establishments operating
within the city, ensuring conformity to existing laws, rules and regulations; violations
of which warrants revocation of issued permit/license.

The BPLD envisions the Department as the premier Departments for frontline
services in the Quezon City Local Government Unit (LGU) and the top business
processing and licensing services provider in the Philippines and in South East Asia.

To provide an enabling and empowering business environment in the city towards
flourishing business economic activities through effective and efficient
implementation and management of the Department’s policies, systems, and
procedures that ultimately sustains good governance.

Service Pledge:
The Department commits to provide efficacious, expeditious, transparent,
committed, and dedicated service, reinforced by advanced technologies in a
customer and healthy business-focused environment with competent and
professional public servants.

List of Services

Services Pages
Issuance of New Business Permit ……………………………………………. 4

Renewal of Business Permit ………………………………………………….. 8

Renewal of Amendment …………………….………………………………. 11

Amendment of Mayor’s Permit …………………….…………………………. 15

Occupational Permit ……………………………………………………………. 19

Certified True Copy of Business Permit ………………………………………. 22

Business Permits Division

This division issues Business Permits (New, Renewal, Special Permit and Amendment) and
recommends inspection / verification of establishments if necessary.

Application of New Businesses

All taxpayers who plan to create new businesses within the City shall apply for a new
Business Permit.

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers shall book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the

All transactions pertaining to new Business Permits, during the writing of this
Citizen's Charter, are located at Civic Building F, Quezon City Hall Compound.

Office or Division Business Permit Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Application for New Business Permit
Who may Avail Taxpayers who intend to set up a business
in Quezon City

Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

Photocopy of Proof of Business Registration

• DTI Registration (for Sole Department of Trade and Industry
• SEC Articles of Incorporation (for Securities and Exchange Commission
• CDA Registration (for Cooperative) Cooperative Development Authority
Contract of Lease (if business area is leased)
Tax Declaration (if business area is owned)
Authorization Letter/SPA (if representative)
Any Government issued ID (of Owner and

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
Submits the required When all required None Varies Concierge
documents for documents are depending on
Business One-Stop submitted, the the
Shop (BOSS) application is coursed evaluations of
Evaluation through ancillary ancillary
clearances in the clearances.

Pays Tax The CTO is also Depends Cashier

Assessment Bill at included in the BOSS, on the
the City Treasurer's hence payment may amount to
Office (CTO) be done in the same be paid

The Business Permit

Division sends a copy
of the tax bill to the
applicant and advises
them on payment
Claims permit via The department For Approximately BPLD E-
Pick-up or Courier notifies the business personal 30 minutes Response
Service of Choice applicant about the Pick-up, Team
availability of their None
permit and details on
modes to claim them:
a) pick-up in person, Varies Time varies BPLD E-
or b) via courier depending Response
service their choice on the Team
of. courier
The department
releases the permit
via client’s choice
mode of claim.

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log

book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email.

This is reviewed periodically as a reference in

the assessment/evaluation and improvement
of services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.
4. Complaints may also be sent via email,
and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:
a) date received
b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description

d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

Application for Renewal of Business Permits

Every year, all existing and operating businesses in the city shall have their Business
Permits renewed.

Application for a Special Permit

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers must book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the

All transactions pertaining to the Renewal of Business Permits, during the writing of
this Citizen's Charter, are located at Civic Building F, Quezon City Hall Compound.

Office or Division BPLD Permit Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Application for Renewal of Business Permits
Who may Avail Anyone who wishes to set up a business in
Quezon City

Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

A completely filled-up Unified Application Download from Q.C. website:

Form https://quezoncity.gov.ph/index.php/latest-

Ancillary Clearances if available

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
Pays Business Tax at If all required Business CTO Cashier
City Treasurer's documents are Tax fee
Office and other submitted, the
available Ancillary application is coursed
Clearances through ancillary
clearances in the
Submits Business BOSS. None Varies Business
Tax Official Receipt at depending on Renewal
the City Treasurer's the Evaluators
Office and other evaluations of
available Ancillary ancillary
Clearances clearances
Claims permit via The department For Approximately BPLD E-
Pick-up or Courier notifies the business personal 30 minutes Response
Service of Choice applicant about the Pick-up, Team
availability of their None

permit and details on
how to claim them: a)
pick-up in person, or Varies Time varies BPLD E-
b) via courier service depending Response
their choice of. on the Team
The department service
releases the permit
via client’s choice
mode of claim.

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log

book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email. This is reviewed
periodically as a reference in the
assessment/evaluation and improvement of
services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.

4. Complaints may also be sent via email,
and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:
a) date received
b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description
d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

Amending an Existing Business Permit

Not all business information stays accurate for its entire existence. Some change
addresses, while some change their business activity. In which chase, clients are
responsible to apply corresponding amendments to their Business Permits

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers must book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the
All transactions pertaining to Amending their Business Permits, during the writing of
this Citizen's Charter, are located at Civic Building F, Quezon City Hall Compound.

Office or Division BPLD Permit Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Amendment of Business Permit
Who may Avail Anyone who wishes to set up a business in
Quezon City

Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

A completely filled-up Unified Application Download from Q.C. website:

Form https://quezoncity.gov.ph/index.php/latest-

Board resolution or secretary certificate if


SEC General information sheet

Certificate of Lease / Proof of ownership if
the amendment is transfer of location

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
Submits completely Verifies records: Varies Evaluator
filled-up Unified a) if there is no record depending on
Application form at and complaint with the
the Renewal counter regulatory evaluations of
clearances, the ancillary
Business Permit is clearances.
printed and the
taxpayer is
instructed to pay the
amendment fee

b) If there is a record
of non-compliance,
the taxpayer is

advised to comply
with ancillary
clearances before
proceeding with the
amendment of the
Business Permit.

Pays Amendment fee CTO receives CTO Cashier

Submits proof of The Department Varies Evaluator
compliance to the verifies the submitted depending on
BPLD renewal documents and the number of
counter and/or proof amends information. applicants.
of payment (Official
Receipt) of
amendment fees.

Claims permit via The department will None for Approximately BPLD E-
Pick-up or Courier notify the business personal 30 minutes if Response
Service of Choice about the availability pick-up pick-up Team
of their permit and
details on how to pick Varies Time varies if
them up either depending via courier
personally or via their on the services
choice of courier courier
service. service

The department
releases the permit
via client’s choice
mode of claim.

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log
book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email. This is reviewed
periodically as a reference in the
assessment/evaluation and improvement of
services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.
4. Complaints may also be sent via email,
and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:
a) date received
b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description
d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

Application for a Special Permit

Sometimes certain activities or events don’t last the whole year but require the
consent of the Local Government Unit. Events like concerts, Sunday Markets,
charitable events, or any seasonal event requires the organizers/applicants to secure
a Special Permit.

Issuance of a Special Permit

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers must book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the

Office or Division BPLD Permit Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Amendment of Business Permit
Who may Avail Promoter, Events Organizer, or any
individual entity intending to hold special
events in the city
Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

Contract of Lease of the venue From the Lessor (owner of Venue)

License from Immigration if the applicant is a Bureau of Immigration


Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
Submits completely The department Varies Evaluator
filled-up Unified accepts and encodes depending on
Application Form for details of the the
BOSS Evaluation application / event. evaluations of
Issues an order of ancillary
payment. clearances.

Pays order of CTO receives Per Billing Cashier

payment at the City payment Statement
Treasurer’s Office

Submits the Official When the Official Concierge

Receipt to the BOSS Receipt gets verified,
the department
prepares to release
the permit.

Claims permit via The department For Approximately BPLD E-

Pick-up or Courier notifies the business personal 30 minutes Response
Service of Choice applicant about the Pick-up, Team

availability of their None
permit and details on
how to claim them: a)
pick-up in person, or Varies Time varies BPLD E-
b) via courier service depending Response
their choice of. on the Team
The department service
releases the permit
via client’s choice
mode of claim.

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log

book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email. This is reviewed
periodically as a reference in the
assessment/evaluation and improvement of
services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.
4. Complaints may also be sent via email,
and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:
a) date received
b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description
d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:


Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

Occupational Permits Division
The Occupational Permits Division is located at the 2nd Floor Civic Building A,
Quezon City Hall Compound. This division Issues Occupational Permits to all private
company employees.

Issuance of an Occupational Permit (Work Permit)

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers must book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the

Office or Division Occupational Permit Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Issuance of Occupational Permit
Who may Avail Anyone who is required to submit
Occupational Permit

Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

NBI / Police Clearance NBI / Police Clearance Offices

Health Certificate / Card City Health Department
Alien Employment Card (AEP) for DOLE
Parental Consent for Minors

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
Presents the required When the client’s None 5 minutes Concierge
documents to the requirements are
Occupational Counter complete, department
issues a queuing
number along with an
order of payment to
be paid at the City
Treasurer's Office.

Pays the CTO is co-located Occupational Cashier Co-

Occupational Permit with the Occupational Fees ₱75.00 located at
Fee Permits Division ₱ 150.00 Occupational
and Permit Section
Photo Fees-
₱ 20.00
Presents OR at the The department takes Occupational
Occupational counter. a picture of the Counter
client's Personnel
Have picture taken
Waits for release of Releases the permit. Occupational

Occupational Permit Counter

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log

book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email. This is reviewed
periodically as a reference in the
assessment/evaluation and improvement of
services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.
4. Complaints may also be sent via email,
and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:
a) date received

b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description
d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

Records and Statistics Division
This division takes charge in receiving, recording and maintains systematic filing of business
permits (new, renewal and amendment) and other documents, verifies application for
business permit from the database, issues Certified True Copies of permit and Certifications
upon request of the taxpayer, and receives inspection /violation report from the Inspection
Division and forwards to Administrative Staff for appropriate action

Issuance of Certification or Certified True Copy of Business Permit

As a COVID-19 safety precaution, all taxpayers must book an appointment at

https://qcbpldbusinesspermitapplication.setmore.com/ to begin transactions with the

Office or Division BPLD Records and Statistics Division

Classification External Service
Type of Transaction Issuance of Certification or Certified True
Copy of Business Permit
Who may Avail Taxpayer who requests for Certification or
Certified True Copy of Business Permit

Checklist of Requirements Where to Secure

Any valid ID of Owner

Any valid ID of the representative together
with valid ID of owner, if a representative Provided by the requesting party
Authorization letter, if a representative

Client Steps Agency Actions Fees to Processing Person

be Paid Time Responsible
At the appointed date Records section None Records
and time, client evaluates and verifies Section
proceeds to records if Business Permit Receiving
section was already issued. Personnel

When permit is
verified, the section
issues payment order
to be paid at CTO.

Pays certification fee CTO receives P50 CTO Cashier

at the CTO payment

Presents OR to the Records section None Records

Records Section releases the Section
Certification (CTC) of Personnel
business permit.

Feedback and Complaints Mechanism

How to send feedback Clients may give their feedback in person or

via email, telephone call, filling-up of BPLD
feedback form and in social media avenues
e.g. Messenger and Viber. (Feedback Form is
attached as Annexure A)

Feedback/complaints may be sent to the

department via:
Hotline 122
[email protected]

Department’s Official Email Address

[email protected]

How feedbacks are processed Feedbacks are documented: written in a log

book, compiled if feedback form is filled up,
and or sent by email. This is reviewed
periodically as a reference in the
assessment/evaluation and improvement of
services rendered.

How to file a complaint The Department has a ready complaint form

for clients who wants to file a complaint.
(Complaint Form is attached as Annexure B)

1. On site, the complainant may go to

Public Assistance & Complaints Desk
where s/he will be interviewed to
provide information about the
2. The “Complaints Desk” endorses all
complaints pertaining to BPLD to the
department for appropriate action.
3. The complaint is addressed and
feedback is provided to the
complainant on actions taken.
4. Complaints may also be sent via
email, and other social media avenues
(messages thru messenger or viber).

How complaints are processed The Department has a comprehensive

process / system in addressing complaints as
can be gleaned in its “Complaints Log and
Status Tracker”. In particular, the tracker’s
components are:

a) date received
b) source of complaint details
c) complaint summary/description
d) medium used
e) Division/Group with jurisdiction on the
f) date corrective action started,
g) findings – root causes,
h) date complaint was resolved/closed,
i) feedback to/from complainant after
corrective action
j) corrective action plan, and
k) remarks

(Complaint Log Status Tracker is attached as

Annexure C)

Feedback and Complaints may also be Contact Center ng Bayan (Civil Service
sent to these agencies. Commission)
• Hotline: 1-6565 accessible via PLDT and
Smart landlines nationwide
• SMS/Text Access: 0908-8816565
• Email: [email protected]
• Website: www.contactcenterngbayan.gov.ph

Anti-Red Tape Authority:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG)
Main Office: 8876-34-54

List of Annexures
Annexure A – Feedback Form

Annexure B – Complaint Form

Annexure C – Complaint Log and Status Tracker

Annexure A

QC-BPLD Feedback Survey Form

To help us serve you better in the future, we would love to hear about your experience with our team.
Please give us a few minutes of your time to rate our service.

1. Overall, how do you find our service?

Excellent ___ Very Good___ Good___ Satisfactory ___ Unsatisfactory ____

2. In what area of service do you find very satisfactory?

a) Process steps and time___ b) Customer service ___ c) Policy: ___ d) Others:
please identify

3. In what area of service do you find, that we need to improve on?

a) Process steps and time: ___ b) Customer service: ____ c) Policy: ____ d) Others:
please identify

4. How likely would you recommend establishment of business in the city?

a) Very likely ____ b) Most likely ____ c) Unlikely _____

5. How long do you intend to do business in the city?

Short term (1-2 yrs)___ Medium term (3-5 yrs)____ Long term (6 yrs onwards)___

Annexure B

QC BPLD Complaint Form

Name Position Title/
(in PRINT) Designation

Business Name Address

Contact details
(Email and

Complaint What: Complainant View in Resolving

Details Complaint




Complaint Action Taken

taken by (Internal)
Resolution and
Signature of Feedback

Annexure C

QC BPLD Complaint Log and Status Tracker

6 8
3 7 9 10
1 2 4 5 Date Date
Complaint Findings Feedback Corrective
Date Source of Medium Division Corrective Complaint
General /Group
/ Root from Action
Received Complaint Used Action Causes Resolved /
Description Complainant Plan
Started Closed

1 - Date Received

2 - Source of Complaint (Bus. Name and Contact Details)

3 - Complaint General Description

4 - Medium Used

5 - Division /Group

6 - Date Corrective Action Started

7 - Findings / Root Cause

8 - Date Complaint Resolved / Closed

9 - Feedback from Complainant

10 - Corrective Action Plan

11 - Remarks


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