English 9th Mid Term Exam

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Name: ------------------ Subject: English Level: 10th

Date: 26- 09-2022 T. Marks: 75 Obt. Marks: -----------

Inv. ------------------------ Checked By: ------------------- Rechecked By: ----------

Q:No # Q:1 Q:2 Q:3 Q:4 Q:5 Q:6 Q:7 Q:8 Q:9 Q:10 T. Marks
T. Marks 40
Obt. Marks

Objective Type
Question#1: Choose the correct form of verb. /5

1. The boys ___________ their home task.

a) Is doing b) was doing c) are doing d) does
2. She ___________ her work when you called her.
a) Was doing b) have doing c) had do d) did
3. If Salman ___________ the car, he would have met an accident.
a) Shall drive b) had driven c) drives d) will drive
4. I wish he ___________ my friend.
a) Was b) am c) were d) is
5. We made Akram ___________ for the damage.
a) Pay b) have paid c) paying d) paid

Choose the word with correct spellings. /4

6. a) megnitude b) magnitude c) megnitud d) mignitude

7. a) decline b) declane c) dicline d) declene
8. a) parsevere b) persever c) persevere d) parsever
9. a) colunm b) column c) calumn d) calunm

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word. /5

10.The word ‘commandment’ means:

a) Proclamation b) order c) mercy d) blessing
11.The word ‘recipient’ means:
a) Receiver b) proud c) lunar d) giver
12.The Chinese word ‘eight’ means:
a) Love b) ugly c) friend d) prosperity
13.The antonym of ‘mighty’ is ___________.
a) Grand b) weak c) strong d) lazy
14.The synonym of ‘persevere’ is ___________.
a) Surrender b) give up c) persist d) continue

Choose the correct option according to the grammar. /5

15.What would you do if there were no mere books? This sentence is

a) Simple b) 1st condition c) 2nd condition d) 3rd condition
16.As a young trade, he earned a good reputation. The underlined word is:
a) Noun clause b) an adjective clause
c) A noun phrase d) an adverb phrase
17.Revenge is a ___________ noun.
a) Concrete b) material c) collective d) abstract
18.He works carefully. The underlined word is:
a) Verb b) article c) adverb d) noun
19.We have to take the bus ___________ tomorrow morning.
a) Early b) earliest c) earlier d) more early
Subjective Type
Question#2: Answer the following questions. /10

i. Why did non-Muslims trust the Rasool (S.A.W)?

ii. What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
iii. How is failure not a disgrace?
iv. How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage?
v. How did the Rasool (S.A.W) resolve the issue of Black Stone?

Question#3: Translate the following paragraphs into Urdu. /8

a) Prior to the first day of New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly
clean their houses. Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the
previous year and to make the house ready to accept good luck for the
coming year. All cleaning must be finished before New Year’s Day so there is
no chance of accidently throwing out the good fortune of the New Year Day.
Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death, however,
wearing red is encouraged as the color is associated with warding off bad

Question#4: Write down the summary of the summary of the ‘Try Again’ by
‘W.E Hickson.’ /5

Question#5: Write an essay of 150-200 words on the topic of ‘My Last Day at

Question#6: Change any FIVE of the following sentences into indirect speech. /5

i. She says, “We love and respect our neighbor very much.”
ii. She will say, “He did not come up to my expectations.”
iii. They said, “Their teacher is on leave.”
iv. He said, “I am watering the plants in the garden.”
v. My brother said to me, “You have missed the point completely.”

Question#7: Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your own sentences.

i. Device, Devise
‫‪ii.‬‬ ‫‪Break, Brake‬‬
‫‪iii.‬‬ ‫‪Bale, Bail‬‬
‫‪iv.‬‬ ‫‪Droop, Drop‬‬
‫‪v.‬‬ ‫‪Loose, Lose‬‬

‫‪Question#8: Translate the following paragraph into English.‬‬ ‫‪/8‬‬

‫اڑھائی سو سال سے زیادہ کا عرصہ گزرا ہے۔ جرمنی کے ایک چھوٹے سے قصبے میں ایک لڑکا‬
‫رہتا تھا۔ اس کا نام جارج فریڈرک ہینڈل تھا۔ اس کا والد مشہور& ڈاکٹر تھا۔ بوڑھے ڈاکٹر نے ایک دن‬
‫اپنے بیٹے سے کہا جارج تم بھی ایک دن شہرت پاو گے۔ شاید تم بھی بڑے ڈاکٹر بنو گے یا جج۔‬
‫جارج نے جواب دیا‪" ،‬میں نہ ڈاکٹر بننا چاہتا ہوں نہ جج۔ میں اپنی زندگی& مو سیقی کے لیے وقف& کرنا‬
‫"چاہتا ہوں۔" اور وہ واقعی& ایک دن بڑا موسیقار& بن گیا۔‬

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