Reviewer Communication

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Communication -Two way activity, sender and receiver has the same role

in the activity
-is an act of transferring information from one place to
another. -Involves feedback, Includes noise affect the interpretation
of the message
-according to wood (2004), communication is a systematic
process which individuals interacts through symbols. Transactional communication model

Communication is PROCESS - Presents communication or simultaneous activity,

Sender and receiver is capable of both.
-creative condition of life, a process that changes as the
communication environment changes. Barriers to communication is anything that comes in the
way of receiving and understanding message that one
Communication is SYSTEMATIC sends to another to convey his ideas, thoughts or any kind
- It occurs within system of interacting parts. of information. This various barriers of communication
block or interfere with the message that someone is trying
Communication is SYMBOLIC to send.
- Action true symbol, symbol verbal non-verbal are the Emotional barriers refers on how a person feels in a
basis of the language. situation
Verbal communication refers to the words of speech in Use of jargon specialized vocabulary in a certain field
sending message
Lack of confidence when a person does not have trust in
Nonverbal communication refers to gestures. oneself
Elements of communication: Noisy environment potential interactions of the flow of
Sender - source of information
Cultural noise making stereotypical assumptions
Encoding - act of assembling the message
Psychological noise certain attitudes can also make
Message - the main part of having communication
communication difficult
Channel - means of delivering the message
Environmental noise, noise that physically disrupts
Receiver - decodes the message to formulate a response communication

Decoding - the process of receiver interpreting the Psychological impairment noise such as deafness
message blindness

Feedback - response reaction of receiver Semantic noise has different interpretations of sender
and receiver
Communication noise - barrier to the effectiveness of
communication Syntactical noise interrupts disrupts mistake in grammar

Context - environmental message Organizational noise how clear the direction and
instruction is
Model of communication
Communication process is the steps we take in order to
-conceptual representation that is used to explain the successfully communicate.
communication process
Sender (noise)-encoding (noise)-message-channel
-each models offers a different perspective on the (noise)-receiver (noise)-receives (noise)-decoding
communication process (noise)-feedback (noise)
Linear communication model Functions of communication
-Presents communication as a one-way activity in which Regulation/Control -As a function of communication
information flows from the receiver means being able to use language gestures and emotions
to manage individual or group activities.
-shows only a passive receiver
Motivation - as a function of communication means
-feedback is not part of the process
communication allows people to express thoughts
Interactive communication model opinions to build to encourage people to improve.
Social interaction -entails communication to build - uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and
connections with other people it improves the life by vocabulary known only to experts in a particular speech.
connecting individuals to individuals.
E.g. Pledge of Allegiance, Weddings
Information Use- is concerned with understanding what
information sources people choose and the ways in which Formal Style
people apply information to make sense of their situation. -It uses formal words and expressions.
Most instrumental when a decision maker uses financial
data to inform a budget decision or it can be effective E.g. Job Interviews, business trip, dinner party
influence how people feel.
Consultative style
Emotional Expression- refers to how one conveys
- known as the third level of language
emotional experience through both verbal and nonverbal
behaviour. According to gross 1998 b, 1999: It is - Unplanned speech
distinguished from emotional experience in that is possible
to experience motion without expressing them. - uses listener participation and feedback

Types of speech context Casual or informative style

Intrapersonal - refers to communication that centers on - used in conversations between friends and insiders you
one person where the speaker acts both sender and the have something to share and have shared background
receiver of the message. information.

Message (thoughts and feelings) – channel (brain) - - is free and easy participation of both speaker and
feedback (as you talk to yourself) listener.

Interpersonal - refers to communication between and Intimate style

among people and establishes personal relationship
- used between people who are very close and know each
between and among them.
other very well.
DYAD Communication - communication that occurs
E.g. telling your gf/bf you love them
between two people
Small Group - communication that involves at least three
but not more than twelve people engaging into face-to- -it is human nature to express thoughts and emotions.
face interaction. Speech are more formal than talking or usual
Public - refers to communication that requires you to
deliver or send the message before or in front of the Speech types
Types of speech according to purpose:
Mass communication - refers to communication that
takes place through television, books, billboard and -informative or expository: educating the audience
-persuasive: convincing the audience
Organizational Communication - refers to the interaction
-entertainment: to share enjoyment through the audience
of members along the link in an organizational structure.
Two values of organizational communication: Formal Types of speech according to delivery:
Organizational Communication and Informal
organizational communication - Manuscript speech: word to word iteration of written
message, using visual aids
Intercultural communication - is the change of concept,
traditions, values and practices between and among - Memorized speech: wrote recitation the speaker has
people of different nationalities and ways of life. committed to memory

Types of speech types - Extemporaneous speech: carefully planned and

rehearsed speech and spoken using brief notes.
Frozen style
- Impromptu Speech: without advance preparation.
-Also known as fix speech -the most formal
communicative style that is often used in respectful
situation or formal ceremony.

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