4057 Kashish Singhal

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Pune – 411 004

Journal for Practical Training Paper I

Professional Ethics and Contempt of Court Law

Name: Kashish Singhal

Class: IV B.A. LL.B. Div: A
Roll No.: 4057 Seat No:_________
Year: 2021-22

Sr. Topics Page No. Signature

1 Assignment-I 1-6
Essay on the topic from law relating to Legal
Profession in India, assigned by concerned teacher
Topic of legal essay : Need and necessity of
professional ethics in the legal profession

2 Assignment-II 7-12
Essay on the topic from Law relating to Contempt of
Court, assigned by concerned teacher
Topic of legal essay : Truth as a defense for
contempt of court: an analysis

3 Assignment-III 13-18
Report on an Interaction Session(s) of experts with
the students
Session on Tips towards journey of a successful
lawyer by Adv Satish Rai

4 Assignment-IV i) 19-22
Case Comments on two cases on Professional ii) 23-26
Ethics, assigned by concerned teacher
i) Vishram Singh Raghubanshi v. State
of UP, AIR 2011 SC 2275
ii) John D’Souza v. Edward Ani, AIR
1994 SC 975

5 Assignment-V i) 27-30
Case Comments on two cases on Contempt of ii) 31-36
Court, assigned by concerned teacher.
i) Noorali Babul Thanewala v. KMM
Shetty, AIR 1990 SC 464
ii) In Re Arundhati Roy, AIR 2002 SC
2ntuteade hiiculay bydi tulalhik enlp am bu

ndhucase d Jeha Disauza v. 2dwasal kni,dh Sc

uhald h eseisino a4pellant Pisaijplinay Comaite
dbekdh aluezatigailh Lpieplienalaiszndu
teneulruning ~ha4illay lkladihu upensi

mmen m h detidian'

Jshice_powdeA _Cannp bicome jiuice paacbs

lita iuprobahlan ta poLiel ptope ssuics tn
Lhen ih henealy and inkgily Faikusk dbouide
th uill o tn clitada kn dand is noL uplish
r he scanltiasude zth palesinal die in degal
e L n hioeu iihe aptellaab Lzas unihedL
Iudamen pouida an m-pdsnakét ackin-
ampne OLiaically misconaldakon shich imuch
aouay in a ledalpalssin

ase LonmenCm

lain th Cam Neeuali Bakul h hanewala V

KMM Skty AR 1110 Sc G4
2 Faa l h cas
pelikima-landiesd uleal aa euichn sut
pdscel elcs agaiai hnant-Rapaadeot NeL and
duit pemiu tea hotl buwindu a duidL
dha pehkena.

aclditinndl dintill paasai a 1924 vacate

tk pemius t an ahhcal ZA condiim u2as giuen
houpandunb anulL ukmit aa Lunderlaking
ule wacath t erpsy lhualarutaic
C Haistue Semelun in beguianag 121, esp22a
cnt ne2ilkel a 2ui wn cui hon4e declesalita
that ct sielin eesne_coude saut be eteputrdA4a
i n and dblainad alempaioae nunclim ageins-

kualiu dh lend lard liled iu pAn

emkapt wanlemp peliuan in pawmi leisk agaiost
humiusduia biata atatd i / th Luadeuak
eGe No4

3Baleuaa lau i Seckian 2 and 2 Lankempk

w in e Case
JasthclAa wiltulsalis okecdhnc a undealaking
enin cous amaunta Liedinkme Coulos.

5 Adomau-

h pkiimes akmitzd dhatihe sespamdent

haue ailhd ta asatihv psimue aa dho
LA2quisie dataccodig iz ihu uLndlokng
hace Akoule be halli le onlempL

hu ge4panent ubmitkol ihak Lhe uasn ein

p04Lesim eLdhe did preesly aihcu 1741 ie
eunkeloo tha inlititeO Luietin aul mous,
winaleslkng hak ehe has gieh h poaubn
pesuin of
m it.
thu said peLmiss anel ilh busuneu elecsding

Lth e2sspanden gukmlteel hak dhu ilon

arith ullbiee matebas uwithcd ihu maleaial

ushen CouE passaD OAdku baseal bnfhe


ndutaking quuen Lhy onu ap zlhpaslia,dh

kackp uehLLnlikaig i aiuil pracadings

ulel altheLgh uth semeclis mighL mi

Laluuaygke ideoical. To enhessean Lhedhtaking
t in he thualisd as an ide dhat if
t i kekn jitould inuntve 1dh 10am
LMANLLquenc222 haE peun as he kas
dishnaud aniajunctin PAask of an inc
D Lbuach o aa neulaking giei da a Laus
peusnun a ciil ereioleng h
aidh e4 whiah othe coak sancl a pashaula
LALLAeef acln da mútmduoe ameiiig ta

Decisin eP th Caua

tn thueas eL_Neetali Rakul Thanwala. Vkmm

Shetty Au Syeune loust hld fhal
a s Drds el iunndhn gsantd hay dhe ciuil
Lpusk aqainse dhddlesd em excoling ehu desn
aq uinsEupandent mo 2 ias na juijed.
ugement b th uuponleot cennot ke

C uthu Askandia no.2 w0s in pusinn

at thu tuna of ciuing iA undutaking iA ou
miamtha A ndint no uas qlli u
daliktnalily subjatsn udh jeeh and ui
alaeLundhtaleina uth Scgctha-h in
osesuay dh Suut uniseae

kupernalen- ono sgil Cmilk Lmlemp

ilul sdisekedince e dh wndeiiaking

i lhu duisaleel tha pelilinnr

all peyns Lwhe as in a4sissini pepei
ommin m idhL desioin

Conlemp nottingu velarepeeing thu cou

Cuun jiudamne sesials m th neczssay edemea

uis ie Vt Laidnce endseloisinshihouk
hones ane unLiased submisin ny Didu
diu, udgmint 2 ceuse lannn be Aalgta ke
uielin s s n uhoiuism and ackcs e
A n cou oe exlensum and leniencies uhasla
senilly uililized and should nat mikuAd
dlen nfakings hesed m i h co helies
OndpaAsLA an Ldug elecsLL uolamenb io iesu

dinhile od same dd bamouiled k

inleaksanco eth He gant ef gul ana onlem

Dowhep el Cous

Colaes the Las L Re hsmelh.ali Rey, (20022

3 SCc3t3-

DAsng the hteltann e4 he buit prilaeu

NAAaAda AAchag AncleiamV, nsen o hadna ( 2000
10Sco664, thu Suhsesme lasst hy_aaa uiin.
Dacdes mitrd isstsess the hiigat he

ha 0clase ead ssAsAtd to Assdpaaliatd

hiy Hhi wsit heditoasA ethiss iaclasoluingthe
ANpeudlst heacias bho blA Aaet apasly to_fhc
wit belu tion.

iAitkat Lomle4mpthacreidisngg
ol HeesssL Asbangistsya entinaptn 2pplicalaau
w Ld krles thue Supsust lauatallagaisg Hhat
th nespsdent huuei had lLa a laaaga LsAAsd Omd
LheLol a dhnsssa 4ent o th apaissse lesust aasd
bsheulid slogasss atiashing th ilgaalazy a hjudas
thSupsess lasadi
eT alfidwit hy thiaspendaat shi
tisicd the Lot 4eu haiuz~iang clissesmt hanas
Ad timidale hose hho disagnee
This led le 4cse mmeto oetanptpesasdings
Lsbialeoag.amst hes
DArE 2
3Rcleaut LaiSiatis2L, Le), 3, 15L, 1,8,
12, 14 16 Ceateaaht eLsssst Act, 1971 assd
Astuite14, 12Lla) 2 , 125, 121,L6 o
Cestkisu of Lsdia

a heHari thi cenliaE faosesdiuge

i iated Agasnt as taidasstleel a cosut asd

(6 hethu tarca tasild ha hicd hy tia

sameiuclgas in hese ariemiethi aaer has
bes amsitclAds 4L2) aud 15 o
Conliaast cosant baeLLdsnga e hot

Lslipt ef Cosst fecasmdalzng thi teut 04


Asgmt Acakamscdi

Rupondast 's Submnissie4

agankE he she agen Aeitsadiel what Lh haz

ALated Laslsiu hi alfielaasts Shas ppudiLed hu

A thi hiasnigaitact ulin anausal

pplaiaeu shu Aaiised ajlia that th salges
rho had hsssaed the aodnse I R. fonashas v

Psoshasnt Bhsshaa (koo1)6 sec 135 Ahesse 4et

l k neApeadet theaose deugit LaAL to be

sanitesssd to sasme ethes htnsh
Lasst sd Losaig tnss t a14pendest tonlemesd
that ue Lenltmpt aesedg Lould be Liliatad
gasmik Ay hiaLçn onfhe gaeand e hid Lhes
allesseldy itessdauzmg t tAAaski
Act, 1221 teAct th ne4pondent casnnded
that a plysbssaitted to a comktanpk Anotaie
a we Case Lauld seint to cossdessspt

Th aespendesat fauthu asgased that the

ise the basmt Cas ichethu buth
Cosld he pAsseled as a dulisáe lo onliwsp
hameidings haL a hecleltasmincd.

Th LaustkbasLd that a heasam claisism

e1 thu LodiamPLwal ldi, u AeqIuiLdLo slasA

4aith Rtassiuag tn n ReiCani Dazia Deu

Snetasy Miaisny eakassoataank Ascodeastiaisg
Na beii LOsL1115 (3) scc 11 hae
slatumemis macles M_alnolant Was aumomnted Le
Aiasissal Conianpt the se helel that the
brsnsfit e the Kepacss s a mdu the Lasa
leasaa.eu aseb Aass toattsnht
AerLLeasng 1aay t t he oailakle i the
lndimsLaaonk AAL made agAmAt am uaslliaou
O fheStat Aad met esIMtId ko Hhpaso
aA Lascdiiidsal pi a CollLAion peLcMs

akes hi the Lasast ales Saen 15 o th Act

dem icdaa ethsa thm hJ4sdl DAadlaA-

aegcd o have keens Caasenittesl Hossses dins

e4 Hhe Act, fhe Losst denied susho Aaim
ae ALApendeut hsned stated thatAAALpnMLL

tu Juelaas o the cat to has the4atiLAL

whishCewmaot be th smamdals of Lanss
c h e Lasast athahild that tsal4spt
brerssdises Lasn hi iaiialid agasnst thi
ARApeAdisnt 4a lnmdalatng the COsti Alhough

iaelgasesacssallay iang tho yessdsng

alpdosithast tht tenliwsliscushast h
elat dimonsiales fhe hteng dome fo fhe
asbli The Lpendent haa taaed to £aAt
y to fhe uble bey cARatimg AM I atsdcg
V/DATE: 35
L the sssnd e t pieflr e this hockssasd-
Liasllalaen o1jisdicias
a CosustJpastuAled tha edau
Apgehs ad ekjauieu gusaasalzid hythi
usitution aA hiist to spa40Mabie Assludneus

Lasatanpt eCosastsAt ahichi,asssingAt ethi.

TE diiiosissud as isselesasst tihe Luspasadest
A1gasssaeart tha t ise e hutheu bssth tesssed
hlesaled as a delssse to assdismpt_passsedsiaga-
hae to be oleissained: Cemlesnpt_basseedeng
ho heesn iwitaate ageamst he aespomdesat-
o1 he hasiu a4 theelyssdiaig Aaad estnahtisaua
e t e h Acply alfielastit takving ild alegahen
agasialt fha Lasasdassel thusshysasdallaecl i
authoity This ia aelest fast a fhosi
ecssdhisg hisk auquises to k olepemded hy
Messsing fhe ttuth it daid

Desssin e the Leuat

T th Cnd La Re Asudha Le the
Supas sane Cout huld hi ReApendet k g4sulhy
sisaiwal leutempt Assd sisatamssd. ud
mpasnd al RA o 0eith he koAd thet
dhiailed to pey hefn sh weuled he

DATE (36
itpaisosed e& thsee soaihl

lha Lossut has by this elusiiiouseAtnbiished

That fht Acdaualolausnageea tateat set

e bhuathis it Lssisdesa bitk th lagek.


The End


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