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MODULE 4  Presentation software allows users to create

visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas,

PROGRAMS AND APPS messages, and other information to a group.
 A program, or software, consists of a series of
 Spreadsheet software allows users to organize
related instructions, organized for a common
data in rows and columns and perform
purpose, that tells the computer what tasks to
perform and how to perform them.
 An application, or app, sometimes called
 A database is a collection of data organized in a
application software, consists of programs
manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of
designed to make users more productive and/or
that data.
assist them with personal tasks.
o Database software allows users to create,
 An operating system is a set of programs that
access, and manage a database.
coordinates all the activities among computer or
mobile device hardware– System software.
 Note taking software is an application that
Software is available in a variety of forms: enables users to enter typed text, handwritten
comments, drawings, or sketches anywhere on a
 Retail page.
 Custom
 Web app  Calendar and contact management software is
 Mobile app an application that helps you organize your
 Mobile web app calendar, keep track of contacts, and share this
 Open source information with other devices or users.
 Shareware
 Freeware  A software suite is a collection of individual
 Public domain programs available together as a unit

 Project management software is an application

PRODUCTIVITY APPLICATIONS that allows a user to plan, schedule, track, and
Productivity applications can assist you in becoming analyze the events, resources, and costs of a
more effective and efficient while performing daily project.
activities at work, school, and home
 Accounting software is an application that helps
 Word processing businesses of all sizes record and report their
 Presentation financial transactions.
 Spreadsheet
 Database  Personal finance software is a simplified
 Note taking accounting application that helps home users and
 Calendar and contact management small/home office users balance their checkbooks,
 Project management pay bills, track personal income and expenses,
 Accounting verify account balances, transfer funds, track
 Personal finance investments, and evaluate financial plans
 Legal
 Tax preparation  Legal software is an application that assists in the
 Document management preparation of legal documents and provides legal
 Support services information to individuals, families, and small
 Enterprise computing businesses.

With productivity applications, users often:  Tax preparation software is an application that
can guide individuals, families, or small businesses
through the process of filing federal taxes.

 Document management software is an

 Word processing software allows users to create application that provides a means for sharing,
and manipulate documents distributing, and searching through documents by
converting them into a format that can be viewed
 Clip art is a collection of drawings, photos, and
by any user.
other images.
 A variety of desktop, mobile, and web apps
provide a service intended to make business or
personal tasks easier to accomplish
 Blogging
o Reference Applications  Browsing
o Travel Applications  Chat Room
o Retail Applications  Discussion forum
 Email
 A large organization, commonly referred to as an  FTP
enterprise, requires special computing solutions  Instant messaging
because of its size and geographic distribution.  Videoconference
o Human resources software
 VoIP
o Accounting software
 Web feeds
o Engineering product development
 Wireless Messaging
o Manufacturing software
o Marketing software
o Sales software
o Distribution software  A personal firewall is a security tool that detects
o Customer service software and protects a personal computer and its data from
o Software for information technology staff unauthorized intrusions.

 An antivirus program protects a computer

against viruses by identifying and removing any
GRAPHICS AND MEDIA SOFTWARE computer viruses found in memory, on storage
 Computer-aided design (CAD) software media, or on incoming files
 Desktop publishing software
 Spyware is a program placed on a computer or
 Paint/Image editing software
mobile device without the user’s knowledge that
 Photo editing software
secretly collects information about the user and
 Clip Art / Image Gallery then communicates the information it collects to
 Video and audio editing software some outside source while the user is online
 Multimedia authoring software allows users  Adware is a program that displays an online
to combine text, graphics, audio, video, and advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on
animation in an interactive application webpages, email messages, or other Internet
 Website authoring software helps users of all
skill levels create webpages that include
 A spyware remover is a program that detects and
graphics, video, audio, animation, and special
deletes spyware and similar programs.
effects with interactive content.
 An adware remover is a program that detects and
 A media player is a program that allows you
deletes adware.
to view images and animations, listen to audio,
and watch video files on your computer or
mobile device  Internet filters
 Anti-Spam Programs
 Disc burning software writes text, graphics,  Web filters
audio, and video files on a recordable or  Phishing filters
rewritable disc.  Pop-up Blockers


 Lifestyle applications  A file manager is a tool that performs functions
 Media applications related to file management.
 Entertainment applications
 Convenience applications
 A search tool is a program, usually included with
 Education applications
an operating system, that attempts to locate a file
on your computer or mobile device based on 2. Ubiquitous (Pervasive) Computing
criteria you specify. o Personal area networks
o Wireless sensor networks
 An image viewer is a tool that allows users to o RFIDs
display, copy, and print the contents of a graphics 3. Next-generation Networking (NGNs)
file, such as a photo o IP Convergence
 An uninstaller is a tool that removes a program, o Grid/ Cloud
as well as any associated entries in the system
Enabling Digital Technology
 A disk cleanup tool searches for and removes 1. Artificial intelligence
unnecessary files. 2. Ubiquitous (Pervasive) Computing
3. Next-generation Networking
 A disk defragmenter is a tool that reorganizes the 4. Iot
files and unused space on a computer’s hard disk 5. Blockchain technology
so that the operating system accesses data more 6. Machine Learning
quickly and programs run faster– Defragmenting 7. Edge ML Learning/Deep Learning
8. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality vs
 A screen saver is a tool that causes a display Mixed reality
device’s screen to show a moving image or blank 9. Analytics and Big data
screen if no keyboard or mouse activity occurs for
a specified time. Real-world machine learning use cases

 Speech recognition
 A file compression tool shrinks the size of a
 Customer service
 Computer vision
 Recommendation engines
 A PC maintenance tool is a program that
identifies and fixes operating system problems,  Automated stock trading
detects and repairs disk problems, and includes the
capability of improving a computer’s performance.
 A backup tool allows users to copy, or back up, how to make computers do things at which, at the
selected files or the contents of an entire storage moment, people are better.
medium to another storage location. Applications of AI

 Natural Language Processing- make a

computer understand English
Digital Technology refers to using new algorithms or  Machine Learning- change behavior based on
applications to solve a problem experience
o recognize patterns
 electronic tools, systems, devices and  Perception of a visual scene- be able to pick
resources that generate, store or process data out people, objects, etc.
 uses digital code to transmit signals and  Robotics- navigation, accomplishing tasks,
information between different devices etc.
Benefits of Digital Technology

 Social Connectivity 1. ROBOTICS

 Communication Speeds
 Versatile Working Research area in which AI agents are equipped with
 Learning Opportunities sensors to perceive the world and effectors to change it
 Automation An active, artificial agent whose environment is the
physical world. Three basic parts of a robot:
 Information Storage
 Editing  Sensors- Computer-Actuators
Enabling Digital Technology Two major types of Robots
1. Artificial Intelligence 1. Industrial Robots:
oOperates in a stable and known  Act on the data
o Fixed or limited mobility 5. BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY
o Relatively simple control program  growing list of records, called blocks, which
2. Mobile Robots: are linked using cryptography. Each block
o Operates in the “real” world contains a cryptographic hash of the previous
o Mobile! block, a timestamp, and transaction data.
o Requires a high degree of autonomy
 a peer-to-peer decentralized distributed ledger
COMPUTER OR MACHINE VISION technology that makes the records of any
digital asset transparent and unchangeable and
Computer or Machine Vision
works without involving any third-party

 defined as a shared ledger, allowing thousands

of connected computers or servers to maintain
a single, secured, and immutable ledger.

 Blockchain can perform user transactions

Inverse of Computer Graphics Applications: without involving any third-party
1. Face recognition,
2. Image processing,
3. Motion detection, etc. What Is Bitcoin?

 the world's first digital currency. It can be used

to transfer money around the world quickly
and cheaply.
Blockchain - Public Key Cryptography
 Personal Area Network
 Public Key Cryptography or in short PKI is
 Wireless Sensor Networks
also known as asymmetric cryptography. It
 Wireless Mesh Networks
uses two pairs of keys - public and private.
 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
 A key is a some long binary number. The
public key is distributed worldwide and is
 Cloud Computing
truly public as its name suggests.
 Grid Computing
 The private key is to be strictly held private
and one should never lose it.
 the concept of connecting any device (so long
as it has an on/off switch) to the Internet and
toother connected devices.
Benefits of Block Chain
IoT − Key Features
 Immutability
 AI  Transparency
 Connectivity  High Availability
 Sensors  High Security
 Active Engagements
 Small Devices
 branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and
How does it work? computer science which focuses on the use of
data and algorithms to imitate the way that
 Capture the data. humans learn, gradually improving its
 Share the data accuracy.
 Process the data.

 Deep Learning- automates much of the  Virtual reality (VR)- the use of computer
feature extraction piece of the process, modeling and simulation that enables a person to
eliminating some of the manual human interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D)
intervention required and enabling the use of visual or another sensory environment.
larger data sets.
 Neural networks, or artificial neural  Analytics uses data and math to answer business
networks (ANNs)- are comprised of a node questions, discover relationships, predict unknown
layers, containing an input layer, one or more outcomes and automate decisions. This diverse
hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node, field of computer science is used to find
or artificial neuron, connects to another and meaningful patterns in data and uncover new
has an associated weight and threshold. knowledge based on applied mathematics,
statistics, predictive modeling and machine
7. EDGE MACHINE LEARNING learning techniques.
 a technique by which Smart Devices can
process data locally (either using local servers
or at the device-level) using machine and deep First generation - 1G
learning algorithms, reducing reliance on
Cloud networks. The term edge refers to  1980s: 1G delivered analog voice.
processing that occurs at the device- or local- Second generation - 2G
level (and closest to the components collecting
the data) by deep- and machine-learning  Early 1990s: 2G introduced digital voice
algorithms. (e.g. CDMA-Code Division Multiple
 Edge ML is revolutionary. It solves both
Third generation - 3G
security concerns pertaining to storing
personal user information in the Cloud and  Early 2000s: 3G brought mobile data
also reduces strain on Cloud networks by (e.g.CDMA2000).
processing data locally. It also enables the
processing of data in real-time, currently not Fourth generation - 4G LTE
possible with traditional, cloud-powered smart
 2010s: 4G LTE ushered in the era of
devices, but critical for technologies like
mobile broadband.
autonomous vehicles and medical devices.
1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G all led to 5G, which is designed
Current and Future Applications to provide more connectivity than was ever available
 Edge ML- based systems in hospitals and before.
assisted living facilities to monitor things like
patient heart rate, glucose levels, and falls Applications
(using cameras and motion sensors). These  Enhanced mobile broadband
technologies could be life-saving and, if the  Mission-critical communications
data is processed locally at the edge, staff
 Massive IoT
would be notified in real-time when a quick
response would be essential for saving lives.
 Amazons Echo
 Google Home- systems with predictive MODULE 5
sensors and algorithms that monitor the health DIGITAL SECURITY AND SAFETY
of the components to notify technicians when
maintenance is required  Digital Security Risk- event or action that could
o systems monitor for emergencies like cause a loss of or damage to a computer or mobile
machine malfunctions or meltdown device hardware, software, data, information, or
o assisted living facilities to monitor processing capability.
things like patient heart rate, glucose
 Computer Crime- any illegal act involving the
levels, and falls (using cameras and
use of a computer or related devices.
 Cybercrime - an online or Internet-based illegal the computer or mobile device on which the
act software is installed.

Digital Security Risks Information Theft

 Information Theft-Occurs when someone steals
 Malware- short for malicious software, consists of
personal or confidential information.
programs that act without a user’s knowledge and
deliberately alter the operations of computers and
mobile devices.  Encryption- Process of converting data that is
readable by humans into encoded characters to
 Botnet- a group of compromised computers or prevent unauthorized access.
mobile devices connected to a network.
 Digital Signature- An encrypted code that a
 Zombie- a compromised computer or device. person, website, or organization attaches to an
electronic message to verify the identity of the
 Denial of service attack (DoS attack)- disrupts sender.
computer access to Internet services.
 Digital Certificate- A notice that guarantees a
 Back Door- a program or set of instructions in a user or a website is legitimate.
program that allows users to bypass security
controls.  Secure Site- Website that uses encryption
techniques to secure its data.
 Spoofing- technique intruders use to make their
network or Internet transmission appear legitimate.
Hardware Theft, Vandalism, and Failure
 Hardware Theft- The act of stealing digital
Internet and Network Attacks equipment.
 Firewall- Is hardware and/or software that protects  Hardware vandalism- Act of defacing or
a network’s resources from intrusion. destroying digital equipment.

 Backing up – The Ultimate Safeguard

Unauthorized Access and Use o Backup- Duplicate of a file, program, or
media that can be used if the original is
 Unauthorized Access- Use of a computer or
lost, damaged, or destroyed.
network without permission.
o Off-site backups are stored in a location
 Unauthorized Use- Use of a computer or its data
separate from the computer or mobile
for unapproved or possibly illegal activities.
device site.
 Biometric Device- Authenticates a person’s
 Wireless Security
identity by translating a personal characteristic into
o Wireless access poses additional security
digital code that is compared with a digital code in
a computer.
o Others connect to network through an
 Digital Forensics- The discovery, collection, and unsecured wireless access point (WAP) or
combination router/WAP
analysis of evidence found on computers and
Ethics and Society
 Software Theft- Occurs when someone:
o Steals software media.  Computer Ethics- Moral guidelines that govern
o Intentionally erases programs. the use of computers, mobile devices, and
o Illegally registers and/or activates the information systems.
o Illegally copies a program.  Intellectual Property- Refers to unique and
original works such as ideas, inventions, art,
writings, processes, company and product names,
 Product Activation- Conducted either online or
and logos.
by phone, users provide the software product’s
identification number to associate software with
 Intellectual Property Rights- Rights to which COMPUTER SECURITY
creators are entitled to their work.
 Process of detecting and preventing any
unauthorized use of your laptop/computer.
 Copyright- Protects any tangible form of
expression.  It involves the process of safeguarding against
trespassers from using your personal or office-
based computer resources with malicious
 Digital rights management (DRM)- A strategy
intent or for their own gains, or even for
designed to prevent the illegal distribution of
gaining any access to them accidentally.
movies, music, and other digital content.
 The protection of computer systems and
 Code of Conduct- A written guideline that helps networks from information disclosure, theft of,
or damage to their hardware, software, or
determine whether a specification is
electronic data, as well as from the
ethical/unethical or allowed/not allowed.
disruption or misdirection of the services
they provide.
 Green Computing - Involves reducing electricity
and environmental waste while using computers,
mobile devices, and related technologies.
Computer Security and its Types
 Information Security- Securing information from
Information Privacy unauthorized access, modification & deletion.

 Information Privacy - Refers to the right of  Application Security- Securing an application by

individuals and companies to deny or restrict the building security features to prevent from Cyber
collection and use of information about them. Threats such as SQL injection, DoS attacks, data
 Cookie- A small text file that a web server stores breaches and etc.
on your computer.
 Phishing- A scam in which a perpetrator sends an  Computer Security- Securing a standalone
official-looking email message that attempts to machine by keeping it updated and patched.
obtain your personal and/or financial information.
 Spyware- A program placed on a computer or  Network Security- Securing both software and
mobile device without the user’s knowledge that hardware technologies.
secretly collects information about the user and
then communicates the information it collects to  Cybersecurity - Protecting computer systems,
some outside source while the user is online. which communicate over the computer networks.
 Adware- A program that displays an online
advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on
webpages, email messages, or other Internet Computer Security Practices
 Social Engineering- Defined as gaining  Computer Application White listening- The idea
unauthorized access to or obtaining confidential is to install just a restricted number of applications
information by taking advantage of the trusting on your computers, which are useful as well as
human nature of some victims and the naivety of genuine.
 Employee Monitoring- Involves the use of  Computer System Restore Solution - In case
computers, mobile devices, or cameras to observe, your computer is hacked and your files are
record, and review an employee’s use of damaged, you should have the possibility to again
technology, including communications such as have access to your files. An example is Windows
email messages, keyboard activity (used to System Restore or Backup.
measure productivity), and websites visited.
 Computer and Network Authentication- The
data that is accessed over the network is best to be
Ethics and Society provided only to authorize users. authorized
names and passwords.
Content filtering- Process of restricting access to
certain material on the Web.  File, Disk, and Removable Media Encryption-
Web filtering - Software restricts access to specified Generally, a good practice is to encrypt hard disks
websites. or removable devices, the idea behind this is in
case your laptop or your removable USB is stolen
and is plugged into another machine it cannot be  Windows BitLocker- It is a Windows-integrated
read. A good tool for this is True crypt. tool and its main function is to secure and encrypt
all the hard disk volumes.
 Remote Access Authentication- dystems that are
accessed over the network are best to be provided  File Vault- It is a Mac OS integrated tool and it
only to authorized users. Use usernames and secures as well as encrypts all the hard disk
passwords! volume.

 Network Folder Encryption - Again like the case  Data Backup- The main purpose is to recover the
of Network Authentication, if you have network lost data from an unpredictable event like deletion
storage or a network folder shared, it is good to be by mistake or file corruption which in many cases
encrypted to prevent any unauthorized user who is is caused by a virus.
listening to the network to read the information.
 Backup Devices- CD and DVD, Blue-Rays
 Secure Boundary and End-To-End Messaging -
Nowadays email or instant messaging is widely  Removable Devices- They are again for home
spread, and it is the number one tool to usage (data, documents, music, photos, and
communicate. It is better that the communication movies) which can be a Removable USB or
be encrypted between the end users, a good tool external hard disks.
for this is PGP Encryption Tool.
 Network attached storage (NAS)- They are
generally devices that are used in small businesses
Basic Functions of Antivirus Engines for backup purposes because they offer a
centralized manner of backup. All the users can
 Scanning- When a new virus is detected in the connect through the network to access this device
cyberspace, antivirus producers start writing and save data.
programs (updates) that scan for similar
signature strings.  Storage Area Network (SAN)- These are
generally devices that are used for big businesses
 Integrity Checking- This method generally for backup purposes. They offer a high-speed
checks for manipulated files in OS from network for storage the biggest producers are
viruses. EMC Corporation and DELL.

 Interception- This method is used basically to  Disaster Recovery- Generally, a planning process
detect Trojans and it checks the request made and produces a document that ensures businesses
by the operating system for network access. to solve critical events that affect their activities.

What is Encryption? Terminology

Encryption- A transformed type of genuine  Hacker- Is a Person who tries and exploits a
information where only the authorized parties know computer system for a reason which can be
how to read it, so in the worst-case scenario if money, a social cause, fun etc.
somebody has access to these files they would still not  Threat - Is an action or event that might
be able to understand the message in it. compromise the security.

 Vulnerability- It is a weakness, a design problem,

Tools Used to Encrypt Documents or an implementation error in a system that can
lead to an unexpected and undesirable event
 Axcrypt- It is one of the best open-source
regarding the security system.
encryption file software. It can be used in
Windows OS, Mac OS, and Linux as well.
 Attack- Is an assault on the system security that is
delivered by a person or a machine to a system. It
 GnuPG- This is an open-source software
violates security.
again and it can be integrated with other soft
wares too (like email).
 Antivirus or Antimalware - Is software that
operates on different OS and is used to prevent
malicious software.
Tools Used to Encrypt Documents
 Social Engineering - Is a technique that a hacker hacking, accessing confidential information, cyber
uses to steal data from a person for different warfare, cyberterrorism, and pirated software.
purposes by psychological manipulation combined
with social scenes.
Common Forms of Cybercrimes:
 Virus- It is a malicious ftware that installs on your
computer without your consent for a bad purpose. a.Copyright- The exclusive legal right, given to an
originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform,
 Firewall- A software or hardware which is used to film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material,
filter network traffic based on rules. and to authorize others to do the same.
 Copyright infringement- Is the violation,
piracy or theft of a copyright holder’s
exclusive rights through the unauthorized use
 Cyber- It is the Characteristics of the culture of copyrighted material or work.
computers, information, technology, and virtual
b.Plagiarism- An act or instance of using or closely
imitating the language and thoughts of another
 Cybercrime- Is defined as a crime in which a author without authorization.
computer is the object of the crime (hacking,
phishing, spamming, and child pornography and)
is used as a tool to commit an offense.
c. Computer Addiction
 Cybercriminals- May use computer technology to  Offline: generally used when speaking about
access personal information, and business trade excessive gaming behavior, which can be
secrets or use the internet for exploitative or practiced both offline and online.
malicious purposes.  Online: Also known as “Internet Addiction”,
gets more attention in general from scientific
research than offline computer addiction,
Republic Acts about Cybercrime mainly because most cases of computer
addiction are related to the excessive use of
 Republic Act No. 10175 - Known as the the Internet.
“Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012” is a law in
the Philippines approved on September 12, 20112
 Virtual Self -The persona you create about
which aims to address legal issues concerning
yourself virtually
online interactions and the internet.
Republic Act No. 10173- Data Privacy Act of 2012 is
an act protecting individual personal information. Criminal Activities
d.Hacking- Unauthorized access to or interference with
computer systems, servers, or other information and
Categories of Cyber Crime
communication systems
 Crimes against People- These crimes include  The introduction of computer viruses
cyber harassment and stalking, distribution of resulting in the corruption, alteration, theft, or
child pornography, various types of spoofing, loss of such data.
credit card fraud, human trafficking, identity theft, o Illegal Access
and online-related libel or slander. o Illegal Interception
o Data Interference
 Crimes against Property- Some online crimes o System Interference
happen against property, such as a computer or o Misuse of Devices
server. These crimes include DDOS attacks,  Infection of IT Systems with Malware – if
hacking, virus transmission, cyber and the act is committed against critical
typosquatting, computer vandalism, copyright infrastructure of the Philippines the, a penalty
infringement, and IPR violations. is between 12-20years reclusion temporal.
 Six years up to twelve years of imprisonment
 Crimes against Government- Are considered an also known as prison mayor.
attack on that nation's sovereignty and an act of
war. Cybercrimes against the government include e. Computer-related forgery, fraud and/or identity
theft- An attempt to obtain sensitive information
such as usernames, passwords, and credit card computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware,
details and (indirectly money), often for malicious and adware.
a. Phishing  Pharming- is a common type of online fraud. A
b. Pharming means to point you to a malicious and illegitimate
c. Spam website by redirecting the legitimate URL. Even if
d. Maximum of Php 200,000 fine or prison the URL is entered correctly, it can still be
mayor. redirected to a fake website.
 Phishing- is the fraudulent practice of sending
f. Electronic theft emails purporting to be from reputable companies
 Illegal Downloading in order to induce individuals to reveal personal
 Obtaining files that you do not have the information, such as passwords and credit card
right to use from the internet. numbers: Fake emails, text messages and websites
 Digital Piracy created to look like they’re from authentic
 Practice of illegally copying and selling companies. They're sent by criminals to steal
digital music, video, computer software, personal and financial information from you. This
etc. is also known as “spoofing”.
 Copyright Infringement
 Penalty of Php 50,000 – 500, 000 and or  Ransomware- is a type of malware that restricts
prison mayor. access to your computer or your files and displays
a message that demands payment in or the
g.Cyberbullying- The use of electronic communication fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to
to bully a person, typically by sending a message of be from reputable companies in order to induce
an intimidating or threatening nature. individuals to reveal personal information, such as
a. The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (RA 10627) passwords and credit card numbers for the
restriction to be removed. The two most common
h. Cybersex- Willful engagement, maintenance, control, means of infection appear to be phishing emails
or operation, directly or indirectly of any lascivious that contain malicious attachments and website
exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity with pop-up advertisements.
the aid of a computer system for favor or
consideration.  Spam- is one of the more common methods of
 There is a discussion on this matter if it both sending information out and collecting it
involves “couples” or “people in from unsuspecting people. The mass distribution
relationship” who engage in cybersex. of unsolicited messages, advertising or
 Penalty at least Php 200,000 and or prison pornography to addresses which can be easily
mayor. found on the Internet through things like social
networking sites, company websites and personal
i. Child Pornography- Is a form of child sexual blogs.
exploitation Unlawful or prohibited acts defined and
punishable by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-  Spyware (Spyware & Adware) - are often used
Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed through by third parties to infiltrate your computer. It is a
a computer system. software that collects personal information about
 Penalty of 12-20 years of imprisonment or you without you knowing. They often come in the
reclusion temporal form of a ‘free' download and are installed
automatically with or without your consent. These
j. Cyber Defamation- Is an unprivileged false statement are difficult to remove and can infect your
of fact which tends to harm the reputation of a computer with viruses.
person or company.
 Penalty of 6-12 years of imprisonment or  Trojan Horses- A malicious program that is
prison mayor. disguised as, or embedded within, legitimate
software. Itis an executable file that will install
Internet Threats itself and run automatically once it's downloaded.
 Hacking is a term used to describe actions taken
by someone to gain unauthorized access to a  Viruses- Malicious computer programs that are
computer. The process by which cybercriminals often sent as an email attachment or a download
gain access to your computer. with the intent of infecting your computer, as well
as the computers of everyone in your contact list.
 Malware- is one of the more common ways to  Wi-Fi Eavesdropping- is another method used by
infiltrate or damage your computer. Malicious cyber criminals to capture personal information.
software that infects your computer, such as
Virtual “listening in” on information that's shared  Defined as any and all forms of data which,
over an unsecure (not encrypted) Wi-Fi network. under the Rules of Court and other pertinent
laws, constitute privileged communication.
 Worms-unlike a virus, goes to work on their own
without attaching themselves to files programs’ Consent of the Data Subject
lives in your computer memory, doesn't damage or  A freely given, specific, informed indication
alter the hard drive and propagates by sending of will, whereby the data subject agrees to the
itself to other computers in a network – whether collection and processing of personal
within a company or the Internet itself. information about and/or in relation to him or
 The law further provides that the consent
DATA PRIVACY ACT given shall be evidenced by written,
electronic, or recorded means, and that it
Data Privacy Act of the Philippines
may be given on behalf of the data subject by
 Otherwise known as Republic Act No. 10173 that an agent specifically authorized by him/her to
sought to breathe life into the policy of the State to do so.
protect the fundamental human right of privacy,
while nonetheless ensuring the free flow of Data Sharing
information to promote innovation and growth.
 Regulates the collection, recording, organization,  Defined as the “disclosure or transfer to a third
storage, updating or modification, retrieval, party of personal data under the custody of a
consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure, personal information controller or a personal
or destruction of personal data. information processor.
Scope of Data Privacy
Why is it important?
 The Data Privacy Act applies to any natural and
juridical person involved in personal information  “the more we bind with the law, the more we
processing, including those personal information become free”
controllers and processors who, although not
found or established in the Philippines, use
equipment that is located in the Philippines or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
those who maintain an office, branch, or agency in  Refers to creations of the mind. It can be an
the Philippine invention (patent / utility model), a design
Principles of Data Privacy (industrial design), a brand name (trademark,
or a literary and artistic work (copyright).
 Transparency
 Legitimate Purpose
 Proportionality Intellectual property by the World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO)

What is Personal Data?  Industrial designs

 Scientific discoveries
 The IRR defines “personal data” as all types  Protection against unfair competition
of personal information. The Data Privacy  Literary, artistic, and scientific works
Commission clarified that this term  Inventions in all fields of human endeavor
encompasses personal information, sensitive  Performances of performing artists,
personal information, and privileged phonograms, and broadcasts
communication  Trademarks, service marks, commercial
Personal Information- refers to any information, names, and designations
whether recorded in a material form or not, from  All other rights resulting from intellectual
which the identity of an individual is apparent or can activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or
be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity artistic fields
holding the information or when put together with The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines is
other information would directly and certainly identify divided into
an individual.
1. The Intellectual Property Office
2. The Law on Patents
What is privileged information?
3. The Law on Trademarks, Service Marks and intellectual property involved, jurisdiction, and
Trade Names the nature of the action.
4. The Law on Copyright
5. Final Provisions I. What is Patent?
 An invention patent is a government-issued
grant, bestowing an exclusive right to an
What is IP rights? inventor over a product or process that
 Intellectual property rights are the legal rights provides any technical solution to a problem in
that cover the privileges given to individuals who any field of human activity which is new,
are the owners and inventors of a work and have inventive, and industrially applicable.
created something with their intellectual creativity.
Individuals related to areas such as literature,  A patent is an exclusive right that allows the
music, invention, etc., can be granted such rights, inventor to exclude others from making, using,
which can then be used in the business practices or selling the product of his invention during
by them. the life of the patent.

 IP rights as basic human rights involve “the right Eligibility of Patent

to benefit from the protection of moral and The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines sets
material interests resulting from authorship of three conditions for an invention to be deemed
scientific, literary, or artistic productions. patentable:
Coverage of Intellectual Property Rights 1. It must be new
1. Copyright and Related Rights 2. involves an inventive step
2. Trademarks and Service Marks 3. Industrially applicable.
3. Geographic Indications Criteria for Patentability
4. Industrial Designs
5. Patents 1. Novelty- an invention shall not be considered
6. Layout Designs (Topographies of Integrated new if it forms a part of a priot art.
Circuits) 2. Inventive Step- if having regard to a prior art,
7. Protection of Undisclosed Information it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art at
(TRIPS) the time of filing date or priority date of
application claiming the invention.
Symbols 3. Industry applicable- An invention that can be
 ® produce and used in any industry. This means
an invention is not merely theoretical, but also
 TM
has a practical purpose.
 © or C
 “Patent pending” or “patent applied for” or
“patent” or “pat.”
Prior Art
Advantages of Intellectual Property Rights
 Everything which has been made available to
 Provides exclusive rights to the creators or the public anywhere in the world, before filing
inventors. date of priority date of application claiming
 Encourages individuals to distribute and share invention.
information and data instead of keeping it
 Provides legal defense and offers the creators Test of Non- Obviousness
the incentive of their work.
 Helps in social and financial development.  If any person possessing ordinary skill in the
art was able to draw the interferences and he
constructs that the supposed inventor drew
from prior art, then the latter did not really
Infringement, misappropriation, and enforcement
invent it.
 Violation of intellectual property rights, called
"infringement” with respect to patents,
copyright, and trademarks, and Basic Patents Principles
“misappropriation" with respect to trade
secrets, may be a breach of civil law or 1. Territoriality- patents are only valid in the
criminal law, depending on the type of country or region in which they have been granted.
2. First-to-File- applicant who files first will get the  Any technical solution of a problem in any
patent. field of human activity which is new and
3. Disclosure- applicant shall disclose the invention industrially applicable shall be registrable.
in a manner sufficiently clear and complete.
 Quid pro quo principle- protection in  The provisions regarding “Non-Patentable
exchange for disclosure. Inventions” as provided for in Part 2, Rule
4. Conditional- patents are granted only upon 202 of the Regulations for Patents shall apply,
compliance with the criteria of patentability. mutatis mutandis, to non-registrable utility
5. Limited Rights models:
1. Discoveries, scientific theories and
mathematical methods;
2. Schemes, rules and methods of performing
Non-Patentable Inventions
mental acts, playing games or doing
1. Plant varieties or Animal breeds or business, and programs for computers.
essentially biological process for the
production of plants or animals.  A utility model is entitled to seven (7) years
2. Aesthetic creations of protection from the date of filing, with no
3. Discoveries, scientific theories and possibility of renewal.
mathematical methods
III. What is Trademark?
4. Schemes, rules and methods of performing
mental acts, playing games or doing  A trademark is a word, a group of words,
business, and programs for computers. sign, symbol, logo or a combination thereof
that identifies and differentiates the source of
5. Anything which is contrary to public order
the goods or services of one entity from those
or morality (IPC as amended by R.A.
of others.
9502, Sec. 22)
 Mark means any visible sign capable of
6. Methods for treatment of the human or
distinguishing the goods (trademark) or
animal body
services (service mar) of an enterprise and
7. In the case of drugs and medicines, mere shall include a stamped or marked container of
discovery of new form or new property of goods.
a known substance which does not result
in the enhancement of the efficacy of that
Visible Sign
 Words
 The term of a patent shall be twenty (20) years  Letters
from the filing date of the application. The  Numerals
patent must be maintained yearly, starting  Figures/Pictures
from the 5th year.  Shapes
 Colors
II. What is Utility Model?  Logos
 A registrable utility model is any technical  Three dimensional
solution to a problem in any field of human
 Objects
activity which is new and industrially
 Combinations

 Benefits: A Utility Model (UM) allows the

right holder to prevent others from Trademark vs. Trade name
commercially using the registered UM without Trademark
his authorization, provided that the UM is new
based on the Registrability Report. Compared  Identifies or distinguishes the goods or
with invention patents, it is relatively services
inexpensive, faster to obtain, and with less  Registration is required.
stringent patentability requirements.

Trade name
Eligibility of a Utility Model?
 Identifies or distinguishes the business or
 Registration is not required.
execute an affidavit of ownership with the
National Library or the IPOPHL for the
 Trademark Infringement- Use without issuance of recordation and deposit.
consent of the trademark owner of any
reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable
limitation of any registered mark or trade
name. Such is likely to cause confusion or
mistake or to deceive purchasers or others as  The creators of works protected by copyright
to the source or origin of such goods and hold the exclusive right to use or authorize
services, or identity of such business. others to use the work on agreed terms.

 The right holder(s) of a work can authorize or

Benefits of Trademark? prohibit: its reproduction in all forms,
including print form and sound recording,
 A trademark protects a business’ brand public performance and communication to the
identity in the marketplace. public, broadcasting, translation into other
 Registration of it gives the owner the languages, and adaptation, such as from a
exclusive rights to prevent others from novel to a screenplay for a film.
using or exploiting the mark in any way.
 Aside from being a source-identifier,
differentiator, quality indicator, and an
Rights of Copyright Owners
advertising device, a protective mark may
also bring another stream of income to the Economic Rights- The right to carry out, authorize or
owner through licensing or franchising. prevent the following acts:
a. Reproduction of the work of substantial
portion thereof
Benefits and Criteria of Trademark?
 The Intellectual Property Code of the b. Carry-out derivative work (dramatization,
Philippines prescribes grounds for non- translation, adaptation, abridgement,
registrability. arrangement or other transformation of the
 A trademark can be protected in perpetuity if c. First distribution of the original and each copy
regularly monitored and properly maintained. of the work by sale or other forms of transfer
of ownership
 The period of protection is ten (10) years from d. Rental right
the date of registration and is renewable for a e. Public display
period of ten (10) years at a time. f. Public performance
g. Other communications to the public

IV. What is Copyright?

 Copyright is the legal protection extended to

the owner of the rights in an original work.

 “Original work” refers to every production in

the literary, scientific and artistic domain.

 Among the literary and artistic works

enumerated in the IP Code includes books and
other writings, musical works, films, paintings
and other works, and computer programs.

 Copyright laws grant authors, artists and

other creators automatic protection for their
literary and artistic creations, from the moment
they create it.

 Recordation or deposit of your works isn’t

necessary, but authors and artists may opt to

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