g7 Reviewer

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Name: __________________________________________ Grade and Section: ________________ Score: _________

Directions: Read each question carefully then WRITE the letter of the correct answer before each number.

1. Process of transforming an item which has already served its original purpose but is still durable into something
that can still be used for another purpose
A. Refuse B. Recycling C. Reduce D. Reuse
2. What are some of the things that people can recycle?
A. household batteries and disposable plates C. paper mache and elastic bands
B. ink cartridges and DVD cases D. paper, plastic, glass, and electronic equipment
3. How many times can glass be recycled?
A. countless B. none, glass can't be recycled C. once D. twenty times
4. Which step of recycling involves recyclables being picked up regularly, just like the other trash and waste products?
A. Processing B. Sorting C. Collecting D. Reusing Under
5. These materials must be broken down to be recycled
A. carboard boxes B. glass bottles C. metal cans D. plastic bottles
6. What is recycling all about?
A. taking something new and never using it
B. taking something new and turning it into something old
C. taking something old and keeping it old
D. taking something old and turning it into something new
7. Which natural resource does recycling paper allow people to conserve?
A. hydroelectric power B. nuclear energy C. solar energy D. trees
8. Aling Rosa makes articles out of recyclable materials and sells them to have additional income for her family. This
shows that
A. Recycling can be a potential in making a profitable business.
B. Recycling conserves natural resources.
C. Recycling protects the environment from pollution.
D. Recycling saves energy.
9. Why does paper need to be treated before it is recycled?
A. Because inks and dyes need to be washed off before it can be re-used
B. Because it is worth more money after it is treated
C. Because it might contain deadly diseases
D. Because recycled paper disintegrates if it isn't treated
10. What is the best way to reduce the number of bottles you create as waste?
A. Buy a new bottle everyday C. Use bottles that can be recycled
B. Use bottles that can be filled again and again D. Use smaller bottles
11. What would most likely happen if there were no recycling?
A. Global climate change would end C. The planet would run out of fossil fuels more slowly
B. Landfills would fill up faster D. The price of oil would decrease
12. If you use a plastic bag for groceries one day and then make a kite out of it the next, the bag has been
A. Recycled B. Reduced C. Reused D. Reversed
13. If you choose to take reusable bags to the grocery store instead of getting the plastic bags provided, the waste you
have generated have been _______.
A. recycled B. reduced C. reused D. reversed
14. Mike did not want to throw away his pickle jar. Instead, he decided to use it again. This is an example of?
A. Pollution B. Recycling C. Reducing D. Reusing
15. Tony is using his own bag instead of a plastic bag at the supermarket. Which of the 3Rs is he practicing?
A. Recycling B. Reducing C. Refusing D. Reusing
16. Mandy turns her plastic drink bottles to plant holders. Which of the 3Rs is she practicing?
A. Recycling B. Reducing C. Refusing D. Reusing
17. Peter is turning a piece of old clothing into a fashionable bag. Which of the 3Rs is he practicing?
A. Recycling B. Reducing C. Refusing D. Reusing
18. Which of the following can be used as a ribbon for a gift?
A. Bayong Bags B. Dried Flowers C. Native Baskets D. Tampipi
19. In hand embroidery, the commonly used needle is
A. beading Needle B. chenille needle C. crewel needle D. tapestry needle
20. This kind of needle is good for heavy threads and coarse fabric.
A. beading B. chenille C. crewel D. tapestry
21. Cindy wants to embroider her initials on her handkerchief. What should she used to hold the fabric in place?
A. embroidery fastener B. embroidery hoop C. embroidery lock D. tape
22. Cross stitch is a counted thread type of embroidery. The recommended fabric for it is
A. aida B. non-woven cloth C. Hardanger D. Plain

23. It is used for easier threading especially by those sewers with poor eyesight.
A. needle threader B. pin cushion C. thimble D. watercolor brush

24. How are sewing gauges used in hand embroidery?

A. to measure small areas C. to measure short distances
B. to measure thick objects D. to widen short distances
25. To avoid frequent pricking, use this to protect the middle finger and push the needle while doing embroidery work.
A. pin cushion B. thimble C. stiletto D. gauge
26. This refers to the ornamentation of textiles and other materials with needlework for personal use and decoration
not only at home but for offices as well.
A. dressmaking B. embroidery C. handicraft D. sewing
27. This is considered the easiest stitch for outlining.
A. lazy daisy B. running stitch C. satin stitch D. stem stitch
28. The most common stitch used to outline elements of embroidery is
A. the basic running stitch C. the back stitch
B. the double running stitch D. the stem stitch

29. Hand Stitches may be defined as:

A. decorative finishes done on fabric C. sewing with a threaded needle by hand
B. looping thread with the hand D. using a needle to stitch on a machine
30. Embroidery edges needs to be stitched to avoid unraveling. To do this, apply this popular stitch to its borders.
A. herring bone stitch B. running stitch C. seed stitch D. stem stitch
31. If you want to fill in a design, especially when making a leaf or feathers, use this kind of embroidery stitch
A. bullion stitch B. chain stitch C. cross-stitch D. fish bone stitch
32. Careful study of the principles of design and strictly following it will help you produce a good _________.
A. artwork B. design C. project D. view
33. How long is the thread used when completing hand sewing stitches?
A. The length of your arm. C. Three times the length of a worksheet.
B. The length of your desk. D. Twice the length of a worksheet.
34. Making a design is like making a cake. The Elements are the ingredients. The directions for mixing them together
are the
A. decisions B. effects C. presentation D. principles
35. Liza created designs for her embroidery project with concrete ideas when she combined these components; line,
shape, texture, form, space, color, and value. These components are known as
A. Artwork B. Elements of Art C. Forms of Art D. Principles of Design
36. Rina uses this method of transferring design where she needs a light source behind her embroidery pattern, so it
is easier for her to see through her fabric using lightweight paper. What method is this?
A. direct drawing method C. hot-iron transfer method
B. dressmaker’s carbon paper method D. tracing method
37. Lara’s teacher reminds their class to finish their embroidery stitches project, the last stitch she needs to finish is
the French knot. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in doing French knot?
1. Wind up the thread around the needle two to three times.
2. Take the tip of the needle beside the point where it came out and pull through the knot. Then, lock.
3. Bring the needle in through a point where you desired to put the knot.

A. 1,3,2 B. 3,1,2 C. 2,3,1 D. 2,1,3

****Sana ang love parang exam, Kahit madaming mali yung tama pa rin ang
Answer Key for TLE 7 – Handicraft Production

1. 11. 21. 31. 41.

2. 12. 22. 32. 42.

3. 13. 23. 33. 43.

4. 14. 24. 34. 44.

5. 15. 25. 35. 45.

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. C

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. C

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. C

9. 19. 29. 39. D 49. B

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. D

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