A First Course in Group Theory

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book reviews

A First Course in Group Theory. By Bijan Davvaz.

ISSN 2053-2733
Springer, 2021. Softcover, pp. xv + 291. ISBN 978-981-16-
6364-2. Price EUR 42.79.

Firdous Ahmad Mala*

Government Degree College Sopore, Jammu and Kashmir, India. *Correspondence e-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: book review; group theory.

Symmetry is widespread in nature and a common concern of mathematicians and crys-
tallographers. A firm and profound understanding of symmetries requires a reasonable
degree of command of group theory, which is part of abstract algebra, a branch of
mathematics that deals with abstract algebraic structures such as groups, rings, fields and
lattices, among others. The mathematical apparatus of group theory is a means of
exploring and exploiting physical and algebraic structures in physical and chemical
problems (Butler, 1981). Both theoretical and experimental crystallography cannot
abstract from a good knowledge of groups and related concepts. This branch of
mathematics has been extensively explored and many well written textbooks are avail-
able. However, for a crystallographer, books such as Topics in Algebra (Herstein, 2006)
and Algebra (Artin, 2010) could safely be classified as inaccessible to non-specialists,
while books such as Contemporary Abstract Algebra (Gallian, 2020) could be accessible
but are too voluminous.
A First Course in Group Theory by Bijan Davvaz can serve as a satisfactory intro-
ductory textbook in this vein. It is neither an advanced book on group theory nor too
voluminous. Each chapter is complemented with several enlightening worked-out
examples and eye-catching colourful images. To enhance the further grip of the subject
matter, each chapter ends with several engaging and enriching supplementary exercises.
The book consists of 11 chapters that span less than 300 pages. The book can serve as
an excellent introductory undergraduate textbook in group theory and, because it is
largely self-contained, it can be very useful to crystallographers who lack (but feel an urge
for) a basic understanding of the mathematics of symmetries.
Chapter 1 (30 pages), Preliminary Notions, lives up to its title. It starts with the
fundamental notions that are much needed to understand the literature of groups. The
chapter explains the basics of sets and equivalence relations (relations that are reflexive,
symmetric and transitive), functions, ordered sets and most importantly combinatorial
analysis. Patterns and arrangements are the everyday concern of a crystallographer. The
problem of enumerating symmetry patterns that atoms in a crystal may form is of direct
concern for a crystallographer, who is required to work in the capacity of a combinatorist
(Mala, 2022). The chapter also discusses other basic concepts of number theory such as
divisibility and prime numbers.
Chapter 2 (16 pages), Symmetries of Shapes, sets the actual tone of the book for a
crystallographer. This chapter attempts to explain various symmetries and transforma-
tions from very rudimentary levels. From the symmetries of the human form to that of the
heart carved out, from basic symmetries of triangles and other geometrical figures to
those in the font Geneva, the chapter offers several engaging and easy-to-grasp excur-
sions into the world of symmetries. Using beautiful reflections in nature and particularly
those in butterflies and footprints fixed by a glide reflection, the readers are taken on a
journey of translations, rotational symmetries, mirror reflection symmetries and
congruence transformations.
Chapter 3 (40 pages), Groups, starts with a brief history of the subject. It explains
binary operations that are pivotal to all groups and pays passing tribute to the giants who
contributed to the rich treasure of the literature on this subject. These include the likes of
Euler, Lagrange, Abel, Galois and Noether, among others. Some of the content of the
chapter such as the discussion of semigroups, monoids and Latin squares has been

Acta Cryst. (2022). A78 https://doi.org/10.1107/S205327332200907X 1 of 2

book reviews
classified as optional. Sufficient emphasis has been laid on cosets, and the famous Lagrange’s theorem that states that the
subgroups which are important for any first encounter with order of a subgroup of a finite group must divide the order of
group theory. the group. To facilitate an intuitively clear understanding of
Chapter 4 (18 pages), Cyclic Groups, begins with a discus- cosets, the author presents certain revealing geometrical
sion of congruences which is a crucial notion concerning the examples of cosets. That is where the book scores more than
study of the divisibility of integers. Cyclic groups are groups many other introductory books on the subject. The counting
that can be generated by a single element of the group. The principle for the number of elements in the product of two
modular arithmetic of the clocks gives rise to one of the most subgroups and double cosets have also been explained in
basic cyclic groups, the group of integers modulo 12. The detail.
notion of cyclic groups has naturally been extended to that of Chapter 9 (16 pages), Normal Subgroups and Factor
generating sets. All of this is explained via a reasonable Groups, discusses the notions of normal subgroups (groups in
exposition of judiciously chosen examples and exercises. which there is no distinction between right cosets and left
Chapter 5 (26 pages), Permutation Groups, discusses the cosets) and factor groups (groups of all the cosets of a normal
most important groups in mathematics. In the light of Cayley’s subgroup). It also discusses the concept of a class equation.
theorem (discussed in the last chapter) which states that all The chapter is quintessential for a good understanding of
groups are isomorphic to permutation groups, the chapter homomorphism (the subject matter of the last chapter of the
brings to the fore the importance and relevance of permuta- book) which relates groups to other groups.
tion groups. Permutations are simply bijections from a finite Chapter 10 (14 pages), Some Special Subgroups, discusses
non-empty set to itself. The fact remains that we can construct certain special groups such as the derived group and the
permutation groups from any finite set of objects. The chapter maximal subgroup. The chapter can safely be skipped by a
contains an engaging discussion of the two types of permu- first-timer and may not be relevant to a crystallographer.
tations: even and odd. Interestingly, the set of all even Chapter 11 (35 pages), Group Homomorphisms, is quite an
permutations gives rise to another important group, the important chapter and makes a fundamental contribution to
alternating group, while the set of all odd permutations does the understanding of which groups should be considered
not do so. The chapter throws sufficient light on the alter- similar in group-theoretical senses. Engaging discussions on
nating group. special homomorphisms such as isomorphism and auto-
Chapter 6 (18 pages), Group of Arithmetical Functions, is morphism can also be found. Exploiting these notions, the
more suited for a number-theoretic course than for a group- chapter contains proof of one of the most important and
theoretic one and has, rightly, been classified as optional. It engaging theorems in group theory, the Cayley theorem.
also does not fit into the remit of serving the mathematical In conclusion, given the amount of literature available on
needs of a crystallographer. group theory, this book can serve as an excellent introductory
Chapter 7 (46 pages), Matrix Groups, concerns itself with textbook on group theory for mathematicians, both amateur
examples of groups that arise out of the study of matrices. and professional, as well as an enriching and engaging text-
Matrices are a daily tool for crystallographers, for representing book for crystallographers. Written by a highly cited group
symmetry operations, switching the coordinate systems and theorist, it is worth the time and money spent on it.
mapping the orientation of a sample, to mention just a few
examples. The pick of this chapter is the discussion of rotation
groups and the dihedral groups. Dihedral groups come into
existence owing to the symmetries of regular or equilateral References
polygons, such as equilateral triangles and squares. This Artin, M. (2010). Algebra, 2nd ed. London: Pearson.
chapter also discusses the reflections in higher dimensions Butler, P. H. (1981). Point Group Symmetry Applications: Methods
and Tables. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
including those in the plane and the space. A particular
Gallian, J. A. (2020). Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 10th ed. Boca
exercise asks the readers to try their hands at getting wind of Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
the symmetry groups of certain astonishing snowflakes. Herstein, I. N. (2006). Topics in Algebra, 2nd ed. New Delhi: John
Chapter 8 (22 pages), Cosets of Subgroups and Lagrange’s Wiley & Sons.
Theorem, discusses the special subsets of groups, called the Mala, F. A. (2022). Acta Cryst. A78, 292–293.

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