Old Friends Final

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Back in the ‘90’s you were a team. You hunted ghosts together.

You used an ancient technique that

reliably bridged two worlds, and you put a lot of souls to rest.
Like any team you were a mess of individual flaws, contradictions and rivalry, but it worked.
It worked until Sara died.
It happened at a haunted school, back in ’96. Seemed like a routine investigation at first; turned into
your worst job ever.
And that was it. You were done. Disbanded after the criminal investigation. The authorities filed the
death away as “natural causes”. You all knew better, but kept your mouths shut. What choice did you
And now here you are: The same school, the same classroom. Renovated, painted, bright. The past has
brought you back together. Together for that one last job.

Hey, Facilitator!
Comments, suggestions and ad-
By Ole Peder Giæver and Jason Morningstar
vice for you will appear in this
column. Genre: Ghost story
Duration: 4 hours.
Breaking Down the Time
Number of participants (min-max): 4-5 (including “facilitator” who also
Preparation for play should take
about 20-30 minutes total, includ-
ing all setup and a short work- Number of organizers: 1
shop. 2-3 hours of play. Budget 30 Workload: Light
minutes or more for a post-game Possible Locations: Classroom, conference room, private home.
Costume: Everyday clothes.
Props: : A half mask, printout of the cards, character name tags.
Playing style: Realistic but improvisatory.
Keywords: Ghosts, possession, guilt, death, friendship, trust.

Using This Document

At least one of you should read this document once or twice before the
game. You don’t have to know everything by heart, but you should have a
grasp of the method. You will explain the basic concepts to the other play-
ers, help them set up characters, workshop relationships, explain the rules
and facilitate the flashback scene. From then on, you’ll be a regular player
in the game, with a character of your own.

Old Friends

How the Game Works

What You Will Be Doing
During Old Friends, play will be punctuated with a series of ghostly posses-
sions. Possession is represented by putting on a half mask. The game begins
with a ritual and ends with another, after all the characters have been pos-
sessed at least once.
Your character will be defined by a handful of cards you choose randomly
from a series of categories. There are two types of cards—Open cards, which
contain information you can and should share with the group, and secret
cards, which contain information that is for you alone until compelled to
reveal it.
Open cards define who your character is now. You will receive one card for
the part you played on the old team (Team Role), what you have been doing
in the 20 years since Sara disappeared (Backstory), your relationship with
other characters who are here now (Problem with the Living), your rela-
tionship to Sara (Problem with the Dead).
Secret cards define how you will interact with the ghost during play (Posses-
sion and Keywords). By keeping these to yourself, you’ll be able to surprise
your fellow players, and they, you.

So Many Cards! Card Distribution

In practice each player will have Old Friends uses 44 cards:
six cards to think about, four of • Warmup Possession (2)
which are used to form a char-
acter and history during the pre- • Warmup Keyword (2)
game workshop. • Team Role (6)
In play, the only cards anyone • Backstory (6)
needs to pay attention to are their • Problem with the Living (6)
secret cards—the Possession
they’ve chosen, and the Keyword • Problem with the Dead (6)
they’ve received. • Possession (10)
Players can keep their open cards • Extra Possession (1)
in their pocket or on the off-game • Keyword (5)
table for reference, but it is un-
Some of these cards won’t be used—there are more open cards than play-
likely they’ll be referred to in play.
ers, and each player will choose one of two Possession cards, discarding the
other. The Extra Possession is optional and may also end up not being used.

Old Friends

Preparing for Play

Arrange the Space
Old Friends will work well in a variety of settings. Make sure yours is quiet,
private, and has access to a nearby toilet. It need not be comfortable. Desig-
Old Friends, in Order nate an off-game table for character cards (especially if a player lacks pock-
1. Character setup and card dis- ets), the four warmup cards, the common Possession card, a relationship
tribution. map for the characters, the rules and principles and the scenario one-page
2. Warm-up and flashback. walkthrough. These can be freely checked during play. Don’t make a big
deal out of another player using it, use it when necessary. Specifically off-
3. Opening ritual, which always
game items may be stored under the table.
starts the game.
4. Continuous play with no scene Hand Out Cards
breaks. Roleplaying in real time, Hand out open cards first. Open cards contain public information. These
interspersed with Possessions on are distributed randomly. Each player should have one card of each type.
player initative. Breaks as needed, • Your Team Role is the function you used to have on the team.
individually or for the group.
• Your Backstory is what you have been doing for the past 20 years, since
5. Extra Possession card can be the group fell apart.
used if needed.
• Your Problem With the Living defines a relationship between the char-
6. Closing ritual to end the game acters. Each card gives some instructions for your character’s specific is-
if needed. It may end in a satisfy- sue, and you talk it over and make up details in a group session.
ing way organically.
• Your Problem With the Dead defines your character’s relationship with
Secret cards: Like this! the ghost. The instructions on this card are shared with the other players,
and you can use your various Problems With the Dead as basis for creating
a little backstory together. Don’t spend much time on it, though.
Next, randomly hand out secret cards. Secret cards are not shared, although
their information is likely to emerge in play. When distributing, make sure
that no players have any cards with the same symbol. This is to avoid some-
one getting a possession card that is supposed to trigger the keyword they
...not like this!
• Your Possession card gives you inspiration and instructions for use of
the mask—when you become possessed by a ghost. Choose one of the
two and discard the other—it won’t come into play. Choose the one that
sounds most fun and interesting to you. Either is fine. The Possession card
instructions are kept secret from the other players before the game, and
gradually revealed in play when you become possessed.
• Your Keyword card gives you instruction for what to do if you hear a
Multiple Possessions particular, easily recognizable phrase uttered by the ghost. Their exact
The default assumption of the meaning is unimportant. Think of it as glossolalia. There are only five of
game is one possession per player, these cards. The nature of the instruction is first revealed to the other play-
but if it feels right a player can ers during the game, when the ghost says your keyword. It’s unlikely that
do another possession using the all keywords will be triggered during the game. If you forget, it’s OK—but
extra Possession card later in the try to listen for the keyword on your card whenever a ghost speaks.
game. If your game demands fur-
Unused Cards
ther possessions, feel free to be
creative, but understand that the For most card types there will be extra, unused cards. Leave these cards
intention is one per player. on the table, with open cards face up. It’s OK to change cards, either with
unused ones or with other players, but don’t spend too much time on this.
Old Friends
Decide On Names and Ages
Choose names for your characters and put on nametags (like the cards,
these are an off-game element; a reminder to the players only).
Choose an age for your character. When you disbanded in 1996, your char-
acter was between 25 and 35 years old, so choose within this range and add
20 years to arrive at the present-day character’s current age.

Conducting the Workshop

Make Introductions and Connections
Share your open cards, and chat a bit about what kind of a character they
reveal. This especially goes for the “Problems with the Living” and “Prob-
lems with the Dead” cards, but you can expand a bit on all cards this way
(just don’t lose track of time. Save most of this setting/backstory improv for
play proper).
You can take some notes and draw a relationship map as the characters are
presented. Leave these notes on the off-game table you designate later on.
Take turns stating your character’s name and say a little bit about their orig-
inal function on the team.

Establish Relationships
Taking turns, go around the circle of players three times.
• The first time, pick up your Problem with the Living cards and read the
• The second time, establish relationships to other characters. For in-
stance, one of the cards reads:
“Decide which other living member of the team recruited you back in
1993. You have never forgiven them for drawing you into the ghost night-
mare. Ask them what lie they told you.”
If this is your card, choose a character who was your “recruiter” and ask
Problems with the Dead them about the lie. That way, you collaboratively flesh out the characters,
Note that this procedure doesn’t their relationships and their backstory. Try to ensure everyone has at least
address your Problem With the one such relationship.
Dead cards, which are common • The third time, talk briefly about the content of your Backstory cards.
knowledge but shouldn’t be illu- How has your character been? What has your character been doing for the
minated or expanded upon much past 20 years? You can add detail and give each other input, but try to keep
before the game begins. the process relatively brief.

Old Friends

Explain the Principles and Rules

After character setup, take some time to explain the principles, rules and
procedure of the game.
Principle: Listen
Give others a chance to speak. Hear what they say. See how you can build or
act on the information they impart to the story.
Principle: Accept, and Add
If something is stated or established in the fiction, it’s probably true. Char-
acters and ghosts may lie, and you may forget details. But try to stay with
what has been said. Add your own details as they come to you. Don’t try
too hard. Say the first thing you think of. Reincorporate elements that have
come up previously.
Principle: Decline, but Offer
It’s perfectly fine for your character to refuse a suggestion, but try to come
up with a counteroffer. Don’t block or stall the game. If you get stuck in
discussion-paralysis; act. Put on the mask when noone is looking. Make
up something, like an accusation. Do something stupid. Just pause. And
Facilitation Advice
Don’t read the principles out Principle: Reincorporate
loud. Instead give a casual walk- Before you add a new element, consider: what has already been established?
through. You can use the warm- Can I re-introduce it into play? Will it create contrast, or shed new light this
up to give some friendly instruc- time around?
tions and reminders. If you’re
unfamiliar with facilitating this Principle: Stay Fluid
kind of game, don’t sweat it. Stick Be willing to discard your plan, or even better; don’t plan for a certain out-
with “listen”, “accept, and add”, come. Pick up on the creative “balls” others throw out for you to play with.
and you’ll be fine. Go along with ideas. This is key to having fun in this game.
One More Principle: Be Obvious Principle: Let the Story Emerge
You don’t have to be funny or There are no true secrets here. There isn’t a prewritten plot to discover. This
smart. Let the words come to you story will emerge during play, and you will see the totality in the end. Relax.
at their own pace. Lead by exam- Give your character and the ghosts time to play their hand, say their piece.
ple. Watch what the others do. Listen.

Explain these rules to all players after setting up the characters.
Rule: Realtime, Illusion
Everything that happens and is said in the room happens in the fiction. The
game runs realtime, without scene structure or act breaks. It’s designed for
the Fastaval 2016 convention, which took place at a school. Games there
usually run in classrooms, so that’s also the setting of the scenario. If you
run it elsewhere, you can adapt the setting of the game to fit the location
you have available. The room is the room in the game. It looks more or less
exactly the same. Ideally play in a place and time free of external noise and
distraction, ideally at night.
Old Friends
Safety Rule: Possession, Mask and Keywords
Playtests have shown the game When you were ghost hunters, you used a special mask to contact the enti-
can get intense. By default, it runs ties. The mask is the gateway that opens your minds to the spirit, lets them
without “safety mechanisms” ex- enter. Possession is a fatiguing, often dangerous, process. That’s part of the
cept the open door policy. Our reason why you depend on each other in the group, and why one person can
assumption is that the players are usually only become possessed once in a single seancé. Twice is possible,
adults who share a basic, normal but pushing your limits.
trust in their fellow players. If the The possession and keyword cards are open to player interpretation, and
group or local play culture prefers serve as inspiration for them during the possession. These cards provide
safewords or safety mechanisms atmospheric but cryptic play guidance about tone, theme and motivation.
like cut/brake, x-card or similar, Some cards also include a word—fairly unusual but not necessarily bi-
feel free to agree before play and zarre—that you must utter during possession. These words are keywords
use them. for another player. Not all keywords will be triggered during the game, and
all may not be remembered. Try to listen for your keyword, though.
Remember that if you feel you need a second possession, there is one extra
possession card that you can use. This card is best used at the very end of the
game. Beyond this, you are on your own.
Every player also has a keyword card that, if a possessed character utters it,
triggers some dramatic and specific action, response, or sequence of events.
For example: A possession card instructs the player acting as the ghost of Sara,
the deceased team member, to utter the phrase oruboros at some point during
possession. Another player will have the following keyword instruction:
“When you hear the phrase oruboros, you are reminded of a specific event
involving Sara. You will start relating this event, and keep talking no matter
what else is occurring in the room, like a madman talking to himself.”
If someone forgets their keyword, it’s OK. Don’t worry you “missed a cue”,
just keep playing and improvising new content in the story.
Rule: Turn Away To Don the Mask
Ending the Game
Never allow anyone to witness you putting the mask on your face. Before
Some factors to consider:
you put on the mask, turn your back. When it is in place and you are breath-
• Have all players had the ing through the ghost’s emotions, turn and face the other players.
chance to play at least one pos-
session phase? Rule: Obey the Ghost
• Has there been some kind When a ghost gives a direct instruction or command, your character has to
of resolution with Sara? Is she obey. You can try to twist and interpret its instructions like some fairy tale
ready to depart? Has she been djinn. But in the end, you have to obey the ghost. Trust as a player that this
destroyed? is for the best!
• Have some other person- Rule: “Take Off the Mask”
al conflicts been resolved or To end a possession phase (when someone is wearing the mask and acting
brought to light? as a ghost), a character lightly touches the shoulder of the possessed char-
• Time is also a factor; total game acter and utters the command “take off the mask.” The ghost-player must
time for Old Friends at Fastaval is instantly obey this instruction, ending their possession phase.
4 hours. You could decide to fin-
ish sooner. Rule: Leaving the Classroom, Going Off-Game and Taking Breaks
Ultimately, whatever choice you A character, and thus the player, can leave and return to the room at will.
make will be the right one. Make up a fictional reason if you plan on leaving and returning.

Old Friends
When you’re outside the classroom, you’re off-game. It’s Easter, the school
in the fiction is closed. You could explain yourself to the other characters,
you can ask for someone to go outside with you for a moment. It could be
Sort Of Rule: Documentation
for a breather, the restroom, anything. It could be used for dramatic effect
Some of the character roles may or whatever reason you need. Try to return to the room, and the game, as
point toward in-game documen- soon as you can. You can also do collective in-game breaks if you prefer. We
tation. This is encouraged, pro- suggest one 10 minute off-game break between warm-up and game start.
vided every player gives consent Because the game runs in realtime, coming and going is perfectly natural
to be recorded. As long as every- and should be encouraged - if you need a break, take one. This will give the
one is good with it, take photos, other players a great opportunity to gossip and speculate behind your back.
video, and record audio of your
session. If anyone doesn’t want Rule: Ending the Game
the game to be documented, or Choose two of the players to be responsible for initiating ending the game.
seems in the least uncomfortable This could happen by the group performing a Closing ritual that mirrors the
in their assent, enjoy your game Opening ritual you will all soon experience, or by some other means that
without it. seem natural given the story that has emerged. Ask two players to be alert for
a good time to bring the game to its conclusion. Knowing when to end the
game requires some sense of timing, and knowing when it “feels right”.

To get acquainted with the mask and rules, you’ll play a brief flashback scene
together. The warmup introduces mask work and lets players try out the
game’s rules, using warmup-specific keyword cards and possession cards.
This is the only time you’ll use these four cards, after the warmup all cards
not assigned to players are put away to avoid confusion.
This is a guided exercise that sees a subset of the ghost-hunting team deal-
ing with a spirit. It is facilitated by you, the reader of this text. Your charac-
ter is not present. Sara, who is alive at the time of the flashback/warm-up, is
also not present. The year is 1995 in the flashback sequence.
Guide the others through the procedure of the game:
• The opening ritual
• Becoming possessed
• Dealing with keywords
• The rules (“Obey the Ghost”, “Take off the mask”)
Cut the scene when you feel the players have got the hang of it.
Show the warm-up possession and keyword cards to everyone, to let them
know how they work. Two players get example keyword cards, two players
get possession cards. Ask for a volunteer to act out the first possession.
Instruct them: You’re in a small bedroom at the house of a family in a sub-
urb. They have been haunted by strange sounds and nightmares since they
moved in last year. You are trying to help them.
Say something along these lines when a player puts on the mask for the first
time. You don’t have to interrupt if they seem to be getting into it:
“When you read the Possession card, focus on one of the first adjectives. As
you put the mask on, allow that emotion to come out of your breath. When-
ever you feel less connected during possession, come back to the breath.”
Old Friends
Observe “Turn away and slowly place the mask on your face, close your eyes while
Also use the warm-up to give doing so. Focus on your breath. Breathe the emotion. Keep your hands over
some soft directions regarding the eyes of the mask. Breathe the emotion. Remove your hands. Then flick
playstyle. If you notice someone your eyes open, and the ghost is there.”
is blocking or seem unsure, offer “Notice how through the eyes of the mask, the world is different.”
friendly tips and cues based on “Follow your impulses. Let the ghost speak with your mouth.”
the principles and rules outlined
on page 5. Maybe even offer direct Try out a couple of possessions with different players. Hopefully this will
suggestions during the scenes. help you run the game together without such instructions.
If it doesn’t happen too abruptly for you to react, tell the players when they
“Notice how you feel different when you take it off, as if you leave what was
speaking there. Your character also, when they remove the mask, may re-
member the experience but more as an observer than anything.”
Facilitating the Flashbacks Hopefully everyone will be energized and excited about what is to come at
this point. Begin the game when you are ready.
During the flashback sequence,
it’s OK for the facilitator to re-
mind the players of the Obey Playing the Game
the Ghost rule and “Take off the
Mask”. Don’t be afraid to edit The Opening Ritual
scenes tightly—this is demonstra- When everyone is ready to begin, conduct a small ritual to “Open the Room”.
tion, not performance.
• Put the mask on the floor in a central location.
• Stand in a circle around the mask and hold hands.
• Close your eyes and start humming. Listen to the others. Try to match
their rhythm and sound. Add small variations. Continue for a while. De-
cide individually when to stop, until all are silent. Then say: “Make your
presence known”.
• This ritual readies the mask and the group to interact with the spirits.

Between Possessions
It can be good to let the mask rest a bit between possessions, while keeping
the game going. Maybe three minutes, maybe fifteen. You have to give the
energy some time to gather.

Ending the game

Either or both of the players you’ve tasked with ending the game will know
when it is right to do so. Conduct the Closing ritual or follow the story that
Quiet Downtime you’ve created wherever it leads.
Some of the most interesting play
will occur between possessions. The Closing Ritual
• Repeat the Opening Ritual, saying “You may depart” instead of “Make
your presence known”.
• This cleanses the room, and closes the mask—for now.

Old Friends

Facilitator Cheat Sheet

Before Everyone Arrives
1. Acquire a suitable mask and secure a time and place to play. Invite four friends!
2. Print out, cut out and sort the cards. Color coding them is helpful.
2. Arrange the space and welcome your fellow players.

When Everyone Is Ready To Play

1. Set up characters and distribute cards. Remember there are not player secrets, only character secrets.
2. Facilitate the warm-up and flashback.
3. As a group, perform the opening ritual, which always starts the game.
4. Play is continuous with no scene breaks. Roleplay in real time, interspersed with Possessions on player initative.
Take breaks as needed, individually or for the group. Leaving the space allows the others to gossip about you and
should be encouraged.
5. The Extra Possession card can be used if needed.
6. The closing ritual can end the game if needed. It may end in a satisfying way organically.

• Listen. Accept, and Add. Decline, but Offer. Reincorporate. Stay Fluid. Let the Story Emerge. Be Obvious.

• Realtime, Illusion. Stay in character. Turn Away To Don the Mask . Obey the Ghost. “Take Off the Mask”. Take

• Put the mask on the floor in a central location.
• Stand in a circle around the mask and hold hands.
• Close your eyes and start humming. Listen to the others. Try to match their rhythm and sound. Add small
variations. Continue for a while. Decide individually when to stop, until all are silent.
For the Opening...
Then say: “Make your presence known”.
This ritual readies the mask and the group to interact with the spirits.
For the Closing...
Then say: “You may depart”.
This cleanses the room, and closes the mask—for now.

Old Friends

...to Alex Fradera and Kristin Firth for valuable input on mask use and Lizzie Stark and Emily Care Boss for sound
advice above and beyond.
...Simon James Pettitt for the school photos.
...to the Fastaval 2016 jury, and all our Fastaval players for their energy, support and feedback.
...to our playtesters: Jenny Sara Jacobsen, Ane Marie Anderson, Katrin Førde, Frida Sofie Jansen, Erlend Eidsem
Hansen, Håken Lid, Matthijs Holter, Magnus Jakobsson, Gaute Våje, Olav Borge Bondal, Anders Gredal Berner,
Francesco Rugerfred Sedda, Busnita Alexandru, Praveen Namasivayam and Leonhard Pickny, Johannes Opper-
mann, Ciorstaidh-Muirreann Macleod, Daniel Adams, David Krommer, Christian Hansen, Helmut Schmutzer,
Barbara Ng, Hakan Seyalioglu and Lena Kikko Henriksen.
Print these cards double sided.
Leader Enforcer Scholar In printer settings, choose double
You were the leader, the group’s You were the enforcer. Some- You were the scholar of ancient sided and “flip on short edge”.
face and driving force. times the group operated in ghost lore, and a researcher of
You were bold, energetic, and legal grey zones. You were the new haunts.
arrogant. one to keep everyone safe and in You were thoughtful, strict, and
line. cruel when necessary.
You were pragmatic, tough, and

Caretaker Con Artist Die-Hard

You were the caretaker, group’s You were the con-artist, and You were the die-hard. The
center of gravity—a mother hen, never truly believed in “the paranormal was an intimate
attending to both financial mat- cause”. But you could sell bones part of your life. You brought
ters and bruised egos. in a graveyard, and often saved experience and a sense of pur-
You were caring, trusting, and the group through various deals. pose to the group.
foolish. You were cunning, quick, and You were ambitious, open, and
selfish. eccentric.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 1
Verso 1
Old Friends Cards
What did you do, What did you do,
back in the ghost hunting days? back in the ghost hunting days?

What did you do, What did you do,

back in the ghost hunting days? back in the ghost hunting days?

What did you do, What did you do,

back in the ghost hunting days? back in the ghost hunting days?
Hunter Celebrity Careerist
You kept on hunting ghosts, for You went on to moderate fame, You got out entirely and started
real, quietly putting disturbed not really “hunting ghosts” per fresh in a new, boring, lucrative
spirits to rest. se, not doing good work, but line of work. An accountant, a
You are poor and a little crazy. writing tell-all ghost books and tax advisor, that sort of thing.
appearing on television. You have much to lose.
You are self-satisfied and

Disaster Professor Parent

You went in and out of institu- You got out of ghost hunting Your family is your joy, you
tions for years. You’re still just and went on to be an academic, care for them so deeply. You are
barely hanging on, abusing and have been fighting a termi- always afraid.
anything that will stave off the nal disease for years, perhaps The knowledge that the other
voices, the things you see. more spiritually attuned with side could reach out for your
You are broke, unemployed and death because of it. children any given night scares
desperate. You are interested in where this you witless.
will lead, with nothing to lose.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 2
Verso 2
Old Friends Cards
What have you done over the last 20 years, What have you done over the last 20 years,
after everything fell apart? after everything fell apart?

What have you done over the last 20 years, What have you done over the last 20 years,
after everything fell apart? after everything fell apart?

What have you done over the last 20 years, What have you done over the last 20 years,
after everything fell apart? after everything fell apart?
Love Hate Trust
You had an intense romantic There was another living team You never trusted a person on
relationship with another living member you had a visceral ha- the team; someone who is still
member of the team. Maybe you tred for, and it was mutual. alive. You felt they were always
were married. You loved each ▶ Decide who it was. ready to go too far and tamper
other fiercely for a while. with things you were not meant
▶ Ask them why they loathed to tamper with.
▶ Decide who it was. you, and what was the real root
▶ Ask them what the last straw cause of the weirdly strong ▶ Decide who it was.
was, and why it ended so badly. enmity. ▶ Ask them to tell you about the
thing they did that scared you
into quitting.

Deception Sacrifice Friendship

Decide which other living mem- You took the fall for another You were best friends with
ber of the team recruited you living member of the team. another living member of the
back in 1993. You have never The scapegoat stain has never team.
forgiven them for drawing you washed off. ▶ Decide who it was.
into the nightmare it turned out ▶ Decide who it was.
to be. ▶ Ask them how they betrayed
▶ Ask them what it was about you when it all fell apart.
▶ Decide who it was. and why it had to be you.
▶ Ask them what lie they told

Old Friends Cards

Recto 3
Verso 3
Old Friends Cards
Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

Love Loyalty Failure
(or Shame) (or Regret) (or Murder)
You and Sara were lovers, and You knew the terrible thing Sara You were complicit in Sara’s
nobody could know. had done, and never told a soul. death. No one knows but the
▶ You need to let go. ▶ Sara needs to be redeemed, two of you … and one of you is
somehow. Maybe you do, too. dead.
▶ Remember this is a secret
from the characters, but not the
▶ You need to be forgiven.

Haunting Hatred Coincidence

(or Madness) (or Fear) (or Secrecy)
You have seen Sara after her You hated Sara almost as much Choose another player and ask
death, several times, against as you feared her. You still do, to see their card.
your will. She is tormenting you, on both counts. Whatever it says equally applies
for reasons you only suspect. ▶ You must confront her. to you.
▶ You must give her what she Perhaps you share a secret, or
wants, or take it away forever. perhaps you carry your identical
burdens privately.
▶ Collaborate and decide.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 4
Verso 4
Old Friends Cards
Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

Relationships are ... complicated. Relationships are ... complicated.

SARA SARA Let pity and horror guide you.
Let regret and sympathy guide Let remembrance and resent- What have they done to them-
you. They were your friends. ment guide you. You recognize selves? What did they do to
Now you remember. them all. They were your… you? They are here to save you
▶ Approach one of the others. friends? They left you here. but you would save them if you
Beg them to recount how you Tell them about the cold place could. They need you but time is
harmed them. Then ask if they you’re in. Build gradually. a tangled knot where you are.
can ever forgive. ▶ Choose a player and confront ▶ Go up to one of them. Whisper
▶ Use the word SERAC while them. Ask them: “What do you by their ear and tell them the
you are possessed. remember about me?” circumstances of their death.
▶ Use the word ACRASIA ▶ Use the word BISSUS while
while you are possessed. you are possessed.

SARA SARA Let terror and flight guide you.
Let sorrow and menace guide Let spite and cunning guide you. This cannot be real. You’re
you. These people can destroy These creatures are vile. You see gone. You’re all here. Alternate
what you have left of yourself their true faces, and turn them between calm, collected pacing
forever. Don’t allow that to hap- against each other. They seek and anguished screams.
pen! another, perhaps you can pre-
▶ Go up to one of them. Whis-
▶ If you don’t yet know who tend to be that one.
per by their ear which emotion
your former lover was, demand ▶ Point to the person who seems they feel, “You feel…”
that they reveal themselves. most calm and confident. Com-
▶ Use the word BISSUS while
▶ Use the word SERAC while mand them to tell the truth.
you are possessed.
you are possessed. ▶ Use the word ACRASIA
while you are possessed.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 5
Verso 5
Old Friends Cards
Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only. Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only.
Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below: Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below:

Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only. Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only.
Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below: Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below:

Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only. Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only.
Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below: Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below:
SARA SARA Let relief and mercy guide you.
You did good. You did bad. You
Let confusion and tension guide Let apprehension and disquiet lived. It’s time.
you. You have no name. You are guide you. Someone has stirred
a fox in a live trap. If they open you from slumber. This is your ▶ Sit down on the floor, fa-
the cage door, lash out and flee! space, now. Interrogate them. tigued. Smile. Cry. Ask their
Do not reveal your name. forgiveness and help to let go.
▶ Focus your attention on two
players you choose. Set them ▶ Demonstrate your power by
against one another! If they giving minor commands.
lower their guard, escape! ▶ Use the word YISEL while
▶ Use the word HAPAX while you are possessed.
you are possessed.


Let incredulity and abandon- Let clarity and absolution guide
ment guide you. You recognize you. You are lucid. Remember
one of these faces. They were how it all came to pass. This
there at the end. needs to end.
▶ Tell them, briefly, what you re- ▶ Tell them what you did on the
member of the last day. Choose final day. Point to two players by
a player and confront them. turn. Demand that they explain
Ask them what they remember their actions.
about you. ▶ Use the word YISEL while
▶ Use the word HAPAX while you are possessed.
you are possessed.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 6
Verso 6
Old Friends Cards
If a player needs a second possession, use this card.

Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only. Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only.
Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below: Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below:

Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only. Choose one Possession card. For your eyes only.
Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below: Your Keyword symbol must not be the one below:
When you hear the Keyword... When you hear the Keyword... When you hear the Keyword...
...it is time for revelation. ...drop into a convulsive fit. ...you are overcome with a vision
▶ Reveal your inner darkness by ▶ Emerge whenever it feels right, of the exact moment the group
word, gesture or deed. shaken and exhausted. was disbanded. It lasts only a
minute but seems longer to you.
▶ Describe what you saw to the

When you hear the Keyword... When you hear the Keyword...
...slowly approach the greatest ...you are suddenly possessed.
monster you see in the room. ▶ Go tap the shoulder of the
▶ What do you do? currently possessed character,
say “take off the mask”. Put
the mask on and continue as
the ghost your Possession card
instructs you to play.

Old Friends Cards

Recto 7
Verso 7
Old Friends Cards
For your eyes only. Remember this word.
If a ghost says this keyword, do as instructed.

For your eyes only. Remember this word. For your eyes only. Remember this word.
If a ghost says this keyword, do as instructed. If a ghost says this keyword, do as instructed.

For your eyes only. Remember this word. For your eyes only. Remember this word.
If a ghost says this keyword, do as instructed. If a ghost says this keyword, do as instructed.
When you hear the Keyword... YOU ARE A THE RITUAL
DORMITION GHOST When everyone is ready to begin,
conduct a small ritual to “Open the
...you receive a vision of the dead Let sorrow and anxiety guide Room”. Put the mask on the floor in
a central location. Stand in a circle
child’s past. you. around the mask and hold hands.
You are abandoned. Your par- Close your eyes and start humming.
▶ Tell the others what you saw. Listen to the others. Try to match their
▶ What do you do? ents are gone. Where are they? rhythm and sound. Add small varia-
tions. Continue for a while. Decide
▶ You have the power to com- individually when to stop, until all are
mand these people, if you dare. silent.
For Opening, then say: “Make your
▶ Use the word DORMITION presence known”.This ritual readies
while you are possessed. the mask and the group to interact
with the spirits.
For Closing, then say: “You may
depart”.This cleanses the room, and
closes the mask - for now.

When you hear the Keyword... YOU ARE A PRINCIPLES

...you find the strength to bring Let playfulness and guile guide Accept, and add
comfort. you. Decline, but offer
▶ What do you do? You are a child. You don’t know Reincorporate
these people. This is your room. Stay fluid
▶ Choose one of them. Tell them Let the story emerge
to play with you.
▶ Use the word ABACULUS Realtime, Illusion
while you are possessed.
Stay in character
Obey the Ghost
“Take Off the Mask”
Take breaks

Old Friends Cards

Recto 8
Verso 8
Old Friends Cards
Just a handy cheat sheet.

Just a handy cheat sheet.

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