Exam Development Guideline

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Health

Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment

and Licensure Directorate

Exam Development Manual


Exam Development Manual

Message from the Director

As compared to the WHO standard of health professionals to population ratio for developing countries,
Ethiopia has wide gap yet and the government has been working to increase the number of health
professionals by increasing the intake of health science colleges and by opening new institutions.

While this helped to reduce the gap we have compared to the standard, the quality of the teaching and
learning process hence, the service provided by the professionals became an issue for different
stakeholders and the government as well. For this reason and since licensure exams are widely practiced
internationally in different countries to insure the quality of health service, the federal ministry of health
took the initiative to launch licensure exam initiative within human resource directorate since July 2015.
Since then two round pilot tests given and reports discussed with different stakeholders.

The initiative currently led by a directorate established for this purpose, which is composed of three case
teams and has been doing different activities to strengthen the system and capacitate the directorate to
implement the exam in wider range with a much better organization and quality. As part of this, different
documents were prepared to help facilitate the exam process and create transparency and sustainability of
the program.

In the preparation of this document and other manuals, different examining institutions and countries
experiences were reviewed, highly valued experts from different higher teaching institutions and Jhpiego-
Ethiopia were involved for whom my deep appreciation goes for and for the high commitment and
hardworking of the staffs at the federal ministry of health.

Exam Development Manual

To this end, I would like to call for a collaborative work of all stakeholders in the health sector to this
initiative, which indeed has high contribution to quality assurance of the health service delivery and yet
cannot be effective unless all relevant bodies put their hands together for its implementation and

Dr. Ruth Nigatu

Health professionals’ competency
assessment and Licensure directorate,

Exam Development Manual


This exam development manual for competency assessment and licensure is a contribution from several
educators and concerned individuals with a genuine interest to propel Ethiopian health professions’
education forward. The manual serves as a springboard for introducing the principles of defining and
maintaining standards in health sciences education. This document was prepared in different workshops
held in Debrebirhan, Adama, and Bishoftu. FMoH would like to acknowledge the following participants
for their immense contribution.

Contributors Institution

• Mr. Abel Tibebu…………………………Haromaya University

• Mr. Awoke Giletew……………………. Debre Tabor University
• Mr. Ermias Gebreyohannes……………...FMoH
• Mr. Eshetu Cherinet……………………...FMoH
• Mr. Getu Ataro………………………… Hawassa University
• Mr. Kassu Desta………………………...Addis Ababa University
• Mr. Kokeb Desta …………………….....Debrebirhan University
• Mr. Nega Gichile………….……….……FMoE
• Mrs. Meron Zebene ……………………. FMOH
• Ms. Bezawit Worku ……………………..FMOH
• Ms. Sandra Abeje………………………..FMoH
• Mr. Tesfamichael Alaro……..……….....Jimma University
• Mr. Zimamu W/brehan ………………....Ethiopian Police University College

Exam Development Manual

Abbreviations and Acronyms

CHD Coronary Heart Disease

FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

FMoH Federal Ministry of Health

HTN Hypertension

KSA Knowledge, Skill and Attitude

MCQ Multiple Choice Questions

HPCALE Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment and Licensure Exam

HPCALD Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment and Licensure Directorate

OSCE Objectively Structured Clinical Examination

SME Subject Matter Expert

SPs Standardized Patients

Exam Development Manual

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................................................... II
Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... V
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... VI
List of Tables and Figures.......................................................................................................................................... VIII
Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Section 2: Objective ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 3: Definition of Terms and Operational Definitions: ....................................................................................... 3
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 4
4.1. National Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment and Licensure Directorate ....................................... 4
4.2. Exam Development Case Team ......................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Exam Developer .................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.4 Exam Reviewer .................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.5 Exam oversight committee ................................................................................................................................. 5
Section 5: Preparation Phase of Exam Development ................................................................................................... 6
5.1. Selecting and Training of Exam Developers ....................................................................................................... 6
5.1.1. Selection Criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.2. Training of Exam Developers ...................................................................................................................... 6
5.2. Selecting and Training of Exam Reviewers ........................................................................................................ 7
5.2.1. Selection Criteria of exam reviewer ............................................................................................................ 7
Section 6: Exam Development Process ......................................................................................................................... 8
6.1 Conducting Task Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Exam Blueprint ................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3. Developing Exam.............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.3.1. Developing Multiple-Choice Questions: ................................................................................................... 11
6.3.2. Developing OSCE Stations ......................................................................................................................... 12
Section 7: The Exam Review Process .......................................................................................................................... 17
Section 8: Conducting Field Testing, Psychometric Analysis and Review ................................................................... 17
8.1. Exam Field Testing or Pilot Testing .................................................................................................................. 17
Embedded Field Testing or Pilot testing ............................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Psychometric Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 17
8.3 Post-pilot testing Exam Review......................................................................................................................... 18

Exam Development Manual

Section 9: Exam bank .................................................................................................................................................. 19
9.1. Item Banking .................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.2. Station Banking ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Section 10: Exam Assembly......................................................................................................................................... 22
10.1. Exam assembling/formatting criteria ............................................................................................................. 22
10.2. MCQ Version Development ........................................................................................................................... 22
10.3. Exam Equating................................................................................................................................................ 23
Section 11: Standard Setting ....................................................................................................................................... 24
11.1 Standard Setting for MCQ ............................................................................................................................... 24
11.2 Standard Setting for OSCE .............................................................................................................................. 26
Section 12: Exam Security ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Exam security Spot Check ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Section 13. References ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Section 14 Annexes ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
14.1. Annex-1 Blueprint Example for Midwifery Profession (Obstetric II Module) ............................................... 33
14.2. Annex-2 Sample OSCE Station profile template ............................................................................................ 39
14.3. Annex-3 Score Summary Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 40
14.4. Annex-4 Elaboration parameter for each activity in the checklist ................................................................ 41
14.5. Annex-5 Scoring and Marking Tool (Checklist) .............................................................................................. 42
14.6. Annex-6 Oral Questions for OSCE .................................................................................................................. 43
14.7. Annex 7: OSCE station Quality assurance checklist ....................................................................................... 44
14.8. Annex 8: Checklist for reviewing Multiple-Choice Items ............................................................................... 45
14.9. Annex-9 Checklist for reviewing OSCE ........................................................................................................... 46
14.10. Annex-10 Test Security Agreement ............................................................................................................. 47

Exam Development Manual

List of Tables and Figures

Figure 1: Flow chart depicting the overall exam development process of NHPCAL

Table 1: Sample test item rating form

Table 2: Sample Expert Ratings Spreadsheet

Table 3: Sample standard setting spreadsheet for skill assessment

Exam Development Manual

Section 1: Introduction
The World Health Organization (WHO) asserted that no matter how many individuals are
educated and deployed; health professionals cannot transform population health unless they
have the necessary competencies. Hence, the WHO recommended changes in regulations
including certification and licensing of graduates. It is also known that many countries around
the world including those in North America, Europe and Africa verify competence and fitness
to practice of health professionals by administering standard qualification or licensure

The Government of Ethiopia recognizes that healthcare is one of the crucial components of
basic social services with direct linkage to growth and development of the country as well as to
the welfare of the society. The quality of health care delivered in a country has an immediate
and long-term impact on the quality of life, livelihood, morbidity and mortality of its citizens
and on the nation’s economy and its national security. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health
(MOH) is committed to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability and to improve the health
status of Ethiopian people by providing and regulating health services. Health professionals’
competency assessment is among the approaches of regulating health service; hence MOH
designed health professional Competency assessment.

The sole purpose of competency assessment is to identify health professionals who possess the
minimum basic knowledge and experience necessary to perform tasks on the job safely and
competently, but not to select the “top" candidates. It is also to validate safe and effective
medical practice, job-related skills and knowledge to provide an independent assessment and
documentation of competency. Therefore, competency assessment is very different from
academic or employment examination.

The purpose of exam development is to assure reliability and validity of exams by following
important steps in the exam development process by applying an expertise made blueprint.

This manual is organized to describe the objective, development process, review, assembly
system, standard-setting methods, and security-related issues to ensure the development of
quality multiple choice questions and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)

Exam Development Manual
Section 2: Objective
➢ The objective of this manual is to effectively guide the exam development process for
standardized competency assessment of health professionals.

Exam Development Manual
Section 3: Definition of Terms and Operational Definitions:
Blueprint: is a document which is used to represent the knowledge, skill, and attitude obtained
from higher health institutions in a way that enables to measure the content, method of
assessment and its weight.

Exam assembling: is a process of selecting and compiling items and stations according to the

Exam bank: a platform or system where exam item and stations are sorted, filtered and stored
for future use

Exam developer: is a professional who prepares exam according to the exam blueprint.

Exam review: is a process of validating and reviewing exam.

Exam reviewer: is a professional who validates, identifies items and makes ready for final
exam printing after the development of exam

International candidates: Are those candidates who have undertaken their educational
training abroad and want to practice in Ethiopia

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): is one of a written assessment tool which enables the
examinee to choose the single best answer from the list of options.

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): is a tool for assessment of skills and
attitude obtained from higher health institutions

Standardized patients (SPs): is someone who has been trained to portray, in a consistent,
standardized manner, a patient in a medical situation.

Exam Development Manual
Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities

4.1. Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment and Licensure

• Plans, directs and implements competency assessment and licensure processes. In this case,
the directorate controls the overall activities of the exam development case team.

4.2. Exam Development Case Team

• Plan and coordinate Task analysis process
• Plan, facilitate and execute exam blueprint preparation
• Design, Schedule and coordinate item development and construction of OSCE stations
• Plan and coordinate the exam review process
• Facilitate exam field testing process
• Guide and monitor the psychometric analysis,
• Collects large and easily accessible exam questions in a secure way.
• Compile and assemble a representative sample of the predetermined number of exam
items based on the blueprint
• Keeps exam security in all steps of the exam development process
• Ensures efficient and effective workflow
• Carries out activities with other units, teams, and other offices in close cooperation
• Communicate the necessary information with other concerned bodies
• Prepare report and submit it to its immediate body
• Create, update documentation system

4.3 Exam Developer

• Constructs items or clinical case scenario based on the blueprint
• Maintain a high level of ethical principles during developing the exam
• Secure all information appropriately

Exam Development Manual
4.4 Exam Reviewer
• Validate the developed exam items for content relevance, technical accuracy; clarity and
• The editorial reviewer checks grammar, punctuation and spelling errors
• The reviewer will also verify exam fairness to all examinees and absence of culturally
and religiously sensitive material to any particular group
• Maintain a high level of ethical principles during developing the exam
• Secure all information appropriately

4.5 Exam oversight committee

• The exam oversight committee will oversee the process of selection and training of item
developers, reviewing and validating blue print and exam material, assembling of exam for
each cadre and administration of exam and result dissemination

Exam Development Manual
Section 5: Preparation Phase of Exam Development

Preparation for Exam Development process is targeted to select and train individuals who will
be involved in the exam development and review activities. Based on the intended activity,
selection criteria and the components of training provided may be different.

5.1. Selecting and Training of Exam Developers

The goal for selecting exam developers is to form a team of subject matter experts i.e. health
professions education experts and psychometric experts (from different educational institutions
and health facilities across the country) to develop high-quality MCQ items and OSCE

To assure fairness, there shall be balanced institutional representation. Training of exam

developer and reviewers should be based on a training manual that the directorate will prepare
in the future.

5.1.1. Selection Criteria

Specific criteria for being exam developers

• Subject matter expert from different educational institutions and health facilities across the
• Currently working in higher institutions as an instructor and having a Master's degree and
above in the relevant field of study with a minimum of four years of experience as an
instructor. For those disciplines instructed by BSc degree instructors; exam developers
who hold first degree with instructing experience of four years can be selected
• Specialization in medical fields with a minimum of four years of experience
• Trained as an exam developer is preferable
• Can bring a support letter from his/her institution

5.1.2. Training of Exam Developers

After the selection of exam developers, standardized training on assessment principles,

developing (designing) and reviewing high-quality MCQ items and OSCE stations shall be

Exam Development Manual
Training for MCQ item developers

• General information, specific details, and components specific characteristics about MCQ
exam development
• Principles of evidence-based exam development techniques

For OSCE station developers

• General information, the role of assessors, specific characteristics of OSCE and

principles about the station development

5.2. Selecting and Training of Exam Reviewers

5.2.1. Selection Criteria of exam reviewer

The reviewer:

• Should have a minimum of four years’ experience after completion of a Master degree or
specialty certificate in a specific field of study
• Should currently be delivering a course in the subject area (closely-related Course)
• Must bring a support letter from his/her working organization

NB: Before conducting an exam review, orientation shall be given for exam reviewers

Exam Development Manual
Section 6: Exam Development Process

Task Analysis


Constructing Items
& Stations

Exam Revision

Field Testing Modification

Exam Review

Exam Banking

Exam Assembling

Figure1: Flow chart depicting the overall exam development process of HPCALE

Exam Development Manual
6.1 Conducting Task Analysis

The purpose of task analysis in this manual is to systematically document the tasks that health
care workers perform on-the-job; rather than relying on obsolete curricula or out-of-date
national documents.

• HPCALD in collaboration with respective professional associations shall conduct the task
analysis every 5 years but may do it more often to keep pace within change in health care
• Task analysis should target those health care cadres who currently practice in their specific
field of study that reflect current curricula and training
Task analysis involves two phases:

• Developing task list/task inventory through review of documents, scope of practice,

curriculum, work place practices and expert validation
• Administering a survey with a representative sample of entry-level professionals

6.2 Exam Blueprint

• Two by two (content by a process) matrix is preferable

• It informs about the exam contents
• Communicates values of knowledge, skill, and attitude that are needed for effective
practice and minimal competency
• Provide directions for individuals involved in exam construction (e.g. item/ case writers
and station developers)

Components of Blueprint:

The exam blueprint matrix

1. The domains of competencies for the particular health profession
2. Core health problems or issues and professional tasks to be assessed
3. Relative emphasis/Weight of the content
4. Components of the task to be assessed such as learning domains (knowledge, skill, and
5. Exam format: MCQ and OSCE are preferable

Exam Development Manual
Key steps in constructing a blueprint
The blueprint is prepared by plotting the program contents against the domains of the clinical
competencies desired to be assessed. Blueprints are often written as a grid, usually content-by-
process matrix (Annex-1).

• Analyze and select competencies to be assessed

• Determine the basic function of the competency
• Identify the task (aspects of work) required to perform
• Identify the underpinning knowledge and skills required to perform the task
• Identify methods to collect evidence
• Identify the instrument (question or activities) test format
• Weight the content and decide the relative emphasis on percentage

6.3. Developing Exam

The health professionals’ competency assessment and licensure exam includes the following

• Context and conditions of assessment

• Tasks to be administered to the candidates
• Outline of the evidence to be gathered from the candidates
• Evidence generation used to judge the level of performance

Instruction for Exam Developers

1. Stick to the manual and blueprint for constructing quality MCQ items and stations
2. Check for technically flawed items and tricky questions
3. Consider reviewer’s feedback as needed
4. Make sure that an item has fulfilled all the technical and structural requirements before

Exam Development Manual
6.3.1. Developing Multiple-Choice Questions:
➢ A single response (one best answer) type of MCQ item with four options should be


• Stem
• Lead-in
• Options/Alternatives, suggested solutions/:
• Key: This is the correct choice for the item.
• Distracters: These are the incorrect choices for the item

Sample Items

Basic Science Recall Item Stem: assesses recall of an isolated fact

• What area is supplied with blood by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery?
Basic Science Application of Knowledge Item Stem: assessing the application of knowledge.
• A 62-year-old man develops left-sided limb ataxia, Horner’s syndrome, Nystagmus, and
loss of appreciation of facial pain and temperature sensations. What is the most likely
artery to be occluded?

Basic Characteristics of MCQ item

• Each item should focus on an important concept, typically a common or potentially

catastrophic clinical problem
• Each item should assess the application of knowledge, not recall of an isolated fact
• The stem of the item must pose a clear question, and it should be possible to arrive at an
answer with the options covered
• All distracters (incorrect options) should be homogeneous
• Avoid technical item flaws
• Make sure the item can be answered without looking at the options (“cover the option
rule”) OR that the options are 100% true or false
• The stems should be long and the options could be short
• Avoid superfluous information

Exam Development Manual
• Avoid “tricky” and overly complex items
• Write options that are grammatically consistent and logically compatible with the stem
• List them in logical or alphabetical order
• Write distracters that are plausible and the same relative length as the answer
• Avoid using absolutes such as always, never, and all in the options; also avoid using vague
terms such as usually and frequently
• Avoid negatively phrased items (e.g., those with except or not in the lead-in). If you must
use a negative stem, use only short (preferably single word) options

6.3.2. Developing OSCE Stations

General Considerations of OSCE Stations Development

The OSCE stations shall have the following properties

• Components are assessed in a planned or structured way with attention being paid to the
objectivity of the examination
• The station should be designed and developed by expertise which is assigned by OSCE
• The development process of OSCE should be revised by exam reviewers
• Pilot testing of the station should be done before the stations are stored in the station bank.
• Each station should include a brief of the station profile like:
➢ The objective of the station, station types, station date and duration, instructions,
station resources, and opening statement etc.
• Each station is designed to assess a range of skills (practical skills, communication skill,
data interpretation, and clinical decision-making skills) drawn from the elements of
• If necessary, an oral question may be applied and it should be well designed, more
objective, scored in the separate sheet, and weight calculated accordingly
• A station may test one or a combination of different elements of competence
• The number of stations per exam should be 8 to 12 each lasting for 5 to 10 minutes
• The sequence of stations should be maintained in a way that stations will not affect each
• All candidates pass through the same stations to maintain standardization

Exam Development Manual
• When standardized/ simulated patients are used, detailed scripts are provided to ensure
that the information that they give is the same to all candidates, including the emotions
that the patient should use during the consultation
• There should be an instruction/ orientation package for examinee, examiners and
standardized/ simulated patients
• There should be an organized team for designing and implementation of OSCE stations Steps for OSCE station development

Step1. Developing a Blueprint for an OSCE

Step2. Converting the blueprint into a test map
Step3. Plan the details for each station

• Each OSCE station will have the following components

1. Station Profile
• This profile is used for the documentation of the features of a station in the item bank. It is
used as a title for the station. It clearly indicates an estimate of the time needed for the task,
the domain, and competency tested and the logistics needed for the station (Annex-2)
2. Station Name
• The station name should be given in clear and understandable way in line with the blueprint
3. Station Number
• The station number should be assigned in a consecutive numbering
4. Station date and duration
• The date of examination and duration of the task should be clearly stated on each station
5. Station types
• The document should specify the type of the station for each task. Whether it is observable,
technology enhanced, manned or unmanned

Exam Development Manual
6. Objective of the station
• It is a statement that shows the task expected from the candidate and should demonstrate
7. Opening statement (Scenario)
• The OSCE Scenario should be prepared based on common or critical patient presentations
which the candidates will encounter as a practitioner/entry level health professional
✓ It should provide relevant patient information to guide the examinee to perform the
required task
✓ The scenario should be written along with clear instruction
✓ It should be written clearly (better to use patient language). (See the following

A 54 years old man presented to ------ hospital OPD, complaining of chest pain of 1-month

Perform focused chest examination

You have 10 minutes for this station.

8. Station resources
• The resources needed for each task should be clearly indicated
9. Instructions
• Instructions for examiners, examinees, and SPs should be clearly written and communicated

Instructions to the examinee

• It should be complete, stating clearly and precisely the setting, time allotted and the task that
the examinee should perform
• Should be printed and laminated separately and given to the examinee or posted in a wall that
can be easily read and re-read at a glance

Exam Development Manual
Instructions for Examiners

Before the exam

• Should be briefed about the station profile before engaging them into the exam
• Should be instructed about the instructions given to the examinee and remind students to read
the instructions if they appear to have forgotten what they should do
• Should be familiar with the checklists

During the exam

• Greet students in a similar way and don’t coach students through facial expression and other
non-verbal communication
• Intervene only for safety reasons
• Stay at the assessment area during the entire duration of the assessment activity and observe
and record the students’ performance on the checklist

After the exam

• Should complete the mark sheet and prepare to receive the next candidate,
• Record and report the result timely and provide feedback on the whole process of the OSCE
to the Directorate using a score summary sheet (Annex-3).

Instructions for the standardized and or simulated patients

• Should be brief, complete and clear; so that the standardized patients (SPs) portray the
scenario consistently for all examinees.

Scoring and marking format

• For scoring and marking purpose, well designed and tested checklist rubrics should be used
• The checklist must have details about the expected items of the task to be performed
• Each item should be able to objectively assess candidate’s performances and should have
elaboration parameter (Annex -4)
• The number of items per checklist should not be more than 15 and not less than 5
• The Scoring checklist will have 3 columns rating scale; however, the OSCE preparing team
can change it if necessary. (Annex 5 and 6 of OSCE scoring sheets)

Exam Development Manual
Items regarding generic skills which are expected to be in most or all stations should not be
given a high or less mark as this will affect the overall mark of the exam.

Quality of OSCE Stations

• It should be evaluated using the station quality assurance checklist (Annex-7)

Exam Development Manual
Section 7: The Exam Review Process
➢ The main purpose of the exam review process is for evaluating content relevance,
technical accuracy, clarity and sensitivity related to culture and religion(Annex-8 and

Section 8: Conducting Field Testing, Psychometric Analysis and Review

8.1. Exam Field Testing or Pilot Testing

MCQ field testing and OSCE piloting will be conducted in randomly selected higher education
institutions among graduating students.

Embedded Field Testing or Pilot testing

• The items are given in an actual test.

• Students are told that some of the items in their test will not count but are not told which
items those are, so students try their best on all items.
• When field-tested items are embedded in the test, the invigilators shall collect information
about how students will do on these items.
• Embedding field-test items to tests will either add additional items or replace actual test
items to make room for the field-test items
• It identifies resource related gaps for actual testing

8.2 Psychometric Analysis

8.2.1. Item Analysis Statistics

➢ Item Difficulty Index and distracter analysis shall be employed to improve the items

8.2.2. Post OSCE analysis

Cronbach’s alpha, G-theory, and Coefficient of R2 psychometric analysis should be calculated

and based on the result, station improvement suggestions have to be provided.

Exam Development Manual
8.3 Post-pilot testing Exam Review
The analyses performed at the time of pilot testing are used to inform item reviewers in the
following ways:

• The percentage of candidates responding correctly to an item (or the mean item score)
informs test developers as to whether the item is more or less difficult for the students than
• The percentage of candidates selecting each multiple-choice item response option informs
test developers as to whether each potential distracter is sufficiently attractive to students.
• The relative number of candidates in each of the score categories of constructed-response
items helps test developers to evaluate the scoring rubrics and definitions of the
• It will help to adjust whether the duration of each OSCE station or the MCQ is sufficient
or not

Exam Development Manual
Section 9: Exam bank
9.1. Item Banking

This step is done after test items undergo a rigorous review and editorial process as well as
field testing. Exams put in a bank are believed to accurately measure the knowledge, skill, and
attitude of the candidate.

➢ Selection of items can be made through an automated item bank by randomly selecting
items to meet pre-specified parameters.
➢ There are software programs that manage to file, sorting, storing, retrieval, statistical
analysis and updating of items.
➢ As new items are added, others will have completed their service and will be ready to
➢ The shelf-life of each item shall be ten years with slight modifications if necessary,
after which it will be removed from the item bank.
➢ Items can be sorted and filtered to enable easy review by content experts and
psychometric staff.
➢ Categorize items according to the content outline or blueprint

Information to be included during Item banking (at minimum)

• Unique item identifier

• Objective/learning outcome number from test blueprint
• Domain, (e.g. Dermatology)
• Category
• Subcategories
• Cases of an item
• Distracters/alternatives
• Testing dates-that an item was used and when it is scheduled for next use. The sequence
number of item
• Number of candidates who attempted the item
• Classical statistics (Discrimination index and p-value/item difficulty)
• Average time to answer the item

Exam Development Manual
• Author of item
• Item status-coded whether it is new or old
• Reference for answer verification
• Cognitive level of items across Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Equivalent items (i.e. similar items that should not appear on the same form)
• Graphic link, if a graphic is part of an item
• Comments-of the psychometrician
• The frequency of items uses within five or ten years

Criteria for Item Banking:

➢ Discrimination: Questions that fall into the Good category (greater than 0.3)
➢ Difficulty: Questions that fall into the Medium category (between 30% and 80%)
➢ Questions in the Poor category of a discriminatory level and questions in the
Easy or Hard categories are recommended for further review.

9.2. Station Banking

➢ Follows similar basic principles of MCQ banking mentioned in this guideline above.

The following information is to label each of the OSCE stations for banking
• Unique station identifier
• Objective/learning outcome number from test blueprint
• Station type (OSCE, Interpretation)
• Checklists / Rubrics
• Elaboration parameters
• Opening statement
• Examination dates that station was used and when it is scheduled for next use.
• The sequence number of station
• Number of candidates who attempted the OSCE station
• Classical statistics (Cronbach’s alpha and Discrimination index)

Exam Development Manual
• Average time to perform the station
• Author of station
• Station status-coded whether it is “new” or “old”
• Station resources (candidate, examiner’s, simulated patient and non-standardized patients
instructors, equipment list, special requirements e.g. restocking technician and also a
scoring form
• Reference for verification
• Equivalent items (i.e. similar items that should not appear on the same form)
• Graphic link, if the graphic is part of an item
• Comments of the psychometrician

Criteria for Station Banking:

• A Cronbach's alpha of 0.7 to 0.8 should be taken as an acceptable level of reliability for the
health professionals’ competency assessment and licensure exam. The examination board
should apply Cronbach's alpha that allows the detection of the OSCE stations which are
main sources of error, by removing one station at a time from the analysis and looking at the
reliability of the remainder.
• Multi-facet ANOVA analysis should be conducted to obtain the estimates of the
components of variance for each of the following facets: stations, sites, test versions, and all
their interactions. G-coefficient of 0.7 to 0.9 should be taken as an acceptable level of
reliability for the health professionals’ competency assessment and licensure exam.
• A good correlation (R2>0.5) will indicate a reasonable relationship between checklist scores
and global grades. The existence of low R2 values at certain stations and/or widespread
marks for a given grade should prompt a review of the item checklist and station design.
• When low R2 reported, quality improvement should be undertaken byre-writing of the
station and checklist with plans for re-use of this station and subsequent analysis of
performance within a future OSCE.

Exam Development Manual
Section 10: Exam Assembly
10.1. Exam assembling/formatting criteria

Items for inclusion on a test can be selected manually, randomly drawn by the computer from
all existing items in the bank, or drawn by the computer from pre-specified parameters.

➢ Both MCQ and OSCE exams should also be assembled according to the exam blueprint
and get ready for exam administration.
➢ When an item is selected or assembled for test inclusion, any graphics, tables, or cases
associated with it should automatically be included.
➢ After completion of assembling the items, they shall be coded/ arranged in different four
exam booklets in order to reduce the chance of cheating before administration of each

10.2. MCQ Version Development

Exam versions are prepared by the exam assemblers using the computerized system and
selection of items from exam bank. The exam format can also be structured by the computer

Item modeling and equating are the methods used for the preparation of equivalent exam
version for a similar set of the examinee.

Item Modeling Process:

Item modeling is more successful with MCQs that have longer stems, especially clinical

1. Select a source item- a well-written MCQ on a topic for which you want additional items
2. Highlight the specific terms in the stem that are important clinical content, (e.g., clinical
setting, medical history, presenting complaint(s) etc.
3. Identify the correct (keyed) response and the content category to which it belongs
4. Review the available wrong options (distracters), and discard any that are inconsistent or
5. For each clinically important term in the stem, list several significant alternatives

Exam Development Manual
6. Prepare complete specifications for each new item. Identify the content of the new stem by
labeling one clinically reasonable combination of the alternatives. Then, for each new
stem, identify or provide a keyed response and stored to the bank

10.3. Exam Equating

• Exam equating is used to adjust candidates not to be advantaged by being assigned

easier forms and disadvantaged by being assigned more difficult forms
• It is the statistical process used to adjust scores on test forms so that scores can be used
• Equating adjusts for differences in difficulty among forms that are built to be similar in
difficulty and content
• Generally, the following steps are suggested:
✓ Choose a data collection design: single group randomly equated or non-equivalent
✓ Get the parametric values such as difficulty index, discrimination index based on
the classical test theory or item response theory.
✓ Common item is selected from two tests with the same contents and same format.
✓ The equivalent constant is calculated by a scale transformation

Exam Development Manual
Section 11: Standard Setting

Standard setting is used to categorize candidates who score at or above the cut score and those
who fail to score that. It should involve policymakers, test developers and content specialists.

Modified Angoff (1971) model is one of the most widely used standard settings that employ a
test-centered approach for both written and skill licensure exams. Modified Angoff method is a
judgmental approach in which a group of expert judges makes estimates about how borderline
candidates would perform in the examination, i.e. the proportion of borderline examinees who
will answer an item correctly.

11.1 Standard Setting for MCQ

Major Steps to be followed

Step 1: Select the raters:

• Select at least (7-15) Subject Matter Expert (SME) raters using the criteria for exam
• Assemble a diverse group of SMEs based on (e.g., gender, age, and educational
background etc)

Step 2: Take the test:

• Have the raters take the test using the current cut score, if one has been established
• Obtain feedback from raters on objectives, wording, and design of test items
• If items need to be revised, do so before the rating process begins
Step 3: Rate the Items
Prior to beginning the actual rating process, conduct an orientation:
• Provide the definition of a “borderline candidate.”
• Provide instructions on how to rate the test items
• Explain the rating process. Estimate the number of borderline candidate out of 100 who
would answer the question correctly (Table 1)

Exam Development Manual
Table 1: Sample test item rating form


Instructions: Review each test item. Determine the probability that borderline candidates would answer the item
correctly. Do not rate higher than 95% nor lower than 25%.

TEST ITEM Percentage (%) correct MCQ ITEM Percentage (%)correct

1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9

5 10
Rating Process

• The raters will be given the test items along with the test item rating format above
• Raters are not provided with the answer key
• Separate the raters and have them provide estimates for each test item. Allow
approximately two (2) hours for a 100-item test
• Reconvene raters and proceed to the next step

Step 4: Review the Ratings

• Collect the raters test item rating forms and enter the results Expert Ratings Spreadsheet
(Table 2)
• Tabulate the average percentage correct for each test item by adding the raters’ percentages
and dividing by the number of experts
• Determine the standard deviation
• For any test item whose standard deviation exceeds 10, raters should discuss the reasons for
variations in the estimates
• Finally, the cut score should get approval from the health professionals’ competency
assessment and Licensure Examination Committee

Exam Development Manual
Test Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Average Standard
Items Name Name Name Name Name Percentage Deviation
Average Cut score
Table 2: Sample Expert Ratings Spreadsheet

11.2 Standard Setting for OSCE

Major Steps to be followed:

Step 1: General orientation

• Scoring methods and any other information from which the panelists may benefit
• Where the faculty is not familiar with the OSCE stations, a mini OSCE is set as part of the
standard setting orientation procedure
o Faculty may play the role of examinees, or examiners, by observing each other
o This is done to avoid overestimation or underestimation of the station difficulty.
Their own level of performance as experts may serve as a `ceiling’ effect for the
standard-setting ratings.

Step 2: Orientation to a station

Station developers/ facilitators present the stations to panelists

• A full description of the stations

• Videotapes of one low performer and one high performer for the practice stations
• The actual skill score will be presented to the panelists following the completion of each
video performance. The low vs. the high performers assist the panelist to form a range of
possible performance profiles for the practice station

Exam Development Manual
Step 3: Characteristics of borderline candidates

• Panelists should write independently the characteristics of the borderline candidate per skill
• The panelists’ statements are then posted and the facilitator discusses with the panelists
each statement
• Arguments and disagreements are clarified and the group reaches a consensus as to what
would be an appropriate list of borderline characteristics per skill component

Step 4: Panelists provide ratings

• Panelists are asked to make judgments as to how many items should be answered correctly
by the borderline candidate in order to pass the stations
o Note: in this manual, it is recommended that the number of items will constitute the
ratings and not percentages of items.
• The facilitator should present all panelists’ ratings on the board by assigning a number to
each panelist.
• The panelists discuss their ratings
• The facilitator encourages panelists with the highest and lowest ratings to react to their
• The facilitator will average the ratings of the panelists to produce a cut-off raw score for
the station.
Provision of actual performance data
• The distribution outlines the cumulative numbers and percentages of students who got one
item correct, two items correct, three items correct etc.
• The facilitator should indicate the percentages of students who might fail the stations if the
panelist average ratings are applied to the distribution as a cut-off score.
• A discussion should revolve around the issue of the `consequential data', i.e. percentage
failure. Are panelists surprised? Should they expect a lower or a higher number of failures?
Does the percentage failure seem to coincide with their experience? This provides another
source of information, which helps panelists adjust their ratings when they are asked to
attempt a second rating on the form
• Panelists provide their second ratings, which are posted on the board by the facilitator.

Exam Development Manual
• A final cut-off score is calculated by averaging all the ratings

General consideration

Particularly, in the standard-setting process of performance assessment; to maximize the

outcome of the standard-setting procedures it is recommended to have: -

• A large group of panelists (i.e. 18) into three groups of six each.
• The groups will set standards on different stations but one or two stations will be rated by
all. This is done to examine the consistency of ratings among panelist groups

Sta Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Rater 4 Rater 5 Rater 6 Rater 7 Rater Rat an
tio 8 er avera
n 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Av ge of
Rat Rat Rat Rat Rat Rat Rati Rati Rating Rat Rat Rati Rati Rati Rat Ra era the
ing ing ing ing ing ing ng ng ing ing ng ng ng ing tin ge statio
g n
Passing score
Table 3: Sample standard setting spreadsheet for skill assessment

Exam Development Manual
Section 12: Exam Security
• The exam bank will be kept in a secure location at the HPCALD and only the authorized
personnel shall decide on who shall have access to the exam bank and when.
• Subject Matter Experts and other technical experts shall have restricted access as deemed
necessary by the Directorate for the purpose of accomplishing their own respective tasks only.
• The HPCALD shall exercise Maximum Security in collaboration with National Educational
Assessment and Examination Agency (NEAEA), Information Network Security Agency
(INSA) and Addis Ababa University/Institute of Educational Research (AAU/IER) and other
concerned authorities.

Exam security Spot Check

The standards of exam security will be monitored and upgraded at all steps of the competency
assessment processes; during item development, field testing, review process, analysis,
assembly, storage/banking. Assessing exam security, identifying problems and rectifying them
are critical steps in ensuring the quality of exam security.

• During exam development, there needs to be a security camera in the exam development
• The exam will also be stored in a secure computer where the passwords are handled only
by authorized staff and disabled from any of internet connection.
• To that end, regular spot check visits and review processes will be conducted at all steps.
• All individuals who are involved in any of the above processes are expected to sign an
Exam Security Agreement (Annexe-10) and abide by the rules of the HPCALD with
regards to overall exam security. Items shall be reviewed and edited by exam reviewers
from different institutions
• The HPCALD will prepare an ethical charter/security agreement form and members and
other individuals involved should sign and commit to the cause and shall be held
accountable for any security breach.

Exam Development Manual
Section 13. References
• Scott A. Cunningham, Sarah M. Callahan, Jason K. Feld, and John Richard Bergan, Item
Development and Assessment Construction Guidelines for Common Core State Standards,
2013 (SQA 2018)
• Bluestone J, Johnson P, Fullerton J, Carr C, Alderman J, and Bon Tempo J. 2013. Effective
in-service training design and delivery: evidence from an integrative literature review.
Human Resources for Health 11:51. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-11-51.
• Leah Hart, PheleloMarole, Galina Stolarsky, (2014) Peter Johnson and Elizabeth Wagstaffe
• Linking Licensure Examinations to Nursing Practice through Task Analysis. A Case for
BotswanaJhpiego Brown’s Wharf 1615 Thames Street Baltimore, Maryland 21231-3492,
USA www.jhpiego.org
• Oshio S, Johnson P, and Fullerton J. 2002. The 1999–2000 task analysis of American
nurse-midwifery/midwifery practice. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 47(1): 35–
41. doi:101.1016/S1526-9523(01)00218-5.
• AMCB. 2012 Task Analysis Report: A Report of Midwifery Practice. Linthicum, MD:
American Midwifery Certification Board; 2012.
• The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Health, 2015. Draft
Implementation Guideline for health professionals’ competency assessment and Licensure
Examination of Health Professionals. FDRE MoH.
• Airasian, P. (1994) Classroom Assessment, Second Edition, NY: McGraw-Hill.
• Brame, C., (2013) Writing good multiple choice test questions.
• Brown, F. G. (1983). Principles of educational and psychological testings (3rd Ed.). New
York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston
• Cangelosi, J. (1990) Designing Tests for Evaluating Student Achievement. NY: Addison
• Cassin, W. E. (1987). Improving essay tests. Idea Paper, No. 17. Manhattan, KS: Center for
Faculty Evaluation and Stevens,
• Greenland, N (1993) How to make achievement tests and assessments, 5th edition, NY:
Allen and Bacon.
• Implementation Guideline for health professionals’ competency assessment and Licensure
Examination of Health Professionals,2015

Exam Development Manual
• Wickens, T. D., Multiday contingency tables for the social sciences. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (1989) p. 238.
• Williams, J. R., Tiller, M. G., Herring, H. C. III, & Steiner, J. H. (1988). A framework for
the development of accounting education research. Sarasota, Florida: American Accounting
• Burton, S. et al., 1991. How to prepare better multiple-choice test items: Guidelines for
university faculty. Brigham Young University Testing Services and The Department of
Instructional Science, p.36. Available at: http://testing.byu.edu/info/handbooks/better
• Callahan, S.M. & Ph, D., 2013. Item Development and Assessment Construction
Guidelines for Common Core State Standards by.
• Cohen, A.S., Handbook on Test Development : Helpful Tips for Creating Reliable and
Valid Classroom Tests and James A. Wollack Testing & Evaluation Services University of
Wisconsin-Madison 1. Terminology Used in Testing. Test.
• Medical Council of Canada, 2013. Guidelines for the development of objective structured
clinical examination (OSCE) cases, (November), pp.2–36.
• Mullis, I.V.S. & Martin, M.O., 2011. TIMMS 2011 Item-Writing Guidelines. , pp.1–28.
• Prince Georges Community College, Best Practices for Writing Multiple-Choice Questions
Best Practices for Writing Multiple-Choice Questions. In pp. 1–3.
• Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2014. Objective Structured Clinical Examination
• Shirwaikar, A., 2015. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in pharmacy
education- A trend. Pharmacy Practice, 13(4), pp.1–5.
• Isaac I. Bejar., Standard Setting: What Is It? Why Is It Important? Copyright © 2008 by
Educational Testing Service. http://www.ets.org/research/contact.html
• Cizek, G. J., & Bunch, M. B. (2007). Standard setting: A guide to establishing and
evaluating performance standards on tests. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
• AMEE Guide No. 18. 2000. Miriam Friedman Ben-David: Standard setting in student
assessment Medical Teacher, Vol. 22, No. 2
• Angoff, W.H. (1971). Scales, norms and equivalent scores. Educational Measurements.

Exam Development Manual
Washington, DC: American Council on Education
• Alan Wheaton and Jim Parry, (2012). Using the Angoff Method to Set Cut Scores. Test
Defensibility in the US Coast Guard - Using the Angoff Method to Set Cut Scores
• Kane MT. 2006. Validation. In: Brennan RL, editor. Educational Measurement. Westport,
CT: American Council on Education and Praeger Publishers. pp 17–64
• Ben-David MF. 2000. AMEE Guide No. 18: Standard setting in student assessment. Med
Teach 22:120–130.
• Epstein RM. 2007. Assessment in Medical Education. N Eng J Med 356:387–396.
• The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Health, November 2015.
Implementation Guideline for health professionals’ competency assessment and Licensure
Examination of Health Professionals.
• Federal Ministry of health professionals’ competency assessment and licensure
examination for health professional directorate. OSCE Implementation guideline, 2017
• Hays R. 2008. Assessment in medical education: Roles for clinical teachers. Clin Teach
• Hossam Hamdy 2006. Blueprinting for the assessment of health care professionals,
• Assessment. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006. THE CLINICAL TEACHER 2006; 3: 175–
• Kamran z. Khan. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): AMEE Guide No. 81.
Part I: An historical and theoretical perspective
• Mary E. McDonald, 2007. The Nurse Educator’s Guide for Assessing Learning
Outcomes.2 edition.Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
• Saudi Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) MANUAL. Saudi Commission for
Health Specialties, Riyadh – 2014, ISBN: 978-9960-9832-8-8
• Steven M Downing, 2003. Validity: on the meaningful interpretation of assessment data. Medical
Education 37:830–837
• Sood R. 2001. Long Case Examination - Can it be improved. Indian AcadClin Med 2:251–255

Exam Development Manual
Section 14 Annexes
14.1. Annex-1 Blueprint Example for Midwifery Profession (Obstetric II Module)

Competency Area Basic Assessment Diagnosis Management Evaluation Total

Abnormal 4.3 6.17 4.67 5.67 3.17 24
Medical Problems 3.17 2.67 2.5 2.8 2 13
During Pregnancy
Abnormal Labor & 4.67 6.67 5.3 7.3 4 28
Obstetric 2.3 4.5 4.17 4.83 2.17 18
Abnormal 2.5 3.67 4 4.3 2.5 17
Total 100

Module Task per Learning outcome Assessment Emphasis Emphasis

competency Competency method per LO per task
Manage Basic Science • Describe the MCQ 1.1
abnormal pathophysiology of
pregnancy abnormal pregnancy 4.3
• Explain the types of Short Answer 1
abnormal pregnancy
• Analyze the consequence MCQ 1.1
of abnormal pregnancy
• Identify sign symptoms of MCQ 1.1
abnormal pregnancy
Assessment • Take an appropriate OSCE 2
history of AP
• Perform proper physical OSCE 2 6.17
examination AP
• Send lab request MCQ/ OSCE 1.1
• Order U/S MCQ 1.07

Diagnosis • Identify diagnostic MCQ 1.67

methods for AP 4.67
• Differentiate different MCQ 1.5
pregnancy abnormalities
• Identify D.Dx for each MCQ 1.5
Management • Analyze different MCQ
management principles of
1 5.67
• Describe medical and MCQ 0.75
surgical management of 33
Exam Development Manual
• Manage abnormal MCQ/ OSCE 1.75
• Counsel the mother about OSCE 1
possible measures on AP
• Discuss prevention MCQ 1.17
Evaluation • Follow the patient OSCE 1
condition after
• Judge the patient’s MCQ 0.67 3.17
intervention pertaining to
• Recommend the MCQ 0.5
alternative interventions
for a patient with AP
• Decide on the patient’s MCQ 1
Manage Basic Science • Explain the MCQ 1
Medical pathophysiology Md. D/O
problems of during pregnancy 3.17
pregnancy • Describe risk factors and MCQ 0.77
prevention mechanisms
related to Medical
problems during
• Identify sign and MCQ 0.9
symptoms of M. D/o
• Analyze the consequences MCQ 0.5
of M.D. of pregnancy
Assessment • Take full Hx OSCE 0.92
• Perform P/E OSCE 0.82
• Approach a patient in a OSCE 0.5 2.67
friendly manner during Hx
and P/E
• Order appropriate lab MCQ/OSCE 0.4
Diagnosis • Identify m/d/o during MCQ 1
pregnancy 2.5
• Identify the diagnostic MCQ 1
methods for Medical
problems during
• Interpret lab results MCQ 0.5
Management • Describe the management MCQ 0.8
of Medical problems
during pregnancy 2.8
• Provide appropriate care MCQ/OSCE 1.25
for pregnant woman with a
medical problem in a

Exam Development Manual
respectful manner

• Provide HE for a pregnant OSCE 0.75

woman about M.DO
Evaluation • Follow the patient OSCE 0.6
condition after
• Decide on alternative MCQ/ OSCE 0.3 2
measures when primary
intervention has failed
• Evaluate the current MCQ/ OSCE 0.4
condition of a patient after
• Link with other services if MCQ/ OSCE 0.2
• Counsel when to return OSCE 0.5
about the patient follow up
Manage Basic Science • Explain the MCQ/Essay 1.27
abnormal pathophysiology during
labor and abnormal labor and
delivery delivery 4.67
• Describe risk factors and MCQ? Essay 1.1
prevention mechanisms of
abnormal labor and
• Identify sign and MCQ 1.1
symptoms of abnormal
labor and delivery.
• Analyze the consequences MCQ/Essay 1.2
of abnormal labor and
Assessment • Take full Hx OSCE 2
• Perform P/E OSCE 1.67
• Approach a patient in a OSCE 1 6.67
friendly manner during Hx
and P/E
• Order appropriate lab OSCE 1
• Order U/S OSCE 1
Diagnosis • Identify m/d/o during MCQ 2
abnormal labor and 5.3
• Identify the diagnostic MCQ/ Essay 2
methods for abnormal
labor and delivery
• Interpret lab results MCQ/Essay 1.3

Management • Describe the management MCQ/Essay/S 2.6

of abnormality during hort answer

Exam Development Manual
labor and delivery 7.3

• Provide appropriate care OSCE 2.7

for women comes with an
abnormality in labor in a
respectful manner
• Provide emotional support OSCE 2
for a mother during
abnormal labor and
Evaluation • Follow the patient Direct 1
condition after Observation
• Decide on alternative MCQ/Short 0.75 4
measures when primary Answer
intervention has failed
• Evaluate the current MCQ/OSCE 0.75
condition of a patient after
• Link with other services if OSCE 0.5
• Counsel when to return OSCE 1
about the patient follow up
Identify and Basic Science • Describe the MCQ/Essay 0.6
manage pathophysiology of
obstetrics obstetric emergency
emergency • Explain types of obstetric Essay/Short 0.4 2.3
emergency Answer
• Analyze the consequence Essay 0.8
of obstetric emergency
• Identify sign symptoms of MCQ 0.5
an obstetric emergency
Assessment • Take full Hx OSCE 1.25
• Perform P/E OSCE 1.25
• Approach a patient in a OSCE 1 4.5
friendly manner during Hx
and P/E
• Order appropriate lab MCQ/OSCE 0.5
• Order U/S OSCE 0.5
Diagnosis • Identify obstetrics MCQ 1.5 4.17
• Identify the diagnostic MCQ 1.5
methods for obstetric
• Interpret lab results MCQ 1.17
Management • Describe the management MCQ 1.5
of obstetric emergency

Exam Development Manual
• Provide appropriate care OSCE 1.83 4.83
for patients with
obstetrics emergency in a
respectful manner
• Provide HE for a pregnant OSCE 1.5
woman about obstetrics
Evaluation • Follow the patient Direct 0.67
condition after Observation
• Decide on alternative MCQ/OSCE 0.4 2.17
measures when primary
intervention has failed
• Evaluate the current OSCE 0.4
condition of a patient after
• Link with other services if MCQ/ OSCE 0.3
• Counsel when to return OSCE 0.4
about the patient follow up
Manage Basic Science • Describe the MCQ/Essay 0.75
abnormal pathophysiology of
puerperium abnormal puerperium 2.5
• Explain types of abnormal Essay 0.5
• Analyze the consequence Essay 0.75
of abnormal puerperium
• Identify sign symptoms of MCQ 0.5
abnormal puerperium
Assessment • Take full Hx OSCE 0.9
• Perform P/E OSCE 0.87
• Approach a patient in a OSCE 0.7 3.67
friendly manner during Hx
and P/E
• Order appropriate lab OSCE 0.7
• Order U/S OSCE 0.5
Diagnosis • Identify abnormal MCQ/Short 1.5
puerperium Answer
• Identify the diagnostic MCQ/Short 1.5 4
methods for abnormal Answer
• Interpret lab results Short Answer 1
Management • Describe the management MCQ/Essay 1.4
of abnormal puerperium
• Provide appropriate care OSCE 1.49
for patients with 4.3
abnormality during
puerperium obstetrics
emergency in a respectful

Exam Development Manual
• Provide HE for a pregnant OSCE 1.4
woman about abnormal
Evaluation • Follow the patient Direct 0.57
condition after Observation
• Decide on alternative MCQ/ OSCE 0.4 2.5
measures when primary
intervention has failed
• Evaluate the current OSCE 0.4
condition of a patient after
• Link with other services if MCQ/OSCE 0.3
• Counsel when to return OSCE 0.5
about the patient follow up

Exam Development Manual
14.2. Annex-2 Sample OSCE Station profile template

Station Name: Station #

Station Type: Date: Time Given:
Observed Un observed
Station Domain:
Station Objectives:


Domain/ Skills to be Performed

Resources needed (list all the necessary resources for this particular station: equipment,
standardized patients)

Instruction for the Examiner

Instruction for Standardized Patients (if any)

Instruction for Students

Exam Development Manual
14.3. Annex-3 Score Summary Sheet

Station Name: Station #:

Student ID: Date:
OSCE Total Score (100%)
Oral Examination Total Score (100%)
Overall Score (100%)
Station Pass Score (SPS):
Station Clear Pass Description:

Examiner Overall Judgment:

Alternative I SPS
Clear Fail Borderline Clear Pass Superior
(less than pass score (±1SD from SPS) (+2SD from SPS) (+3SD and above from
Alternative II: Description
Clear Fail Borderline Clear Pass Superior

Examiner Name and Signature:___________________________________

Students Signature: _________________

Exam Development Manual
14.4. Annex-4 Elaboration parameter for each activity in the checklist

S.No Checklist Elaboration Parameter

Step/Task 2 1 0

Exam Development Manual
14.5. Annex-5 Scoring and Marking Tool (Checklist)

Station Name: ___________ Station #: _____

Student ID: __________________

Task/Activities/Items Not attempted at all Attempted but not Satisfactory

OSCE Total Score (100%)

Exam Development Manual
14.6. Annex-6 Oral Questions for OSCE

Question Questions Possible Answers with their

No. respective Score




Total Oral Examination Score (100%)

Examiner Feedback (Both for OSCE and Oral):


Exam Development Manual
14.7. Annex 7: OSCE station Quality assurance checklist

Station Author/s:

Station Title:

No STATION Check Points Yes No

1. Name Does the station name given in clear and understandable way
in line with the blueprint matrix?
2. Objective Does the objective state clearly in a statement that shows of
the task expected the candidate should demonstrate?
3. Opening statement Does the scenario provide relevant patient information to
(Scenario) guide the examinee to the required task with clear instruction?
4. Station Resources Are the resources needed for each task clearly indicated?
5. Instructions Are the instructions for examiners clearly written?
Are Instructions for examinees clearly written?
Are Instructions for SPs clearly written?
6. Scoring and Does the checklist have key items that can be assessed
marking format objectively
Are the number of items not more than 15 and less than 5

Exam Development Manual
14.8. Annex 8: Checklist for reviewing Multiple-Choice Items

Item Type
Date Written
Item Developer
Review Date

Areas to be Reviewed Activities Check

Content The item addresses the desired domain of knowledge and
corresponds to the exam blueprint.
It measures knowledge or a skill component which is
worthwhile and appropriate for the examinees who will be tested
There is a no better way to test what this item tests
The level of difficulty is appropriate for the examinees that will
be tested.
The item is focused on current standards of practice
The item tests higher order thinking.
No grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
The item is free from demeaning, offensive, or stereotypical
Issues Related to Test Grammatical cues - one or more distracters don’t follow
wise-ness grammatically from the stem
Logical cues - a subset of the options are collectively exhaustive
Absolute terms - terms such as “always” or “never” are in some
Long correct answer - the correct answer is longer, more
specific, or more complete than other options
Word repeats - a word or phrase is included in the stem and in
the correct answer
Convergence strategy - the correct answer includes the most
elements in common with the other options
Issues Related to Options are long, complicated, or double
Irrelevant Difficulty Numeric data are not stated consistently
Terms in the options are vague (eg, “rarely,” “usually”)
Language in the options is not parallel
Options are in a non-logical order
“None of the above” is used as an option
Stems are tricky or unnecessarily complicated
The answer to an item is “hinged” to the answer of a related item
Correct (Keyed) Answer Placement of the correct answer has been varied

Comments: _______________________________________________________________

Exam Development Manual
14.9. Annex-9 Checklist for reviewing OSCE

Station Type
Date developed
station Developer
Review Date

Areas to be Activities Check

OSCE station The prepared station corresponds to the exam blueprint
Examinees sheet is prepared that includes the station profile, the
opening statement (scenario or preface) and the candidate
Examiner’s sheet contains the station profile and the examiner’s
instructions accompanied by a scoring form (checklist or rating
Tasks and instructions for the support team are prepared to describe
the members of the team and their responsibilities
Instructions to the standardized patient are detailed enough
Station labels, instructions and directions are prepared
All necessary equipment to perform the procedure are available at
the station and are functional
The OSCE Prepares the mindset of the examinee and
scenario provides a semi-real-life situation
Stated in the patient’s language rather than technical medical
Provides sufficient information to guide the examinee to the
required task (not too much, not too little)
The OSCE The number of items on the checklist is proportional to the case and
checklist the time allotted
Each item represents only one concept
Items on the checklist are observable skills
Each checklist item begins with an action verb
The item focuses on current standards of practice
Contains an explicit marking system

Exam Development Manual
14.10. Annex-10 Test Security Agreement

➢ For team of exam development, exam review, standard setting or assembling

of the exam for the HPCALE

As a member of the team for the exam development, standard setting, exam review or assembling
of the Health Professionals’ Competency Assessment and licensure exam in Ethiopia, I, the
undersigned, accept the responsibility for maintaining strict confidentiality of items, stations,
materials and information related to the examination as detailed below:

I declare that no one from my family members, including my spouse, children, brothers,
and sisters, is a candidate for the licensure examination in the year of this exam

I will not share any information about the examination with anybody including my
families and friends except duly authorized persons (i.e., team members from HPCALD
and AAU/IER), though any means or media including telephone, text message, pictures,
internet, print materials, face to face discussion, etc.

I am aware that examination items under my control including, but not limited to scratch
papers, draft copies, are to be kept in a secure location.

I am aware that I may be sued in accordance with the country's law if I violate these

I have read and understood the provisions of this security agreement. My signature below
signifies that I do accept the terms and conditions of this security agreement.

Full Name: _________________________________________

Signature: _________________________

Date: _____/_____/_________

Exam Development Manual

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