Note - Taking and Note-Making

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are that note-taking is important for students to help them learn and recall information. There are different methods like linear, outlining, charting and mapping that can be used for organizing notes. Notes allow for personalization and easy revision.

The different methods of note-taking discussed are linear, outlining, sentence method, charting, mapping and non-linear approaches like clustering, concept mapping, Cornell Notes etc.

Advantages of note-taking include personalization, reversibility of information, easy alteration, quick learning and memorization.


Note-taking (sometimes written as notetaking or note taking) is the practice of
recording information captured from another source. By taking notes, the writer records
the essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall everything.
 Notes are commonly drawn from a transient source, such as an oral discussion at a
meeting, or a lecture (notes of a meeting are usually called minutes), in which case the
notes may be the only record of the event.

Reasons for note-taking[edit]

Note-taking is an important skill for students, especially at the college level. In some
contexts, such as college lectures, the main purpose of taking notes may be to implant the
material in the mind, the written notes themselves being of secondary importance.

Linear note-taking[edit]
Linear note-taking is the process of writing down information in the order in which you
receive it.
Outlining [8] is one of the most common note-taking systems. Notes and thoughts are
organised in a structured, logical manner, reducing the time needed to edit and review,
allowing a lot of information to be digested in a short period of time. Outlining is less
effective[citation needed] for classes that involve many formulas and graphs, like mathematics
or chemistry. In these situations, a system such as Cornell Notes[9] may be superior.
Outlines generally proceed down a page, using headings and bullets to structure
information. A common system consists of headings that use Roman numerals, letters of
the alphabet, and Arabic numerals at different levels. A typical structure would be:
I. First main topic
A. Subtopic

1. Detail
2. Detail
3. Detail
B. Subtopic

1. Detail
2. Detail
3. Detail
II. Second main topic
A. Subtopic
1. Detail
2. Detail
3. Detail
B. Subtopic

1. Detail
2. Detail
3. Detail
However, this sort of structure has limitations in non-digital form since it is
difficult to go back and insert more information. Adaptive systems are used for
paper-and-pen insertions, such as using the reverse side of the preceding page in a
spiral notebook to make insertions. Or one can simply leave large spaces in
between items, to enable more material to be inserted. (For information about
application software that supports outlining, see Category: Outliners.)
Computerized note-taking, whether with a word processor, outliner software, or a
digital notebook program such as OneNote, Evernote, or TiddlyWiki, allows note-
takers to revise easily and add more entries or rows to the outline.
Sentence method[edit]
Sentence note-taking is simply writing down each topic as a short, simple
sentence. This method works well for fast-paced lesson where a lot of information
is being covered. The note-taker records every new thought, fact, or topic on a
separate line. All information is recorded but is not organized into major and
minor topics. Notes can be numbered or set off with bullets showing where a new
thought begins.

Non-linear note-taking[edit]
Approaches to non-linear note-taking include clustering,[10] concept mapping,[11]
 Cornell Notes,[13] idea mapping,[14] instant replays,[15] Ishikawa diagrams,
 knowledge maps,[17] learning maps,[18] mind mapping,[19] model maps,[20] the
pyramid principle,[21] semantic networks,[22] and SmartWisdom.[23]
This method of note taking is useful for subject matter that can be broken into
categories, such as similarities, differences, date, event, impact, etc. Charting
works best if students are able to identify categories and draw a table prior to the
lecture. This method is also useful as an editing tool. Students may review and
rewrite notes using the charting method. The method may work well for students
who like to organize information neatly and who learn by recognizing patterns.[24]
A mind map connects ideas together visually
Mapping uses spatial organization and diagrams to assemble information. Ideas
are written in a tree structure, with lines connecting them together. Mind maps are
commonly drawn from a central point, purpose, or goal in the center of the page
and then branch outward to identify all the ideas connected to that goal. Colors,
small graphics, and symbols are often used to help to visualize the information
more easily. This note-taking method is most common among visual learners and
is a core practice of many accelerated learning techniques. It is also used for
planning and writing essays.[25]
Note Making
Intro, Advantages and Strategies of Note Making
In the world that we live in, we are bombarded with limitless information all the time. But
not everything that we hear is worth retaining. Similarly, losing any of the vital details is
also not acceptable. And recording these details is where the skill of note making helps us.
So, here we will learn why and how to make a note.


Come to think of it note making is almost an involuntary exercise! Because whether we

wish to or not but we always make note of things that we hear. So, using pen and paper to
take and make notes is just an act of regularising and organising these thoughts in the most
comprehensive way.

We always take down the notes from a source, therefore, while making notes we should
keep in mind that we should not require to go back to the source ever again. So, on one
hand, we need to try our best to be brief we should never filter out any unavoidable

Thus, there exists a well-defined method along with certain rules that one must follow to
optimize their notes and get the best out of them. For example, what to choose as the
heading, what and how many subheadings to give etc.


 Personalised Convenience: Every individual can make notes according to his/her

own understanding of the matter. Which means even if the source of two notes is the
same they will be unique because each note-maker is free to personalise their notes in
a way he/she finds best.
 Reversible: The same way notes help us to make the information, we can write a
descriptive account of this information with the help of the notes as well. So, the
decompression of the content is possible.
 Alterable: With time, as we keep on going through the notes, again and again, we
can make changes according to our convenience.
 Quick Learning: This point stands in close relation to our first point as we
personalise the convenience we make our notes more and more comprehensible. As a
result, these notes help us to memorise the source main text more easily and quickly.
Because obviously a text better understood is a text better learned!

Strategies to Make a Note

The use of bullet points is something we keep seeing all the time. The basic idea behind this
practice is providing a gist about something in a not-easily-forgettable fashion. And
the objective of note making is the same; to bring the focus of readers on the most
significant information, leaving behind everything else. Now let’s study about the
strategies one must follow to make appropriate notes, point by point:


To assign a short and best-understood heading and subheading, we need to go through the
source content at least twice.

 For the first time just skim through the whole content to find a central idea or the
main outline of the topic.
This will be our heading which should consist of as few words as possible
 While reading the second time try to be more thorough as this time we are looking
for the sub-headings. Which means, you must focus on the subordinate ideas
supporting the central theme. The brevity of the sub-heading is still mandatory


Only write the most relevant content for making your notes truly precise. And don’t forget
to include those important details that you think you will have a hard time recalling later.

 Ignore all the less important things such as unnecessary illustrations, examples, etc.
 Mention the maximum of information point-wise but do pay attention that the
information is complete
 Divide and sub-divide the content in a logical manner and make the notes
according to the same sequence
 Never put in your own interpretations. You may write the given conclusions in
your own words but don’t add your own opinions


There are certain tips and trips one can use to avoid any ambiguity and make the notes more

 Provide headings. sub-headings and sub-sub-headings(if present) with proper

numbering; relating anything with numbers always makes it easy to by-heart!
 Don’t leave unnecessary spaces to eliminate any confusion
 Make use of as many abbreviations as possible but it should not come at the
expense of poor comprehension

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