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Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, PakJET

Multidisciplinary | Peer Reviewed | Open Access

Volume: 2, Number: 1, Pages: 31- 35, Year: 2019

Field Testing & Strength Evaluation of Khushhal

Garh Rail cum Road Bridge
M.A. Chaudhry1,*, A.M. Zafar Khan1, Z.A. Siddiqi1

Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Lahore
*Corresponding author: M.A. Chaudhry (email: [email protected])

ABSTRACT—Old age steel bridges mostly have various problems facing potentially catastrophic result. There is
complex array of issues with the railway wrought iron bridges regarding their residual life. Road Cum Rail Bridge near
Khushhal Garh is of wrought iron & crosses the River Indus. This bridge is 775 ft. long and consist of four deck truss
spans i.e. a 303’-0” anchor arm, a 104’-8” east cantilever (Jand end) , a 261’-0” slung and a 104’-8” west cantilever span
(Kohat end). The west cantilever is anchored deep into the rock by means of guys. The upper end of the guys is attached
to the top boom while the lower end is connected to anchors of size 10’x 7’-6”x 4’. Roadway is supported on bottom
booms of the trusses and railway track is on the top chords. The bridge was opened to traffic on 27th November, 1907. In
the course of time this bridge showed some signs of distress, in December 2006, it was decided by the Pakistan Railways
Authorities to carry out strength evaluation of this bridge.The task was awarded to a joint venture, Pakistan Railways
Advisory and Consultancy Services (PRACS) and Multi-Dimensional Consultants (MDC, Lahore, to conduct field
studies, carry out computed model analysis & suggest measures for the repair & rehabilitation of this bridge if required.
For field testing, 30 strain gauges were installed at different critical locations of main members of truss. Tensile and
compressive strain variation under standard test train were recorded and analyzed. Maximum tensile & compressive
stresses in main members were assessed. 22.5 Ton axle group III engine were used with PR standard test train for the
test. Stress range and number of loading cycles of the selected members were compared with Wohler Curves for residual
fatigue life. On the basis of this comparison, it was concluded that bridge was safe under the loading given in Bridge
Rules, 1971 Pakistan Railways & Pakistan Highways Code and residual life has been estimated.

Index Terms—Bridges, Repair, Rehabilitation, Strengthening, Truss Structures, Fatigue Life, Wöhler Curve.

Previous history of loading is almost unknown. Proper
design standards have not been used for their design
condition of these bridges varies greatly from site to site.
Loadings and its number of cycles have no proper record.
Interaction of moving vehicles and the type of bridge
structures has variable effect on their response and life.
Reliable structural behavior, integrality and residual fatigue
life assessment become essential for evaluating and
addressing these problems.
Figure 1 Kohat End Span
The multistory station of Kohat and Punjab is connected
through a Rail-cum-Road Bridge which crosses the River
Indus on four deck truss spans i.e. a 303’-0” anchor arm, a The west cantilever is anchored deep into the rock by
104’-8” east cantilever (Jand end) , a 261’-0” slung span means of guys. The upper end of the guys is attached to the
and a 104’-8” west cantilever (Kohat end) span (Figure 1). top boom while the lower end is connected to anchors of
size 10’x 7’-6”x 4’. These spans carry broad gauge and
were designed for standard B live loading of 1903. The

M.A. Chaudhry at el. PakJET

railway track is at top booms and the roadway is at the 9) A weigh bridge should be installed near this bridge to
bottom booms of the spans. The trusses are 45’-0” high and avoid overloaded traffic of trucks.
spaced at 20’-0” c/c.
The roadway on the bridge is 16’ wide. The trough plates III. FIELD TESTING
are laid parallel to track and rest on cross girders that are
25’ c/c. Field Testing has been conducted in order to achieve the
On each end of the bridge there are two stone masonry following objects:
arches corridors. The road traffic passes through these 1) To measure stress level at different critical locations.
corridors before entering the bridge. The overburden of the 2) To assess the bridge for its residual life and for rating
arches also provides support to the guys of 104-ft cantilever of the bridge.
on western end of 471 ft. span. 3) To recommend suitable measures for enhancing the
Robertson, one of the Consulting Engineers who had been residual life / capacity through suitable
previously responsible for the erection of the well-known rehabilitation/strengthening measures.
Lansdowne Bridge, described it as the most complicated 4) To conduct economic feasibility study and prepare
structure he had ever dealt with. rehabilitation / strengthening (accompanied with
estimates) for the overstressed/fatigued parts of bridge
for making them fit for existing/increased speed of 65
On November 26, 2006, a joint team of engineers from 5) To carry out the load and speed rating of the bridge in
Multi-Dimensional Consultants and Pakistan Railways its existing condition, in case rehabilitation is
inspected the Khushhal Garh Bridge to assess the physical expensive. Minor repair is accompanied with this
condition of the bridge for the purpose of the modeling & option.
evaluation. The following worth mentioning points were
noted during the inspection: For this purpose, location of strain gauges and LVDT were
1) The turnbuckles provided at the top of rail-bridge fixed for computer analysis. There were 30 strain gauges.
connecting the two parts of the bridge across an The detail of assignment of strain gauges to different
expansion joint were buckled due to expansion and member and locations were marked.
contraction. Similarly, the bracing plates provided in A test train of specified capacity was run to take readings
this region on lower side of the railway bridge were on strain gauges installed at different location as shown in
also buckled due to the temperature variation. Figure 2.
2) The remedial measures were suggested to provide slots
for both turnbuckles and connecting plates to allow
3) The road surface on the lower level bridge was in
extremely bad shape. The traffic was still allowed to
move on this bridge but due to uneven surface,
excessive vibrations and impact loads were produced
endangering the safety of the bridge. There seemed to
be an urgent need to remove the top surface of the
bridge deck for placing new wearing surface besides
strengthening of buckled or damaged supporting
4) The bearings of the road bridge, at the abutments and at
central pier, were required to be repaired to make them
functional. These were to be rehabilitated by jacking Figure 2 Strain gauges installed at different locations
up the bridge near these supports for their proper oiling
& graphing.
5) Curved surfaces at the hinge supports were required to IV. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
be cleaned and lubricated for its free rotation. Applicable documents
6) The overall condition of the substructure and the steel The following documents are used for analyzing the bridge
super-structure was found satisfactory. using the design codes mentioned below.
7) The lower anchors at the abutments were thoroughly Bridge Rules – Government of Pakistan, Ministry of
checked, cleaned and painted as these remain Communications (Railway Wing), 1971.
submerged during floods. This operation was required Steel Bridge Code - Government of Pakistan, Ministry of
to be replaced after every flood season. Communications (Railway Wing) 1971.
8) There is one way traffic system on this bridge. So,
traffic signals must be installed to allow smooth Analysis software
movement of traffic.
PakJET M.A. Chaudhry at el.

SAP2000 version 8.3.3 was used for analysis of the Bridge. Broad Gauge Standard loading of 1926 for Branch Line
This Software is capable of performing Linear or Non - (B.L) of Bridge Rules 1971, was modeled in software using
Linear analysis of concrete and steel structures. The Section its bridge load capacity. The train was programmed to run
Designer wizard has been used to define the section of truss over the bridge length. The each member had been analyzed
members. The bridge has been analyzed for each load case. for maximum and minimum tensile and compressive forces.
The results were reported for each load case so that they As per bridge rules Pakistan Railway, the following forces
can be combined with the required load combinations. were considered
1. Impact factor for railway loading
Geometry of structure
2. Racking force
The bridge is modeled as a 3D two span continuous frame
3. Longitudinal loads (tractive and braking)
structure as shown in Figure - 2. The axial releases are
4. Wind forces
given in members L15L16, U16U17, L26L27 and U25U26.
The anchor members L16U16 and L26U26 are simulated as
tension members (Zero Compression). The inbuilt V. ANALYSIS OF TEST DATA
capability of software for moving load analysis is used for Test data has been analyzed and shown in table 5.1 and also
railway and highway loading. graphically represented (fig. 6.1& 6.2).
Application of loads
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
TABLE 5.1 Cumulative Data 0– 0.248 0- 0.248 0.248
6.45 31 3.47 31 31
GIRDER CHORD MEMBER 0– 0.929 0- 0.929 0- 0.929
U29 - U29 L20 - L21 U26 – L26 4
LOCOM 5.83 94 3.13 94 4.17 94
STR NO. STR NO. STR NO. 1.178 1.178 1.178
E (105) E (105) E (105)
SRi = Stress range of a particular group having
number of occurrences ni.
VI. MEMBER FATIGUE EVALUATION i = ni / N, ratio of the number of occurrences
PROCEDURE of SRi to the total number of variable
stress cycles N.
From the actual test train, the variable-amplitude stress  = Ratio of stress range either measured
spectrum is calculated. The equivalent or constant- from tests or estimated to the stress range
amplitude stress is calculated from the calculated variable – calculated by structural analysis.
amplitudes stress spectrum using AREMA RMC The calculated effective stress range (SRe) along with the
relationship. connection detail type were used to estimate the remaining
life of the member using the WÖLHER CURVE (S-N
curve). In this curve, if the stress range is less than the
constant amplitude fatigue limit or the loading cycles are
in compression, there is no fatigue and the fatigue life can
be considered infinite. If the effective stress range is at or
outside the S-N curve, the fatigue life of the member had
already exhausted and replacement of part of the structure
Where, is required to ensure safety and to further use the bridge for
SRe = Effective stress range defined for the total the traffic loading.
number of variable stress cycles to failure

M.A. Chaudhry at el. PakJET

Figure 6.1 Test Train Load Spectrum for Cross Girder U29-U29

Figure 6.2 Histogram

Nv = 117825
N1 = 92994`
PakJET M.A. Chaudhry at el.

92994 The resulting applied stress parameter SRe is compared with

1 =  0.789 fatigue strength WOOLER CURVE and member is found
117825 safe against fatigue.
SR1 = 5.83ksi
2 =  0.211
117825 On the basis of inspection, testing and evaluation, the
SR2 = 6.45ksi following recommendations were made:
1. On physical inspection the croaked members and
members buckled and broken due to expansion or
SR( measured) 6.64 contraction were suggested to be repaired.
 =   1.37
SR( calculated) 4.7 2. The road surface on the lower portion bridge being
severely in bad shape was recommended to be
3. The curved surfaces at hinged steel bearing were
required to be cleaned and lubricated for free
4. On analysis of field testing over stressed members
were pointed out and assessed for their residual
The calculated effective stress range parameter (SRe) for life.
member U29-U29 and connection detail category ‘D’ gave 5. The fatigue life of members U29-U29 (cross
the maximum number of loading cycles equal to about girder) and member L20-L21 & U26-L26 were
6x106 = 6,000,000 from WÖHLER CURVE (S~N curve) of assessed using Wohler Curve. It is suggested to
figure 6.3. Out of these only 117,825 cycles had actually carry out regular maintenance to further extend the
occurred. This showed that significant fatigue life was left life of the bridge.
for this member.
1. BS 5400, “Part 10, Code of practice for fatigue, Steel Concrete
and Composite Bridges.” British Standard Institutions, 1980.
2. Fatigue Design of steel structures, Steel Construction, Journal
of the Australian Steel Instituue.Vol.38, March 2004.
3. Korondi, L., Szittner, A., Kallo, M. and Krisrof, L.,
“Determination of fatigue safety and remaining fatigue life on a
riveted railway bridge by measurement,” Journal of
Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 46 (1-3), 430, paper
number 327, 1998.
4. Liu, Y., Stratman, B. and Mahadevan, S., “Fatigue crack
initiation life prediction of railroad wheels” International
Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 28(7), pp. 747-756, 2006.
5. Manual for Railway Engineering, American Railway
Engineering Association (AREA), 1991.
6. Ministry of Communications (Railway wing), “Bridge Rules.”
Government of the Pakistan.
7. Ministry of Communications (Railway wing), “Steel Bridge
Figure 6.3 WÖHLER CURVE (S~N curve) Code.” Government of the Pakistan, Railway Code of Practice
for the Design of Steel or Wrought Iron Bridges Carrying Rail,
Road or Pedestrian Traffic.
8. Pier and Abutment Standard Code of Practice for the Design of
The same procedure was adopted for the calculation of Bridge Pier and abutment.
fatigue life for bottom chord L20-L21 and vertical chord


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