IESE Executive MBA Brochure

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A challenge with purpose

Executive MBA IESE Business School

If you are better,
the world is better
We all aspire to leave our mark. Many of us long for
something more than mere recognition and reward,
something more profound and important, something
rooted in personal conviction: “I had the chance to make
the world a better place, and I took it.”

This is the monumental challenge:

if you become a better version “The challenge is not just knowing what
of yourself, the world becomes a you are going to do, but more
better place. There are no shortcuts importantly, who you want to be.
when it comes to personal growth.
In the Executive MBA you are going
It is an exciting journey that requires
effort yet leads to a future richer in to be challenged so many times and
opportunities. in so many ways that, when you
graduate, you will be able to say:
We live in an age of permanent change. As we I am ready to make a difference .”
venture into such an unstable reality, we will have
to place even greater trust, not only in our core
values and sound judgement, but in our ability
to question the status quo. Having the creativity
to meet the challenges that await us will be
decisive in facing the present and future

The new leader has to be capable of combining

two strands: on the one hand, the highest degree
of professionalism and self-motivation to pursue a
constant quest for excellence and,
as a consequence, personal and professional
fulfilment; on the other hand, the generosity to
place all this effort at the service of others, of
society and the world. If you consider yourself a
demanding and non-conformist person who wants Franz Heukamp
to better themselves and progress, and who feels IESE Dean
they have far more to give to make a real and PhD in Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT
lasting impact, then you are an IESE Executive MBA.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

“The Executive MBA is a catalyst
for personal growth and the
development of management skills.
It inspired me to overhaul
my business methods, refine my
leadership style and expand
my vision of management.
Above all, it changed my
perspective on the world.”
Camila Ferreira (EMBA’14)
Global Director of Merchant Services and Merchant Research
Executive MBA IESE Business School
To be good at something,
you have to be good
at everything
We want to accompany you on one of the most important journeys
of your life: the path toward personal growth and professional fulfillment.
The formula is simple: high-quality faculty, high-quality students and high
degrees of rigor. We will put you to the test, but with a clear objective:
for you to reach your full potential by working at your top-most level.

The Six Dimensions of the Executive MBA

The Executive MBA

is an intense journey
1 4
of personal and professional General management overview Effective leadership
You will gain a profound comprehensive You will boost your ability to engage
transformation that prepares your team in topline projects and manage
insight into the company from a general
you to face challenges in any management standpoint that will allow diverse personal profiles and motivations
business scenario. you to understand the uniqueness of each to align them around a common objective.
operational area and their interrelation, You will become a leader committed
as well as understand how your decisions to professionalism and integrity, and a spirit
Give us 18 months. We’ll give affect them. of service for the good of your organization
you a lifetime of impact. and society as a whole.

Expert decision making
You will learn that, in order to be Global reach
an exceptional leader, you must become The program’s high-impact content,
an expert at making difficult decisions. faculty guidance and intensive weeks
By examining more than 300 business in three global venues will give you a
cases, you will hone your ability to analyze heightened awareness of the trends and
challenging situations, justify your opportunities shaping today’s global
strategy and decide on the best course business arena.
of action.

3 6
Entrepreneurial spirit
The program will push you to your limits
You will discover your inner entrepreneur.
to spark a deeper sense of self-awareness
The IESE Executive MBA will help you
and discovery of your strengths and
detect new opportunities and acquire
areas for growth. You will emerge better
the knowledge and tools to make the
equipped to face any leadership challenge.
most of them, both inside and outside
your organization.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

“IESE is a transformational
experience. It takes you to a
challenging and demanding place,
while becoming like a family with
whom you grow and learn to become
a person eager to make their mark.”

Jacobo Domínguez-Blanco (EMBA’18)

VP of Customers Experience & Operations

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Are you ready to
make your mark ?
IESE provides transformational programs
for business leaders who want to make a tangible
difference in the world. Our business school
has been ranked first in the world in executive
education by the Financial Times
for five consecutive years.

A unique mission Personal growth Powerful networking

With a world-renowned faculty and Personal development is an important At IESE, you will find a vibrant networking
distinctly global approach, IESE delivers facet of all IESE programs, which also environment, where participants and
learning experiences that will help you spotlight ethics and social responsibility. alumni converge to learn, exchange ideas
grow both professionally and personally. In this regard, IESE has stood out from and share experiences. IESE’s tight-
IESE has a clear mission: to prepare other business schools since its inception. knit alumni community includes global
leaders who can make a deep, positive The school consistently earns high marks business leaders across a broad range
and lasting impact on people, companies in international rankings, including those of sectors.
and society through their professionalism, published by the Financial Times and
You will also benefit from the support
integrity and spirit of service. The school’s The Economist.
of IESE’s international alumni
strategic priorities are deeply rooted in
community, which includes more
this mission.
than 50,000 professionals in over
Global experience
130 countries. As a graduate of the
Taking part in the IESE Executive MBA school, you can take advantage of
Singular history means immersing yourself in an intensely our highly valuable Alumni Learning
global learning environment. Program, as well as personal coaching
As a participant, you will benefit from
and professional resources throughout
IESE’s 60-year history, or “trek,” which Our faculty and participants come from
your career.
centers on four elements: transformation, all over the world, providing
reputation, excellence and knowledge. a distinctively cross-cultural perspective.
Each of these dimensions continues to IESE professors hold PhDs from the
play key roles in the school’s development. world’s top business schools and reflect
more than 20 nationalities.
Since its foundation in 1958, IESE
has taken an international perspective We firmly believe a global mindset
of business, attracting students and is essential for thriving in today’s
faculty from around the world. At the interconnected business world. That’s
same time, IESE research focuses on why we have established campuses in Executive
critical business problems set in diverse five key cities: Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, Educatio n
geographic regions. As the school has New York and São Paulo. We also boast since 2015
grown, its international alumni community eight offices in other global locations and
has expanded, along with its global work closely with 15 Associated Business
networking opportunities. Schools in Latin America and Asia.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

• Case method

• Humanistic approach

• General management perspective

• Continuous personal feedback

• Highly intense and demanding

• Integral leadership focus

• Mission

• A global school with campuses

in New York, Munich, São Paulo,

Barcelona and Madrid

• Harvard-IESE Committee

• Top rankings year after year

• More than 50,000 alumni

Reputation • Over 230 partner companies

• Associated business schools

• Renowned business leaders on

the International Advisory Board

• 60 years of tradition

• Exceptional faculty

• World-class facilities

• Rigorous admissions process

• Outstanding students

• High operational standards

• Global network

• Research (best journals)

• International experience

• Network with world’s best

business schools
• Academic chairs

Executive MBA IESE Business School

A robust curriculum
The Executive MBA allows you to grow as a leader
without putting your career on hold. With its flexible-
by-design format, you can develop your leadership
potential with minimal disruption to your personal
and professional commitments.

1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester

September-December January-March April-July

Academic Financial Accounting

Financial Analysis People
Year Financial Accounting Accounting Economic
Analysis of Business Operational
Problems Management Corporate Finance
The first year lays the academic foundation for the
program. You will acquire a stronger grasp of core Fundamentals of Commercial Entrepreneurial
Marketing Implementation Initiative
management areas and a holistic management
outlook to lead across areas of the organization. Decision Analysis Ethics Corporate Strategy
People Management Team Management Team Management
Team Management

4th Semester 5th Semester

September-December January-April

Academic General Management

Decision Making
Corporate Communication
Year Corporate Strategy
Managing Small- and
International Economy Medium-Sized Enterprises
In the second year, you will reinforce core Competing Through Information Systems
leadership competencies, participate in a platform- Operations
based executive simulation and customize the
Business Plan
program with two learning electives.
Final Project:
Operations as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Customizable Options
In Year 2, you will choose two of the following options:

The EMBA organizes international weeks in Nairobi, New York, Vital strands of the program’s “One EMBA” dimension,
São Paulo and Shanghai that deliver frontline insights these immersions offer a platform for learning, camaraderie
on global business ecosystems and fresh perspectives on and connection for EMBA’s globally dispersed cohorts,
global and transcultural management. which collectively comprise more than 300 students.

Nairobi New York

Kenya’s capital and one of Africa’s most dynamic economic and The most densely populated U.S. city and an international financial,
cultural centers cultural and media epicenter

São Paulo Shanghai

A vibrant financial center and regional base for numerous China’s largest city and a major economic hub


This intensive weeklong course includes two courses aimed
at enhancing your knowledge of fintech, internet-enabling
strategies and digital marketing.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Learning Journeys
The program includes several journeys to equip you with an in-depth understanding of the frontline
challenges affecting today’s corporate leaders, including digital disruption, innovation, entrepreneurship
and internationalization. Using business simulations and current, real-life case studies on trailblazing
global organizations, you will hone your strategic, decision-making and leadership competencies.

Beyond Digital New Digital Implications

Digital Trends Frontiers Transformation for Marketing

Business Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial WeGrow

Entrepreneurial Plan Club
Venture Hub
Mindset Mentoring

Governance Strategic Self- Career Women in Executive

Leadership Series Mindset Management Development Business Simulation

International Faculty from Global

Multicultural Modules
3 Continents 1 EMBA
31 Countries Business Focus

Global Leadership Series (GLS) Executive Simulation (ExSim)

The GLS features quarterly summits with renowned CEOs, The ExSim is a weeklong platform-based executive
entrepreneurs and top-tier executives, who share their simulation that will put your key learnings into practice.
frontline experiences and leadership insights garnered Grouped into teams, you will assume a corporate role and
throughout their careers. You will discover the secrets behind work collaboratively to resolve different dimensions of your
their success and strategies to ensure their organization’s company’s strategy and operations.
long-term sustainability.
Several times throughout the week, a mock executive board
New Frontiers Series comprised by IESE faculty members will evaluate your team’s
performance. In an atmosphere of friendly competition, you
Every quarter includes a deep-dive session on a specific
will accelerate your critical-thinking and analytical abilities.
management trend led by faculty members with expertise
in each field. Technological disruption, the role of artificial
Company Project
intelligence in human resources and global business systems,
digital supply networks, and the future of global real estate are Working in teams, you will participate in projects with leading
among the topics explored. companies to apply your newfound knowledge to real-life
business challenges.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Daniela López-Aparicio
Manager at Strategy

Executive MBA IESE Business School

A way to learn
For IESE professors, rich, engaging discussions and debates are the flashpoint
of leadership development. From case studies to team-based projects
and business simulations, they dynamically combine diverse learning
methodologies to spark these vital interactions.
Professors serve on corporate boards and lead frontline research on the most
critical trends in global management. With extensive global experience, they
are able to cultivate an invigorating interchange of ideas by harnessing
the cohort’s collective expertise.


A personal mentor will offer continuous The EMBA gathers successful managers Case studies are based on real-world
feedback and career advice throughout from an array of industries, companies and business scenarios, which are often
the program to ensure you get the most professional profiles. The cohort’s diversity subject to intense pressures, incomplete
out of the experience and reach will enrich your professional network and information and conflicting data.
your fullest potential. open your eyes to new perspectives Working both individually and in teams,
and practices outside your corporate sphere. you will assume the role of a chief
decision-maker and outline a course of
action among a pool of equally plausible
solutions, honing your critical-thinking
and strategic capabilities in the process.


Teamwork will provide You will take your key

an authentic forum for knowledge to a new level
exchanging and contrasting and advance your executive
knowledge among peers and communication skills in
and bolster your ability to align a realistic test environment,
opposing perspectives. complete with time constraints
and opposing power sources.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Executive MBA
Prof. Miguel Antón IESE Business School
Charting your
career path
The Executive MBA offers career support
to pave your professional career path,
both now and in the future. From developing
your personal brand to interview strategies, you
will learn how to stand out in a global job market.


1. 2.






The Executive MBA offers various career The program also features an After graduation, you can continue
resources to help you promote your Executive MBA Career Development to rely on IESE for professional
unique profile, background and assets Module, where you will discover your support and networking through
to potential employers. You will work true strengths and aspirations, and the IESE Alumni Association. With
closely with a career advisor, who will ongoing career events and round more than 50,000 members around
help you define your own personalized tables that offer a platform the world, the Association offers a
career plan, and take part in career to engage with headhunters and myriad of career resources, as well
management workshops on how a talent management specialists. as an invaluable platform for lifelong
create a high-impact résumé, prepare learning and connections.
for interviews, negotiate your salary
and build your professional network.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

IESE Business School
Class profile
Designed for high-potential managers, executives and entrepreneurs who want
to boost their careers, the Executive MBA delivers a highly intense and personally
transformative experience that maximizes student’s leadership, decision-making
and entrepreneurial capabilities to enhance their personal development and
prepare them for any challenge they will face in their careers.

EMBA Class

+ 30% 20 5-20 10
Women Nationalities Years of work Average number
experience of years of work

Business sectors represented Functional areas

24% 22%
IT Sales & Marketing
23% 19%
Industry and Energy IT & Digital
15% 19%
Healthcare Operations & Project Management
14% 13%
Others Others
9% 11%
Consulting Finance
9% 10%
Banking and Financial Services Consulting
6% 6%
Construction and Real Estate General Management

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Empowering women
in business
IESE is firmly committed to promoting female
leadership and helping women accelerate their
careers. To this end, the school offers numerous
resources to foster an environment in which
everyone is able to reach their highest potential.

In today’s hypercompetitive markets, organizations require a more

diverse, gender-balanced workforce as a matter of survival, which is why
more women are needed in the upper echelons of global management.

The Executive MBA spearheads a range of actions to help women

optimize their career trajectories. Female participation in the program
has doubled to 30 percent over the last few years, testament to our
ongoing efforts to support and prepare women for leadership roles.

IESE Women in Leadership Women EMBA Club

IESE Women in Leadership (I-WIL) is The Women EMBA Club (WEMBAC) is

a dynamic platform that supports alumnae an exclusive network that provides learning,
and women leaders through a range of activities, networking and professional-support
including lectures, workshops, conferences opportunities for women in business.
and path-breaking research, which it shares with For more information: [email protected]
governments and institutions to further promote
female leadership in management and society.

“Being a student again brings with

it all kinds of challenges, but above
all, it forces you to make the most
of your time, both personally and
professionally. With the help of the
excellent academic staff, a rich
syllabus and lively discussions with
fellow students, you develop the
ability to make better decisions,
gain new perspectives and
Marta Planinc (EMBA’19)
acquire a new outlook.” Head of Branding and Packaging

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Promoting Entrepreneurs
At IESE, you will develop the entrepreneurial mindset
and skillset needed to excel in both start-up and
enterprise environments. Those interested in launching
new ventures will find an encouraging and supportive
ecosystem to transform their ideas into businesses.

Venture Hub
Executive MBA Entrepreneurs’ Club

The Venture Hub is a vital resource The Executive MBA Entrepreneurs’ Club Established in 2000, Finaves helps IESE
center that brings all of the school’s (CEEMBA) gathers IESE professors and entrepreneurs get their new ventures off
entrepreneurial activities under one roof, seasoned entrepreneurs every month the ground by taking a minority stake
from training and research to financing to share their frontline experiences in in companies across a range of sectors.
and tech transfer. Through this initiative, new-venture creation and discuss and This financing channel offers alumni
IESE aspires to forge a vibrant network debate business ideas in various stages and students the chance to collaborate
in which entrepreneurs, investors, of maturity. with a reliable, rational and fair partner,
corporations and society can find as well as leverage IESE’s community
everything they need to push forward of alumni, network and talent. Since its
their new projects. establishment, Finaves’ support has led
to the creation of 30 new businesses,
1,500 jobs and more than €70 million

in collective revenues.

Business Angels Network Other Entrepreneurship Initiatives

IESE’s Business Angels Network IESE promotes entrepreneurial ventures

has served as a vital bridge between on an on-going basis, including
investors and entrepreneurs since 2003. participation in Global Entrepreneurship
The community comprises more than Week, the Social Entrepreneurship
200 active angel investors, who offer Network, the WeGrow mentoring service
support for start-up ventures led by both and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation
alumni and non-alumni alike. Center, whose activities aim to coalesce
entrepreneurial and innovation
ecosystems both within and outside IESE.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Executive MBA IESE Business School
IESE’s global reach

University of
Michigan’s Ross
School of Business, MI

NY University, NY
Silicon Valley Philadelphia
Stanford, CA
Los Angeles

IPADE, Mexico City

UNIS, Fraijanes

The school’s global scope encompasses

INALDE, Bogotá
five campuses, numerous global offices Colombia
and academic alliances with more Ecuador
than 50 premier universities, including
PAD, Santiago de Surco Brazil
Harvard, MIT, Wharton and CEIBS. Peru
A vast alumni community comprising
over 50,000 graduates in more than Chile ISE, São Paulo
130 countries further underscores IESE’s
distinctly international character. IEEM,
ESE, Santiago de Chile Montevideo
Associated Business Schools Buenos Aires

Argentina IAE, Buenos Aires Argentina

Brazil ISE, São Paulo São Paulo
Chile ESE, Santiago de Chile
China China Europe International Business School, Shanghai
Colombia INALDE, Bogotá
Ecuador IDE, Guayaquil IESE Campus
Guatemala UNIS, Fraijanes
India Indian Business School, Hyderabad Associated Business School
Ireland Timoney Leadership Institute
Regional Chapters
Ivory Coast MDE Business School, Abijan
Kenya SBS, Nairobi Program Location
Mexico IPADE, Mexico City
Nigeria LBS, Lagos
Peru PAD, Santiago de Surco
Philippines School of Business Administration, Manila
Portugal AESE, Lisbon
Uruguay Stanford Graduate School of Business, CA
USA IEEM, Montevideo
MIT Sloan School of Management, MA
New York University, NY
University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, MI

Executive MBA IESE Business School


UK Warsaw Russia
London Germany
Benelux Austria
France Switzerland
Portugal Italy
Barcelona China Tokyo

CEIBS, Shanghai
Dubai Hong Kong Taiwan
Indian Business School,
SBA, Manila
MDE, Hyderabad
LBS, Lagos Malaysia
SBS, Nairobi

IESE today

50K 1,300 110

Full-time professors with
MBA students
Alumni PhDs from prestigious
on campus

139 77 20
Nationalities Nationalities Nationalities

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Business School?

You aim high. You aspire to lead. You want

to make a difference. But you believe
in leadership based on professional
excellence, integrity and spirit of service.
Welcome to IESE Business School.

At IESE, the business school of the University of Navarra, we are

committed to developing business leaders who strive to make
a deep, positive and lasting impact on the people, companies
and societies they serve.

Since 1958, more than 50,000 executives from all over

the world have experienced our integrative, people-centered
and socially responsible approach to decision-making in business
and organizations. 

Our programs are transformative journeys towards personal and

professional growth. Our professors, your advisors and partners,
are active at the highest levels of business and academia. You
will feel challenged by their rigorous research and state-of-the-art
teaching methodologies.

We are truly global. Our unique reach goes beyond our five
international campuses and more than 50 academic alliances with
top universities. In our classrooms you will find the brightest talent
from over 130 nations. And you will enter our community
of thousands of alumni, friends and partner companies present
on every continent, in every industry and at every stage of life.

We stand on the solid pillars of Christian humanism. We believe in

the rights and dignity of every person. We believe in the individual
as a force for change. We believe in good will, in giving your best,
in helping society through your work. We strive to develop effective
managers, responsible leaders and better people.

We are IESE Business School.

A way to learn. A mark to make. A world to change.

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Executive MBA IESE Business School
Do you want to grow as a leader? Get ready for change. Our programs will
open your eyes to new ways of understanding people, companies and
contexts. Choose the path that best fits your personal and professional
situation. At IESE we’ll make sure you reach your full potential.


PROFESSIONALS No professional experience required
Make a strong entrance into the job market, with a
broad vision of management tools and access to the Madrid
world’s top employers looking for fresh talent.
11 months / Full-time / On campus


MBA* 4+ years of professional experience

Change the course of your career with new
management skills that prepare you to make strategic Barcelona
decisions in any industry and market. A unique
15 or 19 months / Full-time / On campus
experience during which you will learn alongside
students from all over the world. English

FUNCTIONAL EXECUTIVE MBA* 5+ years of professional experience

MANAGERS Branch out beyond your area of professional
expertise and acquire the leadership, decision- Barcelona, Madrid, Munich or São Paulo
making and entrepreneurial skills you need to
18 months / Part-time / On campus
take on new responsibilities.
English, Spanish

BUSINESS ACCELERATION PROGRAM (BAP) 5+ years of managerial experience

Deepen your managerial competencies to drive
your career forward. Benefit from a scope across Munich
sectors and exposure to new ideas, processes and
5 months / Part-time / On campus

PROGRAMA DE DESARROLLO 5+ years of managerial experience

Push your career toward senior management, Barcelona, Madrid or other cities
consolidating your existing knowledge and 6 months / Part-time / On campus
forging new paths, without neglecting your 8 months / Part-time / Blended
current professional obligations. Spanish

PROGRAM FOR MANAGEMENT 8+ years of managerial experience

Alongside other high-level managers, fast track Barcelona or São Paulo
your way to senior management through a broader 6 months / Part-time / Blended
understanding of business, without neglecting (On campus & Online)
your existing professional obligations. English

For more information on our programs visit: *Our masters’ programs are official university degrees,
accredited by the appropriate official agencies, lasting between 11 and 19 months and requiring entry exams.
EXECUTIVES 15+ years of managerial experience
Together with senior executives from around the
Barcelona, New York, Shanghai &
world, open the door to global leadership and Silicon Valley
deepen your understanding of best business 16 months / Part-time / Blended
practices in a classroom that spans continents. (On campus & Online)

PROGRAMA DE DIRECCIÓN GENERAL (PDG) 2+ years of general management

Make the leap towards new levels of leadership, in
the company of CEOs and executives who have over Barcelona, Madrid or other cities
two years’ experience in general management
6 months / Part-time / On campus

C-SUITE PROGRAMA DE ALTA DIRECCIÓN DE 15+ years of senior management

EMPRESAS (PADE) experience
Outline the strategies that ensure the long-term Barcelona, Madrid or other cities
future of your company and get to know the best
6 months / Part-time / On campus
practices in business management alongside top
executives and senior managers. Spanish

ADVANCED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15+ years of senior management

(AMP) experience
Get the competitive edge that you need in order Barcelona
to grow, surrounded by CEOs, managing directors,
7 months / Part-time / On campus
members of the board and entrepreneurs with
over 15 years of general management experience. English

GLOBAL CEO 20+ years of senior management

Two of the world’s best business schools (IESE and experience
Wharton) come together across three continents Philadelphia, Madrid & Singapore
to offer a unique learning experience for the most
7 months / Part-time / On campus
senior executives.

Functional Managers / Senior Executives / C-Suite Companies


Explore specific topics in-depth, in a short period of time. Focused Programs Tailor-made learning to meet the specific needs of
will dive deep into the most critical challenges you’re facing, and will help your team. Professors work directly alongside you
you to develop the leadership skills you need to overcome them. to design a program that fits with the current needs
of your company and its goals for the future.

7+ years of professional experience

Barcelona, Madrid and Munich

2 days – 8 weeks (depending on the format)

On campus, blended, live online and online

English, Spanish 100% customizable

Embark on a
new future today
The EMBA Admissions Team offers you numerous
channels to learn more about the program and how
it can redefine your future. Take the first step on a new
professional future and get in touch with our team today.

Get to know us Checklist

Information interview Admission process
Contact us for a one-on-one meeting to discuss your needs, 1. Application:
concerns, and personal and professional objectives and jointly 2. Admissions test
explore where you are on your career path. 3. Admissions interview
4. Admissions committee
Open Days
Online documentation
Take part in an Open Day for an up-close view of the program.
GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment (EA) or IESE Admissions Test
You will get a taste of the IESE experience, gain firsthand insights
from EMBA alumni and learn how the program can catalyze your Certificate of English or request for exemption
professional growth. To learn more: Support letter from your current company Two letters of recommendation
Degree and academic record
Information Sessions National ID card or passport
The admissions team offers workshops in global venues around Photograph
the world to answer all of your questions.
Financing and grants

IESE EMBAssadors Financing and grants

EMBA graduates – also known as “EMBAssadors” – are Scholarships are available for Executive MBA students who
undoubtedly are best ambassadors. They will share their insights demonstrate outstanding leadership potential. To learn more:
about the program and their experience at IESE.

Entrance requirements Barcelona +34 93 602 44 54 [email protected]
· University degree Madrid +34 91 211 31 05 [email protected]
· At least five years of professional experience Munich +49 89 24 20 97 90 [email protected]
· English-language proficiency Sâo Paulo +55 11 31778200 [email protected]

Executive MBA IESE Business School

Executive MBA IESE Business School
New York
São Paulo

A Way to Learn . A Mark to Make . A World to Change .

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