07-Issue 7 - The Funnel Catcher
07-Issue 7 - The Funnel Catcher
07-Issue 7 - The Funnel Catcher
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very small pre-frame bridge. Typically the pre-frame bridge How Aware Is Your Traffic?
is a simple email. It's very short, and because they have a
strong relationship with us, we don't need to do a lot to get This next image shows a concept I learned from Gene
them in a state where they're ready to purchase. Schwartz as we were talking about the life cycle of
a customer. This graph again shows the three traffic
The second type of traffic is called warm traffic. These are temperatures - cold, warm and hot. You can see in the graph
not people who know you, but they already have a hot that hot customers are the most aware. Again, they know
relationship with somebody else (like an affiliate). That who you are, they have a relationship with you, and they will
person passes their relationship on to you so it’s coming to give you money for almost anything.
you as warm traffic. Usually you need to take warm traffic
through a pre-frame bridge as well, but that bridge is just As you move down that cycle, next is "product-aware." These
slightly longer than you’d use for hot traffic. are people who are aware of different product choices but
they may not quite know you yet.
The pre-frame bridge for warm traffic might be an email or
blog post from the affiliate warming them up to you. Again One level down is "solution-aware." These people know
that pre-frame bridge is pretty short. there's a problem and they know a couple different solutions,
but they don't know what products are available. They just
Then there are the cold hard masses. This is cold traffic, and know that different solutions exist.
it is the most difficult kind of traffic to convert. Typically,
these people don't know who you are and they might not And then as you move down a little further you've got
even know what your product is. Because of that, the funnel "problem-aware" where a prospect doesn’t know anything
catcher process really focuses on this type of traffic. How do about the products that are out there or the solutions.
you get these people warmed up to build a relationship with All they know is they've got a problem and want to fix it
you where they’re willing and able to buy? somehow or some way. And then at the end is "unaware."
Remember that most of the funnel catcher doesn't relate so Anywhere from solution aware to most aware, are typically
much to the hot or warm traffic, but it’s a concept that gives your warm and your hot traffic and they're very easy to
us the ability to convert cold traffic. convert. As we move down to unaware people or problem
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aware, we have to take them through a process to make pre-frame bridges that we use. I'll share with you a couple of
them solution aware and then product aware, and then examples that we showed at the live event.
most aware - and that's what this funnel catcher process is
all about. Pre-Frame Bridge 1: Micro-Commitment Quiz
Cold traffic needs some type of pre-frame bridge to bring The first type of pre-frame bridge we use for cold traffic is
them along this path. There are lots of different types of what we call a micro-commitment quiz. If you've read the
DotComSecrets Labs 108 Proven Split Test Winners book,
Conversion Rate you've seen a lot of the tests we've done include micro-
commitment quizzes.
These work very effectively for getting cold traffic into your
funnel quickly and then from there you can warm them up
through a bridge page, or a video or something to help them
move from being unaware all the way up to product aware,
which is what you are selling.
18% 35%
even more is an actual full quiz or survey. The way that a full
survey works is that somebody comes through, you ask them
a set of questions, and based on those questions, identify
Control Micro-Commitment
how aware they already are. Are they unaware, are they
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Example Pre-Frame Bridge 2: Full Survey
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problem aware, are they solution aware? Where are they? Pre-Frame Bridge 3: Conversion Articles
What are their interests and what are their needs?
The third bridge-type uses conversion articles. These are
After you've identified those things, you take them to a articles you post on your blog, or other people's blogs that
landing page that has a specific video speaking to them pre-sell your product or your service. Then you drive traffic
directly. directly to these blog posts.
In the past it's been difficult to create full quizzes, but in the Pre-Frame Bridge 4: YouTube Videos
very near future all DCS Labs members will have access to
our new software that allows you to create full quizzes and The fourth bridge type uses YouTube videos. YouTube
surveys and we're really excited about that. So that's the videos work very similar to conversion articles where we
second type of bridge. make a video that talks about a topic that the prospect
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Example Pre-Frame Bridge 5: Free Gift
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is used a lot in the internet marketing world. You can give and why it's so important. When you start creating these
away free swipe files, free reports, free videos or things like types of pre-frame bridges, it'll give you the ability to
that. Free gifts are a great way as well to get your dream capture cold traffic where they're at.
client to give you their email address.
You create different bait like free gifts, surveys, videos, or
Those are the six core types of pre-frame bridges that we articles, that you know your dream customers will listen to,
really focus on. In next month's newsletter I'm going to go read, and opt in for - and then you can bring those people
deeper into the funnel catcher concept. into your sales funnels and email sequences.
The next steps we’ll focus on are the platforms and the Everything else you're doing is going to help take that
content we create. We’ll also talk about the promotional person from unaware to problem aware, to solution aware,
strategy we use to get people to read the content, then get and eventually to product aware, where they're going to
from the content to the bridge page and to our funnels. start making investments and giving you money!
DCS Success
Darren Stephens, Inner Circle
Since then, for the past 20 years I have been helping other
business owners and entrepreneurs build their brands or
overcome mindset challenges using my hypnosis techniques
so they can achieve more success.
Now - this is an important point - we make it look like it’s a are already targeting your same demographic.
resource directory of services that is adding value to the reader.
We don’t want it to look like it’s all just paid advertisements Let’s say you’re doing a business book, then look at magazines
in the back of a book, especially as the publishing/book like “The Entrepreneur Magazine” or “Forbes Magazine.” Now
industry frowns on this type of marketing. So we need to be look through the magazine and see who all the advertisers
entrepreneurial in our approach. I guess it’s just like if you were are. They are all your new potential resources for your book.
doing a paid advertorial in a newspaper or magazine. Even
though it is advertising, it shouldn’t look like it is! You see... they’re all paying normally large amounts for an
advert that lasts only one month in the magazine edition.
You can offer them a better option by offering them a place
Q: What tips would you give authors trying to in the resource section of your book which won’t just last one
get advertisers for their own resource section? month, as on average a book lasts out in the market place four
to five years.
A: The best way to find the right people for the resource
section in your book is to find a magazine of the people who The other cool thing is that you can find out exactly how