Paper 3 Web Authoring

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ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation

Web Authoring
• 21.1 Web Development Layers
• 21.2 Create a Web Page
• 21.3 Use Stylesheets
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

• 21.4 Test and Publish a Website

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Web Development Layers

Presentation Layer Content layer: Behaviour layer

To format whole web To enter the content To enter scripting

Chapter 21: Web Authoring

page(s) or individual (Text, images, audio, language to a web page

elements. Stylesheet video etc) into a web or an individual element.
could include page page and to create
layouts using Div Tags suitable hyperlinks. • Image Effects
and text/table formatting • Pop up message
properties. The Content layer is in
the HTML.
The presentation layer is
in the CSS.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) – Content Layer

• HTML is used to develop the

content layer of the website.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

• The HTML file extension is .HTM

Content is
• HTML can be written in web between the Body
authoring or text editing software Tags
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) – Presentation Layer

• Styles can be created separately or

embedded into HTML.
No Style Sheet
• The CSS file extension is .CSS

• Style Sheets could be attached to a

number of webpages to give a
consistent layout and appearance.

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK Style Sheet Attached

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Creating CSS for Text Styles
Tip: If you have been giving the task of creating a CSS then make sure you use the CSS Window.
1) Create New CSS and then Save
2) Open the CSS Window – using this will eliminate mistakes Tip: Write all colours in 6
hexadecimal digits e.g.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

3) Select Tag and then write the name of the tag (H1, H2 etc.)
4) Select the properties for Tag (Size, colour etc.) #000000

1 2 3 4

Code – For Heading1

Tip: You can Align the style in Block
If you are writing the code the
center alignment is spelt at center.

Writing Centre will not work.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
CSS (Commonly Used Windows)
Type: Format Text Block: Alignment Background
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

List: Bullet Style Border: Internal/External Border Box: Format Table

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Body Tag Body Tag: Is used to set properties for the webpage
background. You can either browse and select an
image for the background or choose a colour. The
background repeat option will allow you to choose
how the background image will be laid out.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Tip: Make sure the background colour is not placed

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK in the type window.
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Web Authoring
Hexadecimal Colours

Red Green Blue RGB

# FF FF FF White
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

# FF 00 00 Full Red
The closer the number gets # 00 FF 00 Full Green
to 00 then the colour will
become a darker shade. # 00 00 FF Full Blue

# C0 00 00 ¾ ON (75%) Red
# 80 00 00 ½ On (50%) Red
# 40 00 00 ¼ on (25%) (Darker Shade)
# 00 00 00 OFF (Black)

Make sure all colour settings are in 6 digits Hexadecimal e.g. #000000
#000060 – (60 has been used in previous mark schemes when requested to set a
colour as a dark shade)
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Correcting CSS for Text Styles

Incorrect CSS Tip: If you are asked to

correct a CSS then you could
either re-write it completely
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

or edit the existing CSS and

correct the errors

• Font: Arial, Helvetica or
default sans-serif font
• Font Size: 24px
• Italic, Bold, Red
• Center Aligned.
Correct CSS
Corrected Mistakes

• Times New Roman removed

• Semi Colons (;) in correct
place at the end of each part
of the code.
• Font-Weight (missing dash)
• Colour now in correct format.
• } To close the CSS Tag
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Correcting CSS for Text Styles

Chapter 21: Web Authoring

If you are editing the
CSS then put the
brackets {Start & End }
#000080 in the correct place for
each tag.

Then use the CSS

window to enter correct
CSS and delete the old
(useless) code.
• No brackets to open and close CSS Tags
• No semi-colons to separate parts of the CSS
• Colours in wrong order
• Spelling mistakes
• Unnecessary Text

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Attaching Style Sheet

Attaching Style Sheet

1. Open the CSS Window
2. Click on the Attach Style Sheet Icon
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

3. Click on the browse button and select

4. Click Ok to Attach Style Sheet.

Table1.CSS Attached Table2.CSS Also Attached

Hierarchy of multiple attached stylesheets

Adding additional stylesheets will over rule elements from previously attached stylesheets. In the
example show above once the Table2.CSS is attached then the colour of the table has changed from
Yellow (from the Table1.CSS) to Blue (Table2.CSS) however the other elements have stayed the same.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Applying CSS Text Styles

CSS text styles for heading, paragraphs and list styles can be applied to text in a HTML webpage
(in the content layer). The properties panel at the bottom of the page can be used to apply
particular text styles. You can also use the code view to apply styles.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

1) Highlight the text.

2) Go to the properties panel
3) Select a specific format.

Heading 1 Style Applied List Styles (OL/UL)

Code View: Remember to open <h1> and close </h1> the tags

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
CSS for Tables

TD: Internal Border (Style, Size, Colour)

Table: External Border (Style, Size, Colour)

Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Table Colour, Padding, Text Alignment,

Table size, Collapse Border etc

Tip: If you have set internal borders for a table then create the additional TD Tag.
TD: Internal Border
• Solid, 2 Px, Navy Blue (80)

Table: External Border

Both TD/Table
• Solid, 4 Pixels, Navy Blue (80)
• Yellow Background Colour
• 80% Width of the window
• Cell Padding (Top & Bottom 10Px), (Left
& Right 20Px)
• Text Align Centre
• Collapse Border

Some tags from table would also work in TD like

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK text alignment or cell padding.
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Web Authoring
Border Collapse

Before Border Collapse

Chapter 21: Web Authoring

After Border Collapse

Tip: Border Collapse will make

the border into one as you can
see in the example.

You can preview the difference

in the browser or live view.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Creating a Table

Creating Tables
1) Insert >> Table
2) Work out the number
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

of rows and columns.

3) Set border, padding
and spacing if

Merging Cells: Highlight cells to merge.

Right click >> Table >> Merge Cells.

Column Width: You can change a column width

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK to the a percentage in the properties panel.
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Web Authoring
Setting Table Size
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Width (W) and

• You can either resize a table element in the Height (H) can
properties panel or in the Code. also be set as a
• In the exam you may have to highlight the
code which shows the table/TD sizes.

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Web Authoring
Creating a Table

TR Table Row
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

TD Table Data


To set the height of the table you must go

into the code view.

You would have to click after the table

width and then enter Height. You can then
set the height.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Tables are used to structure (layout) the content on a webpage. Table HTML Tags:
HTML tags are used to format the table. The table header (Thead), Table:v
footer (Tfoot) and body (Tfoot) needs to be inserted in this order. TD: Table Data
THEAD & TH: Header
Tfoot: Footer
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Tbody: Body

Table Body

Table Header Table Footer

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Creating Table Style Sheet
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Table: Used for general settings for the table

Table Colour, Padding , Text Alignment, Table size,
Collapse Border etc
TD (Table Data): Used to format the TD.

Tables can be used to layout

content in a webpage. Thead (TH): Used to format the header of the table.
Tfoot: Used to format the footer of the table.
Tbody: Used to format the body of the table.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Table HTML Tags and Embedded CSS
HTML Tags could be used or edited to apply additional
formatting. For example you may want to change the Border not visible
background colour of a table row. in live view
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Increase this number for border thickness.

You can also create CSS

Style tag to format
elements of your table.
For Example: Border
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Web Authoring
Use of Embedded CSS in HTML Nov 2015
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Table Alignment
The properties panel can be used to align content (V or H) in a Table Cell (TD).
Chapter 21: Web Authoring


You can also use embedded CSS in

HTML for formatting either vertical or
Horizontal alignment in a cell (TD)

Horizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
• 21.1 Web Development Layers
• 21.2 Create a Web Page
• 21.3 Use Stylesheets
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

• 21.4 Test and Publish a Website

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Software Choices
Images: Use Fireworks if it says open a the file in a suitable application (Jpeg or Gif)
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Images: Use Dreamweaver if they don’t mention the use of a suitable software. You
can use the properties panel to resize an image.

Aspect Ratio: Keep the padlock

locked to maintain the aspect ratio
Properties Panel
HTML & CSS: Use Dreamweaver for these file types.

You would use Dreamweaver to

create or edit CSS or HTML files.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Resize an image in a suitable application

Tip: If it asks you to resize an image in a suitable software than you must
use Adobe Fireworks.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

1) Open the image

2) Click on Modify >>
Canvas >> Image
3) Write in the new
dimensions of the

If you wish to maintain the aspect ratio then make sure

Constrain Proportions has been selected.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Flip Horizontal/Vertical (Reflect)
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

You can also use

the Icons shown to
flip an image (V/H).

You can rotate an image using the

Scale Tool.

1) Select the image

2) Click on Modify >>
Transform>> Flip
This will flip the image

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK After: Horizontal Flip

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Editing Graphics (Cropping Image): Cropping is to remove a part of an image.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

In the example shown above the left side of the

image (Green) has been cropped off so the image is
Example Cropping Question
1200 PX wide and 800 PX high.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Editing Graphics: Brightness and Contrast
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Original Image Increased Brightness Increased Contrast

1) Click on Filter >>

Adjust Color >>

Then apply the

appropriate brightness
or contrast settings.

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Web Authoring
Editing Graphics: Colour Depth

Increasing the
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

colour depth
will increase
the time taken
to show the
image in the
web browser.

Increasing the colour depth will increase the quality

of the image which will mean an increased file size.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Exporting Graphics

In Export Wizard you can do the following: Image Format

• Select the format of the image (Gifs & Jpegs)
• Optimize the quality of the Image
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

• Change colour setting

• See the file size.
• Sometimes you may have to change a GIF into a JPG.

File Size


Reducing image resolution will reduce the image size.

This will allow the image to load up quicker on the web
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Alternative Text

Alternative Text can be added when importing an image.

The alternative text will show if the image does not load
up. The alternative text can also be typed into the
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

windows panel shown below. Typically the alternative text

would have to be highlighted in the HTML code.

text can be
added when
inserting the

Alternative text can be added in the properties panel

after you have inserted the image.
Alternative text is shown when
the image can not be loaded.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Inserting Content (Text and Images) into a Table

Blank Table
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Text can be entered or copied and To insert an image click on the

pasted in from external sources. table cell (TD) and then click on:

Insert >>> Image

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Applying List Styles

Unordered List - UL
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Ordered List – OL

OL/UL will pick up properties from a LI tag (Size, Font).

WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK Unique settings can be set for OL/UL tags like disc styles.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring

To link to an external webpage select either the

image or text and then insert the URL address
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

into the Link section of the properties panel.

You can select the option to open to a new


You can name the new window by replacing

_BLANK with the name of the new window e.g

You can hyperlink to another internal webpage

from your website if you select the folder. Then
you can select the HTML file which you should
find in the root folder of your website.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Absolute and Relative File Paths

Absolute File Path: Is the complete path to the file location.

Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Relative File Path: Is the file path from the current directory.

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Importing Media Content (Audio, Video etc)

1 You can also select other media

content like FLV or SWF
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

To Insert Media Content you have to click on:

1. Insert >> Media >> Plugin
2. Browse for the file
3. Resize the Plugin
4. Preview in the browser

3 4

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring

Placed An anchor will let you link to

Anchor a specific part of a page.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

For Example you can create

an Named anchor at the top
of the page.
Anchor You then create a link to
return to the top of the page
This text will be linked by referring to the Named
to the anchor which
anchor. #Top
has been placed at
the top of the page.

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Web Authoring
Email Link

mailto:[email protected]
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

You can also click

on Insert >> email link

Email Link with a subject Line

mailto:[email protected]?subject=Donation by Yasar Ahmad 5678

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Printing & Highlighting Code
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

Select for Select for CSS

HTML Code Code

Select to print code.

Tip: If you are asked to print the CSS make sure

you write your name as comment.

You need to start the comment with /*

You need to end the comment with */

ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Printing & Highlighting Code

Tip: Use the split view to help you

highlight code at the end of the
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

1. Highlight the part of the

content (link) which needs to be
2. On the printout refer to the row
number and highlight the code

Example Highlight Question

which is normally found at the
end of the paper 3.

Your code could either be in the

evidence document or printed
from Dreamweaver.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Publish a Website

1. To upload a website you need to purchase a domain name ( and

2. The hosting provider will give you user login details so that you are able to upload your
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

website into their hosting space.

3. To be able to upload the your website you need FTP (File Transfer Protocol) application.
Once you have logged in you will see the files on your computer on one side and the hosted
files on the other side.
4. You need to ensure that files are kept in appropriate web folders and that uploaded files
mirror how you have your files saved on a computer.

Computer Files Hosted Files

Files/folders are organised in exactly

the same way.
Files can be uploaded by dragging them from your
WWW.YAHMAD.CO.UK computer to the hosting space.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Test a Website

Why Test your Web Page? Functional Testing

• To ensure all components of the
webpage are working correctly before • Check if hyperlinks (including anchors, email
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

they are published online. links) are working.

• Do all images appear including alternative
text if image is unavailable.
• Is the table structure correct.
Suitable Tests • Stylesheet (If it is attached and whether the
Choose Suitable Testing Criteria correct styles have been used)
• Correct image sizes and alternative texts
• Correct use of borders (Visible/Non Visible).
Tip: You may be asked to test 4 components
of the website. Choose Test topics shown to
the right.
Create a Test Table

Test How Expected Actual Action Taken

Checking Click on each link All links to go to All links work as No action
Hyperlinks in the browser the correct page. expected. required.
ICT IGCSE Practical – Revision Presentation
Web Authoring
Test a Website

User Testing?
• Feedback will be gathered from a variety of different users who will test the website and
give their feedback.
Chapter 21: Web Authoring

User Testing
• Tasks to complete using the site checking the
• Entering data into a form (e.g. creating
a new email account)
• Navigation around the webpage.

• Questions to Answer
• What is the purpose of the website?
• Is the content easy to understand?
• What are the positive and negative
features of the website? A User form could be created so that
• Is it easy to use the website and users testing the website and write
navigate from page to page. their feedback.
• What could be improved?


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