Unit 1 Ict

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1.1 Hardware
1.1.1 Understand the features and functions of contemporary digital devices.
Features and functions:
Digital Device Features
• Portability:
Easy to carry. Size/Weight
How well and quick a device performs a task, such as a high modern pc can work far more
complex tasks than PC from 80s, due to the high speed and memory.
• Performance
Performs job quickly
Speed = speed carry out instructions:
- Faster processor - RAM size - Virtual memory (backup when RAM out)
-Efficiently written software
• Storage
More free storage = more files/progs stored; Storage speed = performance
• User Interface
Means used to interact w/device:
- CLI - GUI (WIMP) - Menu-Driven - Voice interface - Gesture interface
What the user uses to use the used. Is a bride between a computer and a human, it helps
human use the computer, and computer to understand the user.
• Connectivity
- Updates software - backup files - share data
The ability of a device to connect to other devices with or without wires. A PC has a good
connectivity because it can connect to Wi-Fi, and therefore the internet as well as land
connection, but a smartphone has better connectivity because it can connect to Wi-Fi, but
also has 3G and potentially accessibility, as well as Bluetooth functions.
• Media Support
Ability read/write diff types of media
- SD cards - DVDs
IF no built-in media
- Adapters connect to external device - Media inserted to ext
• Energy Consumption
Low EC = longer battery life
Low EC devices = more environmentally friendly
• Security Features
Software security
- Password - Pin - Biometric scanners
Physical security
-Security slots w/locks
•Expansion Capability
• Ability install additional components - Expansion slots - USB ports
Contemporary digital devices:
 Define Computer
- Electronic - Manipulated data - Obtain info - Can store/retrieve/process data
It is an electronic device that manipulates information or data, it has the ability to store
retrieved or processes data. Computers are able to type documents and play games, and
browse a web. Ex: Laptops, Tablets, Desktops.
 Embedded Systems Components
- Micro-controller Based - software - Driven and reliable - Real-time control system
Application software\
Real Time Operating System\
- Sets rules during app prog
Embedded system can be an independent system or part of a larger system. And they
microcontroller or processor based systems. Ex: MP3 players, video gaming consoles,
digital cameras, microwave ovens, washing machine.
Embedded Systems Characteristics
- specialized operations - repeatedly
Microprocessor based
- NEEDS connected peripherals - connect input/output devices
 Define Peripheral Devices
- Device - Internal/external - Helps user - Access computer functionalities
Input: Hardware; Provide data to computer
Output: Communicates results, of progressed data
 Storage devices.
- Hardware - Use = storage/porting/extracting - Data files/objects
Primary Storage (main/internal memory):
- Stores volatile data - Stores temp. - For short PoT - While computer running
Secondary Storage (auxiliary/internal storage):
- Non-volatile data storage - Int/ext - Perm storage
Storage Devices Examples
• Hard Disk • CD R/CD RW • DVD • USB stick
Magnetic Storage Devices
- Data stored - Tiny magnetized fits - Created/read/erased using magnetic fields
- By tiny electromagnets
• Hard Disk
• Magnetic Tape
- dots arranged - long plastic strip - coated in magnetizable layer
• Floppy Disk
• Zip Disk
Optical Storage Devices
- Data stored - Dot pattern - Read by laser beam - Bouncing it off surface - Beam hits
dot - .•. Reflected differently - Diff detected = so data read
• CD – R • CD – RW • DVD – R • DVD – RW • Blu - Ray Disks
Solid State Devices
- Electronic circuits - W/ no moving parts - Store FM
Flash Memory
- Electronically Erasable Programmable ROM - Non-volatile = ROM
- Changable/erasable = RAM
• USB Memory Drives • Pen Drives • SD Cards • Smart Cards
 Mobile Phones
A mobile phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls. It also supports a
verity of other services such as texting messaging, multimedia applications, emails, internet
access and more. Ex: Smartphone, and feature phones.
Mobile Phone Components
• Battery
- Power source - For phone functions
• Input Mechanism
- Keyboard - Interact
• Roaming
- Same phone - Multiple countries

1.1.2 Understand the technologies used by digital devices:

 Global Positioning System (GPS)
- System - Determines precise position - Through a series of satellites/tracking
- Find location - Navigate - Tracking
 Biometrics
- Identification of user - Based on unique physical characteristic
- Authenticate identity/access control - Identifying individual under surveillance
 Touchscreen
- Device - Allows user interact w/ computer - By touching areas on the screen
- Input data
 Sensor
- Device responds to physical stimulus
- Transmits a resulting impulse

Use - Detect proximity

 Memory

Memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily. Ex: RAM.

 Storage
See above
 Battery Power

Battery Power is the capacity of a device to supply power enabling the device to
work without a power supply.
 Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)

Radio Frequency Identification, it is a type of wireless technology which uses

electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.
 Near-Field Communication (NFC)

Near Field Communication, it is a short range wireless technology that enables

simple and secure communication, between compatible devices which can send and
receive data.
 Quick Response (QR) Code

Quick Response code, is the two dimensional barcode able to convey information
with the scan of a mobile device or QR scanner.
 Connectivity

This refers of the ability of a software application or piece of equipment to connect

to another application or piece of equipment.
1.1.3 Understand the term ‘technical convergence’ in the context of digital
Technical Convergence Definition
- Combination - Two/more diff tech - In single device
Technical Convergence Benefits
- Mobility - Low cost - Integration of services
Technical Convergence Examples
- Smart phones - Smart TV - Smart watch
1.1.4 Understand the concept of, need for, features and functions of
embedded systems.
Embedded systems are a computer hardware system that have software designed to do a
certain function. This could be done as an independent system or it could be a part of a
larger system.
Real time embedded system
These systems are mainly used for anything logical related. This is because this is
connected with a time period, an example of this pacemakers and aircraft controls. It works
on real time situation.
Standalone embedded system
These systems do not require a host system, in order to function properly, they just use input
and produce the output. Example for this system are ATM machines and home security
Network embedded system
These systems deal with any network related design and hardware. These systems
protocols in order to exchange data between different networks embedded system. An
example for this Ethernet, which connects you to the internet.
Mobile embedded system
These systems retain to any memory or device linked with a mobile phone, these systems
are used in any smart phone that exists. Wireless headphones, Camera, uses less memory,
and mainly portable.
Embedded system components
Hardware consists of processors, timers and memories. Hardware that is used in embedded
system, must be microprocessor based. Timers are used in most hardware that are included
in embedded system. The memory that is incorporated in embedded systems are usually
Application Software
These are one or more programs that are designed for the users, EX: gaming console- web
browser, file opener.
Real-time operating system
RTOS, these are the most important aspects of embedded system. This is because it makes
embedded systems be able to run multiple tasks concurrently. It also provides security,
privacy, and solutions, to any system requirements.
Characteristics of embedded system
Multi operational, Real time operational, User interface, Specific algorithm, Specific function
*Algorithm in case it will create a program, so for example solving a problem with a solution,
function is an inbuilt commands.

Props Cones
Smaller size Difficult to change features
Portability Issues of scalability
Low power operation Limitation of hardware
Real time responses Applied for specific purpose,
only work for a single feature
Reduced cost
1.1.5 Understand the concept of and need for firmware.
Firmware Definition
- Small piece of software - Makes hardware work/do what need to do
Where Firmware Stored?
- Written directly into hardware - Stored in Flash ROM
Firmware vs Drivers
- Installed inside OS - Run by OS - Tells OS how to communicate w/same devices
- Stored on hardware - Self start/work by self - Tells Device what to do
Types of firmware
Low level firmware
It is often stored on non-volatile read only chips, such as ROM, it can’t be re-written or
updated. Devices with low level firmware only has one time low level read only memory
High level firmware
It allows update, so it is more complex than low level firmware. For example in computers
high level firmware comes in flash memory chips.
Subsystem firmware
It often comes as a part of an embedded system it also can update and more complex than
low level firmware.
1.1.6 Understand factors that can be used to assess the performance of digital
 Speed
Better performance
- More cores (more channels) - Faster clock speed - More catch = more data stored
- More RAM = faster - More processors = faster
 capacity
Hard Drive
- Says how much storage capacity computer has
Floppy Disk = 1.4 MB CD-ROM = 700 MB DVD = 4.7 GB Blu-Ray = 128 GB
Hard Drive = 8 TB Magnetic Tape = 185 TB
 portability
- Size - Weight
 bandwidth
- Data amt - Transmitted over network - in given PoT
Determine quality/speedA
Measure :
- Count total amt - Traffic sent/received - Across PoT
- Transfer file of known size - Count length transfer takes
 Power efficiency.
- Battery life - Larger screen/keyboard/device = less time can run on charged battery
1.1.7 Be able to calculate data file size and time needed to transmit a file.
File Size Calculation IMAGE
pixels length x pixel width = Resolution
Resolution x bit depth
8 (= bytes) x 1000 (= kilobytes)
File Size Calculation AUDIO
Bits Per Sample x Samples Per Second x Channels = Bit Rate

Bit Rate x duration x 60 (secs)

8 (bytes) x 1000 (KB) x 1000 (MB)
Time Needed Transmit File Calculation
File size (MB) x 1000 (KB) x 8 (Kb)
File size per Kb
File size (kb)
= ——————— /60 (minutes) / 60 (hours) Unit file size
8 bits = 1 byte, 1024 byte = 1 kilo byte, 1024 kilobyte = 1 megabyte, 1024 megabyte =
terabyte, 1024 terabyte = 1 petabyte, 1024 petabyte = 1exabyte, 1024 Exabyte = 1 zeta
byte, 1024 zeta byte = 1 yottabyte

1.1.8 Be able to use and convert between binary and denary as defined by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
Kibi/Mebi/Gibi/Tebi Kibi = 1024 Mebi = 1024 x 1024 Gibi = 1024 x 1024 x 1024
Tebi = 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024
Kilo same w/1000
ByteBit = 1 or 0 Nibble = 4 bits Byte = 8 bits

1.1.9 Be able to select digital devices to meet the needs and requirement of
individuals and organisations.
Factors Determine Which Digital Device
Additional input/output devices Capacity Hard drive Amout RAM
Factors Determine Which Digital Device
Monitor Type Printer Type (if required)
1.2 Software

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