Panchgavya Have Medicinal Values: True or False

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Government of India
Ministry of Ayush

NBCC Office Block-III(2nd Floor),

East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023

Dated: 28th October, 2022


Mr. Naresh Kadyan,

C-38, Rose Apartment, Prashant Vihar, Rohini,
Delhi, Pin:110085,
Email Id:[email protected]

Subject: RTI application vide Reg. No. AYUSH/R/E/22/00636/1, dated 18/10/2022, for
seeking information under RTI Act, 2005-reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to above online RTI application vide Reg. No.
AYUSH/R/E/22/00636/1, dated 18/10/2022. In this regard, the point wise reply is as under:
S.N. Information Sought Text for Reply
1. Proper reply on letter pad with The sought information is not under the
designation, on DOARE/E/2021/00078, purview of Ministry of Ayush. Hence, it is
with the all evidences and research as suggested that you may directly contact
reply admitted PANCHGAVYA as the concerned public authority for
medicinal qualities, confirming point wise desirable information through separate
as attached with DOARE/E/2021/00078, applications in accordance with the Para
reply received from IVRI, Izatnagar. 3(iii) of guidelines prescribed by Ministry
2. Action taken on MOEAF/E/2022/02475, of Personnel, Public Grievances &
DOAHD/E/2019/00023, Pensions, Department of Personnel &
MOEAF/E/2019/00087, along with Training (OM No. 10/2/2008-IR dated
complete details about Panchgavya, 12th June, 2008) (Copy Enclosed).
Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing,
besides all efforts for the Protection of
Traditional Knowledge, related to cow
and their products, being Universal
Heritage creature
3. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog uploaded
following information, as per page 3 to
9, confirm point wise and item wise, as
claimed by the Central Government.
4. Describe utility of Panchgavya as There is no information available in the
medicinal values, under Allopathy, Drug Policy Section of the Ministry of
Cowpathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayush on this subject. Therefore, the RTI
Ayurveda, Unani etc. application is being partially transferred
under Section 6 (3) to the CCRAS,
CCRH, CCRUM and CCRYN with a
request to provide the information directly
to the applicant under intimation to this
Ministry and can be dispose off this
matter against the relevant fee as under
subsection (1) of Section 7, of RTI act,
5. Supply all communications, policy, Answer same as point No.-1 to 3
guidelines, circulars, advisories and file
notings, with present status, action


taken on Panchgavya,

2. In case, you are not satisfied with the information, you may approach the First Appellate
Authority, Dr. Kousthubha Upadhayaya, Adviser (Ay.), Drug Policy Section, Room No. 201,
Contact No. 20815348 NBCC Office Block-III(2 nd Floor), East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-
110023 within thirty days from the date of receipt of this letter.

Encl: As above
Yours faithfully

Under Secretary to the Government of India & CPIO

Copy to:

1. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Jawahar Lal,

Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homoeopathy, Anusandhan Bhavan, 61-65, Institutional
Area, Opposite ‘D’ Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
2. Central Council for Research inHomoeopathy (CCRH),Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya
ChikitsaAvum Homoeopathy, AnusandhanBhavan, 61-65, Institutional Area,Opposite ‘D’
Block, Janakpuri,New Delhi.
3. Central Council for Research in Yogaand Naturopathy (CCRYN),Jawahar Lal Nehru
Bhartiya ChikitsaAvum Homoeopathy, AnusandhanBhavan, 61-65, Institutional
Area,Opposite ‘D’ Block, Janakpuri,New Delhi
4. Central Council for Research in UnaniMedicine (CCRUM),Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya
ChikitsaAvum Homoeopathy, AnusandhanBhavan, 61-65, Institutional Area,Opposite
‘D’Block, Janakpuri,New Delhi.
5. Section Officer, RTI Cell, Ministry of AYUSH in reference to RTI application of Mr.
Naresh Kadyan Reg. No. AYUSH/R/E/22/00636/1, dated 18/10/2022, with the request to
update the status in RTI website.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi

Dated: the 12th June, 2008

Subject: RTI applications recHived by a public authority regarding information

concerning other public authority/authorities.

It has been brought to thH notice of this Department that requests are made to
the public a.uthorities under the Right to Information Act for pieces of information
which do nf.)t concern those public authorities. Some times, such an information is
sought, a part or no part of which is available with the public authority to which the
application is made and remaining or whole of the information concerns another
public authority or many other public authorities. A question has arisen as to how to
d'3al with such cases.

2. 'Section 6( 1) of the RTI Act, 2005 provides that a person who desires to obtain
any in formation shall make a request to the public information officer (PlO) of the
concE~rned public authority. Section 6(3) provides that where an application is made
to a public.authorityrequestingforanyinformation which is held by another public
auth'orityor the subject matter of which is more closely connected with the functions
of another public authority, the public authority to which such application is made,
sha 11 transfer the application to that other public authority. A careful reading of the
provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section(3) of Section 6, suggests that the Act
requires an information seeker to address the application to the PlO of the
'concerned public authority'.· However, there may be cases in which a person of
ol."dinary prudence may believe that the piece of information sought by him/her would
be available with the public authority to which he/she has addressed the application,
'out is actually held by some another pUblic authority. In such cases, the applicant
-makes a bonafide mistake of addressing the application to the PlO of a wrong public
authority. On the other hand where an applicant addresses the application to the
PlO of a public authority, which to a person of ordinary prudence, would not appear
to be the' concern of that public authority, the applicant does not fulfill his
responsibility of addressing the application to the 'concerned public authority'.
3. Given hereinunder are some situations which may arise in the matter and action
required to be taken by the public authorities in such cases:

(i) A person makes an application to a public authority for some information

which concerns some another public authority. In such a case, the PlO
receiving the application should transfer the application to the concerned
public authority under intimation to the applicant. However, if the PlO of the
public authority is not able to find out as to which public authority is concer':led
with the information even after making reasonable efforts to find out the
concerned public authority, he should inform the applicant that the information
is not available with that public authority and that he is not aware of the
particulars of the concerned public authority to which the application could be
transferred. It would, however, be the responsibility of the PlO, if an appeal is
made against his decision, to establish that he made reasonable efforts to
find out the particulars of the concerned public authority.

(ii) A person makes an application to a public authority for information, only a

part of which is available with that public authority and a part of the
information concerns some 'another public authority.' In such a case, the PlO
should supply the information available with him and a copy of the application
should be sent to that another public authority under intimation to the

(iii) A person makes an application to a public authority for information, a part of

which is available with that public authority and the rest of the information is
scattered with more than one other public authorities. In such a case, the PlO
of the public authority receiving the application should give information
relating to it and advise the applicant to make separate applications to the
concerned public authorities for obtaining information from them. If no part of
the information sought, is available with it but is scattered with more than one
other public authorities, the PlO should inform the applicant that information is
not available with the public authority and that the applicant should make
separate applications to the concerned public authorities for obtaining
information from them. It may be noted that the Act requires the supply of
such information only which already exists and is held by the public authority
or held under the control of the public authority. It is beyond the scope of the
Act for a public authority to create information. Collection of information, parts
of which are available with different public authorities, would amount to
creation of information which a public authority under the Act is not required
to do. At the same time, since the information is not related to anyone
particular public authority, it is not the case where application should be
transferred under sub-section (3) of Section 6 of the Act. It is pertinent to
note that sub-section (3) refers to 'another public authority' and not 'other
public authorities'. Use of singular form in the Act in this regard is important
to note.
(iv) If a person makes an application to a public authority for some information
which is the concern of a public authority under any State Government or
the Union Territory Administration, the Central Public Information Officer
(CPIO) of the public authority receiving the application should inform the
applicant that the information may be had from the concerned State
Government!UT Administration. Application, in such a case, need not be
transferred to the State Government!UT Administration.

2. Union Public Service Commission/ Lok Sabha Sectt.l Rajya Sabha

Secretariat! Cabinet Secretariat! Central Vigilance Commission/ President's
Secretariat! Vice-President's Secretariat! Prime Minister's Office/ Planning
Commission/Election Commission.

5. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar
Marg, New Delhi.

6. All officers/Desks/Sections, Department of Personnel & Training and

Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare.
10/28/22, 11:50 AM RTI Details

RTI REQUEST DETAILS (आरटीआई अनुरोध विवरण)

Registration Number (पंजीकरण AYUSH/R/E/22/00636/1 Date of Receipt (प्राप्ति 18/10/2022

संख्या) : की तारीख) :

Online Receipt Language of Request English

Type of Receipt (रसीद का प्रकार) :
(अनुरोध की भाषा) :

Name (नाम) : Naresh Kadyan Gender (लिंग) : Male

Address (पता) : C-38, Rose Apartment, Prashant Vihar, Rohini, Delhi, Pin:110085

य) : Delhi
State (राज्‍ Country (देश) : India

Details not provided Mobile Number +91-

Phone Number (फोन नंबर) :
(मोबाईल नंबर) : 9813010595

Email-ID (ईमेल-आईडी) : [email protected]

Urban Above
Status (स्थिति)(Rural/Urban) : Education Status :
Is Requester Below Poverty Line No Indian
Citizenship Status
? (क्या आवेदक गरीबी रेखा से नीचे का
है?) :

0 (Received by Ministry Mode of Payment Payment

Amount Paid (राशि का भुगतान) : of AYUSH) (original Gateway
recipient) (भुगतान का प्रकार)

Does it concern the life or Liberty No(Normal) Sh. Madan

Request Pertains to
of a Person? Lal Meena,
(अनुरोध निम्नलिखित DPS
(क्या यह किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन
संबंधित है) :
अथवा स्वतंत्रता से संबंधित है?) :

Information Sought (जानकारी As per section 74 of Indian Evidence Act, read with section 4 of RTI
Act, all public documents be in public domain, under 76 of Indian
मांगी): Evidence Act, read with RTI Act, supply all communications, policy,
guidelines, circulars, advisories and file notings, with present status,
action taken, related to Panchgavya:
1. Proper reply on letter pad with designation, on
DOARE/E/2021/00078, with the all evidences and research as reply
admitted PANCHGAVYA as medicinal qualities, confirming point
wise as attached with DOARE/E/2021/00078, reply received from
IVRI, Izatnagar.
2. Action taken on MOEAF/E/2022/02475, DOAHD/E/2019/00023,
MOEAF/E/2019/00087, along with complete details about
Panchgavya, Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing, besides all efforts
for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, related to cow and their
products, being Universal Heritage creature.
3. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog uploaded following information, as
per page 3 to 9, confirm point wise and item wise, as claimed by the
Central Government.
4. Describe utility of Panchgavya as medicinal values, under
Allopathy, Cowpathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Unani… 1/2
10/28/22, 11:50 AM RTI Details

5. Supply all communications, policy, guidelines, circulars,
advisories and file notings, with present status, action taken on
Panchgavya, as RTI application as attached, point wise reply
required with proof.
AWBI Advisory 9(k), with Regulation under 10 of PCA Act:
Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog on official website confirmed that
Medicinal Significance: Panchgavya is recognized as a medicine in
Ayurveda. If the five items that we get from Cows are used together
by mixing it, it becomes a panacea for our health and wellness.
PanchGavya eliminates diseases by increasing the immunity of the
body. These are all different and have the best medicinal properties
as a combination, that too, without any adverse side effects. Apart
from this, if we are taking any other medicine, then PanchGavya acts
as a catalyst.
As per section 74 of Indian Evidence Act, read with section 4 of RTI
Act, all public documents be in public domain, under 76 of Indian
Evidence Act, read with RTI Act, supply all communications, policy,
guidelines, circulars, advisories and file notings, with present status,
action taken, related to Panchgavya:
1. Proper reply on letter pad with designation, on
DOARE/E/2021/00078, with the all evidences and research as reply
admitted PANCHGAVYA as medicinal qualities, confirming point
wise as attached with DOARE/E/2021/00078, reply received from
IVRI, Izatnagar.
2. Action taken on MOEAF/E/2022/02475, DOAHD/E/2019/00023,
MOEAF/E/2019/00087, along with complete details about
Panchgavya, Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing, besides all efforts
for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, related to cow and their
products, being Universal Heritage creature.
3. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog uploaded following information, as
Original RTI Text (मूल आरटीआई per page 3 to 9, confirm point wise and item wise, as claimed by the
Central Government.
पाठ): 4. Describe utility of Panchgavya as medicinal values, under
Allopathy, Cowpathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Unani
5. Supply all communications, policy, guidelines, circulars,
advisories and file notings, with present status, action taken on
Panchgavya, as RTI application as attached, point wise reply
required with proof.
AWBI Advisory 9(k), with Regulation under 10 of PCA Act:
Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog on official website confirmed that
Medicinal Significance: Panchgavya is recognized as a medicine in
Ayurveda. If the five items that we get from Cows are used together
by mixing it, it becomes a panacea for our health and wellness.
PanchGavya eliminates diseases by increasing the immunity of the
body. These are all different and have the best medicinal properties
as a combination, that too, without any adverse side effects. Apart
from this, if we are taking any other medicine, then PanchGavya acts
as a catalyst.
Close… 2/2

As per section 74 of Indian Evidence Act, read with section 4 of RTI Act, all public
documents be in public domain, under 76 of Indian Evidence Act, read with RTI Act,
supply all communications, policy, guidelines, circulars, advisories and file notings, with
present status, action taken, related to Panchgavya:
1. Proper reply on letter pad with designation, on DOARE/E/2021/00078, with the all
evidences and research as reply admitted PANCHGAVYA as medicinal qualities,
confirming point wise as attached with DOARE/E/2021/00078, reply received from
IVRI, Izatnagar.
2. Action taken on MOEAF/E/2022/02475, DOAHD/E/2019/00023,
MOEAF/E/2019/00087, along with complete details about Panchgavya, Sustainable Use
and Benefit Sharing, besides all efforts for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge,
related to cow and their products, being Universal Heritage creature.
3. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog uploaded following information, as per page 3 to 9,
confirm point wise and item wise, as claimed by the Central Government.
4. Describe utility of Panchgavya as medicinal values, under Allopathy, Cowpathy,
Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Unani etc.
5. Supply all communications, policy, guidelines, circulars, advisories and file notings,
with present status, action taken on Panchgavya, as RTI application as attached, point
wise reply required with proof.
AWBI Advisory 9(k), with Regulation under 10 of PCA Act: Rashtriya Kamdhenu
Aayog on official website confirmed that Medicinal Significance: Panchgavya is
recognized as a medicine in Ayurveda. If the five items that we get from Cows are used
together by mixing it, it becomes a panacea for our health and wellness. PanchGavya
eliminates diseases by increasing the immunity of the body. These are all different and
have the best medicinal properties as a combination, that too, without any adverse side
effects. Apart from this, if we are taking any other medicine, then PanchGavya acts as a
Each and every ingredient of PanchGavya is endowed with full and important qualities
and is miraculous. Let’s learn in detail, each and every ingredient individually, their
benefits and uses as well. Colour of the Desi Cows is also responsible for being helpful in
particular diseases. Let’s look into how colour helps us.
Cow Dung (Gaumay): Also known as Gobar (गोबर) in Sanskrit, cow Dung is the most
expensive thing that Cows has given us. Gobar is basionyms of two words Gau (Desi
Cow) and var (the best). It is the best Gavya that Desi Cow has given us. Cow Dung is
an excellent seed protector. It helps seeds from pests. In olden times, our ancestors used
to use Cow Dung for flooring. This ensured that the flies would not sit on the floor.
Ensure that the insects and reptiles do not enter home. Cow Dung is an excellent
antiseptic, skin tonic and tooth polish. Cow dung is superior to other dung because it is
antiseptic and has prophylactic (disease preventive) properties. It destroys

microorganisms that cause disease, fermentation and putrefaction. Other dungs need to
be composted to be purified. It should be kept in mind that fresh cow dung is pure, but
once it has laid on the ground awhile, it starts to change. Cow dung as described in our
Scriptures is a definite indication of prosperity evident from Gobar-dhan Puja, next day
of Deepawali (a very popular festival of India during Oct. or Nov.).
In short, Desi Cow Dung is purifying, antiseptic agent stops gas disorders pesticide and
fertilizer in India, dried dung is used like charcoal it is also a form of energy-producing
methane gas.
Cow Urine (Gau Mutra): Cow Urine is a rare gift that mankind has got. It’s harmless,
used in human welfare and health protector chemical. It is sustaining the health of a
healthy person, kills the germs of dreaded diseases. Its compositional properties are
heated, juicy, and basic in nature. Its amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of
germs destroys most germs related to diseases. Cow urine is great elixir, proper diet,
pleasing to heart, the giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It
removes all blood disorders. Gaumutra acts as an antidote for phlegm, abdominal
diseases, eye diseases, and bladder diseases, lumbar, Kas, respiratory diseases,
inflammation, liver diseases. In medicine, it is used as internal and external use. It is
extremely useful in many chronic and incurable diseases. Urea diuretics are germicides.
Potassium is an appetizer, blood pressure regulator. Sodium regulates fluid volume and
nervous power. Magnesium and calcium regulate heart rate.
Desi Cow Urine stops gas disorders cures ailments born from mucus, bile and gas help
with acidity, stomach disease and more removes leprosy and other skin diseases. Cow
urine being a miraculous poisons destroyer, destroys the disease caused by poisons or
toxins. Cow urine provides immunity by increasing resistance power in the human
body. By regularly taking cow urine before sickness, we gain so much immunity that
any attack of diseases is repulsed
During the spiritual healing, Gaumutra heals the root cause of the problem with
maximum effect. For example, skin rash is caused by negative energies. The only
disadvantage of Gaumutra is its smell or taste however, the advantages outweigh this
only one disadvantage. Slowly many companies are coming up with Gomutra Powder
encased in Capsules. - Baby Viyana Berwal, via her grandpa Naresh Kadyan
1. All State Animal Welfare Boards.
2. Kamdhenu University, Karmayogi Bhavan, Block-1, B1-wing, 4th Floor, Sector-
10-A, Dist: Gandhinagar-382010.
3. All State Gau Seva Ayog.

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