Biological Specificity of CDK4/6 Inhibitors: Dose Response Relationship, in Vivo Signaling, and Composite Response Signature

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You are on page 1of 14 Oncotarget, 2017, Vol. 8, (No.

27), pp: 43678-43691

Priority Research Paper

Biological specificity of CDK4/6 inhibitors: dose response

relationship, in vivo signaling, and composite response signature
Erik S. Knudsen1,2, Jack Hutcheson4, Paris Vail1,2 and Agnieszka K. Witkiewicz1,3
University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, AZ, USA
Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Department of Pathology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Tri-Service Research Laboratory, San Antonio, TX, USA
Correspondence to: Erik S. Knudsen, email: [email protected]
Correspondence to: Agnieszka K. Witkiewicz, email: [email protected]
Keywords: CDK4, palbociclib, abemaciclib, breast cancer, E2F
Received: April 18, 2017 Accepted: May 31, 2017 Published: June 10, 2017

Copyright: Knudsen et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC BY
3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Recently developed potent and selective CDK4/6 inhibitors fall into two classes
based on structure and toxicity profiles in clinical studies. One class, exemplified
by palbociclib and ribociclib, exhibits neutropenia as a dose-limiting toxicity and
requires discontinuous dosing. In contrast, the structurally distinct CDK4/6 inhibitor
abemaciclib is dosed continuously, and has diarrhea and fatigue as dose-limiting
toxicities. In preclinical models, palbociclib has been extensively studied and induces
cell cycle inhibition in an RB-dependent manner. Thus far, abemaciclib has been
less extensively evaluated. We found that abemaciclib cell cycle inhibitory activity
is RB-dependent at clinically achievable concentrations. Abemaciclib elicited potent
suppression of RB/E2F regulated genes associated with prognosis in ER-positive
breast cancer. However, unlike palbociclib, at 250nM-1 µM doses abemaciclib induced
cell death in RB-deficient cell lines. This response was associated with a rapidly-
induced multi-vacuolar phenotype indicative of lysosomal membrane permeabilization
that could be ameliorated with chloroquine. This event was not a reflection of
inhibition of other CDK family members, but could be recapitulated with CBX4945 that
inhibits casein and DYRK/HIPK kinases. To determine if these “off-target” features
of abemaciclib were observed in vivo, mice harboring matched RB-positive and
negative xenografts were treated with palbociclib and abemaciclib. In vivo, all of the
apparent activity of abemaciclib was RB-dependent and strongly elicited suppression
of cell cycle regulatory genes in a fashion markedly similar to palbociclib. Using gene
expression data from cell lines and tumors treated with abemaciclib and palbociclib
a composite signature of response to CDK4/6 inhibition was developed that included
many genes that are individually required for tumor cell proliferation or viability.
These data indicate that while abemaciclib and palbociclib can exert distinct biological
and molecular effects, there are common gene expression features that could be
broadly utilized in measuring the response to CDK4/6 inhibition.

INTRODUCTION delivery schedules [1-4]. Palbociclib and ribociclib induce

myelosuppression, and are generally dosed with a one-
CDK4/6 inhibitory agents have emerged as an week break to recover neutrophil counts in patients [5,
important class of therapeutics that are currently tested 6]. In contrast, structurally distinct abemaciclib is dosed
for efficacy in a myriad of tumor types [1-4]. The continuously and elicits fatigue and diarrhea as potential
CDK4/6 inhibitors in advanced clinical testing fall into dose-limiting toxicities [7]. The differences in side effects
two broad categories based on toxicity-prolife and dose- have lead to questions related to the selectivity of these 43678 Oncotarget

kinases inhibitors and their respective mechanisms of (AW23, MB468, and BT549) were equivalently resistant
action. to the cell cycle inhibitory effects of both palbociclib and
Palbociclib and ribociclib are based off of a similar abemaciclib (Figure 1E). These data suggest that the RB-
pyrido [2,3-d]pyrimidin-7-one scaffold that was optimized pathway is required for the cell cycle inhibitory activity of
for selectivity toward CDK4/6 [1, 8-10]. These inhibitors these CDK4/6 inhibitors.
suppress both CDK4 and CDK6 kinase activity in the low To further explore the mechanism of action,
nanomolar range. Preclinical studies demonstrated that the gene expression analysis was performed on MCF7 and
activity of these compounds is dependent on the presence T47D cells that were treated with 250 nM abemaciclib
of the RB tumor suppressor and effects on cell cycle and the RB-deficient MB468 cell line served as an RB-
progression [4, 11]. Consonantly, there is significant data deficient control. In general abemaciclib and palbociclib
suggesting that the only meaningful action of these drugs demonstrated similar impact on gene expression in RB-
is CDK4/6 inhibition and cell cycle arrest [1]. proficient models that were absent in RB-deficient models
Abemaciclib was developed from a 2-anilino- (Figure 2A, Supplementary Figure 1). Since RB functions
2,4-pyrimidine-[5-benzimidazole] scaffold [12]. The as a transcriptional co-repressor to elicit biological function
agent has potent activity against CDK4 and CDK6 and [15-17], we focused on genes repressed by CDK4/6
has been shown to harbor potent activity in early-phase inhibitors. Analysis of repressed genes demonstrated
clinical studies [7]. However, abemaciclib can also inhibit significant attenuation of the E2F-transcription factor
multiple other kinases in vitro at concentrations less than regulated genes associated with cell cycle progression
100 nM [12, 13]. The extent to which these off-target (Figure 2B, Supplementary Figure 1) [18]. While there
events are relevant remains poorly understood. At present were specific genes induced upon abemaciclib treatment,
preclinical studies of abemaciclib are relatively limited these alterations were variable across utilized models and
compared to other CDK4/6 inhibitors [1]. Here, we did not conform to distinct enrichment by gene ontology
addressed the biological relationship between palbociclib (Supplementary Figure 1). The gene repressive response
and abemaciclib to define specificity and relative on- was highly conserved between MCF7 and T47D cells
target versus off-target effects in preclinical breast (Figure 2C, Supplementary Figure 1). The abemaciclib
cancer models. These data were then utilized to develop repressed genes were associated with prognosis in ER-
a classifier of response to CDK4/6 inhibition that is positive breast cancer (Figure 2D), similar to previously
applicable to these structurally diverse agents and should reported prognostic impact of palbociclib regulated genes
have broad applicability. [18]. Overall, there is a significant concordance between
the response to palbociclib (1 µM) and abemaciclib (250
RESULTS nM) transcriptionally (Supplementary Figure 1).
In spite of the general RB-dependent response to
To define the response to abemaciclib in models abemaciclib in terms of cell cycle inhibition, we observed
of breast cancer we initially compared the cell cycle that at doses of 250-1000 nM abemaciclib impacted on
inhibitory effect of abemaciclib at a range of doses (LY: viability of RB-negative models. In contrast, the RB-
125 nM - 1 µM) versus a constant dose of palbociclib (PD: deficient triple negative cell lines AW23 and MB468
1 µM) (Figure 1A). Across luminal models (MCF7 and were resistant to the effect of palbociclib on cell survival
T47D) and triple negative models (Hs578T and MB231) (Figure 3A). To evaluate the potential mechanism through
there was a significant arrest of cell cycle at all doses of which the cell death could be mediated, gene expression
abemaciclib as evaluated by BrdU incorporation (Figure alterations were analyzed in the RB-negative MB468
1A). In general, a 250 nM dose of abemaciclib induced cells treated with abemaciclib (at 250 nM and 1 µM
cell cycle inhibition comparable to 1 µM palbociclib doses) and palbociclib (1 µM dose). These data revealed
dose. Cell cycle arrest occurred largely in the G1 phase significant alterations in transcript levels that were specific
of the cell cycle in a fashion that was consistent between to abemaciclib. (Figure 3B, Supplementary Figure 2).
palbociclib and abemaciclib (not shown). To determine The repressed genes were not highly enriched by gene
if cell cycle inhibition was dependent on the presence ontology analysis (Supplementary Figure 2); however,
of RB, gene editing was employed to develop matched by gene set enrichment analysis we observed repression
RB gene ablated models (Figure 1B). Deletion of RB of multiple genes associated with WNT-signaling (Figure
was associated with marked reduction in sensitivity 3C). Interestingly, WNT-signaling is dependent on casein
to palbociclib. However, as previously reported using kinase activity in triple negative breast cancer models
knockdown approaches, RB loss does not completely including MB468 cells, and abemaciclib can inhibit
render models resistant to CDK4/6 inhibition (Figure purified casein kinases in the nanomolar range [12, 19].
1C and 1D) [11, 14]. The requirement for RB was also There was also induction of multiple genes involved
observed with abemaciclib treatment in these matched in important biological functions such as lysosome
models. Additionally, cell lines intrinsically lacking RB biogenesis, mitochondria organization, and stress response
(Figure 3C, Supplementary Figure 2). 43679 Oncotarget

Figure 1: RB-dependent cell cycle inhibitory activity. A. The indicated cell lines were treated with 1 µM palbociclib (PD) or 125
nM, 250 nM or 1 µM abemaciclib (LY). The relative BrdU incorporation was determined at 48 hours post-treatment. B. Immunoblots from
the indicated cell lines developed with CRISP/Cas9 mediated deletion of RB. GAPDH is shown as a loading control. C. Representative
BrdU (y-axis) vs. propidium iodide (x-axis) flow cytometry for RB-proficient and deficient models treated with palbociclib. D. The
indicated cell lines were treated deleted for RB were treated with 1 µM palbociclib (PD) or 125 nM, 250 nM or 1 µM abemaciclib (LY).
The relative BrdU incorporation was determined at 48 hours post-treatment. E. The indicated cell lines which are RB-deficient triple
negative breast cancer models were were treated with 1 µM palbociclib (PD) or 125 nM, 250 nM or 1 µM abemaciclib (LY). The relative
BrdU incorporation was determined at 48 hours post-treatment. 43680 Oncotarget

Figure 2: Unbiased gene expression response to CDK4/6 inhibition. A. Heatmap illustrating gene expression changes that
occurred in MCF7 or T47D vs. MB468 cells with 250 nM abemaciclib. Data are from triplicate experiments. B. Network analysis of genes
repressed by abemaciclib demonstrating key enrichment of genes regulating cell cycle transitions. C. Comparison of gene expression
changes in MCF7, T47D, and MB468 cells. Log fold change is plotted on the y-axis with a given gene indicated by the dot. D. Heatmap
showing the coordinate expression of abemaciclib repressed genes in a collection of 967 ER+ breast cancers. E. Kaplan-meier curve shows
the association of abemaciclib repressed genes with recurrence-free survival (n = 736). 43681 Oncotarget

Figure 3: RB-independent activities of abemaciclib. A. Crystal violet staining of the indicated cell lines treated with palbociclib
(PD) or abemaciclib (LY). Representative images are shown. B. Significant gene expression changes in MB468 cells are shown in the
heatmap. C. Gene set enrichment analysis and expression of select induced genes with abemaciclib treatment are shown. 43682 Oncotarget

Evaluation of cellular morphology was used to induction of the vacuolar phenotype as observed in cell
infer potential cause of reduced cell viability. MB231 and culture (Figure 5C). Both CDK4/6 inhibitors potently
MB468 cells treated with increasing doses of abemaciclib, restricted the proliferation of tumors as indicated by the
displayed striking multi-vacuolar phenotype and at 1 µM suppression of Ki67 (Figure 5D), which was mediated
dose (Figure 4A). This phenotype was independent of RB, in an RB-dependent fashion (Figure 5E). Together, these
as the CRISPR/CAS9 RB deleted models exhibited similar data suggest that the predominant impact of palbociclib
phenotype (Figure 4A). Interestingly, this phenotype was and abemaciclib was occurring through classical RB-
observed across multiple cell types, but not in every cell dependent mechanisms.
line evaluated, and was apparent within 6 hours (not To more rigorously evaluate the molecular features
shown). The presence of multiple large vacuoles along of response to palbociclib vs. abemaciclib, tumor tissue
this time-frame of exposure is indicative lysosomal was triaged for gene expression analysis. As shown in
dysfunction [20]. Using lysotracker, we observed the heatmap, there was almost universal concordance
lysosomes juxtaposed to the vacuolar structures (Figure in the transcriptional response to palbociclib and
4B). Cells treated at short time points (6 hours) with abemaciclib (Figure 6A and 6B, Supplementary Figure
abemaciclib also exhibited acridine orange acidification, 3). The transcriptional repression was dominated by
which was attenuated by chloroquine, further supporting cell cycle associated genes, similar to findings from
notion that lysosomes were associated with vacuolar cell culture models (Figure 6C, Supplementary Figure
structures (Figure 4C). In order to decipher the potential 3). Interestingly, the up-regulated genes were also well
basis of this effect, a number of agents that inhibit kinases conserved in response to palbociclib and abemaciclib
suppressed by abemaciclib were applied to cells. As (Figure 6C and 6D, Supplementary Figure 3), but
shown, palbociclib did not induce the multi-vacuolar represented a diverse collection of ontologies that were
phenotype, nor did the pan-CDK inhibitor dinaciclib not significantly enriched for a specific biological funcion.
(Figure 4D). The agent CX-4945 inhibits casein, DYRK, These data illustrate that in the in vivo setting the response
and HIPK kinases similar to the off-target spectrum of to these structurally diverse agents is remarkably similar.
abemaciclib activity [12, 13]. Treatment with CX-4945 The findings in vivo support the development of a
induced multiple vacuoles consistent with previously response marker for CDK4/6 inhibition that is applicable
published studies [13] (Figure 4D). These data suggest to all agents in clinical development. Gene expression
that at higher concentrations (>250 nM) in cell based data with palbociclib and abemaciclib in MCF7 and
assays, off-target effects of abemaciclib that are non-CDK T47D cell lines as well as MB231 xenograft tumors were
mediated are likely responsible for cytotoxicity and harbor employed to develop a composite signature for response to
effects related to lysosome integrity. These data provide a CDK4/6 inhibition. Specifically, genes that were changed
strong indication that abemaciclib has activities distinct by greater than 1.5-fold in the same direction in all
from palbociclib and can elicit a cytotoxic phenotype that conditions were selected (Figure 7A). A total of 78 genes
is independent from RB. were consistently repressed across all conditions with both
One of the key questions from the in vitro agents and only 4 genes were consistently upregulated.
analysis is the extent to which these observations are The induced genes have diverse, but important function
relevant in vivo. To address this point, MB231 cells with in tumor biology, including GLS which is a rate limiting
intact or CRISPR/CAS9 deleted RB were injected into determinant of glutamine metabolism. As expected,
the mammary fat pad of NOD-SCID mice. Tumors were repressed genes included multiple cell cycle regulated
allowed to grow to approximately 500 mm3 and treated genes; however, they also encompassed a number of genes
with either palbociclib (125 mg/kg) or abemaciclib (100 associated with DNA damage repair/response (BARD1,
mg/kg) daily by oral gavage for eight days. Treatment with FANCE) and signaling cascades (e.g., TACC3, RANBP1).
both palbociclib and abemaciclib resulted in the inhibition As a means to evaluate the significance of these genes,
of tumor growth in RB-proficient tumors (Figure 5A). we queried their relationship to genes that are required
To delineate the impact related to hematological toxicity, for the proliferation and viability of human cell lines
complete blood counts were performed on the mice. [21]. Of the genes in the composite CDK4/6 response
The absolute counts of red blood cells and lymphocytes signature, 20 were associated with broad inhibition of
were not influenced by palbociclib or abemaciclib viability representing a significant enrichment (two-
treatment (Figure 5B). However, neutrophil counts sided test of equal proportions, the p-value is 4.231703e-
were diminished with both CDK4/6 inhibitors, albeit 17) for essential viability genes (Figure 7B). As shown
palbociclib had a more significant impact (Figure 5B). in the heatmap, both well-known cell cycle target genes
These data suggest that the mouse models reflect toxicities (e.g., MCM2 and CDK1) as well as poorly characterized
observed in patients. The impact of both agents on the CDK4/6 target genes (e.g., DTL and TPX2) are required
mouse intestine was also evaluated. While both agents for cellular survival and proliferation. Together, these
had an effect on the proliferation of intestinal stem cells, data suggest that the repression of these genes is likely
abemaciclib had a more modest effect and there was no critical for the functional activity of CDK4/6 inhibitors. 43683 Oncotarget

Figure 4: Defining RB-independent impacts of abemaciclib and cytotoxicity. A. The indicated cell lines were treated with
the indicated doses of palbociclib (PD) and abemaciclib (LY). Representative phase contrast micrographs are shown, with the bottom row
showing further magnification of the 1 µM abemaciclib treated field. B. Lysotracker green was used to localize lysosomes relative to the
vacuolar structures. Representative image of MB468 cells treated with 1 µM abemaciclib are shown, merged with the phase contrast image.
C. MB468 cells were treated with the indicated agents and stained with acridine orange after 6 hours of treatment. Red staining-denotes the
lysomal accumulation. D. Phase contrast images of cells treated with the indicated agents. 43684 Oncotarget

Figure 5: In vivo activity of CDK4/6 inhibitors. A.Tumor volume was determined at day 0 of treatment and after 8 days of
treatment. The ratio in tumor volume is shown, both abemaciclib (LY) and palbociclib (PD) significantly inhibited tumor growth (*p <
0.05). B. Complete blood counts were performed on day 8 of treatment and the total red blood cell (RBC), neutrophil, and lymphocyte
counts are shown. Both abemaciclib and palbociclib treatment lead to reduced neutrophil counts. C. Immunohistochemical staining of small
intestine from mice treated with the indicated agents. Ki67 staining is shown. D. Immunohistochemical staining of MB231 tumors from
mice treated with the indicated agents. Ki67 staining is shown. E. Immunohistochemical staining of MB231 RB CRISPR/CAS9 deleted
tumors from mice treated with the indicated agents. Ki67 staining is shown. 43685 Oncotarget

Figure 6: Gene expression responses to CDK4/6 inhibition in vivo: A. Heatmap depicting genes that were altered by treatment
with either abemaciclib (LY) or palbociclib (PD). The expression of these genes in MB231 RB CRISPR/CAS9 deleted tumors is shown
for comparison. B. Network analysis of genes repressed by abemaciclib demonstrating key enrichment of genes regulating cell cycle
transitions. C. Comparison of gene expression changes in LY, PD and RB deleted cells. Log fold change is plotted on the y-axis with a given
gene indicated by the dot. D. Select genes that are repressed or induced by abemaciclib (LY) and palbociclib (PD). 43686 Oncotarget

Applying the CDK4/6 response signature across ER- DISCUSSION
positive breast cancer demonstrated two distinct subtypes
(Figure 7C). The subtype which expressed generally Many CDK inhibitory drugs have been developed,
higher levels of the CDK4/6 response signature genes was but only recently specific CDK4/6 inhibitors demonstrated
strongly associated with prognosis, and suggests that the efficacy in the clinic [1, 2, 22, 23]. The existing CDK4/6
suppression of these critical target genes contributes to the inhibitors diverge into two clades based on dosing
activity in ER-positive breast cancers (Figure 7D). schedules and toxicity profile [1, 3, 7]. Here, we used a

Figure 7: Composite response signature for CDK4/6 inhibitors: A. Heatmap showing genes that are consistently altered with
palbociclib (PD) and abemacicilb (LY) in RB-proficient models. RB-deficient MB468 model is shown as a control. B. Data plotting
genes within the CDK4/6 response signature that are required for viability (p < 0.05) for the indicated cell lines. The CDK4/6 response
signature genes are strongly associated with reduced viability/proliferation across all of the cell lines interrogated (two-sided test of equal
proportions, p = 4.231703e-17). Select required genes are shown for reference C. Heatmap showing the relative expression of the CDK4/6
response signature across 967 ER+ breast cancer specimens. Two major clusters are identified. D. Kaplan-Meier curve dichotomized by the
two major clusters observed in ER+ breast cancer specimens (log-rank p-value=1.378e-08). 43687 Oncotarget

combination of molecular and functional approaches to these data suggest that there are off-target, biologically
delineate the biological features of structurally disparate tractable effects of abemaciclib that imply less specificity
CDK4/6 inhibitors. relative to palbociclib and indicate the importance of dose
Since cell cycle pathways have been well-defined, relationships with regard to biological effects in preclinical
we initially explored the canonical feature of CDK4/6 models.
inhibitors on cell cycle [4]. Both abemaciclib and The most clinically significant aspect of these drugs
palbociclib inhibited cell cycle progression with a 2N is their behavior when dosed orally in animals. Analysis
DNA-content, and the observed arrest was dependent on of palbociclb and abemaciclib showed highly concordant
the presence of the RB-tumor suppressor. Additionally, effects on tumor biology in terms of the suppression of
both abemaciclib and palbociclib suppress a cadre of E2F- cell cycle progression in an RB-dependent fashion, and
regulated genes that are highly conserved. These repressed no evidence for the multi-vacuolar phenotype or cytoxicity
genes contribute to the biological differences between in the models employed. Additionally, there were no
luminal A and luminal B subtypes of breast cancer and are obvious indications of tissue toxicity in the analysis of
associated with prognosis of ER+ breast cancer [18, 24]. multiple organs. Consistent with the clinical experience,
Consistent with earlier work published with palbociclib while palbociclib induced substantial reduction in
[18], the expression of genes induced by the treatment neutrophil counts, abemaciclib had a more modest effect
with CDK4/6 inhibitors is more variable across tumor at the employed doses. However, molecular analysis
types and models. These adaptive responses to CDK4/6 of the tumors treated with palbociclib or abemaciclib
inhibition could be important in defining durability of demonstrated that they exhibited veritably identical
response to CDK4/6 inhibition [4, 25, 26]. In vivo studies changes in gene expression with treatment. These data
demonstrated that gene-expression changes following suggest that with oral dosing the activity of abemaciclib is
treatment with palbociclib or abemaciclib were remarkably restricted to the suppression of CDK4/6 and comparable
similar. By employing the totality of the data we were able to palbociclib. These data have significant implications
to develop a composite signature for CDK4/6 inhibition relative to biomarkers and pharmacodynamic targets, as
that was common to palbociclib or abemaciclib response it would suggest that findings from one class of CDK4/6
across all models tested. Interestingly, this signature has inhibitor largely hold true across all classes of selective
both well-known cell cycle regulated genes and a number CDK4/6 targeting drugs. This point is illustrated through
of new target genes that contribute to diverse cellular the development of a composite signature of response
processes. Genes encompassed in this signature are to CDK4/6 inhibitors. Additionally, these data would
highly-enriched as required for cellular proliferation and suggest that there is little rationale for treating tumors
viability, suggesting that suppression of this cadre of genes with different CDK4/6 inhibitors concurrently, as the
is critical for the activity of CDK4/6 inhibitors and could fundamental mechanisms of action and resistance is
be employed as pharmacodynamic markers. consistent across the structurally diverse inhibitors.
While the CDK4/6 inhibitors exhibited important
similarities relevant to cell cycle inhibition, there were MATERIALS AND METHODS
several important distinctions. Palbociclb elicits minimal
cellular toxicity up to doses of 5 µM; however, abemaciclib
can demonstrate cellular toxicity at 250 nM depending on Cells and drug treatments
the cell type. The cytotoxic effect of abemaciclib is RB
independent and ostensibly reflects an off-target effect of
the agent. This finding is consistent with recently reported Established cell lines (BT549, MDA-MB-231,
data that abemaciclib has broader kinase inhibitory activity MDA-MB-468, MCF7, T47D, and AW23) were cultured
relative to palbociclib or ribociclib [13]. The phenotype in DMEM +10% FBS. Cells were treated with PD-
associated with cytotoxicity driven by abemaciclib is 0332991 (PD-palbociclib), LY235219 (LY-abemaciclib),
linked to the appearance of a multi-vacuolar phenotype. chloroquine (CQ), CX-4945, and dinaciclib. Abemaciclib
This phenotype has not been previously reported for either was provided by Eli Lilly. The other agents were
palbociclib or ribociclib, suggesting that this represents a purchased from Sellek-Chem.
specific off-target feature of abemaciclib. Interestingly,
in RB-deficient cells abemaciclib could elicit changes in CRISPR gene editing
gene expression that were distinct from the transcriptional
repression of cell cycle and included a number of genes Established cell lines (MDA-MB-231, MCF7,
that are controlled by casein kinase [19]. The inhibition of T47D) were transfected with a plasmid containing a RB-
casein kinase, DYRK, and HIPK family members specific specific guide RNA sequence, Cas9 protein, and GFP
to abemaciclib was likely triggering multi-vacuolar using Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent. Three
phenotype as CX-4945, an agent inhibiting these kinases, days after transfection, single GFP+ cells were sorted into
had similar effect on cell morphology [12, 13]. Together, 96-well plates and expanded. Following expansion, loss 43688 Oncotarget

of RB expression was confirmed by immunofluorescence Pathological evaluation
screening and western blot.
Isolated tumor samples were fixed in 10% neutral
Acridine orange staining buffered formalin for 48-72 hours, processed, and paraffin
embedded. Specimens were cut to a thickness of 4mm and
Cells were seeded in tissue culture plates. Cells stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Ki67 as previously
either pre-treated with chloroquine or for 2 hours or left described [27, 28].
untreated were treated with LY235219 . At the indicated
time points cells were loaded with acridine orange (2µM) Blood counts
and incubated at 37oC for 30 minutes. Cells were washed
twice in PBS+3% FBS and imaged immediately on an
Prior to the administration of CDK4/6 inhibitors
EVOS FL Cell Imaging System with an excitation of
and at the completion of the study blood was drawn from
488nm and emission at both 510nm and 624nm. Staining
the submandibular vein by 4mm lancet and collected in
indicates lysosomal membrane permeability by indicating
EDTA-coated collection tubes to prevent coagulation.
the acridine concentration gradient from red (high
Complete blood counts were acquired on a ProCyte DX
concentration sequestered in lysosomes) to green (low
hematology analyzer (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook,
Proliferation and cell number quantitation
Gene expression array and analysis

Cells were plated overnight with or without

Following treatment with LY235219 or PD-
LY235219 or PD-0332991. Proliferation was determined
0332991 cell were collected and RNA was isolated using
using a chemiluminescent BrdU ELISA (Roche, catalog
a Qiagen RNeasy kit. RNA was isolated from snap frozen
#11669915001). Cells were incubated with BrdU
tumor tissue. Microarray analysis was performed using
labeling reagent for 2 hours and processed as described
standard approaches. Log fold-changes were calculated
by the manufacturer. Luminescence was read on a
from quantile-normalized microarray data and p-values
Biotek Synergy 2 plate reader. Parallel experiments
determined using a two-tailed Student’s homoscedastic
were performed as using flow-cytometry as previously
t-test. Genes with a p-value greater than 0.05 in RB
published. To account for differences in cell counts,
positive samples were excluded from further analysis.
cytotoxicity and proliferation measurements were
In the MB468 comparison heatmap (Figure 3B), genes
normalized to cell number as determined by Cell Titer
with a p-value greater than 0.05 in LY235219 treated
Glo assay. Cell Titer Glo reagent was added to each well
samples were excluded from further analysis. The
in fresh PBS and cells were incubated for 10 minutes at
CDK4/6 inhibitor response signature was determined by
room temperature. Luminescence was read on a BioTek
filtering all cell line and in vivo RB-positive treatments
Synergy 2 plate reader.
for genes with log fold-changes more extreme than +/-
0.5 that are consistently up- or down-regulated across all
Mice and mammary xenografts conditions. P-values determining which genes are essential
for cell viability were obtained from Wang et. al. 2015
Female NOD/SCID mice were maintained in the [21]. A gene was labeled as “essential” if p-values were
UT Southwestern Medical Center animal facility. All significant in the tested cell lines (p < 0.05). A two-sided
mouse care, treatment, and sacrifice was approved by test of equal proportions was performed to compare the
the UT Southwestern Institutional Animal Care and Use proportion of essential genes in the gene signature to
Committee (IACUC) in accordance with the National the proportion of essential genes in the entire gene set.
Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Unsupervised hierarchical clustering was performed using
Laboratory Animals. At 6-8 weeks of age, animals were R. Network diagrams were generated and analyzed using
surgically manipulated under anesthesia to reveal the ReactomeFIViz 1. Scatterplots of log fold-changes were
mammary gland. Each mouse was injected with 1x106 generated, with values from a single case determining
of the indicated cells in the mammary gland. Mice were gene order (i.e. x-axis). Downregulated genes in treated
monitored for tumor formation until palpable tumors were cell lines were reassessed using microarray data from
detected. Mice were randomized based on tumor size and 967 clinical ER-positive breast cancer cases [18]. Cases
either treated daily with PD-0332991 (palbociclib, 125mg/ were ordered based on the average expression of the
kg) or LY2835219 (abemaciclib, 100mg/kg) for 7 days downregulated gene set and gene-wise hierarchical
by oral gavage, or left untreated. One day after the final clustering was performed. Low/high expression groups
administration, mice were sacrificed and tumors, blood, were defined using the median of the average expression
and other tissues were collected for analysis. scores. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering was 43689 Oncotarget

performed for both genes and samples using the CDK4/6 trecan.2016.11.006.
gene signature and low/high expression was determined 5. Schwartz GK, LoRusso PM, Dickson MA, Randolph SS,
based on the corresponding dendogram branch. Cases Shaik MN, Wilner KD, Courtney R, O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I
missing survival and/or relapse data were excluded. study of PD 0332991, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor,
Kaplan-Meier curves were generated for recurrence-free administered in 3-week cycles (Schedule 2/1). Br J Cancer.
survival using the “survival” R package and p-values 2011; 104: 1862-8. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.177.
determined using the Cox proportional hazards model. 6. Flaherty KT, Lorusso PM, Demichele A, Abramson
Data is available on line (supplementary Data Files) and VG, Courtney R, Randolph SS, Shaik MN, Wilner KD,
raw data has been deposited in GEO under the title of this O’Dwyer PJ, Schwartz GK. Phase I, dose-escalation trial of
manuscript. the oral cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor PD 0332991,
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