Fosped Output 3 1

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Subject: FOSPED–Foundation of Special & Inclusive Education Instructor: Mrs.

France Bejosa
Week 4: September 5 - 10, 2022 Task Due Date: Sept 12, 2022. 11:59PM
Course & Section: ED-ELEM 201
Day & Time: Tuesday-1:30PM –4:30PM
Topic/s: Inclusion: Core Principle of the K to 12 Basic Education Program

1. Leader: Pagayon, Jerico
2. Assistant Leader: Parsan, Bernadette Ann
3. Olango, Cherry May A.
4. Santos, Maria
5. Balquin, Joanne
6. Perdon, Zeril
7. Catalan, Ana Rose
8. Samson, Mark Jerome


Answer the following questions.

1. What is inclusive education? Why is inclusion important?
 Inclusive education is about ensuring access to quality education for all
students by effectively meeting their diverse needs in a way that is responsive,
accepting, respectful and supportive. Students participate in the education
program in a common learning environment with support to diminish and
remove barriers and obstacles that may lead to exclusion. I believe inclusion is
important because it develops the feeling of belonging.

 The term "inclusive education" refers to the support provided to all students to
study, contribute, and participate in all aspects of school life by attending and
being accepted by neighborhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes.
The objective of inclusive education is to provide schools, classrooms,
programs, and activities where all children can learn and engage in activities
together. With assistance to minimize and remove barriers that could lead to
exclusion, students participate in the educational program in a setting where
everyone can learn. Because all students obtain higher education in systems
that value inclusion, which also helps to address challenges, inclusion is

2. What are some ways regular educators and special educators can work
together effectively?

 Be Creative When Scheduling Collaboration Meeting Times.

 Understand Your Colleagues’ Perspectives.
 Be Comfortable Stepping Outside of Your Role.
 Consider Co-Teaching.
 Attend Professional Development Together.
 Design the Collaboration Time to Meet Your Needs.
 Document Dates and Times of Collaboration.
 In some cases, an educator will have the opportunity to work with a
child who has special needs, and as a typical teacher, they will have a
lot of work to do to ensure that those pupils receive the high-quality
education they need. As ordinary educators, asking special educators
for strategies will be a tremendous assistance to them in doing their
duty. Regular and special educators should assist one another in
resolving issues that arise in the classroom. They gain knowledge and
work together to help students with special needs have opportunities.

3. What are the key ingredients of Philippines inclusive education system?

 Education is a fundamental human right. Each and every person has a right to
high-quality education. There are also some social groups. who are denied
access to a proper education because of particular circumstances or certain
limitations. The biggest hazard to this group of people is discrimination.
inclusive education that promotes a society's harmonious development. The
process of education is inclusive education. It guarantees that all children,
including those with impairments, participate equally in the teaching and
learning process. Parents and teachers, school improvement, and inclusion of
all students are the three essential components of a successful inclusive

 Parents want their children included in school just as they want them included
in their families. To support the school system and its personnel, parents need
to know that there is a commitment to the wellbeing of their children. Parents
need to feel part of the education process and play an important part in it since
they know their children best. Parents need to feel welcome from the start.
Teachers and parents need to be partners and collaborate to assure the best
results in both school and home.
An obvious requirement for parents to support this partnership is that school
leaders and teachers have the professional skills and capacity to meet the
learning needs of their children.
4. What are the benefits of inclusive education for students with disabilities?

 Friendships
 Increased social initiations, relationships and networks
 Peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills
 Increased achievement of IEP goals
 Greater access to general curriculum
 Enhanced skill acquisition and generalization
 Increased inclusion in future environments
 Greater opportunities for interactions
 Higher expectations
 Increased school staff collaboration
 Increased parental participation
 Families are more integrated into community
 Enjoying the satisfaction of achievements.
 Learning to rely more on friends than teachers.
 Provides appropriate dole models for cognitive, social and language skills.
 Give opportunity for education in the least restrictive environment.
 Gives Children motivation to succeed.

5. As a future educator how you will involve yourself or support the inclusive
education program of our country? (Per group member – 3 to 5 sentences)

 We, as a future educators should known about the inclusive education because
it provides opportunities to those children with special needs to unleash their
full potential in an early childhood education setup. Even though inclusive
education seems new to us, its main goal is to target the accept everyone
despite their differences and abilities. We, as a teacher will serve as a tool to
educate and motivate our students that learning together is fun and everyone
should be involve matter what. In addition, as a future educator we should
know this because we will be the one who will teach and provide different
strategies and accommodation that are applicable for every learner.

 For me as a future educator I will provide students with many ways to engage
with classroom material, multiple representations of curriculum concepts, have
multiple ways for students to express what they have learned.

 As a future educator, our desire should always be to reach all of our students
for the purpose of learning. If we do believe that all students can learn, then
we should also believe that all students should be included in all components
of education. In my experience in working with elementary students, they are
much more forgiving of learning differences than, say, their middle or high
school peers. A true inclusive education system is one that includes all
students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or physical, social, or emotional

 As a future teacher, I plan to get involved by volunteering for the group in

each barangay. You work with certain youngsters who are unable to attend

 As a future educator, I would do whatever I could to assist students with

disabilities, even if it was just something as simple as including them in
playtime. I would also pay particular attention to what they needed. In order to
connect with them, I would use an unique variety of techniques and resources.
I would place more emphasis on the students' abilities than their disabilities,
teach them how to interact with others, and transform the
negative/discriminatory attitudes that surround them into positive/friendly
attitudes. I would also respect what they are, understand them, and empathize
with them. Change the way you speak to someone by hugging them instead of
using harsh or negative language.

 As a Future Educator i want to help students with access to flexible learning

choices and effective paths for achieving educational goals in spaces where
they experience a sense of belonging. In an inclusive education environment,
all children, regardless of ability or disability, learn together in the same age-
appropriate classroom. It is based on the understanding that all children and
families are valued equally and deserve access to the same opportunities.

 I will respect and value of diverse peoples by giving respect to them and
appreciation for diverse peoples and cultures. I will use a language that is
gender neutral or takes into consideration the gender identity of the people
around me.

 As a future educator, I swear to promote the nation's inclusive education

program by respecting the variety of its people. I'll accept every child's
differences. By creating videos about respecting and accepting people with
disabilities, I can also demonstrate my support for inclusive education.

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