Dcschmid - Personal Neovim Cheatsheet

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Personal Neovim Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet

by dcschmid via cheatography.com/154034/cs/33084/

Basic Git

- open netrw file explorer :Git run git command in terminal, Eg: :Git checkout -b test
leader + w fast saving leader + gR Revert the current file to the specific commit
leader + ba close all the buffers leader + gb Open blame window

leader + gd Opens a new diff that compares against the current

Tab Management index
leader + nt open new tab leader + gn Create a pull request with the target branch is set in
leader + tc close actual tab the target​_branch option

leader + tl toggle between this and the last accessed tab leader + go Open file/f​older in git repository

leader + tn switch to next tab leader + gp Open pull request of the current branch

leader + to close other tabs leader + gr Revert to the specific commit

leader + tp switch to previous tab

Git conflict

Telescope :GitConflictListQf Show all conflicted files in quickfix

; Lists open buffers in current neovim instance
c0 or :GitConflictChooseNone Select both none of the changes
control + g Fuzzy search through the output of git ls-files command
cb or :GitConflictChooseBoth Select both changes
control + p Lists files in your current working directory
co or :GitConflictChooseOurs Select the current changes
leader + fg Search for a string in your current working directory and
get results live as you type ct or :GitConflictChooseTheirs Select the incoming changes

leader + g Searches for the string under your cursor in your

current working directory
leader + s open search panel
Packer Commands leader + sp search in current file
:PackerClean Remove any disabled or unused plugins leader + sw search for selected word
:PackerCompile Regenerate compiled loader file When the search panel is opend we can use the following shortcuts:
:PackerInstall Clean, then install missing plugins enter goto current file
:PackerSync Perform Packer​Update and then Packer​Compile dd toggle current item
:PackerUpdate Clean, then update and install plugins leader + R replace all

leader + c input replace vim command

LSP Typescript Utils
leader + o show option
leader + gi Rename TypeScript file and update imports
leader + q send all item to quickfix
leader + go Import all missing imports in TS Files
leader + rc replace current line
leader + gs Organize imports in TypeScript Files
leader + v change result view mode
th toggle search hidden
ti toggle ignore case
leader + xd switch to document diagno​stics from the builtin LSP
client tu update change when vim write file

leader + xr refresh the active list

leader + xw switch to workspace diagno​stics from the builtin LSP
leader + xx toggle Trouble window

By dcschmid Published 10th July, 2022. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/dcschmid/ Last updated 10th July, 2022. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Personal Neovim Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet
by dcschmid via cheatography.com/154034/cs/33084/

Sorting LSP Installer Commands (cont)

leader + so sort visual selection :LspInstallLog opens the log file in a new tab
Search :LspPrintInstalled prints all installed language servers
space search :LspUninstall [--sync] uninstalls language servers. Runs in
control + space backward search a blocking fashion if the --sync
argument is passed (only recomm​‐
leader + space remove search highlights
ended for scripting purposes).

Split Management :LspUninstallAll [--no-confirm] uninstalls all language servers

control + h Move to existing or create a new split to the left of your

LSP Comman​ds/​Sho​rtcuts
current window + open file or custom command
K Displays hover inform​ation about the symbol under the
control + j Move to existing or create a new split to the top of your
cursor in a floating window.
current window + open file or custom command
[+d Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer.
control + k Move to existing or create a new split to the bottom of
your current window + open file or custom command ]+d Move to the next diagno​stic.

control + l Move to existing or create a new split to the right of your control + k Displays signature inform​ation about the symbol under
current window + open file or custom command the cursor in a floating window
gD Jumps to the declar​ation of the symbol under the
Session Management cursor.
:SessionDelete Delete the current session gd Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
:SessionLoad Load the session for the current directory and gi Lists all the implem​ent​ations for the symbol under the
current branch if git_us​e_b​ranch = true cursor in the quickfix window.
:SessionLoadLast Load the last session gr Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor
:SessionSave Save the current session in the quickfix window.

:SessionStart Start recording a session. Useful if autosave = space + Selects a code action available at the current cursor
false ca position.

:SessionStop Stop recording a session space + d Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under
the cursor.
:SessionToggle Determines whether to load, start or stop a
session space + e Show diagno​stics in a floating window.

leader + sm open saved session list space + f Add buffer diagno​stics to the location list.
space + rn Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor.
LSP Installer Commands
:LspInstall [--sync] [server] instal​ls/​rei​nstalls language servers.
Runs in a blocking fashion if the --sync leader + gy generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges)
argument is passed (only recomm​‐
ended for scripting purposes).
:LspInstallInfo opens a graphical overview of your
language servers

By dcschmid Published 10th July, 2022. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/dcschmid/ Last updated 10th July, 2022. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 2 of 3. http://crosswordcheats.com
Personal Neovim Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet
by dcschmid via cheatography.com/154034/cs/33084/


:DiffviewClose generate shareable file permalinks (with line

:DiffviewFileHistory Opens a new file history view that lists all
commits that affected the given paths.
:DiffviewOpen Open Git Diffview Tab
:DiffviewRefresh Update stats and entries in the file list of the
current Diffview

Git Worktree

leader + gw To bring up the telescope window listing your

leader + gwn To bring up the telescope window to create a new


gb Toggles the region using blockwise comment in visual mode

gbc Toggles the current line using blockwise comment in normal
gc Toggles the region using linewise comment in visual mode
gcc Toggles the current line using linewise comment in normal

By dcschmid Published 10th July, 2022. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/dcschmid/ Last updated 10th July, 2022. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 3 of 3. http://crosswordcheats.com

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