Essay On Trans Viewpoints

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Finn Bartleson

Mr. Ward

English 1

24th October 2022

Trans Viewpoints: The Discussion Between Opposing Sides

As a kid, I always loved roller coasters, still do. Other people said they found them scary

and they caused too much anxiety. One time I heard that roller coasters made a person so sick

that they were disgusted by even seeing them. Others had one bad experience and it ruined it for

them. There are many things in life that people find scary, things that cause too much anxiety, or

they just don’t understand, one of them being the trans community. Also, the different

perspectives on the trans community–whether that be supporters, or people that do not support

transgender people–make it diffcult for the two groups to communicate.

While differences have come up between the groups there are also collective opinions,

one of them being on gender dysphoria. The similarity is the fact that they both agree it exists,

and is an issue trans people deal with. Tesch states, “Gender dysphoria disrupts a person’s ability

to function in day-to-day activities like work or social events. It can also lead to mental health

conditions such as anxiety, depression and chronic stress” (Tesch). This shows that gender

dysphoria is not something easy, and it may cause other conditions. Five Things Every Christian

Must Know about the Transgender Debate says, "There’s an enormous difference between the

political aspects of the culture war surrounding transgenderism and the reality that there are

precious persons who have genuine struggles with gender dysphoria–a condition where a person

senses that their gender identity (how they feel about being male or femal)–may not align with
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their biological sex and experiences emotional distress as a result" (Walker). This also shows that

the groups believe that gender dysphoria is real, and that it is a struggle.

Differing opinions on clothing between the trans community and opposing groups has

been made into an argument on the use of expression and if it affects your identity. The argument

is if you are too feminine as a guy or too masculine as a girl you are trans. Jacobs mentions,

"Clothes do not have a gender, and inherent in that is the understanding that there is no one way

to 'dress non-binary', just as there isn't any one way to dress feminine or masculine," says

Defebaugh. "Fashion can help us to express our identity, but clothes are not our identity."

(Jacobs). This means that in their perspective, they think that everyone can wear any piece of

clothing as it does not define you. While A Biblical Perspective on Transgender Identity: A

Primer for Parents and Strugglers says, “On the other hand, you don’t want to allow behaviors

that emasculate your son, such as wearing their sisters’ dresses and painting their nails. And what

if your daughter wants to shave her head?” (Keck). This then means that they believe that certain

expressions of yourself change what you identity as. That if you let your child express

themselves in certain ways, it could backfire.

The discussion on whether or not transgender women should be allowed in women's

restrooms has been communicated within both groups. The reason this discussion has been made

is due to the suspicion that if trans women are allowed in restrooms, men will use the opportunity

to prey on cis women. The Imaginary Predator in America's Transgender Bathroom War

supports this by saying, "Proponents of anti-trans bills, which are sweeping the country, purport

a twofold argument about safety: 1. A man is a man no matter how he dresses, so letting him into

the women's bathroom is absurd. 2. Male perverts and pedophiles disguised as women (faux

transgender people) will troll women's bathrooms and sexually assault our wives and daughters"
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(Dastagir). This means that some people believe that men are men, and they will take advantage

of the fact that trans women have been allowed in female bathrooms. In 2014, a Des Moines

olice department spokesperson argues, “We have not seen that,” a Des Moines police department

spokesman told the outlet in 2014. “I doubt that’s gonna encourage the behavior. If the

behavior’s there, [sexual predators are] gonna behave as they’re gonna behave no matter what

the laws are (Steinmetz).” The police department said this after being asked if there was increase

in sexual assault and rape after the laws were passed.

The trans community isn’t asking for much, just like fans of rollercoasters. All we ask

for, is that you don’t tear us down. There are similarities and differences between the opposing

sides. Some of them are the opinions on gender dysphoria, femininity and masculinity, and on

laws that have come up, but there are many more. Just like fans of rollercoasters there are

different perspectives, different opinions. To benefit each perspective there should be an

understanding and communication; that way people can be informed. Which means both

communities can move forward.

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Works Cited

Dastagir, Alia E. “The Imaginary Predator in America's Transgender Bathroom War.” USA

Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 30 Apr. 2016,


Jacobs, Bel. “How the “Beauty of Fluidity” Went Mainstream in Fashion.”, 2021,


0identity. Accessed 25 Oct. 2022.

Keck, Olivia. “A Biblical Perspective on Transgender Identity: A Primer for Parents and

Strugglers.” Focus on the Family, 31 Mar. 2022,


“Five Things Every Christian Must Know about the Transgender Debate.”,

2017, Accessed 25

Oct. 2022.

Steinmetz, Katy. “Transgender Bathroom: Advocates Say 'Predator' Is Myth.” Time, Time, 2 May


Tesch, David. “Mental Health in the Transgender Community.” HealthPartners Blog, 30 Sept.


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