LTFRB MC 2021 002

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a Dorr a

Republic of the Philippines

Deparknent of Transportation
East Avenue, Quezon City


Subject: GUIDELThIES oN THE sPECIFrcATroNs oF PUJs (clAss 1,2 and 3) AND


WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation (*DOTr") issued Department Order No. 011,
series of 2017, otherwise known as the Omnibus Guidelines on the Planning and Identification of
Public Road Transportation Services and Franchise Issuance or Omnibus Franchising Guidelines
("OFG"), which aims to provide a reliable, safe, accessible, environment-friendly, dependable,
efficient, and comfortable public road transportation throughout the country;

WHEREAS, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board ("LTFRB' and/or
"Board"), a sectoral agency of the DOTr, is tasked to implement the OFG;

WIIEREAS, the Bureau of Philippine Standards has issued the Philippine National Standards
(PNS 2627:2AU) of Class 2 ard Class 3 Public Utility Vehicles in September 2017 and
Philippine National Standard (PNS 2131:2018) of Class I Public Utility Vehicles in support of
the PUV Modernization Program of the DOTr and LTFRB; has issued ot ZAfi and 2018 the
dimensional limits for Class 2, Class 3 and Class I PUVs, specifying therein the dimensional
limits of said ffie of PUVs;
NOW THEREF'ORE, pursuant to Section 5 of Executive Order No. 202 mandates the Land
Transportatiou Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) "to prescribe and regulate routes of
service, econornically viable capacities and zones or areas of operation of public land
transportation services provided by motorized vehicles in accordwrce with the public land
tnonsportation develapment plans and programs approved by the Department of Transportation
and Comrnunications" and "to formulate, promulgate, admtnister, implement and enforce rules
and regulations on land transportation public utilities, standsrds of measurements and/or
destgn, and rules and regulations fequir@ operators ofony public land transpartation serviee
to equip, install and provide in their utilities and in their stations such devices, equipment
focilities and operating procedures and techniques es may promote safety, protection, comfort
and convenience to persofis and property in their eharges as well as the safety of persons and
property wtthin their areas of operatiotts"; and, "to perform such other functions and duties as
may be provided by law, ar as may be necessary, or p"oper or incidental to the purposes and
obiectives of this Department Order", this Board fuESOLVES as it hereby ngSOlytrn n
promulgate and adopt the following gaidelines on the,S the Standard Specifications of public
Utility Vehisles


This Memorandum Circular (*M.C.') shall cover the standard specification of all PUJs (Class 1,
Class 2 and Class 3) and UV Express (Class 3).

Direct Line 426-251 5, 4262534

Fax No. 921-2291

In addition to the body make of PUVs under the OFG, the following minimum specifications
shall be complied with:

A. PtJJs (Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3)

1. The Board adopts the Philippine National Standarcls ("PNS") 2l3l:Z0l| and, 2126:2017
approved by the Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Philippine Standards
("DTI-BPS"). The said PNS specif,res dimensional limits for PUJ Class I and pU.l Class
2 and Class 3, respectively, to wit:

a. Overali height, width, and length

Classification OveraII Height, Overall Width, OveraII Length,

minimum maximum maximum
Must conform to
the floor-to-
Class 1 175 cm 450 cm
ceiling height of
150 cm.
Class 2 Must conform to
the floor-to- 235 cm 700 cm
Class 3 ceiling height of
175 cnr.

No tolerances are needed for the specified minimum and maximum dimensions as
extemal projections are allowed up to 25cm maximum on all sides of the pUV
(beyond the front bumper" rear bumper. both sides, and top of the vehicle).

b. Wheelbase and Front and Rear Overhang

The wheelbase, rear overhang, and front overhang shall be based on the original
equipment manufacturer specifications.

c. Cabin Dimensions

Minimum Cabin Dimensions

Classification f,'loor-to-Ceiling Seat Layout Gangway Width

Class Side-facing 60 cm
1 150 cm
Front-facing 35 cm
Class 2 175 crn Side-facing 80 cm
Class 3 175 cm Front-facing 35 cm

No tolerance is needed for the floor-to-ceiling height. The required minimum

dimensions shall be strictly followed to allow suff:icieni head room lnside the cabin.

Likewise, no tolerance is needed for the gangway width as the specified minimum
required dimensions shall be strictly followed to allor.v sufficient leg room or access
inside the cabin.

d. Seat Dimensions and Seat Layout

i. Minimum Seat Dimensions

Parameters Individual Seats Continuous Seats
Seat 35 cm 35 cm
Width seat cushion 40 cm 40 cm
Width seat back shoulder 40 cm 40 cm
Armrest to seat cushion 22 cm 22 cm

No tolerance is needed for the minimum seat depth dimension. The specified required
dimension shall be strictly followed to provide ample seating space fo, purr"rrg"rr.

Armrests are optional. If armrests are to be installed, no tolerance is needed thus the
specified minimum dimension shall be strictlv lbllowed.

However, a 5Yo tolerance or 2cm below the minimum dimensions specified for the
seat cushion and seat back (backrest) is allowed.

ii. Seat Layout

Parameters Dimensions
Floor to top seat cushion (Class L,2,3) 40 cm to
50 cm
Minimum distance between backseats: &ont-facing (Class 1) 65 cm
Minimum distance between backseats : side-facing (Class 1) 130 cm
Minimum distance between backseats : front-facing (Class 3) 65 cm
Minimum distance between backseats: side- 2 150 cm

No tolerance is needed for the floor-to-top seat cushion height as a range between 40
to 50 crn has already been specified.

l,ikewise, no tolerance is needed fbr the distance between backseats as the specified
minimum required dimensions shall be strictly followed to give comlbrtable seating
space between seated passengers.

e. Minimum space for each standing passenger (applicable only for class 2)

The minimum space for each standing passenger shall be 0.16 m2

f. Step Board Dimensions

Parameters Class 1,2,3

Ground to top of step board 30 cm to 40 cm
\Midth of step board, minimum 25 cm
Height per step 12 cmto 35 cm
Width per step, minimum 25 cm

No tolerance is needed for the ground to top of step board height as a range betu,een
30 to 40 cm has already been specified. IIowever, it is recommended that the height
be nearer to 30cm.

Likewise, no tolerance is needed for the height per step as a range between 12 to 35
cm has already been specified.

A 6% tolerance or 1.5cm below the minirnum width specified for the step board anti
width per step is allowed.

g. Service Door Dimensions

The main service door is on the right-hand side and shall be either power or manually
operated to provide the driver easy control while seated. The service door dimensions
shall be:

Parameters Class 1 Class 2 & 3

Entry height 150 cm 165 cm
Aperture heieht i40 cm
Door pathway width 65 cm 65 cm

No tolerance is needed for the service door dimensions as these are minimum
accepted practice and industry standards for access/entry rvay.

h. Emergency Exit Dimensions

The emergency exit could be a door. a window, or a hatch. The emergency exit
dimensions shall be:

Aperture Minimum Dimensions Remarks

Emergency doors Height 125 cm
Width: 55 cm
Emergency windows Aperture area (Class 1): It shall be possible to
4,000 cm2 inscribe in this area a
rectangle of 50 cm x 70
Escape hatches Apenure area (Class 1): It shall be possible to
4,000 cm2 inscribe in this area a
rectangle of 50 cm x 70

Aperture area (Class It shail be possible to

2&3):4,500 cm2 inscribe in this area a
rectangle of 60 cm x 70

No tolerance is needed for the minimum emergency exit dimensions. The specified
required dimensions shall be strictly tbllowed as these are highly important to the
safety of the riding public during emergencies.

i. Hand Rails

The length of gangway hand rail shail be 10 cm at the minimum. The bottom of the
I and i65 cm for Class 2 and 3 at the maximum
hand rail shall be at 140 cm for Class
frorn the floor.

The length of the service door handrail shall be 30 cm at the minimum. Height of
center ofthe service door hand rail shall be 80 to 1 10 cm on both sides above the first
step board.

No tolerance is needed for the hand rail installation requirements. The specified
required dimensions shall be strictly fbllowed as these the average trelght of
the riding public. "*,

J. External Projection

A maximum extetlal projection of 25 cm beyond the fiont bumper, rear bumper, both
sides, and top of the vehicle shall be allowed.

No tolerance is needed for the external proiection requirements. The specified

required dimension is already at maximum allowing additional 25cm on all sides of
the PUV.

k. Field of Yision

The driver's field of vision shall conform to the Addendum 124: UN Regulation No.


l. Specifications must conform to that of PUV Class 3 dimensional limits stated on

the Philippine National Standards ("PNS") 2126:2017.

a. Overall height, width, and length

Classification Overall Height, Overall Width, Overall Length,

minimum maximum maximum
Must conform to
Class 3 (JV) the floor-to-
235 cm
ceiling height of 700 cm
175 cm.

No tolerances are needed for the specified minimum and maximum dimensions as
extemal projections are allowed up to 25cm maximum on all sides of the pUV
(beyond the front bumper, rear bumper. both sides, and top of the vehicle).

b. Wheelbase and Front and Rcar Overhang

The wheelbase, rear overhang, and front overhang shall be based on the original
equipment manufacturer specifi cations.

c. Cabin Dimensions

Minimum Cabin Dimensions

Classification Floor-to-Ceiling Seat Layout Gangway Width

Class 3 (UV) 175 cm Front-facing 35 cm

No tolerance is needed for the floor-to-ceiling height. The required minimum

dimensions shall be strictly followed to allow sufficient head room inside the cabin.

Likewise, no tolerance is needed for the gangway width as the specified minimum
required dimensions sha1l be strictly followed to allow sufficient leg room or access
inside the cabin.

d. Seat Dimensions and Seat Lavout

i. Minimum Seat Dimensions

Parameters Individual Seats Continuous Seats

Seat dep4r 35 cm 35 cm
Width cushion (hip) 40 cm 40 cm
Width seat back 40 cm 40 cm
Armrest to top seat cushion 22 cm 22 cm

No tolerance is needed for the minimum seat depth dimension. The specified required
dimension shall be strictly followed to provide ample seating sprrce for passengers.

Armrests are optional. If armrests are to be installed, no tolerance is needed thus the
specified minimum dimension shall be strictly followed.

However, a 5Yo tolerance or 2cm belor,v the minimum dimensions specified tbr the
seat cushion and seat back (backrest) is allowed.

11. Seat Layout

Parameters Dimensions
40 cm to
Floor to top seat cushion (Class 3)
50 cm
Minimum distance between backseats: front-facing (Class 3) 65m
No tolerance is needed for the floor-to-top seat cushion height as a range between 40
to 50 cm has already been specified.

Likewise, no tolerance is needed for the distance between backseats as the specifled
minimum required dimensions shall be strictly followed to give comtbrtable seating
space between seated passengers.

e. Step Board Dimensions

Parameters Class 3 Gn4

Ground to top of step board 30 cm to 40 cm
Width of step board, minimum 25 cm
Height per step 12 cm to 35 cm
Width per step, minimum 25 cm

No tolerance is needed for the ground to top of step board height as a range between
30 to 40 cm has already been specified. However, it is recommende<J that the height
be nearer to 30cm.

Likewise, no tolerance is needed lbr the height per step as a range between 12 to 35
cm has already been specified.

A 60A tolerance or 1.5cm below the minimum wiclth specified for the step board and
width per step is allowed.

f. Service Door Dimensions

The main service door is on the right-hand side and shall be either power or manually
operated to provide the driver easy control while seated. The service door dimensions
shall be:

Parameters _ Class 3 (UV)
Entry height 165 cm
Aperture height 140 cm
Door pathway width 65 cm

No tolerance is needed for the service door dimensions as these are minimum
accepted practice and industry standard for access/entry way.

g. Emergency Exit Dimensions

The emergency exit could be a door, a window, or a hatch. T'he emergency exit
dimensions shall be:

Aperture Minimum Dimensions Remarks

Emergency doors HeighL 125 cm
Width: 55 cm
Emergency windows Aperture area: 4,000 cm2 It shall be possible to
inscribe in this area a
rectangle of 50 cm x 70
Escape hatches Aperture area: 4,500 cmz It shall be possible to
inscribe in this area a
rectangle of 60 cm x 70

No tolerance is needed for the minimum emergency exit dimensions. The specifiecl
required dimensions shall be strictly followed as these are highly important to the
safety of the riding public during emergencies.

h. Hand Rails

The length of gangway hand rail shall be 10 cm at the minimum. The bottom of the
hand rail shall be at 165 cm for Class 3 (UV) at the maximurn from the floor.

The length of the service door handrail shall be 30 cm at the minimum. Height of
center of the service door hand rail shall be 80 to 110 cm on both sides above the first
step board.

No tolerance is needed for the hand rail installation requirements. The specified
required dimensions shall be strictlv followed as these consider the average height of
the riding public.

i" External Projection

A maximum external projection of 25 cm beyond the front bumper, rear bumper, both
sides, and top of the vehicle shall be allowed.

No tolerance is needed f'or the external projection requirements. The specified

required dimension is already at maximum allowing additional 25cm on all sides of
the PUV.

j. Field of Vision

The driver's tield of vision shall conform to the Addendum 124: UN Regulation No.

All manufacturers and distributors of modernized units must comply with the
specifications provided by the DTI-PNS and this Memorandum Circular. and secure a
L'ertificate of Compliance from DOTr.

All Public Utility Vehicles included in the coverage of the Ornnibus Franchising
Guidelines must be compliant with the DENR emission standards or better.


Other vehicle requirements and/or features of PUVs under the OFG shall conlbrm to the
following minimum standards :

A. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiyer

1 The GNSS receivers to be installed must conform to the specifications, data format, and
operational requirements set by the Board in M.C. No. 2015-013. Device providers shall
submit their devices to the Board to undergo the testing procedures pursuant to I\4.C. No.

B. WiFi
1. Provision of WiFi
2. Free for all passengers;
3. The maximum user is based on the maximum seating capacity;

C. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

1. The CCTV must be continuottsly recording the past seventy-two (72) hours of operation;
suitable to detect, monitor. recognize, and identify persons;
2. Four (4) CCTVs Installed in conspicuous part of the PLIV and should cover all of its
angles, including that of the door, the passengers, and driver;

D. Automatic Fare Collection System (AFCS)

1. PUJs, and UV Express Service are required to have installed integrated and interoperable
AFCS. Transport operators may freely select from among the AFC providers available in
the market and avail of their services through entering into Service Agreements. Such
Service Agreements must specify that the AFC provider shall comply w-ith the
fbrthcoming National Standard and Business Rules within the two (2) year transition

2. To ensure that an integrated and interoperable system can be achieved in the medium
term, the DOTTILTFRB shall issue a national technical standard and specifications for the
AFC industry ("National Standards") The announcement of the National Standard will
also specifu a testing and certification process to ensure that all AFC devices and fare
media are compliant with the National Standard.

E. Speed Limiter

1- The speed limiter must conform to the specifications and standards pursuant to Republic
Act ("R.A.") No. 10916, otherwise known as the "Road Speed Lirniter Act of 2016'i.

F. Dashboard Camera

1. Must have recording for at least twenty-four e$ hours;

2. The camera must be in high definition and suitable to detect, monitor, recognize, and
identifi, persons.

The features herein specified shall be incorporated in the operator's FLEET MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM. A separate Circular shall be issued by the Board for the requirements for this system.


Anv exception to the specifications stated in the OFG, the PNS, as adopted, and this MC shall be
granted expressly and in writing by the LTFRB through a formal unanimous resolution.


All other issuances inconsistent herewith are deemed modifieel or superseded accordingly.


Modifications/alterations of specifications upon inspection after the issuance of the Certificate of

Compliance shall cause the revocation of the manufacturer and clistributor Certificate of


This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately following its publicatiol in at least one
(1) newspaper of general circulation. Let three (3) copies hereof Ue ntea with the Up Law
Center pursuant to Presidential Memorandum Circular No. 1 l, dated 09 October 1992.

FEB 0 : 2021

Quezon City, Philippines,





Attested by:

Atty. B. DIOSO
Executive Director

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