Projet - M2 GNSS Processing Report - Summary

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Leica Geosystems AG

Heinrich Wild Strasse

CH-9435 Heerbrugg
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 71 727 3131
Fax: + 41 71 727 4674

GNSS Processing Report - Summary

Report created: 12/05/2022 19:02:29

Project Details
General Customer Details Master Coordinate
Project Name: Projet_M2 Customer Name: - System
Owner: - Contact Person: - Coordinate System Name: UTM28N
Lead Surveyor: - Number: - Transformation Type: Classical 3D
Date Created: 12/05/2022 18:01:17 Email: - Residual Distribution: None
Last Accessed: 12/05/2022 18:01:18 Skype: - Ellipsoid: WGS 1984
Application Software: Infinity 3.2 Website: - Projection Type: UTM
Geoid Model: egm08_0N-90N_0W-
CSCS Model: -

Path: C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\Leica Geosystems\Infinity\Projects\Projet_M2\Projet_M2.iprj

Size: 15.9 MB
Comments: -

Baseline SI01 - SI03

Processing Parameters (12/01/2022 18:09:20 - 12/01/2022 18:28:36)

Data Selected Used Comments

Cut-Off Angle: 10° 10°
Frequency: Automatic L1/L2/L5
Sampling Rate: Use All 1.00 sec
Satellite System: GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou GPS
Ephemeris Type: Broadcast Broadcast
Antenna Calibration Set: NGS Absolute NGS Absolute

Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Phase Fixed
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic

General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):

Results Baseline: SI01 - SI03

Start Time - End Time: 12/01/2022 18:09:46 - 12/01/2022 18:28:15
Duration: 00:18:29

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI03
Receiver Name / SN: CHC I50 / 3282972 CHC I50 / 3282991
Antenna Name / SN: CHCI50 / 3282972 CHCI50 / 3282991
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m
Antenna Height: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI03 Reference - SI01 Rover - SI03
Point Role: Control Fixed PP
WGS84 Latitude: - 14° 46' 42.6115" N Easting: 290 867.5290 m 290 877.9531 m
WGS84 Longitude: - 16° 56' 34.3473" W Northing: 1 634 733.3220 m 1 634 732.3812 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: - 131.6745 m Ortho. Height: 101.4020 m 101.1949 m
WGS84 Cartesian X: - 5 900 869.9534 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: - -1 797 645.6659 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: - 1 616 448.5247 m

Baseline Vector and Quality - WGS84

ΔLatitude: -0° 00' 00.0277" SD ΔLatitude: 0.0002 m
ΔLongitude: 0° 00' 00.3488" SD ΔLongitude: 0.0002 m
ΔHeight: -0.2073 m SD ΔHeight: 0.0005 m
ΔX: 3.0554 m SD ΔX: 0.0005 m
ΔY: 9.9730 m SD ΔY: 0.0002 m
ΔZ: -0.8752 m SD ΔZ: 0.0002 m
Slope Dist.: 10.4672 m SD Slope Dist.: 0.0002 m

M0: 0.2907 m CQ 1D: 0.0005 m

Q11: 0.00000295 CQ 2D: 0.0002 m
Q12: -0.00000048 CQ 3D: 0.0006 m
Q22: 0.00000037
Q13: 0.00000102
Q23: -0.00000017
Q33: 0.00000063

Frequency: L1/L2/L5 GDOP: 2.4 - 3.9 GPS SVs: 7/7

Solution Optimisation: None PDOP: 2.1 - 3.3 GLONASS SVs: 0/8
Solution Type: Phase Fixed HDOP: 1.0 - 1.1 Beidou SVs: -
VDOP: 1.9 - 3.1 Galileo SVs: -
Ephemeris Type:
GPS Broadcast
GLONASS Broadcast

Processing Info (12/01/2022 18:09:20 - 12/01/2022 18:28:36)

Processed Date/Time: 12/05/2022 18:19:51

SVs Tracked


Ambiguity Statistics
Number of Ambiguities GPS GLONASS Galileo
Fixed 19 0 0
Total 19 64 0
Independently fixed 24 0 0
Possible independently fixed 24 0 24
Average time between 00:00:44
independent fixes:

% of Epochs
L1 [%] L2 [%] L5 [%] L1 [%] L2 [%]
Fixed 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
Not fixed 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
Not fixed - contradiction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Not fixed - missing phase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Status From Epoch To Epoch Duration

Fixed 12/01/2022 18:09:46 12/01/2022 18:28:15 00:18:29

Baseline SI01 - SI02

Processing Parameters (12/01/2022 18:31:57 - 12/01/2022 18:50:09)

Data Selected Used Comments

Cut-Off Angle: 10° 10°
Frequency: Automatic L1/L2/L5
Sampling Rate: Use All 1.00 sec
Satellite System: GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou GPS/GLONASS
Ephemeris Type: Broadcast Broadcast
Antenna Calibration Set: NGS Absolute NGS Absolute

Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Float
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic

General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):

Results Baseline: SI01 - SI02

Start Time - End Time: 12/01/2022 18:32:02 - 12/01/2022 18:49:58
Duration: 00:17:56

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI02
Receiver Name / SN: CHC I50 / 3282972 CHC I50 / 3282991
Antenna Name / SN: CHCI50 / 3282972 CHCI50 / 3282991
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m
Antenna Height: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI02 Reference - SI01 Rover - SI02
Point Role: Control Float PP
WGS84 Latitude: - 14° 46' 42.4088" N Easting: 290 867.5290 m 290 881.8574 m
WGS84 Longitude: - 16° 56' 34.2149" W Northing: 1 634 733.3220 m 1 634 726.1144 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: - 131.6767 m Ortho. Height: 101.4020 m 101.1972 m
WGS84 Cartesian X: - 5 900 872.6295 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: - -1 797 642.3437 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: - 1 616 442.4993 m

Baseline Vector and Quality - WGS84

ΔLatitude: -0° 00' 00.2304" SD ΔLatitude: 0.0029 m
ΔLongitude: 0° 00' 00.4811" SD ΔLongitude: 0.0088 m
ΔHeight: -0.2051 m SD ΔHeight: 0.0043 m
ΔX: 5.7316 m SD ΔX: 0.0040 m
ΔY: 13.2953 m SD ΔY: 0.0090 m
ΔZ: -6.9005 m SD ΔZ: 0.0026 m
Slope Dist.: 16.0385 m SD Slope Dist.: 0.0076 m

M0: 0.3812 m CQ 1D: 0.0043 m

Q11: 0.00011221 CQ 2D: 0.0093 m
Q12: 0.00002265 CQ 3D: 0.0102 m
Q22: 0.00056309
Q13: 0.00000443
Q23: 0.00003749
Q33: 0.00004710

Frequency: L1/L2/L5 GDOP: 1.9 - 2.5 GPS SVs: 7/7

Solution Optimisation: None PDOP: 1.5 - 1.9 GLONASS SVs: 7/7
Solution Type: Float HDOP: 0.7 - 0.9 Beidou SVs: -
VDOP: 1.3 - 1.7 Galileo SVs: -
Ephemeris Type:
GPS Broadcast
GLONASS Broadcast

Processing Info (12/01/2022 18:31:57 - 12/01/2022 18:50:09)

Processed Date/Time: 12/05/2022 18:19:51

SVs Tracked



Baseline SI01 - SI04

Processing Parameters (12/01/2022 18:54:49 - 12/01/2022 19:13:17)

Data Selected Used Comments

Cut-Off Angle: 10° 10°
Frequency: Automatic L1/L2/L5
Sampling Rate: Use All 1.00 sec
Satellite System: GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou GPS
Ephemeris Type: Broadcast Broadcast
Antenna Calibration Set: NGS Absolute NGS Absolute

Processing Strategy
Solution Type: Phase Fixed Phase Fixed
Solution Optimisation: Automatic None
Frequency to use in Iono Automatic Automatic
Tropospheric Model: VMF with GPT2 model VMF with GPT2 model
Ionospheric Model: Automatic Computed
Allow Widelane Fix: Automatic Automatic

General Settings
Min. Distance for Iono 15 km
Possible Ambiguities Fix 300 km
up to:
Min. Duration for Float 00:05:00
Solution (static):

Results Baseline: SI01 - SI04

Start Time - End Time: 12/01/2022 18:55:12 - 12/01/2022 19:12:41
Duration: 00:17:29

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI04
Receiver Name / SN: CHC I50 / 3282972 CHC I50 / 3282991
Antenna Name / SN: CHCI50 / 3282972 CHCI50 / 3282991
Carrier Offset: 0.0000 m 0.0000 m
Height Reading: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m
Antenna Height: 1.8670 m 2.0000 m

Reference - SI01 Rover - SI04 Reference - SI01 Rover - SI04
Point Role: Control Fixed PP
WGS84 Latitude: - 14° 46' 42.3028" N Easting: 290 867.5290 m 290 861.3302 m
WGS84 Longitude: - 16° 56' 34.9003" W Northing: 1 634 733.3220 m 1 634 723.0348 m
WGS84 Ellip. Height: - 131.6675 m Ortho. Height: 101.4020 m 101.1877 m
WGS84 Cartesian X: - 5 900 867.4424 m
WGS84 Cartesian Y: - -1 797 662.1908 m
WGS84 Cartesian Z: - 1 616 439.3480 m

Baseline Vector and Quality - WGS84

ΔLatitude: -0° 00' 00.3364" SD ΔLatitude: 0.0001 m
ΔLongitude: -0° 00' 00.2043" SD ΔLongitude: 0.0001 m
ΔHeight: -0.2143 m SD ΔHeight: 0.0005 m
ΔX: 0.5444 m SD ΔX: 0.0004 m
ΔY: -6.5519 m SD ΔY: 0.0002 m
ΔZ: -10.0519 m SD ΔZ: 0.0002 m
Slope Dist.: 12.0109 m SD Slope Dist.: 0.0001 m

M0: 0.2806 m CQ 1D: 0.0005 m

Q11: 0.00000222 CQ 2D: 0.0002 m
Q12: -0.00000074 CQ 3D: 0.0005 m
Q22: 0.00000055
Q13: 0.00000072
Q23: -0.00000029
Q33: 0.00000050

Frequency: L1/L2/L5 GDOP: 2.1 - 2.5 GPS SVs: 8/8

Solution Optimisation: None PDOP: 1.9 - 2.2 GLONASS SVs: 0/6
Solution Type: Phase Fixed HDOP: 0.9 - 1.0 Beidou SVs: -
VDOP: 1.7 - 1.9 Galileo SVs: -
Ephemeris Type:
GPS Broadcast
GLONASS Broadcast

Processing Info (12/01/2022 18:54:49 - 12/01/2022 19:13:17)

Processed Date/Time: 12/05/2022 18:19:51

SVs Tracked


Ambiguity Statistics
Number of Ambiguities GPS GLONASS Galileo
Fixed 21 0 0
Total 21 12 0
Independently fixed 22 0 0
Possible independently fixed 22 0 22
Average time between 00:00:46
independent fixes:

% of Epochs
L1 [%] L2 [%] L5 [%] L1 [%] L2 [%]
Fixed 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
Not fixed 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
Not fixed - contradiction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Not fixed - missing phase 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Status From Epoch To Epoch Duration

Fixed 12/01/2022 18:55:12 12/01/2022 19:12:41 00:17:29

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