HubSpot Advertising Plan Template

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How to Use This Template
Thanks for downloading HubSpot’s Advertising Plan Template! 

This document is intended to help you organize your thoughts, plans, processes, and resources
for your ad campaigns. 

This is an editable, copiable template, so you’re encouraged to make any changes or alterations
that make sense for your business and make a duplicate version whenever you run another ad
campaign for your business. 

When you finish completing this outline, delete this introduction section as well as all of the
italicized instructions and placeholder text before sharing with your team. 

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Outline of Initiative
In this section, you should answer the high-level questions an employee at your company might
have about your campaign, like who you’re targeting, why you’re running this campaign, and
what medium you’ll be advertising on. 

Name of Campaign: Example – Q3 Product Launch Advertising Campaign

Description of Campaign: Provide a 1-3 paragraph description of the inspiration behind your
campaign, answering the following questions:

 How does this problem align with our product/service?

 Why are we solving this problem? 
 What are the deliverables for this campaign?

Target Audience: Identify whom you’re targeting. This could be a description of the audience
you’re targeting (i.e. “Entry-level salespeople in B2B tech companies”) or one of your buyer
personas like “Owner Ollie” or “Manager Mary." Never made a buyer persona before? Use
this tool to get started.

Advertising Platforms: Which platforms will you be utilizing in your advertisements? Don’t get
too into timeline or budget just yet – you’ll cover that in later sections. Not sure which platform
to use? Check out the ebook included in this kit for the pros, cons, budget, and ROI of the most
common advertising platforms. 

Goals: At the end of this campaign, what is your expected goal? Quantify your expectations
clearly, such as “300 new customers” or “20% better brand recognition in next quarter’s
Advertising Platform(s)
Where will you be advertising your message? Will the content on each platform be the same, or
different? For example, your Google ads would be text-based, but your Facebook ads might be
video, text, or both. If desired, you can also outline your budget, timeline, and goals for each

Platform #1: YouTube

 Advertisement Type: Video

 Description of Ad: A 15-second pre-video ad. The video will be an animated look at our
new app with a link to the app store at when someone clicks. 
 Timeline: July 1 – July 31
 Budget: $10,000

Platform #2: Facebook

 Advertisement Type: Image

 Description of Ad: A custom-made image by our design team, featuring a photo of our
app’s interface. The copywriting team will produce ad copy to support, and the ad will
link to the app store. 
 Timeline: July 15 – July 31
 Budget: $50,000

Platform #3: Google Ads

 Advertisement Type: Text Google Ad

 Description of Ad: The copywriting team will create the copy for a Google ad within the
text limits, linking to where people can download the app. There will be three ads in one
group, and after one week we will revisit to see if one of the ads is underperforming and
should be reworked.
 Timeline: August 1 – August 21
 Budget: $10,000
Use this section to outline a timeline for this project, from first steps to analysis of the campaign.
Start off by reminding the overall timeline for the entire project before diving into incremental
deadlines and timelines. Included is a sample timeline or potential objectives you may include in
your outline, and these items should be altered to fit your campaign. 

Overall Project Timeline: Start Date – End Date

Task #1: Researching and Outline

Due Date: June 1st

Task #2: Project Brief Sent Out to Stakeholders

Due Date: June 5th

Task #3: Team Meeting with Stakeholders

Due Date: June 8th

Task #4: Designs from Creative Team Due

Due Date: June 15th

Task #5: Video Due

Due Date: June 21st

Task #6: Copy from Copywriting for All Ads Due

Due Date: June 23rd

Task #7: Packaged Drafts Sent to Decision Maker

Due Date: June 24th

Task #8: Feedback on Creative Due

Due Date: June 26th

Task #9: Edits on Creative Due

Due Date: June 30th

Task #10: YouTube Ad Launches

Due Date: July 1st

Task #11: Facebook Ads Launch

Due Date: July 15th

Task #12: Facebook and YouTube Ads End

Due Date: July 31st

Task #13: Google Ads Launch

Due Date: August 1st

Task #14: Google Ads End

Due Date: August 21st

Task #15: Project Drivers Begin to Analyze Results

Due Date: August 22nd

Task #16: Project Team Presents and Shares Findings to the Company at Large
Due Date: August 28th
How much money will be spent on this campaign? Go line-by-line to explain how much will be
spent and where the money will be going to.  

Name of Expense Vendor Cost of


Google Ads Google $10,000

Facebook Ads Facebook $50,000

YouTube Ads YouTube $10,000

Freelance Work for Image Designs Ryan Smith Design $1,000

Freelance Work for Video Shooting and Charles Kaznyk $4,000

Editing Productions

Total $65,000
DACI Framework
The DACI framework outlines who is responsible for contributing to this project and what role
they have. Specifically, it highlights who the driver of the project is, any approvers of specific
parts of the project, contributors who handle deliverables, and those who need to remain

For the Accountable, Responsible, and Informed sections, outline what each team or individual
is responsible for.

Driver Accountable Responsible Informed

Name Name Name Name

Email Address Email Address Email Address Email Address
Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility

Name Name Name

Email Address Email Address Email Address
Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility

Name Name Name

Email Address Email Address Email Address
Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility
Additional Resources
If you wish to provide any additional resources to your stakeholders or readers, provide them
here. These could include videos of images of similar campaigns, links to the product page
you’ll be pointing people to, contact information for the team, your brand’s tone guide, or more.

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