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by Dr. Angela Barnett


©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal




We can create the fuel and the energy in our Merkaba Bodies which are our Space
Ship Bodies to gain lift off from this dimension. Our body is now the Proton Body.
We gain lift off by adding the Neutron o the Proton. We can create the Neutron by
collecting the frequencies of the 14th and 8th dimensions and allowing the Merkaba to
spin at the speed of light to transform this energy into a Neutron that is brought into the
Merkaba Body. The Merkaba can glide down into Mother Earth’s Core and collect all of
the eternal substance of Mother Earth and of our own Golden Crystal Bodies that were
left there. Next, we create two bands of helium energy that spin at the speed of light
and place them in our crystal heart. As we sit in the Earths Core and allow the Merkaba
to spin at the speed of light, we also allow the rings of helium to spin within each other
at the speed of light clear out into the Cosmos. See the rings spinning clear out to
touch the stars in the sky on each breath as they spin. The speed of light energy is
that fast. We would touch a star on each breath. Feel the sensation of expanding and
disappearing into the Standing Wave Pattern of the Cosmos. The merkaba can then be
taken to the core of the Earth as we merge into oneness with Mother Earth.


This meditation should be done at least 2 times a day once when you first get
up before you do anything else and right before you go to sleep at night. Do this
continuously and you notice things getting better in almost every way.

The 12th Dimension is the dimension of the Christ frequencies. The (your) 12th Chakra
is located about 12 inches below your feet. Your 12th Chakra contains the frequencies
of the 12th Dimension (Christ Frequencies) and connects you directly to the 12th
Dimension. Your 13th Chakra is at the core of the Earth and has  13th Dimensional
energy. All of the Chakras work this way and connect you to the specific dimension of
the Chakra. This is why the 4th Chakra is now the new base chakra for the 2nd Sphere
- the New Earth and all of your chakras of 4 - 21 are wide open. The 1-3 chakras are
now becoming like placeholders for all of the good things from them are moving up or
have already moved up into the 4th and 5th chakras, and all of the other things from
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
chakras 1-3 need to be demanifested so they are put to rest.
The meditation contains making a flame hologram around you that comes out from the
12th Chakra that is 12 inches below your feet that


Breaths of Consciousness from all five spheres are ignited by the Spark of Source in
the Crystal Heart. These are the frequencies of Source Creation. This is
the original Breath of Creation. Listening to these Breaths of Consciousness will
awaken the cells into remembering, realigning and reactivatig, as well as re-cognizing
to the original vision of the fantastic, the fairy tales, the imagination that has been taken
away from those on Earth. This Spark of Source Consciousness will awaken every
cell in the body to remember the Acoushic records of all that is streaming through as
Cosmic Consciousness from the Spiritual Body.


An island of light is an energetic point on the planet. It is a dimensional door way

inside of a vortice. A widening and contracting of space time substance occurs in these
vortices which creates a new elemental structure to appear.

An Island of Light is an external reflection of Individual and Group Light Bodies .People
will still be in their physical bodies, however, they will be a reflection of their Light
Bodies. They will be reflecting their fifth dimensional body. They will be in a more
etheric form, but they won’t quite realize it yet.


The complete Spiritual body that has been blocked from angular distortions in the
streams of light consciousness coming into our Mother Earth’s Matrix can now be
completely restored. The breaths of Consciousness of all of our Starry Families can
now be connected into our consciousness as we become ONE with our original gods
who created us in the Aquarius Galaxy.

That spiritual body may now be retrieved and permanently placed into the physical
body. This is possible for the first time because of the work our Dolphonoid families
have completed, as they have realigned the electric circuitry system of all light and
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
sound to braid into streams of turquoise and aqua blue light and to become activated
by breaths of consciousness of the sounds of our new creation. This spectacular light
and sound is streaming down form our family in Aquafaria.

1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the Crystal Heart
area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the sphere.
2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body.
3. Picture your body laying on a mattress of golden magnetic energies
4. Imagine riding on this magic magnetic mattress inside of an elevator that goes
down into the center of the Earth.

5. Next, slide down a waterfall of rainbow colors into the liquid light portion of the
Earth’s Core. See a rainbow of golden dust sparkle around your body.
6. Float on the mattress into a crystal light, a crystal dust and and crystal gel area
of etheric substance. Continue to float in this pastel irradescent golden and rainbow
dust and light area. This is the 14th dimension.

3. Watch as Mother Earth places over your golden crystal dust body, a White crystal
light sphere- garment of white light rainbow pastel. Feel this garment on the body.
4. Take one more step down through the Earth’s Core until you feel like you in the
very center of Mother Earth’s Heart. Walk through Mother Earth’s Crystal Heart.
Merge and become one with all of the frequencies of her Heart. See the sparks
in your crystal heart and in her crystal heart ignite into a flame and braid their
streams of liquid light frequencies together in to braided rainbow colors.
5. Step through the Diamond Door in Mother Earth’s Heart Center and walk in to the
spiritual side--the etheric side- the golden dust side.
6. This Diamond Door separates the physical side of earth from spiritual side of
7. See your Rainbow Garment of Light Merge with Spiritual Essence when Spiritual
frequencies come into both the Irradescent Light Body and Physical body.
8. Become with your golden crystal body in the Silica Matrix of Mother Earth’s
Heart. Become one with the Breaths of Consciousness of Mother Earth.

The LIQUID LIGHT CLEANSING continues over and over

The cleansing can be placed on automatic pilot to continue all night long as you sleep

©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
see a pearly white frequency streaming down into the crystal heart. See the pearls
of wisdom from all that has been created in this 3D density melt into Divine Wisdom
of all that was ever created by Divine Minds. Allow the wisdom from the pearl in your
crystal heart to also contain the wisdom of all others on this 3D realm to be melted into
the Sparks of Source and melted to be reformed by the pearly white frequency that
streams liquid light energy to lift all from the crystal heart to be rekindled into a higher
frequency of liquid light frequencies of Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness.



The perfect crystal city that first appeared in its etheric form in Ajaho, the twin of
Pleiades star gate, Alcyone. This Atlantis was destroyed and then re-created again
and again. Now, Atlantis is being created once again. The perfect crystal city is being
formed. We have watched the Sphynx rise above the staff of the Christ Grid, as it laid
itself over the Rod that emerged from the Monterey Bay as a Butterfly Wing.



Weaving Oneness allows us to absorb the frequencies of all fourteen dimensions and
weave them into our own crystal heart, our head and our body and then wrap these
frequencies around and through the Mother Earth’s Body and Crystal Heart. Next, we
extend our frequencies into the 15th dimension and wrap all of these frequencies and
consciousness around Mother Earth and through Mother Earth until our frequencies
become ONE. This state of Oneness would weave together all that we ever have
been into all that we ever will be. All of 144 selves in each of the fifteen dimensions
are woven together into ONE GRAND NEW CONSCIOUSNESS that can now fully
Merge into all that Mother Earth was created from as Cosmic Consciousness, Galactic
Consciousness, and all that she has evolved into after falling from her Divine State and
returning to it.

©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal

Bring the Crystal Star Merkaba into the Head and then into the heart.
Ride inside of the Merkaba to collect and distribute frequencies inside of all of the cells
in your body and then spread and connect that new energy into all five spheres.

When the frequencies from all Five Merkabas are collected and pulled back into the
Crystal Heart, the body will become One with the Planet, Universe, Galaxy, Solar
System and Cosmos. Our Galaxy will become the Golden Galaxy.

Once our bodies and minds are recalibrated into Oneness, by infusing frequencies
and energies from all of the 5 spheres, the music of the spheres begins to sing through
the crystal cells of the body. Our crystal cells will learn to sing in rhythm and in tune
with our Divine Compliment, which is contained in the Earth’s Core. Each crystal cell
contains an entire creation grid, an entire memory containing the eons of lifetimes in
each dimension.


We can create the fuel and the energy in our Merkaba Bodies which are our Space
Ship Bodies to gain lift off from this dimension. Our body is now the Proton Body.
We gain lift off by adding the Neutron o the Proton. We can create the Neutron by
collecting the frequencies of the 14th and 8th dimensions and allowing the merkaba to
spiin at the speed of light to transform this energy into a Neutron that is brought into the
Merkaba Body. The Merkaba can glide down into Mother Earth’s Core and collect all of
the eternal substance of Mother Earth and of our own Golden Crystal Bodies that were
left there. Next, we create two bands of helium energy that spin at the speed of light
and place them in our crystal heart. As we sit in the Earths Core and allow the Merkaba
to spin at the speed of light, we also allow the rings of helium to spin within each other
at the speed of light clear out into the Cosmos. See the rings spinning clear out to
touch the stars in the sky on each breath as they spin. The speed of light energy is
that fast. We would touch a star on each breath. Feel the sensation of expanding and
disappearing into the Standing Wave Pattern of the Cosmos. The merkaba can then be
taken to the core of the Earth as we merge into oneness with Mother Earth.

We become One by expanding our Self into the Golden Merkaba of all five spheres.
Each one of these Merkabas contains our complete self who has a crystal heart. The
crystal heart contains all of the elements of Source in each Sphere. The elements of
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
Source in each Sphere must be collected together into One Crystal Heart, into One
Grand Self, into One Golden Merkaba.

We start with the Merkaba of this Sphere. We bring all of the frequencies of this sphere
into the crystal heart. We create a miniature self inside of the Merkaba.

The Merkaba realigns the density of our Cosmic Body. As the planet and Cosmos
realigns their rotation of particle spin - or density of consciousness - so does the body
realign to this less dense form.


1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the Crystal Heart
area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the sphere.
2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body.
3. Picture your body laying on a mattress of golden magnetic energies
4. Imagine riding on this magic magnetic mattress inside of an elevator that goes
down into the center of the Earth.

5. Next, slide down a waterfall of rainbow colors into the liquid light portion of the
Earth’s Core. See a rainbow of golden dust sparkle around your body.
6. Float on the mattress into a crystal light, a crystal dust and and crystal gel area
of etheric substance. Continue to float in this pastel irradescent golden and rainbow
dust and light area. This is the 14th dimension.

7. Watch as Mother Earth places over your golden crystal dust body, a White crystal
light sphere- garment of white light rainbow pastel. Feel this garment on the body.
8. Take one more step down through the Earth’s Core until you feel like you in the
very center of Mother Earth’s Heart. Walk through Mother Earth’s Crystal Heart.
Merge and become one with all of the frequencies of her Heart. See the sparks in
your crystal heart and in her crystal heart ignite into a flame and braid their streams
of liquid light frequencies together in to braided rainbow colors.
9. Step through the Diamond Door in Mother Earth’s Heart Center and walk in to the
spiritual side--the etheric side- the golden dust side.
10. This Diamond Door separates the physical side of earth from spiritual side
of earth.
11. See your Rainbow Garment of Light Merge with Spiritual Essence when
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
Spiritual frequencies come into both the Irradescent Light Body and Physical
12. Become with your golden crystal body in the Silica Matrix of Mother Earth’s
Heart. Become one with the Breaths of Consciousness of Mother Earth.

The LIQUID LIGHT CLEANSING continues over and over

The cleansing can be placed on automatic pilot to continue all night long as you sleep

In this healing state we reach the zero point- zero point means the exact amount of
equal but opposite amounts of energy. This is the state where our physical manifest
and spiritual body have become one.

Transcendence into Etheric Substance. This is the truth that sets us free. Eternal life is
made of etheric substance process of ascension is transforming the body into etheric
substance - creating the light body.

1. Now, see a funnel of golden wind inhaling you. Feel yourself become the golden
wind. See colors you’ve never seen before wrapping you in this golden wind funnel.
Watch yourself disappear into this golden wind. Become the wind.

2. When you open your eyes you have arrived in the most beautiful location of rainbow
colors sparkling and streaming through streams of light. You are greeted by gracious,
loving beings of light. They begin to show you your new home.



Neutron Meditation creates the electromagnetic spin required to connect the Neutron
to the Proton in order to become a Light Body. The seals from the Eye of Manifestation
melt away and return the divine right of manifestation when the solar energy
completely enters in to the eighth and ninth portals of the inner head area.

Learn how to transform energy into a Neutron and align every crystal cell in the body
with the neutron that transforms the carbon based body into a silica based light body.
Begin the transformation of the body into an immortal temple of crystal light energy.
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal


This Music Contains the Consciousness of the Crystal Light Energy and all of those
in my Aquafarion Starry Family who are braiding together the Earth’s Matrix into the
Etheric Matrix of the New Earth. The Breaths of Consciousness of these Entities are
aligning us through the Crystal Dust, Gel and Light of the Aqualene Sun Frequencies.


Christ Consciousness Seal of the 12th dimension is connected into protective seal of
the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions to connect to the Islands of Light.
This meditation introduces the frequencies of this protective seal. The frequencies of all
of the entities creating the Island of Light.
The frequencies and codes to awaken and activate the crystal cells into the 12th
Dimensional Seal of Christ Consciousness.


Breaths of Consciousness from all five spheres are ignited by the Spark of Source in
the Crystal Heart. These are the frequencies of Source Creation


Ascension Formula of Jesus Christ
The complete Spiritual body that has been blocked from angular distortions in the
streams of light consciousness coming into our Mother Earth’s Matrix can now be
completely restored. The breaths of Consciousness of all of our Starry Families can
now be connected into our consciousness as we become ONE with our original gods
who created us in the Aquarius Galaxy.

1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the Crystal Heart
area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the sphere.
2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body.
3. Picture your body laying on a mattress of golden magnetic energies
4. Imagine riding on this magic magnetic mattress inside of an elevator that goes
down into the center of the Earth.
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal

5. Next, slide down a waterfall of rainbow colors into the liquid light portion of the
Earth’s Core. See a rainbow of golden dust sparkle around your body.
6. Float on the mattress into a crystal light, a crystal dust and and crystal gel area
of etheric substance. Continue to float in this pastel irradescent golden and rainbow
dust and light area. This is the 14th dimension.

7. Watch as Mother Earth places over your golden crystal dust body, a White crystal
light sphere- garment of white light rainbow pastel. Feel this garment on the body.
8. Take one more step down through the Earth’s Core until you feel like you in the
very center of Mother Earth’s Heart. Walk through Mother Earth’s Crystal Heart.
Merge and become one with all of the frequencies of her Heart. See the sparks in
your crystal heart and in her crystal heart ignite into a flame and braid their streams
of liquid light frequencies together in to braided rainbow colors.
9. Step through the Diamond Door in Mother Earth’s Heart Center and walk in to
the spiritual side--the etheric side- the golden dust side.
This Diamond Door separates the physical side of earth from spiritual side of
10. See your Rainbow Garment of Light Merge with Spiritual Essence when Spiritual
frequencies come into both the Irradescent Light Body and Physical body.
11. Become with your golden crystal body in the Silica Matrix of Mother Earth’s
Heart. Become one with the Breaths of Consciousness of Mother Earth.

The 14th dimensional sparkly metallic irradescent pastel garment of crystal light
energy is being pulled into the miniature light Body. Inhale three times to bring
frequencies from irradescent shield fully into light Body. Imagine laying your light body
flat on the Mirror, become a mirror image of the Spiritual Body, soak it up, become one
with it. Feel sensation in physical body of a sparkling light entering right under skins
surface when the IRRADESCENT frequencies come.

Inhale the Golden Crystal Body into the Light Body Shield (This shield is like a
merkaba vehicle, it is simply a form of moving forms of light energy form one place to

Feel the sensation while passing through the mirror membrane of Mother Earth’s

There will be a sensation of passing through a liquid metallic mirror into a different
frequency pattern containing much less density. In the crystal heart of the Light Body
there is a sparkling metallic pastel like glitter of sparks growing into a flame in the
center of the crystal heart.
©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal

This crystal heart is remembering its ONENESS with the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.
These two hearts- the heart of Mother Earth and the Heart of the Crystal Light Body
flame and merge into one new flame of ONENESS. We become ONE with all that
Mother Earth contains in her Crystal Heart.

This glittering metallic rainbow colored IRRADESCENT Shield that has Merged the
HEARTS INTO ONENESS replaces the other Light Body Frequency that existed
before the merging into oneness with the Heart of Mother Earth.

Once this Irradescent Shield of Mother Earth’s Breaths of Consciousness merges and
ignites with the Sparks of Source in the Crystal Heart, the Sphere of the Crystal Heart
grows into Oneness and alignment that allows the Spiritual Body to totally and correctly
align into the Physical Body to create a balance of the physical and the spiritual.

Now see a pearly white frequency streaming down into the crystal heart. See the pearls
of wisdom from all that has been created in this 3D density melt into Divine Wisdom
of all that was ever created by Divine Minds. Allow the wisdom from the pearl in your
crystal heart to also contain the wisdom of all others on this 3D realm to be melted into
the Sparks of Source and melted to be reformed by the pearly white frequency that
streams liquid light energy to lift all from the crystal heart to be rekindled into a higher
frequency of liquid light frequencies of Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness.

The LIQUID LIGHT CLEANSING continues over and over

The IRRADESENT Body is shining brightly now. It has been charged fully with Kristic
Templates from the Balancing Portals of streaming braids of light and sound that has
been amplified by Dolphinoid Starry Brothers are preparing us to remember and return.


Inhale from tail bone collect metallic sparks back into tail bone feel warm sensation.

Inhale from CRYSTAL HEART a light from tail bone comes up to CRYSTAL HEART
and then light splits one light goes down to bottom of feet and one goes up 18” above

©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal
1. Now, see a funnel of golden wind inhaling you. Feel yourself become the golden
wind. See colors you’ve never seen before wrapping you in this golden wind funnel.
Watch yourself disappear into this golden wind. Become the wind.

2. When you open your eyes you have arrived in the most beautiful location of rainbow
colors sparkling and streaming through streams of light. You are greeted by gracious,
loving beings of light. They begin to show you your new home.



frequencies that will lift you into the golden wind tunnel. These frequencies
contain the heliotalic frequency, the neutron frequencies, all of the dimensions, the
complete ascension portal of frequencies.

©2008 Angela Barnett Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Creating an Ascension Portal

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