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Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615

Creative Construction Conference 2017, CCC 2017, 19-22 June 2017, Primosten, Croatia

Project Management Success Factors

Mladen Radujkovića, Mariela Sjekavicab*
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Fra Andrije Kačića Miošića 26, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia
Alma Mater Europea ECM, Slovenska ulica 17, Maribor 2 000, Slovenia
Croatian water, Ulica grada Vukovara 220, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia


Project management success is extremely interesting topic from scientific, as well as practical point of view. Namely, different
models of project management success emerged through history, indicating the level of thoughts considering management of
project successful. This article differs project management from project success, gives definitions of project management success,
aims to review different models of project management success, differs success of managing public and private projects and gives
a special accent on present situation in context of project management in Croatia. Comprehensive literature review is given, analysis
and synthesis of most interesting material is made, and applicable practical guidelines are defined.
© 2017 TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Creative Construction Conference 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Creative Construction Conference 2017
Keywords: project management, success, public project, EU project, case study

1. Introduction

Maybe the most beloved word of any project practitioner is “success” [1]. There are two main success concepts
when talking about projects: project success and project management success. There are similarities, as well as
differences, between these two project success dimensions [2-5]. The main difference concerns with linking project
success with result of evaluation of overall project goals achievement, while project management success relates to
traditional measurements of time, cost and quality performance [2, 3, 6, 7]. However, due to existence of many
different models of both project and project management success, it is hard to make a strong differentiation between
them, mostly because of their mutual relationships.

* Corresponding author. Mladen Radujković Tel.: +385-1-463-9234.

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Creative Construction Conference 2017
608 Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615


EU European Union
WWTP Wastewater treatment plant
GIS Geographic information system
PM Project management
WBS Work breakdown structure
OBS Organizational breakdown structure
SWOT Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
PDM Precedence diagram method
EVM Earned value management
Although there is no consensus definition of what project success consists of [7- 10], authors are agreed that project
success can be achieved through good actions of project manager [11-13].
This article deals with project management success with an aim to contribute to today’s knowledge and practices
existing on the area of construction management in particular. Construction projects success is namely fundamental
question for most governments, users and communities [12], so it is very important never to stop looking for new
ways of contribution to improvement of construction management success.
This aim will be achieved through four parts. In the first part, comprehensive literature review is given, defining
different meanings and models of project management success through time. In the second part, project management
success factors are given in a breakdown structure. The structure consists of three parts: project management
competence, organizational elements and project management tools, methods, methodologies and techniques. This
breakdown structure is explained through management of public, EU co-financed water projects in the third part.
Finally, recommendations for future development are given in the fourth part.

2. Project management success

Project management is planning, organization, monitoring and control of all aspects of project, with motivation of
all included to achieve project goals on safe manner, within agreed schedule, budget and performance criteria [14]. It
can be seen from the definition of project management, that it is focused on project performance, regarding short-term
dimensions of project success – adherence to criteria of time, cost and quality. The “iron triangle” model itself was the
very first model of project management success [2], which has later proven to be only a part of overall project success.
From this point of view, it is clear to see how it is possible to have a successful project with unsuccessful project
management, and vice versa. Namely, project can be successful despite unsuccessful project management because it
has achieved higher and long-term goals. In the moment when management of project stops, short-term orientation
can be unsuccessful, but long-term outcome can be successful, because wider set of goals are satisfied, instead of
narrow subset which project management consists of [15].
Besides the “iron triangle”, and taking into account considerations of project management success, it is possible to
find many different approaches [16]. Project manager is not responsible only for time, cost and quality management,
but also integration, scope, human resource, communication, risk and procurement management [17], so he or she is
the most responsible person for project success.
With this in mind, it is surely possible to broaden “iron triangle” model on models that anticipate management of
stakeholders’ satisfaction [18, 19], benefits to organization that owns the project [16, 18, 20] and long-term impacts
on project environment [21].
How to measure if project management is successful? Project management success can be evaluated through
already mentioned criteria of time, cost, quality, scope, resource and activity [22], but also through models of
measuring success like PMPA – Project Management Performance Assessment [23] or maturity models of
management within organization like Project Excellence Model® [24]. It is hard to answer the question of project
management success evaluation precisely, because project management creates both tangible and intangible benefits
Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615 609

As stated earlier, it may be possible for a right project to succeed without successful project management, but
successful project management can boost up its success. There is a significant positive relationship between project
management practices and project success [4, 26, 27]. Project management success is one of the elements of project
success, because the latter is hardly achievable without it [28].

3. Project management success breakdown

In addition to thoughts given in previous chapter it is interesting to take a look at those project management parts
which contribute the most, both to project management success and, consequently, to overall project success. Those
parts are named project management success factors – enablers or influencers of project management success.
In table 1 such review is given, with authors specifying those factors.

Table 1. Project management success factors [Slightly modified from 29]

Project management success factor Author, Category of project management
year success factors
Project manager competencies [7, 30-32] C1
Project managers’ emotional intelligence, soft project manager elements [33-35] C1
Stuff in project team [27, 36] C1
Application of project management knowledge and skills from project manager and [34, 35] C1
project team, as well as their coordination
Organizational structure [32, 34] C2
Organizational culture [24, 37] C2
Project management tools and techniques [38, 39] C3
Project management standards [35, 40] C3

Through examination of these factors, it can be seen that they can be attached to three categories, as highlighted in
the third column of the table:

x Elements of project management competence (C1)

x Elements of organization (C2)
x Elements of project management methodologies, methods, tools and techniques (C3)

Regarding this categorization, slight modification of initial factors found in literature is made, based on ICB - IPMA
Competence Baseline [14], OCB - IPMA Organizational Competence Baseline [41], and categorization regarding C3
found in [42] and [43]. The final result is given in figure 1.
First category, elements of project management competence, consists of technical, behavioral and contextual
competencies (based on [14]) of project manager and project team members, as well as their coordination.
Second category, elements of organization, consists of organizational structure, organizational culture,
organizational atmosphere and organization competence (PP&P governance, PP&P management, PP&P
organizational alignment, PP&P resources, PP&P people’s competences (based on [41])).
Third category consists of six parts, based on [42], and followed on by [43]: project management methodologies,
project management software, project management tools, decision-making techniques, risk assessment tools and
information communication technology support tools.
Theoretically, if you have a competent project manager, competent team, coordinated manager and team, adequate
organizational structure, culture, atmosphere and competence, as well as high usage of project management
methodologies, methods, tools and techniques, your project should have highly successful project management, and
enable project success.
It is important to note here, that the importance of these factors may vary depending on project type (public or
private) and project orientation (interim projects or projects for the market) and number of projects being managed in
610 Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615

organization. For instance, in organizations that manage many projects, organization competence becomes vital, but
is not that important in organizations that are concentrated on relatively small number of parallel projects.

Fig. 1. Project management success factors breakdown structure

How the breakdown works on practical cases will be shown in next chapter, through three cases of EU co-financed
water projects.

4. EU co-financed water projects: case study

EU co-financed water projects are public projects in the Republic of Croatia, which are being planned, selected,
verified, monitored and controlled under Croatian water as Intermediate Body of Level 2. The fact that these projects
are public, gives special accent on their project management. Project manager must take into consideration a larger
scope of elements than time, cost and quality while taking managerial decisions – e.g. end users satisfaction,
environment, health and safety, political and social implications etc.
Factors from the three categories will be tested on three case studies, whose characteristics can be seen in table 2.
All of the three projects have implemented Project Implementation Units inside grant contract beneficiaries’
organizations, with project manager and project management team in charge for successful implementation of project.
Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615 611

Project manager also exists from the point of view of Intermediate Body of Level 2, and is responsible for verification
of Project Implementation Unit work. Therefore, he/she is the relevant person for assessment of project management
factors on those projects. Project managers were asked to assess the strength of project management competence (on
Likert scale 1-5; where 1 = insufficient competence, 2 = sufficient competence, 3 = good competence, 4 = very good
competence, 5 = excellent competence) and existence of organization competence, define parent organizations’
structure (functional, project or matrix), culture (clear or unclear, strong or weak, stabile or flexible, authoritative or
democratic) and atmosphere (positive, neutral, negative) and name those project management methodologies,
software, tools and techniques in use.

Table 2. Three project case studies

Project no. 1 2 3
Project 3,5 4 2
Project value 0-20 > 50 21 -50
(mil. EUR)
Project scope WWTP, Sewage system expansion WWTP, Sewage system reconstruction WWTP, Sewage system construction,
and construction, Water system- and expansion, Water system expansion and reconstruction, Water
house ports , Equipment, GIS reconstruction, Equipment, Property system construction and expansion,
system, Supervision, Visibility, PM relations, Supervision, Visibility, PM Equipment, Supervision, Visibility, PM

The result of project reviews and interviews with project managers are shown in table 3.

Table 3. Results of evaluation of project management success factors

Project no. 1 2 3
Project management competence
Project manager’s competence
Technical 4 4 4
Behavioral 4 4 2
Contextual 5 5 3
Project team’s competence
Technical 4 5 2
Behavioral 4 5 3
Contextual 4 5 3
Coordination 3 5 2
Organizational Matrix Matrix Matrix
Organizational Unclear Clear Unclear
culture Weak Strong Weak
Stabile Stabile Stable
Authoritative Authoritative Authoritative
612 Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615

Organizational Positive Positive Negative

Organization Applicable, 2 parallel external projects Not applicable, only 1 external project Applicable
PP&P governance ‫ض‬ -
PP&P management ‫ض‬ -
PP&P organizational ‫ض‬ -
PP&P resources ‫ض‬ -
PP&P people’s ‫ض‬ -
Project management methodologies, methods, tools and techniques
Project management ICB ICB ICB
Project management MS Excel, Primavera MS Excel, Primavera MS Excel, Primavera
Project management Gantt charts, S curves, PDM, EVM, Gantt charts, S curves, PDM, EVM, OBS, Cash flow analysis,
tools WBS, OBS, Cash flow analysis, SWOT, WBS, OBS, Cash flow analysis, SWOT, SWOT, Project chart,
Project chart, Resource Leveling, Project chart, Resource Leveling, Reporting system, Progress
Reporting system, Progress reports, Reporting system, Progress reports, reports, Progress meetings
Progress meetings, Team building Progress meetings, Team building
Decision-making Cost benefit analysis, Decision analysis Cost benefit analysis, Decision analysis Cost benefit analysis
Risk assessment tools Life cycle cost analysis Life cycle cost analysis Life cycle cost analysis
Information Integrated group interface, Expert Integrated group interface, Expert Group interface (only e-
communication forums forums mail)
technology support

As it can be seen from table 3, some conclusions can be drawn:

x Project managers on projects 1 and 2 are quite competent, especially in contextual sense, which is very important
because these projects are EU co-financed, so there is a broader context than in nationally funded projects. Project
manager of the third project is evaluated low in behavioral and contextual competence element, which can warn
on potential problems in managing this project.
x Project team’s competence on second project is excellent, what indicates great team composition and
complementarity, which supports project manager. Team members’ competence on the first project is very good,
and on the third project, very low.
x Coordination between project manager and project team is extremely highly assessed on the second project, good
on the first project and bad on the third one.
x All parent organizations have matrix structure, what means that some project team members work both on project
and in their regular departments of functional part of organization. This structure indicates that parent organizations
still want to have some sort of control over project decision-making, while keeping project management “in house”.
x Previously said is visible in organizational culture, which for all three organizations is authoritative - the “last
word” usually stays within organization director. Speaking of organizational culture, it is stable in sense of years
and tradition on operating on one way, but is strong and clear only on the second project.
x Organizational atmosphere is negative only on the third project, which is not surprising according to the previous
notions on that project.
Mladen Radujković and Mariela Sjekavica / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 607 – 615 613

x It is useful and purposeful to analyze organization competence only in those organizations that manage more than
one project at the time, what is the case on the first and third project. All elements of organization competence do
exist on the first project, but not on the third one.
x When it comes to the last category, it can be noted that first and second project are keen of usage of same project
management methodologies, methods, tools and techniques. Third project, on contrary, uses only those tools that
are obligatory on EU co-financed projects in water sector such as cost benefit analysis (including life cycle cost
analysis, project chart, OBS and SWOT).
x To conclude, second project has the most successful project management, the average one is on the first project
and the worst on the third one. After conducting these case studies, it can be seen that proposed PM success factors
breakdown structure methodology coincides with current state and trends on these projects.

According to all said above, recommendations for future PM development in praxes can be made, and they consist

x Education. Education on PM competence and even more important – right way to use them is extremely important.
Project manager with his team is the most responsible for the final project success at the end of the day. That is
why it is important to promote competence, PM knowledge and best praxes. The significant part of this education
should be internal organizational capacity and competence strengthening, as well as learning based on experience
between organizations.
x Relationship between project and parent organization. This relationship also defines project manager
responsibilities in decision-making and, consequently, liability. Due to that, it should be defined in relation to
project type and project purpose. It is important to work on creation of such organizational strategic governance
and project-supporting climate to give projects best organizational preconditions possible to succeed.
x PM methodologies, methods, tools and techniques. It is very useful to know large scale of these, but only in order
to help, not embitter yourself. Teach, try and pick those which fit to your case the most, and which can make your
life easier and your project planning, monitoring and control optimized. According to internal and mutual
organizational learning mentioned before, it is useful to develop those methods, tools and techniques that can really
help organization in managing their own projects.

5. Conclusion

Project management is inevitable in today’s world – a place of continuous improvement through different types of
various projects. Project management is not only necessity for that improvement but also one field that seeks for
improvement itself, through influence on different PM success factors. Those factors are drawn up in this article, in
form of project management success factors breakdown structure. The breakdown structure is then applied on three
different EU co-financed projects, and relevant conclusions are made, the most important one dealing with matching
between proposed breakdown structure methodology and real trends and states on the projects. Investments in project
management field should be made, especially through strengthening people and organization competence.


Authors would like to thank Faculty of Civil Engineering of University of Zagreb, Alma Mater Europea ECM and
Croatian waters on support and motivation of this research.


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