NIMS Poster
NIMS Poster
NIMS Poster
1 1
, K. Nakahata , H. Yamawaki , and I. Watanabe 3 3
1 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan.
2 Centre for Advanced Research on Energy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 79100, Malaysia.
Contact us:
3 Center for Structural Materials, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047 Japan.
[email protected]
When a solid-solid interface is subjected to a large incident wave, a scattered wave with higher harmonic is generated due to the open/close state of the interface. This
nonlinear phenomenon is called the contact acoustic nonlinearity and has been applied for the evaluation of closed cracks in the field of ultrasonic non-destructive
testing. When the incident wave reached at the interface, the domain on the incident side thrusts the other one intermittently to open the interface. However, the
interface cannot keep open for a long period of time because of the compressive stress. As a result, the displacement on the other side shows a saw-tooth waveform.
The generation of the sawtooth-wave is already investigated numerically and understood that the phenomenon is only occurred when the interface showed the opening
state. However, the experimental validation of the opening state has been not reported. In this work, the numerical simulation using elastodynamic fnite integration
technique (EFIT) is proposed to model the sawtooth-wave. Also, the experimental validation for the opening state at the interface is presented.
Open/closed scheme
Grid allocation of 1D EFIT model with crack in open state
Material properties
(a) Displacement of the transmitted wave
• Polymethyl
• cL=2730 m/s
• ρ=1180 kg/m3
Incident wave
• Modulated cosine wave
• 1MHz
• 8 cycles
(b) Compressive stress is applied (P0= σ0/2) (b) Particle velocity of the transmitted wave
Material properties
• 5mm thickness
• cL=2778 m/s
• ρ=1180 kg/m3
Incident wave
• Tone burst wave
• 1MHz
• 5 cycles
• 5MHz
The nonlinear behavior of the closed interface was investigated using 1D EFIT simulation. The saw-tooth wave is generated only when the
interface is opened by a large amplitude of the incident wave. In addition, the constant slope of the sawtooth-wave is corresponded to the
compressive stress applied between the interface. As evidence, the particle velocity showed a constant value at the opening state which
then showed a good agreement with the experimental measurement. Furthermore, the higher harmonics are investigated in conjunction with
the saw-tooth generation which becomes useful information for the closed crack evaluation in the ultrasonic testing application.