25M PG 19-20 MAR Completed

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Module Assessment Report to Students

Module: Managing People (MAN00025M)

Programme: Taught Masters
Academic Year: 2019/20
Module Co-ordinator: Carolyn Hunter

General Comments

The module marks were within the expected range. However there was a significant
increase in the percentage of students’ marks in the pass range compared to the previous
year. On a positive note, a lower percentage of students failed the module than in previous
year. This resulted in a smaller standard deviation with a greater concentration around the
55 mark.

Specific Comments

While students may have averaged a pass, this was actually a big increase from the
percentage who passed the formative. The feeling from the module tutors was that the
cohort missed some skills around essay writing and communicating arguments in their
essay. Therefore in one sense, while the marks were not exceptional they did demonstrate
that this cohort improved over the term.
It was noticeable that the seminars were not very effective this year with students not
coming prepared or not being willing to take part, and as a result a few complaints were
made by students. A review of the module will be done to assess if a more workshop style
delivery would benefit the cohort and produce a better engagement.

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Marks profile 2019/20

No. of Lowest Mark Highest Mark Median Average Standard

students Deviation
254 20 78 55 55.81 7.61

Distinction Merit 60-69 Pass 50-59 Fail 40-49 Fail <40

14 (5.12%) 61 (24.02%) 155 (61.02%) 21 (8.27%) 3 (1.18%)

Marks profile 2018/19

No. of Lowest Mark Highest Mark Median Average Standard

students Deviation
187 0 80 58 57.67 11.10

Distinction Merit 60-69 Pass 50-59 Fail 40-49 Fail <40

25 (13.36%) 67 (35.82%) 63 (33.68%) 26 (13.9%) 6 (3.2%)

Recommendation to Board of Examiners (delete as necessary)

A. Marks profile within expected range for module type. No action required.
B. Marks profile out with expected range for module type. Moderation required.
C. Marks profile unexpected. Further discussion required.

Action taken by Board of Examiners (to be completed after the Final BoE)

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