Year 7 KS3 Science Year Booklet: Includes

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Year 7 KS3 Science

Year Booklet

 Home-learning Tasks
 Revision Questions
 Content Checklists


Tutor Group:_______

Science Group:_________

Pg: 4 - 9 7B1: Cells

Pg: 10 - 14 7C1: Particles and their Behaviour

Pg: 15 - 20 7P4: Space

Pg: 21 - 26 7B2: Structure and Function of Body Systems

Pg: 27 -30 7C2: Elements, atoms and compounds

Pg: 31-36 7P1: Forces

Pg: 37-42 7B3: Reproduction

Pg: 43-47 7C3: Reactions

Pg: 48-53 7P2: Sound

Pg: 54-58 7C4: Acids and Alkalis

Pg 59 - 66 7P3: Light
How many home-learning tasks will I need to do?
One a week, which should cover 3 tasks per unit.

How will I know which task to complete?

Your teacher will tell you which unit and task number to complete. But you
are expected to complete the challenge task for each home-learning set.

What if I find the challenge task too hard?

We want to challenge you to increase your progress during the year, but if
you do find it too hard, get your tutor or a parent to make and sign a note in
your science book by your home-learning and complete the regular task. You
will need to do this each time.

What do I do if I don’t get it?

Go and talk to your teacher (or any science teacher) before the due date,
we are here to help. There are revision resources in this book to help,
otherwise try or buy a revision guide from the
science lab technicians.

Can I do my home-learning on the computer?

Yes. But make sure you print it out and stick it in your book. If you arrive to
your lesson with it on a memory stick, it will not be accepted.

Can I complete the tasks ahead of them being set?

Yes! Make sure it is easy for your science teacher to find it in your book

What are the revision questions and checklists for?

It is important to revise before each assessment. Use the checklists to find
out if there are any areas you may need to work on before a test and the
revision questions to get someone else or to test yourself on the topic.

7B1: Cells
Textbook pages 14-25

7B1: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Draw a picture of a microscope. Give a step by step instruction to a

Label the eyepiece, objective lens, year 7 student on how to use the
stage, light and focus. microscope to see a slide

Research a muscle cell. Draw a Research a phagocyte Draw a

diagram of the cell, describe its diagram of the cell, describe its
function, describe where it is found function, describe where it is found
and explain how it is adapted to its and explain how it is adapted to its
function. function.

Research a cilia cell. Draw a Research what stem cells are.

diagram of the cell, describe its Describe what they are, what
function, describe where it is found scientists want to do with stem
and explain how it is adapted to its cells and the for and against
function. arguments of what stem cells are
used for

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge

Summary Questions: Regular:

1. Describe what these parts of a cell do: a) A nucleus b) Cell membrane c) Chloroplast
2. Draw and label a diagram of a sperm cell. Explain how its streamlined head and tail helps the
sperm cell
3. Draw and label a diagram of an egg cell (Ovum). Explain how its streamlined head and tail helps the
sperm cell
4. Describe what diffusion is. Give an example of it

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Describe what the nucleus of a cell does

2. Describe the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells
3. Explain how substances get in and out of cells
4. Describe what red blood cells do and explain how they are adapted to their function
5. Explain using the correct parts of a cell, why plants can wilt if they have not been watered

7B1: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What are all living organisms made up Cells
2. Who was the first person so look down Robert Hooke
a microscope?
3. What does “making an observation” Looking carefully and in detail at an object
4. Name the 7 parts of a microscope Eyepiece, objective lens, stage, slide, fine focussing
wheel, coarse focussing wheel, light
5. How do you calculate total Total magnification = eyepiece lens magnification x
magnification when looking down a objective lens magnification
6. Name the four parts of an animal cell Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondrion
7. Name the seven parts of a plant cell Chloroplast, vacuole, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, cell
wall, cell membrane, nucleus
8. Which part of the cell controls the Nucleus
cell and contains the genetic
9. What happens in the mitochondria Respiration
10. What happens in the chloroplasts Photosynthesis
11. What happens in the cytoplasm Cell reactions
12. What does the cell membrane do? Controls substances entering and leaving the cell
13. What are specialised cells? Cells that have become specially adapted to do a
certain job
14. How is a nerve cell adapted to do its It is long and thin and has connections at both ends
job? to pass messages onto other nerve cells
15. How are red blood cells adapted to do They have a disk like shape to increase their surface
their job? area so they can carry more oxygen
16. How are sperm cells adapted to do They have a tail to help them swim. They have lots of
their job? mitochondria to give them enough energy.
17. How are leaf cells adapted to do their They have lots of chloroplasts in them to absorb
job? sunlight.
18. How are root hair cells adapted to do They have a large surface area to absorb water and
their job? nutrients. They do not have chloroplasts in them as
they are found underground so no photosynthesis can
take place
19. What substances are needed for Glucose and oxygen
20. What is diffusion? When particles move from a place where there is a
high concentration of them to a place where there is
a low concentration of them.

21. Why do plants wilt? When a plant has not been watered there is not much
water in each cell. Normally the vacuole is full and
this pushes each cell outwards and makes the plant
stand upright. If there is not much water then the
vacuole shrinks and the plants wilt.
22. What is a unicellular organism? A organism made up from only one cell
23. How do Amoebas reproduce? By binary fission (they split into two new cells)
24. How does a Euglena move about? Using a tail called a flagellum
25. How does an Amoeba eat? They eat algae, bacteria and plant cells. They
surround tiny particles of food engulf these particles
into a food vacuole.
26. How does a Euglena eat? Euglenas contain chloroplasts so they can make their
own food by photosynthesis. If there is not enough
light then they can eat other microorganisms my
engulfing them.

7B1: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

1.1 14- Observing Cells:

15  I can describe what cells are
 I can name some equipment that
may be used to observe cells
 I can describe the different
parts of a microscope
 I can calculate the magnification
of a microscope
1.2 16- Plant and animal cells:
17  I can list the main parts of cells
 I can identify parts of a cell from
a diagram
 I can accurately draw parts of
cells when viewing them under a
 I can describe the functions of
the main parts of cells
 I can compare and contrast animal
and plant cells
1.3 18- Specialised Cells:
19  I can identify different
specialised cells
 I can describe the structural
adaptations of some animal and
plant cells (nerve, red blood,
sperm, leaf and root hair)
 I can explain how the
adaptations of cells improves
their function
1.4 20- Movement of substances:
21  I can describe the process of
diffusion and where it is used
 I can suggest how the rate of
diffusion may be affected
 I can describe the substances
that move across cell membranes
 I can give examples of diffusion

 I can explain why plants wilt in
terms of cell structure
 I can describe what osmosis is
1.5 22- Unicellular Organisms:
23  I can identify the structural
adaptations of some unicellular
 I can describe what a unicellular
organism is
 I can describe the structure of
amoeba and euglena
 I can explain how adaptations
help unicellular organisms
 I can explain how unicellular
organisms eat and reproduce

7C1: Particles and
their Behaviour
Textbook pages 60-75

7C1: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Draw a picture of particles in solids, Draw and explain in detail how

liquids and gases. particles behave in the 3 states of

Draw on graph paper the cooling Research and then explain why the
curve of steric acid when it temperature remains constant when
freezes. Label on the diagram when a change of state occurs.
a change of stare occurs.

Research the terms sublimation, Investigate different examples of

condensation and diffusion. Explain diffusion. Explain why the rate of
what they mean. diffusion increases with
temperature. Investigate and give
examples of materials that undergo

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1. Describe the arrangement and movement of particles in the liquid state.

2. Explain the different diffusion speeds through substances in solid, liquid and
3. Explain why a balloon would get bigger as it gains altitude.
4. Explain why a balloon would get bigger as it gets hotter.
Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Investigate and explain what the kinetic theory of gases states.

2. Investigate and explain what the term latent heat of fusion means.
3. Investigate and explain why a plastic bottle would appear to shrink if it was
placed into a freezer.
4. Neon has a boiling point of -249 degrees Celsius. Explain what would happen
to the particles as it is slowly heated from -255 degrees Celsius to -245
degrees Celsius.

7C1: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
What are materials made of? Particles
What is a mixture? A mixture is made of different types of particles
What do the properties of a substance The particles
depend on?
What are three states of matter? Solid, liquid, gas
What are the properties of a solid? Uncompressible, doesn’t flow, fixed shape
What are the properties of a liquid? Uncompressible, does flow, takes the shape of its
What are the properties of a gas? Compressible, does flow, fills its container
Describe the structure of a solid Touching their neighbours, in a regular pattern,
vibrate in place, don’t move around
Describe the structure of a liquid Touching neighbours with gaps, may move around
Describe the structure of a gas Not touching neighbours, moving constantly
What are the solid/liquid state changes? Melting and freezing
Describe what happens to the particles as ice They gain energy and vibrate faster, they move out
melts of their places so the ice melts
What is a melting point? The temperature at which a substance melts
How can a melting point tell us about the Each substance has a specific melting point
identity of a substance?
How can a melting point tell us about the A pure substance has a sharp melting point
purity of a substance?
What is boiling? The state change from liquid to gas
What is the boiling point? The temperature at which a liquid boils
How can a boiling point tell us about the Each substance has a specific boiling point
identity of a substance?
What is evaporation? Changing from liquid to gas without boiling
When might evaporation be useful? Sweating to cool down
What is condensation? State change from gas to liquid
What is sublimation? State change from solid to gas without going to liquid
What is diffusion? The random movement of particles through air or
liquid to spread out.
What factors affect diffusion speed? Temperature, particle size, state of the diffusing
What causes pressure? Particles colliding with the container wall
How does the number of particles affect More particles = more collisions =higher pressure
How does temperature affect pressure? Higher temperature = more energy = faster particles
= more collisions = higher pressure

7C1: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

1.1 60- The Particle Model:

61  I can describe what a particle
 I can use the particle model
to explain why different
materials have different
1.2 62- States of Matter:
63  I can name the three states of
 I can describe the properties of
the three states of matter
 I can represent the three states
of matter with drawings of
 I can explain the properties of the
three states of matter with
reference to the particle model
1.3 64- Melting and Freezing
65  I can list the changes of states
 I can describe how changes of
states may occur
 I can explain changes of states of
matter with reference to energy
levels of particles
 I can describe what is meant by
the melting point of a substance
 I can describe how you can use
melting points to check the
purity of a substance
 I can recall what happens to the
temperature of a heated
substance when it is melting
1.4 66- Boiling:
67  I can list the changes of states
 I can describe how changes of
states may occur

 I can explain changes of states of
matter with reference to energy
levels of particles
 I can describe changes of states
with reference to energy changes
 I can describe how to
measure the boiling point of a
 I can predict the state of a
substance at a certain
temperature using the boiling
and melting point
1.5 68- Changes of State:
69  I can describe what is meant
by evaporation, sublimation
and condensation
 I can explain what happens in
evaporation, sublimation and
condensation in terms of
particles and energy
 I can explain how evaporation
is useful
1.6 70- Diffusion:
71  I can state that particles may
move through a fluid by diffusion
 I can describe diffusion in terms
of the particle model
 I can explain how diffusion
happens in terms of the particle
 I can suggest how the rate of
diffusion may be affected
1.7 72- Gas Pressure:
73  I can describe how pressure
occurs in gases
 I can explain how pressure in
gases may change

7P4: Space
Textbook pages 148-157

7P4: Home-Learning Tasks:
Research Project:

You need to use the internet, class text books or from any information provided
to research answers to the following:


 Describe how the Moon was formed and explain what evidence we have for
 Describe the difference between a meteor and a meteorite. Explain the
consequences of a meteorite colliding with Earth
 Describe how we explore space through landers, probes and rovers
 Describe what an asteroid is and what an asteroid belt is


 Describe what a star is

 Describe the formation of a star from a Nebula and explain the possible
fate of stars
 Describe what black holes are and describe some of their properties
 Describe what dark matter and dark energy are

To submit to your teacher:

You need to produce in your book:

- The research questions answered with the questions as subtitles

- A full bibliography of where you obtained your findings

- A system to reference your work (Harvard referencing)

- Page numbers if necessary

7P4: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What is an artificial satellite? A manmade satellite
2. What does orbit mean? The path taken by one body in space as it moves
around another body
3. How do we see the moon? (It is non-luminous). Light reflects off it from the
4. What is a comet? What is it made from? It is a body made up of ice and rock that orbits the
Sun (in an elliptical orbit)
5. What are asteroids? Lumps of rock orbiting the Sun left over from when
the Solar system was formed
6. What is the difference between a meteor A meteor is a rock that burns up in our atmosphere. A
and a meteorite? meteorite is a rock that collides with Earth.
7. How does an asteroid become a meteor? The asteroids collide into each other, knocking them
out of orbit. They then start moving towards planets
8. What is a star? A large ball of gas that emits light and heat in space
9. What is a galaxy? A large collection of stars and Solar systems
10. What is the universe? Everything that exists
11. What is the shape of a planet’s orbit? An ellipse
12. What is an ellipse? A squashed circle (an oval)
13. What is the order of the planets, starting Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
from the closest to the Sun? Uranus, Neptune
14. What are the 4 terrestrial planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
15. Which planets are the gas giants? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
16. Between which two planets is the asteroid Mars and Jupiter
17. What is a dwarf planet? Give an example A small lump of rock that orbits the Sun. Pluto.
18. How did the universe form?
19. Describe the motion of the Earth It rotates on its axis
20. At what angle does the Earth tilt on its 23.4˚
21. What is a year? How long is Earth’s? Time taken for a planet to orbit the Sun: 365.25 days
22. What is a day? How long is Earth’s? Time taken for a planet to make one complete
rotation: 24 hours
23. What are the 4 different seasons? Winter, spring, summer, autumn
24. What causes summer? When that part of the Earth is tilted towards the
Sun (as the sun is concentrated on a smaller area)
25. What causes winter? When that part of the Earth is tilted away the Sun
(as the sun is spread out over a larger area)
26. What is a constellation? A collection of stars that makes a pattern
27. Why does the moon look different at Its position around the Earth changes. It creates a
different times of the month? shadow on part of the Moon

28. What is meant by the different phases of The changing shapes of the Moon
the moon?
29. What is a lunar month? The time taken for the Moon to orbit the Earth
(around 28 days)
30. What is a solar eclipse? An eclipse where the moon comes between the Sun
and the Earth
31. What is a lunar eclipse? An eclipse that happens when the Earth comes
between the Sun and the Moon
32. What is an umbra? The area of total shadow behind an opaque object
where no light has reached
33. What is a penumbra? The area of blurred shadow around the edge of the
34. What is a satellite? A body that orbits another body
35. Give an example of a natural satellite The Moon

7P4: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

4.1 148- The Night Sky:

149  I can explain that our Sun is a
star, and that there are other
stars and solar systems in our
galaxy and other galaxies in the
 I can describe what comets,
meteors, meteorites, planets,
galaxies, satellites are
4.2 150- The Solar System:
151  I can identify gravity as the force
which exists between the Moon
and the Earth and between the
Sun and the Earth
 I can list planets in our solar
system in order
 I can describe a solar system as a
collection of plants and other
objects orbiting a star
 I can describe the main theory
for how our solar system formed
 To describe the difference
between terrestrial planets and
gas giants
4.3 152- The Earth:
153  I can state the length of an Earth
 I can state the length of an Earth
 I can state that the Earth is
tilted on its axis
 I can list the seasons of the Earth
in order
 I can describe what a day is
 I can describe a year is
 I can explain what causes seasons
 I can explain the existence of a

leap year, with reference to the
fact that an earth year is actually
365.25 days
 I can explain how the different
seasons occur in the northern
hemisphere, with reference to the
tilt of the Earth and proximity to
the Sun
 I can apply knowledge of the
seasons in the northern
hemisphere to explain why the
southern hemisphere experiences
seasons differently
4.4 154- The Moon:
155  I can state that on Earth, a lunar
month is 28 days
 I can describe what a Solar and
Lunar eclipse is
 I can explain what causes Solar
and Lunar eclipses
 I can describe what an umbra
and penumbra are
 I can explain why we see
different phases of the Moon.
 I can explain why we only see
one side of the Moon from the

7B2: Structure &
Function of Body
Textbook pages 26-39

7B2: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Draw a Levels of Organisation Draw a levels of organisation

triangle for the respiratory system diagram for the transport system in

Write a story outlining the journey Describe as a list the movements of

of an oxygen molecule from the air the chest when inhaling and
to the muscles of a running rabbit exhaling. Include the changes in
volume and pressure in the chest

Describe how the named muscles of Explain the role of the ligaments,
your arm move the bones when tendons, cartilage and synovial fluid
lifting an object from the floor to in the knee joint
the table

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1) Describe a) a tissue b) an organ c) an organ system in a human

2) Describe the role of the rib muscles and diaphragm muscles in breathing
3) Describe the role of a) skeleton b) muscles c) joints
4) Explain the difference between breathing and respiration

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1) Explain why multi-cellular organisms have many organ systems whereas

unicellular organisms do not
2) Explain what would happen to breathing if the chest cavity was punctured
3) Describe and explain the different composition of breathed in and
breathed out air
4) Explain how the antagonistic muscles in the leg move when we take a step

7B2: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What are multi-cellular organisms? Organisms made up of many cells
2. List the 5 levels of organisation in Cells tissues  organs  organ systems 
multi-cellular organisms from smallest organism
to largest
3. Explain what a tissue is A group of similar cells working together to perform
a particular function
4. Explain what an organ is An organ is made up of a group of different tissues
that work together to perform a certain function
5. Explain what an organ system is An organ system is a group of different organs that
work together to perform a certain function
6. Explain what an organism is An organism is made up of several organ systems
working together to perform all the processes
needed to stay alive
7. What job do your lungs do? They are responsible for gas exchange – they take in
oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body
8. What parts of the body does air have Nose/mouth  trachea  bronchus  bronchiole 
to pass through before the oxygen in alveolus  blood
it can get into the blood?
9. What are alveoli? Tiny air sacs found in the lungs. They create a large
surface area for gas exchange.
10. What is breathing in called? Inhaling
11. What is breathing out called? Exhaling
12. Give two differences between inhaled Inhales air contains more oxygen.
and exhaled air. Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide.
13. When you breathe in what happens to They contract
the muscles in your chest?
14. When you breathe in what happens to It contracts and moves down
your diaphragm?
15. When you breathe in what happens to It increases
the volume in your lungs?
16. When you breathe in what happens to It decreases – this pulls air into your lungs
the pressure in your chest?
17. When you breathe out what happens They relax
to the muscles in your chest?
18. When you breathe out what happens It relaxes and moves down
to your diaphragm?
19. When you breathe out what happens It decreases
to the volume in your lungs?
20. When you breathe out what happens It increases and pushes air out of your lungs
to the pressure in your chest?

21. List three factors that decrease your Smoking, asthma and old age
lung volume
22. How many bones are there in the 206
average adult human skeleton?
23. List the four main functions of the Support the body, protect organs, help the body
skeleton move, make blood cells
24. Where is bone marrow found? In the middle of some of the longer bones such as in
your arms and legs
25. What does bone marrow do? Makes new blood cells
26. What is a joint? Where two or more bones join together
27. Name the three types of joint. Hinge joints, ball and socket joints, fixed joints
28. Give an example of a hinge joint Elbow or knee
29. Give an example of a ball and socket Hip or shoulder
30. Give an example of a fixed joint The skull
31. What is the job of cartilage? This covers the ends of bones and stops them
rubbing together and causing pain
32. What is the job of ligaments? This holds the bones together
33. What is the job of tendons? This attaches the muscle to the bone
34. What does antagonistic mean? This is when a pair of muscles works opposite each
other to move the body. For example the biceps and
triceps. When the biceps contracts the triceps
relaxes and when the triceps relaxes the biceps
relaxes. This allows your arm to move up and down.

7B2: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

2.1 26- Levels of Organisation:

27  I can describe what a multi-
cellular organism is
 I can list and identify different
tissues and organs
 I can describe how multicellular
organisms are organised (cells >
tissues > organs > organ systems >
 I can describe a tissue, an organ
and an organ system
 I can name some organs and organ
systems in humans
 I can describe the job of some
organ systems
2.2 28- Gas Exchange:
29  I can name some tissues and
organs in the human gas exchange
 I can label a simple diagram of the
human gas exchange system
 I can describe the functions of
some tissues and organs in the
human gas exchange system
 I can compare the amounts of
gases in inhaled air to exhaled
 I can explain why you can see
your breath on a cold mirror
 I can explain how the breathing
system is adapted to its function
2.3 30- Breathing:
31  I can state what happens to the
air, ribs and diaphragm during
 I can describe changes in lung
volume during breathing

 I can describe how to measure
lung volume
 I can explain how models can
demonstrate how the lungs work
2.4 32- Skeleton:
33  I can identify parts of the
skeletal system
 I can describe the individual
functions of parts of the skeletal
 I can describe the function of
 I can explain how blood cells are
2.5 34- Movement: Joints:
35  I can describe methods of
measuring the force from muscles
 I can explain why some muscles
may need to be stronger than
 I can describe the function of
cartilage and ligaments
 I can recall the different
types of joint
2.6 36- Movement: Muscles:
37  I can identify parts of the
muscular system
 I can describe the individual
functions of parts of the muscular
 I can explain how parts of the
skeletal and muscular system work
 I can explain the function of
antagonistic muscle pairs

7C2: Elements,
atoms and
Textbook pages 76-85

7C2: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Define the term element. Research Investigate the term element and
how many types of elements exist in list the first 20 elements in order
the world. of their atomic number.

Investigate the term compound. Research the difference between

Explain the differences between the term covalent compound and
elements and compounds. ionic compound.

State the number of each type of Draw and label diagrams to show
atom in H2O, H2, H2SO4 how you could make models of the
molecules: H2O, H2, H2SO4

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1. Carbon dioxide is a compound made up out of which two elements?

2. Write the formula of sulphur dioxide.
3. Find the formula of sulphuric acid. State whether it is an element or a
4. Investigate who designed the modern periodic table.
Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. The periodic table shows elements in order of their atomic number.

Investigate the difference between the term atomic number and relative
atomic mass.
2. Investigate what elements exist in group1. Research their melting points.
What trend do you notice in their melting point as you descend the group?
3. What group do the Halogens exist in? List the first 3 halogens and
comment on the trend in their boiling points as you descend the group.

7C2: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
What is an element? A substance made of only one type of atom
What is used to organise the elements? The periodic table
What is a chemical symbol? The one or two letter code for an element
What is an atom? The smallest part of an element that can exist
Does one atom on its own have the properties No
of an element?
What is a compound? Two or more different types of atom joined together
What molecules? Atoms joined together
What happens to the chemical properties The chemical properties change
when atoms form compounds?
What is a chemical formula? It shows the relative numbers of each atom in a
How many elements are there? 92+

7C2: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

2.1 76- Elements:

77  I can list examples of atoms,
elements and compounds
 I can represent elements using
chemical symbols
 I can describe what an element
2.2 78- Atoms:
79  I can recognise an atomic model
 I can describe what an atom is
 I can describe the difference
between atoms
2.3 80- Compounds:
81  I can describe the differences
between atoms, elements and
 I can describe the properties of
salt (sodium chloride)
2.4 82- Chemical Formulae:
83  I can represent compounds using
chemical formulae
 I can represent various chemical
reactions using formulae and
symbol equations
 I can compare different

7P1: Forces
Textbook pages 112-123

7P1: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Find out what the dead sea is. Describe what Newton’s 3rd law is.
Describe what happens when you Describe an example of it happening
are in the dead sea and explain why
this happens

Describe the different ways that Describe what these athletes do to

cars and other vehicles use to increase their speed, explain how it
increase their top speed. Explain works and use pictures a) Cyclists b)
how this makes them faster Snowboarders c) Swimmers

Describe at least 3 different In terms of forces describe what

methods that very fast cars use to happens to a skydiver as they jump
slow them down. Explain how they out of a plane. Describe what is
work meant by terminal velocity

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1. Describe the difference between a contact and a non-contact force. Give examples of each
2. Describe what happens if you double the force applied to stretch a spring
3. Describe what is meant by an object’s elastic limit
4. Describe what friction is. Describe a situation where friction is and is not useful
5. Describe what happens to an object when the forces acting on it are balanced
6. Describe what you can do to decrease the air resistance acting on something

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. A spring has a spring constant of 5 N/cm and is stretched by 4 cm. What force is required to
do this?
2. Explain how making an object more streamline decreases the amount of air resistance acting
on it
3. Describe the difference between mass and weight
4. A car accelerates from rest, travels at a constant speed, then brakes to a halt. Describe what
happens to the forces acting on the car during this journey
5. Describe what happens when waves superpose

7P1: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What do forces do? They can change the shape, direction or speed of an
2. What types of force are there? Pull, push and twist
3. Give some examples of contact forces Friction, air resistance, tension
4. Give some examples of non-contact forces Gravity, magnetism, static electricity
5. Describe what a non-contact force is A force that acts on an object even though it is not
touching the object
6. What is an interaction pair? When 2 objects interact there is a force on each one
that is the same size but in the opposite direction
7. Give an example of an interaction pair Gravity between 2 objects
8. Describe how you measure forces Using a Newton-meter
9. What unit is force measured in? Newtons
10. What does deform mean? To change the shape of an object
11. What does compress mean? To squash an object
12.Describe what a reaction force is The support force provided by a solid surface
13. Describe what extension is Where something increases in length
14. Describe what Hooke’s law is A law that says if you double the force on an object,
the extension of the spring doubles
15. Describe what is meant by a material’s The point beyond which a spring will not return to its
elastic limit original length when the force is removed
16. Describe the shape of the graph for Straight line graph that goes
Hooke’s law (extension against force) through (0,0)
Force is proportional to extension

17. Describe what causes friction Contact between two surfaces

18. Describe a use of friction Brakes on a car, moving against a surface
19. Describe a disadvantage of friction Slipping (if there is not enough), slowing objects down
20. Describe how you can reduce friction Lubrication
21. State some examples of drag forces Air resistance, water resistance
22. Explain how drag forces slow objects Particles collide with the moving object providing a
down resisting force, slowing it down
23. Describe how to reduce drag forces Making an object more streamline/ aerodynamic
24. Describe what is meant by a field An invisible area around an object where something
experiences a force
25. Describe what weight is. What’s it Newtons. It is a force caused by gravity
measured in?
26. Describe what mass is. What’s it kg. It is the amount of matter in an object
measured in?
27. Describe how to calculate the weight of Weight = Mass x gravitational field strength

an object (Gravitational field strength=10 on Earth)
28. Describe what happens to your weight on The bigger the mass of the planet, the larger the
different planets gravitational field strength and the larger the weight
29. Describe what happens if forces are An object will remain stationary (speed = 0) or will
balanced move at a constant speed
30. Describe what happens if forces are An object will either accelerate or decelerate (it will
unbalanced change speed)
31. Describe the forces acting on an orbiting Gravity causes objects to orbit each other (an
object (E.g. The moon around Earth) interaction pair). It causes a constant change in
direction but not a change in the object’s speed

7P1: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

1.1 112- Introduction to Forces:

113  I can state that a force acts as a
push or a pull, are either contact
or non-contact, forces may occur
when two objects interact and
they are measured in Newtons
 I can state what things a force
will affect about an object
 I can list some forces
 I can describe forces using force
arrows diagrams
 I can describe how to measure a
force and the unit for forces
 I can describe what an
interaction pair of forces is
1.2 114- Squashing and Stretching:
115  I can describe forces in terms of
deforming, compressing and
stretching objects
 I can describe Hooke's Law
 I can calculate extension of
springs using Hooke's Law
 I can apply Hooke's Law to the
measurement of forces using a
force meter
 I can recall how to do an
experiment for Hooke’s law
 I can describe an experiment
to find Hooke’s law
1.3 115- Drag forces and friction:
116  I can describe the effect of
friction between surfaces
 I can describe the effects of air
and water resistance
 I can explain ways to reduce or
increase friction as necessary
 I can explain ways to reduce or

increase air or water resistance as
 I can discuss applications of
1.4 117- Forces at a Distance:
118  I can identify if a particular force
is contact or non-contact
(including gravity, magnetism and
static electricity)
 I can describe what the
differences between weight and
 I can explain what happens to an
object’s weight in space
 I can describe what a field is
 I can calculate the weight of an
1.5 119- Balanced and Unbalanced:
120  I can describe what balanced and
unbalanced forces are and what a
resultant force is
 I can explain when a force is
balanced or unbalanced
 I can explain what happens when
forces are balanced and

Textbook pages 40-57

7B3: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Draw a table to compare the Carry out research to find the

changes in boys and girls at puberty effect of hormones on boys and
girls at puberty

Write a story of the journey of a Explain why millions of sperm are

sperm from ejaculation to released during ejaculation but
fertilisation usually only one egg is released at

Describe why pollination is Explain why wind pollinated plants

sometimes called ‘accidental’ during often flower in spring but insect
insect pollination pollinated plants flower in summer

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1.Describe the role of these parts of the reproductive system: a) testes b)
ovary c) uterus
2. Describe how the baby is born after 40 weeks in the uterus
3. Describe what happens to the ovule in a plant after pollination
4. Compare the methods of seed dispersal and explain which method you think
is most effective

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Explain the importance of the placenta to the developing foetus
2. Carry out research to describe and compare the different methods of
3. Explain why it is important to plant seeds at the correct depth to ensure
4. Producing seeds ‘costs’ the plant a lot of energy. Explain why you think this is
a good or a poor use of energy.

7B3: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What is puberty? The physical changes that happen to children as they
develop into adults
2. List four changes that happen to both Pubic hair and underarm hair grows, body smell
boys and girls during puberty becomes stronger (body odour), you experience
emotional changes, you have a growth spurt
3. List four changes that happen to girls Breasts develop, ovaries start to release eggs,
during puberty periods start, hips widen
4. List five changes that happen to boys Voice breaks (gets deeper), testes and penis get
during puberty bigger, testes start to produce sperm, shoulders
wide, hair grown on face and chest
5. What controls the changes during Sex hormones
6. What is the job of the testes? To produce sperm cells
7. What is the job of the glands in the To produce nutrients to keep the sperm alive
male reproductive system?
8. What two substances are found in Sperm cells and nutrient fluid
9. What tubes do the sperm travel down The sperm ducts
when they move from the testes to
the penis?
10. What does the urethra do? Carries urine out of the body
11. What is the job of the ovaries To contain egg cells and release one each month
12. What is the job of the oviduct? To carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus
13. What is the job of the uterus? This is where a baby develops and grows before it is
14. What is the job of the cervix? This is a ring of muscle found at the entrance to the
uterus. It keeps the baby in the uterus until it is
ready to be born.
15. What is the job of the vagina? This receives the sperm during sexual intercourse
and the baby will pass out of the body through the
16. What is the job of the urethra? This carries urine out of the body
17. What are gametes? This is the scientific name for egg and sperm cells
18. What is fertilisation? When an egg and sperm cell meet and the genetic
information carried in them joins together.
19. How does an egg get from the ovary to It passes down the oviduct; the cells of the oviduct
the uterus? are covered in cilia (tiny hairs) that waft the egg cell
along the oviduct.
20. What happens during ejaculation? Semen is released from the penis
21. If an egg cell becomes fertilised, it An embryo

divides several times to form a ball of
cells. What is this ball of cells called?
22. What is implantation? This is when the embryo attaches to the uterus lining
and begins to grow into a baby.
23. How long is the human gestation Around 9 months (40 weeks)
24. Why should a pregnant woman avoid Smoke from cigarettes can cause babies to be born
smoking and drinking alcohol? early and underweight. Alcohol can affect the
development of the baby’s brain.
25. What is the job of the placenta? This is an organ that the mother grows. In this organ
substances pass between the mothers and babies
blood. It acts as a barrier to stop infections and
harmful substances reaching the baby.
26. What is the job of the umbilical cord? This connects the foetus to the placenta
27. What is the job of the fluid sac? This acts as a shock absorber, protecting the foetus
from any bumps.
28. On average how often does a girl or Every 28 days
woman have a period?
29. On which day of the menstrual cycle Day 14
is the egg usually released from the
30. What is it called when an egg is Ovulation
released from the ovary?
31. What is contraception? This is a method where a man and woman take steps
to avoid becoming pregnant during sexual intercourse.
32. How do condoms work? This is a barrier method of contraception. The
condom prevents the semen from entering the
woman’s body.
33. How does the contraceptive pill work? This is a pill full of hormones that the woman takes.
These hormones prevent the woman from releasing an
egg every month.
34. Do condoms and the contraceptive pill Condoms do protect men and women. The
protect men and women from catching contraceptive pill does not protect men and women.
sexually transmitted diseases?
35. Name the two parts of the male part Anther and filament
of a flower (the stamen)
36. Name the three parts of the female The stigma, style and ovary
part of a flower (the carpel)
37. What is pollination? This is when a pollen grain fertilises the ovule.
38. Name the two ways that pollination Wind and insects
can happen
39. In plants what is fertilisation? When the nucleus of a pollen grain joins with the
nucleus of the ovule
40. Name the three parts of a seed Seed coat, embryo, food store
41. What three things does a seed need Water, oxygen, warmth
to germinate?

7B3: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

3.1 40- Adolescence:

41  I can describe what
adolescence and puberty are
 I can describe the changes
that happen during puberty in
boys and girls
 I can explain what causes
3.2 41- Reproductive Systems:
42  I can describe the functions of
some tissues and organs in the
male and female human
reproductive systems
 I can name some tissues and
organs in the human reproductive
 I can recall the sex cells for
males and females
3.3 43- Fertilisation and implantation:
44  I can explain how gametes are
involved in human fertilisation
 I can describe what gametes are
 I can recall where fertilisation
takes place
 I can explain how the games
meet each other in fertilisation
 I can describe what implantation
and ejaculation are
3.4 45- Development of a foetus:
46  I can describe the stages of
pregnancy and birth
 I can describe what gestation is
 I can describe what a foetus is
 I can describe the function of
the placenta, umbilical cord and
the fluid sac

3.5 47- The Menstrual Cycle:
48  I can describe the stages of the
menstrual cycle
 I can describe what a period is
 I can describe what ovulation
 I can describe some methods
of contraception
 I can explain how condoms
and the pill work
3.6 49- Flowers and Pollination:
50  I can name some tissues and
organs in the reproductive
systems of plants
 I can describe the functions of
some tissues and organs in the
reproductive systems of plants
 I can describe what pollination is
 I can explain how insect and the
wind can pollinate other plants
3.7 51- Fertilisation and Germination:
52  I can explain how gametes are
involved in plant fertilisation
 I can describe the structure of
a seed
 I can describe what seeds need
to grow
 I can explain how plants grow
3.8 53- Seed Dispersal:
54  I can describe the methods of
seed and fruit dispersal
 I can investigate methods of
dispersal mechanisms
 I can explain how seeds are
adapted to different methods of

7C3: Reactions
Textbook pages 86-99

7C3: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Explain what the difference is Compare physical changes with

between a physical change and a chemical changes; include examples
chemical change. to illustrate your answer.
Investigate the term catalyst and
explain what it can do to a chemical

Explain what a word equation is. Research and then illustrate word
Give 3 examples of word equations. equations of oxidation of magnesium
and the burning of a fuel.

Investigate and explain the terms Research the term thermal

thermal decomposition, complete decomposition. Give a word equation
combustion, exothermic and for the thermal decomposition of
endothermic. copper carbonate. Explain how
evolved carbon dioxide would be
tested for.

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge

Summary Questions: Regular:

1. State whether burning fuels is exothermic or endothermic. Explain your answer.

2. Explain using an example what the conservation of mass states.
3. 10g of Zinc Carbonate is heated to form 7g of Zinc Oxide. Calculate the mass of carbon dioxide
that would be formed.
4. Investigate the term oxidation. Write the word equation for the oxidation of iron.
Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Research and explain what needs to happen to chemical bonds when a chemical reaction occurs.
Explain how this influences whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic.
2. Write a paragraph to compare exothermic and endothermic reactions. Include examples to
illustrate your answer.
3. Burning fuels is exothermic. Investigate the term energy profile diagram. Draw an energy profile
diagram of an exothermic reaction.

7C3: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
What is a chemical reaction? A change where atoms are rearranged to make new
What does reversible mean? It is quite easy to go back to the starting conditions
What are some signs of a chemical reaction? Flames, sparks, smells, temperature change, bangs,
Are all reactions fast? No, they go at different speeds
What can be used to speed up a reaction? A catalyst
What is special about a catalyst? It speeds up a reaction without being used up.
What is a state change? A physical change
What elements make up carbon dioxide? Carbon, oxygen
What are the substances at the start of a Reactants
chemical reaction called?
What are the substances made by a chemical Products
reaction called?
Where do you put the reactants and products Reactants on the left
in a word equation? Products on the right
What is a fuel? A material that burns to transfer energy by heating
What is a more scientific word for burning? Combustion
What two products are made when a fuel Carbon dioxide and water
What is a fossil fuel? Fuel made of dead organisms
What does non-renewable mean? Cannot be replaced once they are used up
Why might hydrogen be a good fuel? When it burns it only makes water
What does oxidation mean? A reaction that adds oxygen to a substance
What is thermal decomposition? Breaking up a compound by heating
What is made when a carbonate is heated? An oxide and carbon dioxide are formed
What is the test for carbon dioxide? Limewater turns cloudy
What is a discrete variable? Can only have specific values
What does conservation of mass mean? The total mass of the products is equal to the total
mass of the reactants
Why is balancing equations important? It makes them obey conservation of mass
What does exothermic mean? Gives out energy and gets hotter
What does endothermic mean? Takes in energy and gets colder
What is a hazard? A possible source of danger
What is a risk The chance of damage or injury from a hazard

7C3: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

3.1 86- Chemical Reactions:

87  I can describe what a
chemical reaction is
 I can describe the properties
of chemical reactions
 I can explain why chemical
reactions are useful
 I can state the different
between chemical and physical
 I can state neutralisation,
combustion, thermal
decomposition, oxidation,
displacement and the reaction of
metals and acids, as examples of
chemical reactions
 I can explain the conditions and
uses of neutralisation, combustion,
thermal decomposition, oxidation,
displacement and the reaction of
metals and acids, as examples of
chemical reactions
 I can state that catalysts speed
up chemical reactions
3.2 88- Word Equations:
89  I can represent chemical reactions
using word equations
 I can state that during chemical
reactions reactants become
 I can state that during chemical
reactions atoms are rearranged in
order for reactants to become
3.3 90- Burning Fuels:
91  I can describe what a fuel is

 I can give examples of
different fuels
 I can describe what a fossil
fuel is
 I can describe what happens
in combustion
 I can write word equations
for combustion
 I can describe what is meant
by non-renewable
 I can describe what an
oxidation reaction is
3.4 92- Thermal Decomposition:
93  I can describe and identify
decomposition reactions
 I can write word equations
for decomposition reactions
 I can describe what thermal
decomposition is
 I can describe an experiment
for thermal decomposition
3.5 94- Conservation of Mass:
95  I can state that mass is conserved
during changes of state and
chemical reactions
 I can explain why mass is
conserved during changes of state
and chemical reactions
 I can represent chemical reactions
using balanced symbol equations
3.6 96- Endothermic and Exothermic:
97  I can describe identify
endothermic and exothermic
 I can describe that during
chemical reactions, surroundings
may increase or decrease in
 I can explain changes of state
with reference to the energy
levels of particles and whether a
chemical reaction is exothermic or

7P2: Sound
Textbook pages 124-135

7P2: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Describe how a tuning fork creates Research an experiment that can

sound work out the speed of sound

Make a glossary of these key Research what a cochlear implant is

words: Ultrasound, pitch, amplitude, and describe how it works
infrasound, vacuum, medium,
frequency, oscillation, peak, trough

Find out what a mosquito anti-teen Research what a coupling gel is and
device is. Describe how it works and explain why it is necessary to use
describe any problems people have for ultra-scanning a foetus
with it

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge

Summary Questions: Regular:

1. Copy and label the diagram with

the correct key words
2. Describe what reflection is
3. Explain why sound cannot travel
through a vacuum
4. Describe how an ultrasound image
can be made of a baby
5. Describe how an ear works

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Describe the difference between a longitudinal and a transverse wave. Give examples
of each
2. Explain which one sound travels the fastest in: solids, liquids or gases
3. Describe what happens to the wavelength of a sound wave if you increase its
4. Explain how loud music can damage your hearing
5. Explain how ultrasound can be used to calculate how far away an object is

7P2: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What is a wave? What does it transfer? An oscillation/ vibration that transfers energy
2. What is meant by the amplitude of a wave? The maximum displacement of the particles (the
distance from the middle of the wave to the peak)
3. What is meant by the frequency of a The number of waves that past a point per second
4. What is meant by the wavelength of a The distance from one point of a wave to the next
wave? identical point
5. What is meant by the peak or crest of a The highest point of a wave
6. What is meant by the trough of a wave? The lowest point of a wave
7. Describe what a transverse wave is. Give Where the oscillations of a wave are at a right angle
an example to the direction the wave moves. Light
8. Describe what a longitudinal wave is. Give Where the oscillations of a wave are in the same
an example direction as the direction the wave moves. Sound
9. What is meant by compression and Where particles are close together. Where particles
rarefaction? Which wave has these areas? are spread out. Longitudinal waves
10. What is reflection? Where waves bounce off a surface
11. What is it called when sound reflects? An echo
12. What happens when waves superpose? Where waves join together to either add up or cancel
each other out
13. What is an incident wave? The wave going into a surface
14. What creates a sound wave? A vibration/ oscillation
15. What is needed for a sound wave to A medium
16. What can sound not travel through? A vacuum
17. What speed does sound travel in air? 340m/s
18. Explain why sound travels faster in a solid The particles are closer together, so the vibrations
than a liquid? of the particles can be passed along quicker
19. What happens when you travel faster You ‘break the sound barrier’
than the speed of sound?
20. State three differences between light Light travels faster than sound, sound needs a
and sound. medium to travel, light does not, light is a transverse
wave, sound is a longitudinal
21. What equipment can you use to view a A microphone and an oscilloscope
sound wave?
22. What is meant by the pitch of a sound How high the sound wave is. How high the frequency
wave? of the sound wave is
23. What is frequency measured in? Hertz
24. What is a kilohertz? 1000Hz
25. What is ultrasound? Sound waves with a frequency above the highest

human hearing frequency (20,000Hz)
26. What is infrasound? Sound waves with a frequency lower the lowest
human hearing frequency (20Hz)
27. What is meant by the human audible The range of frequencies that a human can hear
28. Describe how the ear works Sound moves through the pinna, this vibrates the ear
drum. The ear drum vibrates bones called ossicles.
This makes the liquid in the cochlea vibrate. Hairs
then vibrate, which create an electrical signal sent
along the auditory nerve to the brain.
29. What parts is the outer ear made from? Pinna, auditory canal and the eardrum
30. How can you damage your hearing? Very loud noises can burst/ break your ear drum
31. What is sound intensity measured in? Decibels
32. What can ultrasound be used for? Physiotherapy, on ships, to make images of unborn
babies, measuring distances
33. What is a reverberation? Lots of echoes joined together
34. Explain how ultrasound is used to measure Ultrasound is sent to a surface where it reflects off
distances it and is received by the sender again. The time delay
can be used with the speed of the wave to calculate
the object is away
35. What produces ultrasound waves? A transmitter
36. What detects ultrasound waves A receiver

7P2: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

2.1 124- Waves:

125  I can state what waves transfer
 I can name some types of waves
 I can describe the reflection of an
observed wave in water
 I can explain how superposition
may result in a rogue wave
 I can recall some longitudinal and
transverse waves
 I can describe what frequency is
 I can recognise a longitudinal wave
from a diagram
 I can label a diagram of a
longitudinal wave, including
compressions, rarefactions
 I can explain what It means to
describe sound as a longitudinal
wave, with reference to the
direction of vibrations and energy
 I can describe the properties
of a wave
2.2 126- Sound and Energy transfer:
127  I can state that different types
of waves can travel through
matter and vacuums
 I can state that sound is produced
by vibrations
 I can explain why sound cannot
travel through a vacuum
 I can describe how sound requires
matter to travel
 I can explain which material sound
will travel fastest through, with
reference to particle arrangement
 I can describe what a vacuum
 I can state which wave

travels faster out of light and

2.3 128- Loudness and Pitch:

129  I can state that frequencies of
sound are measured in Hertz (Hz)
 I can state the auditory range of
 I can name some animals that use
sound and have different auditory
ranges than humans
 I can describe the difference
between infrasound and
 I can identify which waves
have higher/ lower
frequencies from wave
2.4 130- Detecting Sound:
131  I can name some devices that can
detect sound, including
microphones and ear drums
 I can describe some applications
of absorbing sound, including sound
proofing and ear defenders
 I can describe how sound waves
can be used to transfer
information if they are converted
to electrical signals
 I can describe and label the
different parts of the ear
 I can describe how hearing can
be damaged
 I can describe how you can
measure loudness
 I can describe how a microphone
2.5 132- Echoes and Ultrasound:
133  I can describe what an echo is
 I can describe some applications
of echoes, including sonar,
ultrasound and echolocation
 I can explain how ultrasound
can be used to build up an
image of an object

7C4: Acids &
Textbook pages 100-109

7C4: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

List 3 examples of acids and alkalis. Research and illustrate the formula
Compare their properties. of sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid
and nitric acid. What elements do
all acids contain?

Investigate the difference between Research the difference between

the terms concentrated and dilute. the term strong acid and
Illustrate your answer with a concentrated acid.

Research the term Neutralisation. Draw on graph paper the pH graph

Give examples of when that would be produced is a strong
neutralisation is useful. acid neutralised a strong alkali.

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1. What does the term indicator mean? Illustrate your answer by showing the colours that universal
indicator goes in acids and alkalis.
2. Investigate the term salt. Explain how different salts can be formed.
3. What gas is evolved if an acid reacts with a metal? How would you test for this gas?
4. What gas is evolved if an acid is reacted with a metal carbonate? How would this gas be tested

Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Research the term acid indicator. Show the colours that Universal, Litmus, Methyl Orange and
Phenolphalein indicators go in acids and alkalis.
2. Investigate and explain the differences between a base and an alkali. Use examples to illustrate
your answer.
3. Give 3 examples of where neutralisation is useful.
4. Explain with diagrams how copper sulphate crystals can be prepared from reacting copper oxide
with sulphuric acid.
5. Describe and explain the stages of making magnesium chloride crystals from an acid and an alkali.

7C4: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. Give some examples of acids. Hydrochloric acid (stomach acid), citric acid (lemon
juice), ethanoic acid (vinegar), sulphuric acid (battery
2. What type of chemical is contained in They contain alkalis.
liquid soap, oven cleaner and toothpaste?
3. What does corrosive mean? Corrosive means a chemical could burn your skin and
4. Give two ways of controlling risks from Wear eye protection; keep the solution off your skin.
corrosive solutions.
5. Describe a concentrated acid solution. A concentrated acid solution contains a high number
of acid particles in one litre of solution.
6. What is an indicator? An indicator is a dye that turns a different colour in
acidic and alkaline solutions.
7. What colour does red litmus paper turn Red litmus turns blue on adding alkali.
when adding alkali?
8. What colour does blue litmus paper turn Blue litmus turns red on adding acid.
when adding acid?
9. What pH is neutral? What colour does pH7 is neutral, turns Universal indicator green.
Universal indicator turn in a neutral solution?
10. What sort of chemical gives pH 14? What A strong alkali would be pH 14, colour purple.
colour is this in Universal indicator?
11. What sort of chemical gives pH 1? What A strong acid would be pH 1, colour red
colour is this in Universal indicator?
12. Describe what neutral means. Neutral means that the solution is neither acidic nor
alkaline, the pH is exactly 7.
13. Give a difference between a base and an Alkalis are bases that dissolve in water.
14. Give the general word equation for an acid Acid + base  salt + water
reacting with a base.
15. Give the general word equation for a acid Metal + acid salt + Hydrogen
reacting with a metal
16. Describe the test for Hydrogen A lit splint makes a squeaky pop sound only when
Hydrogen is present.
17. Give the name of the liquid that is Filtrate.
collected when filtering a mixture.
18. Explain how to make salt crystals from an React an acid with a metal or base to give a salt
acid and a metal. solution. Filter to remove excess metal or base.
Heat the filtrate in an evaporating basin to remove
the water. Leave the evaporating basin in a warm
place to allow the rest of the water to evaporate.
Crystals will remain.

19. What type of salt is given when sulphuric Sulphate salt
acid is used in the reaction?
20. What type of salt is given when Chloride salt
hydrochloric acid is used in the reaction?
21. What type of salt is given when nitric acid Nitrate salt
is used in the reaction?
22. Give the name of the products when Calcium chloride + water
calcium oxide is reacted with hydrochloric
23. What is the pH scale? The pH scale shows how acidic or alkaline a solution
24. Describe how neutralisation reactions can Neutralising bee/ wasp stings, neutralising soil to
be helpful. allow more plants to grow, neutralising lakes to enable
more wildlife to live there, neutralising stomach acid
25. Which element do all acids contain? All acids contain hydrogen.
26. Describe what a salt is. A salt is a compound that forms when an acid reacts
with a metal element or compound. The hydrogen
atoms of the acid are replaced by atoms of the metal
18. Explain how to make magnesium chloride React magnesium, magnesium oxide or magnesium
salt crystals from an acid and a metal. hydroxide with hydrochloric acid to give a magnesium
chloride solution. Filter to remove excess reactant.
Heat the filtrate in an evaporating basin to remove
the water. Leave the evaporating basin in a warm
place to allow the rest of the water to evaporate.
Magnesium chloride salt crystals will remain.

7C4: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

4.1 100- Acids and Alkalis:

101  I can state that different acids
and alkalis may have different
 I can describe what corrosive
and irritant means
 I can describe what
concentrated and dilute means
 I can explain how to dilute a
4.2 102- Indicators and PH:
103  I can state what an indicator does
 I can describe how to use
Universal indicator and litmus
paper to find the strength of an
acid or an alkali, using the pH scale
 I can identify the PH of
different substances
4.3 104- Neutralisation:
105  I can define the term
 I can describe what a base is
 I can give examples of
neutralisation reactions and
where they are used
4.4 106- Making Salts:
107  I can describe what a salt is
 I can describe how to make a
 I can use word equations to
show how a salt is made
 I can describe an experiment
for how to make salt crystals

7P3: Light
Textbook pages 136-147

7P3: Home-Learning Tasks:
Task Regular Challenge Completed?

Find out what a reflective telescope Find out what is meant by the
is. Using diagrams explain how it electromagnetic spectrum.
works Describe the properties of all of
these waves and the order of the 7
different waves in it

Describe what is meant by a mirage Find out what total internal

and explain how one is created reflection. Use it to explain why
diamonds sparkle in light

Find out what LASER stands for. Find out what an emission and an
Describe some properties and uses absorption spectrum are. Describe
of lasers what we can use them for

Summary Questions: Regular Summary Questions: Challenge


Summary Questions: Regular:

1.Describe what is meant by a luminous object

2.Describe the difference between opaque, transparent and translucent
3.Describe what is meant by the law of reflection
4.Describe what refraction is and explain why it happens (you may want to use a model
to help you)
5. Describe how your eye works
6. Describe how we see colours. EG. Why does a red shirt look red?
Summary Questions: Challenge:

1. Explain why a green shirt looks black in red light

2. Describe what a light year is
3. Describe what a colour spectrum is
4. Explain what happens if light travels along the normal to a glass block
5. Explain what happens when light scatters
6. Explain how we can see planets, even though they do not give off light

7P3: Revision Questions:
Question Answer
1. What is a luminous object? A object that emits light
2. How do we see non-luminous objects? They reflect light into our eyes
3. What does transmit mean? It allows light to pass through it
4. What does translucent mean? A material that transmits some light, the rest is
scattered (you cannot see the object clearly)
5. What does opaque mean? A material that does not transmits light (you cannot
see through it)
6. What does transparent mean? A material that transmits light (you can see through
7. What is light? A wave
8. How fast does light travel? 300,000,000 metres/second
9. What is a light year? The distance travelled by light in one year
10. What is a virtual image? An image that cannot be focussed/ projected onto a
11. What is a real image? An image that can be projected
12. What is the law of reflection? The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
13. What is specular reflection? Reflection from a smooth surface. It reflects using
the law of reflection
14. What is (diffuse) scattering? Reflection from a rough surface. It reflects in
random directions
15. What is refraction? The change in direction of a ray or wave as a result
of the change in its speed
16. What is a medium? Something that a wave travels through?
17. Explain why light refracts Part of the light wave changes speed before the
other part of the light wave
18. Describe what a convex lens is A lens that converges light. It is a circular piece of
glass that is thick in the middle and thinner around
the outside
19. Describe what a convex lens does It converges light (focuses light onto a point)
20. What does the retina do? It responds to light and converts it into electrical
impulse sent up the optic nerve to the brain
21. What does the iris do? It controls how big the pupil is (to let more or less
light into the eye)
22. What does the cornea do? It is a lens that refracts the light onto the retina
23. What does the pupil do? It is a hole that allows light into the eye
24.What are the different types of Rods (for movement) and cones (for colour)
photoreceptor that make up the retina
25. What is at the back of a digital camera A CCD (Charged-coupled device)
that detects light?

26.What happens when you shine white light It separates into colours/ a spectrum
into a triangular prism?
27. What is meant by white light? All the colours/ frequencies from the colour
spectrum. It is continuous
28. What are the primary light colours? Red, green and blue
29. What are the secondary light colours? Cyan, yellow and magenta
30. What happens when white light is shone It transmits the colour of the filter and absorbs
through a filter? every other colour
31. How do we see colours? The colour you see is reflected off the object, all the
other colours are absorbed by the object
32. Why do objects appear white? They reflect all colours and absorb no colours
33. Why do objects appear black? They absorb all the colours and reflect no colours

7P3: Checklist:
Topic Page Spec points Understanding Revised RP

3.1 136- Light:

137  I can state that light waves are
able to travel through a vacuum
 I can state that in a vacuum, light
waves have a maximum speed, the
speed of light
 I can describe how light behaves
in relation to different materials
using the words transparent,
translucent and opaque
 I can describe how we can see
objects due to light
 I can state how fast light is
3.2 138- Reflection:
139  I can state that during specular
reflection in a plane mirror, the
angle of incidence is always equal
to the angle of reflection
 I can state that light waves may
be absorbed, reflected (diffuse
and specular), refracted and
 I can give some examples of when
light is absorbed or reflected
 I can describe what is meant by
absorbing and reflecting light
 I can describe the formation of an
image from specular reflection in a
plane mirror using a ray model
 I can describe the difference
between a virtual and real image
 I can describe what happens
when light reflects off a smooth
and rough surface
3.3 140- Refraction:
141  I can describe what convex lenses

 I can describe refraction using a
ray model diagram
 I can describe how convex lenses
focus light using a ray diagram
 I can apply my knowledge of light
waves to explaining why refraction
occurs, with reference to particles
and the speed of light
 I can describe what the focal
length and focus is for a
converging lens
3.4 142- The Eye and the Camera:
143  I can describe how the human eye
forms an image using ray diagrams
 I can state that pinhole cameras,
cameras with lenses and the human
eye form images from light
 I can label the main parts of the
human eye: cornea, pupil, iris, lens,
retina, optic nerve
 I can describe the functions of
3.4 the main parts of the human eye:
cornea, pupil, iris, lens, retina,
optic nerve
 I can describe how a pinhole
camera works using a ray diagram
 I can explain some applications of
convex lenses, in cameras and the
 I can compare and contrast the
human eye and a camera
 I can apply my knowledge of light
waves to explain how colour
blindness occurs, with reference
to rod and cones
3.5 144- Colour:
145  I can state that white light is a
mixture of colours
 I can describe that we see
different colours due to the
different absorption and
reflection of light by objects
 I can describe how combinations
of the primary colours of light
result in the secondary colours of

 I can describe how white light is a
mixture of colours with reference
to frequency
 I can explain how we see different
colours, with reference to the
colour of the object and the
colour of the light available
 I can explain how a prism may be
used to diffuse the different
colours of light, with reference to
refraction and wave speed

Practical Skills Checklist:
Lesson Skills Understanding Check

1  I can describe the safety rules of the lab

 I can describe the hazards in a lab
 I can create a risk assessment
 I can identify science equipment
 I can create a diagram of science equipment
 I can describe how to light a Bunsen burner
2  I can recall the 3 different types of variables
 I can define the 3 different types of variables
 I can identify the 3 different variables in
different experiments
 I can create the 3 different variables for an
3  I can create a plan for an experiment
 I can identify errors in an experiment
 I can adapt a method to reduce errors
4  I can describe the features of a successful
results table
 I can describe the features of a successful
 I can create a results table and a graph
5  I can conclude an experiment
 I can find trends in data
 I can spot anomalies in data
 I can describe what the words repeatable,
reproducible and accurate mean
 I can identify with explanation if data is
repeatable, reproducible and accurate
6  I can evaluate an experiment
 I can suggest improvements for an experiment
 I can explain how improvement for an
experiment will make the results more
accurate and repeatable


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