MT Fortune Church Bulletin Sabbath, October 10th 2020

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Seventh-Day Adventists Believe …

Seventh-Day Adventist Church Mt. Fortune

• In a personal God. Hebrews 1:1-3
Pastor: • In Jesus Christ, as the divine Son of God and our Savior.
Howard Simon - 235-3253 John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 7:25
First Elder: • In the Holy Spirit, the divine Comforter. John 15:26
Keith Smith - 582-0987 • In regeneration and the new birth through the ac-
ceptance of the gospel. John 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Church Secretary: • That the Bible is the Inspired Word of God. 2 Timothy
Catherine Brooks - 235-8802 3:16, 17
• That the second coming of Christ is very near. That it
Head Deacon: will be literal, personal, and visible to all. John 14:1-3;
Algernon Webster - 235-7626 Acts 1:11 Matthew 24:30
• That man by nature is mortal. Job 4:17; 1 Timothy
Head Deaconess: 6:15, 16
Felicia Smith - 584-7411 • That immortality and eternal life are the gift of God and
are received only through Christ. Romans 6:23
Treasurer • That the dead are in an unconscious state. Ecclesias-
Enna Gumbs - 582-3521 tes 9:5; John 11:11-14
• That there will be a resurrection of the dead. 1 Thessa-
lonians 4:16, 17 Mt. Fortune and New
CHURCH SERVICES • That the wicked will not burn eternally, but will be burned
up. Malachi 4:1-3
Life Company
Sabbath School (Saturday)................... 9:00 A.M. District One
Church at Worship (Saturday).............11:00 A.M. • That righteousness comes by faith, not by works. Ro-
mans 4:3-5; Ephesians 2:8, 9
Adventist Youth Service (Saturday) …. 4:00 P.M.
• That salvation comes as a gift of God, and is not re-
Pathfinder (Saturday) ……………….…. 4:00 P.M. ceived through any merit of the sinner's. Ephesians 2:8
Evangelistic Service (Sunday) ..............7:15 P.M. • That the ten commandments will be the standard of
Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) .............. 7:15 P.M. judgment. Exodus 20:1-17; Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14;
All Are Welcomed! •
James 2:10-12
That the original Seventh-day Sabbath is the true Lord's
day of the entire Bible and always will be. John 14:15;
Mark 2:27, 28; Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Mat-
Announcements (cont’d) thew 5:17-19; Revelation 14:12; Isaiah 66:22, 23;
Luke 23:56

• Hurricanes can be dangerous. Listening to the hur- • In the support of the gospel through tithes and offerings.
Leviticus 27:30, 32; Malachi 3:8-11; Matthew 22:23
ricane warning messages and planning ahead can • In baptism by immersion. Mark 1:9-10; Romans 6:3-5
reduce the chances of injury or major property • In the ordinances of humility, and the Lord's Supper.
damage. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale John 13:4-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
is used to determine the potential damage to prop- • In the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12; Revela-
erty a hurricane could cause due to the winds. Hur- tion 12:17; 19:10
ricanes are assigned a category based on the maxi- • In discarding unhealthful practices, such as the use of
intoxicants, tobacco, unclean meats, etc. Proverbs
mum sustained winds, typically found in the eye 23:29-32; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 14:3-
wall of a hurricane. A Category 1 hurricane has sus- 20; Isaiah 66:15-17
tained wind speeds of 75 to 95 mph. Some dam- • That the follower of Christ will shun worldly pleasure and
age to roofs, trees and power lines can occur and a follies that unfit him for Heaven. 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 1
John 2:15-17 Sabbath
storm surge of 4 to 5 ft. This has been a hurricane • That the Christian should manifest true modesty and October 10th, 2020
preparedness message brought to you by ADRA simplicity in dress and show a Christ-like deportment. 1
Anguilla, the local arm of the Adventist Develop- Peter 3:3, 4; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18
ment Relief Agency.
Welcome The Church at Worship
• The youths are taking over once again. Our very
October 10th, 2020 11:00 a.m. own young people are going to be leading out in
The Pastor and members of the Seventh- the AY program this afternoon at 4:00 here at
Day Adventist Church at Mt. Fortune ". . . the Lord is in His holy temple: Let all the earth keep
silence before him" (Habakkuk 2:20)
Mount Fortune. The topic is Peer Pressure. So
welcome you as we give all praise and please come out, support and encourage our
thanks to our Creator, Lord and Savior! youths as they lead out in this afternoon’s pro-
We are glad that you have chosen to Introit gram .
worship with us this morning, and pray
you receive a blessing. Announcements ………..…….… Communications Dept. • As Seventh -day Adventists Christians, it is im-

Sabbath School
portant that equip ourselves with the knowledge
Call to Worship ………………………...... Elder Keith Smith
of how to care for ourselves and others in times
Doxology …………………………………………... Congregation of crisis. Hence the New Life Company AY will be
October 10th, 2020 9:00 a.m. conducting a First-Aid and hands on training in
Invocation ………………………..….. Pastor Howard Simon
Theme—Investing In Our Children’s Future CPR facilitated by Mr. Steve McDowell. This
Welcome …………………….…………… Elder Iona Webster takes place today, sabbath, October 10th,
Superintendent - Sis. Florencia Parlona Webster- starting at 4:00pm sharp at the New Life Compa-
Reece Praise and Worship ……….. Mt. Fortune Praise Team ny. Be there! Be on time! Be blessed!
Song Service ………………….……..……. Praise Team Song of Praise [229] ……….……….…. Elder Keith Smith • The next New Life Board meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday October 13th, 2020 at the District
Welcome……………...………Sis. McKenna Fleming Scripture [Matt. 7:.]……………….... Elder Gregory Lewis Office starting promptly at 7:00pm. The follow-
Opening Hymn [524] Pastoral Prayer ………………………… Elder Levan Fanus ing persons are asked to be present at the
meeting as well: Navadeen Campbell, Jeffrey
Scripture [Deut. 6:4-7, Pr. 1:8]… Bro Kael Smith Offertory …………………………………... Elder Keith Smith Augustin, Judica Connor, Colbert Lewis and
Prayer ………………….… Bro Alexaundre Webster Georgena Crawford.
Special Music [Adventist Men Ensemble]
Mission Story ……………………..…. Sis Yael Simon • The Mount Fortune AY will be hosting a movie
Ministry of the Word ……..…… Pastor Howard Simon night fund-raising social on the evening of Satur-
Special Music…Sis Moriah and Maliyah Hughes
Closing Song [86] …………………… Elder Lester Fleming day , October 31st, 2020. More details will be
Presentation given in a subsequent announcement.
Lesson Review ... Elder Lewis & Elder Benjamin Benediction ……………………….……Elder Lester Fleming • The time we’ve long waited for is here. Our Con-
Special Music ….. Sis Anaya and Ariel Gillis ference-wide Online Evangelistic series, ‘The
Family’s Hope’ with Pr. Hesketh Matthew begins
Closing Remarks
today, October 10th and continues until the
Closing Hymn: [653] 31st on YouTube and Facebook. You don’t want
to miss this. Spread the word!
Sat Oct. 10th - 5:52p.m. • Please keep in mind that we meet every Sunday
Thank you for reverencing God’s house . Fri Oct.. 16th - 5:48p.m evening at 7:15 for our evangelistic service and
Hushed voices and muted phones enhance
each Wednesday evening at 7:15 for our mid-
our worship experience
week prayer meeting. These services are geared
. for our spiritual upliftment so please make a spe-
cial effort to be present.

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