EMI Advanced SRG
EMI Advanced SRG
EMI Advanced SRG
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§ wire loop enclosing a semi-circle of radius sm is located on the boundary of a uniform magnetic
field of induction B=1T (Figure). At the moment: ‘the loop is set into rotation with a constant angular
acceleration [i = 2 rad/sec’ about an axis O coinciding with a line of vector B on the boundary. The emf
induced in the loop as a function of time tis [x x 10“ (—1)" * t] V, where n = 1, 2, .... is the number of
the haif-revolution that the loop performs at the given moment t. Find the value of x. (The arrow in the
figure shows the emt direction taken to be positive, att = 0 loop was completely outside)
Prem a= Zom i sg ae BU YH AIA Gea Aa BHATT a a we Reals & (Ria) | t= O aver we
qa Fran aioita caer B= Zradisec? a ae w afta tar BS war oi OF ae: GT YR Tez
a7 ARa Roaous aa td wor B wa A [xx 104 Ay xYVE, oe n= 4,2,.... 8 a Re ta
ae ga Soe gol A em wT galls wea Bx BATT aI BAT) (Pa A Ae A Ra, I
ftomoms a errors fen wt gufer 81 (t= O—T aT ATER em)
| =
2a 2
= Lxtxatx 4xiot
€ = 4t xlot] DS x=4Bon- APPETIT
Qa ‘metal rod of mass m can rotate about a horizontal axis O, sliding along a circular conductor of radius
(Fig). The arrangement is located in a uniform magnetic field of induction B directed perpendicular to
the ring plane. The axis and the ring are connected to an emf source to form a circuit of resistance R.
‘Neglecting the friction, circuit inductance, and ring resistance, find the law according to which the source
emfmust vary to make the rod rotate with a constant angular velocityTag 2 oo
“4 ™“t
bat (E+ Lbwa') mg & tent
AR “
E+ tbwar = gk den wl
C= ~ 1 boat Roinwt
o d
), A rod of length | is rotating with an angular speed « about its one end which is at a distance ‘a’ from an
Z infinitely long wire carrying current . Find the emf induced in the rod at the instant shown in the figure.
Qa rod of length | is rotating with an angular speed w about its one end
hich is at a distance ‘a’ from an infinitely long wire carrying current i. Find
the emf induced in the rod at the instant shown in the figure.
Brees d | a
at, [-atan(es]] 2 Avs
dg = Bund
1dg. Mel wa ols
arr (at nce)
&- Uiw ~
an wo 4 (at nus 0)
= iw 8 fect
anwss (atrws 9)“foop for THDVGHTS
Falling Loop :
‘Arectangular loop of wire with mass m, width w, vertical length and resistance R falls out ofa magnetic
field under the influence of gravity, as shown in Figure. The magnetic field is uniform and out ofthe paper
Bi) within the area shown and zero outside of that area. At the time shown in the sketch, the loop
is exiting the magnetic field at speed
(a) Whatistheditection of the curent flowing in the circuit at the time shown, clockwise or counterclockwise?
‘Why did you pick this direction?
(b) Using Faraday’s law, find an expression for the magnitude of the emf in this circuit in terms of the
{quantities given. What is the magnitude of the current flowing in the circuit atthe time shown?
(©) Besides gravity, what other force acts on the loop in the { ditection? Give its magnitude and direction
interms ofthe quantities given. (,
(4) Assume thatthe loop has reached a“terminal velocity” and sno longer accelerating, Whatisthe magnitude
of that terminal velocity in terms of given quantities? sq = CA
(©) Show that at terminal velocity, the rate at which gravity f doing Work on the loop is equal to the rate at
which energy is being dissipated in the loop through Joule heating.bz Lonalont
Ama 2A
No. af tin 2
i At $20 amghe biotin
Ax 8 0.
Fino EMF a function of time
At omy tin t > Anat betwen 546 w= wt
D- BA = 6A crwt
Ez -Nd¢@ - -No BA tawt
oe olé€2-NGA[-Ssinwt] dot
€& = N6Aw Lin( t)
Lovesbt of AC dlyrarno
@ Axis of 40k Loincida with G dinchon.
Gostiction iu fl, roof Huns N. Loih
teams through I80° obout its diamuda
A ballistic. galvomowetin prearuines horge J
flowing Hspagh it: Fino B Raiden a ®.
6. NOG > iRe Noo
Be ot
oy R- Noo +» 442 NOP
oe wah > Y z
df= 260A > Y= MBAs [B= YF
a 2NAGenerators :
‘One of the most important applications of Faraday’s law of induction is to generators and motors. A
generator converts mechanical energy into electric energy, whilea motor converts electrical energy into
‘mechanical energy.
ay y +
Z f s ( *C4—\s
je 7 4
Figure : (a) simple generator. (b) The rotating loop as seen from above.
Figure (a) isa simple illustration ofa generator. It consists of an N-tum loop rotating in a magnetic field
which is assumed to be uniform, The magnetic flux varies with time, thereby inducing an emf. From
Figure (b), we sce thatthe magnetic flux through the loop may be written as
%, BAcos0 = BAcosat
“The ate of change of magnetic axis
$0 - Baosinot
Since thete are N tums in the loop, the total induced emi across the two ends ofthe loop is,
NoGe TNBAdsin ot
we connect the generator toa circuit which has. resistance R, then the current generated in the circuit
[cl _ NBAo
isgivenby RR sina
‘The current is an alternating current which oscillates in sign and has an amplitude |, =NBA@/R. The
powerdelivered t this circuit is
jeje NBA ge
‘On the other hand, the torque exerted on the loop is
+= UB sin 0=pB sin ox
‘Thus, the mechanical power supplied to rotate the loop is,
P= 10= 4B asin ot
‘Since the dipole moment forthe N-turn current loop is.
weNlA= =
Asexpected, the mechanical power putin is equal tothe electric power output,Induced Electric Field :
We have seen that the electric potential difference between two points 4 and B in an electric field can
be written as
AV=V,-V,=-[E 8
When the electric field is conservative, asis the case of electrostatics, the line integral of is path-independent,
which implies FE . d8 =0
Faraday’s law shows that as magnetic flux changes with time, an induced current begins to flow. What
causes the charges to move? Its the induced emf which is the work done per unit charge. However,
since magnetic field can do no work, as we have shown, the work done on the mobile charges must be
electric, and the electric field in this situation cannot be conservative because the line integral of a
conservative field must vanish, Therefore, we conclude that there is a non-conservative electric field
E,, associated with an induced emf: e.
‘Combining with Faraday’ law then yields
The above expression implies thata changing magnetic flux will induce anon-conservative electric field
which can vary with time Iis important to distinguish between the induced, non-conservative electric
field and the conservative electric field which arises from electric charges.
‘Asan example, let's consider a uniform magnetic field which points ito the page and is confined toa
circular region with radius R, as shown in Figure. Suppose the magnitude of jj increases with time, ie.,
dB/dt> 0. Let’s find the induced electric field everywhere due to the changing magnetic field.
Since the magnetic felis confined toacrcular region, from symmetryargumenis we choose the integration
path to be acircle of radius r. The magnitude of the induced field E,. atall points ona circle is the same.
According to Lenz’s law, the direction E,. of must be such that it would drive the induced current to
produce a magnetic ficld opposing the change in magnetic flux. With the arca vector {pointing out of
the page, the magnetic flux is negative or inward. With dB / dt> 0, the inward magnetic flux is increasing,
Therefore, to counteract this change the induced current must flow counterclockwise to produce more
outward flux. The direction of E,. is shown in Figure.
‘gure : Induced clectrc field due to changing magnetic fluxLet’s proceed to find the magnitude of i, . Inthe region rYou might also like