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Effectiveness of Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning in Au-

tomated Fruit Image Classification

Raheel Siddiqi
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
13 National Stadium Road, Karachi,
[email protected]

ABSTRACT resolved this problem for packaged fruits but in most cases con-
Automated fruit image classification is a challenging problem. sumers want to buy fruits in loose, unpackaged form. This allows
The study presented (in this paper) analyzes the effectiveness of flexibility for consumers in their selection of fruits but this also
transfer learning and fine tuning in improving classification accu- means that (in such cases) fruits cannot be pre-packaged. In such
racy for this problem. For this purpose, Inception v3 and VGG16 situations, automated fruit classification system may be integrated
models are exploited. The dataset used in this study is the Fruits with weighing machines to compute the price.
360 dataset containing 72 classes and 48,249 images. The paper It is important to note that a lot of work in this area has focused on
presents experiments that prove that transfer learning and fine the external quality inspection of fruits [2, 3]. This paper focuses
tuning can significantly improve fruit image classification accura- on fruit type classification rather than on classification of fruits
cy. Transfer learning using VGG16 model has been demonstrated based on external quality or visual defects.
to give the best classification accuracy of 99.27%. Experiments
have also shown that fine tuning using VGG16 and transfer learn- Computer vision and image processing techniques have been ex-
ing using Inception v3 also produce quite impressive fruit image tensively exploited to solve this problem [1, 4, 5, 6, 7]. The classi-
classification accuracies. Not only is the effectiveness of transfer fiers need to learn the discriminative features from the training
learning and fine tuning demonstrated through experiments, but a samples. Their performance can then be accessed using test sam-
self-designed 14-layer convolutional neural net has also proven to ples. But before the classifier is trained, the data need to be pre-
be exceptionally good at the task with classification accuracy of processed.
96.79%. In the past, expensive equipment such as near-infrared imaging
[8], gas sensors [9], electronic nose [10] etc. have been used to
CCS Concepts scan or detect the fruits. These devices required professional oper-
• Computing methodologies → Object recognition • Computer ators and normally produced lower than 85% accuracy rate [5]. It
systems organization → Neural networks. should be remembered that supermarkets operate on low profit
margin and therefore, hardware must be inexpensive [16]. In re-
Keywords cent years, research has focused on taking input through less-
Fruit image classification; Transfer Learning; Fine Tuning; Con- expensive digital cameras and the accuracy results are much high-
volutional Neural Network; Fruits 360 dataset. er.
1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, the author tries to analyze the effectiveness of trans-
Automated fruit classification is a challenging problem as fruits fer learning and fine tuning in automated fruit image classifica-
come in different shapes, color, size, texture etc. A robust and tion. For this purpose, the author uses Inception v3 [19, 20] and
reliable solution to this problem can have variety of applications. VGGNet [21] models. The dataset used in this study is the Fruits
A possible and much needed utility of such a solution can be su- 360 dataset [23] available from [22]. There are 72 classes in the
permarket price determination. dataset and in total 48,249 images (one fruit per image).
Fruit classification is an important task carried out by cashiers in Section 2 presents literature review for image-based fruit type
supermarkets at the point of sale terminals. These cashiers need to classification. Section 3 presents a brief overview of the Fruits
recognize not only the fruit type (i.e. apple, watermelon, strawber- 360 dataset. The dataset is used in all the experiments presented in
ry) but also its variety (i.e. Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith) for the pur- this paper. In section 4, some state of the art computer vision
pose of price determination [1]. The use of barcodes has techniques and models are briefly analyzed. These techniques and
models are exploited in the experiments presented in the later
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for sections. Section 5 presents experimental setups for all the four
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are experiments. Section 6 presents results of the experiments and
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
some analysis of the results. Section 7 concludes the paper by
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be hon- outlining key contributions and also presenting some directions
ored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or repub- for future research.
lish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from Permis- 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
[email protected]. The author divides the history of image-based fruit type classifica-
ICDLT 2019, July 5–7, 2019, Xiamen, China tion in to two eras: (i) pre-Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. era, and (ii) CNN era. The techniques and approaches of the two
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7160-5/19/07…$15.00 eras have been summarized in the following sub-sections.

2.1 Use of Hand-crafted Features and Ma- KSVM classifier presented in [4]. Overall, classification accuracy
for FSCABC-FNN was 89.1%.
chine Learning Techniques (i.e. Pre-CNN era)
VeggieVision [16] was the first serious attempt to develop a pro- In [6], two more machine learning based fruit classification meth-
duce recognition system. The system consisted of an integrated ods were proposed. The methods were based on wavelet entropy,
scale and a digital camera. When item was placed on the scale, an principal component analysis, feedforward neural network trained
image was taken by the camera. Features such as color, texture using FSCABC and biogeography-based optimization algorithms.
etc. was extracted and compared with stored features of various Both methods produced classification accuracy of 89.5%. The
produce types. These stored features were learned during the methods were trained and tested on the dataset used in [4, 7]. The
training process. The classification accuracy was 82.6% for the dataset preprocessing and feature extraction techniques were quite
top choice when the training and testing datasets were from the similar in [4, 6, 7]. The accuracy result of 89.5% was compara-
same store. The classification accuracy declined significantly tively higher than the accuracy achieved using previous tech-
when the training and testing datasets were from different stores niques [4, 7, 16], but still much lower than the results obtained in
[16]. other application areas like medical classification, face classifica-
tion etc. Better fruit image classification techniques were there-
Seng and Mirisaee [17] proposed another fruit recognition system fore needed.
that measured fruit features based on color, shape and size. Mean
RGB value was used for color, measure of roundness was used for 2.2 Use of CNN and Data Augmentation for
shape and area and perimeter values were used for size. These Fruit Image Classification
feature values were then exploited for the classification purpose In [5], Zhang et al. proposed a 13-layer Convolutional Neural
using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Even though high accura- Network (CNN) for fruit classification. Their empirically validat-
cy rates were reported [17], the training and testing datasets were ed approach was a decent jump from the previous efforts [1, 4, 6,
very limited. 7, 16, 17] to solve the fruit classification problem. Earlier systems
Rocha et al. [1] proposed a new approach that relied on feature had two weaknesses: (1) they all used handcrafted features, and
fusion and required very less number of training samples (e.g. up (2) the classifiers were of simpler structures and therefore lacked
to 30 images) to attain high level of precision. The approach can the ability to map the complicated features to the final classifica-
combine many features and classifiers and is trained and tested on tion result [5]. Zhang et al. [5] argues that CNN can help over-
a dataset comprising of 15 produce types and 2633 images col- come these weaknesses. CNNs require very less data prepro-
lected on-site. The proposed feature fusion technique has resulted cessing (compared to other image classification algorithms) as
in significant reduction in classification error [1]. they learn the features/filters themselves. In addition, CNNs have
Zhang and Wu [4] proposed another fruit classification method been successfully applied to solve various complex image classi-
based on a multi-class Kernel Support Vector Machine (KSVM). fication problems such as the various medical image classification
The proposed method had four stages: first, the image was ac- problems [11, 12, 13]. Zhang et al. [5] investigated the application
quired and preprocessed using split-and-merge algorithm to re- of CNN on fruit image classification as it was not attempted be-
move background; second, feature space was composed by ex- fore.
tracting features such as color, texture, shape; third, dimensions of The fruit image dataset size was 3600. There were 18 fruit types
the feature space were reduced using principal component analy- and 200 images per fruit type. The images were either collected
sis; finally, three different kinds of SVMs (i.e. Winner-Takes-All, on-site through digital camera or were downloaded from the in-
Max-Wins-Voting and Directed-Acyclic Graph) were applied to ternet. Preprocessing of data involved moving the fruit to the cen-
solve the fruit classification problem. Each of these SVMs was ter of the image, resizing the image to a 256x256 matrix, remov-
experimented with three different kernels (i.e. linear kernel, Ho- ing background and labeling each image manually to one of the
mogeneous Polynomial kernel and Gaussian Radial Basis kernel). 18 fruit types.
SVMs using linear kernel had lowest classification accuracies. The training data was augmented by creating fake images [5].
Winner-Takes-All SVM performed least efficiently and took a lot This was done using five different image processing techniques:
more time when compared with the other two SVMs. Max-Wins- image rotation, gamma correction, noise injection, scale transform
Voting SVM with Gaussian Radial Basis kernel achieved best and affine transform. As a result of data augmentation, the size of
results with a classification accuracy of 88.2%. As for the classifi- the training data increased from 1800 images to 63,000 images i.e.
cation speed, Directed-Acyclic Graph SVM performed most effi- 35 times the original.
ciently. The dataset consisted of 1,653 fruit images belonging to
18 different categories. Training was performed using stratified 5- The CNN constructed consisted of 13-layers. The combination of
fold cross validation. Training set size was 1,322 images and test a convolution layer and pooling layer is referred to as ‘combined
set size was 331 images. layer’. Zhang et al. [5] experimented with various numbers of
combined layers and they found that 4 combined layers produced
In an attempt to further improve accuracy, Zhang et al. [7] pro- the best results (in terms of accuracy). Overall accuracy was
posed a hybrid fruit-classification method. This method was based 94.94% which was at least 5 percentage points higher than the
on Fitness-Scaled Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony (FSCABC) algo- other state-of-the-art approaches [4, 6, 7, 14, 15].
rithm and Feedforward Neural Network (FNN). The FNN used
had three layers: input layer, one hidden layer and the output lay- Zhang et al. [5] also tested their CNN-based model on imperfect
er. FSCABC algorithm is used for weight optimization. Tradition- images (i.e. fruit images with complicated background, fruit im-
al gradient-based optimization algorithms, such as back- ages with camera not well focused, fruit images with decay and
propagation algorithms, were not used because they can easily get partially occluded fruit images). Overall accuracy decreased at
stuck in the local best. The experiments were conducted using the most 5%. The performance of the model deteriorates most with
same dataset of [4] i.e. the dataset consisted of 1,653 fruit images complicated background images (i.e. 89.6% accuracy). On the
belonging to 18 different categories. The performance of other hand, accuracy over decay images was almost as high as the
FSCABC-FNN based classifier on the test set was better than the accuracy over the original clean data.

Another experiment was carried out to see the effect of data aug- 'Cantaloupe 2', 'Carambula', 'Cherry 1', 'Cherry 2', 'Cherry Raini-
mentation on accuracy rates [5]. Experimental results indicate that er', 'Cherry Wax Yellow', 'Clementine', 'Cocos', 'Dates', 'Grana-
data augmentation has resulted in improvement of accuracy rates, dilla', 'Grape Pink', 'Grape White', 'Grape White 2', 'Grapefruit
especially when data is not clean (e.g. fruit images with occlusion Pink', 'Grapefruit White', 'Guava', 'Huckleberry', 'Kaki', 'Kiwi',
or complicated background). 'Kumquats', 'Lemon', 'Lemon Meyer', 'Limes', 'Lychee', 'Man-
Wang and Chen [40] have improved the work presented in [5]. darine', 'Mango', 'Maracuja', 'Melon Piel de Sapo', 'Mulberry',
They applied an improved 8-layer deep CNN for the purpose of 'Nectarine', 'Orange', 'Papaya', 'Passion Fruit', 'Peach', 'Peach Flat',
fruit category classification. Instead of using plain rectified linear 'Pear', 'Pear Abate', 'Pear Monster', 'Pear Williams', 'Pepino', 'Phy-
units, parametric rectified linear units are used. Dropout layer is salis', 'Physalis with Husk', 'Pineapple', 'Pineapple Mini', 'Pitahaya
placed before each fully connected layer. Data augmentation was Red', 'Plum', 'Pomegranate', 'Quince', 'Rambutan', 'Raspberry',
also used to help avoid overfitting. The test set classification accu- 'Salak', 'Strawberry', 'Strawberry Wedge', 'Tamarillo' and 'Tan-
racy is 95.67% which is better than all the previous techniques gelo'.
and experiments [4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15]. 4. METHODS
In this section, we explore and evaluate some computer vision
3. FRUITS 360 DATASET techniques and models based on CNN. First, a brief overview of
Fruits 360 dataset consists of 48, 249 fruit images (36,117 images CNN is given. Then, the processes of transfer learning and fine
in the training set and 12,132 images in the test set) [22, 23]. tuning are explained. Later, some details on pre-trained models
There are 72 different types of fruits in the dataset and each image like AlexNet, GoogleNet and VGGNet are presented. The tech-
contains only one fruit. For each fruit type, the training set and niques and models presented (in this section) forms the basis of
test set contain slightly varying number of images but in most the experiments presented later on in this paper. The aim of the
cases around 490 training images and 164 test images are present author is to assess the effectiveness of these computer vision tech-
for each fruit type. Size of each image is 100 X 100 pixels. niques and models in solving the automated fruit image classifica-
The images are obtained by making a short twenty seconds video tion problem.
of fruit while it is slowly rotated by a motor and then extracting
frames/images from that video [23]. A white sheet of paper is 4.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
placed as background. This process is repeated for every fruit CNNs are a kind of deep neural network [34] that are most com-
type. Later, the background is removed from each fruit image monly applied at solving computer vision problems such as image
through a dedicated algorithm. This is done because background classification [30], object detection [35] etc. Although the applica-
is not uniform due to varying light conditions. Figure 1 depicts tions of CNN date back to 1990s, they were not fully embraced by
some images from Fruits 360 dataset. the computer vision community till the ImageNet competition in
2012 [36]. CNNs demonstrated spectacular success during the
competition and this brought about a revolution in computer vi-
sion [36]. CNNs are now the dominant approach for almost all
image classification and object detection tasks and approach hu-
man performance on some tasks [36].
CNNs are designed to recognize patterns in pixel based images
with very little or no preprocessing [34]. They can recognize pat-
a. Apple b. Apple c. Apple Red d. Banana
terns with a very high level of variability and are also robust to
Braeburn Granny Smith 1 distortions and simple geometric transformations. A CNN, typi-
cally, consists of an input layer, an output layer and multiple hid-
den layers. The hidden layers of a CNN typically consist of con-
volutional layers, pooling layers and fully connected layers. The
author has exploited CNNs in his attempt to solve the fruit image
classification problem.

e. Date g. Lychee h. Orange

4.2 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning
f. Lemon Transfer learning is the process of reusing a pre-trained model
trained on a large dataset, typically on a large-scale image classi-
fication task [18, 24]. Features learned by the pre-trained model
can effectively act as a generic model of the visual world, and
hence the model can be used for different computer vision prob-
lems. For instance, a model may be trained on ImageNet [25]
(where classes are mostly animals and everyday objects) and then
i. Pear j. Pineapple k. Pomegran- l. Strawberry it is repurposed for a task like fruit image classification.
ate Convolutional Neural Networks (used for image classification
Figure 1. Some images from Fruits 360 dataset. Class label for tasks) comprise of two parts: (1) a series of convolution and pool-
each image is also given. ing layers, and (2) a densely connected classifier. The first part is
called the convolutional base of the model. During transfer learn-
The following fruits are included in the dataset: 'Apple Braeburn', ing, the convolutional base is retained but the trained classifier is
'Apple Golden 1', 'Apple Golden 2', 'Apple Golden 3', 'Apple removed and a new classifier is added which is randomly initial-
Granny Smith', 'Apple Red 1', 'Apple Red 2', 'Apple Red 3', 'Ap- ized. This new classifier is then trained on the output of the con-
ple Red Delicious', 'Apple Red Yellow', 'Apricot', 'Avocado', 'Av-
ocado ripe', 'Banana', 'Banana Red', 'Cactus fruit', 'Cantaloupe 1',

volutional base so that it can identify new classes. Figure 2 depicts error signal propagated backwards during training will be too
the process of transfer learning. large and will destroy the abstract representations previously
learned by the pre-trained models’ top layers that are being fine-
tuned [24]. Due to this reason, the recommended steps for fine-
tuning are [24]:
1. Add a custom classifier on top of a pre-trained base
2. Freeze the weights of the base network.
3. Train the custom classifier.
4. Unfreeze some layers in the base network.
5. Jointly train both the unfrozen layers and the custom
The performances resulting from the use of transfer learning and
fine tuning (when applied to solve the fruit image classification
problem) have been presented in this paper.

4.3 AlexNet, GoogleNet and VGGNet models

Computer vision researchers have demonstrated progress in image
classification tasks by validating their results against ImageNet
Figure 2. Changing classifier while keeping the same convolu- [27]. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
tional base. (ILSVRC) has been running annually since 2010. The challenge is
based on ImageNet dataset [25]. ImageNet is much larger in size
Fine tuning is another widely used technique for model reuse. and diversity compared with other standard image classification
Fine-tuning consists of unfreezing a few of the top layers of a datasets (e.g. Caltech 101 [28] and Caltech 256 [29]). As reported
frozen model base and jointly training both the newly added clas- in [27], ImageNet has 14,197,122 images from 21841 different
sifier and the unfrozen layers of the model [24]. So, the main dif- categories. Only a subset of these images is used in ILSVRC
ference between fine tuning and transfer learning is that in transfer competitions, where each participant is usually provided with 1.4
learning only the weights of the newly added classifier are opti- million images [24] belonging to 1000 different classes.
mized. On the other hand, in fine-tuning, we optimize both the
weights of the classifier as well as the weights of some or all of Over the years, a number of high performing models have been
the layers of the pre-trained model base [26]. Figure 3 depicts an developed and evaluated by various research teams at ILSVRC.
example of fine tuning applied on the pre-trained VGG16 model Examples of such models include AlexNet [30], VGGNet [21],
[21]. Inception v3 [20] etc. 2012 ILSVRC winner AlexNet was the first
large, deep CNN-based model to have performed so well in the
competition. On the test data, AlexNet achieved top-5 test error
rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best
entry. AlexNet has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons
and consists of five convolutional layers (some of which are fol-
lowed by max-pooling layers) and three fully-connected layers
[30]. AlexNet has been applied in various computer vision tasks
such as object-detection [31], segmentation [32], video classifica-
tion [33] etc.
GoogleNet (also known as Inception v1) [19] and VGGNet [21]
were the winner and runner-up of the ILSVRC 2014 competition,
respectively. GoogleNet is a 22 layer CNN with a top-5 error rate
of 6.7%. This performance was very close to human-level perfor-
mance. GoogleNet also has around nine times less number of
parameters than AlexNet. This leads to more efficiency and less
consumption of computational resources. GoogleNet was one of
the first CNN models that strayed away from the traditional prac-
tice of stacking the convolutional and pooling layers in a sequen-
tial manner. The designers of the model have showed that creative
structuring of the layers can lead to improved performance and
computational efficiency [19]. The original model was called
GoogleNet but subsequent versions were referred to as Inception
vN where N refers to the version number released by Google. The
experiments presented in this paper exploits Inception v3 model
that is presented in [20]. The Inception v3 model has an even
Figure 3. Fine tuning the last convolutional block and the fully better ImageNet classification accuracy than earlier Inception
connected classifier. models [20].
It must be remembered that fine-tuning the top layers of the On the other hand, VGGNet is a 19 layer CNN that uses 3x3 fil-
pre-trained model is only possible once the classifier on top has ters with stride and pad of 1, along with 2x2 maxpooling layers
already been trained. If the classifier is not already trained, the with stride of 2. VGGNet achieved top-5 test error rate of 7.3% in

the ILSVRC 2014 competition. The model reinforced the idea that Table 3. The 14-layer CNN structure
CNNs need to have a deep network of layers in order for the hier-
archical representation of visual data to work [21]. In essence, Layer Name Details
VGGNet’s main design paradigm is: “keep the network simple Input Layer Dimensions= (100×100×3)
and deep”. VGGNet also has a 16 layer variant which the author Convolutional Number of Filters= 32, Kernel Size=(3,3),
has used in the experiments presented in this paper. Although Layer 1 Activation=ReLU
VGGNet has a simple architecture, it has three times more param- Pooling Layer 1 Pool Size=(2,2)
eters than AlexNet resulting in high computational costs. This is Convolutional Number of Filters= 64, Kernel Size=(3,3),
the major drawback of VGGNet [20]. Table 1 summarizes some Layer 2 Activation=ReLU
key differences between AlexNet, GoogleNet and VGGNet.
Pooling Layer 2 Pool Size=(2,2)
Table 1. Some key differences between AlexNet, GoogleNet Convolutional Number of Filters=128, Kernel Size=(3,3),
and VGGNet Layer 3 Activation=ReLU
Year CNN Place in Top-5 error No. of Pooling Layer 3 Pool Size=(2,2)
ILSVRC rate parame- Convolutional Number of Filters=128, Kernel Size=(3,3),
ters Layer 4 Activation=ReLU
Pooling Layer 4 Pool Size=(2,2)
2012 AlexNet 1st 15.3% 60 million Flatten Layer Flattens the input tensor.
Goog- Dropout Layer Dropout rate=0.5
2014 1st 6.67% 7 million
Dense Layer 1 Units=512, Activation=ReLU
2014 VGGNet 2nd 7.3% 138 million
Dense Layer 2 Units=72, Activation=Softmax
Output Layer Dimensions=(1×72)
All experiments are carried out using TensorFlow version 1.10.0.
All the code is written and executed on Jupyter notebooks. The Table 4. The hyper parameters for the 14-layer CNN training
hardware specification (for the experiments) is given in Table 2. Loss function Categorical Cross Entropy
Table 2. Hardware used for the experiments. Optimizer Adam
CPU Intel® Core™ i7 7700HQ Learning Rate 1e-4
Number of epochs 100
Steps per epoch 100
GPU NVIDIA’s GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti 32
Batch size

Four different experimental setups are created and all of them are Transfer values are first computed for all the training and test
described in detail in the following subsections: images and saved in a cache file. These transfer values are then
5.1 Experiment #1: A 14-Layer Convolutional used to train a self-added classifier. Figure 4 depicts this process.
The figure shows that first the input image is processed with the
Neural Network Inception model and then just prior to the final classification layer
A self-designed 14-layer convolutional neural network applied on of the Inception model, the transfer values are saved to a cache-
the fruit image classification problem. The network is trained on file. For each image, 2048 transfer values are computed.
augmented data. This CNN is built and trained from scratch and
no pre-trained model has been exploited in this case. The author’s
aim is to measure the performance of a self-designed CNN that
does not use transfer learning and fine tuning. This will enable
performance comparison with situations where transfer learning
and fine tuning is used.
The CNN has four pairs of convolutional and pooling layers. The
convolutional and pooling layers are followed by a flatten layer, a
dropout layer and two dense layers. Details of the CNN structure
are given in Table 3. The hyper parameters used during the CNN
training are given in Table 4.
5.2 Experiment #2: Transfer learning using
Inception v3
In the second experiment, transfer learning is performed by ex-
ploiting Inception v3 pre-trained model. The Inception model is
very capable of extracting useful information from an image. The
Inception model can be reused by merely replacing the layers that
does the final classification. Figure 4. Transfer learning using Inception v3 model
Transfer values are analyzed using methods of dimensionality
reduction called Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [37] and t-
SNE [38, 39]. For each of the first 3000 training images, a combi-

nation of PCA and t-SNE is used to reduce transfer values from trainable. The hyper parameters used during training are the same
2048 to 2 per image. Figure 5 depicts scatter plot based on the as given in Table 4 except two changes. The optimizer used is
reduced transfer values of the 3000 images. From Figure 5, it can RMSprop and the learning rate is 1e-5. The reason for choosing
be easily inferred that the transfer-values from the Inception mod- RMSprop is that it is giving better classification accuracy than the
el appear to contain enough information to separate the Fruits-360 Adam optimizer. The learning rate is kept much lower because the
dataset images into classes. Unfortunately, there are some instanc- author wants to limit the magnitude of the modifications that are
es of overlap, so the separation is not 100% perfect. made to the representations of the layers that are being fine-tuned

Figure 5. Scatter plot for the reduced transfer values of the

3000 training images
For training the classifier, cross entropy is used as the loss func-
tion. Optimization is done using Adam optimizer with a learning
rate of 1e-4. Training batch size is 64 and 8000 iterations are per-
formed during training. Training data for each batch is chosen
randomly. No data augmentation is performed in this experiment.
5.3 Experiment #3: Transfer learning using
VGG16 model is utilized for transfer learning. The VGG16 model
contains five convolutional blocks. Each convolutional block
contains 2 or 3 convolutional layers and a pooling layer [24].
Training data is augmented and loaded using an image data gener-
ator. VGG16’s convolutional base is retained but a self-designed
classifier is added and trained. This process is depicted in Figure 2
and Figure 6. The structure of the new CNN is given in Table 5.
All the hyper parameters used in this experiment are the same as
given in Table 4.
Table 5. Structure of the CNN that performs transfer learning Figure 6. Transfer learning using VGG16
based on the VGG16 pre-trained model.
6. Results and Analysis
Layer Details Table 6 presents the test set classification accuracies for the four
Name experiments1. It can be easily observed that the highest classifica-
Convolutional This includes all the five convolutional blocks tion accuracy is for experiment #3 (i.e. transfer learning per-
Base of the VGG16 model. The weights of these formed using VGG16). It can also be seen that the use of transfer
five convolutional blocks are kept frozen. The learning and fine tuning significantly improves the classification
original VGG16 classifier layers are excluded. accuracy. The test set consists of 12,132 images and the classifica-
tion accuracies represent the percentage of correctly classified test
Flatten Layer Flattens the input tensor.
set images.
Dense Layer 1 Units=256, Activation=ReLU
Figure 7 shows how training and validation accuracies as well as
Dense Layer 2 Units=72, Activation=Softmax
training and validation loss evolved with the number of epochs for
experiment #1, 3 and 4. The validation loss fluctuate little bit but
5.4 Experiment #4: Fine Tuning using overall stays along with the training loss in all the three experi-
ments. The validation loss never showed any persistent upward
VGG16 trend in all the three experiments. Overall, the validation accuracy
Fine tuning performed using VGG16 model. The weights of the also stays quite close to the training accuracy in all the three ex-
first four convolutional blocks are kept frozen. All the convolu- periments. This indicates that there was no problem of overfitting.
tional and pooling layers of the fifth convolutional block are set as
trainable. All the layers of the fifth convolutional block are trained
1 Github repository containing Jupyter notebooks for all the four
along with a self-added classifier. The structure of the CNN is the
same as given in Figure 6 and Table 5. As already stated, the only experiments:
difference is that the layers of the fifth convolutional block are

It must be remembered that the validation data was completely research presented in this paper is based on a much larger dataset
different from the training data. No training sample was used for and a far greater number of fruit types (i.e. 48, 249 fruit images
the validation purpose. and 72 different fruit types). For all the previous studies, the num-
Table 6. Test set classification accuracies for the four experi- ber of images per class is very low (as low as 61). For Fruits 360
ments dataset, there are at least 650 images per fruit type. This means
that the results presented in this paper are statistically more signif-
Experiment Test Set Classification
icant because a much larger dataset is involved.
Experiment #1: A 14-Layer Convolu- 96.79% Up till now, the highest classification accuracy reported for auto-
tional Neural Network mated fruit image classification is 95.67% [40]. It has been shown
Experiment #2: Transfer learning 98.1% in this paper that 99.27% classification accuracy can be achieved
using Inception v3 through transfer learning using the pre-trained VGG16 model.
This is certainly a remarkable improvement. Even the classifica-
Experiment #3: Transfer learning 99.27% tion accuracies achieved in experiment #1, #2 and #4 are much
using VGG16 higher than those achieved in all the past studies [4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15,
Experiment #4: Fine Tuning using 98.01% 40].
Unlike past approaches [4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 40], the Fruits 360 da-
taset is not subjected to any pre-processing for the experiments.
All the previous research [4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 40] in this area con- The images are neither cropped nor resized. The original size of
sidered only 18 fruit types and between 1653 to 3600 images. The
a. Experiment #1 b. Experiment #1

c. Experiment #3 d. Experiment #3

e. Experiment #4 f. Experiment #4

Figure 7. Graphs depicting how training and validation values changed with the number of epochs

100 × 100 pixels is used. The images of Fruits 360 dataset also [2] Baohua Zhang, Wenqian Huang, Jiangbo Li, Chunjiang
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