The Oretical Aspects of The Strategy For The Development of Tourism and Recreation Areas

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51 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 51

ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 16

The Oretical Aspects of the Strategy for the Development of Tourism and
Recreation Areas
Isakova Muqaddas Badirovna
Associate Professor of "Design" MRDI named after K. Behzod
Husanova Khurshida Ibrahim qizi
Graduate student of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction

The article is based on the need to use a strategic approach in managing the development of
tourism and recreation at the regional level. The issues of developing a regional strategy for
the development of tourism and recreation, its role in ensuring the sustainable development of
the regional economic system will be studied
Keywords: Uzbekistan, tourism, factors, development, product, unique, natural

Uzbekistan has the highest tourism potential due to its significant reserves of diverse and
unique natural factors. Tourism development helps to harmonize the socio-economic
development of the region, often creating a competitive and unique market product. Any
strategy sets out a list of key long-term goals and objectives that define the direction of future
action, as well as the amount and principles of allocation of resources needed to achieve the
stated goals. Due to the specificity and scale of strategic goals, their direct implementation
often takes at least 10-15 years to achieve the planned results. At the state level, the values of
key macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and its growth rates, industrial and agricultural
output, inflation rate and per capita income are usually used as strategic criteria for working
with competitors, marketing, innovation strategy, etc. determined. The formation of a strategy
is the result of strategic planning, which is understood as an algorithm of actions, linking
executors, resources, spatial and temporal directions. It is strategic planning that enables
producers and consumers, governments and households, exporters and importers to
coordinate their goals and objectives, revenues and expenditures.
The main part. Speaking about the target function of strategic planning for the development
of tourism and recreation in the region, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the factors that
determine the attractiveness of tourism products or tourist services in the region, its tourist
and recreational potential. The object of strategic planning for the development of tourism
and recreational potential of the region is the introduction of innovative organizational and
technological solutions to attract and serve tourists, intensify the use of information and
communication technologies, mechanisms to ensure and improve the quality of tourist
services is In this regard, the role and importance of factors such as access to transport and
the quality of transport infrastructure, the development of the material base of the tourism and
recreation sector, the availability and quality of labor resources and environmental constraints
is growing significantly.

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52 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 52
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 16

The regional strategy should set out the general principles and priorities for the organization
of the economic space of the region, taking into account the spatial organization of
production in general and the production of tourism products in particular. It is necessary to
regulate the distribution of tourist and transport infrastructure, determine the location of
permanent settlements and industrial complexes associated with existing natural and cultural
attractions, determine the proportion and concentration of cities and villages. The
development of a tourism and recreational capacity development strategy should be carried
out using indicative planning tools that form the basis of a set of tools for strategic planning.
Indicative planning allows us to accurately relate the required values of the reported
indicators to the time of their achievement. The indicators contain regional data on the real
objects of tourism infrastructure, the forecast points of growth of the regional economy
related to the concentration of tourism and infrastructure facilities, innovative, resource-
saving, environmentally friendly technologies.
This strategy should take into account the need to implement a number of cultural and public
events aimed at promoting the development of tourism in the region's economy, as well as
broad social support for the population and businesses, often with doubts about the
development of tourism in the region. look and be careful. It is necessary to reliably
demonstrate and ensure the effectiveness of economic benefit mechanisms for all subjects of
economic relations engaged in threats of over-anthropogenic overload and tourism activities.
The object of strategic planning is the destination tourism cluster, is a group of
geographically neighboring and interrelated companies operating in the field of tourism,
which are distinguished by the generality and complementarity of their activities. costs This
is because any tourist area is multi-functional: it creates many regional products, each of
which can have its own development strategy. Destination tourism product is the only brand
benefit. It is created by existing tourism assets and regional resources and is therefore an
independent regional product and should have an independent development and change
The development of a tourism and recreational capacity development strategy should be
carried out using indicative planning tools that form the basis of a set of tools for strategic
planning. Indicative planning allows us to accurately relate the required values of the reported
indicators to the time of their achievement. The indicators contain regional data on the real
objects of tourism infrastructure, the forecast points of growth of the regional economy
related to the concentration of tourism and infrastructure facilities, innovative, resource-
saving, environmentally friendly technologies. This strategy should take into account the
need to implement a number of cultural and public events aimed at promoting the
development of tourism in the region's economy, as well as broad social support for the
population and businesses, often with doubts about the development of tourism in the region.
look and be careful. It is necessary to reliably demonstrate and ensure the effectiveness of
economic benefit mechanisms for all subjects of economic relations engaged in threats of
over-anthropogenic overload and tourism activities.
The object of strategic planning is the destination tourism cluster, is a group of
geographically neighboring and interrelated companies operating in the field of tourism,
which are distinguished by the generality and complementarity of their activities costs. This
is because any tourist area is multi-functional: it creates many regional products, each of
which can have its own development strategy. Destination tourism product is the only brand

Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licenses.
Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial
and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms
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53 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 53
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 16

benefit. It is created by existing tourism assets and regional resources and is therefore an
independent regional product and should have an independent development and change
strategy. The subject of strategic planning is largely determined by the specific nature of its
object and is usually multi-stage in nature. Strategic planning of a tourism cluster requires
consideration of the side and associated networks located in the destination area. Often, the
facilities of the tourism industry are a high-level product of the development of urban
entertainment and leisure infrastructure, which is formed as a result of the effective operation
of other sectors of the regional economy. When planning a destination tourism cluster, it is
necessary to fully cover all sectors and areas of life in the region, the diversity of economic
and social processes that occur in it.
Tourism in general allows to increase the efficiency of economic processes in the region. The
field of tourism and recreation is highly integrated into the system of administrative, financial
and economic relations of the regional economy and actively cooperates with its other actors.
Thus, the most important feature of tourism activity is the opportunity for the organization to
develop itself within the relevant sectors. The requirement of sustainability of regional
development is achieved only by long-term maintenance of the necessary conditions for the
restoration of social, natural resource, economic potential, which in turn may not maintain
optimal ratios between the components of reproductive potential, their balance it's not. As
strategic directions to increase the sustainability of destination, it is necessary to ensure the
flow of local investment resources and create favorable conditions for the growth of local
tourism clusters, increase the transparency of financial relations between local authorities and
tourism entities.
The problems in traditional tourist areas are related to the current pattern of reproduction and
general development trends in Uzbekistan. Among them, the lack of domestic demand is due
to the following
 The problem of non-domestic consumption of local tourist and recreational services;
 The problem of high levels of obsolescence and even degradation of utilities and
engineering infrastructure;
 The risk of environmental and man-made disasters is growing;
 polarization of welfare, security, tourist resorts and residences and permanent
 living standards of the population.
In today's conditions, the development of tourism and recreation areas is required finding and
using new, more effective methods of strategic planning. They should be based on
operational and reliable information on their implementation and achievement of the strategic
goals of the recreation area. The strategy should define long-term goals, directions, principles
and methods of economic, social and environmental activities of the governing bodies, taking
into account the capabilities and interests of all businesses and the population in the region.
Strategic planning of tourism activities at the regional and national levels will be successful
only if the application of the concept of sustainable development to ensure the inflow of
public and private investment in the region, taking into account the economic and
environmental situation of the resort complex. This, in turn, will lead to the creation of
additional jobs, new domestic and foreign tour operators. Second, it increases the quality and

Copyright © Author(s). This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licenses.
Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial
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54 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 54
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 16

convenience of domestic tourism services. The development of tourism will help to change
the structure of the economy, increase its economic efficiency and rationalize the efficient use
of nature.
At the regional level, the development of a strategy for innovative development of the
tourism sector should be aimed at creating a competitive, specialized and cooperative market
for tourism services, the participants of which should organize different forms of ownership.
It envisages mechanisms to stimulate private entrepreneurship in the small and medium
business segment, the reconstruction of tourist facilities that form the material and technical
base of the tourism industry and the flow of private investment in new construction, the
introduction of modern and advanced tourism services technologies should be kept. Without
updating the regulatory framework of tourism, strengthening the regulation and guarantee of
property rights, defining the principles of state regulation of tourism, increasing the state
guarantees of economic and personal safety for tourists, the flow of investment will not be
significant. Widely developed mass social and children's tourism strategies abroad deserve
special attention. In modern conditions, based on the principles of competition and co-
financing by the state and certain groups of large employers, it can and should be more mass,
qualitative and widespread. In addition, it is necessary to actively use the successful foreign
experience of sanatorium treatment, which will allow you to effectively cope with the tasks
of tourism and recreation. A comprehensive sanatorium-resort that provides effective
prevention of diseases and restoration of health can become a competitive product in the
markets of national and global tourist resort services.
The most important strategic task of the tourism industry of Uzbekistan is to ensure the
integration process in the markets of regional and global tourism services, which requires a
set of measures to identify and strengthen priority tourism activities for each region of the
country. develops. Uzbekistan is one of the most promising regions for tourism development
due to its geographical, natural, climatic conditions and unique culture. Its territory is rich in
recreational resources, cultural and historical heritage sites, international economic, cultural,
social and sports events. The saturation of the market of tourist services with a variety of
offers, the fierce competition between regions for consumers has revealed the need and
expediency of using new approaches in the formation of the tourist and recreational complex
of Uzbekistan. In addition to the attractive nature, breathtaking mountain scenery, precious
mineral waters, Uzbekistan's tourist resources include the unique and unique architecture of
mountain villages and unique artistic crafts (carpet weaving, jewelry and ceramics). Such a
diverse and unique natural monument can rightly be considered the main recreational treasure
of Uzbekistan, no less than the natural attractions of other regions and countries.
The nature of Uzbekistan is amazing and can be one of the main factors in attracting tourists
with a sensible approach. Despite the available resources, as well as the positive trends in
recent years in the growth of tourist flows and the construction of new facilities of tourist
infrastructure, the tourist potential of the republic is not fully used, and there are many
reasons for this. These are outdated material and technical bases that do not meet modern
requirements, resulting in underdeveloped infrastructure far from world standards. A
similarly pressing issue is the low level of service. In tourism, as in any other service sector,
service plays an important role. The main reason for the service is the lack of qualified
Among the main factors hindering the development of tourism are currently the following:

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55 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 55
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 16

 Underdeveloped tourism infrastructure. Many villages, famous for their unique

craftsmanship and immense beauty of nature, do not have hotels or guest houses where
tourists can stay and learn about the culture of the locals. The lack of paved roads makes
it difficult for tourists to get to the village.
 Poor sanitary condition of hotels. Many hotel complexes, as well as resorts, do not meet
world standards and requirements; living conditions are often devoid of amenities.
 Difficult ecological situation in the republic. Many unique natural areas of the republic
are full of household waste. An example of this is the Chirchik River.
The strategic directions of improving the tourist and recreational complex should be:
 Attracting investments in promising projects in the tourism industry;
 creation of modern infrastructure for watching the tourist and recreational complex;
 Support scientific research in the field of tourism and recreation;
 increasing the level of security of tourist facilities;
The main task today is to create and develop new facilities of tourism infrastructure, further
development of recreation and health areas. The formation of a mechanism regulate and
support the development of the tourism market in Uzbekistan will contribute to the growth of
revenues of the national budget, the creation of additional jobs in the industry and increase
the income of the population. Eventually, the tourism industry will become a highly
profitable sector of the Uzbek economy.
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