Strony Od 97 - Up Adv SB Upstream Advanced Student's Book-2

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1 ‘a. Look at the pictures above. Which profession(s) would you associate with the following? In what way? Tell your partner. toa Seek stress Cr b. Which of the four jobs shown do you think would appeal the most to * an adventurous person * a caring person * a person who likes children * an ambitious person a team player * a person who likes to keep fit Discuss in pairs a. Rank the following according to how important you think they are for a happy working life (1 = most important, 6 = least important). Then compare your ranking with that of another student. [pleasant working environment [1 recognition of achievement TD 5000 remuneration opportunity for creativity 1 tering others [opportunity for personal development b. Which of the following statements best applies to you? Select one (or write your own in the space provided), then use it to begin talking to your partner about your ideal job. 1 Ihave a very clear idea of what | war 2 haven't decided yet, but | todo. t to find a job that | 3° | would like to earn as much as possible in the shortest possible time, then retire 4 | would like my work to make a difference to the world OTHER 3. (@) listen to part of a radio report about a survey ‘conducted in the UK, asking people what their ideal job would be, and mark the following statements T (true) or F (false) 1. Most people are attracted to the idea of an exotic 10, lke being a journalist in New York, 2 Nursing and teaching were professions often regarded as dream jobs 3 Men's replies were very similar to those of women, 4 People in eland had more realistic dreams about jobs. b. Ifa similar survey were carried out in your country, what kind of ‘dream jobs' do you think people would choose? Discuss in groups. Paraphrase the following quotations. Which do you agree with? Why? Discuss in pairs “Work is an essential part of being alive, Your work: is your identity! ay Stephin (US bate ‘The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary Vidal Sassoon (British hai stylist) 119 120 Reading ~ Part 4 41 @. Youwill read a passage about people who work during the night. Before you read, look at the following words/phrases. In pairs decide what profession you would associate them with. nasty incidents * behind the mike fares * provide newsfiash cover * keep pilots informed b, List as many professions as you can think of which involve working the night shifts. Check with your partner, What might be the advantages of working during the night? Discuss in pairs, then read quickly to see if your {guesses are mentioned in the text. Now read the text thoroughly. For questions 4-18, choose from the answers A -E. ‘A Alan Gaynor-Shaw B Helen Aldridge € Stephen Lal D- Jack Cheeps E Kenny ‘Ginge’ Walters Who * doesn't have to make hissher own way to 1 work? ‘© enjoys socialising while on duty? 2 ‘© does a job which can be upsetting at times? 3 ‘© never sleeps in the mornings? 4 * goes through long periods of inactivity while 5 on duty? * has to occasionally put up with awkward 6 people? watches the ther as part of hisiher job? 7 * appreciates having company when on duty? * sometimes forgets how enjoyable hisfher job 9 ‘+ has to take care of hisfher appearance? 10 ‘© sometimes has to work overtime? " ‘would find it difficult to go back to working 12 ays? has to be constantly focused? 3 * started working nights late inhisher career? 14 * J under great pressure not to make 15 mistakes? * had trouble adjusting to working nights? 16... 17 * feels that working nights can be good for 18 family ife? * switched to the night shift to get more 19 pleasure out of hist job? They are wide awake and on duty while the city is asleep, watching out for us, entertaining us, taking us places, or making sure we know what went on during Se ct eu hurts Pets eae Laem Wana re at ee ic Controller, Heathrow Airport Bees a et eek en eee sg ee ae eo ee ieee taking off from Heathrow do so with safely and without cee ee ee ditions such as wind shear - a sudden change in the Se cose ft ' work the night shift because | prefer it. The airport i quieter and | can get to and from work with ease, and | like having the mornings to myself. | he properly during the day, though, Cnet a ee) Se ee Ray a See ae See ne ae ae Teeny mental stress of being ansible for the safely of several aircraft ond their Ce ee cen nn nmi! Ua RAL sxc TV Newscaster Sn ee Cova eee ie) CO aun ea ee then seven days off - which is like having short holidays every ¢ Cn eee ne See ee ee oe cee ae ee) eu week, so | like that. A car Coury Vocabulary Practice 2 Match the highlighted words in the passage with their synonyms below. * endure © very tring * mistakes * dash * become involved in * changing * schedule fees De a ee) cond go to bed by nine. | get up about 5, have a bath, and ck mene a eee a geting up in the morning, except its difficult to do normal Ceo ete eee eet Fomily life is affected, of course. | offen have to go without Seah ae ee te ee ae Lessing in disguise: | miss him so much that it makes me love Mara 2 Stephen Lal, 42 Roe cea ae Denar Gee ae eee eg Te eR ne ree ea somewhat like being o police officer: 95% boredom, 5% terror When you work the night shif, you sleep in a hospital room De ee eee) Phe ear eo Cee ee ert ee nee nel ‘he week, and the address ofthe incident I get into work at 11 o'clock every night and | clock off at ¥e morning, unless « last minute call makes me lale. One ofthe best things about the job is that I'm always on duty with eae tae ee ea Se RT a ec eh ee tee en a) Ret ee ee een lcd) Toe eee anaes Ra Le eta ae ane) "tve been doing o programme called ‘Goodbye Mr Cheeps' on Bay FM for six le 5 t kee Text Analysis 3 Explain the phrases in your own words free time in the mor tal plar at the same This could be a bless Se ae gee Pesce! ee Ce ea) programme kicks off at 2 am, so | have to leave home for the station at about 1. At 6 in the morning | hand over to Kelly Shawls and the morning news, but | don't go to bed until late Ce eee tee eM ern Cee "Having scid that, recently, | was talking lo an Ar Force fighter pilot who had just been on the programme that comes Pe Mee Raa a aed Ce Se ieee kent Deen nett I had the coolest job in the world. This completely blew me away, Next Augus | will celebrate thirty years of being behind a ee ree me ery the fighter pilot made to make me realize that being a radio DJ eee aes Law en LR old Cl Cera aT ea Lee Pe eee mec ere Ato B. Iris also about the level of service and how to moke their ip an enjoyable one. But when people are in o mod rush Yo get fo work oF to the airport or to make it in ime for an appointment, ifs difficult to engage in friendly conversation, it ee ee RC ae en a) people who use a taxi at night are going out to have fun, so Deu mee “I start work at 9 o'clock and drive around the city all through the night until 5 in the morning. W's quite busy until about 1:30, then, if ifs « weekday, it slows down a litle rece mars "\do get my fair share of unpleasantness, usually from people who have had one oF two too many. But ths is ee ee ae) Pn cab, they enjoy knowing there's a friendly Pee ech m eM x A ree on ee eee te Se 4 lw 5 *Atsixin the morning | hand 0 Dil Discussion Choose a person and take roles to act out an interview, rt 121 Language Focus 122 SD People on the Job 1 2 ‘a. Match A to B to form words describing different kinds of workers and professionals. Then, in pairs, put them under the appropriate headings in the table below. Some of the words could go under more than one heading. A B refuse designer business hygienist computer collector graphic practitioner assembly-line executive talent servant plastic surgeon fire worker dental fighter cil programmer general scout sound technician Creative Manual =~ iy Blue-collar cine @ Presale = White-collar~ ane Administrative b. Inppairs, decide which of the adjectives below best describe the jobs and professions above. Give reasons. * fulfilling» arduous * mind-numbing * demanding * gruelling © rewarding * hazardous * glamorous ‘mundane * secure + stimulating strenuous ‘stressful ¢ motivating * physical « intellectual ‘A: Working as afirfighters a very stressful job 8: True. They face danger athe time and people’ lives depend on them. In pairs, use language from the box to help you to ask and answer questions about the following: * Ifyou are employed at present ‘© What kind of job you would like to do in the future ‘© What kind of career you would never consider ‘© What doyou do for aliving? J © Iworkas a ‘+ Have you ever toyed with the | * | hope to (be promoted). idea of ..2 © {don’t intend (to resign, ‘© Haveyou got any plans for...? | Yes, indeed, |am thinking ‘© What are you aiming for in of. your career as a whole? © Myimmediate plans are ‘© Have you ever thought of ..? ‘© Would you ever consider... | Hopefully I will soon © Doyou think you would © Ido not foresee ever ..? © Lil definitely not * Ate youlooking forward to | There is no way | would retiring? ever ‘A: Whatdo you dofora living? 8: lam studying to become. lawyer but Ive got a part: timejobin the university brary. D inthe Workplace 3 Underline the correct words/phrases. Then use the remaining words to make up sentences of your own. Use a dictionary to help you. 1. Due to the unsafe conditions at the plant, the ‘workers decided to (work to rule, go on the picket line, go on strike) unt ther demands for improvements were met by the management. 2 Many employees were (Sacked, laid off, dismissed) asa result of the economic criss 3 Not only are we appreciated for what we do but we: aso receive (perks, benefits, bonuses) at Christmas and Easter. 4 Not too many years ago, miners and factory workers ‘would have to line up outside their employers office every Friday to collect their (salary, profits, wages). 5. On arrival at the miltary base, the new (trainees, apprentices, recruits) were told to report to the registration area 6 ve just been transfered to this head offic, department, boardroom). Could you tell me where my cubide is, please? 7 ff there is ary hope of meeting this deadline, we'l have to work (part-time, overtime, flex-time) all next week 8 For us to consider you forthe position, you'll need to provide us with at least two (credentials, references, applications). b. Now, decide which aspect of work the sets of words are related to. * incentives * new employees * pay * the workplace + appiying for a job © workers’ protest * working hours © Build up your Vocabulary 4 Underline the word which best completes each sentence. 1 hope you realise, Ms Hines, that ifyou accept the Gob temployment/occupation) you will be expected to put in quite a bit of overtime 2 After receiving a degree in business management, tynn realised that her true (profession/tradetvocation) was in teaching, so she returned to university. 3 My ster (works/labours/tols) in 2 beautiful office doing a job that she loves. 4 The latest company (duty/task/project) requires that we all work as a team to meet the deadline 5 The (staff/union/board) has called a general meeting to hear employee complaints 6 Tom just received 2 government (raise/awardigrant) to continue his work with the city’s homeless 7 They have several (vacancies/occupations/appointments) to fil, but they can't find the right people. 8 When he failed to comply with the managers instructions, he was (temoved/dismissed/deposed) D callocations 5 Inpairs, complete the spidergrams with the words. Use some of them to fill in the gaps in the sentences. Can you think of more words for each spidergram? + mate * satisfaction * title + load * place * shop ‘description * bench * market # hunter « station * centre * prospects * horse 11 Some ofthe staff say she's the manager, some say she's the wnes. Do you know what her actual i? 2. Smsomy, but nowhere in my does itsay that | have to empty the wastepaper bins. 3 At the moment, John has such a heavy that we cant even get out at the weekends 4. The assembiyline worker was sacked because he was constantly away from his 5 Mywifeisareal She puts in ‘eight hours atthe office and then comes home and does all the housework 6 Above the carpenters after row of bright shiny tools. was 1OW, = Every Office has one 6 2 7 a. Using a dictionary if necessary, say what the personality traits of these office workers are. 5 * the whiz » the perfectionist ‘the paper-shuffler © the gossip ‘the stirer » the workaholic « the slave driver ‘the techno-freak the yes-man b. Which are positive/negative traits? What type is the man the picture? Discuss in pairs. Idioms , Match items from columns A and B to form idioms. In pairs, guess what the idioms might ‘mean. Do you have similar idioms in your language? A B beaver away to the grindstone keep one's mind ends meet mean ‘the shots make one’s hands get something off inside job bbe someone's on the job call at something have time on business keep one's nose right-hand man, be an the ground b. Use some of the idioms, in their correct form, to complete the sentences below. 1 tts going to take ots of hard work to the business but in the long run | feel it wll be worth it 2 OF course, his personal assistant will be with him he the President's 3 James, you've been at that report for the last hour, Come down and have your supper 423 uage Focus 4 Its very difficult to these clients coming and going 5. She might be the boss, but don't be fooled. t's really the vice-president who around bere. with all 6 With the economy in such a state, many businesses are finding it impossible to D the right Job B a Lookat the three job adverts below. In pairs, decide what the underlined words mean. Ss “ 4 FAIRFAX BUSINESS MEDIA Telephone Researchers FBR is the research division of Fairfax Business Media, and s currently ecruting a team of high-level telenhone researchers to interview leading IT decsion- ‘makers in large UK enterorises. £25.30. 7 Closing date: 16.05.2003 The Employers’ Forum on Disability ‘The EFD, a charity and pressure group working for and on ‘behalf of disabled employees throughout the UK, is seeking a Chief Executive Officer Leading the Forum, the only organisation ofits kind in the ‘word, you will tise your management experience to assume complete responsibilty for our day-to-day ‘operations. ¢ £70,000 plus car. The Aldingbourne Trust History teacher ‘Ave you interested in joining an educational ‘organisation committed to innovation? We wil considet applications fora fulltime History teacher to join our faculty of experienced teachers at our school Tear Chichester, West Sussex. Minimum of 3 years ‘experience in teaching History is essential £22,500 plus benefits. . Which of the jobs would you find appealing? Why? Discuss in pairs. 124 Using language from the boxes, in pairs, act out job interviews for the posts above. Questions ‘Tellus about you / your qualifications / your ‘experience in + How would you describe yourself? ‘© Why do you want to work for us? + What do you look for in an employer? + What is the most important quality .? ‘+ How can you contribute ..? ‘© Is there anything you'd ike t0-ask? Answers + [have been working as for | hold a degree / diploma in U have also pursued * eal that my expererce/ | ability / knowledge / dedication / organisational skill / people skis will be useful + mafter a job that | have always thought that cone of my assets is A: So, tellus about your experience in marketing 8: Well, have been working as a marketing consultant for .-forthree years now, and... Mi have to call you back with those figures Jim just away from my desk at the moment. 4 ®D Fixed Phrases (with on) a. Match the fixed phrases with their meanings. 1 onthe verge of a intermittently 2 onoffer bb receiving unemployment 3 onthe basis of benefit 4 onthe dole © about to dofhappen 5 onthe level available 6 onhold honest 7 onaroll f waiting 8 onandon continuously 9 onand off h due to i 410 ondemand winning I j when needed | . Now, use appropriate fixed phrases to fill in the gaps in the sentences. 1. I've done a lot of research on that company and it appears that they are 2 Poor Pam! She was tears after being unfit dismissed 3 your past performance here at LUoyes, we've decided to give you a promation 4 After the steelworks closed down last year, half the men in the town were forced to go. 5 The plant manager went for what seemed like hours about the fal productivity rate. D Phrasal verbs Appendic 1 410) Match the verbs with the particles to form phrasal verbs. Use them to complete the sentences below. ‘1 Ljust can't seem to get across (communicate) to my boss that he is working me too hard, 2 After a dificut day at the office | lke to {eliminate) stress by digging in my garden, 3. The owner is terribly busy tomorrow but I'l try to YOU (find time for) her schedule. 4. If the workers return to their jobs this week, we might manage to (overcome) the delays in production, 5 By the end of the incredibly busy day, Mona had herself (cause to be upset) into quite a state © communication: Polite Requests 11 @ Inpairs, complete the following dialogues with language from the boxes. + & leant) but2) oat possibly help me with this exercise? 8: Lwish 3) . but really need to finish what 'm doing, Soy. © Cenyoudo4) 2 Do you 5) ‘se your computer for an hour? 8: Of course 6) © A: Idon't mean to 7) bbut do you 8) clean up this mess? 8: Imatraid 9) that. You see, Ineed to go out in five minutes. * Alknow this 10) but was 11) ‘could lend me £10, 8: With 12) —} Useful language: Polite Requests, Introducing a request ‘Sony tobother you with this, but... | don't mean to cause a fuss, but. can see you're very busy, but... know thisisa bit much to ask, but... * Can you do me a (big favour? * Could you do something forme? Making a request ‘= Would it be fat al) possible for mefyou) to... * Do you think you could (possibly)... * Could | trouble you to... # Could you Possibly. © Would it be alright fl... « I was wondering if you could... »Do you mind 1 (—}Ueful language: Responding to Requests Granting a request * Sure! + Go ahead. Ofcourse you canimay. * With pleasure.» By all means. « Be my quest Denying a request and offering an excuse © Tove to help, but. « lwish could, but * Imaffaid | can't do that. You see b. How could the requests and the responses have been made in a different way? Discuss in pairs. In pairs, act out the following dialogues. Student ‘A, make the requests. Student B, respond positively or negatively according to the yes /no prompts in the brackets. 1 Aska friend if he can drive you to work the next day. (es) Ask if a colleague can help you with some filing. (No) ‘Ask your boss to give you tomorrow off. (No) ‘Ask your teacher if you can be excused from class. (No) Ask an acquaintance if she thinks she could talk to her boss about giving you a job. (Yes) 125

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