prEN 50182 2000

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Reference: prEN 50182:2000

Title: Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors

Procedure: 2MV started on 2000- - with deadline 2000- -

Handled by: Benita Loriot

Remark(s), if any:
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This draft European Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 7, Overhead
electrical conductors. It is submitted to the formal vote (2MV).

The following dates are proposed:

– latest date by which the existence of the EN
has to be announced at national level (doa) 2001-05-01
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2001-11-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2003-11-01

Annexes designated "normative" are part of the body of the standard.

Annexes designated "informative" are given for information only.
In this standard, annexes A, B, C and E are normative and annexes D and F are informative.
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1 Scope .........................................................................................................................4

2 Normative references..................................................................................................4

3 Definitions ..................................................................................................................4

4 Designation system ....................................................................................................5

5 Requirements for stranded conductor..........................................................................6

6 Tests ..........................................................................................................................10

7 Packaging and marking...............................................................................................15

8 Information to be clarified by the purchaser and manufacturer .....................................16

Annex A (normative)Special National Conditions ............................................................17

Annex B (normative) Calculation of nominal mass of grease for stranded conductors .....18

Annex C (normative) Stress - strain test method ............................................................21

Annex D (informative) Lay ratios used for calculation of increments due to stranding
in Table 4 ...................................................................................24

Annex E (normative) Test for ability of a conductor to be erected using tension stringing 25

Annex F (informative) Conductors in frequent use in some member countries .................27

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1 Scope

This European Standard specifies the electrical and mechanical characteristics of round wire
concentric lay bare overhead electrical conductors stranded in alternate directions, with or
without grease as per prEN 50326, made of one or a combination of any of the following:

a) Hard drawn Aluminium as per EN 60889 designated AL1

b) Aluminium alloy as per EN 50183 designated AL2 to AL7
c) Zinc coated steel wire as per EN 50189 with grade and class designated ST1A, ST2B,
ST3D, ST4A, ST5E, and ST6C.
d) Aluminium-clad steel wire as per EN 61232 with class designation 20SA (grades A and
B), 27SA, 30SA and 40SA.

Conductors made of zinc coated steel wires only are not included.

2 Normative references

This European standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions
of any of these publications apply to this European standard only when incorporated in it by
amendment or revision. For undated references the latest issue of the publication referred to

EN 50183 Conductors for overhead lines — Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wires

EN 50189 Conductors for overhead lines — Zinc coated steel wires

prEN 503261) Conductors for overhead lines — Characteristics of greases

EN 60889 Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors.

EN 61232 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes.

IEC 60050-466 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 466: Overhead Lines.

3 Definitions

In addition to the definitions given in IEC 60050-466, the following definitions apply:

for the purposes of this standard, aluminium is used as a generic term to mean hard drawn
aluminium and aluminium alloy

direction of lay
the direction of lay is defined as right hand or left hand. With right hand lay, the wires conform to
the direction of the central part of the letter Z when the conductor is held vertically. With left
hand lay the wires conform to the central part of the letter S when the conductor is held

lay ratio
the ratio of the lay length to the external diameter of the corresponding layer of wires in the
stranded conductor

1) At draft stage
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a group of conductors manufactured by the same manufacturer under similar conditions of

Note 1 A lot may consist of part of or all the purchased quantity.

Note 2 The constitution of a lot may be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer

the target value of a measurable property by which a conductor or component of a conductor is
identified and to which tolerances are applied

a filament of drawn metal having a constant circular cross-section

rated tensile strength
an estimate of the conductor breaking load calculated using the specified tensile properties of
the component wires

4 Designation system

4.1 A designation system is used to identify stranded conductors made of aluminium with or
without steel wires.

4.2 Homogeneous aluminium conductors are designated ALx, where x identifies the type of
aluminium. Homogeneous aluminium clad steel conductors are designated yzSA where y
represents the type of steel (Grade A or B, applicable to class 20SA only), and z represents the
class of aluminium cladding (20, 27, 30 or 40).

4.3 Composite aluminium/zinc coated steel conductors are designated ALx/STyz, where ALx
identifies the external aluminium wires (envelope), and STyz identifies the steel core. In the
designation of zinc coated steel wires, y represents the type of steel (Grades 1 to 6) and z
represents the class of zinc coating (A to E).

4.4 Composite aluminium/aluminium-clad steel conductors are designated ALx/yzSA, where

ALx identifies the external aluminium wires (envelope), and yzSA identifies the steel core as in

4.5 Conductors are identified as follows:

(a) a code number giving the nominal area, rounded to an integer, of the aluminium or steel
as appropriate;
(b) a designation identifying the type of wires constituting the conductor. For composite
conductors the first description applies to the envelope and the second to the core.
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16-AL1: Conductor of AL1 aluminium with an area of 15,9 mm 2 ,

rounded to 16 mm 2 .

587-AL2: Conductor of AL2 aluminium with an area of 586,9 mm 2 ,

rounded to 587 mm 2.

401-AL1/28- Conductor made of AL1 aluminium wires around a core of

ST1A: ST1A zinc coated steel wires with a Class A zinc coating.
The integer area of AL1 wires is 401 mm 2 and that of the
ST1A wires 28 mm 2 .

401-AL1/28- Conductor made of AL1 aluminium wires around a core of

A20SA: grade A, class 20 aluminium-clad steel wires. The integer
area of AL1 wires is 401 mm 2 and that of the A20SA wires
28 mm 2 .

65-A20SA: Conductor made of grade A, class 20 aluminium clad steel

wires with an area of 65 mm 2 .

5 Requirements for stranded conductor

5.1 Material

The stranded conductor shall be made from wires and with grease, whenever greased conductor
is specified, as defined in clause 1.

5.2 Conductor sizes

Lists of conductor sizes in frequent use in some of the member countries are given as guidance
in annex F. Conductors for existing or established designs of overhead lines as well as sizes
and strandings not included in this standard may be designed and supplied as agreed upon by
the manufacturer and purchaser, and the relevant requirements of this standard shall apply.

5.3 Surface condition

The surface of the conductor shall be free from all imperfections visible to the unaided eye
(normal corrective lenses accepted), such as nicks, indentations, etc., not consistent with good
commercial practice.

5.4 Conductor diameter

The conductor diameter shall not vary from the nominal value, specified by the purchaser, by
more than:

± 1 % for diameters larger or equal to 10 mm.

± 0,1 mm for diameters smaller than 10 mm.

5.5 Stranding

5.5.1 All wires of the conductor shall be concentrically stranded.

5.5.2 Adjacent wire layers shall be stranded with reverse lay directions. The direction of lay of
the external layer shall be right hand except when otherwise specified by the purchaser.
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5.5.3 The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded around the underlying wire
or wires.

5.5.4 The lay ratios for the zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel wire layers shall be as given in
Table 1.

Table 1 - Lay ratios for zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel cores

Number of Lay ratio

steel wires 3 wire layer 6 wire layer 12 wire layer 18 wire layer

Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.

3 16 26 - - - - - -
7 - - 16 26 - - - -
19 - - 16 26 14 22 - -
37 - - 17 25 16 22 14 18
For zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel core constructions exceeding 37 wires, the lay ratio of the
outer layer shall lie between 14 and 18, and the lay ratio of the inner layers shall lie between 16 and

5.5.5 The lay ratios for the aluminium layers of all types of conductor shall be as given in
Table 2.

Table 2 - Lay ratios for aluminium layers

All inner layers Outer layer

Min. Max. Min. Max.

10 16 10 14

5.5.6 In a multi-layer conductor, the lay ratio of any layer shall be equal to or less than the lay
ratio of the layer immediately beneath it.

5.5.7 All steel wires shall lie naturally in their position in the stranded core, and where the core
is cut, the wire ends shall remain in position or be readily replaced by hand and then remain
approximately in position. This requirement also applies to the aluminium wires of a conductor.

5.5.8 Before stranding, aluminium and steel wires shall have approximately equal

5.5.9 The conductor shall have the ability to be installed, using the purchaser's recommended
installation method, without damage to the conductor. If required, this shall be demonstrated
according to 6.4.9.

5.6 Joints

5.6.1 For conductors containing only one steel wire there shall be no joints made after heat
treatment of the wire or rod. There shall be no joints of any kind made in the finished zinc
coated or aluminium-clad steel core wire or wires during stranding.

5.6.2 No more than one jointed aluminium finished wire before stranding, as permitted in the
relevant standard given in clause 2, shall be used per length of conductor.

5.6.3 During stranding, no aluminium wire welds shall be made for the purpose of achieving
the required conductor length.
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5.6.4 Joints are permitted in aluminium wires unavoidably broken during stranding, provided
such breaks are not associated with either inherently defective wire or with the use of short
lengths of aluminium wires. Joints shall conform to the geometry of the original wire, i.e. joints
shall be dressed smoothly with a diameter equal to that of the parent wires and shall not be

The number of joints in aluminium wires shall not exceed those specified in Table 3. These
joints shall not be closer than 15 m from a joint in the same wire or in any other aluminium wire
of the completed conductor.

Joints shall be made by electric butt welding, cold pressure welding or other methods approved
by the purchaser. The first type of joint shall be electrically annealed for approximately 250 mm
on both sides of the weld.

5.6.5 While the joints specified in 5.6.4 are not required to meet the requirements of unjointed
wires, they shall withstand a stress of not less than 75 N/mm² for annealed electric butt welded
joints, and not less than 130 N/mm² for cold pressure joints.

Table 3 - Number of joints permitted in a given length

Conductor length L (m) Number of joints

Number of aluminium layers

1 2 3 4

L ≤ 1 500 - - - 2

1 500 < L ≤ 2 000 L ≤ 1 500 - - 3

L > 2 000 1 500 < L ≤ 2 000 L ≤ 1 500 - 4

- 2 000 < L ≤ 2 500 1 500 < L ≤ 2 000 L ≤ 1 500 5

- L > 2 500 2 000 < L ≤ 2 500 1 500 < L ≤ 2 000 6

- - 2 500 < L ≤ 3 000 2 000 < L ≤ 2 500 7

- - 3 000 < L ≤ 3 500 2 500 < L ≤ 3 000 8

- - L > 3 500 3 000 < L ≤ 3 500 9

- - - 3 500 < L ≤ 4 000 10

- - - L > 4 000 11

5.7 Conductor mass per unit length

5.7.1 The conductor masses given in the Tables of annex F have been calculated for each size
and stranding of conductor using densities for the aluminium, aluminium clad steel and zinc
coated steel wires as given in the standards listed in clause 2. The masses do not include the
mass of grease. The calculation of cross-sectional areas for aluminium, aluminium clad steel
and zinc coated steel are based on the nominal diameter.

5.7.2 With the exception of the centre wire, all wires are longer than the stranded conductor
and the increase in mass depends on the lay ratio used.

The increments, in per cent, for mass due to stranding, shall be as given in Table 4, which have
been calculated using the commonly used lay ratios for each applicable layer of aluminium or
steel wire given in annex D.

Where an oversize centre wire (king wire) is used, the appropriate increase in mass shall be

5.7.3 The mass per unit length of the conductor without grease shall not vary from its nominal
value by more than ± 2 %.
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Table 4 - Increments due to stranding

Stranding of conductor Increment (increase) (%)

Aluminium Steel Mass Electrical resistance

No. of No. of No. of No. of Aluminium Zn coated or Aluminium Aluminium-

wires layers * wires layers * Al. clad steel clad steel
7 1 - - 1,11 - 1,11 -
19 2 - - 1,68 - 1,68 -
37 3 - - 2,03 - 2,03 -
61 4 - - 2,36 - 2,36 -
91 5 - - 2,78 - 2,78 -
127 6 - - 2,75 - 2,75 -

6 1 1 - 1,39 - 1,39 -
8 1 1 - 1,66 - 1,66 -
18 2 1 - 1,82 - 1,82 -

9 1 3 1 1,91 0,34 1,91 0,34

6 1 7 1 1,51 0,52 1,51 0,52

10 1 7 1 2,01 0,52 2,01 0,52
12 1 7 1 2,17 0,52 2,17 0,52
14 1 7 1 2,30 0,52 2,30 0,52
18 2 7 1 1,94 0,52 1,94 0,52
22 2 7 1 2,07 0,52 2,07 0,52
24 2 7 1 2,13 0,52 2,13 0,52
26 2 7 1 2,18 0,52 2,18 0,52
28 2 7 1 2,22 0,52 2,22 0,52
30 2 7 1 2,26 0,52 2,26 0,52
32 2 7 1 2,30 0,52 2,30 0,52
36 2 7 1 2,37 0,52 2,37 0,52
42 3 7 1 2,20 0,52 2,20 0,52
45 3 7 1 2,23 0,52 2,23 0,52
48 3 7 1 2,26 0,52 2,26 0,52
54 3 7 1 2,31 0,52 2,31 0,52
72 4 7 1 2,40 0,52 2,40 0,52
84 4 7 1 2,46 0,52 2,46 0,52

14 1 19 2 2,50 0,82 2,50 0,82

15 1 19 2 2,56 0,82 2,56 0,82
16 1 19 2 2,61 0,82 2,61 0,82
18 1 19 2 2,70 0,82 2,70 0,82
30 2 19 2 2,36 0,86 2,36 0,86
32 2 19 2 2,41 0,86 2,41 0,86
36 2 19 2 2,48 0,86 2,48 0,86
42 2 19 2 2,57 0,86 2,57 0,86
54 3 19 2 2,26 0,79 2,26 0,79
38+22 3 19 2 2,22 0,79 2,22 0,79
42+20 3 19 2 2,18 0,79 2,18 0,79
66 3 19 2 2,34 0,79 2,34 0,79
78 3 19 2 2,40 0,79 2,40 0,79
96 4 19 2 2,46 0,79 2,46 0,79
100 4 19 2 2,47 0,79 2,47 0,79

18 1 37 3 2,70 1,09 2,70 1,09

24 1 37 3 2,91 1,09 2,91 1,09
72 3 37 3 2,43 0,96 2,43 0,96
54+66 4 37 3 2,32 0,86 2,32 0,86
150 5 37 3 2,38 0,86 2,38 0,86
* Number of layers of each type of wire, not including the centre wire.
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5.8 Grease

5.8.1 Whenever a greased conductor is specified, the grease shall meet the requirements of
prEN 50326 and shall be applied before the closing die.

5.8.2 Greases with different designations or from different manufacturers shall not be mixed
within a length of conductor.

5.8.3 The mass of grease shall not vary by more than ± 20 % from the calculated value
obtained using the method described in annex B.

5.9 Conductor tensile strength

5.9.1 The rated tensile strength of a homogeneous aluminium or aluminium clad steel
conductor shall be taken as the sum of the minimum tensile strength of all the wires as defined
in 5.9.3.

5.9.2 The rated tensile strength of composite ALx/STyz or ALx/yzSA conductors shall be the
sum of the minimum tensile strength of the aluminium portion plus the minimum tensile strength
of steel (zinc coated or aluminium clad) corresponding to an elongation compatible with that of
aluminium at rupture load. For purpose of specification and practicability, this strength is taken
as the tensile stress corresponding to 1 % elongation in a 250 mm gauge length before

5.9.3 The minimum tensile strength of any single wire is the product of its nominal area and
the appropriate minimum stress given in the standards referenced in clause 2.

5.10 Nominal DC resistance

The nominal DC resistance at 20 °C of a conductor, expressed in Ω/km to three significant

figures, is based on the resistivity value for calculation purposes and on the nominal diameter of
the aluminium and aluminium clad steel wires referenced in clause 2, increased by the
increments in Table 4 of this standard. For ALx/yzSA and yzSA conductors the Tables in annex
F give two resistance values, a value calculated using both the aluminium and steel portions of
the aluminium clad steel wires, and a value calculated using the aluminium portion only.

6 Tests

6.1 Classification of tests

Type tests are intended to verify the main characteristics of a conductor which depend mainly on
its design. These tests are normally performed only once for a given conductor construction.

Sample tests are intended to guarantee the quality of conductors and compliance with the
requirements of this standard.

Both type and sample tests are listed in Table 5.

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Table 5 - Type and sample tests for conductors

Type test Sample Clause

Conductor - surface condition x x 6.4.1
- diameter x x 6.4.2
- inertness x x 6.4.3
- lay ratio and direction of lay x x 6.4.4
- number and type of wires x x 6.4.5
- mass per unit length x x 6.4.6
- stress-strain curve (1) - 6.4.7
- tensile breaking strength (1) - 6.4.8
- stringing test (1) - 6.4.9

Aluminium wires - diameter x x 6.5.2

- tensile strength x x 6.5.2
- elongation (2) x x 6.5.2
- resistivity x x 6.5.2
- wrapping test x x 6.5.2
- welding x - 6.5.3

Zinc coated - diameter x x 6.5.2

Steel wires - tensile strength x x 6.5.2
- stress at 1 % extension x x 6.5.2
- elongation or torsion test x x 6.5.2
- wrapping test x x 6.5.2
- mass of zinc x x 6.5.2
- zinc dip test x x 6.5.2
- adhesion of zinc coating x x 6.5.2

Aluminium-clad - diameter x x 6.5.2

Steel wires - tensile strength x x 6.5.2
- stress at 1 % extension x x 6.5.2
- elongation x x 6.5.2
- torsion x x 6.5.2
- cladding thickness/uniformity x x 6.5.2
- resistivity x x 6.5.2

Grease - mass per unit length x x 6.6.1

- drop point x x 6.6.2
(1) By agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer.
(2) Elongation test for AL1 is not required.
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6.2 Sample size

When agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of ordering, tests shall be
carried out on a minimum of 10 % of the drums offered for inspection and, in such cases, each
wire shall be tested. Where the manufacturer has a demonstrated capability of meeting or
exceeding the requirements, the number of test samples may be reduced, with the agreement of
the purchaser and manufacturer, to a level which ensures that each production lot of conductor
is given adequate monitoring.

Drums to be sampled shall be selected at random, and samples taken from the outer end of the

The length of the sample of conductor taken shall be sufficient to allow all tests to be performed
on the same specimens of wire.

In order to check the grease, a sample of conductor shall be taken from one drum of each
inspection lot.

6.3 Rounding rules

The following rounding rules shall be used for determination of compliance with this standard.

6.3.1 When the figure immediately after the last figure to be retained is less than 5, the last
figure to be retained remains unchanged.

6.3.2 When the figure immediately after the last figure to be retained is greater than 5, or
equal to 5 and followed by at least one figure other than zero, the last figure to be retained is
increased by one.

6.3.3 When the figure immediately after the last figure to be retained is equal to 5 and followed
by zeros only, the last figure to be retained remains unchanged if even and is increased by one
if odd.

6.4 Properties of conductor

6.4.1 Surface condition

The surface of the conductor shall comply with the requirements of 5.3.

6.4.2 Conductor diameter

The conductor diameter shall be measured either:

(a) midway between the closing die and the capstan on the stranding machine, or
(b) at the middle of a portion of conductor, at least 3 m long and more than 5 m from either
end of the conductor, under a tension of at least 2 % of the conductor rated tensile

The diameter shall be the average of two readings, rounded to two decimals of a millimetre,
taken at right angles to each other at the same location.

The value obtained shall comply with the requirement of 5.4.

6.4.3 Inertness

The requirement of 5.5.7 shall be met.

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6.4.4 Lay ratio and direction of lay

The lay ratio of a given layer of the conductor shall be obtained by dividing the measured lay
length by the diameter of the layer.

The values obtained shall comply with the requirements of 5.5. In addition the direction of each
layer shall be noted and shall also comply with the requirements of 5.5.

6.4.5 Number and type of wires

The number and type of wires shall be confirmed as being in accordance with the conductor
designation stated on the order.

6.4.6 Mass per unit length

The mass per unit length of a 1m sample of conductor shall be determined by using apparatus
capable of achieving an accuracy of ± 0,1 %. The value obtained shall comply with the
requirement of 5.7.3.

6.4.7 Stress-strain curves If the provision of stress-strain curves is agreed between the manufacturer and
purchaser at the time of placing the order, the method described in annex C shall be used. Stress-strain curves shall be supplied as a type test when requested by the purchaser
and shall represent the best knowledge of the behaviour of the conductor under load.

6.4.8 Tensile breaking strength The sample length, between end terminations, shall be at least 400 times the conductor
diameter but not less than 10 m. A shorter length may be agreed between the manufacturer and
purchaser. The breaking strength of the conductor shall be determined by pulling a conductor in a
suitable tensile testing machine having an accuracy of at least ± 1 %. The rate of increase of
load shall be as in C.6.8 of annex C. At the request of the purchaser, an intermediate load may be held for a period during
the test in order to allow tension fittings to be tested at the same time as the conductor. The breaking strength of the conductor shall be determined by the load attained at
which one or more wires of the conductor are fractured. If fracture occurs within 5 cm of the end
terminations before 95 % of the rated tensile strength has been reached, the fracture shall be
deemed to have been caused by the end termination and the test shall be repeated. In this case,
a change in the end terminations shall be considered. If a single wire fractures more than 5 cm
from the end terminations before 95 % of the rated tensile strength has been reached, two re-
tests shall be carried out on samples taken adjacent to the original sample. Both re-tested
samples shall withstand 95 % of the rated tensile strength without the fracture of any wire.

6.4.9 Stringing test

Where the purchaser requires evidence that the conductor is capable of being installed using
the purchaser's recommended installation method, this may be satisfied by a stringing test, an
example of which is given in annex E. Alternative tests or evidence of satisfactory service
experience may also be agreed.
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6.5 Properties of wires after stranding

6.5.1 The specimen of wire shall be taken from the conductor sample and shall be removed
from its position and straightened, care being taken not to stretch it in so doing.

6.5.2 The properties of the individual wires after stranding, including tests on the coating of
steel wires, shall meet the requirements of the wire as specified in the standard referenced in
clause 2 with the exceptions:

(a) permitted reductions in wire properties after stranding, given in Table 6, shall apply
together with the following:
The reduction in tensile strength after stranding for ST6C wire, given in Table 6, shall
apply to the mean value of a lot, which shall be interpreted as being the mean value of all
the wires of a given material in the conductor.
(b) for wires where the mean of a lot is specified (AL4 and ST6C), 5 % of individual wire
values may be below the minimum value for an individual wire for tensile strength before
stranding, and above the maximum value for an individual wire for electrical resistivity

Table 6 - Permitted reductions in wire properties after stranding

Material Reduction after stranding

Aluminium (AL1) Tensile strength 5%

Zinc coated steel (ST1A to ST6C) and Stress at 1 % extension (1) : 5%
Aluminium-clad steel (20SA to 40SA) Tensile strength : 5%
Torsion : subtract 2 turns
Elongation (2) : subtract 0,5
Thickness of AL. cladding (SA wire) : 25 % of minimum
Aluminium alloy (AL2 to AL7) None

(1) Measurements of stress at 1 % extension on steel wires other than the centre wire are unreliable. If
these measurements are required to be made on wires other than the centre wire, then the minimum
value may be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
(2) Example: A minimum elongation value of 3,0 % for wire before stranding is reduced to 2,5 % for wire
after stranding.

6.5.3 Welding of aluminium wires

The manufacturer shall, if required by the purchaser, demonstrate that the method used for
jointing aluminium wires meets the strength requirement of 5.6.5 by performing the tensile test in
the relevant wire standard given in clause 2.

6.6 Properties of grease

6.6.1 Mass per unit length

Using apparatus capable of achieving an accuracy of 0,1 %, the mass of grease in a 1 m sample
of conductor shall be determined from the difference between the mass of the conductor with
grease and its mass after removing the grease with the aid of a suitable solvent. The mass of
grease shall comply with the requirement of 5.8.3.

6.6.2 Drop point

A sample of grease removed from the conductor shall meet the drop point requirement of
prEN 50326, without preconditioning, after allowing for a reduction of 5 °C due to the sampling
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6.7 Inspection

6.7.1 All tests and inspection shall be made at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment
unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of placing the
order and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer's
operations. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, representing the purchaser, sufficient
testing facilities in order to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with
this standard.

6.7.2 When inspection is to be made by the purchaser before shipment, the tests shall all be
made within 14 days after receipt of a notice by the purchaser that the material is ready to test,
and the material shall be accepted or rejected at the manufacturer's plant. If the purchaser does
not have a representative present at the manufacturer's plant to test the material at the expiry of
the said 14 days, the manufacturer shall make the tests herein provided for and furnish to the
purchaser, when requested, official copies of the results of such tests, and the purchaser shall
accept or reject the material in accordance with the results of such tests. Alternatively, the
manufacturer may provide relevant test results if these have already been carried out during

6.8 Acceptance or rejection

6.8.1 Failure of a test specimen to comply with any one of the requirements of this standard
shall constitute grounds for rejection of the lot represented by the specimen.

6.8.2 If any lot is so rejected, the manufacturer shall have the right to test, only once, all
individual drums of conductor in the lot and submit those which meet the requirements for
acceptance. Only those tests which do not meet the requirements for acceptance on the original
specimen, shall be carried out.

7 Packaging and marking

7.1 Packaging

The conductor shall be suitably protected against damage or deterioration which could occur in
ordinary handling and shipping.

The following shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of
placing the order or at the earliest possible time:

(a) the type and size of package and method of packing;

(b) the packaging size and drum bore requirements and also the availability of the inner end
of the conductor for grounding purposes, where the conductor stringing practices require
special consideration.

7.2 Marking and tare

The gross, net and tare weight, length (or length and number of conductors, if more than one
length is agreed upon to be supplied on the same drum), designation, and any other necessary
identification shall be suitably marked inside the package. This same information, together with
the purchase order number, the manufacturer's serial number (if any) and all shipping marks
and other information shall appear on the outside of each package.

7.3 Random lengths

Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer, random lengths of
conductors unavoidably obtained during production should not exceed 5 % of the purchased
quantity providing that no piece is less than 50 % of the contractual length.
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7.4 Accuracy of lengths

The manufacturer shall use equipment to measure the length to an accuracy of ± 1 %.

7.5 Drum barrel dimensions

The diameter of the drum barrel shall be sufficiently large not to cause problems during
subsequent use of the conductor. The experience of some countries is that this value should be
at least thirty times the conductor diameter or sixty times the steel core diameter, whichever is
the greater.

8 Information to be clarified by the purchaser and manufacturer

When making an enquiry or placing an order the following information shall be clarified between
the purchaser and manufacturer:

a) quantity of conductor;
b) conductor designation and number of wires of each type;
c) length of conductor per drum, its tolerance, and where applicable, matching of conductor
d) direction of lay. If this information is omitted, the direction of the external lay shall be
e) requirements for grease (designation according to prEN 50326 and nominal mass
according to annex B), if any;
f) type and size of package and method of packing;
g) special packaging requirements, if any;
h) lagging requirements, if any;
i) whether tests on wires after stranding are required;
j) nominal conductor diameter and method of measurement;
k) whether conductor breaking strength tests are required;
l) whether conductor stress-strain tests are required;
m) recommended or specified installation methods, or purchaser requirements for tests
designed to demonstrate capability for satisfactory installation;
n) if inspection is required and place of inspection;
o) special requirements, for example any special national conditions (see annex A) which
may apply.

NOTE This list is given for guidance only, and may not be complete.
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Annex A (normative)

Special national conditions

The following special national conditions apply in the undermentioned countries.

5.6 Joints

5.6.2 and 5.6.4 - Joints are not permitted in the outer layer of conductors of type

5.6.4 - Joints made by cold pressure welding should be annealed.

The tensile strength of a joint in aluminium of type AL4 shall be
not less than 130 N/mm² and not more than 205 N/mm².

5.6 Joints
5.6.2 and 5.6.4 - Joints are not permitted in the outer layer of conductors of

1 Scope - Conductors outside the scope of this Harmonised Document
be used. These conductors are specified in Svensk Standards
SS 4240811, SS 4240812, SS 4240813 and SS 4240814.
5.5 Stranding

5.5.7 - This requirement shall not apply.

1 Scope - Conductors outside the scope of this European Standard may be
used. These conductors are specified in Svensk
SS 4240811, SS 4240812, SS 4240813 and SS 4240814.
5.5 Stranding
5.5.7 - This requirement shall not apply.
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Annex B (normative)

Calculation of nominal mass of grease for stranded conductors

B.1 When it is required for bare conductors to be greased in order to reduce the risk of
corrosion in some environments, the mass of grease shall be calculated using the methods given
in this annex.

B.2 Four cases of grease application are:

Case 1: Steel core only greased (Figure B.1(a)).

Case 2: All the conductor is greased except the outer layer (Figure B.1(b)).
Case 3: All the conductor is greased including the outer layer (Figure B.1(c)).
Case 4: All the conductor is greased except the outer surface of the wires in the
outer layer (Figure B.1(d)).
Other cases may be specified by the purchaser.

Figure B.1 - Application of grease to bare conductors

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B.3 Assuming the grease completely fills the voids between the wires, the volume of grease
in any given conductor shall be calculated from the following equations:

Case 1: V g = 0,25 π (D s 2 - n s d s 2 )

Case 2: V g = 0,25 π { (D o - 2d a ) 2 - (n a - n o ) d a 2 - n s d s 2 }

Case 3: V g = 0,25 π (D o 2 - n a d a 2 - n s d s 2 )

Case 4: V g = 0,125 n o (D o - d a ) 2 sin(360/n o ) - 0,125 π (2n a - n o - 2)d a 2 - 0,25 π n s d s 2


V g is the volume of grease, per unit length, in the conductor.

D o is the external diameter of the conductor.
D s is the diameter of the steel core.
d a is the diameter of the aluminium wire in the outer layer.
d s is the diameter of the steel wire.
n a is the number of aluminium wires in the conductor.
n o is the number of wires in the outer layer.
n s is the number of steel wires in the conductor.

Since there is a geometric relationship between the parameters of these equations, it is possible
to express the total mass of grease in a conductor with the following relation:

Mg = k da2

M g is the mass of grease (kg/km).

k is a factor which depends on the conductor stranding and the grease density and the fill
factor (ratio of theoretical volume).

Values of k are given in Table B.1 for the four cases of grease application, a grease density of
0,87g/cm³, and a fill factor of 0,8.
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Table B.1 - Coefficients k for mass of grease

Stranding k1 k2 k3 k4

Aluminium Steel Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

7 - - - 1,09 0,17
19 - - 1,09 3,28 1,79
37 - - 3,28 6,56 4,52
61 - - 6,56 10,93 8,35
91 - - 10,93 16,40 13,27
127 - - 16,40 22,96 19,28

6 1 - - 1,09 0,17
8 1 - - 1,46 0,34
18 1 - 1,09 3,28 1,79

9 3 0,90 - 2,88 1,46

6 7 0,12 - 1,21 0,29

10 7 0,66 - 2,48 1,18
12 7 1,09 - 3,28 1,79
14 7 1,63 - 4,18 2,51
18 7 0,12 1,21 3,40 1,91
22 7 0,34 1,80 4,35 2,67
24 7 0,49 2,13 4,86 3,10
26 7 0,66 2,48 5,40 3,54
28 7 0,86 2,87 5,97 4,02
30 7 1,09 3,28 6,56 4,52
32 7 1,35 3,72 7,18 5,05
36 7 1,94 4,68 8,50 6,19
42 7 0,34 4,35 7,99 5,77
45 7 0,49 4,86 8,69 6,37
48 7 0,66 5,40 9,41 7,01
54 7 1,09 6,56 10,93 8,35
72 7 0,49 8,69 13,61 10,75
84 7 1,09 10,93 16,40 13,27

14 19 1,76 - 4,31 2,64

15 19 2,10 - 4,83 3,07
16 19 2,46 - 5,38 3,52
18 19 3,28 - 6,56 4,52
30 19 1,18 3,37 6,65 4,61
32 19 1,46 3,83 7,29 5,16
36 19 2,10 4,83 8,66 6,35
42 19 3,28 6,56 10,93 8,35
54 19 1,18 6,65 11,02 8,44
38+22 19 1,42 5,42 9,43 7,03
42+20 19 1,30 4,33 7,98 5,76
66 19 2,46 9,39 14,49 11,54
78 19 4,21 12,59 18,43 15,11
96 19 2,10 13,58 19,59 16,19
100 19 2,46 14,49 20,68 17,19

18 37 3,35 - 6,63 4,59

24 37 6,56 - 10,93 8,35
72 37 3,35 11,00 16,47 13,33
54+66 37 4,39 16,44 23,00 19,33
150 37 3,35 23,03 30,68 26,45
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Annex C (normative)

Stress - strain test method

(test to be performed if required by the purchaser)

C.1 Sample length

The sample length, between end terminations, shall be at least 400 times the conductor diameter
but not less than 10 m. A shorter length may be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser.
The gauge length shall be a minimum of 100 times the conductor diameter.
C.2 Test temperature
Temperature readings shall be taken at the beginning and end of each hold period. If the
temperature varies by more than 2 °C from that at the commencement of the test then allowance
for the thermal expansion of the conductor shall be made.
C.3 Sample preparation
Great care shall be taken in the preparation of test samples. Relative displacements as small as
1 mm between the steel core and the aluminium layers of the conductor cause significant
changes in the measured stress-strain curves. The sample preparation shall be as follows:

C.3.1 Before removing the sample from the drum, fit a bolted clamp 5 m ± 1 m from the end of
the conductor length. The clamp shall apply sufficient pressure to prevent relative wire
movements in the conductor.

C.3.2 Unwind the desired length of conductor from the drum and install another bolted clamp
at the required distance from the first clamp. Apply adhesive tape and cut the conductor at a
distance from the clamp just far enough to allow room for applying dead-end fittings.

C.3.3 During transportation to the test laboratory, the sample shall be properly protected from
damage. The diameter of the coil or drum of conductor shall be at least 50 times the conductor

C.3.4 End fittings such as compression, epoxy type or solder type approved by the purchaser
shall be used for stress-strain tests. The wires shall not be unwound, cleaned or greased prior to
application of the end fittings.

C.3.5 Care shall be taken not to damage any wire during the end preparation of the sample.

C.3.6 The application of the end fitting shall not induce any slack in the wires which might
alter the stress-strain curves of the conductor.
C.4 Requirements for compression fittings
When compression fittings are used for ALx/STyz conductors, the method indicated in C.4.1 to
C.4.3 shall be followed.

C.4.1 Slide the aluminium sleeve on to the conductor. Cut back the aluminium wires to allow
room for the steel terminal, the extrusion of the steel terminal and the extrusion of the aluminium
wires by the aluminium compression sleeve. The space required between the aluminium wires
and the steel terminal, before crimping, is typically 30 mm to 40 mm. Slide the compression steel
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dead-end terminal on to the steel core. Crimp the steel terminal, with a 2 % to 10 % maximum
overlap, starting from the outer core end.

C.4.2 Pull the aluminium sleeve on to the steel terminal. Leave 40 mm of space if the conductor
diameter is less than or equal to 30 mm and 50 mm of space if the conductor diameter is greater
than 30 mm, between the end of the aluminium sleeve and the shoulder of the steel terminal for
extrusion. Make the first crimp on the tapered mouth of the aluminium sleeve.
This locks the sleeve in place and inhibits extrusion of aluminium towards the test span. Proceed
to crimp in the direction away from the span in small bites of 20 % on uncompressed metal.
Stop crimping before the filler hole in the sleeve is reached; the steel terminal and core are too
small to support the crimped aluminium sleeve in this region. Continue towards the eye, on the
other side of the terminal pad to lock the sleeve on to the expanded portion of the steel terminal.

C.4.3 The aluminium sleeve shall be oriented so that there is no interference with conductor
movement during the test.
C.5 Test set-up
C.5.1 The test sample shall be supported in a trough over its full length, and the trough adjusted
so that the conductor will not lift by more than 10 mm when under tension. This shall be
ascertained by measurement rather than by tensioning the conductor.

C.5.2 The conductor strain shall be evaluated from the measured displacements at the two ends
of the gauge length of the conductor. The gauge reference targets shall be attached to the bolted
clamps which lock the conductor wires together. Target plates may be used with dial gauges or
displacement transducers and care shall be taken to position the plates perpendicular to the
NOTE Twisting the conductor, lifting it and moving it from side to side by the maximum amounts expected during the
test should introduce no more than 0,3 mm error in the reading.

C.6 Test loads for the conductor

The loading conditions for stress-strain tests for conductors shall be as follows:

C.6.1 Load initially to 5 % of RTS (rated tensile strength) to straighten the conductor and set
the strain gauges to zero.

C.6.2 For non-continuous stress-strain data recordings, take the strain readings at intervals of
2,5 % RTS, rounded to the nearest kN, during both loading and unloading.

C.6.3 Load to 30 % RTS and hold for 0,5 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, and
30 min during the hold period. Release to the initial load.

C.6.4 Re-load to 50 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30
min, 45 min and 60 min during the hold period. Release to the initial load.

C.6.5 Re-load to 70 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30
min, 45 min and 60 min. Release to the initial load.

C.6.6 Re-load to 85 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30
min, 45 min and 60 min. Release to the initial load.
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C.6.7 After the fourth application of load, again apply tension, increasing uniformly, until the
actual breaking strength is reached. Simultaneous readings of tension and elongation shall be
taken up to 85 % RTS at least at the same time intervals as for the previous loading.

C.6.8 The rate of application of loads shall be uniform during testing. The time required to
reach 30 % RTS shall not be less than one minute nor more than two minutes. The same rate of
loading shall thereafter be maintained throughout the tests.

C.7 Test loads for steel core only

The loading conditions for stress-strain tests of the steel core of ALx/STyz, ALx/yzSA, or yzSA
conductors shall be as follows:

C.7.1 The test shall consist of successive application of load applied in a manner similar to that
for the conductor at 30 %, 50 %, 70 % and 85 % RTS of the steel core.

C.7.2 The steel core shall be loaded until the elongation at the beginning of each hold period
corresponds to that obtained on the conductor at 30 %, 50 %, 70 % and 85 % RTS of the steel
core, respectively.
C.8 Stress / strain curve
The data shall be presented graphically.

Obtain the characteristic initial stress-strain curve by drawing a smooth line through the strain
point after 0,5 h at 30 % RTS, and the strain points after 1h at 50 %, 70 % and 85 % RTS. Adjust
the curve to pass through zero.

The characteristic final stress-strain curve shall be determined from the unloading (from 50 %,
70 % and/or 85 % RTS) portions of the graph as agreed between the manufacturer and
All measurement data and the characteristic curves shall be submitted to the purchaser.
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Annex D (informative)

Lay ratios used for calculation of increments due to stranding in Table 4

Table D.1 - Lay ratios used for calculation of increments due to stranding in Table 4

Aluminium wires Steel wires Lay ratio

No. Layers No. Layers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 1 - - 13 - - - - - - -
19 2 - - 15 12 - - - - - -
37 3 - - 15 13,5 11,5 - - - - -
61 4 - - 15 13,5 12,5 11 - - - -
91 5 - - 15 13,5 12,5 11 10,5 - - -
127 6 - - 15 14,5 13,5 12 11,5 10,5 - -

6 1 1 - 12,5 - - - - - - -
8 1 1 - 12,5 - - - - - - -
18 2 1 - 14 12 - - - - - -

9 1 3 1 19 12 - - - - - -

6 1 7 1 19 12 - - - - - -
10 1 7 1 19 12 - - - - - -
12 1 7 1 19 12 - - - - - -
14 1 7 1 19 12 - - - - - -
18 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
22 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
24 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
26 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
28 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
30 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
32 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
36 2 7 1 19 14 11,5 - - - - -
42 3 7 1 19 15 13 11,5 - - - -
45 3 7 1 19 15 13 11,5 - - - -
48 3 7 1 19 15 13 11,5 - - - -
54 3 7 1 19 15 13 11,5 - - - -
72 4 7 1 19 15,5 13,5 12 11,5 - - -
84 4 7 1 19 15,5 13,5 12 11,5 - - -

14 1 19 2 20 17,5 11,5 - - - - -
15 1 19 2 20 17,5 11,5 - - - - -
16 1 19 2 20 17,5 11,5 - - - - -
18 1 19 2 20 17,5 11,5 - - - - -
30 2 19 2 20 17 13 11,5 - - - -
32 2 19 2 20 17 13 11,5 - - - -
36 2 19 2 20 17 13 11,5 - - - -
42 2 19 2 20 17 13 11,5 - - - -
54 3 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 11,5 - - -
38+22 3 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 11,5 - - -
42+20 3 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 11,5 - - -
66 3 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 11,5 - - -
78 3 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 11,5 - - -
96 4 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 12,5 11,5 - -
100 4 19 2 20 18 15 13,5 12,5 11,5 - -

18 1 37 3 20 18 16 11,5 - - - -
24 1 37 3 20 18 16 11,5 - - - -
72 3 37 3 22 19 17 15 13 11,5 - -
54+66 4 37 3 24 20 18 16,5 15 12,5 11,5 -
150 5 37 3 24 20 18 16,5 15 14 12,5 11,5

NOTE For more accurate calculations, measured values may be used.

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Annex E (normative)

Test for ability of a conductor to be erected using tension stringing

(test to be performed if required by the purchaser)

E.1 Introduction
This test is intended to simulate the tensions existing during tension stringing and to verify, in
particular, the absence of bird-caging, which is the opening up of individual wires by an
unacceptable amount.

E.2 Procedure
E.2.1 Test set-up: the test arrangement is given in Figure E.1.

Drum holder: the drum shall be installed on an unwinding drum holder equipped with an
adjustable disc brake which is not under automatic control from the tensioner. The conductor
shall unwind from the top of the drum.
Tensioner: one of the characteristics of the tensioner bull wheels is the maximum conductor
diameter, D M , which is recommended for use. The tensioner to be used for this test shall have a
D M value as close as possible to the diameter of the conductor being tested (preferably, the
tensioner to be used shall have polychloroprene coated grooves).
The tensioner shall be installed 15 m from the drum.
Figure E.2 gives the input direction of the conductor in the tensioner grooves. The horizontal
input angle shall be set at 5 ° maximum. The drum shall be staggered with respect to the
tensioner on the side where the conductor enters the top of the tensioner (right-hand side for the
left-hand lay, left-hand side for the right-hand lay).
Conductor pulling winch: the winch shall be 400 m from the tensioner and the conductor pulled
by means of a pilot cable (attached to the conductor with a suitable grip and a swivel).
Block: a running block, selected by the purchaser, shall be installed at mid-distance between the
pulling winch and the tensioner at adequate height, so that the conductor does not touch the
ground during unwinding.

E.2.2 Unwinding: during unwinding, a mid-span sag, f, of approximately 1,5 m shall be

maintained in the part of the conductor between the drum and the tensioner. Very sudden
changes of the tension shall be avoided in this part. The tension at the output of the tensioner
shall be maintained at 20 % of the RTS of the conductor under test, and the unwinding speed
shall be approximately 1 m/s.

E.3 Acceptance criterion

During the unwinding of the conductor length, observation shall be made and if an individual
outer layer wire is raised above the normal position of that wire by more than one wire diameter
the conductor shall deemed unacceptable. Additional acceptance criteria may be specified by
the purchaser.
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1 Woven grip
2 Pilot cable
3 Drum holder
4 Tensioner
5 Block
6 Pulling winch

Figure E.1 - Test arrangement

1 Pulling towards the winch

2 Right-hand cable lay
3 Left-hand cable lay

Figure E.2 - Drum holder and tensioner set-up

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Annex F (informative)

Conductors in frequent use in some member countries

F.1 Tables F.1 to F.48 give details of the conductors which are in common use in the member
countries men0tioned, together with their properties calculated according to this standard, at the
time of publication of this standard.

F.2 Although aluminium is defined in this standard to include aluminium alloy, the titles of the
Tables in this annex differentiate between aluminium (AL1) and aluminium alloy (AL2 to AL7)
to avoid the possibility of confusion.
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Table F.1 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Austria - type AL1

Code Old code Area No. of wires Diameter Mass per Rated DC resistance Final modulus Coefficient of Current
unit length strength of elasticity linear expansion carrying

Wire Cond. capacity

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

24-AL1 25 24,2 7 2,10 6,30 66,3 4,36 1,178 7 60 000 2,3E-05 144
34-AL1 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,9 6,01 0,831 7 60 000 2,3E-05 180
49-AL1 50 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,2 8,41 0,577 6 60 000 2,3E-05 225
66-AL1 70 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 180,9 11,85 0,436 7 57 000 2,3E-05 270
93-AL1 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,3 16,32 0,308 1 57 000 2,3E-05 340
117-AL1 120 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,5 19,89 0,245 6 57 000 2,3E-05 390
147-AL1 150 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,7 26,48 0,196 0 57 000 2,3E-05 455
182-AL1 185 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,9 31,78 0,158 8 57 000 2,3E-05 520
243-AL1 240 242,5 61 2,25 20,3 671,1 43,66 0,119 3 55 000 2,3E-05 625
299-AL1 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 828,5 52,40 0,096 6 55 000 2,3E-05 710
400-AL1 400 400,1 61 2,89 26,0 1 107,1 68,02 0,072 3 55 000 2,3E-05 855
452-AL1 450 451,5 61 3,07 27,6 1 249,3 74,50 0,064 1 55 000 2,3E-05 925
500-AL1 500 499,8 61 3,23 29,1 1 382,9 82,47 0,057 9 55 000 2,3E-05 990
626-AL1 625 626,2 91 2,96 32,6 1 739,7 106,45 0,046 4 55 000 2,3E-05 1 140
802-AL1 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 228,3 132,34 0,036 2 55 000 2,3E-05 1 340
1000-AL1 1000 999,7 91 3,74 41,1 2 777,3 159,95 0,029 1 55 000 2,3E-05 1 540
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion of the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Austria.
Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597.

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Austria, an
initial ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be
reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.2 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Austria - type AL3

Area Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final modulus Coefficient of Current carrying
strength Resistance of elasticity linear expansion
Code Old code No. of wires Wire Cond. Unit length capacity

mm² mm mm Kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

24-AL3 25 24,2 7 2,10 6,30 66,2 7,15 1,356 6 60 000 2,3E-05 135
34-AL3 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,8 10,14 0,957 2 60 000 2,3E-05 169
49-AL3 50 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,1 14,60 0,664 7 60 000 2,3E-05 210
66-AL3 70 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 180,7 19,41 0,502 6 57 000 2,3E-05 255
93-AL3 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,0 27,51 0,354 6 57 000 2,3E-05 320
117-AL3 120 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,2 34,51 0,282 7 57 000 2,3E-05 365
147-AL3 150 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,3 43,40 0,225 6 57 000 2,3E-05 425
182-AL3 185 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,3 53,58 0,182 7 57 000 2,3E-05 490
243-AL3 240 242,5 61 2,25 20,3 670,3 71,55 0,137 3 55 000 2,3E-05 585
299-AL3 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 827,5 88,33 0,111 2 55 000 2,3E-05 670
400-AL3 400 400,1 61 2,89 26,0 1 105,9 118,04 0,083 2 55 000 2,3E-05 810
452-AL3 450 451,5 61 3,07 27,6 1 247,9 133,20 0,073 7 55 000 2,3E-05 870
500-AL3 500 499,8 61 3,23 29,1 1 381,4 147,45 0,066 6 55 000 2,3E-05 930
626-AL3 625 626,2 91 2,96 32,6 1 737,7 184,73 0,053 4 55 000 2,3E-05 1 075
802-AL3 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 225,8 236,62 0,041 7 55 000 2,3E-05 1 255
1000-AL3 1000 999,7 91 3,74 41,1 2 774,3 294,91 0,033 4 55 000 2,3E-05 1 450
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion of the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Austria.
Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597.

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Austria, an initial ambient temperature of 35
°C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.3 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Austria - Type AL1/ST1A

Areas No. of wires Wire diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient Current
unit length strength resistance modulus of of linear carrying

Code Old code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. elasticity expansion capacity

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

34-AL1/6-ST1A 35/6 34,4 5,73 40,1 6 1 2,70 2,70 2,70 8,1 138,7 12,37 0,834 2 81 000 1,92E-05 180
48-AL1/8-ST1A 50/8 48,3 8,04 56,3 6 1 3,20 3,20 3,20 9,6 194,8 16,81 0,593 9 81 000 1,92E-05 220
70-AL1/11-ST1A 70/12 69,9 11,4 81,3 26 7 1,85 1,44 4,32 11,7 282,2 26,27 0,413 2 77 000 1,92E-05 290
94-AL1/22-ST1A 94/22 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,5 43,17 0,306 7 82 000 1,92E-05 350
94-AL1/15-ST1A 95/15 94,4 15,3 109,7 26 7 2,15 1,67 5,01 13,6 380,6 34,93 0,306 0 77 000 1,92E-05 350
97-AL1/34-ST1A 95/34 96,8 34,4 131,1 36 7 1,85 2,50 7,50 14,9 536,5 57,07 0,299 0 90 000 1,92E-05 360
122-AL1/20-ST1A 120/20 121,6 19,8 141,4 26 7 2,44 1,90 5,70 15,5 491,0 44,50 0,237 6 77 000 1,92E-05 410
119-AL1/42-ST1A 120/42 118,8 41,6 160,4 36 7 2,05 2,75 8,25 16,5 653,9 68,79 0,243 5 90 000 1,92E-05 415
128-AL1/30-ST1A 125/30 127,9 29,8 157,8 30 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 16,3 587,0 56,41 0,226 0 82 000 1,92E-05 425
149-AL1/24-ST1A 150/25 148,9 24,2 173,1 26 7 2,70 2,10 6,30 17,1 600,8 53,67 0,194 0 77 000 1,92E-05 470
150-AL1/53-ST1A 150/53 149,6 52,8 202,4 36 7 2,30 3,10 9,30 18,5 827,1 84,29 0,193 4 90 000 1,92E-05 480
172-AL1/40-ST1A 170/40 171,8 40,1 211,8 30 7 2,70 2,70 8,10 18,9 788,2 74,89 0,168 3 82 000 1,92E-05 515
184-AL1/30-ST1A 185/30 183,8 29,8 213,6 26 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 19,0 741,0 65,27 0,157 1 77 000 1,92E-05 535
209-AL1/34-ST1A 210/35 209,1 34,1 243,2 26 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 20,3 844,1 73,36 0,138 1 77 000 1,92E-05 590
212-AL1/49-ST1A 210/50 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,136 3 82 000 1,92E-05 610
243-AL1/39-ST1A 240/40 243,1 39,5 282,5 26 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 21,8 980,1 85,12 0,118 8 77 000 1,92E-05 640
238-AL1/82-ST1A 240/80 237,8 82,4 320,2 36 19 2,90 2,35 11,8 23,4 1 305,3 134,37 0,121 8 99 890 1,92E-05 645
257-AL1/60-ST1A 257/60 256,6 59,9 316,5 30 7 3,30 3,30 9,90 23,1 1 177,5 108,20 0,112 6 82 000 1,92E-05 665
304-AL1/49-ST1A 300/50 304,3 49,5 353,7 26 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 24,4 1 227,3 105,09 0,094 9 77 000 1,92E-05 740
341-AL1/109-ST1A 340/110 341,2 108,8 450,0 78 19 2,36 2,70 13,5 27,7 1 797,4 183,73 0,084 8 84 000 1,92E-05 800
382-AL1/49-ST1A 380/50 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 121,30 0,075 8 70 000 1,92E-05 840
449-AL1/39-ST1A 450/40 448,7 39,5 488,2 48 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 28,7 1 549,1 119,05 0,064 4 62 000 1,92E-05 920
562-AL1/49-ST1A 560/50 561,7 49,5 611,2 48 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 32,2 1 939,5 146,28 0,051 5 62 000 1,92E-05 1 040
635-AL1/117-ST1A 635/117 634,7 117,0 751,7 38+22 19 3,25/4,30 2,80 14,0 35,6 2 671,2 236,50 0,045 5 84 120 1,92E-05 1 106
679-AL1/86-ST1A 680/85 678,6 86,0 764,5 54 19 4,00 2,40 12,0 36,0 2 549,7 206,56 0,042 6 68 000 1,92E-05 1 150
1288-AL1/183-ST1A 1280/183 1288,2 182,8 1 471,1 100 19 4,05 3,50 17,5 49,9 5 001,6 407,20 0,022 5 79 260 1,92E-05 1 780
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion of the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Austria.
Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597.

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Austria, an initial
ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.4 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Austria - Type AL3/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient Current
Modulus of carrying

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance of Linear capacity
Elasticity Expansion
mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km KN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

34-AL3/6-ST1A 35/6 34,4 5,73 40,1 6 1 2,70 2,70 2,70 8,10 138,6 16,66 0,960 1 81 000 1,92E-05 170
48-AL3/8-ST1A 50/8 48,3 8,04 56,3 6 1 3,20 3,20 3,20 9,60 194,7 23,08 0,683 5 81 000 1,92E-05 205
70-AL3/11-ST1A 70/12 69,9 11,4 81,3 26 7 1,85 1,44 4,32 11,7 282,0 33,96 0,475 6 77 000 1,89E-05 270
94-AL3/22-ST1A 94/22 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,2 53,53 0,353 0 82 000 1,78E-05 330
94-AL3/15-ST1A 95/15 94,4 15,3 109,7 26 7 2,15 1,67 5,01 13,6 380,3 45,79 0,352 1 77 000 1,89E-05 330
97-AL3/34-ST1A 95/34 96,8 34,4 131,1 36 7 1,85 2,50 7,50 14,9 536,2 67,72 0,344 1 90 000 1,67E-05 335
122-AL3/20-ST1A 120/20 121,6 19,8 141,4 26 7 2,44 1,90 5,70 15,5 490,6 59,09 0,273 4 77 000 1,89E-05 385
119-AL3/42-ST1A 120/42 118,8 41,6 160,4 36 7 2,05 2,75 8,25 16,5 653,6 82,45 0,280 3 90 000 1,67E-05 390
128-AL3/30-ST1A 125/30 127,9 29,8 157,8 30 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 16,3 586,6 71,76 0,260 1 82 000 1,78E-05 400
149-AL3/24-ST1A 150/25 148,9 24,2 173,1 26 7 2,70 2,10 6,30 17,1 600,3 72,28 0,223 3 77 000 1,89E-05 440
150-AL3/53-ST1A 150/53 149,6 52,8 202,4 36 7 2,30 3,10 9,30 18,5 826,6 102,24 0,222 6 90 000 1,67E-05 450
172-AL3/40-ST1A 170/40 171,8 40,1 211,8 30 7 2,70 2,70 8,10 18,9 787,7 96,36 0,193 7 82 000 1,78E-05 485
184-AL3/30-ST1A 185/30 183,8 29,8 213,6 26 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 19,0 740,4 88,24 0,180 9 77 000 1,89E-05 500
209-AL3/34-ST1A 210/35 209,1 34,1 243,2 26 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 20,3 843,5 100,54 0,159 0 77 000 1,89E-05 550
212-AL3/49-ST1A 210/50 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 972,5 118,96 0,156 9 82 000 1,78E-05 575
243-AL3/39-ST1A 240/40 243,1 39,5 282,5 26 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 21,8 979,4 116,72 0,136 8 77 000 1,89E-05 605
238-AL3/82-ST1A 240/80 237,8 82,4 320,2 36 19 2,90 2,35 11,8 23,4 1 304,6 164,09 0,140 2 99 890 1,64E-05 607
257-AL3/60-ST1A 257/60 256,6 59,9 316,5 30 7 3,30 3,30 9,90 23,1 1 176,7 141,55 0,129 6 82 000 1,78E-05 625
304-AL3/49-ST1A 300/50 304,3 49,5 353,7 26 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 24,4 1 226,4 146,16 0,109 2 77 000 1,89E-05 700
341-AL3/109-ST1A 340/110 341,2 108,8 450,0 78 19 2,36 2,70 13,5 27,7 1 796,4 224,67 0,097 6 84 000 1,67E-05 750
382-AL3/49-ST1A 380/50 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 441,4 169,01 0,087 2 70 000 1,93E-05 790
449-AL3/39-ST1A 450/40 448,7 39,5 488,2 48 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 28,7 1 547,7 177,39 0,074 1 62 000 2,09E-05 865
562-AL3/49-ST1A 560/50 561,7 49,5 611,2 48 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 32,2 1 937,8 222,11 0,059 2 62 000 2,09E-05 980
635-AL3/117-ST1A 635/117 634,7 117,0 751,7 38+22 19 3,25/4,30 2,80 14,0 35,6 2 669,2 320,62 0,052 4 84 120 1,82E-05 1 030
679-AL3/86-ST1A 680/85 678,6 86,0 764,5 54 19 4,00 2,40 12,0 36,0 2 547,6 298,17 0,049 0 68 000 1,94E-05 1 080
1288-AL3/183-ST1A 280/183 1288,2 182,8 1 471,1 100 19 4,05 3,50 17,5 49,9 4 997,6 581,12 0,025 9 79 260 1,90E-05 1 675
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion of the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Austria. Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the
method given in IEC 61597.

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Austria, an initial
ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.5 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Belgium - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of wires Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

49-AL1 25 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,2 8,41 0,577 6

66-AL1 35 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 180,9 11,85 0,436 7
93-AL1 50 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,3 16,32 0,308 1
117-AL1 70 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,5 19,89 0,245 6
147-AL1 95 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,7 26,48 0,196 0
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.6 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Belgium - Type AL4

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

Preferred sizes

34-AL4 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,8 11,17 0,959 3

55-AL4 55 54,6 7 3,15 9,45 148,9 17,73 0,604 2
93-AL4 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,0 30,31 0,355 4
153-AL4 153 152,8 19 3,20 16,0 419,5 49,66 0,216 9
210-AL4 210 210,3 37 2,69 18,8 579,3 68,34 0,158 2
228-AL4 228 227,8 37 2,80 19,6 627,6 74,04 0,146 0
248-AL4 248 247,8 37 2,92 20,4 682,6 80,53 0,134 2
298-AL4 298 297,6 37 3,20 22,4 819,8 96,71 0,111 8
313-AL4 313 312,6 37 3,28 23,0 861,3 101,61 0,106 4
366-AL4 366 366,2 37 3,55 24,9 1 008,9 115,36 0,090 8
446-AL4 446 445,7 61 3,05 27,5 1 231,7 144,84 0,074 9
475-AL4 475 475,4 61 3,15 28,4 1 313,8 154,50 0,070 2
570-AL4 570 570,2 61 3,45 31,1 1 576,0 185,33 0,058 5
621-AL4 621 620,9 61 3,60 32,4 1 716,0 195,58 0,053 7
926-AL4 926 926,3 91 3,60 39,6 2 570,4 291,77 0,036 2
Non-preferred sizes

117-AL4 117 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,2 38,02 0,283 3

148-AL4 148 148,1 19 3,15 15,8 406,5 48,12 0,223 9
182-AL4 182 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,3 59,03 0,183 1
198-AL4 198 198,0 37 2,61 18,3 545,3 64,34 0,168 0
265-AL4 265 265,0 37 3,02 21,1 730,1 86,14 0,125 5
288-AL4 288 288,3 37 3,15 22,1 794,3 93,71 0,115 4
318-AL4 318 318,4 37 3,31 23,2 877,1 103,47 0,104 5
709-AL4 709 709,2 91 3,15 34,7 1 968,0 230,48 0,047 2
851-AL4 851 850,7 91 3,45 38,0 2 360,7 276,47 0,039 4
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.7 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Belgium - Types AL1/ST1A AND AL1/ST3D

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated Strength DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length AL1/ST1A AL1/ST3D Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN Ω/km

Preferred sizes

94-AL1/22-ST1A or ST3D 116 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,5 43,17 44,05 0,306 7
119-AL1/28-ST1A or ST3D 147 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,4 54,03 55,15 0,242 3
97-AL1/56-ST1A or ST3D 153 96,5 56,3 152,8 12 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 16,0 706,8 77,85 77,85 0,299 2
171-AL1/28-ST1A or ST3D 198 170,6 27,8 198,4 26 7 2,89 2,25 6,75 18,3 688,7 61,56 62,67 0,169 3
170-AL1/40-ST1A or ST3D 210 170,5 39,8 210,3 30 7 2,69 2,69 8,07 18,8 782,4 74,34 77,12 0,169 5
201-AL1/47-ST1A or ST3D 248 200,9 46,9 247,8 30 7 2,92 2,92 8,76 20,4 921,9 87,59 90,87 0,143 9
242-AL1/39-ST1A or ST3D 281 241,6 39,5 281,1 26 7 3,44 2,68 8,04 21,8 976,2 84,89 87,65 0,119 5
241-AL1/56-ST1A or ST3D 298 241,3 56,3 297,6 30 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 22,4 1 107,2 101,74 101,74 0,119 8
283-AL1/46-ST1A or ST3D 329 282,6 45,9 328,5 26 7 3,72 2,89 8,67 23,6 1 139,6 97,56 100,77 0,102 2
362-AL1/82-ST1A or ST3D 445 362,1 82,4 444,5 30 19 3,92 2,35 11,8 27,4 1 648,4 151,88 157,65 0,079 9
456-AL1/59-ST1A or ST3D 515 456,3 59,1 515,4 54 7 3,28 3,28 9,84 29,5 1 724,4 140,35 140,35 0,063 4
512-AL1/105-ST1A or ST3D 617 512,3 104,8 617,1 42+20 19 2,64/4,24 2,65 13,3 32,3 2 236,7 203,73 211, 07 0,056 4

Non-preferred sizes
51-AL1/30-ST1A or ST3D 81 51,2 29,8 81,0 12 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 11,7 374,7 42,98 45,07 0,564 4
68-AL1/40-ST1A or ST3D 108 68,2 39,8 108,0 12 7 2,69 2,69 8,07 13,5 499,5 56,95 59,73 0,423 4
111-AL1/18-ST1A or ST3D 129 110,9 18,0 128,9 26 7 2,33 1,81 5,43 14,8 447,0 40,47 41,19 0,260 5
111-AL1/26-ST1A or ST3D 136 111,0 25,9 136,8 30 7 2,17 2,17 6,51 15,2 509,1 50,26 51,30 0,260 5
152-AL1/25-ST1A or ST3D 177 152,2 24,7 176,9 26 7 2,73 2,12 6,36 17,3 613,6 54,78 55,77 0,189 8
323-AL1/75-ST1A or ST3D 398 322,6 75,3 397,8 30 7 3,70 3,70 11,1 25,9 1 480,2 134,40 134,40 0,089 6
305-AL1/99-ST1A or ST3D 405 304,6 98,6 403,2 78 19 2,23 2,57 12,9 26,2 1 616,1 167,20 174,10 0,095 0
362-AL1/59-ST1A or ST3D 421 361,9 59,1 421,1 26 7 4,21 3,28 9,84 26,7 1 462,2 122,97 122,97 0,079 8
645-AL1/82-ST1A or ST3D 726 645,1 81,7 726,8 54 19 3,90 2,34 11,7 35,1 2 423,8 196,36 202,08 0,044 8
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.8 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Belgium - Types AL4/ST1A and AL4/ST3D

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated Strength DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length AL4/ST1A AL4/ST3D Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN Ω/km

Preferred sizes

119-AL4/28-ST1A or ST3D 147 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,0 71,33 72,44 0,242 3
147-AL4/34-ST1A or ST3D 182 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,3 87,03 89,44 0,196 3
185-AL4/43-ST1A or ST3D 228 184,7 43,1 227,8 30 7 2,80 2,80 8,40 19,6 847,1 109,17 112,19 0,156 5
241-AL4/56-ST1A or ST3D 298 241,3 56,3 297,6 30 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 22,4 1 106,4 140,34 140,34 0,119 8
525-AL4/68-ST1A or ST3D 594 525,5 68,1 593,6 54 7 3,52 3,52 10,6 31,7 1 984,3 240,46 240,46 0,055 0

Non-preferred sizes

37-AL4/6-ST1A or ST3D 43 36,9 6,2 43,1 6 1 2,80 2,80 2,80 8,4 149,0 19,03 19,46 0,775 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.9 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Finland - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

107-AL1 AAC107 107,4 7 4,42 13,3 293,5 17,19 0,266 1

132-AL1 AAC132 131,6 19 2,97 14,9 361,8 22,38 0,218 3
201-AL1 AAC201 201,0 19 3,67 18,4 552,4 32,16 0,143 0
638-AL1 AAC638 638,3 61 3,65 32,9 1 766,0 102,12 0,045 3
1095-AL1 AAC1095 1 094,7 61 4,78 43,0 3 028,7 175,14 0,026 4
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.10 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Finland - Type AL2

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

178-AL2 AAAC178 177,6 19 3,45 17,3 487,6 57,73 0,188 0

346-AL2 AAAC346 345,9 37 3,45 24,2 952,8 112,41 0,096 9
638-AL2 AAAC638 638,3 61 3,65 32,9 1 764,0 201,06 0,052 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.11 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Finland - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

34-AL1/6-ST1A ACSR34/6 SPARROW 33,8 5,64 39,5 6 1 2,68 2,68 2,68 8,04 136,6 12,18 0,846 7
54-AL1/9-ST1A ACSR54/9 RAVEN 53,5 8,92 62,4 6 1 3,37 3,37 3,37 10,11 216,1 18,64 0,535 5
85-AL1/14-ST1A ACSR85/14 PIGEON 85,1 14,2 99,3 6 1 4,25 4,25 4,25 12,75 343,6 29,22 0,336 7
106-AL1/25-ST1A ACSR106/25 SUURSAVO 105,9 24,7 130,6 30 7 2,12 2,12 6,36 14,84 485,9 47,97 0,272 9
152-AL1/25-ST1A ACSR152/25 OSTRICH 152,2 24,7 176,9 26 7 2,73 2,12 6,36 17,28 613,6 54,78 0,189 8
305-AL1/39-ST1A ACSR305/39 DUCK 304,6 39,5 344,1 54 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 24,12 1 151,2 96,80 0,094 9
565-AL1/72-ST1A ACSR565/72 FINCH 565,0 71,6 636,6 54 19 3,65 2,19 10,95 32,85 2 123,0 174,14 0,051 2

42-AL1/25-ST1A ACSR42/25 SAVO 42,4 24,7 67,1 12 7 2,12 2,12 6,36 10,60 310,2 36,53 0,681 7
89-AL1/52-ST1A ACSR89/52 DOTTEREL 89,4 52,2 141,6 12 7 3,08 3,08 9,24 15,40 654,8 72,12 0,323 0
93-AL1/39-ST1A ACSR93/39 IMATRA 92,9 39,5 132,4 10 7 3,44 2,68 8,04 14,92 565,1 60,35 0,310 2
148-AL1/67-ST1A ACSR148/68 KUOPIO 148,3 67,1 215,3 42 19 2,12 2,12 10,60 19,08 937,3 105,16 0,195 5
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.12 – Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Finland – Type AL2/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. Unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

106-AL2/25-ST1A AACSR106/25 105,9 24,7 130,6 30 7 2,12 2,12 6,36 14,8 485,6 63,33 0,317 1
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.13 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in France - Type AL4
Code Old Area- No. of wires Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Modulus Coefficient of Direction of
Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance of Elasticity Linear Expansion lay of external
mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K layer
22-AL4 22 22,0 7 2,00 6,00 60,0 7,15 1,498 9 62 000 2,30E-05 S
34-AL4 34,4 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,8 11,17 0,959 3 62 000 2,30E-05 S
55-AL4 54,6 54,6 7 3,15 9,45 148,9 17,73 0,604 2 62 000 2,30E-05 S
76-AL4 75,5 75,5 19 2,25 11,3 207,4 24,55 0,438 8 60 000 2,30E-05 S
117-AL4 117 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,2 38,02 0,283 3 60 000 2,30E-05 S
148-AL4 148 148,1 19 3,15 15,8 406,5 48,12 0,223 9 60 000 2,30E-05 S
182-AL4 181,6 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,3 59,03 0,183 1 57 000 2,30E-05 S
228-AL4 228 227,8 37 2,80 19,6 627,6 74,04 0,146 0 57 000 2,30E-05 S
288-AL4 288 288,3 37 3,15 22,1 794,3 93,71 0,115 4 57 000 2,30E-05 S
366-AL4 366 366,2 37 3,55 24,9 1 008,9 115,36 0,090 8 57 000 2,30E-05 S
570-AL4 570 570,2 61 3,45 31,1 1 576,0 185,33 0,058 5 54 000 2,30E-05 S
851-AL4 851 850,7 91 3,45 38,0 2 360,7 276,47 0,039 4 52 500 2,30E-05 S
1144-AL4 1144 1 143,5 91 4,00 44,0 3 173,4 360,22 0,029 3 52 500 2,30E-05 S
1596-AL4 1600 1 595,9 127 4,00 52,0 4 427,5 502,72 0,021 0 50 500 2,30E-05 S
NOTE Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in France.
Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597
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Table F.14 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in France - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient Direction of
Code wires unit length Strength Resistance Modulus of Linear lay of
of Expansion external

Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. layer

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K

28-AL1/9-ST1A CANNA 37,7 28,3 9,42 37,7 9 3 2,00 2,00 4,30 8,30 151,5 16,26 1,018 7 88 000 1,71E-05 S
38-AL1/22-ST1A CANNA 59,7 37,7 22,0 59,7 12 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 10,0 276,1 32,70 0,766 0 103 500 1,54E-05 S
48-AL1/28-ST1A CANNA 75,5 47,7 27,8 75,5 12 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 11,3 349,4 41,15 0,605 2 103 500 1,54E-05 S
59-AL1/34-ST1A CANNA 93,3 58,9 34,4 93,3 12 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 12,5 431,4 49,48 0,490 2 103 500 1,54E-05 Z
94-AL1/22-ST1A CANNA 116,2 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,5 43,17 0,306 7 75 500 1,80E-05 S
119-AL1/28-ST1A CANNA 147,1 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,4 54,03 0,242 3 75 500 1,80E-05 S
147-AL1/34-ST1A CANNA 181,6 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,8 64,94 0,196 3 75 500 1,80E-05 S
185-AL1/43-ST1A CANNA 228 184,7 43,1 227,8 30 7 2,80 2,80 8,40 19,6 847,7 80,54 0,156 5 75 500 1,80E-05 S
234-AL1/55-ST1A CANNA 288 233,8 54,6 288,3 30 7 3,15 3,15 9,45 22,1 1 072,8 98,58 0,123 6 75 500 1,80E-05 S
NOTE Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in France. Values for other
conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597
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Table F.15 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in France - Type AL1/ST6C

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient Direction of
Code unit length Strength Resistance Modulus of Linear lay of
of Expansion external
Elasticity layer

Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond.

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K

94-AL1/22-ST6C CROCUS 116,2 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,5 49,32 0,306 7 75 500 1,80E-05 S
119-AL1/28-ST6C CROCUS 147,1 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,4 61,83 0,242 3 75 500 1,80E-05 S
147-AL1/34-ST6C CROCUS 181,6 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,8 74,22 0,196 3 75 500 1,80E-05 S
185-AL1/43-ST6C CROCUS 228 184,7 43,1 227,8 30 7 2,80 2,80 8,40 19,6 847,7 92,18 0,156 5 75 500 1,80E-05 S
234-AL1/55-ST6C CROCUS 288 233,8 54,6 288,3 30 7 3,15 3,15 9,45 22,1 1 072,8 113,86 0,123 6 75 500 1,80E-05 S
222-AL1/76-ST6C CROCUS 297 221,7 75,5 297,2 36 19 2,80 2,25 11,3 22,5 1 206,8 147,22 0,130 7 79 000 1,69E-05 Z
326-AL1/86-ST6C CROCUS 412 325,7 86,0 411,7 32 19 3,60 2,40 12,0 26,4 1 576,1 173,31 0,088 9 72 000 1,76E-05 Z
508-AL1/105-ST6C CROCUS 612 507,8 104,8 612,6 66 19 3,13 2,65 13,3 32,0 2 226,5 231,55 0,057 0 66 500 1,83E-05 S

717-AL1/148-ST6C CROCUS 865 717,3 148,1 865,4 66 19 3,72 3,15 15,8 38,1 3 145,4 319,11 0,040 3 66 500 1,83E-05 S
957-AL1/228-ST6C CROCUS 1185 956,7 227,8 1 184,5 54 37 2,80 2,80 19,6 44,7 4 433,6 480,75 0,030 2 63 000 1,83E-05 S
66 3,47
NOTE Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in France. Values for other
conductor constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597
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Table F.16 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in France - Type AL4/ST6C

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient Direction of
Code unit length Strength Resistance Modulus of lay of
of external

Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. Linear layer


mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K

28-AL4/9-ST6C PHLOX 37,7 28,3 9,4 37,7 9 3 2,00 2,00 4,30 8,30 151,4 22,86 1,175 0 93 000 1,70E-05 Z
38-AL4/22-ST6C PHLOX 59,7 37,7 22,0 59,7 12 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 10,0 276,0 44,14 0,883 5 108 000 1,53E-05 S
48-AL4/28-ST6C PHLOX 75,5 47,7 27,8 75,5 12 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 11,3 349,3 55,86 0,698 1 108 000 1,53E-05 S
52-AL4/42-ST6C PHLOX 94,1 52,0 42,1 94,1 15 19 2,10 1,68 8,40 12,6 474,2 77,96 0,643 5 112 000 1,47E-05 S
57-AL4/60-ST6C PHLOX 116,2 56,5 59,7 116,2 18 19 2,00 2,00 10,0 14,0 625,0 104,93 0,592 1 124 000 1,42E-05 S
72-AL4/76-ST6C PHLOX 147,1 71,6 75,5 147,1 18 19 2,25 2,25 11,3 15,8 791,0 132,80 0,467 8 124 000 1,42E-05 S
119-AL4/28-ST6C PASTEL 147,1 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,0 79,12 0,279 5 84 000 1,81E-05 S
88-AL4/93-ST6C PHLOX 181,6 88,4 93,3 181,6 18 19 2,50 2,50 12,5 17,5 976,6 160,22 0,378 9 124 000 1,42E-05 S
147-AL4/34-ST6C PASTEL 181,6 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,3 96,31 0,226 4 84 000 1,81E-05 S
111-AL4/117-ST6C PHLOX 228 110,8 117,0 227,8 18 19 2,80 2,80 14,0 19,6 1 225,0 200,98 0,302 1 124 000 1,42E-05 S
185-AL4/43-ST6C PASTEL 228 184,7 43,1 227,8 30 7 2,80 2,80 8,40 19,6 847,1 120,81 0,180 5 84 000 1,81E-05 S
140-AL4/148-ST6C PHLOX 288 140,3 148,1 288,3 18 19 3,15 3,15 15,8 22,1 1 550,4 249,93 0,238 7 124 000 1,42E-05 S
234-AL4/55-ST6C PASTEL 288 233,8 54,6 288,3 30 7 3,15 3,15 9,45 22,1 1 072,1 151,26 0,142 6 84 000 1,80E-05 S
206-AL4/93-ST6C PASTEL 299 206,2 93,3 299,4 42 19 2,50 2,50 12,5 22,5 1 302,8 198,51 0,162 2 96 500 1,63E-05 S
148-AL4/228-ST6C PHLOX 376 147,8 227,8 375,6 24 37 2,80 2,80 19,6 25,2 2 202,4 369,27 0,227 0 130 000 1,35E-05 S
326-AL4/86-ST6C PASTEL 412 325,7 86,0 411,7 32 19 3,60 2,40 12,0 26,4 1 575,1 223,80 0,102 5 82 000 1,78E-05 S
508-AL4/105-ST6C PETUNIA 612 507,8 104,8 612,6 66 19 3,13 2,65 13,3 32,0 2 225,0 312,81 0,065 7 77 500 1,86E-05 S
717-AL4/148-ST6C PASTEL 865 717,3 148,1 865,4 66 19 3,72 3,15 15,8 38,1 3 143,2 430,29 0,046 5 77 500 1,85E-05 S
957-AL4/228-ST6C POLYGONUM 1185 956,7 227,8 1 184 54 37 2,80 2,80 19,6 42,0 4 430,7 632,15 0,034 9 75 500 1,81E-05 S
66 3,47
NOTE Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in France. Values for other conductor
constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597
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Table F.17 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Germany - Type AL1

Code Old Area No. of wires Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Modulus Coefficient of Current

Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance of Elasticity Linear Expansion carrying

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

16-AL1 16 15,9 7 1,70 5,10 43,4 3,02 1,798 6 60 000 2,30E-05 110
24-AL1 25 24,2 7 2,10 6,30 66,3 4,36 1,178 7 60 000 2,30E-05 145
34-AL1 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,9 6,01 0,831 7 60 000 2,30E-05 180
49-AL1 50 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,2 8,41 0,577 6 60 000 2,30E-05 225
48-AL1 50 48,3 19 1,80 9,00 132,9 8,94 0,594 4 57 000 2,30E-05 225
66-AL1 70 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 180,9 11,85 0,436 7 57 000 2,30E-05 270
93-AL1 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,3 16,32 0,308 1 57 000 2,30E-05 340
117-AL1 120 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,5 19,89 0,245 6 57 000 2,30E-05 390
147-AL1 150 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,7 26,48 0,196 0 57 000 2,30E-05 455
182-AL1 185 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,9 31,78 0,158 8 57 000 2,30E-05 520
243-AL1 240 242,5 61 2,25 20,3 671,1 43,66 0,119 3 55 000 2,30E-05 625
299-AL1 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 828,5 52,40 0,096 6 55 000 2,30E-05 710
400-AL1 400 400,1 61 2,89 26,0 1 107,1 68,02 0,072 3 55 000 2,30E-05 855
500-AL1 500 499,8 61 3,23 29,1 1 382,9 82,47 0,057 9 55 000 2,30E-05 990
626-AL1 625 626,2 91 2,96 32,6 1 739,7 106,45 0,046 4 55 000 2,30E-05 1 140
802-AL1 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 228,3 132,34 0,036 2 55 000 2,30E-05 1 340
1000-AL1 1000 999,7 91 3,74 41,1 2 777,3 159,95 0,029 1 55 000 2,30E-05 1 540
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Germany. Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method
given in IEC 61597

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Germany, an initial ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor
temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.18 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Germany - Type AL3

Code Old Area- No. of wires Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Modulus Coefficient of Current

Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance of Elasticity Linear Expansion carrying

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

16-AL3 16 15,9 7 1,70 5,10 43,4 4,69 2,070 1 60 000 2,30E-05 105
24-AL3 25 24,2 7 2,10 6,30 66,2 7,15 1,356 6 60 000 2,30E-05 135
34-AL3 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,8 10,14 0,957 2 60 000 2,30E-05 170
49-AL3 50 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,1 14,60 0,664 7 60 000 2,30E-05 210
48-AL3 50 48,3 19 1,80 9,00 132,7 14,26 0,684 1 57 000 2,30E-05 210
66-AL3 70 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 180,7 19,41 0,502 6 57 000 2,30E-05 255
93-AL3 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,0 27,51 0,354 6 57 000 2,30E-05 320
117-AL3 120 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,2 34,51 0,282 7 57 000 2,30E-05 365
147-AL3 150 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,3 43,40 0,225 6 57 000 2,30E-05 425
182-AL3 185 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 500,3 53,58 0,182 7 57 000 2,30E-05 490
243-AL3 240 242,5 61 2,25 20,3 670,3 71,55 0,137 3 55 000 2,30E-05 585
299-AL3 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 827,5 88,33 0,111 2 55 000 2,30E-05 670
400-AL3 400 400,1 61 2,89 26,0 1 105,9 118,04 0,083 2 55 000 2,30E-05 810
500-AL3 500 499,8 61 3,23 29,1 1 381,4 147,45 0,066 6 55 000 2,30E-05 930
626-AL3 625 626,2 91 2,96 32,6 1 737,7 184,73 0,053 4 55 000 2,30E-05 1 075
802-AL3 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 225,8 236,62 0,041 7 55 000 2,30E-05 1 255
1000-AL3 1000 999,7 91 3,74 41,1 2 774,3 294,91 0,033 4 55 000 2,30E-05 1 450
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Germany. Values for other conductor constructions
may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Germany, an initial ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor
temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.19 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Germany - Type AL1/ST1A
Code Old Areas No. of Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Modulus Coefficient of Current
Code wires unit length Strength Resistance of Elasticity Linear carrying

Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. Expansion capacity

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

15-AL1/3-ST1A 16/2,5 15,3 2,54 17,8 6 1 1,80 1,80 1,80 5,40 61,6 5,80 1,876 9 81 000 1,92E-05 105
24-AL1/4-ST1A 25/4 23,9 3,98 27,8 6 1 2,25 2,25 2,25 6,75 96,3 8,95 1,201 2 81 000 1,92E-05 140
34-AL1/6-ST1A 35/6 34,4 5,73 40,1 6 1 2,70 2,70 2,70 8,10 138,7 12,37 0,834 2 81 000 1,92E-05 170
44-AL1/32-ST1A 44/32 44,0 31,7 75,6 14 7 2,00 2,40 7,20 11,2 369,3 44,24 0,657 4 110 000 1,50E-05 -
48-AL1/8-ST1A 50/8 48,3 8,04 56,3 6 1 3,20 3,20 3,20 9,60 194,8 16,81 0,593 9 81 000 1,92E-05 210
51-AL1/30-ST1A 50/30 51,2 29,8 81,0 12 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 11,7 374,7 42,98 0,564 4 107 000 1,53E-05 -
70-AL1/11-ST1A 70/12 69,9 11,4 81,3 26 7 1,85 1,44 4,32 11,7 282,2 26,27 0,413 2 77 000 1,89E-05 290
94-AL1/15-ST1A 95/15 94,4 15,3 109,7 26 7 2,15 1,67 5,01 13,6 380,6 34,93 0,306 0 77 000 1,89E-05 350
97-AL1/56-ST1A 95/55 96,5 56,3 152,8 12 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 16,0 706,8 77,85 0,299 2 107 000 1,53E-05 -
106-AL1/76-ST1A 105/75 105,7 75,5 181,2 14 19 3,10 2,25 11,3 17,5 885,3 105,82 0,274 2 110 000 1,50E-05 -
122-AL1/20-ST1A 120/20 121,6 19,8 141,4 26 7 2,44 1,90 5,70 15,5 491,0 44,50 0,237 6 77 000 1,89E-05 410
122-AL1/71-ST1A 120/70 122,1 71,3 193,4 12 7 3,60 3,60 10,8 18,0 894,5 97,92 0,236 4 107 000 1,53E-05 -
128-AL1/30-ST1A 125/30 127,9 29,8 157,8 30 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 16,3 587,0 56,41 0,226 0 82 000 1,78E-05 425
149-AL1/24-ST1A 150/25 148,9 24,2 173,1 26 7 2,70 2,10 6,30 17,1 600,8 53,67 0,194 0 77 000 1,89E-05 470
172-AL1/40-ST1A 170/40 171,8 40,1 211,8 30 7 2,70 2,70 8,10 18,9 788,2 74,89 0,168 3 82 000 1,78E-05 520
184-AL1/30-ST1A 185/30 183,8 29,8 213,6 26 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 19,0 741,0 65,27 0,157 1 77 000 1,89E-05 535
209-AL1/34-ST1A 210/35 209,1 34,1 243,2 26 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 20,3 844,1 73,36 0,138 1 77 000 1,89E-05 590
212-AL1/49-ST1A 210/50 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,136 3 82 000 1,78E-05 610
231-AL1/30-ST1A 230/30 230,9 29,8 260,8 24 7 3,50 2,33 6,99 21,0 870,9 72,13 0,125 0 74 000 1,96E-05 630
243-AL1/39-ST1A 240/40 243,1 39,5 282,5 26 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 21,8 980,1 85,12 0,118 8 77 000 1,89E-05 645
264-AL1/34-ST1A 265/35 263,7 34,1 297,7 24 7 3,74 2,49 7,47 22,4 994,4 81,04 0,109 5 74 000 1,96E-05 680
304-AL1/49-ST1A 300/50 304,3 49,5 353,7 26 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 24,4 1227,3 105,09 0,094 9 77 000 1,89E-05 740
305-AL1/39-ST1A 305/40 304,6 39,5 344,1 54 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 24,1 1151,2 96,80 0,094 9 70 000 1,93E-05 740
339-AL1/30-ST1A 340/30 339,3 29,8 369,1 48 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 25,0 1171,2 91,71 0,085 2 62 000 2,05E-05 790
382-AL1/49-ST1A 380/50 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1442,5 121,30 0,075 8 70 000 1,93E-05 840
386-AL1/34-ST1A 385/35 386,0 34,1 420,1 48 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 26,7 1333,6 102,56 0,074 9 62 000 2,05E-05 850
434-AL1/56-ST1A 435/55 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1641,3 133,59 0,066 6 70 000 1,93E-05 900
449-AL1/39-ST1A 450/40 448,7 39,5 488,2 48 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 28,7 1549,1 119,05 0,064 4 62 000 2,05E-05 920
490-AL1/64-ST1A 490/65 490,3 63,6 553,8 54 7 3,40 3,40 10,2 30,6 1852,9 150,81 0,059 0 70 000 1,93E-05 960
494-AL1/34-ST1A 495/35 494,4 34,1 528,4 45 7 3,74 2,49 7,47 29,9 1632,6 117,96 0,058 4 61 000 2,09E-05 985
511-AL1/45-ST1A 510/45 510,5 45,3 555,8 48 7 3,68 2,87 8,61 30,7 1765,3 133,31 0,056 6 62 000 2,05E-05 995
550-AL1/71-ST1A 550/70 549,7 71,3 620,9 54 7 3,60 3,60 10,8 32,4 2077,2 166,32 0,052 6 70 000 1,93E-05 1 020
562-AL1/49-ST1A 560/50 561,7 49,5 611,2 48 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 32,2 1939,5 146,28 0,051 5 62 000 2,05E-05 1 040
571-AL1/39-ST1A 570/40 571,2 39,5 610,6 45 7 4,02 2,68 8,04 32,2 1887,1 136,40 0,050 6 61 000 2,09E-05 1 050
653-AL1/45-ST1A 650/45 653,5 45,3 698,8 45 7 4,30 2,87 8,61 34,4 2159,9 156,18 0,044 2 61 000 2,09E-05 1 120
679-AL1/86-ST1A 680/85 678,6 86,0 764,5 54 19 4,00 2,40 12,0 36,0 2549,7 206,56 0,042 6 68 000 1,94E-05 1 150
1046-AL1/45-ST1A 1045/45 1 045,6 45,3 1 090,9 72 7 4,30 2,87 8,61 43,0 3248,2 218,92 0,027 7 60 000 2,17E-05 1 580
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Germany. Values for other conductor constructions may be calculated using the method
given in IEC 61597
NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Germany, an initial ambient temperature of 35 °C and a
conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.20 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Germany - Type AL3/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC Final Coefficient of Current
Modulus Linear carrying
Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance of Elasticity Expansion capacity
mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A
15-AL3/3-ST1A 16/2,5 15,3 2,54 17,8 6 1 1,80 1,80 1,80 5,40 61,6 7,48 2,160 2 81 000 1,92E-05 100
24-AL3/4-ST1A 25/4 23,9 3,98 27,8 6 1 2,25 2,25 2,25 6,75 96,2 11,69 1,382 5 81 000 1,92E-05 135
34-AL3/6-ST1A 35/6 34,4 5,73 40,1 6 1 2,70 2,70 2,70 8,10 138,6 16,66 0,960 1 81 000 1,92E-05 165
44-AL3/32-ST1A 44/32 44,0 31,7 75,6 14 7 2,00 2,40 7,20 11,2 369,1 49,08 0,756 6 110 000 1,50E-05 -
48-AL3/8-ST1A 50/8 48,3 8,04 56,3 6 1 3,20 3,20 3,20 9,60 194,7 23,08 0,683 5 81 000 1,92E-05 200
51-AL3/30-ST1A 50/30 51,2 29,8 81,0 12 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 11,7 374,6 49,12 0,649 6 107 000 1,53E-05 -
70-AL3/11-ST1A 70/12 69,9 11,4 81,3 26 7 1,85 1,44 4,32 11,7 282,0 33,96 0,475 6 77 000 1,89E-05 270
94-AL3/15-ST1A 95/15 94,4 15,3 109,7 26 7 2,15 1,67 5,01 13,6 380,3 45,79 0,352 1 77 000 1,89E-05 330
97-AL3/56-ST1A 95/55 96,5 56,3 152,8 12 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 16,0 706,5 90,40 0,344 4 107 000 1,53E-05 -
106-AL3/76-ST1A 105/75 105,7 75,5 181,2 14 19 3,10 2,25 11,3 17,5 885,0 119,56 0,315 5 110 000 1,50E-05 -
122-AL3/20-ST1A 120/20 121,6 19,8 141,4 26 7 2,44 1,90 5,70 15,5 490,6 59,09 0,273 4 77 000 1,89E-05 385
122-AL3/71-ST1A 120/70 122,1 71,3 193,4 12 7 3,60 3,60 10,8 18,0 894,2 114,41 0,272 1 107 000 1,53E-05 -
128-AL3/30-ST1A 125/30 127,9 29,8 157,8 30 7 2,33 2,33 6,99 16,3 586,6 71,76 0,260 1 82 000 1,78E-05 400
149-AL3/24-ST1A 150/25 148,9 24,2 173,1 26 7 2,70 2,10 6,30 17,1 600,3 72,28 0,223 3 77 000 1,89E-05 445
172-AL3/40-ST1A 170/40 171,8 40,1 211,8 30 7 2,70 2,70 8,10 18,9 787,7 96,36 0,193 7 82 000 1,78E-05 490
184-AL3/30-ST1A 185/30 183,8 29,8 213,6 26 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 19,0 740,4 88,24 0,180 9 77 000 1,89E-05 505
209-AL3/34-ST1A 210/35 209,1 34,1 243,2 26 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 20,3 843,5 100,54 0,159 0 77 000 1,89E-05 555
212-AL3/49-ST1A 210/50 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 972,5 118,96 0,156 9 82 000 1,78E-05 575
231-AL3/30-ST1A 230/30 230,9 29,8 260,8 24 7 3,50 2,33 6,99 21,0 870,1 102,14 0,143 9 74 000 1,96E-05 595
243-AL3/39-ST1A 240/40 243,1 39,5 282,5 26 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 21,8 979,4 116,72 0,136 8 77 000 1,89E-05 605
264-AL3/34-ST1A 265/35 263,7 34,1 297,7 24 7 3,74 2,49 7,47 22,4 993,6 116,64 0,126 0 74 000 1,96E-05 640
304-AL3/49-ST1A 300/50 304,3 49,5 353,7 26 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 24,4 1 226,4 146,16 0,109 2 77 000 1,89E-05 700
305-AL3/39-ST1A 305/40 304,6 39,5 344,1 54 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 24,1 1 150,3 134,88 0,109 3 70 000 1,93E-05 700
339-AL3/30-ST1A 340/30 339,3 29,8 369,1 48 7 3,00 2,33 6,99 25,0 1 170,2 134,12 0,098 0 62 000 2,05E-05 740
382-AL3/49-ST1A 380/50 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 441,4 169,01 0,087 2 70 000 1,93E-05 790
386-AL3/34-ST1A 385/35 386,0 34,1 420,1 48 7 3,20 2,49 7,47 26,7 1 332,4 152,74 0,086 2 62 000 2,05E-05 800
434-AL3/56-ST1A 435/55 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1 640,0 190,04 0,076 6 70 000 1,93E-05 845
449-AL3/39-ST1A 450/40 448,7 39,5 488,2 48 7 3,45 2,68 8,04 28,7 1 547,7 177,39 0,074 1 62 000 2,05E-05 865
490-AL3/64-ST1A 490/65 490,3 63,6 553,8 54 7 3,40 3,40 10,2 30,6 1 851,4 214,54 0,067 9 70 000 1,93E-05 905
550-AL3/71-ST1A 550/70 549,7 71,3 620,9 54 7 3,60 3,60 10,8 32,4 2 075,6 240,52 0,060 5 70 000 1,93E-05 960
562-AL3/49-ST1A 560/50 561,7 49,5 611,2 48 7 3,86 3,00 9,00 32,2 1 937,8 222,11 0,059 2 62 000 2,05E-05 980
679-AL3/86-ST1A 680/85 678,6 86,0 764,5 54 19 4,00 2,40 12,0 36,0 2 547,6 298,17 0,049 0 68 000 1,94E-05 1 080
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Germany. Values for other conductor
constructions may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Germany, an initial
ambient temperature of 35 °C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.21 - Characteristics of aluminium clad steel conductors used in Germany - Type A20SA

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC Resistance Final Modulus Coefficient of Current
Code wires Wire Cond. unit length Strength Calculated using Calculated using of Elasticity Linear Expansion carrying
aluminium and Steel aluminium only capacity
mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km Ω/km N/mm² 1/K A

24-A20SA 25 24,2 7 2,10 6,30 161,5 32,49 3,536 4 4,699 5 159 000 1,30E-05 65
34-A20SA 35 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 229,0 46,04 2,495 3 3,316 0 159 000 1,30E-05 80
49-A20SA 50 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 329,7 66,30 1,732 8 2,302 8 159 000 1,30E-05 115
66-A20SA 70 65,8 19 2,10 10,5 441,0 88,18 1,310 2 1,741 2 159 000 1,30E-05 135
93-A20SA 95 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 624,9 124,98 0,924 5 1,228 6 159 000 1,30E-05 170
117-A20SA 120 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 783,9 156,77 0,737 0 0,979 4 159 000 1,30E-05 195
147-A20SA 150 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 989,2 197,13 0,588 1 0,781 5 159 000 1,30E-05 225
182-A20SA 185 181,6 37 2,50 17,5 1 221,2 243,38 0,476 4 0,633 1 159 000 1,30E-05 255
243-A20SA 240 242,5 61 2,25 20,3 1 636,1 325,00 0,357 9 0,475 6 157 000 1,30E-05 310
299-A20SA 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 2 019,8 401,24 0,289 9 0,385 2 157 000 1,30E-05 355
NOTE 1 Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

NOTE 2 Values of final modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion for the conductor sizes listed in the Table are used in Germany. Values for other conductor constructions
may be calculated using the method given in IEC 61597

NOTE 3 Guideline values of current carrying capacity are valid up to a frequency of 60 Hz, assuming a wind velocity of 0,6 m/s, the effect of solar radiation for Germany, an initial ambient
temperature of 35 °C and a conductor temperature of 80 °C. For special applications, when there is no air turbulence, the values should be reduced by 30 %.
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Table F.22 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Norway - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. Unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

25-AL1 AL 16 25,4 7 2,15 6,45 69,5 4,57 1,124 5

40-AL1 AL 25 39,8 7 2,69 8,07 108,7 6,76 0,718 3
56-AL1 AL 35 55,6 7 3,18 9,54 151,9 9,17 0,514 0
79-AL1 AL 50 79,4 7 3,80 11,4 217,0 12,70 0,360 0
111-AL1 AL 70 111,3 7 4,50 13,5 304,3 17,81 0,256 7
151-AL1 AL 95 150,9 19 3,18 15,9 414,7 24,90 0,190 4
191-AL1 AL 120 191,3 19 3,58 17,9 525,6 30,60 0,150 3
239-AL1 AL 150 238,8 19 4,00 20,0 656,2 38,20 0,120 4
294-AL1 AL 185 293,9 37 3,18 22,3 810,4 48,49 0,098 1
381-AL1 AL 240 380,8 37 3,62 25,3 1 050,2 60,93 0,075 7
454-AL1 AL 286 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 257,5 74,99 0,063 7
477-AL1 AL 300 476,7 37 4,05 28,4 1 314,5 76,26 0,060 5
525-AL1 AL 329 BLUEBELL 524,9 37 4,25 29,8 1 447,6 83,98 0,054 9
564-AL1 AL 354 MARIGOLD 563,6 61 3,43 30,9 1 559,5 93,00 0,051 3
604-AL1 AL 380 HAWTHORN 603,8 61 3,55 32,0 1 670,5 96,60 0,047 9
645-AL1 AL 405 NARCISSUS 645,3 61 3,67 33,0 1 785,4 103,25 0,044 8
685-AL1 AL 430 COLUMBINE 684,5 61 3,78 34,0 1 894,0 109,53 0,042 3
725-AL1 AL 456 CARNATION 725,0 61 3,89 35,0 2 005,8 115,99 0,039 9
767-AL1 AL 481 GLADIOLUS 766,5 61 4,00 36,0 2 120,9 122,65 0,037 7
805-AL1 AL 506 COREOPSIS 805,4 61 4,10 36,9 2 228,2 128,86 0,035 9
911-AL1 AL 573 SOLROS 910,7 61 4,36 39,2 2 519,8 145,72 0,031 8
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand
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Table F.23 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Norway - Type AL6

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

46-AL6 AL56 - 46 46,2 7 2,90 8,70 126,2 14,52 0,677 9

65-AL6 AL56 - 65 65,1 7 3,44 10,3 177,6 20,43 0,481 8
93-AL6 AL56 - 93 92,9 7 4,11 12,3 253,5 28,23 0,337 5
130-AL6 AL56 - 130 129,9 7 4,86 14,6 354,5 39,48 0,241 4
167-AL6 AL56 - 167 167,5 19 3,35 16,8 459,8 52,59 0,188 2
178-AL6 AL56 - 178 177,6 19 3,45 17,3 487,6 55,77 0,177 5
210-AL6 AL56 - 210 209,8 19 3,75 18,8 576,1 63,79 0,150 2
225-AL6 AL56 - 225 224,7 19 3,88 19,4 616,7 68,29 0,140 3
263-AL6 AL56 - 263 263,2 19 4,20 21,0 722,7 80,02 0,119 7
280-AL6 AL56 - 280 279,8 19 4,33 21,7 768,1 85,05 0,112 7
322-AL6 AL56 - 322 322,2 37 3,33 23,3 887,7 101,18 0,098 2
342-AL6 AL56 - 342 341,9 37 3,43 24,0 941,8 107,35 0,092 5
444-AL6 AL56 - 444 444,3 37 3,91 27,4 1 223,9 135,06 0,071 2
454-AL6 AL56 - 454 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 256,1 142,71 0,069 8
594-AL6 AL56 - 594 593,6 61 3,52 31,7 1 640,6 180,46 0,053 5
685-AL6 AL56 - 685 684,5 61 3,78 34,0 1 891,9 208,10 0,046 4
865-AL6 AL56 - 865 865,4 61 4,25 38,3 2 391,6 263,07 0,036 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.24 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Norway - Type AL7

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

46-AL7 AL58 - 46 46,2 7 2,90 8,70 126,2 13,41 0,656 0

65-AL7 AL58 - 65 65,1 7 3,44 10,3 177,6 17,89 0,466 2
93-AL7 AL58 - 93 92,9 7 4,11 12,3 253,5 23,68 0,326 6
130-AL7 AL58 - 130 129,9 7 4,86 14,6 354,5 33,11 0,233 6
167-AL7 AL58 - 167 167,5 19 3,35 16,8 459,8 46,05 0,182 1
178-AL7 AL58 - 178 177,6 19 3,45 17,3 487,6 48,84 0,171 7
210-AL7 AL58 - 210 209,8 19 3,75 18,8 576,1 55,61 0,145 4
225-AL7 AL58 - 225 224,7 19 3,88 19,4 616,7 59,53 0,135 8
263-AL7 AL58 - 263 263,2 19 4,20 21,0 722,7 67,12 0,115 9
280-AL7 AL58 - 280 279,8 19 4,33 21,7 768,1 71,34 0,109 0
322-AL7 AL58 - 322 322,2 37 3,33 23,3 887,7 88,62 0,095 0
342-AL7 AL58 - 342 341,9 37 3,43 24,0 941,8 94,02 0,089 5
444-AL7 AL58 - 444 444,3 37 3,91 27,4 1 223,9 117,73 0,068 9
484-AL7 AL58 - 454 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 256,1 124,98 0,067 6
594-AL7 AL58 - 594 593,6 61 3,52 31,7 1 640,6 157,31 0,051 7
685-AL7 AL58 - 685 684,5 61 3,78 34,0 1 891,9 181,40 0,044 9
865-AL7 AL58 - 865 865,4 61 4,25 38,3 2 391,6 220,67 0,035 5
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.25 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Norway - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm Kg/km kN Ω/km

27-AL1/9-ST1A FA 16 8/1 26,7 9,29 36,0 8 1 2,06 3,44 3,44 7,56 145,6 15,02 1,077 6
38-AL1/13-ST1A FA 25 8/1 38,0 13,3 51,3 8 1 2,46 4,11 4,11 9,03 207,7 21,25 0,755 7
40-AL1/7-ST1A FA 25 6/1 39,6 6,61 46,2 6 1 2,90 2,90 2,90 8,70 160,0 14,27 0,723 1
52-AL1/30-ST1A FA 35 12/7 52,5 29,6 82,1 12 7 2,36 2,32 6,96 11,7 376,4 42,92 0,550 1
53-AL1/19-ST1A FA 35 8/1 53,2 18,6 71,8 8 1 2,91 4,86 4,86 10,7 290,5 29,45 0,540 0
56-AL1/9-ST1A FA 35 6/1 55,8 9,29 65,1 6 1 3,44 3,44 3,44 10,3 225,1 19,42 0,513 9
79-AL1/46-ST1A FA 50 12/7 79,3 46,2 125,5 12 7 2,90 2,90 8,70 14,5 580,5 66,18 0,364 3
80-AL1/13-ST1A FA 50 6/1 79,6 13,3 92,9 6 1 4,11 4,11 4,11 12,3 321,4 27,33 0,360 0
111-AL1/19-ST1A FA 70 6/1 111,3 18,6 129,9 6 1 4,86 4,86 4,86 14,6 449,4 38,21 0,257 5
112-AL1/65-ST1A FA 70 12/7 111,5 65,1 176,6 12 7 3,44 3,44 10,3 17,2 816,8 89,97 0,258 9
112-AL1/18-ST1A FA 70 26/7 111,8 18,2 130,0 26 7 2,34 1,82 5,46 14,8 451,2 40,87 0,258 3
151-AL1/25-ST1A FA 95 26/7 151,1 24,7 175,8 26 7 2,72 2,12 6,36 17,2 610,5 54,59 0,191 2
151-AL1/35-ST1A FA 95 30/7 150,8 35,2 186,0 30 7 2,53 2,53 7,59 17,7 692,1 65,76 0,191 6
191-AL1/31-ST1A FA 120 26/7 191,2 31,1 222,3 26 7 3,06 2,38 7,14 19,4 771,6 67,05 0,151 0
191-AL1/45-ST1A FA 120 30/7 191,4 44,7 236,0 30 7 2,85 2,85 8,55 20,0 878,2 83,44 0,151 0
239-AL1/39-ST1A FA 150 26/7 238,8 38,9 277,7 26 7 3,42 2,66 7,98 21,7 963,9 83,76 0,120 9
238-AL1/56-ST1A FA 150 30/7 238,3 55,6 293,9 30 7 3,18 3,18 9,54 22,3 1 093,4 100,47 0,121 3
293-AL1/48-ST1A FA 185 26/7 293,3 47,8 341,2 26 7 3,79 2,95 8,85 24,0 1 184,3 101,47 0,098 5
294-AL1/69-ST1A FA 185 30/7 293,6 68,5 362,1 30 7 3,53 3,53 10,6 24,7 1 347,3 122,33 0,098 4
381-AL1/62-ST1A FA 240 26/7 381,1 62,1 443,2 26 7 4,32 3,36 10,1 27,4 1 537,9 129,25 0,075 8
381-AL1/87-ST1A FA 240 30/19 380,8 86,7 467,4 30 19 4,02 2,41 12,1 28,1 1 733,6 159,73 0,076 0
382-AL1/49-ST1A FA 240 54/7 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 121,30 0,075 8
402-AL1/52-ST1A FA 253 GONDOR 402,3 52,2 454,5 54 7 3,08 3,08 9,24 27,7 1 520,5 123,75 0,071 9
476-AL1/78-ST1A FA 300 26/7 476,4 77,7 554,1 26 7 4,83 3,76 11,3 30,6 1 923,6 161,72 0,060 6
477-AL1/109-ST1A FA 300 30/19 477,1 108,8 585,9 30 19 4,50 2,70 13,5 31,5 2 173,7 200,36 0,060 6
476-AL1/62-ST1A FA 300 54/7 476,0 61,7 537,7 54 7 3,35 3,35 10,1 30,2 1 798,8 146,40 0,060 8
525-AL1/68-ST1A FA 329 CURLEW 525,5 68,1 593,6 54 7 3,52 3,52 10,6 31,7 1 986,0 159,01 0,055 0
565-AL1/72-ST1A FA 354 FINCH 565,0 71,6 636,6 54 19 3,65 2,19 11,0 32,9 2 123,0 174,14 0,051 2
606-AL1/77-ST1A FA 380 GRACKLE 606,0 76,9 682,9 54 19 3,78 2,27 11,4 34,0 2 278,0 184,62 0,047 7
645-AL1/82-ST1A FA 405 PHEASANT 645,1 81,7 726,8 54 19 3,90 2,34 11,7 35,1 2 423,8 196,36 0,044 8
766-AL1/97-ST1A FA 481 PARROT 766,1 97,0 863,1 54 19 4,25 2,55 12,8 38,3 2 878,3 233,19 0,037 7
806-AL1/102-ST1A FA 506 FALCON 806,2 102,4 908,7 54 19 4,36 2,62 13,1 39,3 3 031,7 245,77 0,035 8
1223-AL1/307-ST1A FA 770 1 222,7 306,9 1 529,7 72 37 4,65 3,25 22,8 50,7 5 796,3 533,27 0,023 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.26 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Norway - Type AL1/ST5E

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

606-AL1/77-ST5E GRACKLE SP 606,0 76,9 682,9 54 19 3,78 2,27 11,4 34,0 2 278,0 206,15 0,047 7
766-AL1/97-ST5E PARROT SP 766,1 97,0 863,1 54 19 4,25 2,55 12,8 38,3 2 878,3 255,51 0,037 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

Table F.27 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Norway - Type AL3/ST5E

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

96-AL3/86-ST5E GOLL 96,4 86,0 182,4 16 19 2,77 2,40 12,0 17,5 941,3 146,20 0,346 2
96-AL3/102-ST5E GONDUL 96,3 101,7 198,0 18 19 2,61 2,61 13,1 18,3 1 064,4 167,68 0,346 9
114-AL3/102-ST5E TRUD 113,9 101,7 215,5 16 19 3,01 2,61 13,1 19,1 1 112,8 172,85 0,293 2
127-AL3/134-ST5E SVEID 127,2 134,3 261,5 18 19 3,00 3,00 15,0 21,0 1 406,3 221,53 0,262 6
202-AL3/211-ST5E TRIMA 202,0 210,6 412,6 18 37 3,78 2,69 * 18,9 26,5 2 216,3 348,08 0,165 4
703-AL3/89-ST5E LUNDE 702,5 88,8 791,4 54 19 4,07 2,44 12,2 36,6 2 636,4 328,96 0,047 3
886-AL3/112-ST5E LOMVI 885,8 112,0 997,8 54 19 4,57 2,74 13,7 41,1 3 324,1 414,78 0,037 6
1683-AL3/211-ST5E TEIST 1 683,3 210,6 1 893,9 150 37 3,78 2,69 * 18,9 56,7 6 305,5 785,07 0,019 8
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
* 2,76 mm king wire
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Table F.28 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Spain - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

28-AL1 L 28 27,8 7 2,25 6,75 76,1 5,01 1,026 8

43-AL1 L 40 43,1 7 2,80 8,40 117,8 7,33 0,663 0
55-AL1 L 56 54,6 7 3,15 9,45 149,1 9,00 0,523 9
76-AL1 L 80 75,5 19 2,25 11,3 207,6 13,60 0,380 4
117-AL1 L 110 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,5 19,89 0,245 6
148-AL1 L 145 148,1 19 3,15 15,8 407,0 24,43 0,194 1
188-AL1 L 180 188,1 19 3,55 17,8 516,9 30,09 0,152 8
279-AL1 L 280 279,3 37 3,10 21,7 770,2 46,08 0,103 3
381-AL1 L 400 381,0 61 2,82 25,4 1 054,1 64,77 0,075 9
454-AL1 L 450 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 257,5 74,99 0,063 7
547-AL1 L 550 547,3 61 3,38 30,4 1 514,4 90,31 0,052 9
638-AL1 L 630 638,3 61 3,65 32,9 1 766,0 102,12 0,045 3
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.29 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Spain - Type AL2

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

28-AL2 D 28 27,8 7 2,25 6,75 76,0 9,05 1,193 0

43-AL2 D 40 43,1 7 2,80 8,40 117,7 14,01 0,770 4
55-AL2 D 56 54,6 7 3,15 9,45 148,9 17,73 0,608 7
76-AL2 D 80 75,5 19 2,25 11,3 207,4 24,55 0,442 0
117-AL2 D 110 117,0 19 2,80 14,0 321,2 38,02 0,285 4
148-AL2 D 145 148,1 19 3,15 15,8 406,5 48,12 0,225 5
188-AL2 D 180 188,1 19 3,55 17,8 516,3 59,24 0,177 6
279-AL2 D 280 279,3 37 3,10 21,7 769,3 90,76 0,120 0
381-AL2 D 400 381,0 61 2,82 25,4 1 053,0 123,82 0,088 2
454-AL2 D 450 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 256,1 147,71 0,074 0
547-AL2 D 550 547,3 61 3,38 30,4 1 512,7 177,88 0,061 4
638-AL2 D 630 638,3 61 3,65 32,9 1 764,0 201,06 0,052 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.30 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Spain - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. Unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

27-AL1/4-ST1A LA 30 26,7 4,45 31,1 6 1 2,38 2,38 2,38 7,14 107,8 9,74 1,073 6
47-AL1/8-ST1A LA 56 46,8 7,79 54,6 6 1 3,15 3,15 3,15 9,45 188,8 16,29 0,612 9
67-AL1/11-ST1A LA 78 67,3 11,2 78,6 6 1 3,78 3,78 3,78 11,3 271,8 23,12 0,425 6
94-AL1/22-ST1A LA 110 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,5 43,17 0,306 7
119-AL1/28-ST1A LA 145 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,4 54,03 0,242 3
147-AL1/34-ST1A LA 180 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,8 64,94 0,196 3
242-AL1/39-ST1A LA 280 HAWK 241,6 39,5 281,1 26 7 3,44 2,68 8,04 21,8 976,2 84,89 0,119 5
337-AL1/44-ST1A LA 380 GULL 337,3 43,7 381,0 54 7 2,82 2,82 8,46 25,4 1 274,6 107,18 0,085 7
402-AL1/52-ST1A LA 455 CONDOR 402,3 52,2 454,5 54 7 3,08 3,08 9,24 27,7 1 520,5 123,75 0,071 9
485-AL1/63-ST1A LA 545 CARDINAL 484,5 62,8 547,3 54 7 3,38 3,38 10,1 30,4 1 831,1 149,04 0,059 7
565-AL1/72-ST1A LA 635 FINCH 565,0 71,6 636,6 54 19 3,65 2,19 11,0 32,9 2 123,0 174,14 0,051 2
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.31 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Spain - Type AL2/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

27-AL2/4-ST1A DA 30 26,7 4,45 31,1 6 1 2,38 2,38 2,38 7,14 107,7 13,75 1,247 4
47-AL2/8-ST1A DA 56 46,8 7,79 54,6 6 1 3,15 3,15 3,15 9,45 188,6 23,77 0,712 1
67-AL2/11-ST1A DA 78 67,3 11,2 78,6 6 1 3,78 3,78 3,78 11,3 271,6 33,55 0,494 5
94-AL2/22-ST1A DA 110 94,2 22,0 116,2 30 7 2,00 2,00 6,00 14,0 432,2 56,36 0,356 3
119-AL2/28-ST1A DA 145 119,3 27,8 147,1 30 7 2,25 2,25 6,75 15,8 547,0 71,33 0,281 5
147-AL2/34-ST1A DA 180 147,3 34,4 181,6 30 7 2,50 2,50 7,50 17,5 675,3 87,03 0,228 0
226-AL2/53-ST1A DA 280 226,4 52,8 279,3 30 7 3,10 3,10 9,30 21,7 1 038,4 131,71 0,148 3
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.32 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Switzerland - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

25-AL1 25 25,2 7 2,14 6,42 68,8 4,53 1,135 0

35-AL1 35 34,9 7 2,52 7,56 95,4 5,94 0,818 5
50-AL1 50 50,1 7 3,02 9,06 137,0 8,27 0,569 9
70-AL1 70 70,3 19 2,17 10,9 193,1 12,65 0,409 0
95-AL1 95 94,8 19 2,52 12,6 260,5 16,11 0,303 3
120-AL1 120 120,4 19 2,84 14,2 330,8 20,46 0,238 8
150-AL1 150 150,0 19 3,17 15,9 412,1 24,74 0,191 6
150-AL1 150 149,7 37 2,27 15,9 413,0 26,20 0,192 6
185-AL1 185 184,5 37 2,52 17,6 508,9 31,37 0,156 3
239-AL1 240 239,4 37 2,87 20,1 660,1 40,69 0,120 5
301-AL1 300 301,3 37 3,22 22,5 831,0 49,71 0,095 7
403-AL1 400 402,9 61 2,90 26,1 1 114,8 68,50 0,071 8
497-AL1 500 496,7 61 3,22 29,0 1 374,4 81,96 0,058 2
551-AL1 550 550,6 61 3,39 30,5 1 523,3 90,85 0,052 5
548-AL1 550 548,4 91 2,77 30,5 1 523,5 93,23 0,053 0
600-AL1 600 600,4 61 3,54 31,9 1 661,1 96,06 0,048 2
601-AL1 600 601,1 91 2,90 31,9 1 669,9 102,18 0,048 3
802-AL1 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 228,3 132,34 0,036 2
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.33 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Switzerland - Type AL3

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

16-AL3 16 15,9 7 1,70 5,10 43,4 4,69 2,070 1

25-AL3 25 25,2 7 2,14 6,42 68,7 7,43 1,306 4
35-AL3 35 34,9 7 2,52 7,56 95,3 10,30 0,942 1
50-AL3 50 50,1 7 3,02 9,06 136,9 14,79 0,656 0
50-AL3 50 50,0 19 1,83 9,15 137,2 14,74 0,661 9
70-AL3 70 70,3 19 2,17 10,9 192,9 20,73 0,470 7
95-AL3 95 94,8 19 2,52 12,6 260,2 27,96 0,349 0
120-AL3 120 120,4 19 2,84 14,2 330,4 35,51 0,274 8
150-AL3 150 149,7 37 2,27 15,9 412,5 44,17 0,221 7
185-AL3 185 184,5 37 2,52 17,6 508,4 54,44 0,179 9
239-AL3 240 239,4 37 2,87 20,1 659,4 70,61 0,138 7
301-AL3 300 301,3 37 3,22 22,5 830,0 88,88 0,110 2
299-AL3 300 299,4 61 2,50 22,5 827,5 88,33 0,111 2
403-AL3 400 402,9 61 2,90 26,1 1 113,6 118,86 0,082 6
497-AL3 500 496,7 61 3,22 29,0 1 372,9 146,54 0,067 0
551-AL3 550 550,6 61 3,39 30,5 1 521,6 162,42 0,060 5
548-AL3 550 548,4 91 2,77 30,5 1 521,8 161,78 0,061 0
600-AL3 600 600,4 61 3,54 31,9 1 659,3 177,11 0,055 5
601-AL3 600 601,1 91 2,90 31,9 1 668,0 177,32 0,055 6
802-AL3 800 802,1 91 3,35 36,9 2 225,8 236,62 0,041 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.34 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Switzerland - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

22-AL1/4-ST1A - 21,6 3,60 25,2 6 1 2,14 2,14 2,14 6,42 87,1 8,09 1,327 9
30-AL1/5-ST1A - 29,9 5,0 34,9 6 1 2,52 2,52 2,52 7,56 120,8 10,77 0,957 6
43-AL1/7-ST1A - 43,0 7,2 50,1 6 1 3,02 3,02 3,02 9,06 173,5 14,97 0,666 8
60-AL1/10-ST1A - 59,7 10,0 69,7 6 1 3,56 3,56 3,56 10,7 241,1 20,50 0,479 8
79-AL1/18-ST1A - 78,9 18,4 97,3 30 7 1,83 1,83 5,49 12,8 362,1 36,14 0,366 3
97-AL1/23-ST1A - 97,1 22,7 119,8 30 7 2,03 2,03 6,09 14,2 445,6 43,98 0,297 7
121-AL1/28-ST1A - 121,4 28,3 149,7 30 7 2,27 2,27 6,81 15,9 557,1 53,54 0,238 1
150-AL1/35-ST1A - 149,6 34,9 184,5 30 7 2,52 2,52 7,56 17,6 686,6 65,24 0,193 2
194-AL1/45-ST1A - 194,1 45,3 239,4 30 7 2,87 2,87 8,61 20,1 890,6 84,62 0,148 9
212-AL1/49-ST1A - 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,136 3
244-AL1/57-ST1A - 244,3 57,0 301,3 30 7 3,22 3,22 9.66 22,5 1 121,1 103,01 0,118 3
282-AL1/66-ST1A - 282,1 65,8 347,9 30 7 3,46 3,46 10,4 24,2 1 294,4 118,94 0,102 5
357-AL1/46-ST1A - 356,7 46,2 402,9 54 7 2,90 2,90 8,70 26,1 1 348,0 113,35 0,081 1
440-AL1/57-ST1A - 439,7 57,0 496,7 54 7 3,22 3,22 9,66 29,0 1 661,9 135,26 0,065 8
487-AL1/63-ST1A - 487,4 63,2 550,6 54 7 3,39 3,39 10,2 30,5 1 842,0 149,92 0,059 3
531-AL1/69-ST1A - 531,5 68,9 600,4 54 7 3,54 3,54 10,6 31,9 2 008,6 160,82 0,054 4
748-AL1/97-ST1A - 748,1 97,0 845,2 96 19 3,15 2,55 12,8 38,0 2 832,9 234,06 0,038 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.35 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors steel reinforced used in Switzerland - Type AL3/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

14-AL3/4-ST1A - 13,6 2,27 15,9 6 1 1,70 1,70 1,70 5,10 54,9 6,67 2,421 8
22-AL3/4-ST1A - 21,6 3,60 25,2 6 1 2,14 2,14 2,14 6,42 87,1 10,57 1,528 3
30-AL3/5-ST1A - 29,9 4,99 34,9 6 1 2,52 2,52 2,52 7,56 120,7 14,51 1,102 1
43-AL3/7-ST1A - 43,0 7,16 50,1 6 1 3,02 3,02 3,02 9,06 173,4 20,56 0,767 4
60-AL3/10-ST1A - 59,7 10,0 69,7 6 1 3,56 3,56 3,56 10,7 240,9 28,57 0,552 3
79-AL3/18-ST1A - 78,9 18,4 97,3 30 7 1,83 1,83 5,49 12,8 361,8 44,82 0,421 6
97-AL3/23-ST1A - 97,1 22,7 119,8 30 7 2,03 2,03 6,09 14,2 445,3 55,15 0,342 6
121-AL3/28-ST1A - 121,4 28,3 149,7 30 7 2,27 2,27 6,81 15,9 556,8 68,11 0,274 0
150-AL3/35-ST1A - 149,6 34,9 184,5 30 7 2,52 2,52 7,56 17,6 686,2 83,94 0,222 3
194-AL3/45-ST1A - 194,1 45,3 239,4 30 7 2,87 2,87 8,61 20,1 890,0 108,88 0,171 4
212-AL3/49-ST1A - 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 972,5 118,96 0,156 9
244-AL3/57-ST1A - 244,3 57,0 301,3 30 7 3,22 3,22 9,66 22,5 1 120,3 134,77 0,136 2
282-AL3/66-ST1A - 282,1 65,8 347,9 30 7 3,46 3,46 10,38 24,2 1 293,5 155,61 0,117 9
357-AL3/46-ST1A - 356,7 46,2 402,9 54 7 2,90 2,90 8,70 26,1 1 346,9 157,93 0,093 3
440-AL3/57-ST1A - 439,7 57,0 496,7 54 7 3,22 3,22 9,66 29,0 1 660,5 192,43 0,075 7
487-AL3/63-ST1A - 487,4 63,2 550,6 54 7 3,39 3,39 10,17 30,5 1 840,5 213,28 0,068 3
531-AL3/69-ST1A - 531,5 68,9 600,4 54 7 3,54 3,54 10,62 31,9 2 007,0 232,57 0,062 6
748-AL3/97-ST1A - 748,1 97,0 845,2 96 19 3,15 2,55 12,75 38,0 2 830,6 331,32 0,044 6
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.36 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Sweden - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

62-AL1 VITSIPPA 62,4 7 3,37 10,1 170,6 10,30 0,457 7

99-AL1 KATTFOT 99,3 7 4,25 12,8 271,4 15,89 0,287 8
159-AL1 GULLVIVA 158,6 19 3,26 16,3 435,9 26,17 0,181 2
241-AL1 VALLMO 241,2 19 4,02 20,1 662,8 38,58 0,119 2
330-AL1 RENFANA 330,0 37 3,37 23,6 910,2 54,45 0,087 4
454-AL1 AKLEJA 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 257,5 74,99 0,063 7
594-AL1 HAMPDAN 593,6 61 3,52 31,7 1 642,4 94,98 0,048 7
774-AL1 STORMHATT 774,2 61 4,02 36,2 2 142,1 123,88 0,037 4
911-AL1 SOLROS 910,7 61 4,36 39,2 2 519,8 145,72 0,031 8
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.37 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Sweden - Type AL7

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. Unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

62-AL7 AlMgSi - 62 62,4 7 3,37 10,1 170,5 17,17 0,485 8

99-AL7 AlMgSi - 99 99,3 7 4,25 12,8 271,1 25,32 0,305 5
159-AL7 AlMgSi - 157 158,6 19 3,26 16,3 435,4 43,61 0,192 3
241-AL7 AlMgSi - 241 241,2 19 4,02 20,1 662,1 61,49 0,126 5
330-AL7 AlMgSi - 329 330,0 37 3,37 23,6 909,2 90,76 0,092 7
454-AL7 AlMgSi - 454 454,5 61 3,08 27,7 1 256,1 124,98 0,067 6
594-AL7 AlMgSi - 593 593,6 61 3,52 31,7 1 640,6 157,31 0,051 7
774-AL7 AlMgSi - 774 774,2 61 4,02 36,2 2 139,8 197,43 0,039 7
911-AL7 AlMgSi - 910 910,7 61 4,36 39,2 2 517,0 232,24 0,033 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.38 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Sweden - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

54-AL1/9-ST1A RAVEN 53,5 8,92 62,4 6 1 3,37 3,37 3,37 10,1 216,1 18,64 0,535 5
85-AL1/14-ST1A PIGEON 85,1 14,2 99,3 6 1 4,25 4,25 4,25 12,8 343,6 29,22 0,336 7
135-AL1/22-ST1A PARTRIDGE 134,9 22,0 156,9 26 7 2,57 2,00 6,00 16,3 544,5 48,66 0,214 1
201-AL1/33-ST1A IBIS 201,3 32,7 234,1 26 7 3,14 2,44 7,32 19,9 812,1 70,53 0,143 4
283-AL1/46-ST1A DOVE 282,6 45,9 328,5 26 7 3,72 2,89 8,67 23,6 1 139,6 97,56 0,102 2
402-AL1/52-ST1A CONDOR 402,3 52,2 454,5 54 7 3,08 3,08 9,24 27,7 1 520,5 123,75 0,071 9
525-AL1/68-ST1A CURLEW 525,5 68,1 593,6 54 7 3,52 3,52 10,6 31,7 1 986,0 159,01 0,055 0
685-AL1/89-ST1A SKATA 685,4 88,8 774,2 54 7 4,02 4,02 12,1 36,2 2 590,2 207,39 0,042 2
806-AL1/102-ST1A FALCON 806,2 102,4 908,7 54 19 4,36 2,62 13,1 39,3 3 031,7 245,77 0,035 8
563-AL1/29-ST1A MORKULLA 562,7 29,3 592,0 42 7 4,13 2,31 6,93 31,7 1 783,7 123,47 0,051 3
735-AL1/38-ST1A RIPA 734,9 38,0 772,9 42 7 4,72 2,63 7,89 36,2 2 327,5 160,93 0,039 3
865-AL1/44-ST1A ORRE 864,7 44,0 908,8 42 7 5,12 2,83 8,49 39,2 2 733,1 188,55 0,033 4
89-AL1/52-ST1A DOTTEREL 89,4 52,2 141,6 12 7 3,08 3,08 9,24 15,4 654,8 72,12 0,323 0
117-AL1/68-ST1A ODEN 116,8 68,1 184,9 12 7 3,52 3,52 10,6 17,6 855,2 93,62 0,247 3
152-AL1/89-ST1A ATLE 152,3 88,8 241,2 12 7 4,02 4,02 12,1 20,1 1 115,4 122,10 0,189 6
251-AL1/65-ST1A YMER 251,0 64,7 315,6 32 7 3,16 3,43 10,3 22,9 1 199,8 112,56 0,115 2
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.39 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in the United Kingdom - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code wires Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

23-AL1 MIDGE 23,3 7 2,06 6,18 63,8 4,20 1,224 9
27-AL1 GNAT 26,9 7 2,21 6,63 73,4 4,83 1,064 3
37-AL1 MOSQUITO 36,9 7 2,59 7,77 100,8 6,27 0,774 9
43-AL1 LADYBIRD 42,8 7 2,79 8,37 117,0 7,28 0,667 8
53-AL1 ANT 52,8 7 3,10 9,30 144,4 8,72 0,540 9
64-AL1 FLY 63,6 7 3,40 10,2 173,7 10,49 0,449 7
74-AL1 BLUEBOTTLE 73,6 7 3,66 11,0 201,3 11,78 0,388 0
79-AL1 EARWIG 78,6 7 3,78 11,3 214,7 12,57 0,363 8
84-AL1 GRASSHOPPER 84,1 7 3,91 11,7 229,7 13,45 0,340 0
96-AL1 CLEGG 95,6 7 4,17 12,5 261,3 15,30 0,298 9
106-AL1 WASP 106,0 7 4,39 13,2 289,6 16,95 0,269 7
106-AL1 BEETLE 106,4 19 2,67 13,4 292,4 18,08 0,270 1
132-AL1 BEE 132,0 7 4,90 14,7 360,8 21,12 0,216 5
158-AL1 HORNET 157,6 19 3,25 16,3 433,2 26,01 0,182 3
186-AL1 CATERPILLAR 185,9 19 3,53 17,7 511,1 29,75 0,154 6
213-AL1 CHAFER 213,2 19 3,78 18,9 586,0 34,12 0,134 8
238-AL1 SPIDER 237,6 19 3,99 20,0 652,9 38,01 0,121 0
266-AL1 COCKROACH 265,7 19 4,22 21,1 730,4 42,52 0,108 1
323-AL1 BUTTERFLY 322,7 19 4,65 23,3 886,8 51,63 0,089 1
373-AL1 MOTH 373,1 19 5,00 25,0 1 025,3 59,69 0,077 0
372-AL1 DRONE 372,4 37 3,58 25,1 1 027,1 59,59 0,077 4
415-AL1 CENTIPEDE 415,2 37 3,78 26,5 1 145,1 66,43 0,069 5
486-AL1 MAYBUG 486,1 37 4,09 28,6 1 340,6 77,78 0,059 3
530-AL1 SCORPION 529,8 37 4,27 29,9 1 461,2 84,77 0,054 4
628-AL1 CICADA 628,3 37 4,65 32,6 1 732,9 100,54 0,045 9
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.40 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in the United Kingdom - Type AL3

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

19-AL3 BOX 18,8 7 1,85 5,55 51,4 5,55 1,748 0
24-AL3 ACACIA 23,8 7 2,08 6,24 64,9 7,02 1,382 8
30-AL3 ALMOND 30,1 7 2,34 7,02 82,2 8,88 1,092 6
35-AL3 CEDAR 35,5 7 2,54 7,62 96,8 10,46 0,927 3
42-AL3 DEODAR 42,2 7 2,77 8,31 115,2 12,44 0,779 7
48-AL3 FIR 47,8 7 2,95 8,85 130,6 14,11 0,687 5
60-AL3 HAZEL 59,9 7 3,30 9,90 163,4 17,66 0,549 4
72-AL3 PINE 71,6 7 3,61 10,8 195,6 21,14 0,459 1
84-AL3 HOLLY 84,1 7 3,91 11,7 229,5 24,79 0,391 3
90-AL3 WILLOW 89,7 7 4,04 12,1 245,0 26,47 0,366 5
119-AL3 OAK 118,9 7 4,65 14,0 324,5 35,07 0,276 7
151-AL3 MULBERRY 150,9 19 3,18 15,9 414,3 44,52 0,219 2
181-AL3 ASH 180,7 19 3,48 17,4 496,1 53,31 0,183 0
211-AL3 ELM 211,0 19 3,76 18,8 579,2 62,24 0,156 8
239-AL3 POPLAR 239,4 37 2,87 20,1 659,4 70,61 0,138 7
303-AL3 SYCAMORE 303,2 37 3,23 22,6 835,2 89,40 0,109 5
362-AL3 UPAS 362,1 37 3,53 24,7 997,5 106,82 0,091 7
479-AL3 YEW 479,0 37 4,06 28,4 1 319,6 141,31 0,069 3
498-AL3 TOTARA 498,1 37 4,14 29,0 1 372,1 146,93 0,066 6
587-AL3 RUBUS 586,9 61 3,50 31,5 1 622,0 173,13 0,056 7
659-AL3 SORBUS 659,4 61 3,71 33,4 1 822,5 194,53 0,050 5
821-AL3 ARAUCARIA 821,1 61 4,14 37,3 2 269,4 242,24 0,040 6
996-AL3 REDWOOD 996,2 61 4,56 41,0 2 753,2 293,88 0,033 4
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.41 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in the United Kingdom - Type AL5

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

239-AL5 POPLAR 239,4 37 2,87 20,1 659,4 70,61 0,133 0

303-AL5 SYCAMORE 303,2 37 3,23 22,6 835,2 89,44 0,105 0
362-AL5 UPAS 362,1 37 3,53 24,7 997,5 106,82 0,087 9
479-AL5 YEW 479,0 37 4,06 28,4 1 319,6 141,31 0,066 5
498-AL5 TOTARA 498,1 37 4,14 29,0 1 372,1 146,93 0,063 9
587-AL5 RUBUS 586,9 61 3,50 31,5 1 622,0 173,13 0,054 4
659-AL5 SORBUS 659,4 61 3,71 33,4 1 822,5 194,53 0,048 4
821-AL5 ARAUCARIA 821,1 61 4,14 37,3 2 269,4 242,24 0,038 9
996-AL5 REDWOOD 996,2 61 4,56 41,0 2 753,2 293,88 0,032 1
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.42 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in the United Kingdom - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

11-AL1/2-ST1A MOLE 10,6 1,77 12,4 6 1 1,50 1,50 1,50 4,50 42,8 4,14 2,702 7
21-AL1/3-ST1A SQUIRREL 21,0 3,50 24,5 6 1 2,11 2,11 2,11 6,33 84,7 7,87 1,365 9
26-AL1/4-ST1A GOPHER 26,2 4,37 30,6 6 1 2,36 2,36 2,36 7,08 106,0 9,58 1,091 9
32-AL1/5-ST1A WEASEL 31,6 5,27 36,9 6 1 2,59 2,59 2,59 7,77 127,6 11,38 0,906 5
37-AL1/6-ST1A FOX 36,7 6,11 42,8 6 1 2,79 2,79 2,79 8,37 148,1 13,21 0,781 2
42-AL1/7-ST1A FERRET 42,4 7,07 49,5 6 1 3,00 3,00 3,00 9,00 171,2 15,27 0,675 7
53-AL1/9-ST1A RABBIT 52,9 8,81 61,7 6 1 3,35 3,35 3,35 10,1 213,5 18,42 0,541 9
63-AL1/11-ST1A MINK 63,1 10,5 73,6 6 1 3,66 3,66 3,66 11,0 254,9 21,67 0,454 0
63-AL1/37-ST1A SKUNK 63,2 36,9 100,1 12 7 2,59 2,59 7,77 13,0 463,0 52,79 0,456 8
75-AL1/13-ST1A BEAVER 75,0 12,5 87,5 6 1 3,99 3,99 3,99 12,0 302,9 25,76 0,382 0
73-AL1/43-ST1A HORSE 73,4 42,8 116,2 12 7 2,79 2,79 8,37 14,0 537,3 61,26 0,393 6
79-AL1/13-ST1A RACOON 78,8 13,1 92,0 6 1 4,09 4,09 4,09 12,3 318,3 27,06 0,363 5
84-AL1/14-ST1A OTTER 83,9 14,0 97,9 6 1 4,22 4,22 4,22 12,7 338,8 28,81 0,341 5
95-AL1/16-ST1A CAT 95,4 15,9 111,3 6 1 4,50 4,50 4,50 13,5 385,3 32,76 0,300 3
105-AL1/17-ST1A HARE 105,0 17,5 122,5 6 1 4,72 4,72 4,72 14,2 423,8 36,04 0,273 0
105-AL1/14-ST1A DOG 105,0 13,6 118,5 6 7 4,72 1,57 4,71 14,2 394,0 32,65 0,273 3
132-AL1/20-ST1A COYOTE 131,7 20,1 151,8 26 7 2,54 1,91 5,73 15,9 520,7 45,86 0,219 2
132-AL1/7-ST1A COUGAR 131,5 7,31 138,8 18 1 3,05 3,05 3,05 15,3 418,8 29,74 0,218 8
131-AL1/31-ST1A TIGER 131,2 30,6 161,9 30 7 2,36 2,36 7,08 16,5 602,2 57,87 0,220 2
158-AL1/37-ST1A WOLF 158,1 36,9 194,9 30 7 2,59 2,59 7,77 18,1 725,3 68,91 0,182 9
159-AL1/9-ST1A DINGO 158,7 8,81 167,5 18 1 3,35 3,35 3,35 16,8 505,2 35,87 0,181 4
183-AL1/43-ST1A LYNX 183,4 42,8 226,2 30 7 2,79 2,79 8,37 19,5 841,6 79,97 0,157 6
184-AL1/10-ST1A CARACAL 184,2 10,2 194,5 18 1 3,61 3,61 3,61 18,1 586,7 40,74 0,156 2
212-AL1/49-ST1A PANTHER 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,136 3
211-AL1/12-ST1A JAGUAR 210,6 11,7 222,3 18 1 3,86 3,86 3,86 19,3 670,8 46,57 0,136 6
238-AL1/56-ST1A LION 238,3 55,6 293,9 30 7 3,18 3,18 9,54 22,3 1 093,4 100,47 0,121 3
264-AL1/62-ST1A BEAR 264,4 61,7 326,1 30 7 3,35 3,35 10,1 23,5 1 213,4 111,50 0,109 3
324-AL1/76-ST1A GOAT 324,3 75,7 400,0 30 7 3,71 3,71 11,1 26,0 1 488,2 135,13 0,089 1
375-AL1/88-ST1A SHEEP 375,1 87,5 462,6 30 7 3,99 3,99 12,0 27,9 1 721,3 156,30 0,077 1
374-AL1/48-ST1A ANTELOPE 374,1 48,5 422,6 54 7 2,97 2,97 8,91 26,7 1 413,8 118,88 0,077 3
382-AL1/49-ST1A BISON 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 121,30 0,075 8
430-AL1/100-ST1A DEER 429,6 100,2 529,8 30 7 4,27 4,27 12,8 29,9 1 971,4 179,00 0,067 3
429-AL1/56-ST1A ZEBRA 428,9 55,6 484,5 54 7 3,18 3,18 9,54 28,6 1 620,8 131,92 0,067 4
477-AL1/111-ST1A ELK 477,1 111,3 588,5 30 7 4,50 4,50 13,5 31,5 2 189,5 198,80 0,060 6
476-AL1/62-ST1A CAMEL 476,0 61,7 537,7 54 7 3,35 3,35 10,1 30,2 1 798,8 146,40 0,060 8
528-AL1/69-ST1A MOOSE 528,5 68,5 597,0 54 7 3,53 3,53 10,6 31,8 1 997,3 159,92 0,054 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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prEN 50182:2000
Table F.43 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductor steel reinforced used in the United Kingdom - Type AL5/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

183-AL5/43-ST1A KEZIAH 183,4 42,8 226,2 30 7 2,79 2,79 8,37 19,5 841,6 102,89 0,174 0
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.44 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors used in Italy - Type AL1

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

25-AL1 25/7 25,2 7 2,14 6,42 68,8 4,53 1,135 0

34-AL1 35/7 34,4 7 2,50 7,50 93,9 6,01 0,831 7
49-AL1 50/7 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,2 8,41 0,577 6
68-AL1 70/19 68,3 19 2,14 10,7 187,8 12,30 0,420 5
93-AL1 95/19 93,3 19 2,50 12,5 256,3 16,32 0,308 1
125-AL1 120/19 125,5 19 2,90 14,5 344,9 21,33 0,229 0
244-AL1 240/37 244,4 37 2,90 20,3 674,0 41,55 0,118 0
491-AL1 500/61 490,6 61 3,20 28,8 1 357,4 80,95 0,059 0
767-AL1 800/61 766,5 61 4,00 36,0 2 120,9 122,65 0,037 7
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.45 - Characteristics of aluminium alloy conductors used in Italy - Type AL3

Code Old Area- No. of Diameter Mass per Rated DC


Code Wire Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

35-AL3 35/7 34,9 7 2,52 7,56 95,3 10,30 0,942 1

49-AL3 50/7 49,5 7 3,00 9,00 135,1 14,60 0,664 7
68-AL3 70/19 68,3 19 2,14 10,7 187,6 20,16 0,484 0
95-AL3 95/19 94,8 19 2,52 12,6 260,2 27,96 0,349 0
125-AL3 120/19 125,5 19 2,90 14,5 344,5 37,02 0,263 6
147-AL3 150/37 147,1 37 2,25 15,8 405,3 43,40 0,225 6
185-AL3 185/37 184,5 37 2,52 17,6 508,4 54,44 0,179 9
196-AL3 200/37 196,4 37 2,60 18,2 541,2 57,95 0,169 0
244-AL3 240/37 244,4 37 2,90 20,3 673,3 72,10 0,135 8
304-AL3 300/61 304,2 61 2,52 22,7 840,8 89,75 0,109 4
403-AL3 400/61 402,9 61 2,90 26,1 1 113,6 118,86 0,082 6
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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prEN 50182: 2000
Table F.46 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Italy - Type AL1/ST1A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

42-AL1/7-ST1A 42/ 6+1 42,4 7,07 49,5 6 1 3,00 3,00 3,00 9,00 171,2 15,27 0,675 7
68-AL1/39-ST1A 68/ 12+7 67,7 39,5 107,2 12 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 13,4 495,8 56,52 0,426 6
128-AL1/21-ST1A 128/ 26+7 127,6 20,9 148,5 26 7 2,50 1,95 5,85 15,9 516,0 46,79 0,226 3
191-AL1/31-ST1A 191/ 26+7 191,2 31,1 222,3 26 7 3,06 2,38 7,14 19,4 771,6 67,05 0,151 0
212-AL1/49-ST1A 212/ 30+7 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 92,46 0,136 3
265-AL1/43-ST1A 265/ 26+7 264,6 43,1 307,8 26 7 3,60 2,80 8,40 22,8 1 068,0 91,48 0,109 1
349-AL1/79-ST1A 349/ 30+19 349,2 78,9 428,2 30 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 26,9 1 585,7 145,87 0,082 8
382-AL1/49-ST1A 382/ 54+7 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 121,30 0,075 8
416-AL1/93-ST1A 416/ 30+19 415,6 93,3 508,9 30 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 29,3 1 881,8 172,82 0,069 6
434-AL1/56-ST1A 434/ 54+7 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1 641,3 133,59 0,066 6
520-AL1/66-ST1A 520/ 54+19 519,5 65,8 585,3 54 19 3,50 2,10 10,5 31,5 1 952,1 162,72 0,055 6
629-AL1/79-ST1A 629/ 54+19 628,6 78,9 707,6 54 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 34,6 2 356,6 190,58 0,046 0
748-AL1/93-ST1A 748/ 54+19 748,1 93,3 841,4 54 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 37,7 2 799,3 226,03 0,038 6
859-AL1/109-ST1A 858/ 54+19 858,8 108,8 967,6 54 19 4,50 2,70 13,5 40,5 3 226,9 261,43 0,033 7
1657-AL1/209-ST1A 1657/ 150+37 1 656,7 208,7 1 865,4 150 37 3,75 2,68 18,8 56,3 6 222,4 503,01 0,017 5
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.47 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Italy - Type AL1/ST3D

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

42-AL1/7-ST3D 42/ 6+1 42,4 7,07 49,5 6 1 3,00 3,00 3,00 9,00 171,2 14,99 0,675 7
68-AL1/39-ST3D 68/ 12+7 67,7 39,5 107,2 12 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 13,4 495,8 59,29 0,426 6
128-AL1/21-ST3D 128/ 26+7 127,6 20,9 148,5 26 7 2,50 1,95 5,85 15,9 516,0 47,63 0,226 3
191-AL1/31-ST3D 191/ 26+7 191,2 31,1 222,3 26 7 3,06 2,38 7,14 19,4 771,6 69,23 0,151 0
212-AL1/49-ST3D 212/ 30+7 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 90,48 0,136 3
265-AL1/43-ST3D 265/ 26+7 264,6 43,1 307,8 26 7 3,60 2,80 8,40 22,8 1 068,0 89,76 0,109 1
349-AL1/79-ST3D 349/ 30+19 349,2 78,9 428,2 30 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 26,9 1 585,7 151,40 0,082 8
382-AL1/49-ST3D 382/ 54+7 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 119,32 0,075 8
416-AL1/93-ST3D 416/ 30+19 415,6 93,3 508,9 30 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 29,3 1 881,8 179,35 0,069 6
434-AL1/56-ST3D 434/ 54+7 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1 641,3 133,59 0,066 6
520-AL1/66-ST3D 520/ 54+19 519,5 65,8 585,3 54 19 3,50 2,10 10,5 31,5 1 952,1 165,35 0,055 6
629-AL1/79-ST3D 629/ 54+19 628,6 78,9 707,6 54 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 34,6 2 356,6 196,10 0,046 0
748-AL1/93-ST3D 748/ 54+19 748,1 93,3 841,4 54 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 37,7 2 799,3 232,55 0,038 6
859-AL1/109-ST3D 858/ 54+19 858,8 108,8 967,6 54 19 4,50 2,70 13,5 40,5 3 226,9 269,04 0,033 7
1657-AL1/209-ST3D 1657/ 150+37 1 656,7 208,7 1 865,4 150 37 3,75 2,68 18,8 56,3 6 222,4 517,62 0,017 5
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)
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Table F.48 - Characteristics of aluminium conductors steel reinforced used in Italy - Type AL1/ST4A

Code Old Areas No. of wires Wire Diameter Diameter Mass per Rated DC

Code Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Cond. unit length Strength Resistance

mm² mm² mm² Al Steel mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km

42-AL1/7-ST4A 42/ 6+1 42,4 7,07 49,5 6 1 3,00 3,00 3,00 9,00 171,2 16,22 0,675 7
68-AL1/39-ST4A 68/ 12+7 67,7 39,5 107,2 12 7 2,68 2,68 8,04 13,4 495,8 61,85 0,426 6
128-AL1/21-ST4A 128/ 26+7 127,6 20,9 148,5 26 7 2,50 1,95 5,85 15,9 516,0 48,99 0,226 3
191-AL1/31-ST4A 191/ 26+7 191,2 31,1 222,3 26 7 3,06 2,38 7,14 19,4 771,6 71,25 0,151 0
212-AL1/49-ST4A 212/ 30+7 212,1 49,5 261,5 30 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 21,0 973,1 99,14 0,136 3
265-AL1/43-ST4A 265/ 26+7 264,6 43,1 307,8 26 7 3,60 2,80 8,40 22,8 1 068,0 97,30 0,109 1
349-AL1/79-ST4A 349/ 30+19 349,2 78,9 428,2 30 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 26,9 1 585,7 156,53 0,082 8
382-AL1/49-ST4A 382/ 54+7 381,7 49,5 431,2 54 7 3,00 3,00 9,00 27,0 1 442,5 127,98 0,075 8
416-AL1/93-ST4A 416/ 30+19 415,6 93,3 508,9 30 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 29,3 1 881,8 185,42 0,069 6
434-AL1/56-ST4A 434/ 54+7 434,3 56,3 490,6 54 7 3,20 3,20 9,60 28,8 1 641,3 140,62 0,066 6
520-AL1/66-ST4A 520/ 54+19 519,5 65,8 585,3 54 19 3,50 2,10 10,5 31,5 1 952,1 169,63 0,055 6
629-AL1/79-ST4A 629/ 54+19 628,6 78,9 707,6 54 19 3,85 2,30 11,5 34,6 2 356,6 201,23 0,046 0
748-AL1/93-ST4A 748/ 54+19 748,1 93,3 841,4 54 19 4,20 2,50 12,5 37,7 2 799,3 238,62 0,038 6
859-AL1/109-ST4A 858/ 54+19 858,8 108,8 967,6 54 19 4,50 2,70 13,5 40,5 3 226,9 276,11 0,033 7
1657-AL1/209-ST4A 1657/ 150+37 1656,7 208,7 1 865,4 150 37 3,75 2,68 18,8 56,3 6 222,4 531,19 0,017 5
NOTE Direction of lay of external layer is right-hand (Z)

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