Colorimeter Compatibility Mode

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Shingala vaishali
Sandha prafulla
Tiwari Kuldeep
What is colorimeter?
Use of colorimeter.
Component & It’s function.
Function of colorimeter.
The principle of colorimeter.
Advantage & Disadvantage of single cell photometer.
Beer’s & Lambert’s Law
• The amount of light absorbed or transmitted by
coloured is in accordance with the Beer’s &
Lambert’s Law.
• Beer’s law : It states that the intensity of the colour is
directly proportional to the concentration of coloured
particle in the solution.
• Lambert’s Law :It states that the amount of the
light absorbed by a coloured solution depends on the
length of the column or the depth of the liquid
through which light passes.
• The Beer & Lambert Law combines these two laws.
Colorimeter is works on principle of photometry

A colorimeter is a device used to test the

concentration of a solution by measuring its
absorbance of a specific wavelength of light.

Color is the combination of wavelengths of varying

strength to produce a sum light frequency.
For example, the color white is the equal presence of
all wavelengths across the visible light spectrum.

The basic function of a colorimeter is to determine

what quality of color is emitted from solution.
In colorimetric determinations
A specific reagents are used which react with the specific
component and form a colored complex.

The concentration of the colored complex is directly

proportional to the concentration of the component in the

That colour density absorbed specific spectum of light and

rest of light get transmitted from speciment.

That transmitted light is detected by colorimeter detector.

According to following formula, Optical density is calculated.
O.D. = 2 – log %T
O.D. is directly proportional to concentration of substance.
Light source
Filter (Monochrometor)
Colored solution
Amplifier & Recorder

Light source
Two kinds of lamp.
1. Halogen Deuterium
• for measurement in the ultraviolet range
200 – 900 nm
2. Tungsten lamp
• for measurement in the visible 400 – 760
nm and near-infrared ranges
CUVETTE (Sample cell ):
As per lamber – beer's law,pathlength is fixed to 1 cm.
Sample cell has 1 cm diameter.
A container that contains a sample is usually called
two types are available
1. Glass
• wavelength of 340 nm or less hardly passes
through a glass cell. It absorbed in glass cell.
• Cheap
2. Quartz cells
• It allows passage of light in the entire
wavelength in the ultraviolet and visible ranges.
• Used for the measurement in the ultraviolet
• Costly


Used for selecting the monochromatic light.

Filters will absorb light of unwanted wavelength and allow
only monochromatic light to pass through.
Three Types:
1. Prism
2. Grating
3. Coloured solution
•Wide rande of spectrum of 175-2700 nm.
•The actual separation between two wavelengths depends upon
the dispersive power of prism.

•A solution has color.
•Lesser proportion of the color represented by it.
•For example ,
• A blue solution appears blue because when white light
passes through it, large proportion of blue light will be
•This devises separate the various wavelengths of radiant energy
as produced by a tungsten lamp by refraction or diffraction and
from the spectrum produced,
•Desired wavelength selected by the adjustment of an exit slit.
•Costly than others.
•these are the devices to measure the intensity of light
by converting light energy in to electric energy.
•They are made up of light sensitive material such as

•Readout device.
•A galvanometer is used to detect and measure eletrical
current produced by the photodetecter.
•It is calibrated to read directly either transmittance or
absorbance or both.

• The manual operation are limited.

• It is very easy to operate.
• For the photometric reading of unstable
colored complexes, the single cell
photometer can be very useful.

• Less sensitive.
• Limited range of filters available.
• If the light source is not stable ,there is a
possibility of errors due to a change from the
initial light intensity during a measurement.
Equation, A = 2 - log10 %T .
The relationship between absorbance and transmittance is
illustrated in the following diagram:

So, if all the light passes through a solution without any

absorption, then absorbance is zero, and percent transmittance
is 100%. If all the light is absorbed, then percent transmittance is
zero, and absorption is infinite.
Where A is absorbance (no units, since A = log10 P0 / P
e is the molar absorbtivity with units of L mol-1 cm-1

b is the path length of the sample - that is, the path

length of the cuvette in which the sample is contained.
We will express this measurement in centimetres.
c is the concentration of the compound in solution,
expressed in mol L-1
The reason why we prefer to express the law with this
equation is because absorbance is directly proportional
to the other parameters, as long as the law is obeyed.
We are not going to deal with deviations from the law.
A= ebc
tells us that absorbance depends on the
total quantity of the absorbing compound in
the light path through the cuvette. If we plot
absorbance against concentration, we get a
straight line passing through the origin (0,0).

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