The Gospel of The Kingdom

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The Gospel Of The Kingdom

Sermon Outlines Related To The Kingdom Of God

This material is from, a web site containing sermon outlines and Bible studies by Mark A. Copeland. Visit the web site to browse or download additional material for church or personal use. The outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God Be The Glory! Executable Outlines, Copyright Mark A. Copeland, 2007

Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

Table Of Contents
The Proclamation Of The Kingdom The Nature Of The Kingdom The Establishment Of The Kingdom The Blessings Of The Kingdom The Entrance Into The Kingdom The Righteousness Of The Kingdom The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Revealed 3 5 8 11 14 17 20

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Proclamation Of The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. It is quite common to hear sermons on the church of Christ... a. The establishment of the church b. The nature of the church c. The work and worship of the church -- And rightly so, because the church is important to Jesus - cf. Ep 5:25-29 2. But what about the kingdom of God...? a. Has the kingdom been established? b. What is the nature of the kingdom? c. What blessings and responsibilities are incumbent of those in the kingdom? -- Not much is often said about the kingdom of God these days [Yet as we shall see, the kingdom of God was an important topic of first century preaching, and should also be in the twenty- first century! Note the prominence of the kingdom of God in...] I. THE PREACHING OF JESUS A. HE PROCLAIMED THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM... 1. Throughout Galilee - Mk 1:14; cf. Mt 4:23; 9:35 2. Declaring that the kingdom was at hand - Mk 1:15 3. Calling upon people to repent and believe the good news - Mk 1:15 4. Doing so with a sense of urgency and purpose - Lk 4:43; 8:1 B. HE SENT HIS DISCIPLES TO PROCLAIM THE KINGDOM... 1. First, the apostles in their limited commission - Lk 9:1-2 2. Individual disciples as well - Lk 9:59-60 3. Then seventy disciples, sent out two by two - Lk 10:1,9-11 [Even after His death and resurrection, Jesus continued to teach His disciples many things about the kingdom (cf. Ac 1:3). We should not be surprised to see that they would continue to talk about the kingdom (cf. Ac 8:12). We note this especially in...] II. THE PREACHING OF PAUL A. IN THE SYNAGOGUES ON HIS JOURNEYS... 1. His custom was to go into the synagogues - cf. Ac 17:1-3 2. He sought to persuade them concerning the kingdom of God - cf. Ac 19:8 B. AMONG THE CHURCHES HE VISITED... 1. He had preached the kingdom of God to them - Ac 20:25 2. He had warned them what to expect - e.g., Ac 14:21-22 3. He would later write to them about the kingdom - e.g., 1 Th 2:12; 2 Th 1:5
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C. TO ANYONE WHO WOULD LISTEN... 1. Such as the inquiring Jews in Rome - Ac 28:23 2. To those who visited him while under house arrest - Ac 28:30-31 CONCLUSION 1. What is this kingdom that so preoccupied Jesus and Paul...? a. Is it a literal kingdom? b. Is it a kingdom yet to come? c. Is it a kingdom that ought to preoccupy our attention and predominate our teaching? -- Indeed, what is the gospel of the kingdom? 2. Since we noticed that... a. Jesus spent forty days (in addition to three years!) talking about the kingdom - Ac 1:3 b. Paul talked from morning till evening on one occasion - Ac 28:23 -- It would be impossible to give the subject justice in one sermon In future lessons we shall examine such things as the nature , establishment, blessings, and demands of the kingdom. That we might look forward to our study, remember these words of Jesus: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Mt 13:44-46) What is this kingdom of great value to those who find it, whether by accident or design...?

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Nature Of The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study we noted the proclamation of the kingdom of God... a. In the preaching of Jesus - e.g., Lk 8:1; Ac 1:3 b. In the preaching of Paul - e.g., Ac 19:8; 28:30-31 -- Certainly the gospel of the king dom should be an element of our preaching today 2. This naturally leads one to ask, What is the kingdom of God? a. Is it a literal kingdom, i.e., a physical kingdom? b. Is the kingdom present or future? c. What relationship is there between the church and the kingdom? -- The answers to such questions will help us understand the gospel of the kingdom [In this study we will seek to ascertain the nature of the kingdom, as taught by Jesus and His apostles. We note first that...] I. THE KINGDOM IS SPIRITUAL, NOT PHYSICAL A. THE TEACHING OF JESUS... 1. In His remarks to a scribe - Mk 12:28-34 a. Who questioned Him about the greatest commandment b. Who commented on the reply Jesus gave c. Prompting Jesus to say, You are not far from the kingdom of God 1) The scribes understanding put him in close proximity to the kingdom 2) Implying that the kingdom would be a spiritual entity rather than a physical one 2. In His response to the Pharisees - Lk 17:20-21 a. The kingdom does not come with observation 1) People will not be able to say See here! or See there! 2) We should not expect the kingdom to be physical like the kingdoms of men b. The kingdom of God is within you (in your midst, NASB) 1) This verse is capable of two interpretations a) The kingdom of God is in the heart 1] Or will be in the heart 2] It certainly wasnt in the heart of the Pharisees at that moment b) The kingdom of God in the person of Jesus Christ 1] The rule or reign of God will be in the person of Jesus (see below) 2] Which reign was foreshadowed by Jesus very presence and power - cf. Lk 11:20 2) Either interpretation suggests a spiritual rule rather than physical one 3. In His reply to Pontius Pilate - Jn 18:36 a. My kingdom is not of this world 1) His kingdom would not be an earthly kingdom 2) Thus His disciples would not need to propagate with the use of force b. You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born...
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1) Though not a physical kingdom, a true kingdom nonetheless 2) He came into this world to establish a kingdom B. THE TERMINOLOGY OF MATTHEW... 1. Matthew refers to it as the kingdom of heaven in his gospel 2. A quick comparison of the gospels indicate the terms kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven refer to the same thing a. Cf. Mt 4:17 with Mk 1:14-15 b. Cf. Mt 5:3 with Lk 6:20 c. Cf. Mt 13:31 with Mk 4:30-31 3. Why did Matthew use the expression kingdom of heaven? a. Perhaps in view of the Jews reluctance to use the name of God (out of reverence) b. Perhaps in view of the Jews misconception of the coming kingdom 1) Many anticipated a physical kingdom 2) The expression kingdom of heaven (literally, "kingdom of the heavens") would emphasize a spiritual kingdom [The kingdom is not a literal kingdom with geographical boundaries and earthly headquarters, but a spiritual kingdom emanating from heaven. Perhaps we can best express it this way...] II. THE KINGDOM IS THE REIGN OF GOD IN CHRIST A. THE TERM KINGDOM... 1. As used by the Jews a. It often stressed the abstract idea of rule or dominion b. Not a geographical area surrounded by physical boundaries 2. Consider its use by Jesus in Mt 6:10 a. Your kingdom come; Your will be done..." b. Note the Hebrew parallelism (saying the same thing in two different ways) c. I.e., the kingdom (or reign) of God would come as His will was done on earth 3. Consider its use by Jesus in Mt 6:33 a. But seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness b. The righteousness of the kingdom is that conduct in conformity to Gods will c. I.e., we seek the kingdom (or rule) of God to the extent we submit to His righteousness B. THE KINGDOM AS IT RELATES TO JESUS... 1. In one sense, the kingdom (or reign) of God has always existed a. God ruled in the affairs of man in ages past - cf. Psa 103:19; 145:1,13 b. A lesson learned by Nebuchadnezzar - cf. Dan 4:1-3,32,34-35 2. In a special way, God would exercise His rule in the affairs of men a. As foretold by Daniel - Dan 2:44 b. As proclaimed by Gabriel concerning Jesus - Lk 1:31-33 3. This God would do in the person of Jesus Christ a. As foretold by David - Psa 2:1-12; 110:1-3 b. Manifestations of this rule were evident even during His earthly ministry - cf. Lk 10:1, 8-11; 11:20; Mt 12:28 c. Though the full extent of this rule would begin after His ascension - cf. Mt 28:18; Ep 1:20-22; 1 Pe 3:22; Re 2:26-27; 3:21
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CONCLUSION 1. There are likely more questions concerning the kingdom, especially regarding its establishment... a. Has the kingdom been established? b. Is the kingdom present, or future? Or is it both? c. What will Christ do when He returns? d. Where does the church fit into all this? -- These questions will be addressed in our next study 2. But I trust that we have established these facts about the kingdom of God as proclaimed by Jesus and His apostles... a. The kingdom of God is spiritual, not physical b. The kingdom involves the rule of God in the hearts of men -- In particular, the kingdom is the rule of God manifested through the person of Jesus Christ 3. At this point, perhaps we would do well to ask ourselves... a. Is the kingdom of God in us? b. Are we far from the kingdom of God? Our willingness to submit to the will of God as taught by Jesus can help answer these questions.. Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. (Mt 7:21) Are we doing the Fathers will?

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Establishment Of The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. Weve seen the nature of the kingdom as revealed in the Scriptures... a. It is a spiritual kingdom, not a physical kingdom - cf. Lk 17:20-21; Jn 18:36 b. It is the reign of God as manifested in the person of Jesus Christ - cf. Mt 12:28; 28:18 2. We now consider questions related to the establishment of the kingdom... a. Has the kingdom of God been established? b. Is the kingdom of God yet to be established? c. Is the kingdom God therefore present or future? Could it be both? [Lets seek to answer such questions by first noting scriptures which speak of...] I. THE KINGDOM OF GOD FORETOLD A. PRIOR TO JESUS COMING... 1. By the prophet Daniel - Dan 2:44 a. God would establish a kingdom in the days of the fourth empire (Roman) b. A kingdom which would never be destroyed 2. By the angel Gabriel - Lk 1:31-33 a. Her son (Jesus) would be given the throne of David b. Of His kingdom there will be no end B. DURING JESUS MINISTRY... 1. At the beginning - Mk 1:14-15 a. The time was fulfilled (the time foretold by Daniel?) b. The kingdom is at hand (has come near NRSV) 2. At the height - Mt 12:28; Mk 9:1-9 a. The kingdom has come upon you b. The kingdom present with power 3. At the end - Lk 23:42,51; Mk 15:43; Ac 1:3,6 a. The thief on the cross and Joseph of Arimathaea looked for the kingdom b. After the resurrection, Jesus taught and His disciples inquired about the kingdom [During His earthly ministry, there was much anticipation about the kingdom. His miracles and transfiguration were a preview of the glory and majesty of His reign (cf. 2 Pe 1:16-18). It would be after His ascension to heaven that we read of...] II. THE KINGDOM OF GOD PRESENT A. THE KINGDOM NOW EXISTS... 1. By virtue of Jesus authority and rule a. He has been given all authority in heaven and on earth - Mt 28:18 b. He has been made both Lord and Christ - Ac 2:36
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c. All things have been placed under His feet - Ep 1:20-22 d. All authorities and powers have been made subject to Him - 1 Pe 3:22 2. The reign of God is now administered by Jesus a. He is now the ruler over the kings of the earth - Re 1:5 b. He has received power to rule the nations with a rod of iron - Re 2:26-27 c. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords - 1 Ti 6:14-15 d. He must reign until all enemies are placed under His feet - 1 Co 15:25-26 B. THE KINGDOM IS NOW PRESENT... 1. Note what is said about those in the church a. They were being called into the kingdom - 1 Th 2:12 b. They had been translated (conveyed) into the kingdom - Co 1:13 c. They were receiving the kingdom - He 12:28 d. They were companions in the kingdom - Re 1:9 2. The church is that community of souls in whose hearts Christ is recognized as sovereign a. They have confessed Christ as Lord - cf. Ro 10:9-10; 1 Pe 3:15 b. They freely submit to the Lord in the day of His power - cf. Psa 110:1-3 3. Thus the terms church and kingdom are often used interchangeably a. As when Jesus spoke to Peter - Mt 16:18 b. The comments made to Christians in the church - Co 1:13; 1 Th 2:12 c. The description of those in the seven churches of Asia - Re 1:4,6,9 [The kingdom of God (i.e., the reign of Christ) reaches beyond those in the church (cf. Psa 110), but it benefits those in the church (cf. Ep 1:22-23). Its benefits are such that we often read of...] III. THE KINGDOM OF GOD FUTURE A. JESUS SPOKE OF ITS FUTURE... 1. In the parable of the tares - Mt 13:40-43 a. The kingdom is both present and future b. At the end of the age, the righteous will shine in the kingdom of their Father 2. In describing the judgment - Mt 25:34 a. When the Son of Man comes in His glory b. Those blessed will inherit the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world B. APOSTLES WROTE OF ITS FUTURE... 1. The apostle Paul a. Exhorting Christians to be steadfast and holy - Ac 14:22; 1 Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21 b. Expounding on the hope of the resurrection - 1 Co 15:22-26,50 c. Expressing his own hope for the future - 2 Ti 4:18 2. The apostle Peter, describing how we might have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 2 Pe 1:10-11 CONCLUSION 1. When Jesus ascended to heaven... a. He sat down on the throne of David as both Lord and Christ - Ac 2:29-36; cf. Lk 1:31-33 b. He began His kingly reign that exceeds far beyond that of David - Dan 7:13-14; cf. Ac 1:9-11 1) David ruled over the nation of Israel
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2) Jesus rules over all things, including His church - Ep 1:20-22 -- While His reign (kingdom) was prefigured even during His earthly ministry, it was fully established when He ascended to heaven and sat Gods right hand 2. While His kingdom is present, it is also future... a. When He comes, it will not be to establish His kingdom, but deliver it to God - 1 Co 15:22-26 b. He will do so, having removed all things that offend and practice lawlessness- Mt 13:41 -- The kingdom of God in Christ, inaugurated with His first coming, will be culminated at His second coming! Indeed, the kingdom that began when Jesus ascended is an everlasting kingdom that will never be destroyed! When He returns, dont you want to be a part of that kingdom He delivers to the Father? Then you must be born again (cf. Jn 3:3-5; Ti 3:5; Mk 16:15-16)...

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Blessings Of The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. In our study thus far of the kingdom of God, we have observed that... a. The proclamation of the kingdom was a major theme in the teaching of Christ and His apostles b. The nature of the kingdom is spiritual, not physical, involving the reign of God in Christ c. The establishment of the kingdom was inaugurated at Jesus first coming, and will be culminated with His second coming 2. I wish to note in particular the phrase, the gospel of the kingdom... a. As recorded in Matthews gospel - Mt 4:23; 9:35; 24:14 b. As recorded in Marks gospel - Mk 1:14-15 -- The word gospel means good news, or glad tidings - cf. Lk 8:1 3. What was the good news or glad tidings regarding the kingdom...? a. Certainly that it was at hand - Mk 1:15 b. But what made its impending arrival such good news? [The answer can be found in the blessings of the kingdom, to be enjoyed by those who freely submit to the rule and reign of God in Christ Jesus. What sort of blessings? There are...] I. BLESSINGS IN THE PRESENT A. GODS FORGIVENESS... 1. Those in the kingdom enjoy redemption through the blood of Jesus - Co 1:13-14 2. Indeed, the ruler over the kings of the earth has washed us in His own blood - Re 1:5 B. GODS CARE... 1. No need for anxiety over the necessities of life - cf. Mt 6:25-34 2. Provided we make Gods kingdom and His righteousness first priority - Mt 6:33 3. Submit to Gods rule, and benefit from Gods care! - cf. Psa 34:9-10; 84:11 C. GODS FAMILY... 1. We receive manifold more family - cf. Lk 18:29-30 2. A hundred fold mothers, brothers, sisters, children - cf. Mk 10:29-30 3. Realized as members of Christs body, the church, Gods family - cf. 1 Ti 3:15; 5:1-2 D. GODS SPIRIT... 1. Promised to those who believe and obey - cf. Jn 7:37-39; Ac 2:38-39; 5:32 2. A source of righteousness, joy and peace in the kingdom - cf. Ro 14:17; 15:13 3. Serving as Gods instrumental agent to strengthen us, that we might produce the fruit of a truly blessed life - cf. Ep 3:16; Ga 5:22-23; Ro 8:12-13 [In the kingdom of God present, these are just a few of the blessings available to those who submit to
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the reign of God in the person of Jesus Christ. But just as there is a future aspect to the kingdom of God, so there are...] II. BLESSINGS IN THE FUTURE A. GODS ETERNAL KINGDOM... 1. Promised to those who do the Fathers will - Mt 7:21-23 a. Not just those who profess the Lord b. Not even those who do much for the Lord, yet without authority 2. Provided for those who abound in the knowledge of Jesus Christ - 2 Pe 1:8-11 a. Not barren nor unfruitful b. Not slothful nor forgetful B. GODS ETERNAL CITY... 1. Prepared for those who seek it - He 11:11,13-16; 13:14 a. Like Abraham and other Old Testament faithfuls b. Like Paul and other New Testament saints 2. Presented as a bride adorned for her husband - Re 21:1-3,9-21 a. A holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven b. A glorious walled city, with gates of pearl and streets of gold C. GODS ETERNAL PRESENCE... 1. With no need for a temple, or sun and moon for a light - Re 21:22-23 a. The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple b. The glory of God illuminates, and the Lamb is its light 2. With no more curse and no more night - Re 22:3-5 a. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be there b. The Lord God gives them light 3. His servants will serve and reign forever and ever - Re 22:3-5 a. They shall see His face b. His name shall be on their foreheads D. GODS ETERNAL CARE... 1. Preventing any reason for sorrow - Re 21:4 a. With God wiping away every tear b. With former things having passed away 2. Providing our every need - Re 22:1-2 a. With the river of the water of life, proceeding from the throne b. With the tree of life, bearing fruit every month with healing for the nations CONCLUSION 1. We have surveyed just a few of the blessings in the kingdom of God... a. Blessings in the present 1) Gods forgiveness 2) Gods care 3) Gods family 4) Gods Spirit b. Blessings in the future
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1) Gods eternal kingdom 2) Gods eternal city 3) Gods eternal presence 4) Gods eternal care -- Truly the news about the kingdom is good news (gospel)! 2. To benefit from these blessings both present and future... a. We must be in the kingdom present b. We must make our calling and election sure to be in the kingdom future -- What is involved we will note in future studies on the kingdom But the main thing is that we submit to the rule and reign of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Remember what Jesus said: Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. (Mt 7:21) He said on another occasion: But why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say? (Lk 6:46) Are we willing to let Jesus be the Lord and King of our lives? Then obey Him! (cf. He 5:9)

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Entrance Into The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study we surveyed just a few of the blessings of the kingdom... a. Blessings in the present 1) Gods forgiveness 2) Gods care 3) Gods family 4) Gods Spirit b. Blessings in the future 1) Gods eternal kingdom 2) Gods eternal city 3) Gods eternal presence 4) Gods eternal care -- Truly the news about the kingdom is good news (gospel)! - e.g., Mk 1:14-15 2. Do you desire to enjoy the blessings of the kingdom, both present and future...? a. You must be in the kingdom present b. You must make your calling and election sure to be in the kingdom future [How does one enter the kingdom? Bearing in mind that the kingdom involves the rule and reign of God in the person of Jesus Christ, we should not be surprised that it...] I. REQUIRES OBEDIENCE A. OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF GOD... 1. We must do the Fathers will to enter the kingdom of heaven - Mt 7:21 2. It is not sufficient to be religious, even in the name of Jesus - Mt 7:21-23 3. As illustrated in the parable of the two sons - Mt 21:28-32 -- To enter the heavenly kingdom in the future, we must have done the Fathers will B. OBEDIENCE TO THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST... 1. The Bible often speaks of obeying the gospel - Ro 10:16; 2 Th 1:8; 1 Pe 4:17 2. Such obedience is not meritorious, but still necessary - cf. Lk 17:10 -- Thus obedience is not incongruous to the gospel of the grace of God, for it involves the obedience of faith - Ro 1:5; 16:25-26 [What is the will of the Father that we must obey? What obedience does the gospel of Christ require? From the very beginning of the proclamation of the kingdom, we note that it...] II. REQUIRES REPENTANCE A. REPENTANCE FROM SIN... 1. Note the preaching of John and Jesus - Mt 3:1-2; 4:17; Mk 1:15 2. Paul makes it clear what will keep one out of the kingdom - 1 Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21
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-- One must therefore make that decision of the mind to turn from sin and turn to God B. REPENTANCE INVOLVING SACRIFICE... 1. It requires commitment - Lk 9:62 2. It requires endurance through trials - Ac 14:22 3. It may require great personal sacrifice - Mk 9:47 a. Such as leaving family, even ones wife - Lk 18:28-30; cf. Mt 19:12 b. Such as leaving wealth - Mt 19:23-24 -- Whatever would keep us from turning to God must be left behind [When one turns from sin and turns to God, they find that Gods will for them...] III. REQUIRES SANCTIFICATION A. SANCTIFICATION WITH A HIGHER STANDARD... 1. Sanctification means to be holy, set apart 2. As God is holy, so we must be holy - cf. 1 Pe 1:14-16 3. Our righteousness is to surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees - Mt 5:20 -- This higher standard we shall examine more closely in our next lesson B. SANCTIFICATION WITH A NOBLER CHARACTER... 1. For we have been called to be partakers of the divine nature - 2 Pe 1:4 2. Thus we are to add to our faith various Christ- like qualities - 2 Pe 1:5-9 -- This will ensure an abundant entrance in the everlasting kingdom! - 2 Pe 1:10-11 [But who is able to live such ho ly lives? No one without Gods help! Thus we find Jesus teaching that to enter the kingdom...] IV. REQUIRES A NEW BIRTH A. A BIRTH INVOLVING CONVERSION... 1. We must be converted - Mt 18:3; cf. Ac 3:19 2. In which we become like little children - Mt 18:3-4 -- A conversion to a childlike humility is what takes to submit to the will of God and make the changes He desires B. A BIRTH INVOLVING WATER AND THE SPIRIT... 1. As Jesus told Nicodemus - Jn 3:3,5,7 2. In which one is born of both water and the Spirit - Jn 3:5 a. Which takes place in baptism, by the grace and mercy of God - Jn 3:5 b. Which occurs as we rise with Christ in baptism, by the working of God - Co 2:11-13 -- Thus we find the call to baptism to be the proper response to the gospel - cf. Ac 2: 36-41; 8:12,35-38 CONCLUSION 1. How does one enter the kingdom of God? 2. To enter the kingdom present one must be born again...
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a. Involving faith, repentance and immersion in water on mans part b. Involving grace, mercy, and the renewal by the Spirit on Gods part -- Such are conveyed into the kingdom of Gods dear Son - cf. Co 1:12-14 3. To enter the kingdom future one must make their calling and election sure... a. With a righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees b. With diligence in growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ -- Such will receive an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ - cf. 2 Pe 1:10-11 Our next study will review the righteousness of the kingdom expected of those who submit like children to Gods will. But before you can be a child of God, you must first be born again. Have you obeyed the gospel of Christ, which is also the gospel of the kingdom...? - cf. Ac 8:12

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Righteousness Of The Kingdom
INTRODUCTION 1. To enter the kingdom of God one must be born again... a. Involving faith, repentance and immersion in water on mans part - Jn 3:3-7; Mk 16:16 b. Involving grace, mercy, and the renewal by the Spirit on Gods part - Ti 3:5-7 -- Such are conveyed into the present kingdom of Gods dear Son - cf. Co 1:12-14 2. To enter the kingdom of God one must make their calling and election sure... a. With a righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees - Mt 5:20 b. With diligence in growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ - 2 Pe 1:5-9 -- Such will receive an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ - cf. 2 Pe 1:10-11 2. In this lesson, we focus our attention on the righteousness of the kingdom... a. That surpasses the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees - Mt 5:20 b. That produces holiness without which no one will see the Lord - He 12:14 -- Though required, still makes us dependent upon Gods mercy - cf. Lk 17:10; Ti 3:5 [In His sermon on the mount, Jesus had much to say about the righteousness of the kingdom. Beginning with The Beatitudes (Mt 5:3-12), we learn of the...] I. NECESSARY ATTITUDES (Mt 5:3-12) A. THESE ATTITUDES INCLUDE... 1. Poverty of spirit (i.e., humility) - Mt 5:3 2. Mourning (e.g., over sin) - Mt 5:4 3. Meekness toward God and others - Mt 5:5 4. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness - Mt 5:6 5. Merciful toward others - Mt 5:7 6. Purity of heart (i.e., desire for ho liness) - Mt 5:8 7. Makers of peace - Mt 5:9 8. Willingness to endure persecution for the kingdom and for Jesus - Mt 5:10-12 B. THESE ATTITUDES CAN LEAD TO... 1. The kingdom of heaven - Mt 5:3,12 2. Comfort (e.g., from the burden of sin) - Mt 5:4 3. Inheriting the earth (i.e., living a blessed life) - Mt 5:5; cf. Psa 37 4. Being filled with righteousness - Mt 5:6 5. Obtaining mercy - Mt 5:7 6. Seeing God - Mt 5:8 7. Being called children of God - Mt 5:9 8. A great reward in heaven, i.e., the kingdom of heaven! - Mt 5:10-12

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[With these necessary attitudes, we are more like to display the conduct necessary for the kingdom. Which Jesus describes as He continues His sermon on the mount...] II. NECESSARY CONDUCT (Mt 5:13-6:18) A. LETTING YOUR LIGHT SHINE... 1. You are the salt of the earth - Mt 5:13 2. You are the light of the world - Mt 5:14-15 3. Let your light shine, that men might glorify your Father - Mt 5:16 B. WITH A HIGHER STANDARD OF CONDUCT... 1. Avoiding not just murder, but anger - Mt 5:21-26 2. Avoiding not just adultery, but impure thoughts as well - Mt 5:27-30 3. Avoiding divorce because of what it does - Mt 5:31-32 4. Avoiding flippant oaths by speaking truthfully - Mt 5:33-37 5. Responding to evil wit h good - Mt 5:38-42 6. Loving your enemy and those who mistreat you - Mt 5:43-48 7. Doing charitable deeds to be seen of God, not men - Mt 6:1-4 8. Praying to be seen of God, not men - Mt 6:5-15 9. Fasting to be seen of God, not men - Mt 6:16-18 [This higher standard of righteousness can appear daunting. Yet it helps to have the right priorities which Jesus also discusses...] III. NECESSARY PRIORITIES (Mt 6:19-34) A. REGARDING WHAT IS YOUR TREASURE... 1. Let your priority be laying up treasure in heaven - Mt 6:19-20 2. For where your treasure is, there your heart (emotions, devotions) will be - Mt 6:21 3. If you have an evil eye (i.e., covetous, Pro 23:6), you walk in darkness - Mt 6:22-23 4. You cannot serve both God and mammon (earthly treasure) - Mt 6:24 B. REGARDING WHAT COMES FIRST... 1. Dont worry about life, food, clothing, for God will provide - Mt 6:25-32 2. Gods kingdom and righteousness (i.e., His will) must take priority - Mt 6:33-34 CONCLUSION 1. We could continue on into the next chapter, where Jesus... a. Details additional aspects of the righteousness of the kingdom - Mt 7:1-12 b. Exhorts us to be diligent and use caution - Mt 7:13-20 2. But lets conclude by noting carefully what Jesus says... a. About doing the will of His Father in heaven - Mt 7:21-23 1) It is not sufficient to be religious, or even active in doing things for Jesus 2) What is crucial is that we do the Fathers will as revealed by Jesus b. About being doers of His word, and not hearers only - Mt 7:24-27 1) It is not sufficient to be good listeners (e.g., good churchgoers) 2) We must be doers of the Word as well!
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Mark A. Copeland

3. In view of such warnings, we should seek to be diligent in developing... a. The necessary attitudes (that will make us receptive to the Fathers will) b. The necessary conduct (that is harmony with the Fathers will) c. The necessary priorities (that will make the Fathers will number one) 4. The necessary conduct (i.e., righteousness of the kingdom) may seem daunting and beyond our ability... a. But if we have the necessary attitudes b. And are willing to set the necessary priorities -- God will help us with the necessary conduct! - cf. Ep 3:16,20; Ph 4:13 Can it be said that our righteousness surpasses the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees...?

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


Mark A. Copeland

The Gospel Of The Kingdom

The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Revealed
INTRODUCTION 1. In this study of The Gospel Of The Kingdom, we have examined... a. The proclamation of the kingdom b. The nature of the kingdom c. The establishment of the kingdom d. The blessings of the kingdom e. The entrance into the kingdom f. The righteousness of the kingdom 2. Concluding this series, it may be helpful to survey what Jesus taught about the kingdom by way of His many parables... a. Jesus used parables because of the hardness of peoples hearts - Mt 13:10-15 b. When properly understood, the parables reveal the mystery of the kingdom of God - cf. Mt 13:34-35; Mk 4:11,33-34 [The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Revealed by the parables can be divided into three general categories, the first concerning...] I. THE KINGDOM ITSELF A. THE GROWTH OF THE KINGDOM... 1. Starts small, but spreads throughout the earth - Mt 13:31-32 (The Mustard Seed) 2. Influence may not be apparent, but grows throughout the earth - Mt 13:33 (The Leaven) 3. Beyond our ability to comprehend, but directly related to the Word - Mk 4:26-29 (The Growing Seed) 4. Will spread despite Satans efforts - Mt 13: 24-30,36-43 (The Wheat And The Tares) B. THE VALUE OF THE KINGDOM... 1. Worth everything to those who stumble across it - Mt 13:44 (The Hidden Treasure) 2. Priceless to those searching for it - Mt 13:45-46 (The Pearl Of Great Price) C. THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE KINGDOM... 1. Will draw in many, but the wicked will be separated from the just a. Mt 13:24-30,36-43 (The Wheat And The Tares) b. Mt 13:47-50 (The Dragnet) 2. Taken from those who should have received it, given to those who will appreciate it a. Mt 21:33-46 (The Wicked Vine Dressers) b. Mt 22:1-14 (The Wedding Feast) c. Lk 13:6-9 (The Barren Fig Tree) d. Lk 14:15-24 (The Great Supper) [More is revealed about the beneficiaries of the kingdom, in parables that relate directly to...]

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


Mark A. Copeland

II. THE DISCIPLES OF THE KINGDOM A. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE DISCIPLES... 1. Those with ears to hear, having good and noble hearts, bear fruit intended by the word of the kingdom - Mt 13:3-9,18-23 (The Sower) 2. They do the will of the Father - Mt 21:28-32 (The Two Sons) 3. They prepare themselves for the Lords return - Mt 25:1-13 (The Wise And Foolish Virgins) 4. They are productive while they await their Lords return a. Mt 25:14-30 (The Talents) b. Lk 19:11-27 (The Minas) 5. They love their neighbor, helping those in need - Lk 10:25-37 (The Good Samaritan) 6. They are persistent in their prayers a. Lk 11:1-13 (The Friend At Midnight) b. Lk 18:1-8 (The Persistent Widow) 7. They make proper use of material things - Lk 16:1-15 (The Unjust Steward) B. THE ATTITUDES OF THE DISCIPLES... 1. They are merciful, as God is merciful - Mt 18:21-35 (The Unforgiving Servant) 2. They are free from a mercenary spirit in their service - Mt 20:1-16 (The Laborers In The Vineyard) 3. Their gratitude for salvation is related to the understanding of being forgiven - Lk 7:41-43 (The Two Debtors) 4. They are aware that life does not consist in the abundance of possessions - Lk 12:13-21 (The Rich Fool) 5. They know now is the time to make things right with God - Lk 16:19-31 (The Rich Man And Lazarus) 6. They possess the spirit of humility a. In their relations with others - Lk 14:7-11 (Taking The Lowest Place) b. In their prayers to God - Lk 18:9-14 (The Pharisee and The Tax Collector) 8. They know they are not worthy of the grace received, they have simply done that which was their duty to do - Lk 17:7-10 (The Unprofitable Servants) [The parables also tell us about...] III. THE KING OF THE KINGDOM A. HIS GREAT LOVE... 1. His love for the lost, and how heaven rejoices when they are saved a. Lk 15:1-7 (The Lost Sheep) b. Lk 15:8-10 (The Lost Coin) 2. The quickness of His heavenly Father to receive those who return with a penitent heart - Lk 15:11-32 (The Prodigal Son) B. HIS COMING JUDGMENT... 1. To gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness - Mt 13:24-30,36-43 (The Wheat And The Tares) 2. To separate the wicked from the just - Mt 13:47-50 (The Dragnet) 3. To take an accounting of His servants
The Gospel Of The Kingdom 21

Mark A. Copeland

a. Mt 25:14-30 (The Talents) b. Lk 19:11-27 (The Minas) CONCLUSION 1. The parables of Jesus tell us much about the kingdom of God... a. What many prophets and righteous men desired to hear, but did not hear - Mt 13:16-17 b. Those instructed in the ways of the kingdom have treasure both old and new - Mt 13:51-52 2. We are truly privileged to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven... a. For the gospel of the kingdom has been proclaimed to us b. We can understand the nature of the kingdom, its establishment, and its blessings 3. What shall we do with what we have learned...? a. Hopefully, we shall desire to enter the kingdom, both now and in the future b. As citizens of the kingdom now, we shall seek to manifest its righteousness in our lives I pray that these lessons will encourage us to do so, that in the words of Peter... entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Pe 1:11)

The Gospel Of The Kingdom


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