Navarro Et Al 2020

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Received: 9 October 2020 Revised: 7 December 2020 Accepted: 10 December 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pc.25924


Coaxial electrospinning process toward optimal

nanoparticle dispersion in polymeric matrix

Francisco Sebastian Navarro Oliva1 | Léo Picart1 |

Christopher Y. Leon-Valdivieso1 | Ahmed Benalla1 | Luc Lenglet2 |
Alejandro Ospina1 | Jacques Jestin3 | Fahmi Bedoui1

Roberval Laboratory, FRE UTC-CNRS
2012, Sorbonne Universités, Université de
Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne, Nanoreinforced polymers have gained popularity in the last decades since
they exhibit enhanced properties (compared to pristine polymers) that are
useful in a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, dispersion of
DPT, Institut Laue-Langevin, 71 avenue
nanoparticles (NPs) into polymeric matrices is a major problem since they
des Martyrs, Grenoble, France tend to form agglomerates, limiting the improvement of properties and
further applications. In this work, we propose the use of coaxial
Fahmi Bedoui, Roberval Laboratory, FRE electrospinning as one-step method to disperse NPs in a polymeric matrix.
UTC-CNRS 2012, Sorbonne Universités, Particularly, iron oxide (Fe3O4) NP with a monomodal and bimodal size dis-
Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
tributions were dispersed in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), a material that
Compiègne, France.
Email: [email protected] is well known for its improved piezoelectric properties when it is processed
via electrospinning. The results indicate that the incorporation of NP modi-
fied the polymeric fiber depending on their surface-to-volume ratio (smaller
NP promoted smaller fiber size). Moreover, transmission electron micros-
copy revealed a good NP dispersion in the polymer, especially for the
smallest NP size (monomodal). Finally, each NP size distributions were
well preserved in the electrospun mats compared to the initial NP solutions,
demonstrating the suitability of this technique for the fabrication of
nanoreinforced PVDF structures with tailored NP size. Overall, this method
could represent a facile and practical alternative to fabricate materials with
piezoelectric/super-paramagnetic properties.

coaxial electrospinning, nanofibers, nanoparticle dispersion

1 | INTRODUCTION kinds of metallic or ceramic materials for different applica-

tions.[5] Improvements of these properties can be achieved
The use of nanoparticle (NP) reinforced polymers has with NP volume fractions as low as 3%–10% (wt/wt).[6–8]
received the attention of materials scientists in the last However, one of their major drawbacks is the lack of com-
decades, since they provide with a facile/versatile alterna- patibility between the inorganic NPs and the polymeric
tive to enhance the thermal, mechanical,[1] magnetic,[2] matrix, leading to poor dispersion and formation of aggre-
electrical,[3] and energy storage[4] properties of unmodified gates, limiting their applicability and even displaying nega-
polymers, having also the potential to substitute different tive effects on their performance.[9]

Polymer Composites. 2021;42:1565–1573. © 2021 Society of Plastics Engineers 1565


Diverse methods have been explored to increase the fibers. Our main goal is to reach a good qualitative NP
dispersion of NP into polymeric matrices: shear mixing dispersion within the fibrillar network for each NP size
and sonication, sol-gel process and chemical modification distribution. Here, PVDF was chosen since it is well
of either components.[10] Although these strategies known that electrospinning promotes the appearance
generally render good NP dispersion in the composites, of its β-phase, one of its five crystal polymorphs which
they also present some specific drawbacks: dispersion presents a highly polar organization,[26] making it a
promoted by physical forces (shear mixing-sonication) potential candidate for the development of materials
could be reversed because of the hydrophilic nature of with ferroelectric/piezoelectric properties. Further,
NP's cover and therefore dispersing agents are neces- PVDF is a highly tunable material when used in
sary[11,12]; composites developed through sol-gel tech- nanocomposites; improvements on its mechanical,
nique in some cases present weak bonding and hard thermal, electrical, and electromagnetic properties
porosity control, in addition to time-consuming aging/ have been already reported.[8,27,28] Additionally, we
drying processes[13]; finally, NP surface modification aim the incorporation of Fe3O4 NP into the PVDF net-
(polymer-grafting onto the hydroxyl groups included) work since they can provide with super-paramagnetic
is perhaps the most common method to prepare properties to the final electrospun composite, making
homogenous NP/polymer composites although it nor- it relevant for energy harvesting or biomedical
mally comprises two or more synthetic steps.[9] For applications.
instance, in a recent approach, Ding et al. prepared
polymer nanocomposites using anionic and cationic
ligands as NP dispersant, emulsifier, and comonomer 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
(i.e., the ligands copolymerized with the polymer
matrix).[14] Despite the qualitatively-enhanced NP dis- 2.1 | Coaxial electrospinning of polymer
persion, increased tensile strength (77% higher com- and NPs
pared to nonmodified polymer) and improved thermal
stability (24 C higher than control), this method impli- The representation of the coaxial electrospinning set-
cated multiple (preparative) steps, which turns it rather up used in this study is shown in Figure 1. In brief,
unpractical. 1.876 g of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF, ref:
The preparation of polymeric composites via FV306300, Goodfellow, Ltd, Cambridge, UK) were
electrospinning has gained attention lately,[15–18] not only dissolved in 10 ml of a dimethylformamide (DMF)-
because NP reinforce the fibrillar structure of electrospun acetone mix (40/60 vol/vol) and stirred (400 rpm) at
mats, but also the fiber networks could protect NP from 70  C during 1 h. The PVDF solution (18% wt/wt) was
environmental processes such as corrosion and oxida- then left to cool down for another 15 min before load-
tion.[19] However, this process still relies on the mixing of ing it into the shell syringe. The core syringe was
the components (polymer + NP) in the syringe prior to loaded with a 5 mg/ml solution of iron oxide (Fe 3 O 4 )
the electrospinning of the solution; this condition can NPs with oleic acid as a surface ligand in toluene
result in the formation of aggregates (depending on the (CytoDiagnostics, Inc., Burlinton, Canada), which
flow rate) that will not only be incorporated onto the was used without further purification. Four NP sizes
fibers but could also provoke nozzle clogging and affect were used in this study: 5 nm (batch n :
the fabrication process. O0124817E3127), 10 nm (batch n  : O0228119F31380),
Coaxial electrospinning has emerged as a straightfor- 20 nm (batch n  : O0328119F31381) and a mix of
ward alternative to conventional electrospinning for pro- 10 and 20 nm (batch n  : O317217F29229), which are
ducing well-dispersed nanoreinforced polymers by here referred as NP5, NP10, NP20, and NP10-20, cor-
injecting the components in a core-shell fashion.[20–23] respondingly. Both core and shell syringes were
Moreover, this technique has been useful in the produc- loaded onto separate automatic KDS-100 pumps
tion of NP/polymer mats with improved properties such (Kd Scientific) whose flow rates were set at 0.005 and
as thermal stability, photodegradation performance and 0.020 ml/min, respectively, and their content injected
superparamagnetic properties.[2,24,25] through silicone tubings into a coaxial needle system
In this work, we employed coaxial electrospinning (Spraybase, Maynooth, Ireland). A distance of 18 cm
as a one-step alternative to fabricate nanoreinforced was kept between the coaxial needle and a flat collec-
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) featuring the disper- tor while a voltage of 17.5 kV was imposed between
sion of iron oxide (Fe3O4) NP with different size distri- them throughout the whole process. The total
butions (monomodal or bimodal) within the polymeric electrospinning time per sample was 20 min.

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of the electrospinning process [Color figure can be viewed at]

T A B L E 1 Parameters used for the fabrication of Fe3O4

NP/PVDF composites via coaxial electrospinning 2.2 | Scanning electron microscopy
Parameters Samples were cut in squares (approximately 5 × 5 mm2) out
CNP 0.005 g/ml of the electrospun film, mounted on carbon discs, metal-
CPVDF 0.170 g/ml coated with gold (5 nm) and observed using a Quanta FEG
QNP 0.005 ml/min 250 from FEI Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
QPVDF 0.020 ml/min
(SEM). The fiber size distribution was manually measured
using the software Ellix (by Microvision) and ImageJ
ρNP 5.17 g/ml
(by National Institutes of Health) on the acquired SEM
ρPVDF 1.78 g/ml
images, considering at least 120 measures per sample (n = 3).
fm/fv (th) 0.73%/0.25%

Abbreviations: NP, nanoparticle; PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride.

2.3 | Transmission electron microscopy
In this study, a theoretical volume ratio of NP in the
composite (fv) = 0.25% was chosen. The NP and PVDF The size distribution of Fe3O4 NP was determined with a
solution flow rates (ml/min; QNP and QPVDF) were set 2100F (JEOL, Ltd) Transmission Electron Microscope
according to the following equation: (TEM) by applying an acceleration voltage of 200 kV.
Carbon-coated mesh grids were used to collect the samples
C NP × QNP to be analyzed: for the pure Fe3O4 NP, a single drop of the
fv =
C NP × QNP + ρρNP × CPVDF × QPVDF NP solution was placed on the grid, leaving the solvent to
evaporate at room temperature; for the NP-containing
PVDF matrices, the grid was placed on the electrospinning
where CNP and CPVDF are the concentrations (g/ml) of collector to allow fibers deposition during 15 s. The NP
NP and PVDF in solution, respectively, and ρNP and diameter distribution was manually quantified from the
ρPVDF their corresponding densities (g/ml). The final acquired TEM images using the software Ellix (v. 10.4.3)
parameters are given in Table 1. and ImageJ on at least 300 measures per sample (n = 3).

F I G U R E 2 Transmission electron
microscopy images of nanoparticle
(NP) solutions and size distribution
for NP5 (A), NP10 (B), NP20 (C), and
NP10-20 (D)

3 | R ESULTS A NS DISCUSSION of each type of NP was investigated. Figure 2 shows that

NP5, NP10, NP20, and NP10-20 suspensions exhibit a
The main goal in this study is to achieve a homogeneous good dispersion without the presence of aggregates or
NP distribution in the PVDF matrix. First, the initial state clusters (surfactant-driven behavior). NP5, NP10, and

F I G U R E 3 Scanning electron microscopy images of electrospun polymeric matrices (polyvinylidene fluoride [PVDF], PVDF + NP5,
PVDF + NP10, PVDF + NP20, and PVDF + NP10-20) and their corresponding fiber size distribution. Insets: zoom-in to the fibers in the
composite images. Scale bar = 1 μm

TABLE 2 NP size and the resulting polymeric matrix fiber size

NP size (nm) size (nm)
Pure PVDF — 250.5 ± 66.7
PVDF + NP5 5.95 ± 0.98 153.6 ± 36.6
PVDF + NP10 9.28 ± 1.15 189.4 ± 42.1
PVDF + NP20 17.30 ± 2.25 215.1 ± 42.7
PVDF + NP10- 16.56 ± 1.41, 10.57 ± 1.61 214.1 ± 42.4

Abbreviations: NP, nanoparticle; PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride.

Coaxial electrospinning was used to fabricate the

Fe3O4/PVDF composites by fine-tuning the process
F I G U R E 4 Fiber size distribution of electrospun polymeric parameters (see 2.1 for final parameters used) until the
matrices (polyvinylidene fluoride [PVDF], PVDF + NP5, PVDF electrospun film presented a “consistent appearance”
+ NP10, PVDF + NP20, and PVDF + NP10-20) [Color figure can (i.e., color uniformity would imply a good mac-
be viewed at] rodispersion of NP across the entire mat). The flow rates
(QNP and QPVDF) were cautiously controlled throughout
NP20 displayed a monomodal distribution, whereas the whole process to ensure the reproducibility of the
NP10-20 was bimodal, being relevant since it could pro- chosen theoretical NP/PVDF volume ratio, by cleaning
vide with a model to fabricate bimodal-sized NP compos- the coaxial system and syringes thoroughly after the con-
ites. Reinforced matrices with bimodal particle tinuous production of two mats to avoid nozzle clogging
distribution have been reported to improve mechanical (caused either by the polymer or NP) and consequent
properties such as bending and compressive changes in flow rates.
strengths[29,30] when compared to the monomodal distri- The nanostructure of the resulting matrix was analyzed
bution version. via SEM (Figure 3). Micrographs show that the

F I G U R E 5 Schematic representation of coaxial electrospinning comparing two different size distributions. The main difference is based
on the nanoparticle (NP) surface-to-volume ratio: for a given fraction volume the total amount of NP is different because of their size
distribution, exhibiting a higher negatively-charged surface area for NP5 (1), increasing the electrostatic attraction and thus stretching the
fibers to a higher extent compared to NP20 (2). This stretching effect results in reduced fiber diameter in polyvinylidene fluoride [PVDF]
+ NP5 matrices compared to PVDF + NP20 [Color figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 6 Transmission
electron microscopy images of pure
only polyvinylidene fluoride
+ NP10, PVDF + NP20, and PVDF
+ NP10-20 matrices. Insets: zoom-in
to individual fibers. White arrows
indicate the location of NP on the
edges of the fibers

F I G U R E 7 Size distribution of nanoparticle (NP) in their solvent and in the composite for NP5 (A), NP10 (B), NP20 (C), and NP10-20
(D) [Color figure can be viewed at]

incorporation of either iron oxide NPs into the polymeric cellulose-nanocrystals in the composite fibers, which con-
network caused a qualitative change in the roughness com- firms the role of conductivity and viscosity of the spin-
pared to only-PVDF matrices (more grooved surfaces can ning solutions not only in the final diameter of the fibers,
be observed). Moreover, there is an apparent decrease in but also in their smoothness (or roughness) and general
the fiber size distribution of the composites compared to structure.[2] Importantly, none of our samples presented
the pristine matrices (only-PVDF = 250.5 ± 66.7 nm; the formation of visible bead structures in the fibers,
PVDF+NP5 = 153.6 ± 36.6 nm; PVDF+NP10 = which indicates that our coaxial electrospinning parame-
189.4 ± 42.1 nm; PVDF+NP20 = 215.1 ± 42.7 nm; PVDF ters are adequate.
+NP10-20 = 214.1 ± 42.4), which can be ascribed to an Samples were observed on the TEM to corroborate
increased polarization (due to the presence of negatively the presence of NP in the PVDF matrix (Figure 6): the
charged NP) in the electrospinning jet, stretching the inclusion of each NP distribution can be observed as well
fibers to a longer extent and reducing, thus, their diam- as a good dispersion within the fiber, with negligible for-
eter[31] (graph in Figure 3, Figure 4, Table 2). This mation of agglomerates in both types of composites.
effect is more pronounced in the samples where NP5 Interestingly, some of the reinforced fibers showed the
(smallest NP) are present, which we assumed it is presence of NP located on their edges rather than the
unequivocally related to the increased surface-to- core (especially in the PVDF + NP10-20 composites).
volume ratio provoking a fiber size reduction This phenomenon, along with other factors such as
(Figure 5). (inner) flow and jet bending instabilities[32,33] could
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that (core-shell structured) nanoreinforced composites seen by SEM.
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to their only-polymer versions. Moreover, this size decre- eter distribution was well preserved in the final material
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