2 Uptake of Crystal Violet From Water
2 Uptake of Crystal Violet From Water
2 Uptake of Crystal Violet From Water
doi: 10.5004/dwt.2020.24864
Removal of crystal violet dye (CV) from polluted water was studied by adsorption techniques.
Adsorbents were prepared from waste residue available from syrup date industrial residue (SDIR).
The SDIR from Khalas dates residue (KR) were modified by chemical treatment with formaldehyde
to give KF, and with calcium chloride to give KC adsorbents. The characteristic of adsorbents was
determined by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy and
thermogravimetric analysis. The optimum conditions were determined in batch experiments for the
best uptake of crystal violet CV by adsorbents. The results showed that the adsorption data was well
described by both Langmuir and Freundlich more than Temkin and followed the pseudo-second-
order equation. Langmuir maximum capacity q (mg g–1) for KF was found 144.49 mg g–1, while it
was 108.25 and 89.31 mg g–1 for KC and KR respectively. Thermodynamic and activated thermody-
namic parameters were determined for the uptake of crystal violet and this study shows that the
adsorption process is exothermic and spontaneous. The column breakthrough curve capacity was
determined for the uptake of crystal violet by modified SDIR. It was found that Thomas and Yoon-
Nelson column kinetics models describe best the experimental kinetic data, and the obtained capacity
was 136.58 mg g–1 for KF and 89.11 mg g–1 for KC. The results prove that the SDIR (raw and treated)
could be used as an effective and economical adsorbent for dye removal from wastewater.
Keywords: Adsorption; Crystal violet; Syrup date manufacture residue; Equilibrium; Kinetics;
* Corresponding author.
germination, causes a decrease in root and shoot length of 0.2 M sodium carbonate Na2CO3 solution, and finally with
plant species and retards the activity of microbes contribut- distilled water. The pre-treated materials were then dried at
ing to soil fertility [8]. 60°C for 24 h to give the adsorbent KF (KR modified with
Thus, its remediation becomes the interest of many formaldehyde) [17].
researchers. Adsorption is superior to other separation
techniques because it is efficient, economically feasible and 2.2. Batch mode adsorption study procedure
capable to separate a range of pollutants. Moreover, adsor-
bent materials from agricultural and food industry are abun- The isotherms experiments were performed by using
dant and have a very low cost. Also, chemical modification 250 mL conical flasks containing 0.1 g adsorbent KR or its
of biomass can give extra stability, durability and reuse for modified forms KF and KC and 100 ml crystal violet solution
multiple cycles. It also give extra functional groups that (pH = 5.5) in different initial concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200,
increase the uptake capacity. Several biomass adsorbents 250, 300, 400, and 500 ppm) under the controlled tempera-
were studied for CV adsorption. Examples are an aquatic ture in a shaker incubator with constant speed of 160 rpm
plant “Water hyacinth” [3], citric acid modified rice straw for 4 h. In a batch system, the effect of several parameters
[9], NaOH-modified rice husk [10], sugarcane bagasse [11], was studied such as temperature, sorbate concentration,
H2SO4 modified sugarcane bagasse [12], protonated water- sorbent dose, contact time and pH. At the desired time, the
melon [13]. sodium carbonate modified Bambusa tulda [14] concentration of the dye (CV) in solution was obtained by
Thus, in the present work, we adopt adsorption tech- using Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectrophotometer at
niques using “Khalas” Palm fiber waste residue from 590 nm, and the capacity (amount of dye (mg) removed by
date syrup industries and its chemically modified form to 1 g of adsorbent) can be calculated.
efficiently remove the pollutant crystal violet from water. In the kinetics experiments, 0.1 g of adsorbent were
The following is undertaken to achieve the aim of the placed into 250 Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml of
work: Chemical modification of date residues to prepare 50 or 100 ppm dye solution. The mixture was shaken, and
adsorbents, find the optimum condition for best uptake the remaining dye concentration was measured at 30 min
of crystal violet, test the ability of prepared adsorbents to intervals for a total of 240 min. The experiments were car-
uptake crystal violet from water using batch and column ried out at different temperatures to calculate the activated
techniques. thermodynamics parameters.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Fig. 1. FTIR spectra for KR raw, KF modified with formaldehyde, KC modified with calcium chloride before and KR*, KF*, KC* after
CV adsorption.
absorption peaks of functional groups for cellulose, hemi- chemical interaction between dye and adsorbent surface,
cellulose, and lignin indicate that date residues are capable for example, the broad peak at 3,306.69 cm–1 for KR were
of effective adsorption of dyes [18]. The broad stretching shifted to higher wavenumber 3,339.98 cm–1. The shifting
vibration peak of KR at about 3,306.69 cm–1 is due to the of O–H, N–H and <C=O stretching vibrations indicates that
hydroxyl O–H group of cellulose and N–H group of amine. hydroxyl, amine, and carbonyl groups were involved in CV
Carbonyl groups and aromatic rings show peaks at 1,718.68 adsorption. The new peaks at 1,583.5 and 1,362.6 cm–1 in
[19] and 1,618.13 cm–1. The strong C–O peak at 1,025.5 cm–1 KR* after dye loading, are due to aromatic and C–N groups
confirms the existence of the cellulose structure. The peak characteristic of CV. Jain and Jayaram described that the
at 1,244.25 cm–1 was due to C–N stretching vibration. Small hydroxyl group in the adsorbent and nitrogen atom in the
peaks from 600 to 800 cm–1 indicate aromatic compounds amine group in CV were involved in adsorption through
with out of plane C–H stretching band modes. weak H-bond.
IR peaks of KR after CV adsorption KR* shows shift The FTIR spectra of KR modified with Formaldehyde
compared to raw materials KR (Table 1). This shift confirms KF Fig. 1 proved successful modification by formaldehyde
Table 1
FTIR spectral data for KR raw, KF modified with KF, KC modified with calcium chloride before and KR*, KF*, KC* after CV adsorption
due to shifting of peaks at 1,719 cm–1 belonging to <C=O group reflected the existence of aromatic ring and C–N group of
to around 1,724 cm–1. The great shifting of IR wavenumbers CV (Table 1).
between formaldehyde modified KR and formaldehyde
modified KR after adsorption of CV KF* suggests chemical 3.1.2. Scanning electron microscopy analysis
adsorption of dye with the involvement of hydroxyl, amino,
and carboxyl groups. Also, new peaks appeared for KF* Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a primary instru-
at 1,582.3; 1,355.8; and 1,162.5 cm–1 due to adsorbed CV ment to characterize the surface morphology of adsorbent.
dye (Fig. S1, Table 1). Functional groups peaks of KC at The SEM images of KR, KF, and KC before and KR*, KF*
3,334.91; 1,718.94; 1,617.88; and 1,156.12 cm–1 are shifted in and KC* after crystal violet adsorption were done using SEM
CaCl2 modified KR after adsorption of CV KC* to 3,340.94; (Jeol model 6360 LVSEM, USA), with a scale ranging from
1,733.88; 1,624.31; and 1,162.79 cm–1 indicating occurrence of 10 to 100 mm. The results are shown in Fig. 2. All materi-
chemical interactions in the adsorption process. New peaks als before adsorption have an irregular surface with some
also appear at 1,584 and 1,362 cm–1 after adsorption of dye pores and cavities that enhance their ability for adsorption.
a. KR b. KR*
c. KC d. KC*
e. KF f. KF*
Fig. 2. SEM images (a,c,e) of KR raw, KC modified with calcium chloride, and KF modified with formaldehyde before adsorption, and
(b,d,f) KR*, KC* and KF* after adsorption of CV.
M.A. Alfrhan et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 174 (2020) 361–375 365
Modified material KC and KF are more porous and thus Effect of temperature: Adsorption process of crystal vio-
have more potential for adsorption than raw material KR let by different dates residues was studied at different tem-
[21]. The surface morphology was changed in KF compared peratures (25°C, 30°C, 35°C, and 40°C) with a mixture of
to KR. KF microstructure showed the formation of hollow 0.1 g adsorbent into 100 ml (100 ppm) dye solution for 4 h.
rings as a result of the polymerization of raw materials by The results indicated that the percentage removal of dye
formaldehyde (Fig. 2). Obviously, after CV adsorption, the decreases with increased temperature of the system and that
surface is fully covered by crystal violet (white spots) where the greatest % removal of KF 95% occurred at 25°C. This
the surface becomes less porous [22]. result suggests that the adsorption process is exothermic.
A similar trend was reported by Chandra et al. [27] using
3.1.3. Thermogravimetric analysis activated carbon prepared from durian shell to remove meth-
ylene blue from aqueous solution. There are weakening in
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) study of KF, KR and the bonds between the dye and the active sites of adsorbent
KC were done using Shimadzu TGA-50H (Japan) thermal as the temperature increase. Moreover at high temperature,
analyzer under the nitrogen environment by heating from the solubility of dye increases which increases the interaction
room temperature 25°C to 600°C at a heating rate of 15 min–1. between solute and solvent more than between solute and
Several stages of degradation were obtained. The first stage adsorbent [28].
of decomposition for KR occurred in the range from 25°C to
100°C which involved evaporation of moisture with weigh
3.3. Adsorption isotherms
loss approximately (10.9%). Similar weight loss was reported
by White et al. [23] for the evaporation of moisture from Adsorption isotherms parameters describe the distri-
agriculture fibers. The second and last stage for KR occurred bution of CV among two phases between solid and liquid
between 100°C–360°C corresponds to a loss of all organic phases, surface properties of adsorbent at equilibrium con-
materials with weight loss equal to 41.1%. dition and adsorption capacity of the material. The linear
The first stage of loss of moisture (10.6%) of KF was fol- and nonlinear isotherm models were applied at 25°C, 30°C,
lowed by the second and third stages of mass loss. These 35°C, and 40°C for Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin mod-
occurred at 100°C–200°C and at 200°C–280°C respectively, els [16,17]. The best model is the one with higher correlation
because of degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose coefficients R2 and lower Chi-square test c2 and the sum of
with mass loss (5.3%) and (8.6%) respectively [24]. The last squared residuals (SSR) values for adsorption of CV by six
decomposition between 280°C to 440°C (38.61%) is due to types of syrup date industrial residue (SDIR) [16,17,29–32].
lignin since decomposition of lignin is more difficult then Linear and nonlinear Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin
cellulose and hemicellulose [25]. constants and parameters for adsorption of CV by KR, KF,
While KC has almost no water loss in the first stage. and KC at 303 K are listed in Table 2. While the results of
The second stage occurred between 150°C–250°C with the nonlinear isotherm model of KR modified with form-
weight loss of 4.62% while the third stage occurred between aldehyde KF at different temperatures are presented in
250°C–420°C with weight loss of 48%. Table S1. The Langmuir linear plots for adsorption of CV
The last step which corresponds to major organic material onto KF and KC at 303 K are shown in Fig. 3. Temkin non-
loss has shifted to higher temperature values (250°C–440°C) linear plots of CV uptake by KC at 303 K are shown in
in the case of KF and KC compared to (100°C–360°C) for Fig. S2. The Langmuir maximum capacity uptake q (mg g–1)
KR. The increased thermal stability indicates that chemical was found to decrease in the order KF, KC, and KR as such
modification of date residues has occurred. 144.49, 108.25, and 87.5 9 mg g–1 respectively, at 303 K. It
was found that both Langmuir and Freundlich models are
fitting the experimental data more than Temkin in most
3.2. Effect of different parameters on uptake of
case, in terms of correlation coefficient close to 1.0 and low
crystal violet by syrup date industrial residue
χ2 and SSR values. Langmuir favors monolayer adsorption
Effect of agitation time and initial concentration: For all onto specific homogeneous sites, while Temkin describes
solutions studied containing 0.1 g adsorbent in 100 ml CV multilayer adsorption onto heterogeneous sites of the
dye solution (50, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 ppm) and shaken adsorbent. Besides, it is observed from Table 2 that the val-
at 160 rpm, the % removal of CV by KF increases rapidly at ues of RL (separation factor) is between 0 and 1. This indi-
initial times. However, it was observed that percent removal cates favorable adsorption for overall results [33]. Similar
of crystal violet has little change after 180 min and at 240 min results were obtained for adsorption of CV by treated ginger
equilibrium is attained. waste and date palm leaflets [34,35]. Moreover, the values of
Effect of the mass of adsorbent: The effect of adsorbent Freundlich constant (n) for all adsorbents are greater than 1,
dosage of KF on percent removal of crystal violet solution indicating strong adsorption between adsorbate and adsor-
100 ml with concentration 100 ppm at 25°C was investigated bent at all studied temperatures [36]. Freundlich’s constant
using the different mass of (0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 g) KF is greatest in the case of KF adsorbent.
shaken at 160 rpm for hours. The percent removal of crystal Temkin equilibrium binding constant KT (L g–1) and heat
violet increase initially with an increase in the dose of KF due of adsorption BT are also highest for KF adsorbent, where the
to an increase in surface area available of adsorbent sites, but degree of adsorption for the Temkin model depends on the
after 0.1 g of adsorbent, no significant increment was noted in chemical nature and specific surface area of the adsorbent,
the removal of dye because all sites have been fully occupied and chemical nature, temperature, and concentration of the
[26]. Thus the optimum mass of KF was achieved at 0.1 g. adsorbate. It was found that the capacity decreases with an
366 M.A. Alfrhan et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 174 (2020) 361–375
Table 2
Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin linear and non-linear model parameters for adsorption of 100 ml of crystal violet (50–500 ppm)
by 0.1 g of KR, KF and KC at 303 K
4 5
3 4
2.5 3
t/qt 2 t/qt
1.5 2
y = 0.0127x + 0.5058 1
0.5 y = 0.0163x + 0.5851
0 R² = 0.9987 0 R² = 0.9871
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
t ( min) t ( min)
Fig. 4. Pseudo-second-order plots for the adsorption of 100 ml of CV dye (100 ppm) by 0.1 g of (a) KC and (b) KR adsorbents at 25°C.
Table 3
Pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetics models parameters for the adsorption of CV 100 and 50 ppm solution (100 ml)
onto 0.1 g of various types of date residue adsorbents at 25°C
external surface of adsorbent pores with strong interaction (Table 4). The decrease of ΔG negative values with an increase
between (CV) and the surface of the adsorbent. The second in temperature suggests that the adsorption process is more
stage is slower than the first due to the decrease in remaining favorable at low temperatures [41]. The overall adsorption
dye concentration. In this rate-limiting step (second stage), of CV onto all adsorbents indicates an exothermic process at
the dye diffuses through the pores of the adsorbent. Both the all temperatures studied due to negative values of ΔH. Low
first and second stages do not pass through the origin which enthalpy (<40 kJ mol–1) suggests physical adsorption, while
indicates that the adsorption process is not only controlled by higher enthalpy (>40 kJ mol–1) are characteristics for chemi-
intraparticle diffusion [40]. The values of intraparticle diffu- cal adsorption. The obtained ΔS values were negative, which
sion rate constants in the first stage Ki,1 were higher than that reflects increasing order at the solid-solution interface [42].
of the second stage Ki,2 (Table S2). The reason could be pores Similar phenomena were reported by Chakraborty et al. for
blockage so that fewer sites are available for diffusion. adsorption of crystal violet onto NaOH-modified rice husk
(NMRH), and for adsorption of CV onto rice straw modified
3.6. Thermodynamics parameters with citric acid and for pineapple leaf powder [9,43].
Table 4
Thermodynamics and activated thermodynamic parameters for adsorption of 100 ml CV dye (100 ppm) by 0.1 g of different types of
adsorbents at various temperatures
Adsorbent T (K) Ke ΔG (kJ mol–1) ΔH (ΔH*) (KJ mol–1) ΔS (ΔS*) (J mol–1 K–1) ΔG* (kJ mol–1) Ea (kJ mol–1)
KR 293 2.90 –2.80 –64.06 –205.57 102.23 17.59
303 2.29 –1.77 (15.05) (–292.57) 103.70
308 1.27 –0.75 105.16
313 0.89 0.28 106.62
KF 293 19.08 –7.06 –79.07 –241.60 105.56 12.63
303 8.50 –5.86 (10.09) (–320.35) 107.16
308 6.70 –4.65 108.75
313 3.78 –3.44 110.36
KC 293 2.99 –2.36 –14.35 –40.25 106.48 41.14
303 2.27 –2.15 (39.91) (–223.37) 107.59
308 2.09 –1.95 108.71
313 2.04 –1.75 109.83
a) KR b) KF
Fig. 5. Ln(K/T) vs. 1/T plot for the adsorption of 100 ml of CV dye (100 ppm) by 0.1 g of (a) KR and (b) KF.
cycle 1 cycle 1
cycle 2 cycle 2
a) KF
1.0 1.0
b) KC
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
V(effluent)ml V(effluent)ml
Fig. 6. Breakthrough curve for crystal violet uptake onto (a) KF and (b) KC respectively, (1 g adsorbent dose, 200 ppm initial dye
concentration, flow rate 1 ml min–1).
Table 5
% removal and capacity of column adsorption of CV by KF and KC. (1 g adsorbent dose, 200 ppm initial dye concentration, flow rate
1 ml min–1)
of crystal violet (200 ppm) solution with percent removal of All models fit well with the experimental breakthrough
82.41%. While column study, using KC raw mixture material curves, having high values of R2 and small error function
shows lower adsorption capacity (68.24 mg g–1) for the first (c2 and SSR) (Table 6). The column capacities obtained by
cycle. The exhaustion point of the column for the adsorption Thomas and Yoon-Nelson nonlinear models were closer to
of CV by KC is obtained after the passage of the 625 ml CV the one obtained by the method of the area under the break-
solution. through curve and thus they describe best the behavior of
adsorption of CV dye. While Yan et al. model showed much
3.8.2. Column kinetic model smaller capacity value and so it is less applicable.
Data: Data1_B Data: Data1_B
Model: Thomas column nonlinear 1.0 Model: Thomas column nonlinear
Chi^2 = 0.00059 Chi^2 = 0.0011
R^2 = 0.99555 R^2 = 0.99264
0.8 P1 0.11768±0.00507 P1 0.07073 ±0.00306
P2 136.57739 ±0.42079 P2 89.11112 ±0.68403
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
t(min) t(min)
Fig. 7. Thomas nonlinear model plot for the first cycle of adsorption of crystal violet onto KF and KC, (1 g adsorbent dose, 200 ppm
initial concentration of dye, flow rate 1 ml min–1).
Table 6
Column kinetic parameters for adsorption CV (200 ppm) onto KF and KC with (1 g) packed column. (1 g adsorbent dose, 200 ppm
initial dye concentration, flow rate 1 ml min–1)
pretreated adsorbent with formaldehyde KF and calcium • Thermodynamic study of crystal violet adsorption sug-
chloride KC. gests that the adsorption process is exothermic and spon-
• The adsorbents characteristics were examined by FTIR, taneous due to the negative values of both enthalpy and
SEM, and TGA which confirmed the successful dye free energy change.
adsorption onto different types of SDIR (KR, KF, and KC). • In a fix-bed column study, for uptake of CV by KF and
• In the batch experiment, the adsorption of crystal violet KC date waste residues, Thomas and Yoon-Nelson col-
was found to increase in agitation time and reaches equi- umn kinetics models describe the experimental kinetic
librium at 240 min. However, the adsorption process is data better than Yan et al model based on the values of
favorable at low temperatures. correlation coefficient (R2) and function error values.
• Both Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal models were The calculated high capacity of CV adsorption is close
best fitted to experimental data and perfectly describe the to the value obtained from the breakthrough curve area
adsorption process more than the Temkin model based method.
on the value of correlation coefficient (R2) and function • Comparative study of adsorption capacity of syrup date
error values. manufacture residues and other adsorbent materials for
• The adsorption kinetics followed pseudo-second-order the uptake of CV proves that the highest value of the
which indicates chemisorption. The intraparticle diffu- adsorption capacity occurred with (CF) compared to
sion model is not the sole rate-limiting step. other agricultural waste materials.
M.A. Alfrhan et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 174 (2020) 361–375 371
Table 7
Comparison of maximum adsorption capacity of KR, KF and KC with different adsorbents in batch mode and (column) mode
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The financial support from the Deanship of Scientific Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 20 (2013) 1698–1705.
Research (Project Number 160047) King Faisal University, is [11] S. Chakraborty, S. Chowdhury, P.D. Saha, Adsorption of crystal
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Supplementary information
FTIR of Khalas date resiue KF before and KF* after CV dye adsorption
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Fig. S1. FTIR spectrum of formaldehyde modified residues KF before and KF* after adsorption of CV dye.
90 Data: Data1_B
Model: Temkin nonlinear
80 Chi^2 = 27.64439
R^2 = 0.968
70 Kt 0.44203 ±0.16319
b 20.29089 ±1.84454
a) KF b) KC
y = 9510.5x - 29.061 y = 1726.5x - 4.8413
R² = 0.9622 R² = 0.9541
3.5 1.2
lnKe 3 lnKe 1
1.5 0.6
1 0.4
0.5 0.2
0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034
0.0031 0.0033 0.0035
1/T(K -1)
1/T(K -1)
Fig. S3. LnKe vs. 1/T Plots for the adsorption of CV dye (100 ml and 100 ppm) onto KF and KC.
a) KR b) KF
Fig. S4. LnK vs. 1/T plot for the adsorption of CV dye (100 ml and 100 ppm) by 0.1 g (a) KR and (b) KF.
200 200
100 100
50 50
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time(min) Time(min)
Fig. S5. Plots of Cad against time (min) for KC of cycle 1 and cycle 2. (1 g adsorbent dose, 200 ppm initial dye concentration, flow rate
1 ml min–1).
M.A. Alfrhan et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 174 (2020) 361–375 375
Table S1
Nonlinear isotherm models for the adsorption of 100 ml of crystal violet (50–500 ppm) by 0.1 g of KR modified with formaldehyde
KF at different temperatures
T (K) qm K R2 KF n R2 KT BT R2
298 151.28 0.083 0.921 40.10 4.28 0.984 2.79609 21.754 0.977
χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R
223.79 671.38 0.960 18.368 91.84 0.994 38.530 192.65 0.988
303 qm K R2 KF n R2 KT BT R2
144.49 0.086 0.964 35.256 4.12 0.955 1.56988 22.412 0.9518
χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R
90.65 271.96 0.981 83.07 332.28 0.977 90.1608 360.64 0.975
308 qm K R2 KF n R2 KT BT R2
142.12 0.046 0.964 28.36 3.709 0.911 0.83733 23.459 0.9124
χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R
83.81 251.45 0.982 158.85 635.43 0.954 157.482 629.92 0.9552
313 qm K R2 KF n R2 KT BT R2
114.28 0.0733 0.931 36.78 5.139 0.828 2.10757 17.357 0.873
χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R χ2 SSR R
65.04 260.16 0.964 161.98 647.92 0.910 119.046 476.18 0.9348
Table S2
Intraparticle diffusion rate constants and parameters for the adsorption of CV 100 ppm solution (100 ml) by 0.1 g KR, KF, and KC at