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Name: _Leyra Gill________________________________ ID: 8-

9431974_____________________________________ Date: June 22,

1. What is a business letter?

The commercial letter is nothing more than a communication tool between
the company and its customers or potential customers, suppliers, entities or
public bodies, as well as anyone with whom the company needs to contact.

2. What Are the Seven Basic Elements of a Business Letter and explain each
1. Letter heading
The letter header, which is usually found in the upper-left corner of the page,
introduces you to the recipient and includes important contextual information
such as their name, sender address, phone number, email, and date.
Include only the information your audience needs.
2. Address of the recipient
Leave one more line between the date and the recipient's address, and it
should be in the left margin. It must include the name of the person to whom
you are sending the business letter, including the prefix of your name.
3. Subject
The matter should be short and direct, clearly representing the addressee
what your letter is about.
4. Say hello
The greeting should be formal and courteous. It's best to start with a
professional greeting like "Dear," and the person's prefix if you know it.
5. Body
The body is where you write the details of your business letter. Start with a
short introduction that explains why you're writing to them. The introduction
should be one or two sentences and should have the most important details.
The rest of the body includes the details of your letter.
6. Complementary closure

Always finish a business letter with a professional closing. Examples include

"Sincerely," "Best Regards" and Thank You; It should have its closure on its
own line, with the first letter capitalized and a comma at the end.
7. Signature
Leave two to four lines between the closing line and the deed of your name
before you can sign the business letter. Your first name should be your first
name, the initial of your middle name (if you have one), and your last name.
Include suffixes appropriate to your name, such as MA or MD. If you are
writing for a company or organization, you should include your position
immediately below your typed name.
3. What Are the Optional Parts of a Business Letter?
Date and place: name, address, date of the day and place to which you are
going. Greeting: personal or consolidated in established formulas. Body: of
the subject, with the determined themes. Farewell: courtesy with which the
letter is terminated.
4. How Many Types of Letters Are There?
1. Formal letters. Type of document that is sent for a certain purpose using
a structure and a clear, concise and formal language. They are generally
aimed at companies, organizations or institutions.
• Cover letter
• Thank you letter
• Letter of recommendation
• Letter of dismissal
• Letter of application
• Letter of complaint
2. Informal letters. The type of document that an issuer sends to a recipient
they know or have a trust relationship with. In this type of letters a
colloquial language is used and they do not have a defined structure.
• Love letter
• Birthday letter
• Farewell letter
• Letter of thanks
• Letter of apology
• Festive menu
• Congratulatory letter
• Family letter
• Friendship letter

5.Write a business letter.

Panama, 22 June 2022.
Office Moreno & cold.
Calle Duque 23
Tel. 260-9190
[email protected]

Ms. Lucia Reyes

Distributor of fabrics S. A.

Dear lady.
Good afternoon this letter, is related to the purchase of certain items of fabrics for making
wedding dresses to your company.

In recent dates we have made cotton, silk or lanadamasco,dupión, brocado tafetan crepe organza,
tulle, brocado, lace, among others. Orders have arrived on time, except for the last one so by this
means of this present, I urge you to check the shipments, to avoid possible errors in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and without further ado, I say goodbye sending
cordial greetings.

Marian Moreno .
General Manager of Moreno & cold.

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