Early Behavioral Markers For Neurodevelopmental Disorders in The First 3 Years of Life An Overview of Systematic Reviews

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

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Early behavioral markers for neurodevelopmental disorders in the first 3 T

years of life: An overview of systematic reviews
Martina Micaia, Francesca Fulceria,1, Angela Carusoa,1, Andrea Guzzettab,c, Letizia Gilaa,
Maria Luisa Scattonia,*
Research Coordination and Support Service, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy
Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Stella Maris Scientific Institute, 00168 Pisa, Italy
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy


Keywords: Being able to recognize red flags for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) is crucial to provide timely inter-
Infant vention programs. This work aims to support - within a scientific framework - the construction of an instrument
Neurodevelopmental disorders capable to early detect all spectrum of NDD and explore all areas of development, detect failures in typical
Primary health care developmental pathways and point out atypical signs at all ages. This overview of reviews provides evidence for
Infant behavior
differences in children later diagnosed with NDD compared to typically developing peers such as delays in
Neonatal screening
motor, language development and temperament in the first three years of age, repetitive/stereotyped behaviors,
Signs and symptoms
Early detection atypicalities/delays in play, object use, attention, visual, sensory processing and social engagement in the first
and second year, and difficulties in feeding and sleeping in the first year. These behaviors must be carefully
observed as potential red flags for NDD. However, data of the systematic reviews are not yet useful to develop an
evidence-based clinical screening. It urges to increase efforts in producing systematic reviews on early beha-
vioral markers for each NDD.
Trial registration:CRD42019137731.

1. Introduction studies showed that among NDD, learning disabilities are the most
frequently diagnosed with an estimated prevalence of 8 % (Boat and
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) encompass several conditions Wu, 2015), followed by developmental language disorders (7 %;
resulting from atypical brain development, including intellectual de- Laasonen et al., 2018), ASD (approximately 2 %; e.g., Baio et al., 2018;
velopmental disorders, communication disorders, Autism Spectrum Xu et al., 2018; Schendel and Thorsteinsson, 2018), and ADHD (ap-
Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), proximately 2 %; Willcutt, 2012; Boat and Wu, 2015).
specific learning disorder, and motor disorders (DSM-5; American The disorders included under the umbrella category of NDD are
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Precise epidemiological data on NDD usually not considered as independent entities since impairments of
are lacking. However, a recent report shows a significant increase from different areas often co-occur and multiple diagnoses are the rule rather
16.2 % to 17.8 % of developmental disabilities’ prevalence (i.e., ADHD; than the exception (Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2008). This complexity is
ASD; blindness; cerebral palsy; moderate to profound hearing loss; reflected upon the intervention program designs, which are typically
learning disability; intellectual disability; seizures; stuttering or stam- individualized and focused on the functional impairments rather than
mering; and other developmental delays) among children aged 3–7 merely derived from the diagnostic categorization. The Autism and
years in the US between 2009–2017, making NDD one of the most Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network study showed that in
frequent diagnosis in the pediatric population (Trauner, 2019; eleven sites in the US the median age of earliest known ASD diagnosis
Zablotsky et al., 2019). Much of the overall increase was attributed to was 53 months (in the years range: 2000–2012) and about 43 % of
ADHD, ASD, and intellectual disabilities (Zablotsky et al., 2019). Other children received a comprehensive developmental evaluation by age 3

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Micai), [email protected] (F. Fulceri), [email protected] (A. Caruso), [email protected] (L. Gila),
[email protected] (M.L. Scattoni).
Equally contributing authors

Received 30 December 2019; Received in revised form 22 June 2020; Accepted 23 June 2020
Available online 28 June 2020
0149-7634/ © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

years (in the years range: 2006–2012; Baio et al., 2018). However, scanned to identify any other relevant studies. We interrogated PROS-
parents began to show concerns generally starting by the child age of PERO (www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/) to search for ongoing sys-
12–18 months (De Giacomo and Fombonne, 1998; Rogers and DiLalla, tematic reviews and OpenGrey (www.opengrey.eu/) to look for the
1990; Wimpory et al., 2000; Coonrod, and Stone, 2004), suggesting that gray literature (e.g., technical or research reports, doctoral disserta-
earlier detection of clinical signs is potentially achievable. The early tions, conference papers, official publications).
identification of signs and symptoms of NDD is the real trigger to start
intervention, even before a formal diagnosis is made, with the potential 2.2. Selection process
benefit of attenuating the severity of the symptoms and improving
children and parents’ outcomes (e.g., modifying their anxiety; depres- We collected the papers arising from the search strategy in the
sive symptoms; self-efficacy) (Benzies et al., 2013; Cioni et al., 2016; Systematic Review Rayyan QCRI application (Ouzzani et al., 2016)
Dawson et al., 2004; Landa et al., 2012; Oberklaid and Drever, 2011; which also supported the authors in the exclusion of duplicates. Two
Sullivan et al., 2014; Wetherby and Woods, 2006). blinded reviewers, with the support of a third reviewer, screened titles
Several tools and methods are available to identify early behavioral and abstracts, and excluded the papers that did not clearly meet the
markers of NDD. For instance, retrospective studies analyzed parental inclusion criteria. The same authors evaluated the selected papers in
recall of developmental differences and concerns during the child’s first their full text for inclusion criteria. Systematic reviews and meta-ana-
years of life, such as language, speech, and motor delays or atypical lyses were included in the present overview of reviews if: (1) reported
sleep, feeding, or play behavior. Home video analyses are useful to early behavioral markers for NDD; (2) assessed children younger than
recognize signs of peculiar development such as social and commu- 36 months of age in at least 20 % of the number of studies. We excluded
nicative competencies, verbal and nonverbal infant-parent interactions, nonsystematic reviews where studies’ search strategy, selection process,
affect regulation, temperament, or play actions. Finally, prospective and data extraction process were not specified (e.g., narrative reviews),
studies of infants at risk of developing NDD (i.e., siblings of older and reviews exploring early markers using health technologies (e.g.,
children with NDD, infants born preterm, or small for gestational age) electroencephalography; eye-tracking). The present overview aims to
begin observing and assessing them as early as 24−36 months. provide evidence on early behavioral markers that can be easily de-
Children later diagnosed with NDD are compared with high-risk (HR) tected in the clinical practice context.
children that do not receive a diagnosis or those with typical develop-
ment (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2007, 2009). 2.3. Data extraction and synthesis
The present overview of reviews aims to methodically collect sys-
tematic reviews and meta-analyses on early markers of NDD before the To ensure consistency across reviewers, we conducted calibration
three years of life. This approach has been proved to be useful in syn- exercises before starting to extract the data. Three independent re-
thesizing, summarizing, and combining relevant data from the litera- viewers fulfilled a developed data extraction form (available on re-
ture and in examining the highest level of evidence. The present work quest). The data from the included full-texts were extracted and in-
attempts to support the future definition of a scientific framework to dependently cross-checked. We collected data on the target population,
build an instrument capable to early detect all spectrum of NDD and early marker assessment tools, age at assessment of the early marker
explore all areas of development, detect failures in typical develop- (Table 2), general information about the review (i.e., type of study;
mental pathways and point out atypical signs at all ages. funding), methods (i.e., temporal and language restrictions; datasets
explored; PICO domains; type of studies included; search strategy; in-
2. Methods clusion and exclusion criteria; number of records identified via data-
base searching; number of included studies; gray literature check; re-
2.1. Search strategy ferences check; risk of bias; publication bias assessment), sample
characteristics (i.e., target population - at risk or general population or
The protocol for this systematic overview of reviews was registered with NDD symptoms; age at the assessment of the early marker; diag-
with PROSPERO: CRD42019137731. This overview of reviews followed nosis type; assessment instrument) (see Supplementary Material 2). For
the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews the meta-analyses, we additionally collected the timepoints of the early
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA; Moher et al., 2009). The search strategy markers’ assessment, assessment tools, number of studies included in
focused on Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes the analysis, sample size, effect size, Confidence Intervals, hetero-
(PICO) domains. Population: 0−3-year-old children; Intervention: geneity analysis results, publication bias analysis results, and other sub-
early behavioral signs of NDD; Outcome: neurodevelopmental disorders analyses (e.g., socioeconomic status and gender as predictors of lan-
according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, guage outcomes in Fisher, 2017). We performed a formal narrative
Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The synthesis of the findings from the selected works by grouping the early
comparison was not applicable. We developed the search strategy using behavioral markers in developmental domains (e.g., motor, language,
a combination of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and terms to cap- social development) and age group (i.e., first, second and third year of
ture the available literature on the topic. Details of the search strategy life).
are presented in Table 1. This search strategy was peer-reviewed by
clinicians and methodologist experts in the field. 2.4. Quality assessment of the evidence
The search strategy was adapted using appropriate syntax for the
following databases: The Cochrane Library (Cochrane Database of The quality of all eligible systematic reviews using the 16-item
Systematic Reviews), PubMed, MEDLINE, SCOPUS and Web of AMSTAR 2 checklist (Shea et al., 2017) was evaluated for each work by
Sciences. When available, search filters were applied to limit the search two independent authors. Any disagreements were solved in conjunc-
to “Humans”, “Systematic Reviews” and “Meta-Analysis”. We per- tion with a third author. The AMSTAR 2 checklist has been designed for
formed the systematic search strategy of articles indexed since the in- the quality assessment of systematic reviews, including randomized or
ception to 27 March 2019. We updated searches for all relevant data- non-randomized studies of healthcare interventions, or both. Authors
bases within 12 months before publication to 18 March 2020 (Chandler assigned to each domain-specific questions a ‘Yes’ answer if the ratio-
et al., 2013). No language and temporal restrictions have been applied. nale described in Shea and colleagues were satisfied. If no information
Conference abstracts, ongoing studies via ClinicalTrials.gov (www. was provided to rate an item, the item was rated as a ‘No’. We provided
clinicaltrials.gov) and ISRCTN registry were also searched for addi- a ‘Partial Yes’ response when the rationale of Shea and colleagues was
tional studies. Moreover, the reference lists from identified studies were partially satisfied. AMSTAR questions were the following: (1) inclusion

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 1
Search strategy focused on Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes (PICO) for MEDLINE (Via OVID).
Domain Search strategy

Population "Infant"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Infant, Newborn"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Siblings"[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh] OR "Child, Preschool"[Mesh] OR "Minors"[Mesh] OR

"Pediatrics"[Mesh] OR "Fetus"[Mesh:NoExp] OR toddler OR toddlers OR risk infant OR risk infants OR high risk infants OR high risk infant OR low risk infant OR
low risk infants OR general population OR general populations OR risk marker OR risk markers OR genetic risk OR genetic risks OR familial risk OR familiar risks
OR environmental risk OR environmental risks OR kid OR kids OR under age OR under ages OR kindergarten OR paediatric OR paediatrics OR foetus OR "Infant,
Premature"[Mesh] OR "Premature Birth"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Extremely Premature"[Mesh] OR preterm OR "Infant, Small for Gestational Age"[Mesh] OR SGA OR
small for gestational age OR infants, small for gestational age OR “Infant, Low Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR "Infant, Very Low Birth Weight"[Mesh] OR low for birth
weight OR very low for birth weight
Intervention "Primary Health Care"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Primary Care Nursing"[Mesh] OR "Neonatal Screening"[Mesh] OR "Outcome and Process Assessment (Health
Care)"[Mesh] OR "Symptom Assessment"[Mesh] OR "Signs and Symptoms"[Mesh:NoExp] OR red flag OR red flags OR early marker OR earlier marker OR early sign
OR earlier sign OR early signs OR earlier signs OR surveillance protocol OR surveillance protocols OR surveillance OR developmental monitoring OR early
identification OR earlier identification OR screening tool OR screening tools OR screening OR developmental screening OR screening instruments OR screening
instruments OR symptom OR symptoms OR symptom assessment OR sign OR signs
Comparison Not applicable
Outcome "Neurodevelopmental Disorders"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Developmental Disabilities"[Mesh] OR developmental delay OR developmental delays OR developmental
difficulty OR developmental difficulties OR "Autistic Disorder"[Mesh] OR "Autism Spectrum Disorder"[Mesh] OR "Child Development Disorders, Pervasive"[Mesh]
OR PDD OR "Asperger Syndrome"[Mesh] OR Autis* OR ASD OR Asperger OR Autistic OR Kanner OR "Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity"[Mesh] OR
Pervasive development OR Pervasive developments OR pervasive disorder OR pervasive disorders OR "Communication Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Language
Development Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Social Communication Disorder"[Mesh] OR "Speech Sound Disorder"[Mesh] OR "Stuttering"[Mesh] OR receptive language
disorders OR receptive language disorder OR "Language disorders"[MeSH] OR "speech disorders" [MeSH] OR "developmental language disorders"[MeSH] OR
"Intellectual Disability"[Mesh] OR "Motor Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Motor skills disorders" [MeSH] OR motor disorder OR "Learning Disorders"[Mesh] OR "Specific
Learning Disorder"[Mesh]
Limits "Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR "Mass Screening"[Mesh]

of PICO components, (2) protocol registered before the commencement updated searches for all relevant databases within 12 months before
of the review, (3) selection of the study designs for inclusion, (4) ade- publication to 18 March 2020 which provided 92 works (PubMed, n =
quacy of the literature search, (5) study selection in duplicate, (6) data 92; SCOPUS, n = 1, and none in the other databases). No duplicates
extraction in duplicate, (7) justification for excluding individual studies were encountered. Based on the titles and abstracts screening, 92 not
and list of excluded studies, (8) detailed description of the included pertinent works were excluded by at least two independent authors.
studies, (9) risk of bias from individual studies being included in the One systematic review (Canu et al., 2020) was checked in its full text
review, (10) report on the source of funding for the studies included, and was evaluated eligible for the data extraction process. Fig. 1, pro-
(11) appropriateness of meta-analytical methods, (12) assessment of the vides the process of records’ identification and screening, and the
risk of bias in individual studies on the results, (13) consideration of the eligibility and inclusion actions (Moher et al., 2009).
risk of bias when interpreting the results of the review, (14) explanation A meta-analysis of the extracted data was not possible since data of
for, and discussion of, heterogeneity observed in the results, (15) as- the systematic reviews were mostly qualitative and heterogeneous in
sessment of the presence and likely impact of publication bias, (16) the description of different neurodevelopmental components. The seven
report any potential source of conflict of interest (Shea et al., 2017). eligible works were informative on behavioral signs alarming for NDD
Inter-rater reliability was calculated using intra-class correlations at different ages. We excluded 13 Canu and colleagues’ studies as they
(McGraw and Wong, 1996). Figs. 1,2 summarizes the AMSTAR 2 re- explored early markers using health technologies (i.e., eye tracking;
sults. Scores on each domain-specific questions are reported in Sup- gap-overlap task). The red flags for the identification of the risk for NDD
plementary Material 1. in high-risk (HR) and low-risk (LR) population pertained mainly to the
motor, language, social developmental, play, and temperament do-
3. Results mains. Findings, target population, time, and tool of assessment of the
early behavioral markers for NDD are displayed for each developmental
3.1. Description of studies domain in Table 2. None of the studies provided evidence that the
protocol was registered prior to conducting the review or included
The search strategy to 27 March 2019 provided 1535 works conflict of interest statements for individual studies within the sys-
(PubMed, n = 1533; SCOPUS, n = 2, and none in the other databases). tematic review. All studies were written in English. All studies declared
One author removed 34 duplicates. 1501 works were screened for in- to have no conflict of interests except for two that did not provide this
clusion and exclusion criteria. Based on the titles and abstracts information.
screening, 1076 not pertinent works were excluded by at least two in-
dependent authors. The remaining 425 works were checked in their full 3.2. Risk of biases assessment
text. Two independent authors excluded 330 works failing to assess
early markers using behavioral assessments. Studies exploring early The case 2A intra-class correlation between reviewers was high
markers thought clinical observation or parental questionnaires were (0.95; 95 % CI = 0.93−0.97). Risk of bias overall rating ranged from
kept. Studies exploring biological markers, assessment of test accuracy, 2.5–13.5 (Mean = 5.58; Standard Deviation = 3.76). One study was
or studies that used health technologies such as functional brain ima- rated as having moderate risk bias and the other six having a critically
ging or eye-tracking were excluded. In addition, were excluded 83 low risk of bias, indicating not satisfactory methodological quality in
works that assessed children older than 36 months of age in more than the included literature. Moderate rating was assigned when the sys-
20 % of the number of included studies. Conflicts were solved between tematic review had more than one weakness in non-critical domains.
the two authors, but for 19 works the consultation of a third in- Critically low rating was assigned to a systematic review when pre-
dependent author was required. Finally, we evaluated eligible for the sented weaknesses in more than one critical domain and not provided
data extraction process two meta-analyses (Garrido et al., 2017; Fisher, an accurate and comprehensive summary of the available studies (Shea
2017) and four systematic reviews (Athanasiadou et al., 2019; et al., 2017). Critical domains were the following: item 1, protocol not
Fuentefria et al., 2017; Palomo et al., 2006; Slattery et al., 2012). Six registered before the commencement of the review; item 4, lack of
works were excluded because of nonsystematic reviews. We performed adequacy of the literature search; item 7, no justification for excluding

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2
Summary of the results of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses on early behavioral markers for neurodevelopmental disorders.
Reference Population Assessment Finding

Motor development

First year of life

Athanasiadou HR for NDD, healthy term infants GMs Milder GMs abnormalities during the first months of
(2019) life associated with ADHD, aggressive behavior and
minor neurological dysfunction at 4−9-year follow-up
(Hadders-Algra and Groothuis, 1999). GMs
abnormalities are associated with ADHD together with
co-occurrence of psychiatric diagnosis. Fidgety
abnormalities associated with problematic and
hyperactive behavior at 12 years of age (Hadders-Algra
et al., 2009). Spontaneous movement quality at 11−16
weeks showed a positive association with IQ and a
trend to an association with attention problems at
7−11 years in preterm born infants (Butcher et al.,
ADHD, controls DDST Gross motor developmental delay in ADHD children at
3 and 9 months of age (Gurevitz et al., 2014).
NBAS Less motor maturity at 7/10 days correlated with
hyperactivity in children in kindergarten (Jacobvitz
and Sroufe, 1987).
Mother interview Inability to sit up straight when put on lap (at 6
months) associated with very early or delay in
independent walking in ADHD children (Lemcke et al.,
ADHD VWS Jaspers et al., 2013Good gross motor skills predicted
ADHD signs (Jasper et al., 2013).
SSMTS Motion variables at 12 months not associated with
ADHD at 7 years (Johnson et al., 2014).
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, HR-DD, LR ADOS-G, No motor impairment in motor control and general
(2020) AOSI, motor behavior at 6−12 months of age (Brian et al.,
Skilled 2008). Poorer reach-to-grasp and pronate scores in HR-
Reaching ASD than HR-TD, and LR. Poorer orient and lift in HR-
Rating Scale ASD than LR (Sacrey et al., 2018).
MSEL Poorer gross motor skills in HR-ASD than LR at 6
months (Estes et al., 2015). HR-ASD and HR-TD did not
differ in gross motor skills at 6 months; poorer fine
motor skills in HR-ASD, HR-DD, and HR-TD than LR,
not confirmed by post doc comparisons (Libertus et al.,
2014). Fine (but not gross) motor skills predicted ASD
at 36 months (Iverson et al., 2019). Lower increased
motor milestones over time in HR-ASD than HR-TD
(Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006). HR-ASD, LR, and
HR-TD did not differ in fine motor skills (Choi et al.,
2018). HR-ASD more likely assigned to the
developmental slowing class (TD at 6 months followed
by attenuation in developmental rate and severe fine
and gross motor delay) than to HR-TD. Broader Autism
Phenotype assigned to normative class or language/
motor delay class (fine motor delay at 6 months
followed by normative development in all areas except
in motor development) (Landa et al., 2012).
PDMS2 Worse visual motor integration in HR-ASD than LR, but
no differences in stationary and grasping at 6 months.
Visual-motor integration at 6 months predicted ASD at
24−36 months (LeBarton and Landa, 2019).
HR, TD Infants seated in a Less grasping of the rigid ball in HR than TD at 6
booster seat. Object months. Between 6 and 9 months: increased grasping
presented of the rigid ball and rattle in HR; reduced grasping of
the rigid ball in LR. Between 9 and 12 months:
increased grasping of the koosh ball in HR; increased
grasping of the rattle in LR. Less dropping of the rigid
ball in HR than LR at 6 months, more dropping of
objects in HR than LR from 6 to 9 months. Delayed
increase in dropping in HR from 12–15 months;
increased dropping of objects in LR from 6 to 9 months.
Less mouthing of the rattle in HR than LR at 6 months
(Kaur et al., 2015).
Fuentefria Moderate preterm AIMS Abnormal motor development at 3 and 9 months were
(2017) not predictive of motor delay at 4 years of age (in 80
%) (Prins et al., 2010).
Very preterm AIMS, NSMDA Early motor skills at 4 months of life predicted motor
impairment at 4 years in very preterm children (Spittle
et al., 2015).
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer fine motor skills in ASD siblings than LR (small
(2017)* LR infants effect size, SMD = −.21, 95 % CI [−.39, −.04], n =
1542, k = 12) (Chawarska et al., 2013; Curtin and
Vouloumanos, 2013; Ekberg et al., 2016; John et al.,
2016; Leonard et al., 2015; Libertus et al., 2014;
Macari et al., 2012; Mulligan and White, 2012; Ozonoff
et al., 2014; Paul et al., 2011; Young et al., 2011).
Poorer gross motor skills in ASD siblings than LR
children (small effect size, SMD = −.22, 95 % CI
[−.40, -.04], n = 738, k = 7) (Curtin et al., 2013;
John et al., 2016; Elison et al., 2014; Paul et al., 2011;
Leonard et al., 2015; Libertus et al., 2014).
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD, and ID and TD differed in unusual posture
(2006) (Baranek, 1999).
Slattery Preterm NOMAS Infants with a persistent disorganized sucking pattern
(2012) after 37 weeks had lower psychomotor developmental
scores than infants who regained a normal sucking
pattern by 37 weeks old, at 6 and 12 months (Tsai
et al., 2010).
Second year of life
Athanasiadou ELBW NSMDA Motor development at 24 months (not 12 months) was
(2019) associated with clinical measures of attention at 7−9
years (Jeyaseelan et al., 2006).
ADHD, controls DDST Gross motor developmental delay in ADHD at 18
months of age (Gurevitz et al., 2014).
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR ADOS-G, Atypical motor behavior in HR-ASD than HR-TD and
(2020) AOSI LR. Abnormal motor control in HR-ASD than LR at 18
Skilled months (Brian et al., 2008).
Rating Scale
MSEL Lower scores in Gross and Fine motor scales in HR-ASD
than HR-TD and LR at 24 months (Estes et al., 2015).
Lower increase over time of motor milestones in HR-
ASD than HR-TD (Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006).
Lower fine motor skills in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 12
months and LR at 18 months. Slower growth rate of
fine motor milestones in HR-ASD than LR, but not
compared to HR-TD from 6 to 24 months (Choi et al.,
Home videos HR-ASD, HR-TD and LR did not differ in postures at 14
months (Nickel et al., 2013).
HR, TD Infants seated in a Lower level of dropping in HR than LR from 12–15
booster seat. Object months. Delayed increase in dropping in HR than LR
presented from 12–15 months; more mouthing of the rattle and
rigid ball in HR than LR at 15 months (Kaur et al.,
Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer fine motor skills in ASD siblings than LR (small-
(2017)* LR infants to-moderate effect size, SMD = −.35, 95 % CI [−.46,
−.24], n = 3177, k = 11) (John et al., 2016; Leonard
et al., 2015; Macari et al., 2012; Messinger et al., 2015;
Ozonoff et al., 2014; Presmanes et al., 2007; Paul et al.,
2011; Stone et al., 2007; Toth et al., 2007; Young et al.,
2009, 2011). Poorer gross motor skills in ASD siblings
than LR (not statistically significant effect, SMD =
−.36, 95% CI [−1.20, .05], n = 377, k = 4) (John
et al., 2016; Leonard et al., 2015; Paul et al., 2011;
Toth, 2007).
Third year of life
Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer fine motor skills in ASD siblings than LR (small-
(2017)* LR infants to-moderate effect size, SMD = −.36, 95 % CI [−.54,
−.17], n = 2906, k = 6) (Klerk et al., 2014; Leonard
et al., 2015; Messinger et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2015;
Ozonoff et al., 2014; Schwichtenberg et al., 2013). ASD
siblings and LR differed in gross motor skills (SMD =
−.44, 95% CI [−.83, −.04], n = 101, k = 1)
(Leonard et al., 2015).
Language development

First year of life

Athanasiadou ADHD, controls DDST Significant delay in speech and language development
(2019) at 9 and 18 months of age in ADHD (Gurevitz et al.,
Parent observation Delay in language development in ADHD (Lemcke
et al., 2016).
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer expressive language skills in ASD siblings than
(2017)* LR infants LR children (moderate effect size, SMD = −.40, 95 %
CI [−.57, −.23], n = 2044, k = 18) (Chawarska
et al., 2013; Curtin and Vouloumanos, 2013; Droucker
et al., 2013; Ekberg et al., 2016; Ference and Curtin,
2013; Hudry et al., 2014; Key and Stone, 2012;
Lazenby et al., 2016; Leonard et al., 2015; Libertus
et al., 2014; Macari et al., 2012; Mitchell et al., 2006;
Mulligan and White, 2012; Ozonoff et al., 2014; Paul
et al., 2011; Young et al., 2011; Zwaigenbaum et al.,
Poorer receptive language skills in ASD siblings than
LR (moderate effect size, SMD = −.44, 95 % CI
[−.53, -.34], n = 1694, k = 15) (Chawarska et al.,
2013; Curtin and Vouloumanos, 2013; Ekberg et al.,
2016; Ference and Curtin, 2013; Hudry et al., 2014;
Key and Stone, 2012; Lazenby et al., 2016; Leonard
et al., 2015; Libertus et al., 2014; Mitchell et al., 2006;
Mulligan and White, 2012; Paul et al., 2011; Ozonoff
et al., 2014; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005).
Palomo ASD, ID, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in simple vocalizations, bubbling
(2006) complex vocalizations, and words (Maestro et al.,
2002; Werner & Dowson, 2005). ASD and TD did not
differ in follows verbal instructions, simple
vocalizations, bubbling complex vocalizations, and
words (Osterling and Dowson, 1994; Osterling et al.,
2002; Maestro et al., 2001; Werner et al., 2000).
Second year of life
Fisher Late-talkers Language Preschool-age expressive-vocabulary size accounted
(2017)* assessment1 for the 6% of the variability in expressive-language
outcome (r = .249, p < .01, 95 % CI [.133, .358], n
= 1113, k = 12) (Dale et al., 2003; Moyle et al., 2007;
Hadley and Holt, 2006; Lee, 2011; Fernald and
Marchman, 2012; Peyre et al., 2014; Whitehurst et al.,
1991; Bishop et al., 2012; Thal et al., 1991; Rescorla
and Schwartz, 1990; Carson et al., 2003).
Language Preschool-age receptive language accounted for the 12
assessment2 % of the variability in expressive-language outcome (r
= .340, p < .01, 95 % CI [.215, .454], n = 527, k =
10) (Rescorla and Schwartz, 1990; Petinou and
Spanoudis, 2014; Paul et al., 1991; Henrichs et al.,
2011; Hadley and Holt, 2006; Vuksanovic, 2015;
Fischel et al., 1989; Bishop et al., 2012; Lyytinen et al.,
2005; Thal et al., 1991).
Language Nonsignificant main effect of the correlation between
assessment3 preschool-age phrase speech and expressive-language
outcome. Preschool-age phrase speech accounted for
the 2% of the variability in expressive-language
outcome (r = .122, p = .098, 95 % CI [−.022, .261],
n = 851, k = 7) (Williams and Elbert, 2003; Hadley
and Holt, 2006; Moyle et al., 2007; Dale et al., 2003;
Thal et al., 1991; Rescorla & Schwartz, 1900; Fischel
et al., 1989).
Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer expressive language skills in ASD siblings than
(2017)* LR infants LR (moderate effect size, SMD = −.34, 95 % CI
[−.45, −.23], n = 3590, k = 18) (Mitchell et al.,
2006; Gamliel et al., 2007; Presmanes et al., 2007;
Stone et al., 2007; Toth et al., 2007; Yirmiya et al.,
2007; Young et al., 2009, 2011; Paul et al., 2011;
Macari et al., 2012; Curtin and Vouloumanos, 2013;
Droucker et al., 2013; Hudry et al., 2014; Ozonoff
et al., 2014; Gangi et al., 2014; Leonard et al., 2015;
Messinger et al., 2015; Talbott et al., 2015). Poorer
receptive language skills in ASD siblings than LR
(moderate effect size, SMD = −.52, 95% CI [−.68,
−.37], n = 3243, k = 15) (Mitchell et al., 2006;
Gamliel et al., 2007; Presmanes et al., 2007; Stone
et al., 2007; Toth et al., 2007; Yirmiya et al., 2007;
Young et al., 2009; Paul et al., 2011; Macari et al.,
2012; Curtin and Vouloumanos, 2013; Hudry et al.,
2014; Ozonoff et al., 2014; Gangi et al., 2014; Leonard
et al., 2015; Messinger et al., 2015).
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

Palomo ASD, PDD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in following verbal instructions,
(2006) making bubbling complex vocalizations, imitating
vocalizations, pronouncing words, and two words/
phrases (Mars et al., 1998; Maestro et al., 2001;
Werner & Dowson, 2005). ASD and TD did not differ in
making simple vocalizations (Maestro et al., 2001).
Third year of life
Garrido ASD Siblings, MSEL Poorer expressive language skills in ASD siblings than
(2017)* LR infants LR (moderate effect size, SMD = −.44, 95 % CI
[−.58, −.30], n = 3422, k = 12) (Gamliel et al.,
2007; Yirmiya et al., 2007; Young et al., 2011; Herlihy
et al., 2015; Ibañez et al., 2013; Schwichtenberg et al.,
2013; Klerk et al., 2014; Miller et al., 2015; Ozonoff
et al., 2014; Gangi et al., 2014; Leonard et al., 2015;
Messinger et al., 2015). Poorer receptive language
skills in ASD siblings than LR (moderate effect size,
SMD = −.48, 95% CI [−.60, −.36], n = 3422, k =
12) (Gamliel et al., 2007; Yirmiya et al., 2007; Young
et al., 2011; Herlihy et al., 2015; Ibañez et al., 2013;
Schwichtenberg et al., 2013; Klerk et al., 2014; Miller
et al., 2015; Ozonoff et al., 2014; Gangi et al., 2014;
Leonard et al., 2015; Messinger et al., 2015).

First year of life

Athanasiadou ADHD, controls Parent description Difficult temperament more frequent in children with
(2019) ADHD at 9 months (Gurevitz et al., 2014).

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR CTS (RITQ, Lower scores in adaptability scale in HR-ASD than HR-
(2020) TTQ, BSQ) TD at 6 and 12 months. Lower score on the approach
scale in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 6 months. Less active
behavior in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 6 and 12 months,
but not later (del Rosario et al., 2014).
IBQ, TBAQ or Higher scores in distress to limitations and fear in HR
TBAQ-R than LR at 12 months. Positive affect at 12 months
predicted ASD symptoms at 36 months in HR infants
(relationship mediated by effortful control at 24
months). Lower activity level at 6 months and more
frequent and intense distress reactions, less inhibitory
control, less positive anticipation and affective
responses at 12 months in HR-ASD than HR-TD and LR
(Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005)
IBQ-R, Lower surgency scores in HR-ASD than HR-TD and LR
ECBQ from 8 to 14 months. Higher negative affect in HR-ASD
than HR-TD, HR-DD and LR from 8 months (Pijl et al.,
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in positive affect (including social
(2006) smiles) and conventional communicative gestures
(Maestro et al., 2001, 2002; Werner et al., 2000), but
no differences for Maestro et al. (2001) and Werner
and Dawson (2005). ASD and TD did not differ in
negative affect, conventional communicative gestures,
moving hands toward desired objects, and vague
pointing reaching (Mars et al., 1998; Werner and
Dawson, 2005).
Second year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, HR-DD, LR ADOS-G, AOSI Higher scores on transition and levels of reactivity in
(2020) HR-ASD than HR-TD and LR at 18 months. Transition
and reactivity predicted ASD at 36 months (Brian et al.,
CTS (RITQ, Higher score in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 24 and 36
TTQ, BSQ) months (del Rosario et al., 2014).
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

IBQ, TBAQ or Higher scores on fear, sadness, anger, and lower on

TBAQ-R inhibitory control, soothability, attention focus, high
pleasure, and low pleasure in HR than LR at 24
months. Lower effortful control score at 24 months
predicted more ASD symptoms at 36 months (Garon
et al., 2016). Lower scores on behavioral approach in
HR-ASD than HR-TD and LR at 24 months; HR-TD
scored higher than LR. Lower score on emotion
regulation in HR-ASD and HR-TD than LR. Below
average on behavioral approach and effortful emotion
regulation in the 65 % of HR-ASD. Higher than average
behavioral approach and lower effortful emotion
regulation in the 74 % of HR-TD. Higher than average
effortful emotion regulation in the 70 % of LR.
Behavioral approach better discriminated between HR-
ASD and HR-TD than effortful emotion regulation.
Effortful emotion regulation better discriminated
between HR-ASD and LR than behavioral approach
(Garon et al., 2009).
IBQ-R, Lower effortful control in HR-ASD than HR-DD, HR-TD
ECBQ and LR at 14 months and at 24 months. A combination
of surgency, negative affect and effortful control at 24
months as well as effortful control at 14 months and
effortful control and negative affect at 24 months
predicted ASD (Pijl et al., 2019).
Third year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR CTS (RITQ, Higher score in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 24 months and
(2020) TTQ, BSQ) 36 months (del Rosario et al., 2014).
Repetitive/stereotyped behavior

First year of life

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR RSMs, MSEL, VABS Higher scores on the object and body cluster subscale
(2020) in HR-ASD and HR-TD than LR at 12 months (Elison
et al., 2014). More parental concerns about repetitive
and restricted behaviors in HR-ASD than LR starting
from 9 months (Sacrey et al., 2015).
ADOS-G, AOSI More repetitive interests in HR-ASD than HR-TD and
LR at 6−12 months (Brian et al., 2008).
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in repetitive motor behaviors and
(2006) stereotypies (Osterling et al., 2002). ASD and TD did
not differ for repetitive motor behaviors and
stereotypies (Baranek, 1999; Osterling & Dowson,
1994; Werner & Dowson, 2005). ASD, ID, and TD did
not differ in repetitive motor behaviors and
stereotypies (Baranek, 1999; Mars et al., 1998;
Osterling & Dowson, 1994; Werner & Dowson, 2005).
Second year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR ADOS, MSEL Repetitive behaviors predicted ASD outcome at 18
(2020) months in HR-ASD (Chawarska et al., 2014).
MSEL, VABS More concerns about repetitive and restricted
behaviors in HR-ASD parents than HR-TD parents from
18 months (Sacrey et al., 2015).
RSMs Higher rates of RSMs in HR than LR at 12−24 months
(Damiano et al., 2013).
Third year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR RSMs Higher rates of RSMs in HR than LR at 24–36 months.
(2020) Higher object RSM inventory score than the body RSM
inventory score in HR-TD but not in HR-ASD (Damiano
et al., 2013).
Play and object use

First year of life

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR Parent concerns’ Poorer play skills in HR-ASD than HR-TD and LR at 9
(2020) interview months (Sacrey et al., 2015).
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD differed than TD and ID in mouthing objects
(2006) (Baranek, 1999). No differences between ASD and TD
in nonsocial gaze/looking at the object not being held
by another person/orienting to nonsocial novel
stimulus, appropriate use of the object, exploratory
activities with the object, and symbolic play (Maestro
et al., 2001, 2002; Osterling et al., 2002; Werner &
Dowson, 2005; Werner et al., 2000). ID and TD differed
in object play rating (i.e., flexibility, variety,
appropriateness) (Baranek, 1999).
Second year of life
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, HR-DD, LR Free play Fewer novel other-directed functional play in HR-ASD
(2020) assessment than LR at 18 months. Greater levels of non-functional
repeated play in HR-ASD than LR (no effect when
controlling for verbal age). More nonfunctional
repeated play in HR-TD than LR. No between-group
difference in symbolic and functional repeated play.
HR-DD, HR-TD and LR did not differ on novel
functional play (Christensen et al., 2010).

Palomo (2006) ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in nonsocial gaze/looking at the
object being held by another person/orienting to
nonsocial novel stimulus, appropriate use of the object,
exploratory activity with the object, and symbolic play
(Mars et al., 1998; Maestro et al., 2001; Werner &
Dowson, 2005).
Social domain

First year of life

Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in social orienting and
(2006) interactions (i.e., to seek out physical contact;
anticipate intentions of other; look at the people; face
and camera; respond when called by name; avoid
physical-social contacts) (Baranek, 1999; Maestro
et al., 2001, 2002; Osterling and Dawson, 1994;
Osterling et al., 2002; Werner et al., 2000). ASD and
TD did not differ in postural attunement, participating
in reciprocal social games, imitating actions (Maestro
et al., 2001, 2002; Osterling and Dawson, 1994;
Osterling et al., 2002; Werner et al., 2000). ASD and
TD differed in understanding pointing, looking at the
object held by others, and initiating pointing to
request, and sharing interests (Maestro et al., 2001;
Osterling and Dawson, 1994; Osterling et al., 2002;
Werner & Daswon, 2005). ASD and TD did not differ in
shared attention, gaze alternation and conventional
communicative gestures, vague pointing/ reaching
(Maestro et al., 2001; Osterling & Dowson, 1994). ID
and TD differed in looking at the faces and people,
responding when called by name, avoiding physical
social contacts, initiating pointing to request, and
looking at the object held by others (Baranek, 1999;
Osterling et al., 2002). ID and TD did not differ in
participating in reciprocal social games (Osterling
et al., 2002).
Second year of life
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in social engagement, looking at
(2006) people and faces, and responding when called by
names (Mars et al., 1998, Werner & Dowson 2005).
ASD and TD did not differ in seeking out physical
contact, anticipating intentions of other, avoiding
physical contact, postural attunement, participating in
reciprocal social games, and imitating actions (Maestro
et al., 2001; Mars et al., 1998). ASD and TD differed in
shared attention, gaze alternation, and initiating
pointing to share interest (Maestro et al., 2001; Mars
et al., 1998; Werner & Dowson, 2005). ASD and TD did
not differ in understanding pointing, looking at the
object holds by others, gaze alternation, and initiating
pointing to request (Maestro et al., 2001; Mars et al.,
1998; Werner and Dawson, 2005).
Sensory processing

First year of life

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR ADOS-G, AOSI Atypical sensory oriented behavior at 12 months (but
(2020) not at 6 months) in AOSI predicted ASD at 24 months
(Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005).
MSEL, VABS, More sensory concerns in HR-ASD parents than HR-TD
parents’ interview and LR parents at 6 and 9 months (Sacrey et al., 2015).
SEQ Higher scores in sensory hyperresponsivity in HR-ASD
than HR-TD and LR. Higher scores in tactile modality
in HR-ASD than HR-TD at 12 months (Wolff et al.,
(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ID and TD differed in the unusual visual inspection
(2006) (fixation staring). No group differences in unusual
visual inspection, orienting to tactile nonsocial novel
stimulus between, orienting to auditory nonsocial
novel stimulus, and aversive response to auditory
stimulation (Baranek, 1999; Osterling & Dowson,
Second year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR ADOS-G, AOSI Higher score on the subscale for atypical sensory
(2020) behavior in HR-ASD and HR-TD than LR at 18 months
(Brian et al., 2008).
ITSP Higher scores in auditory processing in HR-ASD than
HT-TD and LR at 24 months; HR-TD and LR did not
differ. Groups did not differ in visual, tactile, vestibular
and oral domains (Germani et al., 2014).
SEQ Increased total score, hyperresponsivity and visual
modality in HR-ASD and HR-TD from 12 to 24 months.
Higher scores in all subtests in HR-ASD than HR-TD at
24 months (Wolff et al., 2019).
Palomo ASD, ID, DD, TD Home video ASD and TD differed in the unusual visual inspection,
(2006) and aversive response to auditory stimulation (Mars
et al., 1998).
Visual processing

First year of life

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, HR-DD, LR MSEL Lower scores on the Visual Reception scale in HR-ASD
(2020) than LR at 6 months. HR-ASD, HR-TD and LR did not
differ on the Visual Reception scale at 12 months (Estes
et al., 2015). HR-ASD more likely assigned to the
developmental slowing class (TD at 6 months followed
by attenuation in developmental rate and severe delay
in visual processing) than HR-TD. HR-DD assigned to
normative class (normative visual processing
development; Landa et al., 2012). HR-ASD and HR-TD
did not differ on the Visual Reception scale at 6 months
(Libertus et al., 2014).
HR, LR Infants seated in a Excessive visual exploration of objects, irrespective of
booster seat. Object the novelty of the objects (i.e., excessive looking at the
presented rattle at 6 months and at the koosh ball at 12 months)
in HR than LR. Increased looking at the koosh ball in
LR but not in HR at 12–15 months (Kaur et al., 2015).
Second year of life
Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR MSEL Lower scores on the Visual Reception scale in HR-ASD
(2020) than HR-TD and LR at 24 months (Estes et al., 2015).
HR-ASD and HT-TD did not differ in visual processing
at 14 months. Lower increase over time in HR-ASD
than HT-TD. Lowest increase over time in HR-ASD
(Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006).
ITSP HR-ASD, HR-TD, and LR did not differ in visual
processing at 24 months (Germani et al., 2014).
HR, LR Infants seated in a Increased looking at the koosh ball in LR, but not in HR
booster seat. Object from 12–15 months (Kaur et al., 2015).

First year of life

Canu HR-ASD, HR-TD, LR AOSI Poorer visual tracking in HR-ASD than LR at 7 months
(2020) (Gammer et al., 2015). Disengagement score at 12
months predicted ASD at 24 months (Zwaigenbaum
et al., 2005).

Second year of life

Canu AOSI, ADOS-G HR-TD and LR did not differ in engagement of
(2020) (videorecorded and attention in AOSI at 14 months (Gammer et al., 2015).
coded) Less look away from the target before the grasp was
complete and during the grasp in HR-ASD compared to
HR-TD and LR from 12 months; no differences at 36
months. Less moves of infant’s hand towards a target
before visually engaging it in HR-ASD than HR-TD and
LR. More disengagement and re-engagement on the
target prior grasp it in HR-ASD than LR (group by age
interaction no longer significant after post-hoc
analyses) (Sacrey et al., 2013).
Feeding and Sleeping

(continued on next page)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Population Assessment Finding

First year of life

Athanasiadou ADHD, controls Parent interview Feeding and sleeping difficulties in ADHD at 3 months.
(2019) Feeding difficulties in ADHD at 6 months (Gurevitz
et al., 2014).
Palomo ASD, TD Home video ASD and TD did not differ in negative, positive, and flat
(2006) affect (Maestro et al., 2001; Mars et al., 1998; Werner
and Dawson, 2005).
Slattery Neonatal AI stroke Feeding assessment Neonatal feeding problems not a predictor of speech
(2012) delay (Barkat-Masih et al., 2010).
NOMAS Association of early feeding problems with
neurodevelopmental delay (Meyer Palmer and
Heyman, 1999; Mizuno and Ueda, 2005).

*: meta-analysis; NDD: Neurodevelopmental Disorders; HR: High-Risk; LR: Low-Risk; ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; ASD: Autism Spectrum
Disorder; PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorders; ID: Intellectual Disabilities; DD: developmental disabilities; ELBW: Extremely Low Birth Weight; TD: Typically
Developing children; HR-ASD: HR for ASD diagnosed with ASD; HR-TD: HR for ASD typically developing infants; HR-DD: HR for ASD diagnosed with developmental
delay; GMs: General Movements; IQ: Intelligent Quotient; DDST: Denver Developmental Screening Test; NBAS: Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale; VWS: Van
Wiechen Scheme, AI: arterial ischemic; Van Wiechen scheme is the Dutch equivalent of the Bayley scales; SSMTS: Skill Spector Motion Tracking Software; ADOS-G:
Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule-Generic; AOSI: Autism Observation Scale for Infants; MSEL: Mullen Scales of Early Learning; AIMS: Alberta Infant Motor
Scale; NSMDA: Neuro-Sensory Motor Developmental Assessment; NOMAS: Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Scale; CTS: Carey Temperament Scale; RITQ: Revised
Infant Temperament Questionnaire; TTQ: Toddler Temperament Questionnaire; BSQ: Behaviour Style Questionnaire; IBQ: Infant Behavior Questionnaire; TBAQ:
Toddler Behaviour Assessment Questionnaire; ECBQ: Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire; RSMs: Repetitive and Stereotyped Movement Scales; VABS: Vineland
Adaptive Behavior Scale; SEQ: Sensory Experiences Questionnaire; ITSP: Infant Toddler Sensory Profile; PDMS-2: Peabody Developmental Motor Scales – 2.
Language/communication assessment1 includes British Ability Scales (BAS) Verbal subtests, Bus Story Test, Children’s Communication Checklist – Second Edition
(CCC-2), Test of Early Grammar Impairment (TEGI) (Bishop et al., 2012); Mean length of utterance in a language sample (MLU), MSEL Language subtests (Carson
et al., 2003); MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (CDI) Vocabulary, Grammar, and Abstract Language (Dale et al., 2003); MLU, McCarthy Scales of
Children's Abilities (MSCA) Verbal subtests, number of different words in a language sample (NDW) (Feldman et al., 2005); CDI Vocabulary, index of productive
syntax (IPSyn), MLU, NDW (Hadley and Holt, 2006); CDI Words and sentences form, Reynell Developmental Language Scales – Revised (RDLS-R), Preschool
Language Scale – Third Edition (PLS-3) (Lee, 2011); (CDI Vocabulary, NDW, and PLS Semantic items) and (CDI Grammar, MLU, PLS-3 Syntax items) (Moyle et al.,
2007); Évaluation du langage oral de l’enfant aphasique (ELOLA), Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment; (NEPSY) subtests (Peyre et al., 2014); Expressive
One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT), Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) (Whitehurst et al., 1991); IPSyn, MLU, RDLS-R Expressive (Rescorla
and Schwartz, 1990); Early Language Inventory (ELI), MLU (Thal et al., 1991).
Language/communication assessment2 includes BAS Verbal subtests, Bus Story Test, CCC-2, TEGI (Bishop et al., 2012); EOWPVT, Illinois Test of; Psycholinguistic
Abilities (ITPA) Verbal subtests (Fischel et al., 1989); CDI Vocabulary, IPSyn, MLU, NDW (Hadley and Holt, 2006); Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS)
(Vuksanovic, 2015); Language Development Survey (LSD) Vocabulary (Henrichs et al., 2011); Boston Naming Test (BNT), Inflectional Morphology Test (Lyytinen
et al., 2005); VABS Expressive subdomain,; Developmental Sentence Scoring (DSS) (Paul et al., 1991); PLS-3 Expressive subtests (Petinou and Spanoudis, 2014);
IPSyn, MLU, RDLS-R (Rescorla and Schwartz, 1990); ELI, MLU (Thal et al., 1991).
Language/communication assessment3 includes CDI Vocabulary, Grammar, and Abstract Language (Dale et al., 2003); EOWPVT, ITPA Verbal subtests (Fischel et al.,
1989); CDI Vocabulary, IPSyn, MLU, NDW (Hadley and Holt, 2006); CDI Words and sentences, PLS-3, Test of Language Development–3: Primary (TOLD-3), SALT =
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (Moyle et al., 2007); IPSyn, MLU, RDLS-R Expressive (Rescorla and Schwartz, 1990); ELI, MLU (Thal et al., 1991); MLU,
NDW (Williams and Elbert, 2003).
Feeding assessment: Feeding minor dysfunctions/major dysfunctions assessment; Neonatal Oral-Motor Assessment Scale (NOMAS); Infants were evaluated during the
bottle-feeding of room-temperature breast milk from their mother at the regular feeding time (Mizuno and Ueda, 2005).

individual studies and no list of excluded studies; item 9, risk of bias and high-risk infants (i.e., siblings of children with a diagnosis of ASD,
from individual studies not being included in the review; item 11, meta- preterm and low birth weight infants; Canu et al., 2020; Fuentefria
analytical methods not appropriate; item 13, lack of consideration of et al., 2017; Garrido et al., 2017; Palomo et al., 2006). The first early
risk of bias when interpreting the results of the review; item 15, lack of motor signs of NDD were mainly the abnormality in fluency, com-
assessment of publication bias. In the included studies, the most plexity, and variability of general movements. It should be noted that
common weaknesses were observed for the critical domains number 2, early motor signs have been mainly assessed directly by clinicians or
7, 9, and 13. Risk of bias ratings of the included systematic reviews are trained researchers.
reported in the Supplementary Material 1. First year. ADHD diagnosis in infants at both low and high-risk for
NDD was found to be predicted in the first year of life by delays in gross
3.3. Developmental domains motor milestones (Gurevitz et al., 2014; Jaspers et al., 2013), abnormal
general movements (Hadders-Algra & Groothius, 1999), and less motor
The early markers detected in each behavioral domain are presented maturity on the composited Brazelton factor compared to sex- and age-
by age group: first, second and third year of the child life. The present matched comparison groups (Jacobvitz & Soufe, 1987; in Athanasiadou
narrative synthesis provides an overall picture of the relevant findings et al., 2019). In the Athanasiadou’s review, only the paper by Johnson
and aims to suggest early markers of NDD useful for timely clinical and colleagues (2014) did not find any correlations between motion
detection. variables at 12 months and ADHD diagnosis at 7 years. The motor skills
assessed through the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) at
4 months in children born very preterm (< 32 months) were associated
3.4. Motor development
with motor coordination abilities evaluated by the Movement ABC-2 at
age 4 (Spittle et al., 2015). The strength of the association was im-
Both fine and gross motor impairments have been associated with
proved when results from longitudinal assessment (4, 8, and 12
NDD occurrence in the general population (Athanasiadou et al., 2019)

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

months) at each time points were combined (Fuentefria et al., 2017). in siblings of children with ASD compared to the general population
Poorer fine and gross motor skills and unusual postures have been re- (Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006, but not in Garrido et al., 2017). In
ported in siblings of children with ASD compared to the general po- addition, siblings of children with ASD, who later received the same
pulation (Estes et al., 2015; Kaur et al., 2015; Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, diagnosis showed atypical motor control compared to typically devel-
2006; Sacrey et al., 2018; in Canu et al., 2020; Garrido et al., 2017; oping (TD) siblings of children with ASD and LR infants (Brian et al.,
Osterling et al., 2002; in Palomo et al., 2006). In addition, fine motor 2008; in Canu et al., 2020). Motor control skills at 18 months con-
skills – but not gross motor skills – and visual-motor integration at 6 tributed to predict later ASD diagnosis (Brian et al., 2008; in Canu et al.,
months predicted 24−36 months ASD diagnosis (Iverson et al., 2019; 2020). No differences between HR and LR infants were observed on
LeBarton and Landa, 2019; in Canu et al., 2020). It should be noted that postures (Nickel et al., 2013; in Canu et al., 2020).
some studies did not confirm these findings (Brian et al., 2008; Choi Third year. Garrido et al. (2017) identified only one study that as-
et al., 2018; LeBarton and Landa, 2019; Libertus et al., 2014; in Canu sessed gross motor skills in children at 36 months, so a meta-analysis
et al., 2020; Baranek, 1999; Osterling & Dowson, 1994; Werner & was not conducted for that age. The only study (Leonard et al., 2015)
Dowson, 2005; in Palomo et al., 2006). Early unusual postures have identified showed larger differences in gross motor skills between high-
been observed in siblings of children with ASD and infants later diag- risk and low-risk children compared to comparison children group at 7
nosed with intellectual disabilities (Baranek, 1999; in Palomo et al., months of age.
2006) compared to the general population.
Second year. The motor skills in extremely low birth weight infants
were strongly associated with clinical measures of attention at 7−9 3.5. Language development
years old (Jeyaseelan et al., 2006; in Athanasiadou et al., 2019). Chil-
dren later diagnosed with ADHD showed heterogenous fine and gross Delays in language acquisition were observed in children that later
motor skills developmental deviations: 13.6 % of children started to were diagnosed with ADHD in the first two years of life and poorer
walk independently before 11 months of age, while the 11.3 % later language skills in children with ASD compared to TD children in the
than 15 months, and the 8.4 % sat alone after 8 months (Lemcke et al., first three years of life. Language skills were again mainly assessed
2016; in Athanasiadou et al., 2019). As at 9 months, Gurevitz et al. using tests performed by experts.
(2014) showed that delays in gross motor milestones at 18 months First year. Delay in language and speech development (combined
predicted a later ADHD diagnosis. Poorer fine (Choi et al., 2018; Estes words) at 9 months assessed with the Denver Developmental Screening
et al., 2015; Kaur et al., 2015; Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006; in Canu Test (DDST) was observed in children later diagnosed with ADHD
et al., 2020; Garrido et al., 2017) and gross motor skills were observed (Gurevitz et al., 2014; in Athanasiadou et al., 2019). Children later
diagnosed with ASD or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the literature selection process.

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

responses at 12 months (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005), and lower sur-

gency scores from 8 to 14 months (Pijl et al., 2019; in Canu et al.,
2020). Lower positive affect scores at 12 months predicted ASD
symptoms at 36 months (Garon et al., 2016; in Canu et al., 2020).
Difficult temperament was found more frequently in the group that
later developed ADHD compared to TD (Gurevitz et al., 2014; in
Athanasiadou et al., 2019).
Second year. Siblings of children with ASD, who later received the
same diagnosis showed less effortful control than TD starting from 14
months (Pijl et al., 2019), and higher scores on effortful emotion reg-
ulation at 24 months (del Rosario et al., 2014). In addition, effortful
control at 24 months (Garon et al., 2009), transition and reactivity
scores (Brian et al., 2008) predicted ASD symptoms at 36 months (Canu
Fig. 2. Summary of the quality assessment score of the included systematic
et al., 2020).
reviews and meta-analyses assessed with AMSTAR 2 checklist. *: meta-analysis.
Scores on each domain specific questions were coded as ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Partial yes’,
Third year. Higher scores in temperament scores in siblings of chil-
or not applicable for meta-analysis. dren with ASD, who later received the same diagnosis than TD has been
reported at 36 months (del Rosario et al., 2014; in Canu et al., 2020).

specified (PDD-NOS) or Autism (for brevity, ASD) showed differences

3.7. Repetitive/stereotyped behavior
compared to TD in making simple vocalizations in the first 6 months of
life, complex vocalizations and pronouncing words at 12 months of life
Differences in repetitive and stereotyped behaviors between siblings
(Maestro et al., 2002; Werner & Dowson, 2005; in Palomo et al., 2006).
of children with ASD and general population have been observed
Children at high risk of developing ASD showed poorer expressive and
through the first two years of the infants’ life using standardized tests
receptive language skills compared to TD at 12 months (Garrido et al.,
(i.e., Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule, ADOS; Repetitive and
Stereotyped Movement Scales), report of parents’ concerns (Canu et al.,
Second year. As well as in the first year of life, also at 18 months
2020), and home videos (Palomo et al., 2006).
were observed significant delays in speech and language development
First year. Repetitive/stereotyped behaviors have been reported in
such as fewer words or not putting together words in children later
siblings of children with ASD compared to the general population at
diagnosed with ADHD compared to comparison groups (Gurevitz et al.,
6−12 months (Brian et al., 2008; Elison et al., 2014; Sacrey et al.,
2014; Lemcke et al., 2016; in Athanasiadou et al., 2019). Palomo et al.
2015; in Canu et al., 2020; Osterling et al., 2002; in Palomo et al.,
(2006) highlighted the presence of differences between children with
2006). On the contrary, other studies did not find any differences be-
ASD and TD children in pronouncing complex vocalizations, following
tween children with ASD, intellectual disabilities and TD (Baranek,
verbal instructions, initiate vocalizations between 12 and 30 months,
1999; Mars et al., 1998; Osterling & Dowson, 1994; Werner & Dowson,
and in the pronunciation of words and two words/phrases at 24 months
2005; in Palomo et al., 2006).
(Mars et al., 1998; Maestro et al., 2001; Werner and Dowson, 2005).
Second year. Also, in the second year of infants’ life, repetitive/ste-
Children at risk of developing ASD showed poorer expressive and re-
reotyped behaviors have been observed in siblings of children with ASD
ceptive language skills compared to low-risk children (Garrido et al.,
compared to the general population (Sacrey et al., 2015; Damiano et al.,
2013; in Canu et al., 2020), and - at 18 months - predicted later ASD
Third year. The Garrido et al. (2017) meta-analysis showed that
diagnosis (Chawarska et al., 2014; in Canu et al., 2020).
children at risk for developing ASD had poorer expressive and receptive
Third year. Damiano et al. (2013) found no clear differences in re-
language skills compared to low-risk children at 36 months assessed
petitive body movements between siblings of children with ASD and
with the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Preschool
typically developing siblings of children with ASD.
(CELF-P), Reynell Developmental Language Scales (RDLS), Mullen
Scales of Early Learning (MSEL), MacArthur-Bates Communicative
3.8. Play and object use
Development Inventories (MCDI) and Vineland Adaptive Behaviour
Scales-2nd Edition (VABS).
Starting from 9 months of infants’ age, differences in play and object
use have been observed between infants at risk for NDD and TD. Play
3.6. Temperament was assessed by parent questionnaire, free play to explore functional,
symbolic and repeated play (Canu et al., 2020), and home videos
Temperament differences have been observed between children (Palomo et al., 2006).
with NDD and TD infants, and predicted later diagnosis of ASD and First year. Significant differences were observed at 9–12 months
ADHD (Athanasiadou et al., 2019; Canu et al., 2020; Palomo et al., between children that later were diagnosed with ASD, TD, and children
2006). Temperament has been assessed using the AOSI, parent ques- with intellectual disabilities in mouthing objects (Baranek, 1999; in
tionnaires (i.e., Carey Temperament Scale; Toddler Behaviour Assess- Palomo et al., 2006) and play skills (Sacrey et al., 2015; in Canu et al.,
ment Questionnaire; Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire; Infant 2020). Children with intellectual disabilities between 9–12 months
Behavior Questionnaire) (Canu et al., 2020), and home videos (Palomo differed in the play with objects' flexibility, variability and appro-
et al., 2006). priateness compared to TD (Baranek, 1999; in Palomo et al., 2006).
First year. Children later diagnosed with ASD significantly differed Second year. At 18 months, siblings of children with ASD, who later
to TD in positive affect (including social smiles), conventional com- received the same diagnosis compared to TD had significantly fewer
municative gestures from birth to 6 months and from 8 to 10 months novel self-directed and other-directed functional play behavior, greater
(Maestro et al., 2001, 2002; Werner et al., 2000; in Palomo et al., 2006), levels of non-functional repeated play (Christensen et al., 2010; in Canu
reported lower level of approach (del Rosario et al., 2014), adaptability et al., 2020), differed in nonsocial gaze/looking at the object being held
and less active behavior at 6 and 12 months (del Rosario et al., 2014; by another person/orienting to nonsocial novel stimulus, differed in the
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015), higher scores in distress to limitations and appropriate use of the object and exploratory activity with the object,
fear (Garon et al., 2016) and more frequent and intense distress reac- and symbolic play (Mars et al., 1998; Maestro et al., 2001; Werner &
tions, less inhibitory control, less positive anticipation and affective Dowson, 2005; in Palomo et al., 2006). On the contrary, Christensen

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

et al. (2010) found that siblings of children with ASD, who later re- infants at risk for developing ASD compared to TD and LR infants
ceived the same diagnosis and TD did not differ in functional repeated starting from 6 months of age, using clinical observation during the
and symbolic play (Canu et al., 2020). administration of the MSEL, the overall looking behavior during free
play situations, and one of the sensory domains of the ITSP ques-
3.9. Social development tionnaire (Canu et al., 2020).
First year. At 6 months of infants’ age, abnormal visual processing
Social development as early marker of NDD was explored only by discriminated children with high ADOS scores, eligible for later diag-
Palomo and colleagues (2006) in their systematic review. Home videos nosis of ASD, from HR and LR infants (Landa et al., 2012). In addition,
reported differences between children with ASD and TD in social be- siblings of children with ASD, who later received the same diagnosis
haviors from birth to 24 months. In addition, similar differences be- had excessive visual exploration irrespective of the novelty of the ob-
tween children with intellectual disabilities and TD were observed from jects compared to LR infants at 6 and 12 months (Kaur et al., 2015), and
9–12 months. lower scores in visual reception at 6 months (Estes et al., 2015). In
First year. Palomo and colleagues (2006) described studies exploring contrast, Libertus and collaborators (2014) did not find any differences
home movies showing that children later diagnosed with ASD were at 6 months between infants at risk for ASD and TD.
significantly different from TD in social orienting and interactions from Second year. Siblings of children with ASD, who later received the
birth to 12 months, in pointing’s understanding, and in looking at the same diagnosis compared to TD and LR showed lower scores in visual
objects held by others at 12 months. They were also different in the processing at 24 months (Estes et al., 2015), and atypical looking at the
initiating pointing to request from 12 to 30 months. Children with in- object at 12–15 months (Kaur et al., 2015). On the contrary, in other
tellectual disabilities compared to TD differed in avoiding physical and studies, the differences in abnormal visual processing were not ob-
social contacts from 9–12 months, in looking at faces/ people, re- served at 14 months (Landa and Garrett‐Mayer, 2006) and at 24 months
sponding when called by name, initiating pointing to request and (Germani et al., 2014; in Canu et al., 2020).
looking at the object held by others at 12 months (Baranek, 1999; Mars
et al., 1998; Maestro et al., 2001, 2002; Osterling & Dowson, 1994; 3.12. Attention
Osterling et al., 2002; Werner et al., 2000; in Palomo et al., 2006).
Second year. Children later diagnosed with ASD showed in their In the Canu and colleagues (2020) study, poorer attentional skills
second year of life differences compared to TD in social engagement, (e.g., disengagement of attention, and poorer visual tracking) were
gaze alternation, and in looking at faces from 12 to 30 months. They observed in infants at risk for ASD. Attention was explored through
differed in sharing attention from 18 to 24 months, in looking at people, various play situations, the administration of standardized test (i.e.,
responding when called by names at 24 months, and initiating pointing ADOS; AOSI), a visual orienting task, and parent report (i.e., Infant
to share interest from 12 to 24 months (Mars et al., 1998; Maestro et al., Behavior Questionnaire) (Canu et al., 2020).
2001; Werner & Dowson, 2005; in Palomo et al., 2006). First year. Poorer visual tracking was observed at 7 months in sibling
of children with ASD later diagnosed with ASD compared to LR infants
3.10. Sensory processing (Gammer et al., 2015). In addition, disengagement of attention scores at
12 months predicted the diagnosis of ASD at 24 months (Zwaigenbaum
Early differences in sensory processing between children with ASD, et al., 2005).
intellectual disabilities and TD started to be observed at 6 months (Canu Second year. siblings of children with ASD, who later received the
et al., 2020; Palomo et al., 2006), using the Infant Toddler Sensory same diagnosis showed from 12 until 24 months no disengagement of
Profile (ITSP), the clinical observation during the administration of attention from the target after it was grasped compared to TD and LR
standardized test (i.e., Autism Observation Scale for Infants, AOSI), infants (Sacrey et al., 2013). No group differences were observed in
parent-report measures such as Sensory Experience Questionnaire looking time towards the target before the hand movement (Gammer
(Canu et al., 2020), and home videos (Palomo et al., 2006). et al., 2015; Sacrey et al., 2013) and visual tracking at 14 months
First year. Parents’ first concerns for sounds, texture and visual in- (Gammer et al., 2015).
spection in siblings of children with ASD, who later received the same
diagnosis compared to TD and LR has been observed starting from at 6 3.13. Feeding and sleeping
months (Sacrey et al., 2015); at 12 months parents were concerned for
higher tactile and hyper-sensory responsivity (Wolff et al., 2019). In First year. Feeding or sleeping difficulties were observed being sig-
addition, the use of parts of the body or play materials in stereotyped, nificantly correlated with ADHD and neurodevelopmental delay, but
self-stimulatory ways at 12 months, but not at 6 months, predicted ASD not with speech delay (Slattery et al., 2012). Neurodevelopmental delay
at 24 months (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). Significant differences be- risk was observed being higher for children with a disorganized early
tween children with intellectual disabilities and TD in unusual visual sucking (Tsai et al., 2010; in Slattery et al., 2012). Infants at high risk
inspection (fixation/staring) were observed in home videos between for NDD (i.e., very low birth weight) presenting difficulties in early
9–12 months (Baranek, 1999; Osterling & Dowson, 1994; in Palomo sucking were more likely to show delays at 6 and 12 months on motor
et al., 2006). skills assessed with the Psychomotor Developmental Index of the Bayley
Second year. Parents’ concerns for higher tactile and hyper-sensory Scales of Infant Development (Medoff-Cooper and Gennaro, 1996; Tsai
responsivity in siblings of children with ASD, who later received the et al., 2010; in Slattery et al., 2012). Barkat-Masih and colleagues
same diagnosis compared to TD and LR, increased from 12 to 24 (2010) did not find that feeding difficulties in infants with neonatal
months (Wolff et al., 2019). Siblings of children with ASD diagnosed ischemic stroke were predictive of later speech delay or cerebral palsy
with the same diagnosis showed more atypical sensory behaviors (Barkat-Masih et al., 2010; in Slattery et al., 2012).
compared to LR at 18 months (Brian et al., 2008), abnormalities in the
auditory processing at 24 months (Germani et al., 2014; in Canu et al., 4. Discussion
2020), unusual visual inspection, and aversive response to auditory
stimulation (Mars et al., 1998; in Palomo et al., 2006). More than 1500 publications were screened. The eligible studies
were two meta-analyses and five systematic reviews from critically low
3.11. Visual processing to moderate risk of bias. This overview of reviews provided evidence for
delays in motor and language development, and temperament through
Canu and colleagues (2020) showed abnormal visual processing in the first three years of life in children later diagnosed with NDD. In

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

addition, repetitive/stereotyped behaviors, reduced social engagement, 2019; Schonwald et al., 2009). However, there is lack of consensus on
atypicalities or delays in play, object use, attention, visual and sensory screening tools for NDD other than ASD (Vitrikas et al., 2017), and the
processing, and social engagement in the first and second year has been effectiveness of universal screenings for ASD has been widely debated
reported in children later diagnosed with or presenting NDD symptoms (Vitrikas et al., 2017; Robins et al., 2016; Silverstein and Radesky,
compared to TD peers. Feeding and sleeping difficulties have been 2016; Yuen et al., 2018; Siu et al., 2016). Moreover, the minority of
observed in infants at high risk for NDD only in their first year of life. pediatricians tend to administer general developmental screenings
These results suggest that language and motor skills are crucial during (Radecki et al., 2011) mainly for time constraints due to clinical de-
the first three years of the child’s life and confirm the well-established mands and staffing requirements (Vitrikas et al., 2017).
strong interaction between language, motor, and social domains either Several screening programs are already in place in the clinical
in clinical/at-risk or in the general population (e.g., Bedford et al., practice, but, to our knowledge, no standardized protocols have been
2016; Benassi et al., 2016; Leonard and Hill, 2014). In the first year of developed for the assessment of all developmental domains and tar-
infants’ life, poorer fine and gross motor skills, repetitive motor beha- geted to the identification of all NDD. Thus, future research should be
viors, stereotypes, and unusual postures have been observed in infants devoted to design and implement an easy, feasible, affordable, and
at high risk for NDD in some (Canu et al., 2020; Garrido et al., 2017; multi-observational protocol including a set of standardized observa-
Osterling et al., 2002; in Palomo et al., 2006), but not all studies (Brian tional items that will improve the early detection of NDD in the general
et al., 2008; Choi et al., 2018; LeBarton and Landa, 2019; Libertus et al., and at-risk population. This tool should be as flexible as possible to be
2014; Nickel et al., 2013; in Canu et al., 2020; Baranek, 1999; Osterling included in the already established well-child care visits and adaptable
& Dowson, 1994; Werner & Dowson, 2005; in Palomo et al., 2006). to the different socio-cultural contexts. The tool should be able to ex-
These discrepancies in the results may be partially due to a lack of plore all areas of development, detect the failure in typical develop-
power due to the small samples size of some studies and to the het- mental pathways, and point out the atypical signs. Moreover, it should
erogeneity of the motor development assessments. be evidenced-based and accurate as possible to minimize under detec-
It is worth noticing that the present study found just a few sys- tion and over-referrals, and it should be able to be applied to all ages. It
tematic reviews exploring early markers of NDD. Despite the high should be affordable, brief, and appropriate for the general and at-risk
prevalence of developmental language disorders (7 %; Laasonen et al., population. Finally, it should catch the specific domains where the child
2018) and Specific Learning Disorder (8 %; Boat and Wu, 2015), we shows flaws or differences/delays to the typical developing trajectories
have not found any systematic reviews which satisfy our inclusion to promote specific support. The behavioral observation of red flags for
criteria. Intellectual Disabilities (Palomo et al., 2006) and Motor Dis- NDD (unlike for instance the biological assessment) is not invasive,
orders (Fuentefria et al., 2017) were marginally explored; more studies relatively easy to perform for pediatricians during well-baby check-ups
have been performed on ASD (Canu et al., 2020; Garrido et al., 2017; and affordable for the health care system. In addition, caregivers can be
Palomo et al., 2006) and ADHD (Athanasiadou et al., 2019). In addi- actively involved in the monitoring program of their child development
tion, among the systematic reviews explored, some developmental do- by observing, for example, feeding, sleeping, social behaviors, and
mains such as cognitive skills, play, sensory processing, visual proces- communicative vocalizations emitted already in the first year of their
sing, attention, feeding, and sleeping were rarely described. Future child’s life. Finally, clinicians should empower parents by providing
systematic reviews should collect data on the specific tool or technology them with examples of typical, atypical and delayed developmental
used to identify early markers of NDD. Moreover, it urges to systematize trajectories.
the assessment and the developmental domains that should be in- This overview of reviews may lead to defining the scientific fra-
vestigated in order to orient professionals toward an accurate and mework through which professionals will be able to develop a new tool
prompt neurodevelopmental surveillance of NDD. The majority of the for the early detection of NDD. Here, we provided an overall picture of
studies included in the systematic reviews were conducted in the USA. the relevant findings on early markers of NDD potentially useful to refer
More research efforts should be dedicated to describing how NDD the child at the child psychiatric units and make a timely clinical di-
screening has been developed in other countries besides the USA. agnosis. However, given the paucity of data collected among systematic
The seven systematic reviews included in our work (Athanasiadou reviews, the present protocol should be updated when the scientific
et al., 2019; Canu et al., 2020; Fuentefria et al., 2017; Fisher, 2017; literature will provide further systematic reviews that explore early
Garrido et al., 2017; Palomo et al., 2006; Slattery et al., 2012) focused behavioral markers for any NDD. Future systematic reviews, as it was
on the population at risk such as sibling of children with ASD, late for the included studies here, should consider collecting data on the
talkers, and children born preterm, but none took into consideration the tools available to identify early markers of NDD and/or the specific
behavioral patterns that may alert parents and professionals in the behavioral item-red flag that supported clinicians in detecting the be-
general population. The need for detecting early signs of NDD come up havioral delay. It urges to systematize the assessment of early markers
from evidence showing that infants/toddlers with developmental de- of NDD in order to orient professionals toward the most specific and
lays and/or behavioral deficits improved their language and cognitive sensible tool.
skills when underwent through early individualized and appropriated
interventions (Cioni et al., 2016; Dawson et al., 2004; Landa et al., 5. Conclusions
2012; Oberklaid and Drever, 2011; Wetherby and Woods, 2006).
Pediatricians play a key role in the early recognition of NDD signs. To our knowledge, the present overview of systematic reviews is the
In the clinical settings, the early behavioral markers for NDD identifi- first work collecting systematic reviews on early NDD signs. We aimed
cation need to be routinely assessed in the pediatric surveillance pro- to identify behavioral markers useful for blending evidence-based sur-
tocol. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) described a veillance protocols for the early NDD’ detection to be implemented in
model of active developmental surveillance at any well-baby check-ups every well-baby check-up. Delays or unusual patterns in several de-
for the early identification of neurodevelopmental and medical condi- velopmental domains such as motor, language, temperament, social,
tions (https://www.aap.org/ accessed in July 2019). Developmental sensory, play, attention, visual processing, feeding, and sleeping should
surveillance is a longitudinal process that relies on repeated clinical be identified and considered as early warnings in the first three years of
observation of the child (Smith, 2016). The surveillance aims not only life. Evidence highlights the importance of assessing the child’s devel-
at detecting delays or disorders very early in life but also at intervening opmental domains using a holistic approach instead of considering
promptly to promote child development (Glascoe and Robertshaw, them in isolation.
2007). The administration of disorder-specific or developmental delays Despite the large presence of studies on early NDD markers in the
screening tests may be part of the surveillance practice (Lipkin et al., scientific literature, the systematic reviews and meta-analyses are still

M. Micai, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 116 (2020) 183–201

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