DLL-WK 8-LC 14

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GRADES 9 School Grade Level 9


Teaching Dates and
Quarter FIRST
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Grade Level Section

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and functions,
and rational algebraic equations.
2. Performance Standards The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real-life
problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve
them using a variety of strategies.
3. Learning Analyzes the effects Analyzes the effects of Analyzes the effects of Analyzes the effects of
Competencies/ of changing the values changing the values of changing the values of changing the values of
Objectives of and in the and in the equation and in the equation and in the equation
equation of a of a quadratic of a
of a quadratic function on its function on its graph. (M9AL- quadratic function on its
quadratic function on graph. Ii-2) graph. (M9AL-Ii-2)
its graph. (M9AL-Ii-2)
(M9AL-Ii-2) a. Draw the graphs of a. Draw the graphs of
a. Draw the graphs of quadratic functions on the quadratic functions on the
a. Draw the graphs of quadratic functions on the same coordinate plane same coordinate plane
quadratic functions on same coordinate plane b. Analyzes the effects of b. Analyzes the effects of
the same coordinate b. Analyzes the effects of changing the values of changing the values of
plane changing the values of and in the equation
and in the equation
2.Analyzes the effects and in the equation of a quadratic
of changing the values of a
of a function on its graph
of in the equation quadratic function on its quadratic function on its
of a graph graph.
quadratic function on
its graph

II. CONTENT Graphs of Quadratic Graphs of Quadratic Graphs of Quadratic Graphs of Quadratic
Functions Functions Functions Functions

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pp. 97-106 pp. 97-106 pp. 97-106 pp. 97-106

2. Learner’s Materials
pp. 143-145 pp. 143-145 pp. 143-145 pp. 143-145
3. Textbook
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources DepEd Cavite Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
Mathematics 2016, activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
activity sheets, laptop monitor monitor monitor
and monitor
A. Reviewing previous lesson Complete the table of Complete the table of Complete the table of Complete the table of values
or presenting the new values and draw the values for , , and values for , , and for a ,h , and k.
lesson graph of the function 1. 1.
2. 2. 1.
3. 3. 2.
4. 3.
x -1 0 1
y 1 1

B. Establishing a purpose for Motive Question:

the lesson
In the graph of
the value of
, what do you
think will happen to
the graph if the value
of becomes larger?

The graph of quadratic The graph of quadratic The graph of quadratic

function is drawn to function is drawn to function is drawn to
the right.. the right.. the right..

Motive Question:
On the same coordinate Motive Question: Motive Question:
plane , is it possible to draw On the same coordinate On the same coordinate
the graph of the without plane , is it possible to draw plane , is it possible to draw
actually solving the following the graph of the without the graph of the without
quadratic functions? actually solving the following actually solving the following
quadratic functions?
1. quadratic functions?
2. 1.
3. 2.
4. 3.
4. 4.
C. Presenting examples/ Graph of is 1.Complete the table of Complete the table of values 1. Complete the table of
instances of the shown below, values for a, h, and k. for a, h, and k. values for a, h, and k.
lesson a.On the same 2.Draw the graphs of 2. Draw the graphs of
coordinate plane draw quadratic functions above. 1.Draw the graphs of quadratic functions
the graph of the Make your generalization on quadratic functions above. above.
following quadratic the graph of 2.Make your generalization Make your generalization on
functions. on the graph of . the graph of
b.What is the vertex of
each quadratic
c.What is the value of
in each quadratic

D. Discussing new concepts .:Analyze the graph: Analyze the graphs. Analyze the graphs. Analyze the graphs
and practicing new skills #1 a.What do you noticed
about the shape of the
graph of the quadratic
function y = ax²?
b.What happens to
the graph as the value
of becomes larger?
c.What happens when
0 < a < 1?
d.What happens when 1.What do you notice about
a < 0? a > 0? 1.What is the effects of the
the graphs of quadratic 1.What do you notice about variables h and k on the
e.Summarize your functions whose equations the graphs of quadratic
observations. graph of as
are of the form functions whose equations
compared to the graph of
2.How would you compare are of the form ?
the graph of and 2.Make your generalization
2.How would you compare
that of ? on the graph of
the graph of and
that of when the
vertex is above the origin?
below the origin?
E. Discussing new Complete the table of To graph , slide To graph , slide To graph ,
concepts and practicing values and draw the the graph of the graph of slide the graph of
new skills graphs of the following horizontally h units. If h > 0, vertically k units. If k>0, horizontally h units and
#2 quadratic functions slide it to the right, if h < 0, slide upward, if k<0, slide it vertically k units
1. slide it to the left. downward

1.Given the quadratic 1Given the quadratic

functions and 1.Given the quadratic functions and
, find the value of functions and , find the
a, h, k, vertex and equation , find the value of
value of a, h, k, vertex and
of the line of symmetry a, h, k, vertex and equation
equation of the line of
2.Draw the graphs of of the line of symmetry: symmetry:
quadratic functions 2.Draw the graphs of 2.Draw the graphs of
and quadratic functions quadratic functions
and on and
on the same coordinate
plane the same coordinate plane. on the same
coordinate plane
F. Developing mastery Draw the graphs of Draw the graphs of the Draw the graphs of the . Draw the graphs of the
(Leads to Formative the following quadratic following quadratic functions following quadratic functions following quadratic functions
Assessment 3) functions on the same on the same coordinate on the same coordinate on the same coordinate
coordinate plane plane. plane. plane.
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
G. Finding practical Share the technique you Share the technique you Share the technique you
applications of concepts Given the graph of used to graph . used to graph . used to graph
and skills in daily living , .
1.where can you
relate the opening the
2.what happens to the
graph as the value of
becomes larger?
3.What happens when
0 < a < 1?
4.What happens when
a < 0? a > 0?

H. Making generalizations and Given the graph of To graph , slide To graph , slide To graph ,
abstractions about the the the graph of the graph of slide the graph of
lesson effects are as follows: horizontally h units. If h > 0, vertically k units. If k>0, horizontally h units and
1.Changing alters slide it to the right, if h < 0, slide upward, if k<0, slide it vertically k units. The graph
the opening of the slide it to the left. The graph downward. The graph has has a vertex (h,k) and its
parabola. If a > 0, the has vertex (h,0) and its axis vertex (0,k) and its axis of axis of symmetry is the line x
parabola opens is the line x = h. symmetry is the line x=0 (y- =h
upward and if a < 0, axis) If a < 0, the parabola opens
the parabola opens downward.
2.The larger the
is, the narrower is the

I. Evaluating learning Draw the graphs of Draw the graphs of the Draw the graphs of the Draw the graph of
the following quadratic following quadratic functions following quadratic functions
fuctions on the same on the same coordinate on the same coordinate
coordinate plane. plane. plane.
Identify the vertex and 1. 1.
the value of 2.
J. Additional activities for Follow-up 1.Follow-up 1.Follow-up 1.Follow-up
application or remediation Draw the graphs of Draw the graphs of Draw the graphs of Combination Notes
the following quadratic the following the following a. Enumerate the
fuctions on the same quadratic functions on quadratic functions on steps in graphing a
coordinate plane. the same coordinate the same coordinate quadratic function
Identify the vertex and plane. plane. b. How can you
the value of determine the
a. a.
vertex of a
quadratic function?
b. b. 2.Study:
2. How can you obtain the
2.Study: 2.Study:
3. How will you compare How will you compare equation of a quadratic
4. the graph of the graph of function from a table of
and that of and that of values?
when when
the vertex is above the vertex is above
the origin? below the the origin? below the
origin? origin?

a. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
c. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
d. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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